Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Mar 1932, p. 5

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* > THE FLESHERTON .ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1931 t 4 A ' 1 * k ' W " , I ' t * I . ' 1 f t . - , t . I - . 1 - ' Local and Pemnal Miss Tena Henderson of Lakeview spent Easter in town. Tre robins arrived last week ano their cheery voices are heard on every hand. Miss Clara Gray of the ctaff is spending the Easter $123 Deficit On I Local Hydro System at her ioronio. Miss Helen Heard is spending thij week in Toronto. Mr. Kenneth McKee of Toronto, is visiting at his parental home for tht holidays. Mr. Howard Oram and Miss Marg- aret Serum of Toronto were Easter visitors with Mr. John Xuhn. Miss Florence McFadden and friend Miss Frances Graham, of Xestletor are holidaying with the former's mother. Sap's runnin'. Most of the syrup makers are busy now tapping anc preparing for the annual maplt syrup harvest. Misses Marie McEachnie. Beth Bentham and Shirley Murray of To- i - _ ronto spent Easter at their parental spent Easter wfth her parents, Mr ; an increase ( f |94.33; absolescencc homes here. Misses Isobel Anderson and Marior Shaw, local highschool students, are O f t h e Bank of Commerce staff, spent spending the vacation at their homes jester at Toronto and Woodstock re- Successful Euchre John Bellamy Dies; Funeral Thursday Additional Locals Mrs. Ray Woods and Mr. Harold Best were declared the winners of the The thirteenth power bill of the progressive euchre at the hockey club Flesherton 's oldest resident. Ontario Hydro Commission was re- benefit on Monday evening at the j.- hn Bellamy, died a; his home coived last week by Mr. C. X. Rich- town hall. The winners of the lucky Mr. Old Winter s One kidnapped baby whole world Inn." Mr. a.-.'i Mr.- G*o. Mitchell and fam- - j morning after a serious ily retimed oc Tuesday after soend- ardson, secretary of the local Com- drawing were as follows: 1st prlzt ;il ne ss e*tendin ? over a period of ing the past few months - a Florida Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Crossley and mission, and for the first time in Ross Smi:h, 2nd prize Mrs. Mary everal weeks. His condition wa* daughter, Janet, of Toronto were we-el years it shows a deficit the Irwin, 3rd prize Ear! Alexander. Easter visitors in town. t amount being $123.S3. This thir- A large crowd was in attendance and he gradually grew weaker until MrandMrs-LMerriamaresperul t ** Jill is the final statement of the euchre and dance, the larger to dead, came Tuesday mornin JJ* *] in, Easter week at Owen Sound anc ^hepront and loss of the local Com- a::cri p, = , cr .t of this kind and ' funeral will take place c T .- :,, ".: _ 6 i masion for the vear endinir October a most eniovahlo rimA m rw.t TV.- -*_ -~, -. .u- .. -. ., kick left. "liu the T y ^rave for the past several d- Mr Ro Smith who , UUUUB :, The varioas Uems ijaladed in the ' Piper orchestra. Ceylon. Mr. Irwin and FV - - err.eterv. second year at the Toronto sorma, COM of opcrations : aclude ^ ^ ^-^ Cobcrn sapp!ied the mask . for ' school, is holidaying at his hon re. power |23223 an increase of ^^ .j, e squ&re and roQnd dancing> whHe ; Mr. Leslie Ferris, who has been at- over 1930; operation maintenance and George Johnson. Clarence Alexander. EASTER .SERVICES tending veterinary college at Guelph. administrative $1500.56, an increase Wm. Blackburn and Jack MoMillar is holidaying at his home here. j of $161.60; interest $1213.85. an in- cracked tha whip for the Mrs. Thos. Brady of Lions Head erease of *100.a4; renewals $352.72 dances. - day from Mr. Mai: WiLjoc, editor of the Wilk:e. Sask.. Press, and Mr. Geo and Mrs. John Wright. i and contingencies $100.28. an increase; j TT- r;w of $15.20; sinking fund $287.63, in-' Messrs. Peter Dow and Wm. Giobs * -__ k .,, . , :-ease of $o2.o3; cc =t in excess 01 Died In Texas of Unity. Sasic., who are vsit- Mr. J. R. Wijon, in : a f ' *?o by Mr. W. A. A~- at Chesley and Lions Head. Mrs. Raymer and daughters. Misses ' Helen, and Donna, motored from Sar- ' nia and are spending this week with . the former's sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Mur- 1 ray. Misses Kate McMillan, D. Thurston' and Hazel Inkster of Toronto. Laura Bo: 1 of Athlone and Jeanette Cargo* of \Va!demar, teachers, are holidaying ' at their homes here. Friday afternoon the provincial snowplow arrived in town and this road was finally opened for motoi traffic. Eleven cars owned by vill- : scectively. The W. I. will meet at the home 01 i rece j ve< j ^>29 Mrs. Mark Wilson at 3 o'clock, on M and Wednesday. April 6th. come. power sold $ .75. also an increase.' conducted at Trie::. .-._ - --. Proton at 10:30 a.m. and St. Mary's church " jrT - er of * Maxwell at 3 pjn. by the Rector. Rev. " "" : -: T>*7 ** T e M. F. Oldham a: Maxwell, the E-- old home in Dundalk vis- Shannon. Presbyterian rr.:r.^-:cr. c: "' ; offered a frac- Mrs . W m. Wja&i mn rc. Visitors wel -, Christ; the year 1930, with the minimum bill dropped to $1.11 per month. We wn received FV.-er?'-a~.. ajiLstai in the service and delivered a splendid sermon on Isaiah -5o:12. The Easter Sunday morairig church. Majrs-e:i. The sacrasen: FLOWERS h s Misses Marion Stuart and Alict j are also paying for power consumed Heard of Toronto University, speni i $43 pe r horse power, also a reduction Easter at their homes here, returning to their studies on Monday. A Father and Son banquet will be from former year?. The local Com- mission is in splendid shape and it is not the intention to raise the rates to held on Monday, April 4th. in St., offset the deficit year. John's Unked church. Flesherton, un- der the auspices of the Tuxis and Tr-U Ranger groups. Mr. Jos. Duncan was taken ill quit* Gener aus Cootribntion age residents had been left at Brett's suddenly on Wednesday of last week garage at Shelburne on Wednesday and on Friday underwent an opera- evening and these were brought home tion for appendicitis, perfonntd in The hockey club wish to thank the Flesherton Old Boy. a reader of the Advance, who resides in Toronto, foi in the evening. Rain fell all Friday the Markdale hospital. Latest word the most generous contribution of $10, night and by Saturday morning the is to the effect that Mr. Duncan is ] given to the club to assist in redwing snow banks had sunk considerably. ! improving nicely. the deficit on the years operations. TIME TiSTED befom it leaves the Ml LL It givec you satisfaction through years of hardest wear. Ask for C Mr. Allan was bora a-d was wel; attended. brought up in Artemesia, acd left c f the Lord'-' Supper was observed a- plant .- . : -- .-- - :r Xorthera here for the States over forty years th * rector delivered &- Easter senses N-T-V--S. Owen Soar-d. F^eral He had lived at Corpus Christ: s -- L^ 6 2 -* : '- The Easter ser ;e;i .s a-.i we-idiag boucriecs made ago. for twenty years. He also a brother of Mr. Richard Allan of Flesh ** heid on A ?t" : - 3rd a: 3 pjn. erton, and of the late Wm. Allan, who died in Toronto, twelve year> agf. The deceased gentleman leaves a wife and one son. 24: 1 5. The Easter ser- vice for Trinity church. Proton. wiL to order. Represented i-V.eshertoB by W. A. Hawkec. Phoae 17w. 4TH MOUNTED RIFLES SATURDAY A re-union of Mounted Rifles ^ > > the 4th Canadian ill be held in To- ronto on Saturday night. April 2. a: 7 o'clock p. m., according to word He says that some of the best fun hei received by Major X. E. MeDor.aM ever had was playing shinny en Flesh- ! here Tuesday. The re-union wag er's pond before hockey was invented j n t held last year but th< one th.'s The boys, played goes hockey this | >*r i s expe-ted to be the best ever $ year especially the juniors and we can heiu. Any local men who wish to assure "OM Bov" th^t he cin feel, attend are requested to gt in touch > proud cf assisting in this way, be-] "i'h Major McDonald who has beer Be- cause they "played the game" in every supplied with tickets for the occasicr. sense. We can also assure him that ( They should do this by Thursday night %. the club appreciates the donation and ! or early Friday morning. The r*- * assistance he has given in promoting union is being conducted by the 4th <- sports in Flesherton. | C. M. R.'s Association. Reunion i- * Prince George hotel Tickets $2.00 each. MADISON CAFE opens SATURDAy, APRIL 2 EDITORS XOT TO BLAME Special Dinner 40 cents Jim LOW, Proprietor | ^*<**<~fr<^sXN % X-X%%X^->^^^ " Big Dance On Thursday l3S iSJ&gMai&J. The editors of local newspapers are j often blamed for partiality in thei j notices for churches, societies and' even families, when the faot is tK . The Eastern Star will hold a Euohre parties most interested are the ones and Dance in the town hall on Thur?- to blame. The local newspaper does day night. March 31st. A gcc\! Or r.ot possess a sufficient number of re- chestra will be ir. attendance and a porters to send to every church ser- r ^ood time is ic store for evcry:r.e. vice in the ran.ce of its circulation. Lurx-h served. Admissior. 2?c. r.r.d it must needs depend upon some person to ser*i in the news. Many NOTICE pastors or leaders of the congrega: do this and their items are gladly ' COPPER BEARING [INC INSULATED i > i > i i Zinc Insulated "OJ1BWAY" Copper Bearing Steel Farm Fence. Full No. 9 Gauge Gal- vanized Wire throughout, will stand FO'UR one Minute immersions in the Pr^ece Acid Test the se%-ercst test of zinc galvanizing known to science. That'? why you know "OJI3- WAY" Farm Fence will give lifetime service. For economy and endurance erect "OJIBWAY" Farm Fence on "BANNER" Steel Posts built like a railroad rail. Large Siit Wing Anchor Plate locks the post perman- ently into the ground. Dirt Set End and Corner Posts no cement no post nole digging. Easy to haul and drive. Ask your Dealer about the "OJIB- WAY" Guarantee of Service. i ; JinS Insulated Fences r. "- Md and Gaar&otw* kjr Mills and Had Office Ojibway, Essex County, Onta-io It has been brought to our printed. Many societies arP in ' on j that false rumors have been circulated of the members to atter.d to this im-' resrardini: the Kir.c Pavir.c C-.-ry.ra:-.-.- portant work. Un-.-.u i tt Oakrilk, Or.:. Th:s rumor oricinated by ;he fac 4 . REGISTER YOl'R ACERAGE rha: the King Constrtx-tion Co L:,i. of Toronto (who are builders of green Commenting on the system of acer- houses) haw gone into liquidatio- age registration. Charles E. Brough- ; The K:-.t Paving Co. Ltd. of Oak- ton, of the Ontario Marketing Board. v il!e has no conr.evtion and never did said. "As a grower myself. I believe J have any correction with the King that the advantages offered by acer- ; Construction Co. Ltd. of Toro-: age registration are infinH*. In my KING PAVIXG COMPANY LJM- estimation this system, i: uikor. up ITKD. enthusiastically by the individual grower, would be the means of elim- inating two of the greatest r.-.enaces to successful agriculture, nameb'. over-production and under-production. "Only the other day." continued Mr. Broujrhton. "it \\u- nTorusi to me that the Ontario Fruit and Vege- tablo x; rowers' Market Council, atj Hamilton, have inv,uiries on hand foi 75 carloads o-f ''t-.'.ario carrots which .hat orgniiat:-n cannot fil. This | condition >s doubly lamentable of the fact I am ouite certain inquiries could b< filled if the s rower would advise the Markets Council a? to hat he has for sale, ar.d that such situations can be avoided if the grower will co-operate with the Coun- cil by registering his acerapo." W. KINT,. President. Chiiliwack Progress: The fighting in the Orion: $eer.:s to K\ve a beneficial effect on Fritish Columbia vc-jto shjpn'.erts. Within a comparatively short tin-.o lately TOO tons were shap- ed from Vancouver to Chir.a. ar.. : . for -\:v>;-lioj sf.'.I oo Pure Aluminum ware, every piece guaranteed 3 piece Sauce Pan Sets Panneled Tea Kettles Large preserving kettles 6 cup Teapots 6 cup Coffee Peculators Colunder Ueal value) Panneled Potato Kettles Large Covered Saucepans Good size double Boilers Dandy Roaster Come in and see them and :ake a ' ntage of this - . -. rice. Every article is -.'.y Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE FLESHERTON CARE OF BABY CHICKS Proper car* nd management is essential to the successful raisin? of baby chicks. They should haw a irenerous supply of pure water always available. Drinking vessels harboi gvrms and often the water will be- come contaminated and may spread disease through the er.tin? flock. Then there is the danger of some infected chicks in every hatch, danger of diar-j rhoca in some form or other, loose' bowel and intestinal trouble. Don't permit a few chicks to infect your en- tire flock. The Warden of Wellington had hij allowance cut from f400 tc| In Grey, the Warden's allow- 1 ance was cut from $2vX> to $150: in P-xvo f-v:- JMO to r.'\ vrhi'..- -> V'---.-en'# allowance re- Clothes of Quality Tailored to your individual measure. '$20.00 $22.50 $27.50 $35.00 If you want Real Satisfaction ami Smart Appearance. Long Wear and high- est quality tailoring. Conic here and make your selection from the new Spring Samples. MILLINERY FOR EASTER Or. sa'.e this \veek a special offering of the new \e\v Season's Ready-to-\\"ear Millinery. t Make your Ka>ter selection early Everything reasonably priced. MEN'S NEW FELT HATS Xe\v Spring" Colors $3.00 $3.50 $3.95 MEN'S CLOTH CAPS Xe\v all -wove cloths in new patterns. $1.00 .to . $1.95 spring MEN'S SILK NECKWEAR Xe\\est Spring Patterns 75c and $1, F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON. ONTARIO II

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