Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Mar 1932, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, MAJtCH 30, THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE School Reports ^ S.S. NO. 8, ARTEMESIA Form 5 Grace Hoppe*, Dorothy Badgcrow labs.) 4th Clifford Taylor, Florenct lU.yci-. Bert Hopps, Bob Mcldrum (abs.K John Blakcy. Sr. 3rd Elmer Jamleson, Gract Janueson. Jr. 3rd Lliu Jamieson, Sadit McKec. Harry Badgi'i.'w. Myrtk n.lt. Marjory iVillai, Mabel Ulaki-y, Bornice Plantt. Jnd Elda Pedlar, Alice Shier OU>..) I-oui.'a Boyco. 1-t Mabel Blackburn, Mary Ki.-h- r, Georg* Boyce. Harold Phillip*. Sr. Pr. -- Bobbie Blakcy. Stanley Taylor. Jr. Pr. Marjory' Jamieson. Krol Shier tabs.,) Kathleen Croft. Donni* Meldrum (abs.) H. E. HEARD. Teacher. Pr. I. com- Johnson, Billy Loug- hiHd. Lloyd Waller, Elgin Waller. I. W. McKECHNIE, Teacher. Kl'CKNIA PUBLIC SCHOOL Sr. 4th Annieta Turner 70, Delsa Knitting Git, Herb Fftwcett 65. Jr. 4th Doug Nforpan 7(i, Verda Onoo 60, Hazel Turner 50. j,. ;; n l Kvelyn Campbell 7U, Leone HiK-kett TO. Winetui Martin WS, Keg.' r'awcolt f!l. Joan Tifdor 56. Harold Clark GU, Hilda Belts 69 Amanda Fisher 66, Russell Shier 64 Lillian Fisher 02. E. M. OLIVER, Teacher. 8. S. NO. 6. AUTEMESIA Sr. 4th Elsie Fisher 81, Fisher 67, Joe Campbell 44. Jr. 4th Dona Patterson Isabel Cameron 67. Sr. 3rd Gladys Patterson Jr. 3rd Rhcsa McLean 65, Allan Irene 83, 78, Jn.l Klward Campbell 72, Carmcl 1 Cameron 67. Martin t>.">, Muhel I tucket t G-J, Doris 1 gnd Delinar McLean (absent.) F -i \vcctt 58. Klnier Colgan 57. 1st Janet Cameron 85. Arthui Sr. l<t Jean Proctor 87. Fisher 61. Jr . 1st Roy Fawcett 75, Delbert; p r __ Emerson Beaton 73. Colj:in <V~>. IVrlund Campbell 64. 1':. Dorothy Falconer, Gladys Pu.-ki-i;. Murray Williams. I). P. SLOAN, Teacher. D. BONNYCASTLK, Teacher. Would Miss Paper A very pleading letter was received or Monday from Mr. Henry Holmaii of Toronto, when he renewed for Tht Advance for another year. In his letter he states: "There are some things' we have to do without this year, but do not want to drop the paper. We are always glad to see J!t coming in." We are pleased to renew Mr. Holman's paper as ho has A young lady who had the tip tak- en off her nose in an accident was awarded $15,000 damages, her lawyer making the plea that she would find! Premier Bennett made it plain that" Canada is not going off the gold standard. it hard to pass at face value. The old system of barter seems to be creeping back into trade again De Valera, the stormy petrel of j these days. rish politics, seems determined to Mr Alexander Burke, a former ontinue turbulent. His demand to! princi p a i of Markdale High School, do away -with the last vestige of, died at his home in Highgate on Sun- day, March 6th, aged 77 years. Gas tax is now six cents a gallon. THY ON Collect'. S. S. No. 1. Osprey KKVERSH.* Pl'BLlC SCHOOL been a valued member of our reading public. Some local subscribers ap pear to think that the local paper Is one that they can very well do with- out, but it might be that one adver- tisement inserted by a merchant as niv-vM ii^u a bargain would pay for their papci FLESHERTON HIGH easily. The local paper serves a SCHOOL REPORTS j olacc in a community that a daily Is i unable to fill and if its wines are Jritish connection, the oath oif alleg- ancc, is likely to bring him in sharp ontact with at least one-half of the , rish people. Cosgrave warns that ; We're glad it's an even figure because such a move would be fatal to thel when it was fiv e cents we always had rade of Ireland which is so dependent on B^Klish markets. ENG. FORM 1 LITERATURE HON. Sr. 4th -- Bruce Taylor 72', Beat- Betiy Murray 94, Ian Filshie 85, Ted ice Sullivan 70. Lloyd Morrison 70.' Ltixon S4, Viva Roberts 82, Susie Mac- Sr. :'.rd -- Christena Thompson 76,1 Kinnon d\, Leslie Seeley 81, Eric ^: r . 4\\i _ Lloyd Hudson, Irene Hud-on, Annie Heathcotc. Jr. 4th Jean Short, Marjorie Ben- son. Gordon Da T idson, Burton HuJ- son. Bob Mi-Quay. Sr. 3rd Doris Conn. Belva G>nn.| p r . Wfcldo Stonehoujc. Evelyn Half, Dor- ley. ine Davidson, Marjorie Lepard. Jr. 3rd Bernice Hudson, Ida -on. Norman Davids-m. Mildred r. Florence Stonehouje, Kathleen n. vl Murray Ix?pard, Lorcen > t George Oshorne, Norms Stanley Short, to Jr. 2nd Roma \Vhit- v Teeter. Laverne Smith. to 1st Phyllis Hudson .ee. o Sr. Pr. Jim Bedlar V. - ray Morrison 60, William Radley j staffer^' 78. Margaret Radley 54*. Sr. 2nd Annie Radley 58*. Edith Morrison 50. Sr. 1st Christena Radley*, Blaiiu Sornfoergcr. Leone Mclntyrc*. Reta Ra<I- The above is the pupil's percentage taken on their Easter examinations. Avita,-o attendance 11.5. No. on ..11 <3. * denotes perfect attendance. ' G. McKENZIE, Teacher. PASS Wesley Littlejohns Mali?' Chard 73, Velma Fisher Delbfert Smith 69, Dopglas Stuart 64, Mary Sheardown 01, Anprus Turney clipped by a reduced subscription lis it is unable to function in the propei manner. A TYPICAL NORTHERN ONTARIO WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The Orrville Women's Institute i typical of the local branches in the North country. This village, sever. to pay three cents anyhow on our half- gallon. ' G, Ruby Akitt 57, At gyle Martin 56 tPen mi ] es cast of p arry Sound, has Harvey Croft 55. a Women's FAIL Jack English 40, Murray local talent Institute which utilizes to very good purpose at R<KK MILLS S< HOOl. REPORT Sr. 32. BRADLEY. Teacher. 4th Leo Patton 74, Laurie Uu-st!l 71, Leila Clark 71. Jr. 4th - Laurence Phillips 75, Lloyd Partridge 74, Bob Clark 73. Iva English 73, Jack Monapl'an 70. i Fisher 40. Doris M^Rae 38, Lillian! the regular monthly educational meet- ! MaKeo :!6. Harold Johnson lit, Stewart ing, and it is usual for one of the , Fo-u-r 15, Bob Dargavel 13, Percy local nurses to giv e nursing demon- i. Smith 12. strations from tim? to time. Thny FORM 2 provide wholesome social opportuni. PHYSIOGRAPHY HON. E ' ties for their members and are ren- Brown 94, M. Wilson 88, F. Collinson 'dering a splendid 78, B. Bellamy 77, M. Piper 76. (community. PASS D. Vause 70, G. Akitt 69, M. .\K-Fadden 69, H. Bibby 64, J. Mc- Cormack 64, B. Parker 01, M. Staf- L. Archibald G. Boyd 53 ford 61, N. Aldcorn GO, 57, J. Wolstencroft 56, service to the Like the majority of the communities which support Wo- men's Institutes in the north, they S. S. NO. 3, ARTEMESIA 4th Claw Audrey McCabe, Geor-, B cna Blackburn. EUie White, Russell Johnson, Patricia Beard. Sr. 3rd Ruby Vause. Jr. 3rd Eileen Johnson, Everett Parker. Irene Doupe. Edgar Doupe. Sr. 2nd - - Roy Best, Margaret Lough'-rd, Lorene Johnson, Ivan Wai hr. Jr. 2nd Lloyd Allen, Keith Parker. M - Bruce Beard, Ernest Lous- heed. Sr. 3rd -- Mary Clark 1 Russell 6G, Irene Russell 65. Jr. 3rd - - Roy Fisher 61. Truly Monaghan 59, Doris Pedlar 55. Sr. 2nd Russell Phillips 87, Fred Partridge F'J, Fred Betts 65. Jr. 2nd Glen Croft 76, Ted Croft 75. Doreen English 75, Bessie Russell 73, Edna Partridge 66, Arthur Betts 61. Sr. 1st -Hazel Wilkinson 86, Laura Pedlar 85, Orval Russell 82. Phyllie Partridge 66, Chester Shier 6i, Gor- dun Shier 50, Cecil Shier 43, Harry Fisher 43. Sr. Pr. Laura Porteous 75, Elea- nor Russell 70, Mansell Atkinson 70 Lu l u J. Ostrander 52, C. Stewart 51. lEart FAIL M. Ostrander 40, E. Talbot 31. FORM 4 CHEMISTRY HON. lohnson 80, Marion Bibby 76. PASS -- Elda. Frook 58, Jackson Stewart 56, Mildred \\Tiittaker 52. FAIL Harold Turner 19. We wouldn't mind paying the $2.00 radio license if tho government would eliminate the crooners. Did you ever try a small ad. in The Fleshcrton Advance to help you sell anything? If you have never done so, try it and watch the quick results. 1UE STORK WITH ERVICB F. T. HILL&CO..Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OL'tt BUYING POWER 8ATKS TO IT A LOT OF MONEY SPRING OP F Ladies NEW CCAT5 i" NG OF- i Dresses ant] all sj/i->. .i-.SSKS in s|>U-iulul new day ,ali- i>ri<-<:.... S7.95 Ladies and Misses. Dresses $6.95 each ( >ur K-tf'ilar Hw <>i" S 50 ' ( > ^ <liv^ <-s including ovpr .-md >alin->. I.ADIKS \ iv il hiiv for .-'J>'>*> ratine of yiu. f^r FOR SPRING WEAR. SMART ^ i IFUL NEW SLOTTS FOR SPRING QUICK SALE DURING THE BIG FEATURE SALE. $9.95 to $13.95. \K\V Sl'UIX't; IIOSK $1.19 pair \e\vcst pussihk- in colors of l>va. etc ................................. i? MEN'S WEAR AT GREATLY RE- DUCED PRICES MK.\ Look SMART !'( >K ^I'RIXV, N'rw suits in .'ill now cloths. All rdi-r 17.95 to 18.95 d;i> Sfi. ( /5 $4.95 ( )ur rc-^itlai .^ days .. $495 only each MILLINERY Shop wit.h confidence at Mill's for your new spring hats. Our hats are the lowest possible and no two hats alike. X'l-AV .CHU-TON IIOSK $!.!'> pair \\'car these husf witli \<nir IH-U spring t-nscinlilc $1.19 pr. ASCOT SCARVES are decidedly the vogue for spring wear. Buy yours now while you have a full range to choose from. Priced from $1.95 to $2.45 sizes >r made to your o MK.VS Tol 1 C'OATS $7.95 5 onl. Coals on lot all sixes. 3 day .special ........................................ $7.95 A real buy for men. suits Blue and Grey serge $19.75 each We have taken our regular $22.50 to 27.50 suits and put the out for these .^ l>ij> days. All guaranteed $19.75 ea. SPECIAL WEEK END SALE OF GROCERIES I'ineapple 2 tins 25c I'earl Soap 7 hars 25c Picnic Salmon .$ tins 29,: Ayhner C'aKup .2 for 25c 2 Ihs. wheat flakes 25c KicaMVi I'.acon J Ihs 29c l\-a Meal, hack bacon 18c Ih. hnvc this year been able to look after the needy, except for one poor family, for which largre supplies were sent by an Institute in Old Ontario, and in addition, they spent $87.00 in pro- vidinjf linen for a hospital in the district. They also sent to the House of Refuge Christmas Gifts, and every new baby in the district is provided with a warm jacket and all person? who are ill in the township reccwi flowers, and some times other luxur. ies. Should Check Fertilizer This is the season for buying fer- tilizers and it is important that far- mers should know how to protect themselves in makin* sure that they arc delivered the kind and analysis of fertilizer which they purchase. The Federal Fertilizers Act requires that every fertilizer delivered to a farmer must be labelled with the guaranteed analysis in -terms of nitrofjcn, phos phin-ii- acid and potash. Therefore, the farmer should check th e jfu nnteed a:ialysii of the fertilizer when it arrives. If short one nor cent nitrojfpTi. ;t U worth about $2. SO n ton less than the purchase price and phos- phoric a?id nnd potasn lire worth about SI for ea-:h per cent. Purchasers are advised to refuse acceptance ot fertilizer which is not labelled pre- cisely the same guaranteed annlysu as that purchased. Should any far- mer have reason to doubt the value of a fertilizer delivered him. he is advise,! to communicate with the nearest local inspector or the district representative f agriculture. Rraiupton business men have set the Wodnosday half holiday for the yea:- from May 1 to the end of Sep- tember. Orillia has ifound it necessary to in- crease the tax rati 1 by 11 mills, mak- ing tho levy 58 mills this year. An overdraft of 1-10,000 was faced by this year's Council. Jim,. Ith, 1!).T2, will mark th one hundredth anniversary of Portsmouth ppnilt'iitiary, Kingston. So far no plans have lw?n made for an old boys reunion at the institution. Tay, Oro, Matchcdash nnd Medontc huvo agreed to reduce their road ex- penditure thJn year sufficiently to save >1 0,000. Wasagn Reach is rapidly ansuming a city air. Cottages will he number- ed and a garbage collector appointed by Sunnidale council. Excessive horse power under th, engine hood is dangerous if not ac- companied by corresponding horsp sense under the hat. Herbert Rowe, of .Meaford, has an Knglish coin tinted 1572. It. was dug tip some years ago on the ite of the ld Men ford station on the hill. While Wesley Hessey, of Orton, was leading a cow out of the rttablc with a i ope .- he made a break to got a\vny, throwing Mr. Ressey off his feet. In tome milliner the rope- K"t fast to his urui with the ,'O\v dragging him a- round ihe yard, She then jumped tho fenee, and dislocated his arm nt I'-.- hiuild' 1 !-, hreakini; the rope nt the same time. Abstract Statement Village of Flesherton for the year 1931 REPORT ON HYDRO SYSTEM RECEIPTS Cash balance 31 Dec., 1931 $ 3171 77 Interest 1931 - . 31 82 Domestic Revenue 2623 69 Commercial Revenue 1718 51 Power Revenue 904 9? Street Lighting Revenue 543 00 Lamps sold - 26 28 Miscellaneous 08 $ 8920 12 EXPENDITURES Power purchased $ 3911 51 Line Maintenance Street Li^ht Maintenance General Expense Meters .".... Street Lamps Equipment Intere?t and fixed charges 125 74 16 21 378 87 87 30 78 27 27 22 658 67 Surplus 3636 ASSETS & LIABILITIES ASSETS Cash 31 Dec., 1931 $ 4233 02 Pole Line 5389 47 Transformers 1802 52 Meters 1940 13 Street Lights 579 10 Tools, etc. (estimated) 50 00 Arrears Commercial Lighting 115 13 Arrears Domestic Lighting 82 59 $'3575 27 LIABILITIES Balance Principal of Debentures $ 4233 02 Accounts payable 45 20 Surplus 9297 OS ABSTRACT STATEMENT RECEIPTS Balance from 1930 ........................................................................ $ 57 59 Arrears of taxes 1930 .......... , ....................................................... 3028 98 Taxrs 1931 ................. . .................................................................. 5250 23 Rents nnd Licenses ...................................................................... 102 85 Loans from Bnnk .......................................................................... 25982 15 Tile sold Railway grant County Treasurer rebate surveyors fees 88 10 2a 50 623 40 $36162 34 PAYMENTS Salaries and Allowances .............................................................. $ 550 18 Printing, Postage, etc ................................................................. H4 95 Interest ............................................................................................ 378 35 Roads, Sidewalks, Drains, etc ................................................... 23569 41 Charity ............................................................................................ 3 50 Schools ............................................................................................ 2040 00 Dobenti-ios paid .......................................................... _ ................ 800 67 County rate 1931 ........................ . ......... , ......................................... 1567 50 Ropaid Loans .............................. 1 ........ . .......................................... 1541 10 Street Lighting .............................................................................. 569 28 Account Town Hall ......................... . ............................................ 521 50 Miscellaneous .................... - ............. < .............................................. 123 52 Refunds ............................................ /. .............................................. 7 oo Park Expenditure ................. . ...................................................... 93 82 Balance .................................. : ....... .' ................................................. 4279 56 , _ _ $36162 ;;-i - ASSETS & LIABILITIES ' ASSKTS Balance ............................................................................................ % 4279 56 Arrears of taxes ............................................................................ 750 53 Accounts payable (sheep killt\l by dogs) ................................ 93 00 Pianos in hall ................................................................................ 500 00 Park and other real estate ............................ ............................ 1500 00 Village Hall .................................................................................... 2500 00 Due from Province subsidy op pavement ................................ 6623 22 LIABILITIES Debentures on sidewalks $ 409 \\ Dobe-ntiiros Town Hall 331 57 Bank Loans 25982 15 County on Ptiveniort acct 10869 82 $37662 75 STATEMENT OF BALANCE OF PRINCIPAL OF DEBENTURES By-law 30, Hydro $ 3; i fio 44 Bylaw 7. Hydro extension 711 gg By-law 15D, Village Hall Debentures th Tho Council Village of Flosherton Gentlemen Wo ham! you herewith fhianvial statement O f Village of Flesherton for the year ending December 31, 1931. Wo bojt to report thnt \vo have audited the Collector's roll and the Treasurer's Books for (ho torm nn>l submit HS follows. I>ctailod statement receipts and payments. Abstract stntoincnt of snm* ^'ixtfiiu'iH of Assets imri Statement of buliuuv o>' prim-ipnl of IVbi-ntuivs AM -t v.H:>-h is ivsjvct fully oii issued. i i p t t C

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