Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 May 1932, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, MAY 11* 1932 : \ . How Many Supertwist Cords in the Average Goodyear Tire? In Cash Prizes For Answering This Question Good at figuring? Get out your pen- cil and estimate the number of cords in the average Goodyear Tire. Some lucky person is going to get those thousand dollars. Why not have a crack at them yourself? Anyone from a household where a car is owned may enter except tire dealers, employees of rubber companies and the families of both. Six Good- year Tires of various sizes, types ar. 1 ply-thick- nesses are on 1st prize $1,000.00 cash 2nd prize $500.00 cash 3rd prize S200.00 cash 1th prize SICO.OOcash 5 prizes, each $50.00 cash 95 prizes, each $10.00 cash 104 prizes totalling $3,000.00 display here. Estimate the number of corda in each of the six tires, find the total, and divide by six to strike an average. A cross-section of a tire, also on display will help you.* Submit your estimate on the standard entry blank which is free. No other re- quirements. You don't have to buy anything. Cloaing date June 5th, 1932. Ad- dress: "The Good- year Supertwist Cord Contest," New Toronto, Tor- onto 14, Ontario. D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON Come in and see Supertwist Cords demonstrated and get a helpful booklet of contest directions. Local and Personal New W. I. Officers Dr. Herbert H. Little Died Very Suddenly Death came with startling sudden- ness on Friday evening last at North Bay to a well known son of a pion- eer of this locality, Herbert Moore Little, youngest son of the late Will- iam and Elizabeth Little, in his 57th year. He was attending a conven- tion of Shriners at North Bay and in company with two other friends had taken a walk to the wharf, when without warning he suddenly fel! over and fell into the water. When PORTLAW The sympathy of the communitj goes out to Mrs. J. H. Watson, who received word of the death of her father, Mr. Edward Ross, of Thessa Ion. Mr. Ross resided in this neighborhood for many years and is remembered by many as a man oi, sterling 1 qualities, and for his activities Les in church and Sunday School. Miss Violet Taylor of Toronto visit- ed with her parents recently. Congratulations to Mr. John Shier ; who brought home his bride (nee Mis? Boyce) last week. We extend a wel- come to Mrs. Shier to our neig-hbor- A certain Kansas editor gives the depression credit for the development of his sense of touch to a very high degree of perfection and efficiency. This editor says that the seat of his panta has become so thin that he can sit on a dime and tell which side is up, heads or tails, and that if the depression lasts much longer he win be able to tell, in the same manner, the date on the dime. The question which will naturally arise at once in the minds of readers of this para- graph is how the Kansas editor hap- pened to get the dime in the first place. Ex. hood. Mr. Harold Thompson of Dobbin- 1 a physician arrived he stated that he had suffered a heart attack and that death had ensued before he fell intc ton was here on business lately and the water, which was quite shallow " nted { T he old homestead farm to'" 1 at that point. The Coroner decided Me * srs - Ja . s - H PP 9 f"* 1 , S ' Sklel that an Inquest was unnecessary. . M - Shier Sr who has spen the ' wir.ter in Toronto receiving medical The remains were met at Barrie j early Sunday morning and conveyed to Flesherton where the funeral took place on Monday. Service was hek inSt. John's United church.the service treatment, arrived home last week. Mr. Albert Blackburn visited lately with relatives in Toronto. Mount Zion Sunday School re-open- ' ed last Sunday with a good attend- cu MM fcJ ^it^it J >.i wwu ui. fcrt_*j- bemg conducted by the pastor Rev ance and ma(Je ---, uraging start W. J. Scott, assisted by Rev. C. Elmer Kenney of Owen Sound, who deliver- ed a very comforting oration, stating the many sterling qualities of the Mr. and Mrs. J. Richards were in Ripley last week. Miss Kate McMillan of Toronto was home for Mothers' Day. Mrs. H. A. McCaulev is spending a week with friends in Toronto. Miss Donalda McDonald spent the week end with her friend, Miss Opa! Weber, at Kimberley. The Advance gives you what you are most interested in the home news. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stoddart are moving this week to the Caswell residence opposite the high school. Mrs. \Vm. Hill of Markdale was the week end guest of her mother. Mrs. Parker. Mr. anil Mrs. Wm. Miller and Miss Marion of Meaford were in town ovei the week end. Miss Florence Bunt of Toronto is the guest of her friend. Miss Aleda Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowling of Al liston spent the week end with Mr and Mrs. F. Finder. Miss Kathleen McDonald and Mr. Thos. Kimber of Toronto visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. A special service was held in St John's United church on Mothers' Day that was very impressive, following the order laid down. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Phillips and daughter. Elda, and friend, Miss Eleanor Bush, of Hamilton were week end visitors in town. Guelph city sold $195,000 worth of debentures to Wood, Gundy & Co. at a price of $05.31. bearing interest at the rate of 6.13 per cent. The Thursday afternoon holiday during the summer months comment ed in town last week. The post office will also observe the holiday and will close at 1 p.m. each Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Durrant and two daughters of Mitchell, Miss D. Thurston of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Thurston and family of Thornbury spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston. During the past five days we have had rain every day without any sun- shine t<i break the monotony. Thert has been considerable seeding done and when the sun shines again the farmers will be able to make another attempt at seeding. NO ONE CAN SEE AS WELL at middle age or later in life, unless glasses are used, when you reach read- ing glass age. Don't injure your eyes by trying to read or sew or do other close work without help. Gpt thej necessary aid as the result of our ser- vice. See Dr. J. G. Russell at Arm- strong's May 16, 17 or 18. Mr. A. E. Bellamy was in Orillia or Friday attending a meeting of the senior ofifcers of this infantry bri- gade. An invitation was extended by Orillia for the brigade to hold the annual training camp at that point and the offer was accepted. It is likel ; that the ca-.r.n will ror.vent the iirst Monday in J'.-!y and remain foi j *on dnv. The election of officers of the Flesherton branch of the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Mark Wilson on Wednesday afternoon last and Mrs. J. Cargoe was chosen as President for the com- ing year. Mrs. H. Down retired, on account of illness, after serving the past year at the head of the organiza- tion. The other officers are: 1st Vice Pres., Mrs. Wm. Inkster; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Wm. Turney: Sec.- Treas.. Mrs. J. Dargavel; Dist. Dir- ector. Mrs. W. Moore; Di?t. Rep., Mrs. W. Inkster; Directors, Mrs. E. C. Murray, Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling. Mrs. W. Henry; Rep. to District annu- al meeting. Mrs. J. Carpoe, Mrs. W. Inkster, Mrs. Moore. Mrs. Dargavel deceased. The service at the grave- . notes success side was taken by the Masonic fra- montns . ternity, of which he had been a prom-' inent member. The beautiful buria! service was taken by the officers of St. George's Lodge, Owen Sound, and many local Masons paid their last respects to an honored member. The pallbearers were: Messrs. A j * Gilchrist, J. P. Ottewell. W. A.jf Hawken, T. J. Fisher, C. W. Bellamy and F. H. W. Hickling. members ot Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, Many floral tribu* s covered the casket among them being those from North Bay Scottish Rite bodies. Offi- cers and members of Powassan Lodge No. 443, Moore Sovereign Consistory. Ramese Temple Mystic Shrine, North Bay. St. George's Lodge No. 88, Owen Sound. Scottish Rite bodies, Barrie Valley. The late Dr. Little leaves to mourn ] two brothers, W. G. Little of Toronto and Dr. Arthur E. Little of Eugenia He was unmarried. He was very prominent in Masonic circles and was a Past Master of St George's Lodge. Owen Sound, and at the time of his death was ruling Mas- ter of the Powassan Lodge. He was a 32nd degree Mason, being a membei i of the Shrine at North Bay. He was , also a member of the Orange Assoc- | iation. and Rev. B. G. Goss of North | Bay represented the Grand Lodge of Ontario West at the funeral. in the work for the reason. Very little change has been made in the i personel of the officers and teachers and the prevailing enthusiasm de- , during the coming Get Your Garden and House Cleaning Supplies Now ROYAL PURPLE FLOWER & GARDEN SEEDS TURNIP AND MANGLE SEED Hoes, Rakes, Spades, Shovels, Lawn Mowers Hair Brooms and Corn Brooms, Scrub Brushes, Stove, Brushes, Etc. Enamels, Varnishes, Paints, Paint Oil Turpentine, Paint Brushes Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE FLESHERTON Read The Advance regularly. New FLOOR COVERINGS!} V New Spring Designs Rich Colorings A Big Assortment To Choose From. FLOOR OILCLOTHS 1 Yard -wide, per yard 50c l l /2 Yards wide, per yd. ..- 75c 2 Yards wide, per yd. ...... $1.00 PRINTED LINOLEUM 2 Yards wide, per yd $1.75 4 Yards wide, per yd 83.60 EXTRA HEAVY LINOLEUMS 4 Yards wide, per yd 83.80 GOLD CONGOLEUM RUGS 6x9 $5.50 7 T /<x9 S7.75 9xlO;4-$8.75 9x12 $11.50 Borderless CONGOLEUM RUGS 74x9, Special $5.00 9x10^. Special S6.75 9x12, Special $7.95 Congoleum Mats 27x54 75c Feltol Mats 18x36 . . 35c Absolutely Free ! ST. MARY'S GUILD, MAXWELL The April meeting of St. Mary's Guild, Maxwell, met at the home of Mrs. Frank Seeley with a good at- tendance. It was decided to hold their garden party on June 16th. It is in conjunction with the 69th anni- versary of the church. The anni- versary services will be held Sunday. June 12th, with both morning and evening services. Bills will appear later in regard to the garden party. The May meeting, which is the annual meeting, will be held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Lawlor. There will be further arrangements made for the garden party and election of officers All members are urged to attend. He formerly taught school at Holl- and Centre and Fev e rsham. Later hf attended the Dental College at Ti ronto and practised dentistry with his brother, Arthur, in Owen Sound r.rv later in Niagara Falls. For the past five years he has been practising at Powassan. A' 6x9 Gold Seal Congoleum Rug will be given absolutely free of charge to the \vinner of the Congoleum Guessing Contest. Xo entrance feec get your entry blank to-day contest opens from Mav 14-th winner of contest to be announced at 4 p.m. on May Uth. Sumvorthy Walllpapers priced from per single roll Brandram-Henderson Paints and Varnishes 19c CARD OF THANKS Judging by the crop of early lambs the past winter has suited the flock. In many flocks there is an average of two lambs to a ewe, 01 J 200 per cent increase. The pleasing feature is that the lambs seem part- eularly strong. F. H. W. HICRLING. Mrs. James E. Radley and family wish to thank their many relatives and friends for their kindness and sympathy shown during their recent bereavement. Wm. T. McVonachie, who died rec- ently at Weyburn, Sask., where he was a merchant tailor, was well known in the Maple Valley and Honeywood communities. Mr. Thos. E. Halbert of Mulmur has a freak egg: laid by one of his Plymouth Rocks on April 19th. It is shaped like an elephant's trunk with a curve on the end, and is a real curiosity. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to June 1st for the painting of the inside and outside of the school in S. S. No. 11. Artemesia (Vandeleur), the board to sup- ply paint and the work to be done in the summer holidays. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed. E. Warling, Sec. Markdale. Ont. Buy your Flour and Feeds from tke 0prey Farmer*' Milling Co. FEVEBSBAM Family Bread Flour Mad from No. I Wetern Wheat Pa*try Flour Cracked Red Wheat, Grits, Made From Choice Ontario 'Wheat Bran, Shorts and coarse feeds A HIGH QUALITY PAINT BRUSH WITH A PURCHASE OF 1/4 GALLON OR LARGER OF CANADA PAINT PRODUCTS REGULAR RETAIL PRICE OF BRUSH AT OUR STORE MAY 11 TO MAY 21 FREE BRUSH COUPON This Coupon, signed and presented at our store during Paint Sales Week only, will entitle the undersigned to One High Quality Paint Brush FREE with a purchase of 1 /4 gallon or larger of CANADA PAINT Products. NAME ._._:_. _ ' GTPSVM. LIME AND ALABASTINK. Canada, Limited - Ontario 14 ANY man who can drive a nail can put up fire- safe ceilings and partitions of Gyproc. Measure the area to be covered, then order as many sheets of Gyproc as you need. It cuts to size like lumber and you nail it to the studs, joists or over old plaster. Paper it. panel it. or finish it with Gyptex or Alabastine and you have an inexpen- sive wall of professional appearance. GyprjL may be easily identified by the name en the beard and tfye ripe along the edge. ADDRESS Interior and Exterior Trim, Doors, lumber, , Shingles, Lath ^ * " I ; ft* Sale by Flesherton Planing Mills FLESHERTON, ONT.

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