Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 May 1932, p. 1

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Vol. 51, No. 50 Flesherton, Ontario, May 1 1, 1932 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors ^ EUGENIA A number from this village and vicinity attended the funeral on Mon- day afternoon of the late Dr. Herbert Moore Little, D.D.S., which took place to Flesherton cemetery. He was a brother of Dr. Arthur Little of this place, who has the sympathy of the entire community. Miss Edith Fenwick spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Russel Linton, of Flesherton. Mrs. Wm. Hislop has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wilfred Magee, Sthline, the past few weeks. The U.F.W.O. held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Magee. It was "grandmothers' day." A good program was given by the grandmothers of the village and vic- inity, who were invited to take part. An appetizing lunch was served and a very pleasant time was spent by all present. The neighbor women of Mrs. Fred Dnckett, Eugenia north, met at hei home and quilted a quilt one after- noon last week and it was presented to Mrs. Duckett with an address, voicing their regret at her removal from the district., Mr. and Mrs. Duckett and family are intending moving into the residence of the late Mr. J. H. Duckett as soon as it is vacated by Mr. Jos. Weber and Miss Mary, who are moving to the former Methodist church building in a few days. Mr. Ray Genoe and family have moved from the Wilson residence to the Hydro building near the dam. The houses are all occupied in the village at present. ' Mr. and Mrs. F. Shortt, 10th line, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shortt. Miss Kathleen Pedlar visited with friends in Flesherton for a few days. The sale of the farm stock, etc., of Mr. Edgar Linton, took place on Fri- day last. Mr. W. Kaitting was the auctioneer. Miss Gertrude Lever and Mrs. Jamieson of Flesherton visited with Mrs. C. Martin recently. I \Mr. Harcikty Cook, Miss Delmar Fenwick and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Biggar of Owen Sound visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Fenwick, 8th line. We understand that there has been talk of organizing an orchestra in our community, but the organization has not brought results. VANDELEUR Miss Brown of Barrie is visiting with her sister, Miss Evelyn Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Will Buchanan and two children of London, also Mr. Al- bert Buchanan of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Buchanan. Mr. and Mrs. Lambkin of Owen Sound were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Boland and family over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Garner and daughter, Irene, and Mr. and Mrs Garner Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Jr., all of Toronto, spent a few days with Mr and Mrs. S. Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs . E. Warling. Mrs. Howard McGee and babe are spending a few days with the former's mother, Mrs. Thompson, of Ripley. Dr. and Mrs. Murray of Flesherton were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buchanan. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fawcett of Wodehouse spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Warling. Mothers' Dt y was fittingly observed in the church on Sunday afternoon. There was a choir of mothers and the sermon was appropriate for the occasion. VICTORIA CORNERS Mothers' Day passed off quietly ir> our section. Mr. Bannister preached a very impressive sermon for the oc- casion in the church here. The Y. P. S. is holding meetings in the church for the summer months. BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Carl Atkinson on Sunday, May 8th, 1932 a son. The W. M. S. held their May meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Ren Acheson and packed their bale. MAXWELL Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Morrison and family from near Walkerton spent the week end with relatives here. Mr. Geo. Long and his mother art spending a few weeks at Niagara. We extend our deepest sympathy to the Radley family in the death of their father, Mr. James E. Radley Dr. F. F. Carr-Harris and Miss McDuff spent the week end Windsor. ir CEYLON Mrs. Sara White, who spent the winter months in Toronto, returned home on Wednesday of last week Her many friends were pleased tc see her back. PRICEVILLE A number from here attended the play "A Poor Married Man," which was presented Tuesday night in the Swinton > Park/ Orantre M1J, which was filled to the doors. This is a Mr. F. J. Collinson received a mess- | splendid play and worth seeing. About age that his broter-in-law, Mr. Bonar I $40 was taken in at the door. Balfour, of St. Catharines had passed Mr. and Mrs. Henry Richardson and away on May 2nd, after an extended ' son, Donald, of Toronto visited over illness. Mr. and Mrs. Collinson and ' the week end in Priceville,. The lat- Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Cairns motored down and attended the funeral, which was held on Thursday. He leaves ter's mother, Mrs. D. G. McLean, re- turned home with them for a visit. Mr. Murray Watson and friend of to mourn his loss his wife and one J Toronto are visiting friends here. son, who have the sympathy of manj friends ere. A joint meeting of the Swinton Park and Priceville congregations was The Mitchell Advocate has just cel- ebrated its seventy-third birthday. . "I'll see if Ella Low evening rates OH Stulion-to-Sta- tion callt begm 7.00 p.m. Still lower night rules at 8.W p.m. can come The very day visitors were com- ing, Bob Emery's wife caught a bad chill. She tried to keep going, but it was obvious that she would have to go to bed. "Now don't worry," Bob said, "Ella's only 30 miles away. I'll just get her on the telephone and see if she can't come and help us out." A few minutes later they had Ella's cheery promise. Once more, in an emergency, Long Distance had proved quick, de- pendable and surprisingly in- expensive. Miss Hilda Genoe is spending a I held at Priceville for the purpose of few weeks with friends at Eugenia extending a call to a minister. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery and O. T. Miller of Markdale presided Mrs. Stafford of Toronto were week] over the meeting. An unanimous call end visitors at the home of Mr. Geo 1 was given to Rev. Duncan Munroe of Arrowsmith. Mrs. Cecil Archibald of Proton spent the week end with her parents and two sons here. Mr. Percy Hemphill of Mt. Forest spent the week end at his home here. Mrs. Allie Muir returned home on Saturday night after visiting with relatives in Toronto. Mr. Thos. Genoe and daughter, Blanche motored to Owen Sound one day last week. Visitors with Mrs. Macphail over the week end were: Miss Agnes Mac- phail, M.P.. Mr. and Mrs. Raney and daughter, Jean, of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bailey and two daugh- ters of Shrigley. Mr. Alex. Knox and friend of To- ronto spent the week end with hi? mother here. Mrs. Coleman, who visited hei daughter, Mrs. F. J. Co'.linson. here for a few days, returned on Fridaj to Owen Sound. Mr. and Mr?. Oliver Smith of To Oshawa. The ladies served refresh- ments at the close. Miss Eva Carson and friend of To- ronto motored up and spent the week p-d at their homes. Miss Delhia McPhail of Toronto spent the week end with her aunt Mrs. JL-Meekin. Mrs. Charles McKinnon and son, John L., of Toronto are visiting with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith here. Almost every home has one or Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Long of Toronto more members sick with flu or bad were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Eby have been visit- ing with their son, James, who is a colds. Mrs. Otto Baker and children vis- ited a day with Mrs. Ferguson. A number of farmers have their patient in the G. & M. hospital at ' seeding finished. Collingwood. He underwent an oper- ation for appendicitis on Saturday KIMBERLEY Miss Myrtle Flood is spending a few weeks with her grandmother at Thornbury. The church and Sunday School com- bined their service for Slothers' Day and a beautiful program was given. Mr. McAusland's address was espec- ially good, as were two numbers by the choir. Mr. and Mrs. Bates Fawcett are visiting Mr. W. T. Harris for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. A. Andrews and Mr. Norman Burritt spent a day at Kirkfield recently. The remains of Mrs. G. McConnell were laid to rest in New England cemetery on Wednesday. The family was present. proved. The congregation of the United Mr. Myrel Weber went on Monday I church gave Rev. McAuslan an un- to the Collingwood hospital for a ton- animous invitation to be their pastor Mr. and Mrs. Cherry and Mrs. L. Plewes of Collingwood visited with Mrs. J. Plewes. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Carruthers. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Carruthers are now nicely settled in their new home near the butcher shop. Mr. and Mrs Elmer Ellis are also in their new home. Mr. W. T. Ellis, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Chard and children visited Mrs. Ellis in the hospital at Collingwood. We are glad to report her much im- sil operation and face treatment. Mr. Russell Hammond and Miss Estelle, also Miss Bertie Weber of Toronto spent the week end in Kim- berley. Mrs. A. F. Hammond re- The W.M.S. and willing Helpers are turned with them, alter isiting a holding their monthly meeting Tues- couple of weeks, allowing Blanche day, May 17th in the hall, when all to have a few holidays in Toronto. the ladies are invited to attend. Mrs. Hincks and Mrs. Boyce are on the lurch rommittee. Mr. Wm. McBride made a business trip to Toronto on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karstedt left on Mr. Harold Proctor spent the week- end holidaying with his mother ami Miss Marjory. Mrs. McMuIlen of Toronto visitor a week with Mrs. A. H. Hammond. Mrs. Graham of Weston is spend- Thursday morning to spend a month j mfr a mon th or so with Mr. and Mrs in Bermuda in an effort to recovei ^. Grahm. better health. All wish them a very The w - * met at l ^e home of Mr<= peasant trin. | Eyles. All report a good meeting Messrs. Allan Mclnnis and Alex.; as usual - McLean of Hamilton motored up and ronto were week end guests of Mr spel l the we< f k end. and Mrs. John Gibson. Mr. Wes Cooey of Toronto is visit- his sister, Mrs.John Kennedy, this week. Messrs. G. R. Jackson and James Carvellof Dundas, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. McLeod and son, Donald, Mr. and Mrs.J. C. McLachlan of Toronto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLeod the first of the week. Sunday was observed as Mothers' Day and the Sunday School took charge of the program at the sen-ice hour, the theme being "Honor Thy Mother." Mr. J. McWilliams. the Superintendent, took the part ot leader, the school singing the hymns very heartily. Miss M. Cook's pri mary class suns: sweetly" Jesus Loves Me."and Masters Harvey Archibald and Melville Hunt took up the offer- ing. After the announcements were , made Rev. Scott sang very effectively | "My Mother's Prayer." Alex. Mar- shall and Lloyd Ar:hibald gave the dramatization "Why Mothers' Day?' with Miss Blanche Genoe telling the story of "The Scowling Face." The closing hymn "The Lord be With Us" was sung and the benediction repeat- ed in unison. We believe the serv- The Priceville C.G.I.T. group pre- sented their play "The Pill Bttle" in Flesherton on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Allie McLean visited! 384 Misses Evelyn Soul. lola Graharr and Marion Fawcett of Toronto visit- ed their parental homes here. The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. Myles on Tuesday afternoon were brought in for hatch- the first of the week with her par- ents in Flesherton. ing by Aid members and friends. for another term of years. Clipping the horse that has a heavy coat makes work easier for both horse and attendant. Groom- ing is not always as thorough as it migtt be even with a clipped horse to say nothing about the one with a long, heavy covering of hair. St.Mary's Anglican Church MAXWELL Rector. Rev. Maurice F. Oldham. SUNDAY SCHOOL AND DIVINE SERVICE IN P.M. ON MAY 22nc7 tiOth Anniversary Service on Sun- day. June 12th, followed by the annu- al garden party the same week. Keep these events in mind. "And there appeared unto them eleven tongues like as of fire and it sat upon each of them. "-Acts 2:3. FEVERSHAM The light fingered gentleman who i :ui loon stealing parts off ears earlier in the winter, is on the pil- j ferine Job again. A few months ago Mr. Stanley Smith had the battery stolen from his car and Mr. Robinson and Mr. Tyler both had the generat- uml other parts taken off their cars. Now Mr. - r -ike Smith, black- smith here, had h shop broken intt and about $. r >0 or $60 worth of tools taken a few night ago. We hope the thieves may be caught and dealt with as they deserve. Much regret was expressed around here since the news came of the passing of Mr. Wm. Duncan at his home at Armstrong. B.C. The late Mr. Duncan lived about three miles west of the village on the 10th line ofOsprey from his boyhood until he BATES BURIAL CO'Y. DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR FUNERAL CHAPEL 122-124 AVENUE RD. TORONTO PHONE: Night or Day KI. 4344 Formerly of Flesherton R. MADDOCKS ice was thoroughly enjoyed by all went West & few present. Next Sunday the Lord's Supper will be administered after the close of the service. A DENIAL Editor Advance, I wish a few lines of your valuable space to contradict some vicious stories which have been circulated about myself and family, to the effect that we are objects of charity. We have never received anything in the form of charity from the Township Council or any other source, and we hope never to find it necessary to do so. Those who have? been busily broadcasting these stories would find themselves better occu- pied attending to their own business SAMUEL FISHER. Rock Mills, May 9, 1932. EYE SPECIALIST COMING YOU CANNOT PREVENT your eyes growing older and older as time passes, but you can help them for close work, and \ou should. Gel this help at about middle life and have a change every two years at j least. Thus will your eyes render a | life-long satisfactory reading service See Dr. J. G. Russell at Armstrong's May 16th, 17th or 18th. ago. parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. John Duncan, came from near Glasgow Scotland, and were among the early settlers of this part of Osprey. They were highly respected people as was the deceased, who was also highly respected by all who knew him as one of the best neighbors and a kind friend. Mr. Duncan was married twice. His 'first wife was Miss Carrie Hanley and some time after her passing he married Miss Martha Lawlor. One daughter, Jean. Mrs Bannister of Winnipeg and Robert at home, survive, along with one brother, John, of Collinjrwood and two sisters. Janet, Mrs. John Daml. and Jane. Mrs. Thos. Newlove, who are still living. Mr. Springgay, miller at 'the mill here, spent the week end at his home in St. Catharines. Mr. Snrinjrgay will move his family here shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cameron and daughter of the 10th line spent Sun- lay with Mrs. Cameron's parents, "The House o< Quslity" Specials RICE. 3 \b> 17c Gi )L.D MEDAL JELLY PO \VDER. 3 for 14 PEARL SOAP, o bars 21c CORN FLAKES, 4 pkgs 25c DOXT FORGET YOUR PINEAPPLES THIS WEEK The Best Field Seeds CLOVER SEED TIMOTHY ALF\LF\ RED CLOVER MAMOUTH CLOVER SWEET CLOVER These seeds are all No. 1 grade TERMS: Cash. 'Phone :46 JAS. A. STEWART FLESHERTON Flowers FLOWERS The most appreciat- ed token for Mother's Day Remem brance. Sunday, May 8th, is Mother's Da> Fresh Cut Roses, Carnations, Tulips Stocks, Daffodils, Marigolds, deliver, ed by express, bus, or parcel post. All orders carefully filled. Represented by W. A. Hawken, Flesherton, ask for Northern Nurseries Flowers Owen Sound, Ontario! BLUE ROSE RICE 3 Ibs for 17 c Jelly Powders 6 pkgs. for 25c Celery 15c nor bunch 15c Nice Ripe Tomatoes Ken Kennedy's For Groceries Phone 37 MEN'S WEAR SPECIAL Real Good Red Back Overalls 98c Shirts, reg. $1.25 for 98c Caps 98c up CASH GROCERIES Pearl Soap 6 for 25c Catsup 2 bottles 25c MCE LARGE Pineapples 20c or 2 for 35c Large Package Garden Seeds 5c each ? X^X^^~M^XVXK-***^X^XHXX"XVHVXX^

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