Vol. 51. No. 48 Flesherton, Ontario, April 27, 1932 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors i . . PRICEViLLE CEYLON PORTLAW On Wednesday night a presentation Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Arnott and two was held at the home of Mr. and 'sons of Durham were first of week Mrs. Wm. Aldcorn in honor of Mr. 'visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. and Mrs. N. Vicq (nee Berta Aldcorn,) Gilchrist. Mrs. Cecil Archibald of Proton was - , . ... m failing health a week end visitor with her parents . liG V3S ant evening was spent in card play- and two sons. j tn tj ^ A ing and dancing. Excellent music Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper and Mrs. was supplied by Messrs. Leonard Me- H. Piper vieited the first of the week , who were recently married. A largt crowd was present and a most pleas- (Intended for Last Week) The death of Mr. AJex. Brown, which occurred on Friday last, came as a shock to his friends. Although >r about two years, work as usual up FEVERSHAM KGCK MILLS LADY BANK A pleasant time was spent at tlu Many of the farmers commenced The roads have dried up considerab- home of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Wiley on work on the land hist week. ; ly for the very bad condition they Saturday evening last when a numbei Visitors the past week at the home were in two weeks ago, but the weath- and neighbors gath- of il r - and Mrs. Jno. Robertson were, er is cold and backward yet for April Mr. ar.d Mrs. H. Pacey and son. Jack. them before they moved back to their f Windsor - M " George Robertson Keown, Earl Brown, Wm. McMillan and Bert Watson on violins and Miss- es Alice Reiley and Beatrice Walters with friends in Lauriston. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rutledge and family of Holland Centre spent the Mrs. Wm. McMillan and Neil Me- ' first of the week with the former's Kinnon at the piano. At an appro- ' mother, Mrs. Robt. Rutledge and lat- priate hour Mr. Wm. McBride called ' ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Mar- the gathering to order and spoke a few ' shall. words to all. Mr. and Mrs. Vicq' Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Cairns and Mr. were asked to come forward, when ' and Mrs. Donald McLeod visited with a complimentary address was read relatives the first of the week on Deceased was a son of the Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown, pion- eers of the South line and was born on the adjoining farm. The funeral took place on Sunday to Mount Zion Mr. George McConnell of Kimber- Toronto and Miss Annie Robertson ley is the guest of his daughter. Mrs. Durham. Percy Semple. Feversham for the last five or six w are very sorry to report Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hutchinson ^and years where Mr. Wiley has been Mil- Art - Porteous very ill at present, but two children of Vandeleur spent Sun- ler in the mill here, during the even- hPe she will soon be restored to day with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sempt ing their friends of the Mill Company health again. Miss Mildred Maxwell of Ceylon and the A-icultural society presented Mrs. Ray Woods of Flesherton. vis- spent Sunday at the home of her par- y the pastor" Rev"\rr""p7-^ 'I Mrs - Wile y wi ' h an electric clock <>' ited ^ ^ Parent " M ' ^ Mrs " > ts here ' a om P anied b ? Miss Do! " y, e pastor, Rev. Mr. Pope. ^ ^^ ^ & ^ ^ woollen Tho ,. Fisher . ; othy Qttewell of Flesherton. by Mrs. A. L. Hincks and a purse ot money was presented by Miss Mary McKinnon. Mr. Vicq on behalf of himself and his wife made a suitable reply and kindly thanked all for their gift. Berta was a favorite with everyone here and her smiling face and winning ways made for her many friends. She has been Supt. in a hospital in Brampton for some timej Lunch was then served and all enjoyed themselves again in danc- ing until a late hour. Mr. and Mrs. Vi:q left on Thursday for their home h Regina, Sask. Good wishes from the south line. Owing to aondition of times quitt a number are having their telephones removed. Mrs. Mary Gilbert of Rochester, N. Y., arrived on Saturday on an extend- ed visit with her brother, Mr. George Williams, of DurhamRoad. Miss Ruth Richardson of Berkeley is assisting Mrs. A. E. Haw. Mr. J. C. McLachlan of Toronto was a week end visitor with his fath- er. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair and Miss Margaret motored to Harristop officiating, and preaching a sermon of solace to the bereaved widow and other relatives. Mrs. Brown has the sympathy of the community it her sore bereavement Miss Iva McXally has gone to Bays- ville to visit her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) R. Dingwall, who is ill. Word was received by the family that Mrs. Francis Shires, who has been in Toronto for treatment had taken an unfavorable turn. Mem- bers of the family have gone down to see her. Mrs. J. H. Watson received word by wire that her father, Mr. Edward Mr. Warren Morrison is spending) Mrs. Conn and daughter. Miss Belva a few days with his grandparents, of Feversham. visited with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Robertson. Warren Mrs. Wm. Semple over the week end. Aid of the Pres. church ' is nursing a very sore hand, having j he home of Mrs. G. Eby , had ic badl y cut with a buzz s ^-[ blankets, all wishing them health and | happiness and all good wishes in their old home. The Ladies here, met at the While in the cellar Mrs. Jack Jef- last week. They presented Mrs. Wiley wh:ch wi!1 la >" him off work for sorae . feries of Dundalk had the misfortune with a china tea set and expressed all ; time - ' to fall on the floor, breaking both Several around here are laid up. bones of the le? at the ankle) an ex _ good wishes for her future health and happiness. Miss Alva Russel of Wareham was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Terence Williams last week. Mr. Cecil Wiley of Collingwood vis- ited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Wiley here. with bad colds. The roads are in splendid shapt , r.o-.v. and the cars are getting more : pler.tiful. Rev. Mr. Dean of Feversham was ceedrngly painful fracture. NOTICE TO CREDITORS their many friends here follow them the first of the week to visit the for- for a long and happy life together. Mr. and Mrs. Allie McLean and Mr mer's mother. Rev. Mr. Wakefield of Chatsworth Ross of near Sault Ste. Marie, was Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Russel of Ware- very ill. Mr. Ross left this part a ham were >-' a!!ers on Mr - and Mrs number of years ago. He was a | Fred Tvler last week - I mon of fine principle and was always! Mrs - w - G - Dand - Mr - Gordon Mc- | active in church and Sunday schec.1 j Intyrc o; Toronto; Miss Cora Dand ot work for many years here. Melntyre ar.d Mr. and Mrs. Will. CoT- calling on this line the past week. PROTON STATION I. Smith motored to Owen Sound on had charge of the service here on Mrs. J. A. Thompson has been quite lc and two children of Owen Sound ' Tue<dav th :V week for his fieU in -^ -^i r , f* , .*.-.., Saturday. Messrs. Alex. McLean and 'Allie Mclnnis of Hamilton and Innis Mc- [ Sabbath afternoon, owing to the ab- sence of the pastor, who was called to the bedside of his mother, who ill of late. We are hoping for her complete recovery. Mrs. J. H. Walker is recovering Lean of Toronto motored home and _-ince passed away at her home in from a severe illness. were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Col- quette over Sunday. Mr. Harry Burke, district organizer spent the week end. Beaverton. This community deeply. Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. McArthur and sympathizes with Rev. Scott in his Miss Donalda Nichol motored to To- bereavement, ronto on Wednesday. Mr. Oban McLachlan of Toronto Mrs. Archie McLean. Earl, and visited his father here last week. for the C. 0. F., spent Sunday wrth prot(m tation peop , e are very busy Mr. W. A. Morton spent ten days his parents. Mr. and -Mrs. Geo. Burke. buzzi wood thcse dilys n. Dr. Robert Mor- 1 Miss Hazel Hawton of Markdalt -.,,, Aim?, motored to Toronto on Friday to vhit friends. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns, and Mr. "nH Mrs. F. D. Cairns motored to All- ton. of Pittsbu'-f and enjoyed hir outi'n^ immensely. M-. ROY PriddU- ; < very i'l v.-ith ar. sttn-k of pneumonia. Mr, and Mrs. Joe Harrison and , j stO n on Tuesday to attend the fun- daughter, Roberta, moved from Do- :crr i o f their aunt, Mrs. Christina! troit and will occupy Mr. Mattie Ruthven. Conkey's house in Priceville. Mr. C. E. Hincks and Beth, of Clif- ford and Dromore spent the week end at their home. Rev. Mr. McKenzic of Woodstock VICTORIA CORNERS League was h.'ld at Milton BannonY on Friday ni;rht. After the usual TM .o'Timunitv is saddened b" the nassin? of Mrs. F. G. Karstedt. The de:eased lady spent her girlhood on the old farm on the fourth line, being a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs Alfred Down, who were among the pioneer-, whose influence for good is still manifest in the commun ty. vcupied the pulpit on Sunday in the prog . ram anc j during the social part, hall and delivered a fine sermon. j Mrs Bannon treated the young Mr. and Mrs. I. Sm'.th and son, to a taffy pu n Delbr.rt. Mr. and Mrs. Allie McLean nttcnded tho funeral of a cousin in Shelburne on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ott. Lee spent tht week end at Will. Moore's. EUGENIA Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hanley of Ar. caster ar.d tho former's brother-i" law, Mr. Joe Duf". of Dundalk Mr. Clifford Hincks has purchased sermon on Sundav. We are indeed Mr. Leslie preachel his farewell | ,-ecent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wi!' spent the week end with her parents, re!apse> but we expect she will sur vi ve IN THE MATTER OF THE E?- : TA.TE OF HENRY STONE. LATE I OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ARTE- MESIA. DECEASED. All persons having claims or ae- Rev. C. W. Leslie. B. A., said fare- counts against the said Estate ar* to his friends at Proton Station required to deliver full particular* Sunday night and we are all sorry thereof to the undersigned solicitor is leavine us. He leaves Toronto the Executors, on or before the 2 .t fn, 1,5. KM in day of April. 1932. on which date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having reeard only to those claims of which notice shall have been received at that time. Dated this 8th day of April, l'J32. C. C. Middlebro' Solicitor to the Executors Alberta in the Vermillion Presbytery We trust he will have a profitable ana successful summer. Thfi given spr ; ng Mr. and Mrs. Ern. Hawton. Mr. Sprr;c::ay of St. Catherines is Miller in tha Farim:'- Mill here now ' :. and will move his family here in the over the week end. B , anche Wheat , ev of Toronto , ., , ,, \r.v.,ir,- t NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of Emma Catherine Stewart, late of the Miss Roberta Acheson of Toronto Village of Flesherton. in the County lv -,*nt the week end- at her home here, of Grey, Married woman, decked. lor and son of Xottawa were visitors with the former's brother, Frar-.\. here last week. HOI. WAST CLt'B MEETING The April nicotine of the Holdfast BORN On April 17th. to Mr. and Notice is hereby given pursuant to Mrs. Sterling Whyte, of Proton Sta- Section 51 of the Trustees Act R. i 0. ll>27. Chapter 150. that all ered- irors ami others having claims or de- Miss \ause. South line, i: : ma .. ds ;lltainst the e<tate of tne said her aunt. Mrs. Vause. here. , Emma Catherine Stewart, who died Mr. S. Batchelor is on the road as on or about the l5th day of August, a trucker this spring. 1981. '" th ' Village :f Flesherton. ;n the County of Grey, are required r before tho 30th day of ApnI. Tco big a rush the first .lay of U'3-'. to send by po.t prepaid, or de- a new sport roadster. Flowers very sorry to lose Mr. Leslie as we have had a very happy and instructive sey O f Feversham were visito;-; v.-'t: l;-b met at tho home of Mrs. Petet Muir, twenty lad' - being present. The roll call w:is : <\vered with sing. :ay. or pay. The topic "The Trans- oo'rtaticn of Farm Products. Railwa,, -""* -- " - ' :r;ltor of the Estate o f the said de- r Trucking " was capably handled bv * ort ( ceased, their Christian names and Mrs Carson and Mrs. D. Campbell ' boon dle a!1 the surnames, addresses and descriptions, Mr. Harry Kerton and Miss Pcmn- 1 hoWin _ the trucking and Mrs. ! " l '-' a:n of the first few da - vs on the , the full particulars in wntinjr of their * T+ . ' : . <ee,!ing may break the heart of the liv *r to Walter E. Harris. Markdale. voung horse that is unaccustomed to Ontario Solicitor for the Adminis- - . ,, R M soft ground. Brine them to a ful' claim FLOWERS The most appreciat- ed token for Mother's Day Remem brance. Sunday, May 8th, is Mother's Dav Fresh Cut Roses, Carnation?. Tulip Stocks, Daffodils. Marigolds, deliver ed by express, bus, or parcel post. ... .... . .from visitinir friends at Delhi. All orders carefully filled. ! W. A. Hawken Mr ' V / lfred Teeter and famlly Mr- a " d Mrs - Wil1 - Kaitting and far.-.- , n ^. ay Some exct . U ent points wer t T/^r.^xi-r/-v t IKII? xi/>rTU ' ly " Sunday ' brought out on both sides. Tho TORONTO LINE NORTH We BBdOTtud the members of 1 e| bulletin of questions was answered by Eugenia Bridge Club held their first Misg Li , Ue Campbell and Mrs. D. Mr. John Hogarth of New Toronto , <ame of horseshoe at the village black- ; Stou , art . Lunch was served and a was a visitor last week with Mr. and smith shop, the president being the Mrs. K. Wickens. Mrs. Robt. Richardson is spending a while with friends in Toronto. . best pitcher. gtewart MA.\\v LL social half hour spent. The nex-. Rector. Rev. Ma-.iricc r. Oldha^t. meeting is to be at the home of Mis* Mr, and Mrs. Bert Holley of Bu--- , May Stewart> May nth. The grand- M v i A1 st ' l den. Ont., who were married in Sar- Represented by Flesherton. k for Mrs. Albert Stewart has returned nia on Auril 21st were uests of post- master and Mr.=. R. A. Park and fam- ily on Friday last, whi!^ on thoii have moved from this line and are honeymoon, j now living on the farm, near Max- 1 Mr. Ken Kaitting is laid up at pres- Northern Nurseries Flowers; wel] f ormcr i y owned by the late Mr. 1 en t with tho flu. Mrs. Janios Porteous a statement of their accounts ; and ti'e nature of the security, if any | he!.! by them. And take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Adminis- trator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among; the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that the said Administrator will not be liable mothers will have charge of the mee"- 1 Sunday School and Divine service for the saM assets or any part there- ing. Lunch sandwich, Mrs. H on t?u::iiay. May Sth (Mother's Sun- of to any person of whose claim not- Tucker, Miss Lottie Whittaker: cake J.TV) in tho a. m. Mrs. D. Stewart, Mrs. E. WL-kens and Jesus saith unto him. "I am The Mrs. D. Campbell. All ladie? art Way. The Truth, and The Life; no of March 1932. invited to attend this meeting shall not have t 'en received by ' him at the time of > :ch distr.tiution. Patcd at Markdale this 2tHh day Owen Sound, Ontario Stork. "The House oi Qurlity" v Specials Floor Wax 18c ca:i Campbell's Soup 2 for 15c Matches 22c Molasses 9c The Best Field Seeds CLOVER SEED TIMOTHY ALFALFA RED CLOVER MAMOUTH CLOVER SWEET CLOVER These seeds are all No. 1 grade TERMS: Cash. Thone:46 JAS. A. STEWART FLESHERTON has bren ill tho past v.vek or so wit> an attack of the prevailing epidemic Hone the sick are soon well again. Buv vour Flour and Feeds , man cometh i-nto The Father, but by' w. E. Harris, Solicitor for James i nu>." St. John 14:6. ; Albert Stewart. Administrator. r.nd brother, Mr- Jos. Hawken. Mr. Cb-er.cf Aloxard of Klp-h- crton was n caller on the Kaitting fnm'l.v "n Sunday. Mr. Fred Plantt and children, Ber- rii-.- ar.il Chester, of Wareham vis- ited the former's father, Mr. Robt. Pbntt. Sunday. Mr. Thos. Fenwbk spent the first of the week in Toronto. Mr. H. Tudor has been visiting in Toronto the past week. SCHOOL FAIRS FEVERSHAM Family Bread Flour Made from No. 1 Western Wheat Pastry Flour Cracked Red Wheat. Grits, Made From Choice Ontario Mteat Bran, Shorts and coarse feeds BATES BURIAL CO'Y ii DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST ... &JHAA Cil.-MtUi- 1'OK !HK USE OF OUR FUNERAL CHAPEL 122-124 AVENUE RD. TORONTO I'HONE: Night or Day KI. 4341 J. \V. BATES Formerly ef Flesherton R. MAD DOCKS J * f ; > School Fairs are being continued ! ' \ throughout Ontario by the Ontario Department of Agriculture. This spring, however, the pupils of the 1 i rvval schools will not receive seeds 1 | as they have formerly and special \ judges will r.ct be provided, but the Department expects School Fairs t.^ b" carried on much the same as in the past. The agricultural Repre- sentatives, therefore will require thi co-operation of various people to as- sist in planning any necessary chang- es and to assist with the judging at Campbell's Tomatoe Soup 8c TIN 2 for 15c Aunt Dianah MOJSSFS JcTIN Try our 3Sc TEA P. & 6. Soap 7 BARS 25c Ken Kennedy's For Groceries riione 37 MEN'S WEAR Men's Socks 25c up Special in Work Shirts 79c Caps 98c up Overalls. Reg. $1.75 for $1.49 3 BOXES FOR 22c MATCHES Chase & Sanburns COFFEE 50c LB. Peas 3 TINS 22c Cor;i Starch 3 PKGS. 25c .XX^VV'-vy^X^H-'SH'*****^