Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 May 1932, p. 7

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TOO Sick for School MR. Dew <*ys Dr. Williams' Pink m Restored Daughter to Health. "My daughter was rundown in health, took weak spells and could not go to school," writes Mrs. Asa Dow, Port Dan- iel West, Quebec. "While visiting her aunt, a friend told her about a little girl in similar condi- tion who had been completely restored to health by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. My daughter has since been taking the Pilb, and they have certainly made her stronger. She has lost that tired, sluggish feeling and has never missed one day's school since September. The Pills also gave her a good appetite ; her nerves are better and she has more pep. I recom- mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to mothers of daughters with similar troubles." Don't let anaemia rob your growing daughter of health and vigor. Give her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They are no temporary relief. They banish the condi- tion by creating new blood which im- parts health, vigor and vitality. Equally good for all rundown or nervous condi- tions. At your druggist's. JOc. 274 Classified Advertising AN OFFER TO EVERY INTENTOR. Llat of wanted Invention.] and ful information sent free. The Bamiay Cora ur. World Patent Attorney*. 17$ B<tnk Street. Ottawa. Canada.' BABY OMXCXB At BABT CHICKS ARB JAN * AD1XN Approved chick*. All HOCKS r culled by Government Ins ^ac- tor. We hatch !i breeds. WrlU fo free ;ata.' jgue. A. H. Sw1u*r. Grancon Ontario. BABT CHIC IE. SAVE $2 PER HUNDRED LEO- HORNS. 10 cents; Rocks White, Hocks Red. 12 cents; delivered any lm-5 Month olds. Joe. Pullets, all ages, prices furnished. Model Hatchery, Xltchener Out. 3 POUNDS PRINTS. SILK OR VEL VIET remnants, 11.00. A. llcCreery fo.. Chatham. Ontario. OPPOBTTN-mES WB CAN ARRANGE A FRIENDL correspondence for you. Men an women, all ages. Particulars free. Writ Canadian Correspondence Club. 207 Danforth Avenue. Toronto. BABT CHICKS The Greatest Asset on the Farm We were in quest of a story on farm conditions as we piloted our gasoline buggy up the well-kept driveway to Qoverdale Farm. The telephone summoned the farmer who had juat introduced us to his oldest son. "Get the truck out, George," said the father as he came into the sitting room. We can load that syrup right now. Tom Caldwell over at the village will give us today's price if we deliver by sundown." As the son left the house, his father sat down and we had a fine chat. "You no doubt heard me speaking at the telephone and what I told my son just now," said he. "Well, I have had a good run of maple syrup this spring. The quotations over the radio today sounded low so I immediately called up some dealers in the towns around here telling them I had 100 gallons and my price; they said they would let me know. That telephone call was from Tom Caldwell over at Springville saying to bring the syrup over at once. As you can see for yourself, we are trying to keep pace with the times here in all departments of the work. "The biggest thing of all on the farm today is to take advantage quickly of the opportunities we hear about and the telephone enables us to do this very thing it is worth many times its cost." reduced YOU CAN NOW BUY Red Rose Tea Red Label Orange Pekoe ^av av O'd Price 2 DC V 2 lb. 30c MOW Prlc * */2 lb. 43c You now pay only * little more for RED ROSE than for cheap bulk tea*. W refund th grocer th drop fn price. WE BEAR THE LOSS. Owl Laffs rfiOM L chicks. BARON STRAIN LEGHORN 19; O.A.C. Rocks. (10. and K*ds. $12 per hundred. Live delivery guaranteed. Prosperity Poultry Farm MIHe Roches. Ont. MOTOm BOAT FOR SALE RICH RDSON DOUBLE CABIN cruiser, about thirty feet. In use altogether only (our or flve months In two seasons: complete equipment inclu-i. IB* carpets, bed and table linen, chin*, glasuware and silver as well as all mar- ine quipment and many extras. Till* erulser with Its two cabins and Its .veil equipped galley Is an unusually comfort- able boat for week-ends or iong-sr cruises for four to tx people. It Is ex- ceptionally seaworthy and has cruised 11 over the Great Lakes. It has a high class and very economical 60 horsepower, all-cylinder power plant with complete, electric lighting throughout and speed of 12 to 14 miles per hour. It Is a spe- cial paint job and very attractive In ap- pearance. Owner will sacrifice for half Its original cost. H. Watklns. 73 W. Adelaide St.. Toronto. AUCTION CONTRACT ^y Wynne Ferguson Autho* of * PRACTICAL AUCTION BrUDOfT Auction Bidding No Ecore, first game. Z dealt and elected to bid one no trump. All passed and A proceeded to lead diamonds, winning the first five tricks. This hand is interesting because, If Z had bid spades instead of no trump, he could have made game. It looks Ike a bet- It's Tr Enough One sure way to bust Friendship bubbles. Try to make your friends Share your troubles. RE-TINNING Milk Cans, Ice rrm Packers. Che* Hoops. Tour old cans made like ne* for less than half cost of new. Pas- t- .rlzers retlnned at your own ">lant. Yoroato Oadxoiun Fitting * Ttna nf Co., Ltd. ItO IMwin Avtan*. - Toronto Nw Device Helps Driver See Overhead Traffic Light Overhead traffic lights are brought Into the range of vision of the motor- tst by means of an accessory like a periscope that attaches to the wind- shield. It consists of two mirrors, one plane and the otber convex, which re Mounted on a wire support that In torn is attached to a rubber vacuum cap. The mirrors reflect the overhead llfhts, says "Popular Mechanics Maga- zine," the convex mirror covering; a wide angle. BO that the lights usually are seen regardless of where the car tope. Approximately i8. 500, 000 men and women will be eligible to vote in the neat United States presidential elec- tion. ARTICLE No. :!0 "Don't judge by results" is a mighty | other cards. Learu to analyze the good slogan and one that should be (various hands that come up for dls-j applied at all times, 'lost players are ; cusslon and you will soon determine , apt to Judge by results at Auction or whether or not your bids or those of I Contract, rather than by analysis, and your fellow-player- are sound, there is nothing more harmful If a] 'During an eveuing's play there prob- player really and sincerely wishes to ably will be several hand that will Improve his game. Sound bidding is puzzle you, and those are the hand; based on probabilities, not upon cer- that you should note and ponder over. I tainties. If you or any player at the One of the greatest players of the day ' table falls to make his bid, analyze the .'. ; his skill to ; st such tactics. Af- . hand before deciding whether the bid ter every game, he would study over ras good or bad. Be sure of your facts his mistakes and those of the other before you criticize. players and try to '(jure out the proper Many a bid that is defeated several plays and bids in each instance. All tricks save., a game or rubber and of us haven't his patience, but it's a may, therefore, have bjn perfectly ' great system If tried out even with justifiable. Anything can happen to a ' only a few hands an evening. band, even to the strongest. There is! The follow' ig repiesent Interesting practlcall:' :. -> hand that you will ever . hands that were noted by the writer hold which n a high bid cannot be ; during one evening's piny: defeated hy a frak dlst.-ibution of the Hand No. 1 Hearts J. 10. B Cltlbs 8, 7, 5, 2 Diamonds K, J. 10 Spades 10, 1, 3 criticized. A made a good play by re- fusing to bid diamonds, having the lead at no trump. 'C he had bid the diamonds, Z would then have bid the a scratch spades and gone game. The lesson to sa id: learn from A's tactics Is: Don't over- The chap who says his wife don't iimterstand him slmply'g got to gay something If hi with the stuC he's trying to A little neighbor girl came in with on her face. Her mother . . Mother "Why, Janis, what haa hap- bid no trump on your right if you have pene ,iT . trv Janis (looking very unconcerned) To 6 bid Un under s'uch^conditions shows | " oh - &M Just where I scratched my- the no tnimp bidder the danger spot ' 3elt on tne cat -" of his hand and often drives him to another and game bid. as in this ex- ample. Contract Bidding: Z should bid one *pade. One of the lessons learned by Contract players, as distinguished from Auction players. ; The Boy w b careful. These anoes tJp over ver. easily." The Girl (timidly^ "Would tt be safe to to?" The Boy - Ys?" COLIC "Really, I think BABY'S OWN TAB- LETS are wondrrful," writes Mrs. Allan P. MacDooald, Northfield, Ont. '"My baby has no more colic pains." Don't let your I baby suffer give BABY'S OWN TABLETS. For colds, fever, upset stomach, constipa- tion. Absolutely I harmless. 25c 732 Or. WIIIUlM' BASTS OWN TABLETS No b.ttgr correctly* lists today /or AD COMPLEXION and ACID STOMACH SoU e*"ryu>fc<T to is to prefer a'suit bid to no trump If I The Girl "To shift th.'B piece of the suit is In any way : sound bid. In ; candy to the other side of my mouth?" this instance the spade suit is a sound ; bid and, therefore, preferred to the no I Running for offce isn't as strenuous trump. A should bid two diamonds. a j ob ag lt once Wa8t j ecaus e since and Y should hid three *** l beea offlcia!lv tatrodllce a and Z should bid four:* hearts A. i>. . i Clubs J, 6 Diamond? .A. 4. 3 Spad." 'IS Hearts 7 t.'lubs A, K, Q. 10, 9. 4, 3 Diamonds Q, 7, 8, 5, 2 Srmdes none Hearts K, 9. 5. 4, 3 'lub none Diamonds 9, S SpBlIr-:. -I). !>. 7. h. 4 C must pass JKI.I"". which can be marie against any defense. As previously mentioned, the fore- going hands were selected during one evening's play and illustrate mothers kissed. don't want their babi Speaker "Gentlemen, I think that the ] we glue manufacturers must stick to- writer's suggestions as to study ofjgether." hands. If players would analyze even , Gent 'i emau Un tll9 re arl-"The feel- "> hand a night they would be sur- 1 . , _ sed at th* go i result, obtain*.!. ; lng '* mu '' il: se ' A skunk has four !ea- and a gossip lias two. HEADACHES How can your head be :!ear If your bowels are sour with body poisons? Stimulate your liver ami kidneys In the gentle natural way with famoua Warner's Safe KMney a:id LJver Remedy. Purely vegetable. Pleasant tasting. Every druggist knows good old Warner's. Try a bottle today. Warner's Safe Remedies Co.. Toronto. Ontario. WARNER'S SAFE KIDNEY AND UVER REMEDY Russia Not So Smart Soap worth 10 cents IB now sellinf at $2.50 a bar in Russia, and we can recall that not so many months ago Russia was dumping soap on to th British market at prices lower than the cost of production in Britain In an effort to ruin a Bri-.ish Industry. Rus- sla Is not nearly aa smart as she fl- ured she was going to be . Siratf<ml Beacon-Herald. "I am not one of those fanatics who think all laws are good." -Clarence) Darrow. No score, ;,.iine. B dealt and passed and Z bid clubs. This Is a perfect example of a pre- emptive or abut-out bid at either Auc- tion or Contract. Z's strength was confined to the minor suits and he was right In trying to shut out a bid by his opponent". A. with apparently four sure tricks, doubled an. I all passed. B should have bid nve spades, but his band was so weak that he failed to do so. As a result, Z made five) clubs doubled, losing only one heart and one diamond! An analysis and study of this hand will be worth while. Hearts Q, .1. i Clubs J, 7 Diamonds J, 8 -K. Q. .1. !, Hand No. 2 Hearts K. 10, 7 i".luba A, K, Q, 4 Diamonds A, K. Q. 3 Spades S, 3 Y 1 : A B 1 5, 2 Hearts 9, 6. 8, 2 Clubs 9, 8, B. 3 Diamonds 9, 7, 5. 2 Spades A Auction Bidding Hearts A, 8, 4 Clubs-10. 6, 2 Diamond* 10, 6, 4 Spa.! - )i. 7. 6, 4 Scientist Declares World Is Like Soap Bubble I London. England. The universe : was described recently by Sir James' ' Jeans, eminent scientist, as being like a vast soap bubble, or a huge balloon, I ! constantly expanding and exploding. The stars and planets, under his t newest conception of the universe, Sir! I James said, are like tiny specks on the surface of the balloon. Ag the baloon expands, the objects in space are con- stantly moving away from each other I at terrific speed. Sir James credited Prof. Albert B. : Einstein with, opening up a new vision of the universe with his theory of relativity. This new development of the Einstein theory, he said, was the sixth and latest great milestone in I the whole history of scieuce. What has become of ihe old-fashion ed girl whose ambition was to grow up and wear a corset? Some people sleep late trying to mak^ their dreamn come true. The next time you think of an alibi, remember that Adam blamed Eve but didn't fret away with it. Here s another version of an old poem: "Mary had a little mule, and It followed her to skule, and the teacher, like a fule. stepped up behind the mule and hit him with a rule, and then there was no skule." WOOL HIGHEST PRICES PAID The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd. 2 CHURCH ST.. TORONTO ^V DANDRUFF JpV Bd Falling Hur, UM Mia. . trd's rxactiy n you would J] any bir tonic. Do rhif 4 I fimcs wi*k ni ;h.- r*ult Ml ~ will be * Clear I Head and Glossy Hair No score, first game. Y dealt and bid one no trump, B and Z passed and A bid two spades. T doubled, B passed and Z bid three hearts. All passed and A opened the king of spades, which Z won with the ace. He then led the deuce of hearts, A played the Jack, Y tha king and B won the trick with the ace. B now led a spade and Z discard- ed the deuce of diamonds. This was a very smart play as it enabled Z to win the game as all he had to los was one more heart trick. This hand IB a per- fect example of the wonderful results Hand No. 3 H*rtt A, Q, J OIubaK, , 8 obtained by use of the inforinatory double. A close study of this hand, of the various plays and bids, will not only be interesting, but also very in- structive. Contract Bidding Y should bid two diamonds and 2 should bid two no trump, the minimum response. A should pass and Y should now bid three clubs. Z should now 7 bid four diamonds and Y should bid flve diamonds. It snould be evident that Y Z can make game at diamonds as <hey should lose only twn heart tricks, I Diamonds J, 10, 4 10. 7, 4 Hearta 4, 3, i Club* 10, 7, 5 Diamonds A. K Spades 8. Z Hart*K. 7, t , J. 9 T. K. , Heuru- 10, !. .s 'iubs-Q, 9, 8. 4 Mi amends 3, 2 in.vles J. 5, 3 Will You Pay 3c To Be Rid of Your Indigestion ? Hera Is a positive guarantee no suf- ferer from indigestion, sour, acid stom- ach can afford to Ignore Within two minutes by tha watch, at a cost of not more than So you may be 'Id of acid stomach, Indigestion, bloating, (as, belchlnj. and stomach pain. Do you doubt It? Then <o to your nearest drug store and get a package of Blsurated Magnesia and use as di- rected. If after tha first dose you do not feel It is worth Its weight In old. If the belching, gas and pain are not relieved completely, you may have your money back. Blsurated Magnesia Is sold on this positive guarantee because we know 'it it vil'i In stomach distress. It Is used by thousands of stomach sufferers tha world over. The cost Is about Se per dc*e. You Just simply can't afford to suffer longer with stomach distress, acid stomach and Indigestion when real relief ! so Inexpensive. Try It Just once aftei a heavy -nenl and see for yourself how magically t works. Twnty-Bv egvlar <losts Itt Sunday School Teacher--" And why did Noah take two of each kind of ani- mals into the ark?" Bright Little Boy "I guess he didn't believe that story about the stork." Device Grouping Oust Particles Proposed for Crime Detection London The detection of crim" by the analysis of dust is the newesi study by European criminologists and Scotland Yard is soon to be ask ed to test a device introduced by an American electric carpet-sweep- ing concern. This device automatically sepa- rates different sizes of dust particles and other impurities that may be present on clothes and other articles and thus makes possible scientific comparison with dust and conditions characteristic with a given location. Its inventors assert that its use wll! enable detectives to secure evidence ai to places which a suspected pei son has visited. There never did and there nei'i* will exist anything permanent 1 noble and excellent in a characl which was a stranger to Hie exer< i- ot resolute self-denia'. Sir Walter Scott. 3 MONTHS OFF WITH NEURITIS *' I sullitred nwfnl puin lor Iwo yean with Neuritis and Sciutira, anil was off work for three months' time. After trying everything I could think of, without getting any benefit at all, I tried a bottle of Kniseben Salts. After my second bottle, I started \\-nrking again, and I am very glad to ti 11 you I am still working, and I am quite free from any pain whatever." S. B. The pains of Neuritis and .Sciatica arc a symptom of deeper trouble the same trouble that causes rhcurautifsm, gtmt .ii'il lumbago. They are a sign of an impure blood-stream. They show tli.il poisons have crept into the blood. Krihschen is a combination of ate nalural salts, which ensure internal cleanliness and keep the blood-stream pure. New and refreshed bloo4 is sent coursing to every Hbre of you/ being. Neuritis, .Sciatica an<l kindred ills all MWS you by. Depression and lassitude vaniab like mist before the sun. No. 18 '32 1

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