Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Jun 1932, p. 8

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: WEDNESDAY, JUNE" 20, 1982 4. ' THK FUUSHERTON ADVANCE Prizt List Ready Soon For East Grey Fair A meeting of the directors of tht Kast Grey Agricultural Society was- held on Monday evening, when tht 1932 prize Hst wos revised and a few changes authorized. Quite a num- ber of -!'.-. -i a! prizes were reported with others to be received shortly. Secretary McCauley desires to have the prize list in the hands of the prin- ter by Wednesday of next week and those advertisers who wish to have an advertisement inserted in the book are requested to have their copy In by that date. The dates of the fair this year are Thursday and Friday, September 2'2 I* CEYLON Mr. ami Mi*. K. J. Swift of Toron to and Mrs. A. Brooks of Harriston were v , itnrs !the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Stewart. Mi?:-, Doris Stewart ha* finished her Normal term in Toronto and is now ready to accept a school. Mrs. Archier, ami Mrs. Adams of Toronto spent a couple of days visit- ing their sister, Mrs. White, the past week. Mrs. Harvey Griffin also accompanied them and visited hei mother in Flesherton. Master Lloyd Archibald has secur- d a position in Proton with Mr. Mc- Millan. Mr. Lev} Coutts is this week having a new kitchen built to 'his residi-nce Mrs. A. C. Muir visited with liei and 23 and it is intended to have the' parents at Berkeley the past week. fair a real agricultural exhibition ir the truest sense of the word and the directors are exerting their energies toward that goal. The merchants of town arc urged to continue to sup- port the fair in every way possible, with special offering*, advertisements in the prize list and their moral sup- port in promoting the best interests of the fair. The officers and directors are the head of the fair, but they Mrs. V. Echlin. daughter, Marg- aret, son, Harold, Mrs. Wm. Bowe? Df Thornhill, Mrs. Chas. Kerr of I'urpleville, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Irish and family of Toronto and Mr. Percy Hemphill of Mount Forest were week end visitors with Mr. S. Hemphill and daughters. Mr. Wm. McCartney of Badgeros visited on Friday with Mr. Luther Duckett and family. Mr. and 'Mrs. United church .Sabbath school picnic to be held in Fleahertcn Purk on Thursday afternoon, when everyone i invited to coir.e and have a gooo' time. THK LATK MRS. 1. H. TURNER need the support of the whole com- .las. McCartney, who spent the past munity to make it a success. week, also with them accompanied This year the entries to the fair j him to their home at Clen Huron, nil through the list, aro limited to 1 Mr. Arthur Whittaker of Colling- ts of Grey County and the lo wood spent the week end here. Khibitorii will have u greatri Mr. < >hn McMillan motored winning awards. Plan! Owen Sound for the week end. to Of <*. . u. lo show at thin year's fair am) t a prize list as your guide in jf various items to show. It is n fjy-t that a person Allowing secure? more value from the fair than a non- Mrs. Shaw and family of Markdale have moved into the residence lately purchased from the estate of the lati Mr. Henry Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rutledgc and family of Holland Centre visited the first of the week at their respective parental homes. Mr. and Mrs. M THIS COW KARNS PROFIT i Kutledge and Mr. and Mrs. F. Mar- i xhibitor. Secretary. Secure your list from the A highly creditable record in both milk and butter has just recently been completed by the eight year old Hoi- Btein cow. Clover-mead Pollyanna Echo shall. Owing to anniversary service of the United church in Flesherton, the afternoon service here is withdrawn. Mr. and Mrs. Wright of Barrhead On Sunday, June 5th, there passed away at her home in W^nrtipeg, Man.. Margaret, beloved wife of Isaac H, Turner. The funeral was conducted on Tuesday, June 7th, and the re- mains were laid to rest in Brookside Cemetery, Winnipeg. Death was due ) hemorrhage of the brain, and her illness was of only a few hours dura- tion. ^ The late Mrs. Turner was born near Flesherton, on September the 28th, IRTii. and was the youngest of thi' family of the late George and Ellen Rutledge, the latter of whom prede- ceased her only about six years ago She resided in Montclaire, N. J., fot a number of years, and in September 1905, was married and went t o the West, where she has since resided the remainder of the time in Winni- peg. The deceased leaves to mourn hot passing, besides her sorrowing, hus- band, three daughters and one t>on: Dorothy, (Mrs. F. Healey), Ek-anor. (Mrs. Alex. Corby), both residing in Winnipeg, and Elda and Edward at home. Her death is also mourned by three surviving sister?: Mrs. Mary .lamieson, Flesherton, Mrs. Rachel Strain, South Porcupine, and Mrs. Ida Mueller, Montclaire, N. J., and one brother, Thomas Rutledge, Montclair N. J. Mrs. Turner was a devoted wife and mother, and her kind, helpful am! neighborly disposition earned for hei the love and respect of a large circle of friends who had come to know hei intimately through her generous self- sari if ice in their time of need. Hei passing is a great loss 'ind will hi long and keenly felt by her sorrowing family. Com. bred by Richard Clarke, Atwood, Ont.,| Mills visited the first of the week and now owned by Stevenson Farms,! with Mrs. Shaw and family. Alliston. Tn a lactation period ol '.'>''> days under official test in the R.O.P. according to a certificate just )- u.-.|. this cow gave 2. r )..'!74 Ibs. milk contair.-nfr 1100 lh*. butter. In each of two months during her yearly work, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bailey and two daughters of Shrigley visited the first of the week with Mrs. Marphail und daughter. Miss Agnes McPhail. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Cook of Kbrodale, and TALI; OF A LOST WATCH he produ.-ed 2(500 Ibs. milk, over 2500 ! Mrs. Will. McFadden of Orange Vul- Ibs. in each of two other months, and considerably better than two tons in another MXty day jx-riod. This cow wa., sii IM) l,y May Echo Korndyki Champion. ley visited Miss M. Cook, Friday. Mrs. C. Smiley of South Line is this week assisting to wait on Mrs J. McFaddcn, who is ill. OUT Sabbath School joins in with Two years ago while Alex. Ander sen was plowing a garden at Catar- act. Peel County, ho lost a valuable gold watch. After spending many r">urs searching for it he pave it u| for lost. Mr. Ritchie, owner of the > arden, however, found the watch list week in good condition, and al though it had been in the damp ground for so long, as soon a Mi- Ritchie wound it up it started and is still running in good style. THE SK KB WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORE8 Markdale, Ontario OUR HI VINO POWER SATES YOU A LOT OF MONEY V \!\ \\ K APPEAL TO Till' RUYIXG I'tT.I.K' IN ol'U KKK()KT T(5 K \ISKCV\SII. YOU XKKI) MKRC1I ANDLSE, \VK NKKI> MoNKY. KY- KkYTIIINr, IN STORK AT I 1 , \KCAiX I'RKT.S IX Ol'K KFFORTS TO KAISK MONKY. SI In! 1 AT IIIU/S AND SAYK MoNKY ( )l k 1 IMC, STi )CK <)!' Y011.KS, PRINTS. KTC.. OIT AT IIAKC.AIN I 'KICKS Voiles 4 Yd*. 98c V.'r h-ive grouped together vveriil line; ol Voili . landing in prid 1 from 2!c per yard to 36c- per yard, -1 yard* for .................................... !>Hc Prints 6 Yds. 98c A fast color cloth, U(5 in. wide, yards ........ 98c Voiles G Yds. 98c \ II ll's offers you value that is genuine; a regular 2.V <loth, (J yards for .................................. 98r Tfcc New Mesh Cloth 3 Yds. 98c In atli active colors; just the thing for your numrner dress, reg. 40c a yard, !t yard* ................ 'JKc Value. 15c Yd., 7 Yd.. 98c Heie's another big bargain, a regrouping of cloths, out to clear, 15c yard, 7 yards ................ 9Mc Gingham 10 Yds. 98c _ Value Supreme, out they go at 10 yards 98c i-Ieurance, each Blossom Voiles 2 Yds. 98c Finitl cleararu-e of this high 4a* cloth, guav- pntced wash-proof, 2 yards 98c , Sailors and Panama Hats and (>anama hats, all reg. $2.f>0 to $:!.50 hats, ileaiar.ce each DHc Men's Khaki Pants 98c Pr. A KK in value that is real, a regular $1.2") gar- ment, per pair 98c Extra Special in Men's Wear V.i n'.-i rollitr-a-ttachcd .!!ri>|uk-loth Whirls, all H/es, all inli.rs and patterns, 3 Pays Only, reg. $1.00 value, 2 for $1.25 Men's Ties 2 for 75c New Patterns, new cloths, all just t're.sh in from the manufacturers, 2 for 75c JOIN Till-. I1IC. I '.\K.\1 )!: TO Ml'Y KKADY To \YK.\K AT NKW I.O\V I'UICKS Voiles & Wash Crepe Dresses $2.95 Ea. We have grouped our .'!.. r )U to $-1 Vuil and Crepe Drcssos together at a new low price for a $2.95 Pebbleshinc! Dresses $1.95 Ea. This group comprises Dresses valued to $2.!)5 each, to clear at each .-. $1 95 Cordolav 98c Yd. A cloth guaranteed to withstand sun and water. Group 3 Crayshine Dresses $?,,45 Ea. This group is comprised of dres.s values up to attractive patterns, per yard 98 A $;).f>0 each, out to clear at $2.15 . . tve Printed Broadcloth 3 Yds. 98c ^ "**'( 11'" anlt ' ll< ' n l to "hrink or fade, nt- T7r >- J y:i,d, f..r 98c Silk Crepe 98. Yd. Ar, extra weight cloth in attractive polka il,.t Wash Broadcloth Dresses $1.00 Ea. This group comprises dresses that run in value up to $1.!IB each out for quick clearance at St.OO Panama Hats $1.45 Ea. Hciv again we i-trike a new low pi-i.-e, reg. $2 to $2.75 hats, each $I.4."> Religious Education Council Convention A fair number of Sunday school workers attended the unnuul conven- tion of the Religious Education Council of Artemcsia in St, John's United hurch, Flesherton, on Tuesday ot last week. The vice-president, Mr. Ed. Biernes, presided, and Mr. R. G. Holland of Fieshorton welcomed the fell-pates. Rev. C. F. Mclntosh, M A., B. D., representative of the Pro- vincial organization, gave at^dresso^ ,t the afternoon and evening session? "ind also conducted the round table :onfercnce and question drawer. Reports of the various departniuii; superintendents were given ami ad- nr-r* i.cic ,rtvtn Dy Kev. A. G. McPherson and Rev. T. O. MiHr, while Rev. W. J. Scott of Fleshertor' conducted the song service and de- votional exercises in the evening. The following officers were elected for the coining year: Pres. Ed. Beimes, Markdale. Vice-Pres. R. G. Holland, Flesher- ton. Sec.-Trcas. H. I. Graham, Vande- leur. Children's Supt. Ethel Artley, Markdale. Boys' Supt. W. J. Messenger, Markdale. Girls' Supt. Mrs. A. M. Brown. Markdale. Young People's .Supt. F. Shackle- ton, Priceville. Adult Supt. Miss McMillan, Flesh- prton. Home Supt. Mrs. A. Cameron, Eu- genia. Teachers' Training Rev. H. S Warren, Markdale. Missionary Mrs. Hare, Markdale. Temperance T. R. McKenzie, Mt. Ziop. The 193.'t convention of the Artc- mcsia Religious Educational Council will lie held in Vandeleur. POR'tAW fm Congratulations t\ Mr. Kenneth VleKec and Miss Beak, o Boyce, re- ently married. The\n any friends of this popular . yountf ouple wish them a Ions; and joyous "-edded life. They will reside in ToV<:,to, where the groom holds a good p 'tion. Rev. Mr. Pope preache'i) his fare- well sermon in Mount Zum churc'i, Sunday last, choosing as his t "For I was determined to know , ithing amonp: you but Christ and hi -ruci fied." It was a soul-search ii iart- message to his people t', -or.i he had faithfi'lly ministered tl ;st two years. All wish him abu; ; >nt !uc?e?s in his work in his new tl at Bognor. Mrs. D. Blakey of Toronto is as sisting to care for he;- mother, wh >-' condition has not improved and is t matter of grave corco;:i to her hu band and family. Mi-s. J. A. Thompson received thi discomforting news that her niece Miss McPi*Ji ( of Winnipeg, was <-HtJ. .ally ill. Tht young lady ** visit- ed hero and the friends *hr madf hope for her restoration to good health. We understand that our trustee board has engaged Miss Heard as teacher for another term. . Rev. R. Dingwall and wifp of Bays- ville visited with the lattcr's father, Mr. W. H. McNally, and brother and sister here. Mr. and Mrs. Nuhn of Priceville visited with the former's grandpar- Fleshertin P. S. Resnits Report of Promotions in . Flesh'jr- ton Public School. (H) after a name signifies honors. Sr. 3rd to 4th Audrey MeCrack en (H), Ethel Dargavel (H), Robert* Leave.ll (H), Burton Bellamy, Georgi Loucks, Fred McTavish, Betty M Donald, Jack Welton, Charlie Thonip son, Ben Leavell. Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd Donald Scot- (H), Fred Gibson (HI, Bob Stuar (H), Norman Loucks, Athol McKillop. Tom Banks, Doris Taylor. TO JR. 3rd -- Wesley McCracken Marion Filshie, Oly McDonald, Jac" McMullen, Clifford Littlejohns, Mai ion Wickens, Ben Bellamy, Dorothy Welton, Joan Gibson, Thelma Miller Jack Loucks, Evelyn Leavell (Rec.) TO SU. 2nd - - Alice Thompson Dorothy Pattor, Donald Graham Joe Banks, Stewart Mi-Rao, Edna Croft, Eleanor Moody (Rec.) TO JR. 2nd - Ivn Brown, Ruth Turney, Eldon Fisher, Bernice Leav- ell, Harold Graham, Marjorie Thistle- thwaite, Florenve Newell, Jim Thurs- ton. TO SR. 1st Margaret Thompson Bo!) Banks, Irene Woods, Ethel Tay- lor, Kvison Wilson. TO JR. 1st ~ Jack Kennedy, Jean Duncan, Marjorie Newell, Dori? Loucks, Jean McTuvish, Arlene Tay- lor. TO PR. B. Ted McCraokcn, Rob < % rt Meggitt. MAXWELL A number from here attended the district annual convention of the W. I. at Vaiuleleur last week and report- ed a real good time. Mr. and Mi(<. Will Emerson of Whitby visited the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Binnington. The young people of this commun- ity met in the hall on Friday evening and had a shower for Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Wright. The charivari gaim presented them with lovely lamp and other useful gifts were also re- ceived. Congratulation; are extend- 'd the young couple. We extend our deepest sympathy to the relatives of Mrs. Ed. McCallum, who passiJ away lust week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Stephen. The funeral took place on Monday pf ternoo;i. OFFICLVL OPENING The official opening of the aquatic and sports project at McCauley's pond will be held at 10 a.m. Friday morning, July 1st, with Reeve M.- Cnuley, Rev. Scott and Mr. Ted Poolo officiating. There will be n program of aquatic sports and everybody is uel.i|nif. We would particularly urge parents who have children who j'.ro participating in this project to he present so that they may sec just what is trying to be accomplished. 50 Candidates Write I The Entrance examinations are in ' progress this week with Mr. S. Thib- > uideau and Mrs. C. J. Bellamy pre- iiding at this centre. There are 50 'andidates from the surrounding dis- trict writing here. We give the names of some of the teachers and 'f' the number of candidates from each School ' Section : S. S. 3, Miss Mc- Kechnic, three; S. S. C, Miss Bonny castle, three; S. S. 13, Miss Sloan, three; S. S. 9, Miss Sinclair, four; S S. 8, Miss Heard, four; S. S. 17, Miss . Oliver 3; S. S. 10, Mr. Littlejohns. eight; Mr. Merriam, Flesherton, IB. The results of the examinations will be given out as soon as they are re- ceived at his office, which will likely \ be about July 9th. NEW PRICEVILLE PASTOR Rev. Maclvor, M. A., S. T. D., has accepted the call given by the Pres- byterian congregations of Priceville and Swinton Park. The invitation was issU3d after a joint meeting of the two congregations. As soon as his business affairs are completed in the West Mr. Maclvor will come and the in-luction will be held at Swinton- Park Messrs. Thos. Nichol, A. B. McAr-'ur, Rev. A. Sutherland, Mrs. A. B. M Arthur and Mr?. Sutherland from I'n f-ville and Hugh McMillan. J/is. R. Wilson, Robk Knc*, Mrs. Wm. Hay and Mrs. Neil McMillan from Swinton Park were appointed \ I to attend the Presbytery meeting at Orangevillt. his Tuesday, June 28. OSPREY COUNCIL MEETING The regular meeting of the Osprey Township Council has been changed to meet at Fevtrsham on Saturday. July 2nd, in pla^ of June 25th. igend The Advance to a friend. I ents, Mr. and Mrs. Shier. Mr. T. W. Walker, his sister. Mrs Akins, and Mr. and Mrs. Strong ol Toronto spent the week end with Port Law friends. Miss Lillian Morton, R.X., of To- ronto visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Morton. We sympathize- with Mr. Harry Patton and family in thtir ie?ent lose of their home by fire. The Ladies Association held their last regular meetintr at the home of Mi,. Harry Fisher. The president, Mrs. R. J. Taylor, presided, and there , was a splendid attendance of mem- j bers and visitors. An addit.onal $5r formerly owned by Messrs, j. A. was voted toward the minister's sal- Myles and Sons, now the property 01 H. P. Baker, Kimberley, will for tht reason of 1932, route as follows: Monday noon Herb Kerr, Dun- can; night Pave Weber, Kimberley. Tuesday noon John Campbell Eugenia; night Garnie McGee, 8th line. Art. Twp. Wednesday noon Ed. Hillock Maxwell; afternoon K Mort Sayers. one hour; night Will Conn. Fever- sham. Thursday noon Jas. Fletcher h line, Coll. Twp.; nierht Gci\. ;. Millar, 15-16 side line Coll. Friday noon (via Banks) Thas v Sheridan, Loree; night Geo. Gculd, Ravenna. Saturday morning Anywhere, by appointment between Ruben Dobsi.n? and Mat Merrit on the 10th line: noon nt home. Lot. IB. Con. 2. Euphra-ia TERMS To insure $10.00 payable February 1933. Seasons Mares $S.OO payable last trip. All accidents to mares at owners risk, colts held as collateral, until foals are paid for. Horsemen are invited to inspect this horse and ex- ' ary. The garden party held last Wedne?- day at Mount Zion church pt-ovcd a fine success. The pro.crram consist- ed of a play entitled "Happy Valley,' iven by the young people of Corbet- ton, who were chaperoned by their pastor, Rev. Mr. Hodson, who lias be- come very well known here, having conducted anniversary servi c; on two different occasions. The play- was well rendered und the fourth Line orchestra furnished good :'U'si<- between acts. The ladies provided, as usual, a sumptuous and delicious supper. The treasury of the la.iies Association was augmented l>y n re- ipei-table sum. W. I. District Meeting The District annual meeting of Certre Ui'ey Women's Institute me- at Vundeleur, Thursday, June -J.'Iui with 175 present. Election of of- ' amir.e pedigree! fleers as follows: Pros., M, . p. j McC.r.wan, Ravenna; Vice-pre.v, Mrs. II. H. Thompson, Mill Creek. Mrs. I F!l, Hopeville. Mrs. \V. Swan;,,:-. Vandeleur, Mrs. Stafford. Williams- ford; Sec.-treas.. Mrs. \V. A. Hauke.- Flesherton; Auditors, Mrs. KKK! Bol and. Mrs. Hussell Freeman. Vande- !cur; Rep. to Federation, N't is. Me (iowan, Ravenna; Rep. to County <. vcntion, Mrs. H. Maxwell. H.. ; ,thc.,:,. H. P. BAKER, R. R. N ,. 1 Kimberfay Phone 153 r 1-1 Thornburv. 1932 IN THE STUD TROTTING STALLION William W. Beiwin Sired by Beiwin 2:064 he horse that \v;is sold for fifty thousand dollars. I!KLWI\ will stanJ for mares at . , i Flesherton or will p,> out a distance it 20 per cent of the pur.iU who oj five or six miles in the country to learning to fly in Kr-rland are ' aeommodate partis who cannot Pretty soon the only sphere women. left ing The suggestion is mn<),> that un- employed men be put to wo.k plantin- dees along the highway*. And <~. years to come drivers could run into them instead of snapping off llydrc Bell poles. iiii k their m.uvs j n . mare in Foal of $10.00 disposing of marcs before th time will be held responsible, whether in forl or not. Inspected and enrolled for 11)32 \\\ W. TKIMBLi:. [> rop> COME TO THE Big Garden Party Rock Mills Baptis^Church Friday, Julv 8 'AT "MAR Will :ial .Vim',,., U; >nc,.

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