Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Apr 1932, p. 1

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I . \ > Vol. 51, No. 45 Flesherton, Ontario. Apri. 6 932 W. H. Tburston & Son, Proprietor! [. 4 , t f A ROCK MILLS Our sympathy is extended to Mr. KIMBERLEY PORTLAW The weather is spring in and Mrs. Fred McMullen in theirjand winter in spring. The year :sr. ': hour of great sorrow by the death ot : g-ood for anything, their uear daughter, Muriel, who pass- j E^ste^ visitors were: Mrs Geral- ed away in Toronto, on Monday. dine Weber from Toronto, Miss Jeaa Mr. Mslvin Sellwood of Williams- j Carruthers, Toronto Normal; Miss ford was a caller at the home of Mr. Estell Hammond, Toronto, guest oi Thos. Betts on Saturday. (Last Week's luaa) Victor, the lirUe son of Mr. Mrs. R. Osbonve. received a ver>[ Wngfet. who are tes-'lrrz - -.1- Woan< j < ^ fa^. ^fe^., - cd , teLe, 3^. it tlwar ?*rii:a: ran into a cross cot saw which hU here for ike kolidavs. elder brother was carrying. school board, a attending the :.*- Mr. Wn. Rsnajre Ottol : :i o. tionai conTentiva in. To :;--.: :-"- ^ " ~ ' "- **! w *>=i : Kt* ica-> - . Prvee- . Miss Hamel Hawtoa &=: M : . : ' ' . - . . -- . : - - returr.s-i'- i . SB i. " Ur*. JL '.-... - - 7 - i y " -'- 5- -'.--AS 10 feei baby bass. t Vifcraed as ** has i: rhtar aBL XOTICE TO CREDITORS Miss Ruby White of Markdale vis- ited over the week end at her home here. Mr. Stuart Foster holidayed for a week with Toronto friends, returning home on Sunday. 3ILster Garth McDowell returned to his home in Toronto on Sunday after a pleasant week's holidays spent at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Jno. Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Xewell visited one day las: week with Mr. John Robertson, wife and family of Mas- well. School opened Monday again after the Easter holidays. Mr. Wm. Hawkins made a business trip to Owen Sound last week. her sister. Miss Blanche; Miss Viola Mrs " Wa kope, who has bea, Fawcett, Barrie, at her home here; 5 P n ding the winter with her daagh- J'jss Bessie Stafford; th* Graham tr. Mrs. Sheardowa. continues in very; Tfca PRICEVILLE - - - E E re. tl :*. children with th-?i r grandparents, Mr. poor health. We hope to b* able : wa? . - - . and Mrs. S. S. VICTORIA CORNERS Miss Mabl Ross of Maxwell is visiting her sister. Mrs. Ren. Acheson. "Mi.^5 Beth Talbot is visiting her coasrn. Helen Moore. The W. C. T. TJ. quilted a quilt las; week at Mrs. Steven's. To-day. April 4th, we are enjoying very nice sleighing. On Wednesday evening the Y.P.S. gave their play. "Just Like Percy," at stioge. The play was very enjoy- 1 chaVd since the roads were so bad v . guest of Lee and Ted Weber. rin; Jack Wehoc report teer recovery soon. "? . E EViJl-.e :>.; i i^ e O f ". Mrs. A. F. Hammond, iliss Hazel and 3Ir. Russell spent the week end v>-;th Miss Blanche. Miss =:*:! re- turning with them. Mr. Ted Myles is spending Mrs. Florence Lyons and Mrs. G.:- bert Littie visit :-i with the former'? r ': untie, Mr. John Btilaniy. of FIesher-5^^. * ton. who is very ilL -' Tas '- M b :.'-. . - - ------ ; the Trustees \<:. R- S. '' ur i VOIBMB. rfeeeased. N ::-.* is OCK ?-. and - -ea. o:. i EtenaJda : - - . aaa -Jca: Mrs. James Blakey has returned Hia;ks. Arnj- Mac- }:!=: jre. -'- days in Toronto. 'after &a extended visi- with friends; are; N'iefco!. Dojalia N . - N' Rev. McAiisland is continuing the'*t St. Catherines. jarss Me A r :>--.-. Ada Frooks. Monica pecial meetings all this week. They Canton aad Deiben Magee of the Lancer: ". u, tail *:h line visited :or son* days witfc ^-'^ Aa-ie McKaohers. Mamie Me v.-<e are torrv - - T-> "--.-? "- - - ;: i B ^*j ~ .TV. w~.ju : : -- " r aO :^:* or . are especially good and he would be 1 glad for a larger turn out. Mr. Basil McCoruiell has purchased a fine team of horses and has cojr.- raeaced work on his farm. Miss Tena and Kathleen Hutchiosoa ', !ast i.: :r There tht; of Mrs ; ' a few tiays : her ; - Sorry to report Mr. 7 --- DM r't-jed to his bed. '<' hop* h a.ay son be u- 11 :. r-:-aad - - - .- --. .-- parei-ts. also a s timber of was a irercs. j aiso a nur. er - uitors. A MOat ~ Mis. F. Da\-is visited a few days! from toe pastor. Rev. Pope, was read a --; ith Her mother. Fress;r. arFrvc:3:;cn of the -. - " ." The W. I. met at the home of Mrs. . Plewes on Thursday afternoon. There was a jroodly number in at- tendance and the meeting was help- . : - '. work dered ..- : Sf.Msry's Anglican Church MAXWELL Rector. Rev. Maark-e F. Mr. Fry of Albert CoUege occupiadi their aunt. Mrs. Lyoas. <*r:ie toe.'^",^ ? ' Ja-'X ilcMiilan. Each oae acted their g^ ;- ^eil TH* proceeds d j{7. a=d Mrs. _ re about fKoJO. p.. Flora Canpbe.: arr:v-:d h^z^ : ;. e ^^ a- i _ spent the Easter holidays with theii ! representation of members preser.: - : after spendi-.t :::? -":fr ~.ater vnth hrr <:i:crj i- Monrrea! rsro weeks - _ ecrocrw h<me. r-e MT H -*- Ke * ad Pfn S:ew3 ' Mm 5Ct> iv*: 9 ITr - / i . . , . ; Ceyioc spec: 3 cocp*e c: h ...rva DV the *x-:ty..i rrat M . A:<?s s . . .. _ n gare a very inter-' * r . and ${r*. Johr - i:; ^ ----- rf ' CJ -.-. Mr. David Hr3:k3 _._, wh-j hd won Ji-:-. action b ' - ailing*. The nrt meetiajt . Ja >" * "-' was vrel! discussed.' wlso a 'will be held at tr ot Mrs. C Mr - H<?-rr Moral or. F- lunch enjoyed. ,p MeUirun: ca Wednc- iiy c' next ' -" " -" " 7 Jim Press has moved to th ,^w _. ._ : : . ." *ftr s^"i3?r a vwithty here. Re2ey and HerrrJ^ to Simco* :- to bring hots* <he la:- -.-. >' ':-.-- - . or ~-~---i ~.h-i ' m - >y 7'.:: 7T"?pa " w*- - : - :or tlce \-imaf- - i*- i - -.-i _: ------ - . - ._ -. . A-im - ; -- fuL Mrs. Eyles gave a paper in her usual good form, "Plain beautiful | Citizens, women." House cleaning and gar i various *? . * , EC SV-NT-AV. AFF.Il j:- I -. - BOtl ~ - . having - ... . . . t'-it moved to the 1 south of the village. Graham of Toronto N'or- to our r.el^hbo-ho Mrs. \Valter A.-hesoa has been the sick list, but is better. 00 IN MEMOR1AM WOOD In ewr bving memor>- of cur dr sister. Bessie, who entered into eternal rest Apr! 7th. 1926. Passed beyond all gnet and pain. Heath for thee was truest gain; Cod Himself tay joul doth keep Giving His beloved sleep. Sadly missed by Brother and Sisters. Mr. D. L. Weber brought in a machine for the Hydro Plant on Sat- urday. Mrs. Ran. Hutchinson and children snent niost of the week with Mr. G M-.<"o7neII. also Mrs. P. Serr.rle - B few days with him. (Isst Week's Mr. R."K-.:tch : :-onhad several _ ^...^^ closw| ^ M, W. GHbt jHeJ^terh: Miss Pmjworo visitod at her homt in Thcrrtburv durir.sr the BaKdavs, next n , t : " ' tT ? their residecce on the <. farm. W extend to :b;m a we!o,'m? ::r'< 19 1 ild- H"- r ng Pr= - - - . .- -..-- tie , : ' ' ' . ,- - - - . . :-.- Netfcn v:c* ' "' - :i Mr. and Mrs. Dona:<i Stewart. Mr I and Miss May- Stewart a: on Tuesday nigh: a: =co! sfcai, -.* --..-- rtarrow and faizess: i^.i =.- ..;- "' '''--- -raise Thee w.-.h joyful - ^"^ E S4kia Psatei - -- Thursday J.un ar ' - - - -. - - - - . Mr< ATES BURIAL Q'Y. ! E - -.?V XO EXTR\ ZeUa Los? and Miss Dorothy B -.r-'s sa> s Vv -.-dsesdav .- G!e^ A i Robinson of Tort>nU) spent the week CilAKGF I- OR CE.\: ' :;- ~?.T VSt OF OUR E here i .-.: their parental horues TORONTO LINE NORTH * Lon? , 7 r turned to ; Sunday ar.d Miss Robinson went ti CARD OF THANKS Mr. sr.d Mr.;. C. Perigoe a-.d :'. i'.y of rvlhi s^cr.t the week ond w.t'.i ! M-. snd Mrs. A. Stow^rt. Mrs. .-":owa:t returr.ed vrith thera for a . V' -* I the - ' ! I iay. Miss Bradley our pib'.i-.- school toa.-her is spending the Ea.--.or day-s a . . - ..... Visitors wiih Mr. jtaJ .';rs. \V ^' f.:nily of the late John Bellamy Mr. Arr.otd Harbottle and Ja.-y >:-- over Easter wvr.-: Mrs. I : . U thank their many friends for triends from Ceylon ar.d Flesherton | Gou'.d and son: Mrs. Go.\ (.',: j.'.l ar.o sympathy extended to them in thej'P**' Sunday at the homo cf friends - w . : dau.churs c<? Ravenna ind Mr passing of their father ami fnr k^ i at Lady Bank. \ xnl t MW n i Gordon MoMuller. of Eas* >" ^untain is spending a few days with i Mrs. Harry Pd!ar ca^-.e '-TM T |! ' -j vi | > > : - -r raren; . . : . --. <_ TORONTO PHONE: Xiht or Day KI J. w. R. MALtr-Xh.5 + >-J i Bran Flakes their father and for n:any kindnesses accorded them dur- ing liis illness. y yonr Flour and Feeds from the Dan Caaxron ad of th* U>th line of Osprey Mr. Taylor, tc'.'.or in the Bank of Toronto here, spsat the Easter h -!:- days at his home in Parry Sound. A -.un-.Nfr ff rreople are sk'k xnth Family Brrad Flour Made from No. 1 ;v .<-.... Wheat Pastry Flour Mr. her ir.other. Mrs. Jake Le^er. who U 1 n poor health. Mrs. Sam stern* of Kimberle v h?< mo\-ed to this line and has taken roe in part of Mr. G. Stewart's Lever was a visitor on .^ v n w i d Osborne. severe illr.t--- ar.d this line had a dance at tru Mr - "< i:m * a - Pu f il ' tcv horn* of Mr. F. Mathevson on "Fvi- * h d hts ear drawa oat to i7V, r> ! iay ri * rkt - when a pleasant evening : :lse fvu^tv r.-ad on Tuesday and will U Kf< \\neat. UntS.'was t-).vyod by all. irua Ue oar frvm there to Flesher- Mad* From Chrtt* Ontario Wheat ton. Bran. Shorts and coarse feeds' Renew your subscription now. Mr. Fred Hale, sec.-treas. of on I Ken Kennedy's For Groceries V PUMPKIN 3 TINS 23c - Lovely Celery "l5c P. & G. 7 BARS 25c TIP TCP TAILORED TO MEASURE SUITS $24.00. Cap Special GO" D .-Sc UP. Pork & Beans | 6c TIN 4 FOR 23c Hesd Lettuce HEAD . -.- . Hard Soap ? BARS 25c Sse Hive Syrup 5 IBS. 31c iett ? s Anniversary FURNIT from Friday, Api'il 1st to Saturday, April 9th BED OUTFITS \Valnut finished Su>el B*xl T $7.30 A jcooJ Spring $5.00 45 lb. Mattress Se.OO Only one to a customer at this pric* AXXIVKRSAKY SI'KCIAL $14.35 Congoieum Rugs 1st grailes only. Nic selection o( patterns "nd colors 5>, only , onl>- ....................... ^ ............. $8.95 RexoWctn Rujts. 37xM. r*r. JWo.. Extra ial .............................. lit each r 2 for S5< Odd Novelties, Etc. Solid Walnut Smoker, rty. $11.50. Special Solid \\';>l!n:t SvH>cial l\-*k. res. $50.00, Very Soevial at $20.00 nl TaMe- in solid walnut with book troujfh, 5 for $5.00 Rugs caly Be sirrx' and i;v: one. Walnut Dining Room Suite Ma Jo b'. ~ Kv-:'--'. C i i'-pv ..'.:. China Cabirct. TaM*. 5 Cha;r ar.d Arm Chair rv:c. $171X00 d. if thi* sale \veck, on:-. 51 .50.00 Blinds Xo\\ to ->o v^w tv> TVS: : Gome in and set m ; all SO1.1D Walnut Dressing Table RKtJ. $3X00 ONLY $54.50 Wa'.tmt wnevrvd Sxi look* Kk- 1 a million dollars only Walnut finished Drs.^'r9. gv^xl size cd clear nxirrvrs. r*p. $16.50 at a Special prko of 20 per cent off Everything in the Store No Reserve Kitchen Cabinet . Dutiful two-:ort- ^rn due*. fn$h. '.-o\c"ed tuirror <Kv>r. ;r $4o.M. ~o:x Table, oo'owd > matoh $13.54). i Windsor Chairs, also coio-rtcd tc ntatch. rvy. each $4.>5. KXTRA SPKCIAI. PRICE on four pi*i-e* $54.0*. YOl SAVE $12.2*. OUR FREE OFFER WITH EVFRY PURCHASE OF $10.00 AXP 0\T :. TURING THE S VI V. WK WILL GIVH FRE A BKAVT1FUL CARD TABLE, VALUED AT |2.50 C ; A RE M UANTV FND TAB.LE. Furniture Dealer . J. BENNETT, Flesherton Funeral Director Marshal! Maitresses <-io f*r thts s*k .-.: >l:;rvss, rejr.: J> - . S21.0O - o- '-.>! M.V.:re<<. rvj:v.'.oiriy - <U.5 M.i-.tr*** - _. $16 JO _-.. - ' - -- is a 1O y,-ar Gaara-.: 1 -<fd *r- <. - c $J Electric Lamps Walnut J:ir.tor Lamp, handsome silk shd. BRIDGE LAMPS J $4.O ind J7jf Lamp. 14 in. shade, for only ,v\T. - 1 TN* Lamj<#, r*s- fv'J.f. only $3. 09 Oii,-? $hades a* odd price*. Mattress Special AH White lr$* frit Mat-.rvjs, rtr. *JJ,50, only 4 ' $9.* Other JIaurvsse* : .3i>. *TA). $10.9 W v - >i^ a fw ev.ra ^I'^citi priov* or. sy ! l i

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