I /tafyerfam Vol. 51, No. 46 Flesherton, Ontario, April 13, 1932 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors LADY BANK The snow is about all gone, but there is lots of mud and bad roads at present. Mr. Ed. Harbottle has returned tc his home here after spending the past month in the G. & M. hospital, Coll- ingwood. Mr. Harbottle has been in poor health, mostly all winter, bui is some improved we are pleased to know. Mrs. John Parsons of Eugenia is at present with her daughter , Mrs. Jas. M'cKenzie, who has been laid up with a severe cold. Other members of the McKenzie family and some of the surrounding neighbors in this vicinity have been effected likewise but we hope that they will soon be all well again. Miss Mildred Maxwell, who is as- sisting Mrs. A. Muir at Ceylon spent Sunday last at her parental home here. Mr. and Mrs. B. McConnell and babe, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sample. Mr. John Welsh and family of East Mountain have the sincere sympathy of this community in their great loss by death, of Mrs. Welsh, who passed p.way on Thursday morning last. Mrs. Wm. Poole and daughter, Eva. visited a day last week with Mrs. Wm. Kaitting at the clubhouse. Mrs. Percy Semple spent a few days last week with her father, Mr. George McConnell, at Kimberley. Mrs. Wm. Semple visited a day recently with her daughter, Mrs. Jack Graham, in the valley. Messrs. Victor McKenzie and Rose! Conn of Feversham are assisting Mr. Joe Sewell with some bush work at present. Miss Lillian Thompson has return- ed to her home here, after spending the past two weeks with friends in Ceylon. Mr. Jack Vanwinkle of Toronto is the guest of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Ottewell. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Benson of the 8th Con., Osprey, neai Feversham. We heard that Mr. Ben- son has taken over Mr. Jas. David- son's farm, lately vacated by Mr. Les. McMi\!len. Mr. and Mrs. Les. McMullen moved to Kimbcrley and are residing on Mr. Wm. Myre's farm there. Mrs. Mary McMullen spent a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mc- Mullen of East Mountain. PROTON STATION Many in this village have had their turn with grippe, but none are ser- iously ill. The condition of the weather and roads caused the church attendance to be very small on Sunday. The congregation of the United church regret the removal of Mr. Charles Leslie, B. A., who has been the stud- ent minister, during the past year and has been greatly appreciated. The Mission Board is sending him to a field in Northern Alberta. The best wishes of his people here will follow him. Mr. Frank Bannister, B. A., of Emmanuel College, Toronto, is com- ing to the Proton Station charge. Mr. Bannister took the service here for two Sundays recently and we know he will receive a hearty welcome. Mrs. Geo. Blakely has returned to her home here, after spending the winter with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Copeland of the Bethel neigh- borhood spent a part of last week with her father, Mr. Alex. Stewart, here. Mrs. Lome Hodgin has returned home from a pleasant visit in Toron- to. Mr. and Mrs. James Burton and children of Toronto spent the week er.d with Mrs. Burton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wyville. Mr. Robert Lee in a negotiation; with Mr. Neil McCannell is delivering the mail on R. R. No. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Corbett visited in Oranjreville recently. CEYLON Mrs. Anna McMillan and son, John, accompanied by Mr. A. Whittaker EUGENIA The recent rains have put the roads in a very muddy condition, around MAXWELL motored to Durham on Sunday and i here. They are almost impassable attended the funeral of Elma May for cars in some places. If the large Whittaker, eldest daughter of Mr. trucks would keep off the roads till' they would dry up it would be mac!; better for traffic. Miss Muriel Fenwick spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. Russel! Linton, south of Flesherton. Mr. Weslsy Plantt, 4th line, called, from the residence of Mr. Robt. Camp- ! on his father here, one ciay last week. and Mrs. Grant Whittaker, of Toron- to. She passed away at the home of her parents on Friday at the age of 14 years and four months. She had not been in best of health for some time. The funeral took place The Women's Association met at the home of JUrs. A. M. Pope on Thursday. April 7. with a fair attend- ar~e. The meeting opened by sing- i.ig, "Saviour like a Shepherd lead i us," followed by the Lord's Prayer In the absence of the president, Mrs A. Pallister. vice-president, Mrs. R. W-omen's Institutes as an Educator Twelve hundred Women's Institutes in the Province usually give some con- sideration, during March and April, to formulating a program for next year. The Institute year ends in April, and the educational program 'or the following twelve months is usually completed in May, or early .r. June, printed copies being placed in th e hands of the members. The gen- bell's at Durham on Sunday at 2 p. m. to the cemetery there. The beauti- ful floral offering's, which banked her casket testified to her lovely charact- er and esteem in which she was held. This community sympathizes with the bereaved ones. Mr. Clarence Marshall, who spent several weeks with his sister at Hol- land Centre returned home Thursday of last week. Mrs. Sloan and Mrs. Martin each accidentally fell one day last week. They escrpr-i with some bad bruises that there were no Toronto on Saturday, bringing home a player piano for their pleasure. M5ss Reta Marshall, nurse in train- ing, at the G. & M. hospital spent Saturday at her home here. Mrs. Luther Duckett spent a couple of days the first of the week with hei ' f r , m this locality attended the fur.eral and are thankful bones broken. We under--tand that the Eugenia, . , spending the past week with Tier aunt The pros. | Mrg _ Ed Hi] , ock Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cairns at- tended the funeral of Mrs. Cairns STL; nd mother, Mrs. E. Ard, at South- ampton last week. Mr. Wm. Kerton has returned to Toronto after speeding the past few months at his home here. J. Morrison, occupied the chair. It was eral pra ctice is to have an address, decided to hold a garden party oi; | paper, or demonstrator of real prae- June 24th. and arrangements are being made to get up a play for the garden party. A quilt will be quilted at the home of Mrs. Charles Lon~ on Tuesday, April 17th. Miss Dorothy Genoe has returned to her home at East Mountain, aftei was in the chair. The mayor and Mr. Cunningham were both present at the meeting. We think the same club is contemplating horse-shoe j Mi-, and Mrs. A. C. Muir motored to playing this summer. Success boys! iiiss Margyr^t Sinclair, 8th line teacher, spent the week end at her home in Ceylon. We extend our profound sympathy . , Those who lie about us are hardly at the close. . Mr. F. G. Karstedt and family in more offensive than those who tel ,J The onportunit y their sad bereavement. A number unp i easant truths. tical value to the housewife, at each meeting. Most branches aim to have something to hear, something to see, or something to do for all concerned at these gatherings. The following is a good example of one such meet- ing: Motto The Doors of Opportunity are marked "Push and Pull.'" Roll Call "A Canadian Product. Where Found and Used.' 1 Canadian Vegetables Ways to Serve. Canadian Apples versus Imported Fruit. Discussion and Recipes. Paper "Famous Canadian Wo- men." Two Humorous Recitations. Community Singintr. Social half-hour with afternoon ta in Owen Sound, who is very ROCK MILLS FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Perigoe of Delhi and Mrs. A. Stewart of Flesherton were recent visitors with the latter's sister, Mrs. H. Alexander. Mr. Will. Wright spent the Easter holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wright, here. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Colquette and two children and Mr. Ivan Alexander of Owen Sound were visitors with friends here recently. The weather is very changeable since April came in, rain one day and snow the next. Mr. Clinton Pedlar of Detroit was a caller at the home of his uncle here, Mr. WU. Pedlar. Miss Sadie Foster is spending a couple of weeks with Toronto friends. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Aldcorn motor- ed up from Toronto and spent the week end with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Foster. Mr. Aid- corn returned to the city on Sunday afternoon and Mrs. Aldcorn remained for a longer visit. Much sympathy is extended to t'.c Karstedt family in their berea v emen; by the death of their dear wife and mother. Mr. Hugh Clark of Owen Sound called on the Pedlar family here dur- ing the past week. The Baptist Ladies' Aid will meet; on Wednesday, Ajpril 20th, at tht home of Mrs. Ned Croft. Lunch com. Cake, Mrs. Laurie Pedlar, Mrs Boyce; Sandwich, -Mrs. A. Blackbuni and Mrs. Les. Chard. Visitors with the Pedlar family hea during the week were Mr. and Mrs Cecil Meldrum of Portlaw and Mrs. A. F. Pedlar and daughter, Kathleen, of Eugenia. Mr. 'M. Sellwood of Williamsfori? called on friends here on Saturday. Mrs. W. J. Newell and three child ren visited the first of the week wMi her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Betts sister ill. Mrs. Cecil Archibald, Proton, spent a few days with her parents and twn sons here. Mr. Cranston of Lucknow motored up the first of the week and Mr Kp.ox and Mrs. Richardson of Berkley accompanied him home to visit theii brother-in-law, who is very ill. An event of interest took place ar the Flesherton parsonage on Satur- day at 5 p. m., when Rev. W. J. Scott united in Holy bonds of matrimony Miss Sara Gladys Fawcett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fa wee it, Eu- gen.'a, to Mr. Thos. W. Hazard, son of Mrs. Kaiviedt on Saturday. Mr. T. E. Little of Noranda arrived Saturday evening to visit Saskatoon civic officials may with his E. Little pru-ents, Dr. and Mrs. A. in the village. Master George Akitt of Flesherton j visited with his cousins, the Hanley boys, 8th line. Mr. Chas. Doupo of Sau^een Jet. was in this locality buzzing wood fot pose a tax on cats to provide addition- al revenue. A new fee liae, as it were. to hear from wo- men of experience of methods which i m . have proven effective, and to take in the discussions, have added materially M:. Will. Walker. Mr. Har.ev. Mr. NOTICE To whom it may concern: Reports are being that I am at present and have been t' 1 the efficiency of country women in the housing, clothing and nutritioi of the family. Where the Department of Agricul ture supnlements the efforts of local groups with literature on foods, health etc.. and nrovjfdes instructors for in the past, receiving assistance from circulated Short Courses, it will readily be seen that the Institutes are of real edu- cational value to the rural women and John Magee and the government through the Old Age girls. ha.- a pooa quick Hanley anj with Mrs and Mrs. G. We are pleased to report Mrs. Free Duckett recovering from her iilne.-s few machine and certainly does vrork. Mr. ?nd Mrs. Chas. family visited recently I Hario v'j parents. Mr. of Mr. After f and the late Mrs. Haz- Mc Master, Wareham. ard of near Ceylon. The groom's gift to the bride was a pearl necklace The happy couple left on their honey- (of con g es tion of the lungs, moon trip on Monday for Toronto. ,}*,._ John Williams spent where they will spend a week with davg in Toro ^ to t} ,e past week, friends. Upon their return they will I Mr Bruco Jiiwkir.; is now occupy -side on their farm on Stone's Linc : , ing . the fine nov , cement block rc.?i where they will be at home to their , (lcnco on his farm on the 8 th line. Al! many friends, who join in extending B -uce needs now is some hand.-om to them, best wishes for a long hanp.- } oimg i a dy for h : companion. i>"<! prosperous life. Mrs. Bert Mpjr--, received the sac The Cairns families here receive-! rews of the death of her aunt Id;l a message on Saturday that Mr. Geo.j (Mrs- p ou lter) of Toronto, who pn*s- Henry Ruthven of Alliston had passed | ed away on Sunday. We extend ou. Pension Act. This report is a malic- ious slander against me. as I have never nut in an application for such help, and furthermore do not need it I request that such lies be stopped at once. THOS. M. BA.N'NONf. Renew your subscription now. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Send The Advance to a friend. 'Tis love that makes the flu go round. Doctors advise people to go easy on the kissing. The House of Quelity" Specials Oxydol, reg. 2Sc per pkg 19c Sani Flush reg. 35c per can 25c White Cooking Beans per Ib 2c { Fancy Tapioca per Ib 6c FLOUR PURITY SUPERIOR PRAIRIE ROSE PILOT O'CANADA TERMS: Cash. 'Phone :46 JAS. A. STEWART FLESHERTON away at his home on Friday, aftet a couple of days illness from hear? trouble. He was a son of Mrs. Chris- teen Ruthven and late Mr. Ruthven who are well known here. He leave* to mourn his loss, his wife, aged moth- er and one brother, Will., all of Allis- ton. The funeral took place on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. George Cairns and Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Cairns mot- ored down on Sunday to Alliston. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart enter, tained their many friends on Friday evening to a card and dance party, where a most enjoyable time was spent. On Sabbath afternoon Rev. W. J Scoot was accompanied by Rev. Out- erbridge, Missionary on furlough from Japan, who gave a fine talk to the Sunday school and olso took charge of the service giving a splen- did address, which was listened to vith much interest and appreciation by those present. Mr. George Jaynes, who has been employed at the saw mill here happen- ed with an accident on Mnndav, which might have proved more serious, for- tunately he escaped by having the overalls torn and some cuts on his legs below the knee, which may lay him off work for a short time. Mr. A. C. Muir unloaded a car o* grain on Monday. Mrs. Dorrington of Alton, District Deputy Grand Worthy Matron of the order of the Eastern Star was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair, while here. sympathy to Mrs. Magee and o'her relatives of the deceased in their sad bereavement. Congratulations to Miss Gl iilvj Fawcett and Mr. Thos. Hazzard, wh were married on Saturday, April We wish them many years of happy wedded life. Master Billy Fenwick has been laio up with a severe cold during the past week. Mr. Glen Pedlar was also i!. with the flu during the past week, bu; is able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacMillan anj Mrs. Wilson of Markdale visited or Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Fre; Jamieson. Margaret, who has beeii visiting here returned home with them. In the matter of the Estate of Emma Catherine Stewart, late of the Village of Flesherton, in the County of Grey, Married woman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to j Section 51 of the Trustees Act, R. S. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- 0. 1927, Chapter 150, that all cred- LATE itors and others having claims or de- OF ARTE- mands against the estate of the said Emma Catherine Stewart, who died on or about the 16th day of August, I'.tJl, at the Village of Flesherton, in the County of Grey, are required OF THE TOWNSHIP MESIA, DECEASED. All persons having claims or counts against the said Estate ac- are required to deliver full particular., on or before the 30th day of A. pr ,i thereof to the undersigned solicitor to '. 1932, to send by post prepaid, or de- thc Executors, on or before the 30th liver to Walter E. Harris, Markdale, day of April, 1932, on which date the Ontario, Solicitor for the Adminis- Executors will proceed to distribute trator of the Estate of the said de- thc estate having regard only to those c a f e ^___ th ! i 5 J _^f ti _ a f 1 J "*!L ; .?_ n . d claims of which notice shall have been received at that time. Dated this 8th day of April, 1932. C. C. Middlebro 1 Solicitor to the Executors St.Mary's Anglican Church MAXWELL Rector, Rev. Maurice F. Oldham. IN MFMORIAM VICTORIA CORNERS The ladnes of the W.M.S. quilted two ouilts for their bale on Tuesday at Chas. Moore's. Syrup making is providing work for some people. League was held on Friday evening rt Chas. Moore's. Mr. Leslie was with us again on Sunday, but announced he is going West for the summer and our minist- er next year will be Mr. Bannister. LANKTREE In loving memory of my dear husband, who passed away April 14th, 1031. Just a thought of you dear husband. Just a memory fond and true, Just n token of affection. That my heart still longs for you. Sadly missed by Wife. Sunday School at 2 p. m. and Divine Servica at 7:30 p. m. on Sunday, April 84th. "Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy. Six rays shall thou la.bor ans do all thy work." Exodus 20:8&9. the full particulars in writing of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the security, if any held by them. And take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Adminis- trator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having rejrard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that the said Administrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part there- of to any person of whose claim not- ice shall not have been received by him at the time of s-ich distribution. Dated at Markdale this 29th day of March 1932. W. E. Harris, Solicitor for James Albert Stewart, Administrator. BATES BURIAL CO'Y DISTINCTIVE NO EXTRA J. W. BATES FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR FUNERAL CHAPEL 122-124 AVENUE RD. TORONTO PHONE: Night or Day KI. 4344 Formerly of Flesherton R. MADDOCKS Tomato Juice ScTIN Large Oxydol 19c PKG. Lovely Celery !Sc BUNCH Ken Kennedy's For Groceries Phone 37 TIP TOP TAILORED TO MEASURE SUITS $24.00. Cap Special Quick Oatrmil 20c PKG. ':X~H~:^:~X^~W^^ REAL GOOD CAPS FROM 98c UP. ,X>.t>>>.X"M> TAPIOCA 2 LBS. 13c BEANS 12 LBS. 24c Palmolive 4 BARS 29c PRUNES 3 LBS. 25c Y I