Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Aug 1932, p. 1

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®hje /ksljjett^tt %hmtiu. Vol. 52, No. 12 Flesherton, Ontario, August 24, 1932 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors ROCK MILLS Late Mrs. McFadyen CEYLON There passed peacefully away at them and are spending a pleasani. her home on Wednesday, August 17, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell and family visited recently with friends in Owen Sound. Masters Carl and Cecil Osborne returned home with holiday here. Miss Irene and Master Vernon Fawcett of Kimberley holidayed the a lengthy illness. She -wus a Caugh past week with their aunt, Mrs. Cecil Betts. (Misses Florence and Marjorie Newell, underwent an operation for the removal of ton.iils and adnoids, on Monday in the Markdale hospital. We are pleased to repoil both doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Newell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. New- ell and family and Mr. and Mrs. C. Newell spent a day with relatives at Durham. 1 Miss Ita Pedlar of Markdale visit- ed at her home here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Whitmore and son, Lewis, and Mrs. Geo. Newell Sr. qf Durham called on friends here recently. Miss Hazel Wilkinson spent twc weeks holidays with her grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chard ol Kimberley. IMrs. Joyce Porteous spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Johnson of Kemble. The Baptist Ladies Aid met at the homeof Mrs. Sam Fisher on Aug- ust 17th, with 10 members and 1 visitor present. The meeting open- ed by reading the 10th Chap, of St. Luke. The collection amounted to $2.00. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Earl Croft on September .14th. Lunch cttai- mittee: sandwich. Mrs. B. Field and Mas. Thos. Fisher; cake. Mrs. C Hanley and Mrs. Porteous. A special meeting will also be held on September 28th in the basement of the church. Each member to bring lunch. PRICEVILLE Mrs. D. Campbell returned home after spending a week visiting friends at Niagara Falls. Miss Sadie Carson is holidaying with her sisters in Toronto and Brigh- ton. Mr. David Hineks, Jean and Al- meda, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hineks and baby. Mary, motored to Guelph on Saturday and spent the week end with friends. Mr. John McKinnon returned last week to S.iskatoon, after holidaying Mr. Findlay Shackleton of Luck- 1 now took the service in St. Columba church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mclnnis and family of Cokiwater visited friends here and attended church service on Sunday morninjr. Mr. and iMrs. Chas. Tucker and Miss .-Mmeda Hineks. with Mr. .A.lfred EUGENIA 1932, at 4:30 a.m., Janet, be- loved wife of John Mc Fadyen, after ter of the late William and Mary Muir, and was bom March 16th, 1864, on a farm now owned by Will. Gib- son, living here all her life. In the year 1890 she was united in marriage to her now sorrowing husband, who will sadly miss her. She was of a very quiet and retiring disposition and a good neighbor. Rev. Mclvor of Priceville, Presbyterian minister, conducted service at the house and ?rvaye, giving comforting messages to bereaved. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband and three sisters, Kate, (Mrs. Murdock) of Caledon. Agnes (Mrs. Burnett) of Flesherton. Mary, (.Mrs. Ale.x. McFadyen) of Ceylon; ar.d one sister, Maggie, pre- deceased her as also did three broth- ers. Duncan, Adam and Dan. The funeral took place on Friday at 2 p. m. from her home, interment taking place in the McNeil cemetery. Priceville. The cortege was followed by a large concourse of friends, show- ing the high esteem in which she was held. The casket was covered with beauti- ful floral offerings, a wreath from husband. Mrs. Murdock. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burnett and Mr. and Mrs. .A.lex. McFadyen: wreath, Ceylon commun- ity friends; spray, Mrs. .Archie Mc- Lean and family; wreath, Mrs. John Bracken and Mrs. Catherine Mur- dock; cut flowers, Mrs. Macphail, -Mrs. Piper. Mrs. White, Mrs. D. McLeod, Mrs. Kno.x. Miss Kate Mc- Millan, Mr. S. Hemphill and family. Those who attended from a dis- tance were: Mrs. Catherine Murdock. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Murdock, Mr. Will and Miss Ruby Murdock. Mrs. John Bracken and iMr. Geo. Bracken ot Caledon; Mr. and Mrs. John Kyle and daughter of Treston; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jones and son, Bruce, of Maple and Miss Isobel Cairns of Vaughan. The casket was carried by Messrs. Will Murdock, Peter Muir. Dan Muir .\llie Muir, John Muir and Earl Mc- Lean. This community e.xtends deep- est sympathy to the sorrowing ones. The Ladies Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. A. C. Muir on Wednes- day. August 31. Miss .A.gnes Mac- phail. M. P.. will be present and will give an address. Roll call to be answered by "A verse of a poem I learned at school." Lunch conimit- 'tec: Mrs. H. Piper. Mrs. F. Marshall, sandwich; Mrs. Macphail and Mrs. Thos. Irwin, cake. Visitors always welcome. Visitors the past week with Mr. and Mrs. J: Stewart were Mr. and Hineks. mtHored to Owen Sound on , Mrs. H. Griffin of Toronto and Mrs. Tuesday. j Catherine Wilcock of Flesherton Misses Jean and Norma Hem jj^ p,,^^ Marshall and sons, Ale.K. Z t ir ^'i:: -l^""^ Mur.-ay. left Saturday to visit and Mrs. Edgar Patterson. 'u;„ -„„,(. o j • • j ..c T^ I »r 1' , ^ ;, "'^ ^"^"^ =*' KodericK and Mrs. Mar- Dr. and Mrs. loung and children ^u.,„ „„ . j , .» d u i ,. . T-, -t J t .u u r -If ,«"»'' "id daughter, Barbara. left on of Emo visited at the home of Mr. m3„i„,.j » • .. u • . ^ , A «... T„..u,„_ ^.r„-,...u..„ Saturday to visit her Sister at Schom- and Mrs. Lachlan Mac.\rth'jr. POOR PAYINT. Bl'SIXESS Judging from the size of the legal bill sent Durham council last week by a well-known law firm, it does not pay to arrest outsiders for intoxica- tion. This happened in town recent ly and the town pays $12 for the privilege of sending Joe Fletcher to jail for 21 days. Next time a sim- ilar cffendi'r will be given so many seconds to make hiinself scaive. She: "I'm going to sell kisses at the charity bazaar to-night. Do you think a dollar each is too much to charge for them?" He: "No; people expect to be cheated at these affairs." St.Mary's Anglican Chureh MAXWELL Rector. Rer. Mauric* F. Oldham. SUNDAY, AUGUST 28. 1932 10 a. m. â€" Sunday school for all children. 11 a.m. â€" Morning Prayer. Holy Baptism and sermon. Annual har- vest home services on September 11, at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. "That men may know *hat Thou Whose name alone is Jehovah, art the most high over all the earth.' PskIri 83:18. burg and Miss Olive Marshall is spending a week with her sister. Mrs. I Robt. Rutledge at Holland Centre. Mrs. W)!l. McPadden of Or.inge Valley visited with Miss. M. Cook the past week and accompanied her on a motor trip the first of the week to Hanover, Paisley, Port Elgin and other points. Mrs. John Stewart has gone to visit with friends in Toronto. 'Miss Reta Marshall, nurse in train- ing, at the G. and M. hospital, Owen Sound is spending a couple of weeks 1 holidaying at her home. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Dan McLeod visited their sister at Caledon East over the week end. Mc. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair, daughter, Mar^raret, and son, Jim. motored to Harriston the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McLaughlan of Toronto motored here the first ot the week and Mr. D. D. McLaughlan accompanied them back to the city for a visit. Visitors at Mr. Donald McLeod's the past week were Doctor and Mrs. Beatty and daughter, Madoc. Messrs. J. R. Jackson and Jas. Bulters of Dundas. Mrs. J. B. Thihaudeau and son, Stanle.v. Mrs. Smith of Markdale and Mr. and Mrs. D. McLeod motored to We understand that the Chesley band will give another program in the Hydro Park next Sunday. Miss Erva Magee is holidaying with friends in Toronto at present. Mrs. Ross Lehman and Mrs. Mof- fatt Campbell of Toronto are spend- ing a few days with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Williams at Fairview Villa. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis and children of Toronto, also little Miss Grace Houston, visited over the week end with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purvis. We were pleased by a call from them. They have three fine children and iitils Bobbie Jr. is a bonnie wee lad. Miss Delsa Kaitting visited a few days with friends in Feversham. The Misses Nettie and Cora Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Nat Caswell and six children of Owen Sound \isited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin and family. Week end visitors at the home o' Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Magee and fam- ily were: Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Jamie- son of Portlaw and niece, little Mis: Marion Conron of Toronto, also Mrs J. H. Jamieson of Oakvi'le. Mr. Henry Cairns and Mr. Robl. Plantt enjoyed a pleasant cruise one ! evening last week on the Hydro lake. Mr. Ernie Proctor took them out in his motor boat. We think the young fellows have a notion to go again. Mrs. Morgan, Miss Patricia and Master Douglas spent a few pleasant holidays in Toronto the past week. Mr. Will Campbell of Toronto vis- ited with friends here over the week end. His wife and son. Billie, re- turned home with him after spend- ing their si'mmer vacation at Fair- vi'^w Villa. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith cf O'ven Sound spent a few day.-; '.us- week with M>-. and Mrs. .Ja,-ob Wiliiair.s. Mr<. G'^o. McGrulher and iv.j sons. Raymond .""^d Raich, of Montcla:--, \. J., are visiting for a fortnight with the former's mother, Mrs. Solomon Turner. .•>nd other rela^i-.-e =. The Latimer and Proct .r fainiJics motored to Meaford on Satu:- ! i/ .ind Mrs. I atimer remained iov ;i visit. Mrs. .-Vlex. MacDonald of W-?.=to»; visited recently with her n^i.'.j Mr. H^nry Cairns. Mr. and Mrs. Kimmev.t ?, r.i .1; milton one days la^: wcok. , ;â-  conip'tiied by Mrs. Sloac. Visitors with Mr. ani Mr.=. Jo; Wi'iliams are: Mr. Ne.wny aiv! sen ,TrI ;»fessi-s. Geo. and Er;- o Willi.ir.is <'f ' jonto. .^â- r. and M.S. Kimin-.''is.- :»;.;â- Â«'.' home to Watertown. N.Y., on Satur- tfnx-. .'>lari;a--et and R •â- .•. v.h.> haw f ;.c::: their summer vaca'.' ) , h.vc, re- turned home with them. Mr. C. Lewis of Totc:ito visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hanley. Mrs. L.'w!i returned home with him after it. we?k's visit -vith her sister, Mrs. Haniey. Mi-s. Stcddart and sun i.f Pa-fley visited with Mr. and Mr.s. Garnet Magee. Gerald and Hazol Magee who have been holidaying at P.H-i-iley. accompanied them home. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Haney visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. T. S*ov.-- irt at Ceylon. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston an<: daj.sh- ter. little Miss .-Vgncs. of Toronto vis- ited over the week end wilh Mrs. Wil- son. Mrs, Roy M«cMi!!an and iittU daughter, Margaret, who have spent the past week in Toronto, caiv.c ;:] with them. Mr. John K. Jamieson of Toror,';: visited over the week end with his par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson. Mr. Sam MacDonald has returned home from a motor trip to Kirklan^ Lake, Coiirington ar.d other points Had Hand Mangled Mr. Jos. Wright of Maxwell sus- tained a terribly cut hand by having it caught in the knives of the feed., r of a threshing separator at the iarra of Mr. Ed. Pedlar on Saturday morn- ing last. Mr. Wright was in the act of taking some straw away from below the knives when, without warn- ing, the machine was started, one oi the knives gouging his hand through back and coming out on the palm ot his hand. He quickly grabbed the belt with his right hand, stopping the machine, at the same time raising the alarm. With some difficulty he was released and taken to the office of Dr. Carr-Harris, who spent several hours dressing the injuries. The cord on his middle finger was sever- ed, but it is not thought that his hand will be disabled in any way when completely healed. Mr. Wright had only recently purchased the threshing outfit from Mr. B. Sorn- berger. in partnership with Mr. H W. Kernahan. and was learning tr operate the separator. KIMBERLEY Miss Jean Graham and Mr. and Mrs. T. Huggard and son of Thorn- bury are visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hutchinson and children of Orillia are spendng some holidays with friends and are re-dec- orating the house for re-renting. Mr. and Mrs. Flavin and children :retunied to Tcjronto and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Bowies have rented part of the parsonage. We are sorry to report Mr. Myrel Weber in CoUingwood hospital, where he underwent an operation for ap- pendicitis. Mr. Mitchell of Toronto is here doinS art work and painting some of the valley scenery. Mrs. Henson, Bobby and Margaret, are visitinjr their cousins, Mrs. Robt. Richardson and family of Flesherton Mrs. McLaughlin and Mary have returned to their home at Hamilton Week end visitors at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Carruthers and family were: Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown of Meaford, Misses Grace and Norma Morrison and Messrs. W. E. Harris and John Matthews of Toronto. Mrs. Ferguson is visiting this week with her daughtc â- , Mrs. Cook, of Walters Falls. Miss Opal Weber visited with Mrs. Otto Baker for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Art Stafford. Lavarne and Phyllis, holidayed with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cornfield. Mr. Stuart Ellis spent Sunday with his mother. -A. pleasant ro-union took place with Mr. and Mrs. Will Hammond at their camV on the "flats" on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Those pres- ent were: the families of Mr. and Mrs. W. and H. Breachier. Mr. and Mrs. Will Knott. Mrs. Jas. Knott and Mrs. 'Wheeler and Blanche and Rus- .sel Hammond. Thirty-three people in all had a lovely picnic tea. MAXWELL Messrs. Emersfon Wright and Ear: Wilson and Misses Ella Morrison and Ella Wilson visited with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wright at Berkeley on Sun- d»y. Visitors at the home of Mr. an& Mrs. .A.ngus Morrison on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. lames Burnett Jr. and Messrs R. J. and Morris Smai all of Toronto. Miss Mildred McPhearson is spend- ing her holidays with Mr. and Mrs .\pgU3 Morrison. M;ss Jean Ross returned home after spending the past week with her sister, Mrs. Ren. .-Vcheson. We extend our deerest sympathy to Mrs. Long and family in the death of her son and their brother. Fred Long, who passed away on Sunday morning, August 21st. Mr. Joe Wright had the misfortune to cut his hand very seriously on the threshing machine, which he was [ helping to rur. but we hope he will | soon be able to use it again. ] Misses Betty and Florence Down i of Tara are visiting with their aunt, Mrs. Wilbert Poole. Mrs. J. L. Morrison and daughters Flora and Thelma of CoUingwood are visiting.relatives and friends at pres ent. Mrs. M. Beatty is visiting in Dun- dalk this week with Rev. M. F. and Mrs. Oldham at the Rectory. F. S. Long Passes Aiter being seriously ill for the past several months pUr. Fred. S. Long, son of Mrs. aad the late Wes- ley Long of Maxwell, passed away early Sunday morning at Gravenhurst. For the past sev«ral years he has been residing at Niagara Fall*. Ont, for a time empl./ved on the Welland canal and up to the time of his illness was operating, a fruit farm. He served overse;is with the Canadian forces througjhout the war and was gassed, this no doubt being a contrib- uting factor as the cause of his death. He is survived by five brothers and one sister. Chester and James of Fev- ersham. George and Charles of Max- well. .-Mbert of Tofronto and Mrs. Thos. Beatty (Lillian^ of Feversham. also his aged mother at Maxwell. He was unmarried. The late Mr. Long was highly regarded by all, being of a strong, upright character, and his passing is mourned by a wide circle of friends. The funeral took place from Max- well on Tuesday afternoon, interment taking place in the Maxwell cemeterj". IN MEMORIAM To-day in Japan, as during the last 1,500 years, a marriage ceremony con- sists of the passing of a cup of wine IS times between the bride and groom VOTERS' LIST 1932 MUNICIPALITY cf OSPREY ENGLISH â€" In loving memory of my dear twin brother. Harry English, who died two years ago, Aug. 2S. 1930. I have lost a dear companion, -A. life linked with my own. .â- \nd day by day I miss him more As I walk through life alone. In heaven, dear brother. I'll find you When God's great will is done: I will stand once more beside you When he calls for me to come. Sadlv missed bv twin brother. Frank Notice is hereby given that I have i complied with Section 7. of The Vot- I ers' Lists .A.ct and have posted uo at ; my office at Feversham. on the 20th I day of August, 1932. the list of all â-  persons entitled to vote in the said i municipality at municipal elections ' and that such list remains there foi â-  inspection. \ -And I hereby call upon all voters tc I have any errors or omissions can- celled according to law the last day for appeal being the 10th day oi September. 1932. Dated this 23rd day of .August. 19;!; â€"CHESTER N. LONG, Clerk VOTERS' LIST 1932 :>iUNIClPALITY of ARTEMESIA CARD OF THANKS Notice is hereby given that I have complied wit'n section 7, of The Vot- ers' Lists .Act and have posted up at my office at Flesherton, on the Sth day of August, 1932, the list of al) persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at m.unicipal elections, and that saeh list remains there for inspection. .And I hereby call upon all voters to have any errors or omissions can- celled according to law the last day for appeal being the 29th day of August. U'32. Dated this 13th dav of August, 193:' â€" W. J. Bf.LLAMY. Cl-orV IN MEMORIAM ENGLISH â€" In loving memory of our dear son, Harry English, who passed away August 28, 1930. Oh, could we hear his voice once more .And see his loving smile. The one that would our hearts still cheer But we must wait awhile. Sometime, someday, our eyes shall see The face we loved so weil, Some day we'll clasp his loving hand .And never say farewell. Sadly missed by Father. Mother. Brothers an^^isters. Peg-top trousers are said to be on their way hack. Mr. John McFadyen wishes to thank the friends and neighbors for their .nany acts of kindness during tht illness of Mrs. McFadyen and als*. for the sympathy e.xtended following her death. Big SiHct fence will be lielJ in FLESHERTON on i Friday, August 26 Dancing to commence at 9 p. ci. .A Ford V-S coach will be given away. -All holders of ticket;-- admitted free to tb.> dance. Both round and square dancing with musi« supplied by two high-class orchestras. Tickets can be se- cured that eveninsr. :l BATES BURIAL CO'Y \ .Armon von Borowsky was char.Ked with firing seven shots at a neighbor. Stephen Jensen. Defense was that Jensen was practising on a cornei late at night and the bullets were blanks. The judge thought it ovei and dismissed the case. Wasaga Beach the past week. Dr. and Mrs. West and three daugh- ters of .Angus were week end visitors at Mr. Richard Whittaker's. Miss Mildred Whittaker accompanied them home for a few days' visit. MfiF. Geck McGnither and sor^i. Raymond and Ralph of Montclair. New Jersey; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glbbs and f>imily and friend, Mr, Ted Fuller, of Stratford were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe the past week. .A sign of brightening business is tj be seen in the net earnings of the C.N.R., which fc.r the six months ending with June this year show an ifoir'ase of nearly 2'-2 millions over the correspondin.g 6 mor.ths of 1931. 124 Avenue Road Toronto ;» DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SEKVICK .\T REASONABLE PRICES ♦ PHONES: NIGHT OR D.AYâ€" Klngsdafe 4.^4â€"3456 > • Miniern Private Chapel t J. W. Bates Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks. Manager C- Fonv.crlv of Flesherton % .s '^'^♦♦<^♦«>>^<-:•<KK•<~v>•x<•^•^^x>•>•>♦•^^-^<*'^<*<"><~^•^<•<*•><^^ Chipso Larj?e Pk«. 20c Koi: --; Ju»t a real gooc BROO' Prairie Rose $?.10 • r Trv our 2P TEA Ken Kennedy's For Groceries Phone 37 SHOP AT KENNEDYS WHERE QUALITY AND PRICE WILL STAND IN- SPECTION TiV our egg grading ^'i'^hest Prices Kcl'oo-'.. Corn Flakes 2 for 15c P-Nut Butter 14c JAR White Wine Vinegar 35c GAL. MEATS Fresh and Cufctl ^<N».^<M>->.gM>.^^.^^\.>«.>.^.><M><M,V{..>.^S.>^.;..^ V AS! \ ONLY •»•-.â-  -". .'V

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