Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Sep 1932, p. 6

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HI/. . '. >r.i I, Voice oi the Press Canada, The Empire and The World at Large ^ CANADA The Landward Movement There is a laudwarj inovomeiit In all countriM. It In inevitable, and the present efforts in Manitoba and the other provinces of Canada niay draw •tteutluu to this and may oncouraKO • wider, voluntary mov(>niont (rum the cities to the rural districts. liut the success of the efforts now being made here will depend on adherence to the •trict and almout sovere niMhods that have been followed thus far, and on giving only a niininuim of aKsistaiice «o that the Bcttlers will know that thoy must mend for themselves and make the utmost use of their oppor- tunity. â€" Winnipeg Free Press. Independsnce impossible Nothing has sc far emerged from re- publican Ireland to give the least pro- mise of Irish economic independence. Politically Ireland may bo as Inde- pendent as C'uiiada, but fiiiancially Ire. land Is no more independent of out- side monoy power than Canada Is In- dependent ot New York. President de Valera may know how to bring about Irish independence, but It cer- tainly never will be independent *o long as the national credit lia.s to ho pledged to private sources. Tho pro- sent Irish administration will he made to too the line, Ju.st as surely as Eng- land had to toe the line last September or as Canada, Australia. New Zealand and other countries have been com- pelled to submit to the policy ot de- flation imposed from outside source.s. â€" Ottawa Citizen. Dangerous Drivers Picked observers of tUo American Railway Association who made a sur- vey of tlic actions of motorists at grade crossings, report that 74 per cent, of tho drivers exercised reason- able care, 14 per cent, were reckles.s and 12 per cent, doubtful. Reasonable care meant reduced speed, looking in boiii directions and obedience to warn- ing signals. It is pretty safe to say that the 74 per cent, class had little or no representation In the accidents that did occur at crossings. The fact that 26 per cent, are either reckless or "doubtful" shows that at this late day there is still need fur safety les- sons for motorists, and for highway police to control the dangerous ones. â€"Montreal Gazette. Automobiles on the Farm At the present time Canada counts one motor car for every 2.27 farms, Ontario having the highest percent- age, with one car for every 1.53 farm. Quebec comes last on the list with a car for 5.06 farms, which, by tlie way, cannot bo considered a drawback, for though the car may bo a great con- venience, it is still very often an ob- ject of great luxury and, for young farmers, a constant invitation to re- laxation and idleness. â€" La Tribune, Sherbrooke. Never Satisfied If prices are up, wo aro not satis- fled. If they aro down, we aro still grumbling. What, then, will bring us content? The thing that is needed la stability. It Is not tho fad that prices aro high or that they are low that mat- ters so much as that they refuse to Btay anywcre. When they go up, the dollar goes down, and people who have dollars find they are worth only 90 or 8<i or 70 per cent, of thor former value â€" in goods, that Is. When prices are down, tho dollar becomes worth more, and tho Individual who borrnwf-d at a different level finds ho has to produce more goods or put in nioro hmiis of labor than ho had counted on to pay his debt. It is this fluctuation which has. given rise to tho demand for "tlie honest dollar"; that is, the dollar that will buy approximately tho same quantity of goods to-day as to-morrow and next year as last year. â€" Van- couver Province. i patch of busine.ss, or the same mea- sure of agreement, if the delegationa had been scattered â€" as they must have been at Lausaimo, or for the mat- ter of that in Londonâ€" In a dozen sep. arato offices and hotels. They owe not a little of their success to the spa- cious capacity of Parliament Buildings and the Chateau Laurier. But political leaders everywhere are bound to Justify themselves In the end to their constituents. Opposition:: are not to be controlled. There will be attacks and counter-attacks, suggesilons that too much has been conceded and too little secured, complaints that there has been"no dramatic climax and no immediate decline In unemployment. It Is quite Inevitable that every Gov- ernment should be driven to make the best case for Us own performance at the Conference; and there will be no harm In It so long as they observe the one essential condition that the case Is not made to the detriment of any other Oovernment.â€" Ix)ndon Times. Motorbus and Public Regulation of motor-coach traffic out of London Is a problem both urgent and difficult. When the Road Traffic Act came Into force last year, tho roads wore overburdened with super- fluous coaches whose owners were not concerned so much to serve the pub- lic as to establish their claims to the Metropolitan Traffic Commissioner's sanction. Accordingly the Commis- sioner, faced with the enormous task of bringing order into a vast, spon- taneously-ge-orated chaos, did not liosltato to be restrlctve. The final re- I>ort of Lord Amulree's committee ot inquiry just issued deals with the ap- peals against the Commissioner's re- strictions, and In the majority ot cases it recommends modincation, complete or partial, of his original decisions. The obvious common sense of the situation Is that there should bo on the road enough motor-coaches to supply the! public need, and no more, ant], second, I that the economic laws of supply and demand will realize that ideal. In the long run, better than arbitrary legisla- tion.â€" London Morning Post. New Altitude Record 'I'liL' Hilar d;i), .Maiy.sc Jiilu, ilaiin;; l-'icnv.iiv.(in:aii. liiL :;-..'iOO feet in har planeâ€" a new record. Men aviators better look to their laurels. Saving on Health If there should prove truth in the report that among the economic mea- sures the Provincial (iovernment con- templates tho abandonment of the ser- vices of tho Public Health nurses as built up since 191G, then tho full mea- sure of tho risk should be known. Six months ago the staff of 50 nurses was distributed over tho whole Provinco and not as heretofore only in those municiiKillties willing to pay a part of the cost. The eipilpment for tho wel- fare stations, tho first aid and thu edu- cational work Is nil at hand. Tho only cost Is that of maintaining the nurses In the field, which averages about 12,000 per nurse. The total amount saved If tho who.o service Is wiped out U estimated at $100,000. And tho whole structure of years which has yielded blessing far and wide will go Into tho discard. â€" Winnipeg Kreo Press. THE EMPIRE Reiiont For Conference Succeti They (the delegates at the Imperial Conference) have worked as they have never .worked before; and let it never be forgotten that it was the Initiative, the resources, ond the orgnnizalion of tho Canadian (Jovernnieiit, whOHfl clr- fiurostances have tended to make them the storm centre of critlci.im, that pro. vIdH the opportunity for this Intense concpiilradon on a single ta»k There •ould nerer have been the same itts- Better Food Not the least of the human victories of those latter centuries has been the conquest of new foods, of better foods, of more varied foods. Explorers and .scientists and inventors have all play- ed their parts. And the good work still goes on. The Food Investigation Board of the Dnpartment of Scientific and lndu.strial Research is a body for which the public cares littlo. It is neither spectacular nor costly. Hut its work, amongst other things, gives us Iiromise of fre.sh Hrltlsh fruit all the year round. The time is near when it will be no queerer to have fresh raspberries than fresh beef at Christ- mastimo.â€" London Dally Herald. OTHER OPINIONS British Redivivus rar from being discouraged by, world economic conditions, Great Rrl- tuin Is redoubling its efforts to assure i Us industrial future by great national ' enterprises. Ono of the most import- 1 ant Is a scheme for electrical power' distribution known as the Grid Sys- j tern, expected to he more simple and ' economical than any other in opera- ton In the world. The basis of this en- terprise which Is to link up tho entire industrial system ot Hritain Is in a great electric station, the first unit of which recently was opened with na- lional ceremony on the bank of the lower Thamas. Tho site In 192.1 was a desolate and remote marshland and to make a foundation for tho h\iild- ngs vast superstructure.! of piles and cement had to he prepared. When comi)leted 40 acres ot tho 100-acro tract will bo occupied by the station. A Jetty has been built at which ocean- going vessels can discharge their cai^ goes of coal at all states of the tide.â€" Detroit News. Peasant and Soviet Tho iieasant and his wife havo no uso for Soviet notes except as moans of purrha.slng the goods they require, and if they cannot obtain those goods they will stay at home and keep their produce for themselves. Tho Soviet Press Is now denouncing tho light In- dustry organizations for not supplying suitable wares, and efforts aro being made to meet tho deficiency. Kven the big factories engaged in heavy indus- try havo been ordered to utilize their scrapheaps to make nails, buckets, and other articles for peasant use. And to cope with tho difficulty from tho other side all tho factories havo been nstrurted to organize "self-supply sys- tems," to relievo thn aovcrnment's Insk of finding food by eatablshing pig- sties and poultry farms, and to make their own bargains with tho peasants for tho supply of produce from tho country. To make tho outlook still more depressing, tlio reports of tho condition ot crops grow stendily more discouraging.â€" London Times. .'France and Defense Py Paul Reynaud, Recent Minister of Finance of France, on arriving at New York. I am afraid that the spirit of peace in Europe is not controlled as we would like. It is a serious question, requiring great thought and medita- tion. We never speak of peace in France except with enthusiasm. Wo suffered too much from the war. The love of peace is just a.', great in France as it is here. The American a the French views are the same on this question. President Hoovfer but recently de- clared, when the issue arose as to re- duction in effectives, that America should never be left i;. such a position as to make her susceptible to the in- vasion of foreign troops. We in France have the same feeling. It is the feeling of tho peasant, and the spirit of the peasant of France is tha soul of France. France is (governed by fact. How- ever mi,ny changes in Ministries may take ^lace, the policy of France, which is influenced alone by fact, remains the same. The transition from one party leadership to another is .scarcely observable. Fruit Production In the Dominion Canadian Notes Edmonton, Alta. The Immediate coiiHtrudioi of a 140,000 warehouse News Tit-Bite Elephants Beg for Copperj Brussels.â€" The director of the Ajit- In Kdmontou has been authorized by werp Zoo, who has little sense ot the Motor (;ar Supply Company of humor, reported that there have been Canada, according to an announce- : "no cases of sickness from ovartoed- ment by Mr. C. 0. MacKouLl", man- 1 log" among the thousands ot animaki ager of the ECdmontou branch The In his care. He mentioned the tons new building, which will contain 20,- ' of horse-meat fed to the carnivores, 000 square feet of space, will be con- ' the hay and beet sugar provided for structed on a site owned by the com-' the elephants in Winter and the fresh pany, and is expected to be ready clover for the dainty antelope. But for occupation by October IS. he said nothing about the hundred Calgary, Alia.-â€" Cars of cattle being and one tricks used by the animals shipped at the present time are re- to beg food from visitors to suppla. ported to be In better condition than nient their diet. for many years. Pasture and mols- j Judging by the actions of tha ture conditions have been excellent, beasts, the official menu Is about SI since early spring and are still fa v. ! per cent below par. Lions and orable. The C.P.R. Holstcin cows I tigers patrol their cages, keatinc from the Strathmore farm were the I their lean flanks against the Iron winners in this class ot livestock at i bars, the sea lions lift their voiCAS tlie recent Calgary Exhibition. The In protest and sea fowl rush the condition of those cows was the sub- visitors for food. Ject of much favorable comment! The elephants know best how to ment. I improve each shining hour; tbejr Vernon. B.C. â€" The Co-operative, hew for coppers to be .urned into Growers at Ponticton are going In tid-bits by their keepers. for crystallizing cherries this year, under the direction of an expert from Executioner Sells Books the Dominion Experimental Station at Prague.â€" The former public execu- West Summerland. Plans provide tioner ot Prague, Droumarsky, who for treating 20 tons of Royal Anne lost his Job because he gave an un- cherries for consumption at soda athorized interview to a newspaper, fountains and as candied or Maras- 1 is now making a living by selling cliiiio cherries. A good market has books from a public stand In one of the leading streets of the city. Spanish Farmers Seek Relief on 800 A.D. Tax Madrid. â€" Thirteen farmers from Logrono Provinco called on Premier Manuel Azana recently and sent him delving into history books. They ask- ed "merely to bo relieved ot a tax sys- tem Imposed In 800 A.D. by tho Visi- goth Kli:g, llamiro of Leon. Administration of tho property has descended from the princes to a board ot assessors, which visits tho farmers each spring. This year the a.ssessors threatened tho farmers with eviction. Man Is only miserable so far as he thinks himsolf so.- Snnnabaro. The final estimate of the commec- cial fruit production of Canada in 1931 gives the total value as $14,756,- 636, thus confirming the preliminary estimate previously published. Ontario led the provinces in the value of its commercial fruit production, with British Columbia second. Nova Scotia third, Quebec fourth and New Bruns- wick fifth. The value of the output for Ontario was $5,894,017, Briti.sh Columbia $4,894,143, Nova Scotia $2,- 851,881, Quebec $911,545, and New Rrun.=;wjck Sl'06,050. The total value for the Dominion showed a decline of $:^,408,(i40 from the value on 1930. There were decreases in all the pro- vinces but New Brunswick, the larg- est falling-off being in Briti.sh Col- umbia. Although 1931 showed a reduction in the total value of the Dominion fruit production from 1930, neverth-j- less there were increases in the crops of a number of varieties of fruits. The yield of apples showed an advance, -is did also that of peaches, apricots, .strawberries, raspberries, and grapes, but there were declines in thj yields of pears, plums.'prunes and cherries. The value of the apple crop of the Dominion last year was $8,863,797, .second place being held by strawber- ries at $1,691,471, while peaches came third at $1,173,654, raspberries fourth at $822,362, and grapes fifth at $813,280. Women Voters Exceed Men â€" in Barcelona been assured for the product. Vancouver, B.C. â€" C'onsolidated Min- ing and Smelting Company's chemical Idle Musicians to Give Opera fertilizer industry is being develop- Paris â€" Hoping to relieve somewhat ed along extensive lines and more the plight of hundreds ot unemploy- than $250,000 worth ot sulphate ot.od musicians in Paris, an association ammonia has been shipped during they have Just formed will produce tho last few weeks. The company j the opera "Aida" in the open-air Is sliippiii.g fertilizer to the planta-[ sports stadium at Colombes. Sing- tloiis of Hawaii, the citrus orchards ' ers of the Paris Opera have promised of California and the farming regions I to play leading parts in the cast ot China and the Dutch Kast Indies. I of more than 500 persons. There A cargo of 3.000 tons ot fertilizer, will be an orchestra ot 120 unemploy- fertilizer was rccenily sent to the ed musicians and the brass band ot Dutch Kast Indies. Indian agricul-j the Mounted Republican Guards will tural interests have asked for samples, I be present, and it is expected that a large | nuantity of fertilizer will bo market- 1 Eiffel Tower to Be Painted od in India later in the year. Paris â€" The Eiffel Tower soon will Nanaimo, B.C.â€" Fisheries Experi-j weigh thirty-eight tons mor?. when mental Stations at Nanaimo and at^ tho task of cleaning and painting; It Prince Rupert liave to:\i.iI the liver. Is completed. Thirty-eight tons ot oil of halibut off this coast rich in paint will be required to cover tha Vitamin A. There is value also In entire surface ot the steel structure, salmon livers, formerly a total loss, which weighs 7.700.000 tons. The and in the livers ot the grey or ling j painting is done every seven years. cod and the grey fish (dog fish). Tests are still being carried out with To Ski Over Aegean Sea salmon, grey fish and groy cod. buti Vienna. â€" Fritz Ettelmayr, who in halibut liver oil is now an establish- I 1928 at the age of 19 made the first ed factor and ''rings steady commer- , crossing of the English Channel in cial returns from eastern manufac- a collapsible boat, loft Villach lu turing laboratories. Carinthia recently on water-skis, on Victoria. B.C. â€" The fisheries of British Columbia constitute one of its principal industries. The total value ot output ot the province in which he intends to walk by water to Athens. He is following the course ot tha Drave and the Danube to the Blaclc 1031 was ?U,'09,822. The size ot| Sea, and will then ski through tha the annual revenue from the British Columbia fisheries is dependent chief- ly on the size of the salmon pack. Last year the total marketed value of the salmon, including used fresh, canned, dry-salted, etc. was $7,19G,- '74, The halibut catch, which Isjin a collapsible boat second in importance in British | .;.- Coluir.'uia, to the salmon, amounted to '82.005 cwt. The catch of fish ot all kinds In Briti.sh Columbia in 1931 amounted to 4.G49.962 cwt. with a value to the fishermen of $r,..SS0,985. Bosporus and the Dardenellos across tho Aegean Sea to Athens. He will return to xVustria by skiing over the .\driatic along the Dalmatian coast. He is being accompanied only by his friend Ferdinand Schwamberger Restoration of "Angelus" A Two Month's Task Spain's premier city, Barcelona. ! By Dr. Hf.ns Luther, President of th-? has a total of .145.152 registered vot- ers. Women surpass the men by B3,- 102. The two sexes list ag follows: Paris. â€" Two months of work by ex- perts will be necessary to repair "The Angelus," the Millet masterpiece which was slashed recently by a man, believed by police to be a lunatic, at tho louvre Museum. The process is a delicate one. First Rcichdiank. I „f j,ii_ ^^e severed threads of tha Rcgu.ding Clcrman debts abroad, Ii canvas have to be drawn together and wiuld like to refer to a recent inter- gummed. Following this a new foun- Business in Germany Women voters, 299,127; men voters, ..je^ given by Dr. Warmbold, the Min- dation is formed by a piece of fine M6,025 Team Work Return to Mountain Farms i Loilnglon, Ky. â€" The back tn^mw- land nioreraont Is being Iran /ated Into back-to the-niountain In Ken- tucky. .Seven thon.sand tamlll is haTe returned to forms In Iwenty/slx east- om mountain counties ot 'Kentucky In the last two years. i. tor of Economics, in which any idea | K.ii:ze. This operation alone take* of unilateral interference by the gov-i Ibree weeks. After that the cut in ernmont in German interest obliga-: the actual painting has to be repaired, tions was unequivocally rcpudi.ited. . . Artists, experts in this class of work, I shall not say that the economic i are employed. The tints of vhe old crisis has actually passed the turning paint are exactly matched and the point, but the olcmertal force of the scar is filled so cleverly that when the economic shrinking process is no longer so groat asto pre\'ent cur now making the utmo.st efforts 'o re- encourage enterprise. . . Much which, ir the former ph:ise of the crisis, would have been engulfed by the I'eight of events can now be undcr- l. ken with the prospect of ;"ucccss, especially since Lausanne has de facto eliminated tho r.uperprossure of repa- faint is quite dry nothing ;f the rert can be detected. Jean Mistier, Under-Secretary far Fine Arts, has brought formal charges against Pierre Suillard, 31 years old, an engineer, living in Paris. If alien- ists find him responsibli, tho maxi- nium punishment of seven years at hard labor will be sought, to discour- age repetitions of his crime. The man who stole Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona rations. But the stagnation of business can ' Lisa" received five years be overcome only by tho will of busi-' f ncss men no longer to stagnate. Even HUt^racy Shows Drop i: the governments cconomi,; r>rograi!i _/, /. n r* • lie seems to bo a way toward vigorous | vyi O t^er Uent in U>0. co-operation, what matters in the last; croup data compiled by the Census analysis is that those called upon to' Bureau on tho 1930 reports, say.s "The conduct private enterprises should j i-hHadelphia Bulletin, "show a redue- now really be minded to set them tion from G to 4.3 per cent, in lliteracy going. iu the Vnlt6<l States. The efficacy ot The contention that th.' credit strin- 1 (he school system and the etfective- gency of Germany is due to the fact: m-ss ot compulsory attendance are re- Germany has so little gold is a fairy fleeted In the fact that only 420.538 ot tale. Nor is it made truer by being j American Illiterates In 1930 were nn- maintaincd by persona who ought to j dor twenty-one. This group was 598,- know bettor. German industry and 79 in number in 1920, the perc-utaga business can perform the enormous of Improvement beng 1.1 as compared tasks facing them only if their cur- 1 with 3 3 In the group Including ages rcncy is safe against unforseeablo from twenty-flve to thirty-four, fluctuation.sâ€" briefly, only if Germany ; During a forty year drop In ilUtcr maintains the gold standard. Saskatchewan's Butter Output Up acy. from 13.3 to 4.3 per ceut., thu per- tcnt&ges of male and female Illiterates have been nearly equal. In 1930 4.4 par cent, among males and 4.3 among fe- males. Males In 1920 had a percent age of 6.0, females 5.9 per cent., eadi "Koad work with hubby makes ono fit." says Mrs. Max Bacr, better halt of the Ustlcuff ace. She believes a wife's place Is with her hustwnd and riaea early to accompany Max through his pace*. I The output of creamery butter In group making ,an Improvement of !.• , Saskatchewan for tho first six in the figures. Male and female whitM j months of ^932 was 9,038.489 pounds, in 1930 had tho same percentage of 11- according to the agricultural depart- literates. 2.7. To reach this equality ment of the Canadian National Rail- the male white population gained m ways. This Is an Increase of 4.7 p»r trlfie more than the females, as in cent, over the corresponding period 1920 the percentages were 4.1 male U- ot last year. literates and 4.0 females

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