Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Aug 1932, p. 1

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®()je /kslj^rt^tt a Vol. 52. No. 13 Flesherton, Ontario. August 3 I, 1932 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors CEYLON Mrs. Anna McMillan and son, John, motored to Barric on Saturday. John has accepted a position with George Montgomery at Barrie as travelling .salesman for auto accessories. We wish him success. Miss Anna Greygoose and Master Victor Greygoose of Owen Sound spent a week with Mrs. Shaw and family. Mrs. (Dr.) Holmes of Owen Sound visited with her sister, Mr3. Anna McMillan, last week. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Campbell the first of the week were: Sports Raced Horses PROTON STATION Large congregations greeted Riv. John Littht of Rockwood at the Unit- ed church anpversary at Proton Sta- tion on Si'-.day. The veteran minis- ter preached two soul-stirring serm- on" with wonderful power and vigor. The .rhoir, assisted by Mr. Edwin Fowler of Bethel, and some members of the Ini.stioge i;hoir, rendered some excellent music. Mr. Lamb, who ac- companied Mr. Little, sung a beauti- ful solo in the evening. Miss Emily Acheson is receiving Mr. Archie Campbell. Master Ross|.tj,e congratulations cf her friends on Sanderson, Mr. G. McCallum, Mr. ana j^e splendid success in the examina- Mrs. Dan McCallum and Mr. and Mrs.| tions of her pupils, 100 per cent of John Heard, all of Caledon East. Mrs. Knox and son, Alex., spent the first of the week at Swin-.on Park. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. White and son, Mervin and Mr. Jq^. Park of Sau(;een Jet., were first of the week visitors with Mrs. W. C. White. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Brown, who spent the past v.'eek with the latter's mother, return- ed to Toronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rutledge and family of Holland Centre, accompanied by Miss Ohve Marshall, who has been j last Wednesday eveni.ig, when the visiting with them the past week, at : Proton Station trotters made their their parental home here. I debut in the presence of a large Mr. Maurice Wright, Miss Hstzel | crowd of interested spectators. Nancy Shunk and Mrs. Wilson McMullen of i-.A., owned and driven by Gordon Ach- her Upper School pupils being suc- cessful. Emily takes over the principalship of the Chatsworth Con- tinuation School after the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher of Weston were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sherson. Mr. and Mrs. Turner of Laurel \ns- Lted with their sister, Mrs. Vause. Miss Doris Stewart of Ceylon visited with Proton Station friends. A horse race of local interest took place on the Flesherton race track FEVERSHAM (Intended for Last W«ek) The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian Church journeyed to Nottawa Wed., Augwt 17th and held thc-lr monthly meeting at the ho.-?ie of Mrs. F. J. Wiley, who was an active member ol the Aid while residing in this villaije befure moving back to their former home at Nottawa. The pastor. Rev. A. M. Shannon accompanied them. Members of the Aid and friends to the number of 22 were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Wiley at their home. The business dealt with consisted laigely of making arangements for Died From Diphtheria EUGENIA Many were shocked to hear of the .sudden passing of little Robert Roy Fawcett 8 year old son and young- est child of Mr. and llr;. James Faw_ett of this village. He had been ill since Sunday, Aug. 21st. and his parents, net knowing that his ailmo.Tt was that dreaded disease, diphtheria, did not summon a doctor in time and thus the disease proved fatal. The funeral was private, as Catharines, accompanied by the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Catstick of Dorchester, spent a couple of days the pa.st week with Mr. Orr's sister, Mrs. Alex. Cameron, hosband and family. Rev. and Mrs. Eagle and son, while on holiday.*^ were callers on Mrs. Solomon Turner, recently. Little Miss Ruthie Irwin, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Irwia (r.ee Zaida Lawlor) of Windsor is quite an accomplished musician, hav- ing had some of her instrumentals on the piano broadcast over the air. Probably some of you "listeners-in" the house was under iiuarantine. have heard Ruthie's selections. .?.?_'l^._!"'''y^''T''y^^'".''P"; ^":'!^^''-^-^'«'"','''^ D-.-. a. E. Little notored from tor, preached the sermon. Interment j Powassan to visit h'.; wife. We were glad to see the Doctor again. Miss Doris Magee spent a few Toronto motored up and spent the week end at the home of Mr. Jas. W. McMullen. Mrs. J. D. McLood and daughter. Jeanette, visited with friends in To- ronto recently and attended the mar- riagre of her daughter. WHARIN â€" McLEODâ€" Miss Dor- othy McLeod, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McLeod of this place, and Mr. William Phillip Wharin. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wharin of To- ronto, were united in marriage on escn, won first place and Sailor B.. owned by Badgerow brothers and driven by .Art Baderow, taking sec- ond place and Darky B., owned and driven by Russell Irwin taking third place. MAXWELL the. On Saturday evening last Ladies' Guild of St. Mary's church held a very successful sale of baking and ice cream, the proceeds amounting Saturday, .Augrst 20th at 2 p.m. at \ to over $10. Glcnview Presbyterian church, the [ Miss Delia Pedlar of Toronto is vis- oeremo-y being performed by Rsv. j iting her sister, Mrs. Ed. Seeley, at Norman McEachern. The bride, v/ho present. was unattendad. wore a lovely cost- ^Sx. and Mrs. Hugh Parker of De- ume of pink suede lace and blue tu?- troit spent the past week with his ban with corsage of roses. A } relatives here. reception was held at the home of j The choir of the United church met Mrs. Mitchell, aunt of the biido. for at 'the homo o? Mr. and Mrs. George the immediate relative.?, after which ; Ross on Thursday evening and after the bride and groom left for a motor . practice en.ioyed a feed- of corn, trip to the Gaspe Peninsula, the bride j Miss ViolaPierson of Dundalk vis- travelli-s- in a smart navy blue en-[itcd with her friend. Miss Merle F.er^ble suit. Upon their return tliey,^ Buckingham, last week. reside in Toronto. The best Visitors at the home of Mr. John will wishes of their friend.^ here is ex- tended to them. Miss Bel'.a Kennedy left on Friday to visit friends at Thornton. Mi-s. Will McFaddten of Orange Valley vi.'»ited with Miss M. Cook last week and accompanied her on a motor trip to Port Elgin. Tara and other points. Humphrey last weeU were: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mitchell and son. Billie. of Loudon '.and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McKeown of Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whewell of Winor.a are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Ffinvvick. the entertainment to be held at the church in Feversham on Tv-sday, Sept. 13th. was made in Salem cemetery. A After this had been dis.scussed and j number of relatives and sympathizing planned for, a time of happy social ' friends followed the remains to their davs vith her cousin. Miss Hazel fellowship was spent on the la«Ti. The | resting place. The pallbearers were' Magee near Feversham crownmg feature then followed when} his three brothers. Bates. Ed. and] Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Biggar of the assembled guests sat down to a Jrmniie, and his brother-in-law, Thos. table heavily laden with good things, ,' Hazzard ROCK MILLS .-:ymrathy. were placed upon Brockville spent the little casket. i Fairview Villa. Besides his sorrcwirK parents he | Mr. and Mrs. and could be fittingly called a sumptu-j Many pretty fioral tributes, ex- ouo banquet. Full justice was done pressing to the viands, one and all. .At ths close a few words of thanks and ap- preciation of the very generous hospi- tality of Mr. nnd Mrs. Wiley were spoken by Rev. :fihannon with the hope that such a gathering cor'd be re- peated next year. Mi-s. A. Stewart of Flesherton vis- ited with her sister Mrs. H. .Alexan- der, and other friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Colquette and children, Betty and Allan, of Owen Sound were visitors here over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Paul and family of Toronto visited the former's moth- er, Mrs. M. Paul, at Mr. Jas. Long's recently. Miss Minei-va Conn, nurse-in-train- ing in the G. & M. hospital at Coll- ingwood, is holidaying at her home. Mr. anri Mrs. N. Battersby (nee Frances Paul) r.re visiting with the latter's mother, Mrs. M. Paul. Many friends here were shocked t« hear of the sudden death of Mrs. F. Cutting (nee Vera Loucks) of Mark- dale and extend our deepest sympathy to the husband and family, also to- her father, brothers and sisters. Miss Marl Clark and brother, Mas- ter Harold Clark, holidayed for a few weeks with relatives in Owen Sound. Masier.5 Fre<l and .Arthur Betts spent Tuesday in Toronto. Unity U.F.W.O. will meet os Wed., afternoon. Sept. 7th. at the home of Mr.>. John Campbell. Visitors are welcome. MestU's. William Lawns arid Jim Pedlar and Mrs. H. Wilson visited re- cently with the fojmer's brother, Mr. Geo. Pedlar, at Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gamey and family and Mr. Roy Phillips of To- ronto holidayed last week with their corsin, Dick Clark, and family. The -nterior of the school has been Owea Sound visited with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Fenwick. , , , . Mr. McLaughlin and Mr. Ross „} ! "'''^'••°'"^t'^^ '^"''"â- ^ '^e summer hoh- day.-;. Mr. Jim Russell had the con- a few days at ! tract and completed the work last I week, which made a great difference leaves in sad bereavement six broth- j Jack, of Toronto, also Mr. John K. j '° ^^^ appearance of the school room. ers and several sisteis. to whom we' Jamieson, visited with the latter's ^''.^''y^'""- "^ """^ "''''>' .^"'"' ^^ "P" La.-celles and son extend our profound sympathy. Little parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson Roy was a clever little bey and was well liked. He will be missed by many in this village, as well as in the home. He has gone through the beautiful gates .Away to the city of gold. Which knows ho sorrow, sin nor pain; He is safe in the heavenly fold. We cannot tell who next mav fall ' ening on Thursdaj- morning. We extend sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fawcett and family of Eu- genia in their hour of sorrow by the death of their little son and brother. Master Jack Lascelles remained for a visit with Master Wes Jamieson and Mi>s. Lascelles is visiting with Mrs. Wilson. Miss Dorothy Jamieson has return- ed home from a visit with friends at Gait. „ We are pleased to report Mrs. .A. ' some women's iaps a rest. Cameron on the road to recovery, ^_â€" â€" ^â€" I after having a "boiling" time. She | Hen at Whitby has adopted three \ had no less than three boils in her ; kittens. That's all right if the kit- I ear and one on her hand. We wish , tens don't take a bite out of their Chairs for dogs are the latest in Paris. -At least this should give her a co.-nplete recovery. ! foster mother when they grow up. Beneath God's chastening rod. One must be first, but let us all Prepare to meet our God. Mr. and Mrs. .A. Houdon and .Mr. , ^^ ~ and Mrs. Harold Saunders of Toron- i **♦«<•«>♦•>**<•*<• {KSKK••>>^«•*<-:•<^•<-^•^•>>M"M-fr<~»"»♦♦♦♦<'â- Â» ♦<•••••* to were callers on Mr. and Mrs. Edgai ! x Betts, while enrouto to Wasaga Beach. ] * Mr. Norman Cameron of Toronto ' •> Mrs. Mary Henderson of Colling- ^'''^"^ ^ ^^^''' '^^"^ ^^ '''"^ ^''""'' ^^ ^^- \ * wood, late of Ma:<well, visited friends!"*''''^'' ^"'^ ^''^*' ^^'- '^"^ '^^'â- ^- ^«'"' I ? in this village las*- v/eek. • ^Ia?"ee. Miss Marijaret Hawton of th" staff ' The little Misses Dorothy of the G. & M. hospital at Colling ' Whitehead havo rctrrned tc vhoir nd Marv i *â-  wood was a wee': end visitor at her! '^''"'" "^^^ Markdale, after holiday- home here. - - *- j ^^^ ^..^^.j^ their uncle and aunt, Mr. Mr. and Mr.^. D. Stewart and twor"'' ^^'â- *- ^'^"^'â- ' ^^*'~^- sons of Maple Valley and Miss Essie" ^^''- '"•"'' ^^''^' ^'''^'â- '' L«<^"'i«' '^-'^ s""- ' Hilliard of Toronto spent the past week with Mrs. LeGard's sister. Mrs. Thos. McKee, am' husband. They also visited with ''v. and Mrs. Bert Masee, and other relatives. Mrs. Chas. Quesnel and chi hirer, of Owen Sound visited a few days the past week wit-li Mr. Jos. Sherwood. Mrs. Bert Magee aid daughter. Miss Christina, aie vis«ting f mends in Stewart of Creemore spent Sunday with Mv. and Jlrs. R. J. Whit:Mak. Mr. N. ». Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. D Mediock and Master Jimniie White- oak of Toronto and Mr. Jas. White- oak of Markdale were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. U. J. Whiteoak over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Matthews of Clarksburg visited with the latter's BATES BURIAL COT 124 Avenue Road Toronto DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT REASON.ABLE PRICES PHONES: NIGHT OR DAYâ€" KIngsdalo 1.3-14â€"34.56 Jlodern Private Chapel J. \\ . Bates I"rcd Maddocks Richard Maddocks, Manager Formerly of Flesherton ♦ t t t «*^->->-:~:"X":"X~M>-^*<^' ••v>'>':'*-x-:":~:'*«'>«>'>>i>>>-M">':-x~x->4***- B!S^ wpf-k end. „, , , . Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Heron and We are pleased to see Mr. Howard j two children and Miss M E Heron ^^,,â-  T c. . u u u /â- ^â- "'^'"••'^ *'o>"<? f»-oni the Markdale of Toronto visited wUh the ' 1 -H-^-'- Miss Laura Stewart, who has been i hosoital \ â-  j. -., „ ' , *»^.5f» *-<•*. sisto** Mi*s R spending the summer vacation withj xh-j horseshoe player have install " ' ' her grandparents, returned Thursday ed electric lights on their plavinglCha^ Fitzoatrick .r t . to her home at Bolton. Her aunt grounds and n„w r-nn nU,. ,11 ,1 ''â- tzpatiick of Toronto were iiT- r> . w V 11 • J 1. *^'°""'^ »"" "<J^^ can play d^' and visitors w th Rcbert and Flte il;.=fo,. Mi..^ Rota Marshall, accompanied her night. Drop in and have a round. last week to Toronto | Mrs. Norman Cairns is visiting at Mr. W. Ca«nahan and two sons of her parental home at Sov^hampton father, Mr. Samuel Ottewell. ovjr the I ''^''''°"*° ^'^'^ ^''^<'^- ' Mr. Ivan King. Mr. Glen Lehman Mr. and Mrs. John Lehman and Mrs. Davies of Toronto visited one day with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Williams J. Col.]uette, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fitzpatrick and Toronto visited friends here last week. | for a couple of weelts. Mrs. Bolton returned home on Frl-; The W. I. will hJd their annual A»y after visiting friends at MaxwelL r.iandmothers' Dav o- September IG ,,nd Fovnr.,ham. I at the home of Mrs. El Buckingham! Ol-.;- Sunday School and churchy All grandmothers are cordially invited service will commence again on Sept. ' to attend CASE OF MISREPRESENT.VnON On Monday afternoon Magi-^trat.- Hellyer sat on a case involving a charge of false advertising again.m We hope all that ' "^" ^*'""'^' ^"^ °''° MatJow in connec- 4th, after 3 weeks holidays, at the;^.;], come ami cniov tliem.elves '"V'°" '^'* » ^^''^ recently eonductsed ' here. The charge was laid by the town and the Provincial Officer had charge. They pleaded guilty and turned from visiting friends in| R^bt. -nd Ella "Al^st^'r""'" "' "' '" ^'°*"** '*' °^ ^^'*^'i Paying costs of ST London. usual hours â€" 1:30 and 2:30 p.m., when m,. on.i xf..,. «' -n r-. .. • , . , , , I '"'^- ^^"' Mr^- "•" Fitzpatnck and a good attendance is hoped for. Mi- rii-jc ii';f,„„>,..-„T. c <^ u , , *. , .. ,, T , , . . "!'• *-nas. fitzpatnck of Scarboro Jet Miss Jea^.c^te McI --od has just re- visited fo,- a couple of days with Mr. m visiting friends m R,,bt. -nd Ella Alister. ,.. . ,^ , , , The Sacrament of the Holv Ban- \is.tor.sov«.- the week end atthe tism was observed in St. Marv's home of Donald McLeod s were: Mrs., church. Maxwell, at the regular ser G. R. Jackson. Miss Hattre McRa« .-ice on Simdav and Mr. «>'aveile of Pumias. \ Helen Margaret Chard, the infant Master Grant Mmr left on Monday (laujjhter of Mr. .nnd Mrs W J to spend a week in Toronto. | chard. and Kenneth Bruce Erickson! Miss Blanche Genoe of Owen Soi-nd, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. spent the week end at her home here, grickson, were baptized by Rev. M Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe and fam- p Oldham, fly, accompanied by Mrs. McGruftier and two sois, Raymond and Ral|ih, and Mr. Clifford Neil, spent the first of the week at Heathcote. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bailey and daujrhters of Shrigley and Mr. Towns- ley of Newmarket were the guests of Miss A{rnes Mac|Aail, M.F., and her mother over the week end. Mr. A. C. Muir and brother, Elmer, motored to Toronto Tuesday. Master Orton Leslie, who has spent the vacation with his grandparent.i, returned en Tuesda.v to his home in Toronto. His Krandmother, Mrs. Archie McMullen, accompanied him home. each. We are informed that the min- imum fine in su.h a case under ons- section of the act is $200. Goods Mrs. Ross Lehman and Mrs. Mofiatt , Campbell returned home with them, i after a few days' visit hore. whils ; Mr. and Mrs. John Lehisan remained! , for a week or so. Miss Myrtle Lehman and -Mr. Chap- i man motored over from W.-'.satra | Beach last Wednesday and visiteil thf " former's parents. Week eml visitors at the home of ; Mr. Bert Magee were: Mrs. Gordon! Kellar and son, Kenneth, ef Toronto, j Mr. and Mrs. Herb LeGart) and fam- ily and Mr. Sam Irish of Pickering. Mr. Chas. Stewart and (iaiiyhtor. Bessie, and his sister. Mrs. McTavish. were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Williams. Mrs. Murdock Leitch and son Clark, also Mr. and Mrs. Silas Haney of Paisley visited recently wuth the August 28th. wh»n '^r. ^r", ' "^ '"' ^^"'"'""^ ''"''^ forn>er's sister, Mrs. Thos. Fenwick, wnieh. >t W!V5 .-vdmitteA were not such.â€" Mt. Forest Confederate. The best way to get up in thr world is to get down to business. husband and family. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Orr of Stl. $10,009 Stock on the Block for Cash Every ihJGg in llifi Store Must be Sold TO WiXi) L'l' Till-: KSTATK OF THE I..\TK W". .\. .\RMSTROXG Jewellery, Wciches, Silverware, Kodaks, Electrkial Supplier, Mu3;cal Supplies, Fiching Tackle, School S'-ipp'ic3, Sr DW Cr.3es, Cash Register, 2 Safes, and Hundreds of oiher arf'cfes. All at HaU Price and Less W. A. Armstrong & Son W. J. W. .Vrmstronji', Kxccutor EWI VICTORIA CORNERS The less heart one puts into a jask the m^^re labor It requires. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cantreal are visiting at Mr. A. Stevens'. Mr. Albert Stevens is visiting in Detroit. Mr. Chas. Moore and family mot- ored to Toronto on Sunday. Mrs Moore is remaining for a week. Last week we omitted Miss Arm- strong, a home missionary, as assist- ing with the program at Inistiogre on Monday evening. We enjoyed very much Miss Armstrong's short axxount of her work in the West. Miss Mable Binnie of Toronto is holidayinff at Milton Bannon's. Miss Sylvia A-.-heson is visiting in Toronto. The nations of the world have been invited to a world c:onomic parley by th« League c* Nations. Ken Kennedy's Keiiog?'» For Groceries St.Mary'sAiN|tican Church MAXWELL Rector, Rev. Maurice F. Oldham. I" A-^nual Harvest Thanksgiving Ser- vice,^ on Snda.v. September llth at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. All families and individuals invited to attend. The preacher at each service will be the [ ' [ pastor. I But Jesus answei-ed them: "My, Father worketh hitherto aad I work." | ', â€"St. John B:17. ^.^ . Jem Jars (uiarts .tl.lS doz. I Cooking Onions 10 lbs. 25c Rose Baking Powder 16c. per tin Phone 37 JUST ARRIVED ^ TIP TOP SAMPLES A wonderful array of fine materials to choose from. Call at our store to-day and let us measure you *or your new fall suit. Kit and satisfac tion garanteed. Only â€" CASH ONLY Corn Flakes 7c WE BUY EGGS for CASH OR TRADE MEATS Fresh and Curetl ♦♦♦♦<-fr>>**<'**<->^*sX«<~><-!~>^^<-fr»<«s ••».: ^•♦^.-: •^♦^>^X'^♦•^♦♦<~^♦♦<>^v^^x•♦♦♦♦♦♦^K•♦♦^•<-^«-^»♦^

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