Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Sep 1932, p. 1

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'^Ue gk^l^exim %hmnu. Vol. 52. No. 15 Flesherton, Ontario, September 14, 1932 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Sietz, also Messir-. Claude Glover, Carl Stumpf and Charlie Rosenberger, all of Kit- chener, visited over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chard. Messrs. Clarence Chard and Geo. Badgerow visited the past week in Toronto and attended the Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Akitt, George and Ruby were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Chard the first of the week, Recent visitors at the Pedlar home were Mrs. Fanny Taylor and son of Oxford, N.Y., Mr. and Mi'.^. John Hambly of London and Mrs. Robinson and granddaughter, Annie Roblm^on, of Feversham. Mr. Thos. Betts and son, Herb, spent a couple of days in Toronto and attended the Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brackenbury and family of Owen Sound visited recent- ly with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar. Quite a number from here attended the evangelistic meetings of the Gospel Workers ti Clarksburg on Sunday. Mr. Wm. Pedlar and grandson, Jim, and ;Mrs. H. Wilson spent a few days last week with Durham friends. Unitey U.F.W.O. club held their monthly meeting on Wednesday of last week with 15 ladies present. A splendid program was given. Mr. George Patton of Owen Sound was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark. We are very pleased to report that Mrs. J. A. Foster is somewhat im- proved from her illness at time of writirg. PRICEVILLE KIMBERLEY (Last Week's Items') School opened on Thursday, Sept. 1st, with Miss E. M. Oliver again as teacTier. Mrs. Ellen Park of Owen Sound spent a couple of dayp with her daughter, Mrs. Dick Clark, and als« visited v/ith Mrs. C. Newell on Mon- day. Becent visitors at the Pedlf boms were, Miss Ita Pedlar, Markdale, and Ml*, and Mrs. Ce^'il Meldrum and family of Port Law. Miss Mary Clark spent tho pnst weeTc with relatives m Toront .• We are sorry to report Mrs. J. A Foster confined to her bed, ha\nng taken suddenly ill on Saturday after- noon. Nurse McMaster is in at- tendance and we trust she vrill be restored to her usual health again. Mr. Jack Foster and Mrs. Thos. A-ldcorn of Torotnto were visitors over the holiday at the parental home here. Mr. "Wm. Pedlar, Mr. and Mrs. L. Pedlar, Jim, Doris and Laura, and Mrs. H. Wilson visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pedlar of Feversham. The Baptist Ladies' Ail spent a social evening on Tuesday last with Mrs. John Hargrave, who has befu so long confined to her hiuse, being n great sufferer of rheumatism. The e^eninff was thoroughly enjc^'ed. The f/adies served refrashmenis at the close. Mr. Thcts. Gamey and iJr. Joe Phillips, Toronto, v.ere holiday vis- itors with their cousin, Mr Dick Clark and fami'v. (Last Week's Items) Master Walter McBride had the misfortune to fall and ijreak hii left arm receatly. Mrs. Dan McLeod, son, Neil, and daughter, Mary, Toronto-., visited friends here and aibtended .' church service, Sunday. Mrs. Craig and sister, Mrs. Gar finckle, and son, Bob, of Toront.) spent the week end with the former's mother, Mrs. Hector McDonald. Visitors over the week end at Mr. Neil McKinnon's were, Mrs. Slater, Harry, Annie, Edith and Emma, Mis? Grace Williams, Annie, Kari.' and Gladys McKinnon, Messrs. Dick Bax- ter, and Jim O'Brien, all of Toronto. CHAMBERS â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Percy Chambers, (nee Florabello Mc- Lean^) Toroiito, a dpughter, Still- born. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Dvowely and daughter, Georgena, of Edmonton, are visitors witn Mrs. Drowely's brother, Mr. Colin McLean, and othei friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John McF.»rlane of The holidays are over and school began jagain. Mis.s Dinsmore and Mrs. Carruthers filing school posi- tions here. Misses Almeda Weber at "Sur light College" Tena Hutchin- son at Riverview; lola Graham at Singhampton; Jean Carruthers at Proton. Opal Weber and Elsie Gra- ham are attending school in Flesher- ton and Bessie Stafford returned to her former school ^ear Barrie. The Ladies' Aid had a very intei'- esting meeting Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Russel Ellis. Ar- rangements were imade for the annual fowl supper on Oct. 18, also the an- niversary services on Oct. 16. Several ;rentlemen and other visitors attended the usual 10c tea at the close of the meeting. Mrs. W. Gondfellow spent a few days the guest of her daughter, Mrs. R. Ellis. , Mr. Elmer Ellis made a record of trips to the stock yards during the week, making three trips in less than 36 hours. Mrs. Fry of New Dundee spent a CEYLON Toronto spent the week end with their ^^ek with her brother, Mr. G. Mc- friends here and attended the wedd- ing of the former's brother, Mr. Neil McFarlane, to Miss Mary Bailey, who were married on Wed»esday. Mr. Henry Richardson of Toronto spent the week end here. His wife and son, Dcniald, who( 'hjave ^pent some time visiting her mother, Mrs. D. G. McLean, accompanied him home. Miss Sadie Carson, who has spent nearly three weeks holidays is To- ronto, spent the week end at her home. She left on Monday to attend schnoj in Toronto. Messrs. Alfred Hincks and Alex. McLean left Monday for Toronto, t.) kegin school on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Cooper and baby, Betty, of Toronto spent the week end at Norman Mclntyre's. Mr. Innis McLean, Toronto, spent the week end at his home here. Misses Margaret and Minnie Simp- son returned to Chicago, after spend- ing the past five weeks vrith their sisters, Mrs. K. McArthur and Mrs. ^^ght. TORONTO LINE NORTH Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Radford and family, Mr. Radford Sr. and Mrs. Norris of Toronto called on their coui- in, Mrs. R. Richardson, recently. Mrs. Albert Stewart is visiting her brother, Mr. C. Perigoe at Delhi. Connell. .Everyone v/ere much pleased to see the Rev. and Mrs. Veals of Port Carling among us. Rev. Veals took the services in Kimborley circuit on Sunday, while Mrs. Veals assisted in the choir. We feel Rev. and Mrs. Veals belong to Kimberley as it was here Mrs. Veals came as a bride, also Master Brinley and Miss Dimples had their birthplace among us. Mr. and Mrs. R. Chard, Mr. and Msr. Elmer Ellis and boys, and Mrs. A. Andrew, attended the Exhibition last week. Miss Smith of Toronto is the guest of Mrs. Myles and Miss Rutli. Mr. and Mr^J. Percy Hunt and two jons, Stanley and .Melville, spenc a few days in Toronto the pp.st week. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Croike" of To- ronto spent the weak ond wiHi Miss .M. finok. Mr. Alex. Knox, accyjHipaniod by Mrs. Jas. Pattison of Toropi.i soL-ni the week end with his mother, Mrs. Knox. Mr. Percy Hemphill, who has been on two weeks' holidays, returned tn his duties, Tuesday, at Mt. Forest. Miss Agnes Macphail, M. P., was a speaker in Kincardine on Saturday evening. Miss D. Fisher spent the veck erid at her home in Paisley. » Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCartney and two children. Miss Kerton of Bad- gerow, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Quesnel ind family of Owen Sound were first 3f the week visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Duckett EUGENIA Car Struck Cow Members at the Fishermons' Club â€" -^â€" . House over the week end were: Dr.. A cow, owned by Mr. Carl Atkin- Boyd and brother, Mr. Larry Boyd, son of Victoria Corners, was struck Mr. Grubb and Mr. Lash. and knocked down in front of his Some of our young village gentle- 1 gate on Monday evening by a car men had a chicken pie supper in | driven by Mr. Geo. Armstrong? ol the park recently. They shared up | town. Mr. Armstrong was driving with some Flesherton young ladies, i south on the highway and as he was All report a good time. Mr. Donald McDonald and Mr. Will. Magee visited friends in Hamilton for a few days. Mr. Lockhart of Victoria Corners, a Ur;iversity Student, preaced a fine sermon on Sunday morning in the United church here. He took his text from the Book of Revelations. Miss Christena Magee and Miss Irene Martin have gone to Toronto to attend Norm.al school. We wish the ;?irls success. Mrs. A. if. Pedlar and son, Glenn, and daughter. Miss Kathleen, visited about to vass Mr. Atkinson's gate, a cow, coming therefrom, .stepped in front of the car. She received a broken leg and a rupture on the side and later had to be disposed of. The car will need a new radiator and front fenders were dinged. According to highway traffic officer Boswell oi Shelburne, who was summoned, Mr. .Atkinson was carrying a lantern and driving the cow to his other farm, a few rods north, and had just stepped out of the gate, but had not started on the highway when the accident oc- curred. He stated that the cow should not'have been on the road with- Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Collinson and I ^t Mr. Ed. Graham's, Clarksburg, on ^ ^^^ ^ jj^^t bein^r near it. An agree- dauirhters motored to Owen Sound , Sunday. and were accompanied home by her mother, Mrs. Coleman. Mr. Thos. Cook of Markdale vis- ited his niece. Miss M. Cook, the first of the week. Mr. John McMillan spent the week end at Barrie. Mr. John Gibson, who has spent a fortnight with friends in Toronto re- turned home Saturday and was ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Winters, Mr. and Mrs. Yates and TMr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith of Toronto, who were week end visitors here. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair and daugh- ter, Margaret, motored to Harriston the first of tho week. MilBS Mable Williams of Fever^iam spent the week end at Mr. Thoa. Genoe's. Miss Hilda returned with has returned ment has not been reached as yet between the two parties. Mrs. Jake Williams home from Toronto. _^ ^___ Mr. Harry Foerster has gone toj williamsford has lost by death its Kimberley and will engage in the ^^^^^ ^Id man, ;Christojt)her Heft, blacksmith business there. | ^^^^^j gg ^^^^.^ g^ ^^g f^j. ^^^y Mr. and Mrs. R. Hindle and Ronald y^^^.^ ^ ^^^^^^ j^ Sullivan. of Duncan visited with Mr. and Mrs. i - -- â€" â€" Will. Kaitting and family. Mr. Bert Magee and son, Cecil, motored to Toronto on Monday. Miss Christena accompanied them to the city. Miss Muriel Fenwick has gone to Owen Sound to attend school. Mr. Chas. Hopper has gone to the city for a few days. Renew your subscription now. Buy your Flour and Feeds from tke Osprey Fanners' Milling Co. FEYBRSHAM Family Brsad Flour Made from No. 1 Wastarn Wheat Pastry Flour Cracked Red Wheat, Grits. ' Made Prom Choice Ontario Wheat Mr. and Mrs. Weber and Miss Al- them for a weeks' visit. •♦<»♦»»♦»< ^â- Â»0»*0»0<'»»»»»^***»**< meda spent a few days in Toronto and at the Ex. Mr. Norman Burritt reports a good Mt. J. T. Rutledge of East Orange, N. J., Mrs. G. R. Jackson and two | sons of Dundas spent the week end ; pear crop this year ha\'1ng picked with Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLeod. | about 3 barrels from one tree. Miss Maugaret Sinclair entertain- " The Misses Edna and Anne Bui ritt, â-  ^(j her entrance class at Owen SounO Betty Graham and Mica Gertrude ' on Saturday. Ijever visited the afternoon holiday } Mrs. Ismond and son, Douglas, of with Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Burritt, also Nerval were week end visitors witii VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bannon, Milton Bannon, Doris, Kathleen, Jat^ and Fled spent the week end at Toronto and the Ex. Mr. and Mrs. Ren. Acheson and babe ^ent the week end at Toronto. Mrs. Acheson remained for a week. MV. and Mrs. Melville Hawe and babe spent the week end at Mr. Alb- ert Stinson's. Miss Beatrice Moore of Dundalk, spent a few days at home. School op«ned for the full term with Miss Sylvia Achesonn as our teacher. Our school now nurofbers ten pupils. Mr. Wallace Wilson of Barrhead week. Don and Harold Graham spent the week end with them. Mrs. Plewes visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. F. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. John HayneJ spent a week in Toronto where Mr. Hayno= was taking treatments at the General hospital. Mr. Harold Thompson and Miss Ruth Wise, R. N., of Orangeville vis- ited Kimberley friends durir;< the Mr. and Mrs. G. Arrowsniith. Mr. Alex. Muir left Tuesday to at- tend several Fall Fairs in Simcoe County, Barrie, Meaford and other points as jud:j:e of live stock. Mr. and Mrs. Xeiley and family and Mr. Jan»es McClocklin of South River called on friends on Saturday while enroute to visit friends at Glen- eld and Durham. BATES BURIAL CO'Y | 124 Avenue Road Toronto | DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT REASONABLE PRICES * PHONES: NIGHT OR DAY-^Ingsdale 4344â€"3456 | Modern Privat^Chanel ? J. W. Bates Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks, Manager | Formerly of Flesherton * S3 spent the week end with his sister, Mrs. H. Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wickens and daugh- ter, Marion, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Pedlar and Mrs. Doupe spent y- day with Mrs. Frank Thomp- son at Chesley. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Aberc«ombie and calves f i-om Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Abercrombie spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. T. AbercHombie. Mr. Stuart Ellis of Collingwiood vis- ited a week with his pare .its here. Mr. Russel ElKs ajid Mr. S. S. IN MEMORIAM JULI.AN â€" In loving memory of Tkomas Julian, who died September 16th, 1921. This world has seemed to have lost Burrftt each brought a truck load of ^^ ^^^^^ ^j j^^ j^y^ Daddy, because family of Rochester, N. Y., visited recently with the former's fathes, at the home of R. Richardson. Mp. Xhos. Sled and son. Burton, were visitors with Collingwood frierds> last week. Mr. Harold Lever made a busisess trip to Toronto on Monday. Little Miss Mailion Beecroft of Owen Sound spent a day with her cousin, Marion Wickens, the pas* week. t Mr. Wm. Abercrombie leift Monday for his home in Barrie. After having spent most of the summer with hia niece, Mrs. Robt. Richardson. Misses Gertrude Lever and Anne Burritt spent Sunday with friends at Feversharn. THE LATE J. K. MOFFAT PLOTHOLDERS' MEETING A meeting; of the plot holders is f be held on Friday, September 16th, in the Town Hall, Flesherton at 8 p.m. All parties interested are invited to attend. -JNO. S. McMILLAN, Sec. Adam Clarke, a HoSand pioneer, and for many years postmaster at Lily Oak, died last week in Holland Centre. ^ - » Mamy of our readers will regret to learn of the death of Mr. J. K. Moffat, the well known stove manu- facturer of Weston. Mr. Moffat "was one of four brothers, who with their father, some fifty years ago started a stove making factory in Ma'kd^le. Later, they moved to Weston, where they have carried on a stove manufactory, having its rat- ifications throughout the wdrld. He has been President of his company, but he has not confined his energies to it. The United church found in him a warm supporter, and he was an elder of We^mini^er church, while local bodies having the welfare of the general public, ever had in him a warm friend. Mr. Moffat, who was in his 72nd year leaves a widow (nee Annie Reid) one son (a med- ical doctor in Michigan) and a daugh- ter, Helen. ^ 2 ."'Jill-i^. Mr. and Mrs. Foster of Oshawa are guests of Mrs. Foster's pareats, Mr. and Mrs. G. Hutchinson. Mr. Russel and Miss Esti'li.? iln:n- mond have returned to school in To- ronto after spending ttie holidays with Blanche, here. Mr. and Mrs. Appleton of Gait vis- ited a few days as the guesr. of Mr. and Mrs. B. Hall and Mr. Robt. Law- rence. A representative of H.B.P.C. from the head office met with the people of the community to consider install- ing lights in the village and farms. A number have signed and as yet it is not definitely known if thoie ar* ^enough signers. Mr. Harry Forester of Eusrenia has opened up bnsiness in th'.- shop rec- ently vacati'J by Mr. Floe J. Mrs. Jacob Williams i-e;urned home this week, after visitinjc Mr a«d Mrs. Wes. Buskin at Grimiby. you were one of the best. â€" Sadly missed by Wtfe and Daughters. St.Mary's Anglican Church MAXWELL Rector, Rbv. Maurice F. Oldham. Sunday school and Divine service in afternoon on Sunday, a>e<)6eml»er 25th. The Rector wishes to thank ail those who helped decorate the church for Harvest Home and contributed, also the organist and choir for the splendid services of Sept. Uth., "Oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness and for Hi.s wonderful works to the Children of Men." Psalm 107:31. Out I, Sale Is Here Everything in Store at Half Price BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS NOW AND SAVE MONEY W. A. Armstrong & Son \\ . J. W. Armstrong, E-xecut«>r IN MEMORIAM PEDLAR â€" In loving memory of Mrs. Wm. Pedlar, who passed away on September 15th. 1931. Loving and thoughtful always. Cheerful right to the end, A kind and loving mother And to all who knew her a friend. â€" Husfband and Family. CARD OF THANKS Miss Annie Howard wishes to thank the friends for many acts of kind- ness during the illness of her brother Henry, and for sympathy expressed fit bis deatk. Sockeve Onions 10 LBS. 16c Fancy Pink Salmon 5c TIN Rubber Jar Rings 5c PKG. Just a real good Tea 4 LBS. $1.00 Ken Kennedy^s For Groceries Fhone 37 Tip Top Clothes Drop in and see the ney Tip T«p Kali and Winter suit auvi overcoat samples A f'ne range of all wool fabrics at $22.50 Ready mades considerably less CAS! i ONLY Salmon 16c TIN •> Pep 2 FOR 21c P. & G. SOAP 7 BARS 25c MEATS Fresh and Cured

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