Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 May 1932, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1932 - f THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE REEVE PUTS UP BAIL FOR FORMER OPPONENT Coming to the rescue of his op- ponent for the rceveship of Notta- waxaga township, Reeve I). A. Vancise on Wednesday last week put up a $500 liun.l. along with Den Thompson of Collingwood, to save W. J. Hol- deji, former mayor of Colling-wood, from going to jail after Crown At- torney Evans refused to let him go on his own bail as the suggestion of Judge Dudley Holmes, who adjourn- ed Holden's trial on charge of con- version and theft until May 31. Mr. Archie Turney, of West Luther ha a flock of sheep that has made a real effort to lift the depression, so far, at least, as the Turney farm Is concerned. Of the flock nineteen ewes have given birth to two lambs' each, thirty-eight in all, while the four remaining have brought forth three lambs each. With the twenty-three sheep is to be seen fifty of the finest I lambkins one could wish to see. Here j is a record that is probably unequal- led in the province. Confederate. Combination Doors When buying a Screen Door for Summer think ol" the winter that is coming and include a Storm Door for Winter Takes one minute to make the change without removing the door. Car of shingles now in the yard Fiesherton Planing Mills Tin. IK- 24 J II. A. McCAULEY, Prop. Details Of Senate Scrap At Ottawa The extroardinary has occurred. The Senate attracts full galleries, a large and formidable press represen-j tation and the headlines in the daily press. It has become the Uupper Chamber in truth. And the cause? Beauharnois! A Senate Committee has been studying the great powei scandal, seeking to find to what de- gree the three Senators, McDougald, Haydon and Raymond, were respon- sible for the looting of the public purse, or, to be more accurate, to what extent they used their high positions as Senators of the Dominion of Can- pda to assist in the giving to private interests the valuable power resourc- es of the St. Lawrence, which should have been retained for the people of Canada as a whole; they being pan of the private concern which benefit- ed at the people's expense. Even Beauharnois might not have made the Senate the centre of interest had not the Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen been the prosecutor. He is presum- ably the Crown Attorney, but actually the gleeful Tory partisan, exulting in his traditional enemies' downfall. After a tedious presentation of the Committee's report by Senator Tan- ner, the Rt. Hon. George P. Graham upheld his three colleagues in an im- passioned speech. With his eloquence and wit sought to defend his friends from the deadly attack of the enemy Senator Graham objected to an In- vestigation into the conduct of any member of the Senate on a chargt by a member of the House of Com- mons; he sought thus to rally all the Senators to the defense of their own members. He condemned any self- righteous attitude of any party on the question of campaign funds, stat- ing that they were legitimate :md necessary and all parties needed them nnd collected them. It was then, ho said, only hypocrisy to deny the fn-t. Particularly in hi: defense of Senator Haydon, Mr. Graham' pleaded with his heart; this was hi.-- associate for long years, the custodian of the party funds, his friend. "Bv birth, instinct, training, education nnd practise, he is a gentleman." ho said Senator Graham resented the in- sinuation made by Senator Tanner that Andrew Havdon was not ns sick as b" protended to he. So sirk \vn> he fiat Sonntor Graham felt ashamed, hr> raid, to be one of the Committee whn wont to his house to examin* him under oath. The charitv and sympathy of all Senators should sur round their colleague Ho conclud- ed with the words: "I reiterate my heliof that I am as much a custodian THE 8TORB WITH iERVICB F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SATES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Hill's Big Stock Taking Reduction Sale Bargains all through (he store. Everything must gc. Stock must be reduced $26,000 immediately. DRESSES Crepe Dresses, newest shades in natty stylos, each .......................................................................... SI.!l.-> I.AD1KS' MnrSK L>RKSSKS 5'Jc A real buy, out to clear at these new low prices Each .......................................................................... 59c I.ADIKS' SILK IfOSK -tic pair Another buy that saves money, all o. 1 quality, regular 85c values, all wanted shades, pair ........ 4'lc I.ADIKS 1 VKST X III.( H >M KRS 29c -(. Another buy that saves money, nil No. 1 quality, nicnts while tho.se are here, garment .................. 2!)c SILK IIOSK2'V pair In ull : li.-uli- and out to clear, regular CO cent values, per pair ....' .................................................... 29c MEN'S SUITS $17.95 Your choice of our best blue and prey serge suit*, regular $22.50 and $25 suits .................. $17.95 MEN'S SUITS $14.95 This group comprised our men's and young men'a suit*, priced from $18.115 to $22.50 ........ $14.95 MEN'S TIER 29c each Another stock clearing special. Out they go regular BOc and 76c values, each .......................... 29c MEN'S WOOL WORK HOSE ICnT^m- A. big special buy in a summer-weight work hose, per pair .............................................................. 16c MEN'S WORK SHIRTS 43c each A bif? special in a (food roomy shirt; all sizes 14 to 17, each ............................................................ 43c MEN'S KLVE SHIRTS fiOp each Rpjrular $1.00 shirts out to clear, each ............ 69c "SNAGPROOF" OVERALLS $1.25 pair The big roomy garment, made to give real long wear, per pair $1.2. r > GENERAL DRY GOODS A^uin we announce new low prices ('.INT, HAMS 2 yards 17c Another special that will save you money, 2 yards for 17c Cl r k'l AIX SCRIM 2 yards _'5c In attractive pattenu'ftll now goods '2 yds. 2. r >c BOOTS & SHOES AT \K\V LOW PRICES CIIILDRKN'S STRAP SLIPPERS 95r A small strap slipper in browns and blacks, out to clear, per pair 95c LADIES' STRAP SLIPPERS This group comprises values at $3.50, Stock Re- duced Sale $1.49 MEN'S WORK BOOTS $1 89 pair A sturdy work shoo made to give long service, per pair $1.89 GROCERY SPECIALS That Save You Money Heinz Tomato Catsup, large size, each lOc Heinz Sweet Mixed Pickle, ench 23c Dclmonto Fancy Peaches, per tin 19c llnwaiinn Crushed Pineapple, per tin Iflc Dolmonte Fruit for Salad, per tin 19e tins Tomatoes 2Mi size 43c P> tins peas No. 2 size 43c THF.SK PIUCES FOR FRIDAY, MAY fl, SAT., MAY 7, MONDAY, MAY 4 LOOK FOR OUR GROCERY SPECIALS each week of the honor and integrity of this House as any member in it, but I tun- not condone the condemning of my colleagues who, I think, are guilty under the Act." And then Meighen arose; th? same Meighen we had known in the Com- mons. Not quite so slight, not quite so. bitter, but as able; Meighen tin. inimitable, the incomparable. With all dates and figures accurate (though without notes) and with just the right matter around each date and fig- ure, clearing up perfectly as he went, never having to retrace, he relent lessly pursued the condemned Scnr. tors, not the three, Senator Raymond being from Quebec, was handled with gloves on. but the other two. Az the conclusion of three houri of per- fect public speaking, they wevc a;> worms in the dust, and it would be a brave listener, indeed, who would rise and say, "These are my friends." Senator Meighen said that Senator Graham had not dealt with the es- sence of the report, but only with the externals, "the fleas and insects sur- rounding the problem." He Iher gave a minute resume of the financia' history of Beauharnois, from its or- iginal syndicate stage to the present. Its charter was secured fron the Quebec Legislature, but its plans ne- cessitated approval by the Dominion "The efforts of Mr. Sweezey and his associates," proceeded Senator Meigh en, "in securing approval of these plans constitute hte main chapter in the drama. "This is the crux ol the question: Did Sweezey, or did he not, induce others to take money for what could be nothing else than their polit : cal influence?" Since Mr. Sweezey, the Beauharnois President, engaged law- yers to create a proper atmosphere "they were not so much lawyers as perfumers." However, they were successful; the much desired Order in- Council being passed in 1929. After gently disposing of Raymond, Mr. Meighen devoted himself to Sen- ator Haydon. He was not, he sa.cl, going to compete with Senator Gra- ham in eulogizing Senator Haydon. Senator Graham had placed about l!u- condemned one's head "a halo as big as a spare tire." He then proceeded! to show that Senator Haydon had re- 1 ceivcd a retaining fee of $50,000 fromj Mr. Sweezey, contingent on the ap-, proval of Mr. Sweezey's application to the Government for ratification at, his St. Lawrenre plan. Not only did the firm of McGiverin, Haydon an 1 Ebbs, receive the $50,000, but also $15,000 a year for three years. They were being paid for getting the . Order-in-Council through, Senator Meighen charged, since the legal work [ would have been well paid with $5,- 000. "This kind if legal work is the cheapest kind. To say that they woi'ld get for it this $50,000 retainer and $15,000 for three years, is to afTront the common sense of Parlia- ment. The inherent facts tell us and they are more powerful than opiniin? or statements of witnesses the basic outstanding, protruding facts," said Mr. Meighen, "scream against Sena- tor Haydon." In April 1928, Senator McDougalil bad said in the Senate that he was- not interested in Heauharnois. Sen- ator Meighen took some time to es- tablish the apparent fact that Sena- or Mcl'ougald was, in all probability the owner of what is called the Siftor shares, on that date. He did not! hold tho shares himself. The late Winfield Sifton, acting for Mr. Sweezey, nsked Clare Meyer, a law- yer in Ottawa, to act as trustee foi 800 shares of tho Beauharnois syndi- cate. He wanted Moyer to go to New York with him. This ho did nnd in New York Sifton gave Moyer $15,000 in bills, which were placed on deposit in the Wall Street branch of the Rank of Nova Scotia. Five days later, Mr. Meighen pointed oi't, Clnrc M<iyer issued his cheque in Montreal for the entire deposit. Mr. Meighen stressed the secrecy that surrounded these transactions, tho trip to New York, tho payment in bills instead ol cheques. There wns still anothei trip to New York when the remaining price of the shares wns paid over this time in drafts, which wore so fashioned that tho payer could not be identified. "Why were all the shades down nnd all the light out?' Senator M"iirhep asked. He then proceeded to deal with thr value of the Sterling Industrial Corp oration; this, you wil N-viiember. was organized by McDougald nnd Henry which Sweezey bought out for a mill ion dollars, simply to get. it out o the wnv and win the goodwill of Me Dougald nnd Hent-v. "It wns the nuisance value of Sterling and noth \ na P l sc that Swee-rv wanted." Mr Meighen stated. McDoueald, n Sen ator of Canada, used his nuisance value to enrich himself. Has an\ member of Parliament any right t i-npitalze himself by being a nuisance? "No one hnd ever given an explan- ation oT Why there had been ssch constant concealment in the transac tiona of Senator McDoupald. Why was he constantly covering rp hie tracks? His actions showed that Senator McDougald knew his conduct to bo unworthy of a public man. It wns unfitting for it to appear in the light," said Mr. Meighen. Tn con- clns'on ho called on the Senators to vote on the merits of the question nnd no partisan bins should be allowed io fluenre any member of the Senate. Nevertheless the vote wtll he taken on strict party lines nnd I will be surprised if every Liberal Senatoi SHOES AT PRICES YOU CANNOT BEAT Mai's Work Shoes $1.98 and up Men's Oxfords $3.00 and up Women's House Shoes .....$1.25 & $1.35 Canvas Shoes with heel $1.10 Women's Fine Shoes $1.98 and up BOY'S, GIRL'S, AND CHILDREN'S SHOES A. E. HAW, Ceylon Store open every evening but Tuesday and Friday does not vote in defense of their colleagues and every Conservative Senator in condemnation of them. If we had as high a regard for the honor of our pub'.ic people as Great Britain has, not only these three Sen- ators, but all members of either House who seek personal gain at the expense of the country, would quivkly be put out of public life. A. C. MCPHAI1 House of Commons S. S. NO. 3, ARTEMESIA 4th Audrey McCabe, Elsie White Georgena Blackburn, Russel Johnson Patricia Beard. Sr. 3 Ruby Vause. Jr. 3 Eileen Johnson, Everett Parker, Irene Doupe, Edgar Doupe Sr. 2 Roy Best, Lorene Johnson Ivan Waller. Jr. 2 Lloyd Allen, Keith Parker 1st Bruce Beard. Sr. Pr. Leone Johnson, Lloyd Waller, Elgin Waller. Jr. Pr. Grace Parker, Edna Doupe, Gordon Waller. I. W. McKECHNIE, Teacher. Renew your subscription now. TORONTO LINE NORTH Misses Ida Lever and Perle Buell of Toronto spent the week end at the former's parental home here. Mr Arnold Harbottle and lady friend of Ceylon spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harbottle, Vandeleur. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McFayden ol Ravenna visited a few days with Mrs. S. Osborne and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart. Mr .and Mrs. John Radford and two children of Toronto visited at R. Richardson's. Mrs. Richaruson who has been visiting in Toronto re- turned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMullen of Duncan and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Long and children of Springhill visit- ed on Sunday at J. A. Lever's. Mr. and Mrs. McKee and children and Mrs. Alexander of Feversham vis- ited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart. A Whitby man has a copy of the Bible 279 years old. The book was bought at an auction sale and proved to be a Bible printed by John Field printer to the parliament in 1653. probably the oldest Bible in Canada Tackle Everything for the Angler but Fish STEEL POLES $1.00 up TELESCOPE POLES $2.75 up BAMBOO POLES $15c up Lines, Hooks, Sinkers, Baskets Flies, Reels, Etc. We have a complete stock of all supplies W. A. Armstrong & Son JEWELLERS & OPTICIANS FLESHERTON 0. Just the PUTTING up fire -safe walls, ceilings and par- titions in: Stores Warehouses Factories Theatres Hotels Farmsteads liarns Dairies Harness Rooms Chicken Coops Attics Basements Summer Cottages San-porches Covering old Plaster m Lie m I_IKC These ' ';,.' . "> Ihe N E W IVORY Gyproc costs Hi tie, ia quickly erected, nails and cuts like lumber, has insula- tion value and structural strength. It may be panelled, papered or finished with Gyptex or Alabastine. Gyproc may be eaiily identified by the name on the board and the Green itripe along the edge. GYPBUM, LIME AND A1.ABVBT1NK. C.nodm, Limited Pull - Ontario IS Fireproof Wallboard For Sale by Fiesherton Planing & Chopping Mills, Fiesherton

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