®hje fkBl^ttion %^mnu. Vol. 52. No. 21 Flesherton, Ontario. October 26, 2913 W. H. Thurston &; Son, Proprietors CEYLON EUGENIA PRICEVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Richardson and two children, Dorothy and Jack, of Swinton Park .spent the first of the week with Mrs. Knox. Mr. F. Marshall and son, Alex., left on Thursday last for a two weeks' hunting trip near Su/ibury. Mr. L. Wauchope >f Proton has charge of tlie section a u-ing the ab- sence of Mr. Marshall. Mrs. Hooper moved her household effects to Priceville during the past week, taking up her residence in the house recently purchased from Mr. Robt. Parslow. Mrs. Herbie Fisher, daughter," Nor- ma, and son, Dick, of Toronto spent a couple of days with her sister, Mrs. Rcy Piper. Mr. and Mrs. D. McRae, Mrs. Lat- imer of Moosomin, Sask., Mj-s. Flem- ing of Winnipeg and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Arrowsmith of Niagara Falls spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Arrowsmith and family Week end visitors with them wjere Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Arrowsmith and son, Biilie, and Mr. and Mrs. S^ J. Arrowsmith of Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cushnie of To- ronto and Mr. S. E. Embury of Green- bank visited with Miss M. Cook the first of the week. Miss Wright of near Markdale vis- ited Mr. S. Hemphill and family ovei the w^eek end. Misses Allie and Edith Grant and friend, Mr. McCordis of Toronto vis- ited Satrrday with their sister, Mrs. Alex. Muir, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Brown of To- ronto motored up for the week end. Mr. Qben McLachlan of Burlington, is visiting with his father, Mr. D. D. McLachlan. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rutledgs and family of Holland Centre visited at their respective homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Arrowsmith and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Arrowsmith vis- ited friends at Meaford the first of the week. Bom â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stewart on October 23rd. 1932, at Dr. Carefoot's private hospital at Markdale, a daughter. Miss D. Fisher motored to Paisley to her home for the week end. The church will hold its anniver- sary services on Sunday, Oct. 30th. Sabbath school will meet at its usual hour and at 2:30 p.m. Rev. McPherson of Mclntyre will have charge of the service and also at 7 p.m. Rev. Mr. Scott, the pastor here, will have charge of the work at Mclntyre. Special music and singing at both services. Good congregations are looked for. Miss Alma Johnston cl Owen Sound is visiting this week with Mrs. k. C. Muir. Mr. Jesse Reasor, Mr. and Mrs. Sara I The building committee of the nsw Reasor and Audrey, accompanied by •^''"''ch held a meeting and decided to Miss Christine Magee of Toronto, wis- 1 '-^y ^^^ corner stone on Saturday, iteii over the v;eek end with th.; lat- 1 Oct. 29th. Hon. Dr. Janieson ol ter's narents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Magee. â- Durham and Hon. W. H. Price, At- Mrs. Jacob Williams is visdting with relatives m Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamicson, 8th line, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. David Genoe and Dorothy to Toronto last week. Mrs. Genoe remained at the hcsf'.tal, where ske will take treat- ment prior to an operation for goitre. Mrs. Kaitting and daughter, Delsa, visited over the week end with the former's mother, Mi-s. McKenzie, at Fcversham^ M^j. McKenzie ,cele- brated the T5th anniversary of her t'".rthday on Saturday. We wish her many happy returns of the day. Mr. and Mrs. C. Akins of Spring- hill were guests one day recently with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Magee and family. Mrs. Geo. Lawlor spent a week with her siste*, Mrs. Stephen Twigg and husband, of Campbellford. , Mr. and Mrs. Court Smith and Mr. Percy Magee, accompanied by Mrs. J. Howard of Flesherton, who has spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. Will Magee, motored to Stayner and visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Sled. Mr. and Mrs. Sled have returned a;fter a sojourn of 25 years in the West and are now staying at the home of their daughter. Mr. Sled is confined to his bed at present, but we trust that ho will soon be able to be around again. Mrs. Sled is a sister of Mrs. How^ard and Mrs. Magee. Mr. Sloan had the misfortune to step on a nail and has been nursing a sore foot for a few days. Mr. Jack Large is spending a few days at his parental home. Niagara. Mrs. I. Heauchan, Mr. and Mrs. Xorval aid Mr. and Mrs. Ben Heau- chan and son, Clayton, and Miss Taylor of Beeton and Mr. and Mrs. H. Palmer, son and daughter, of Tot- toiTiey General of Ontario, along witi: other speakers, are expected to be present. The Willing Helpers ii'/; 1 ineii monthly meeting in the hall or. T'i.->s- day afternoon, as did the W.M.S., with a good attendance. After the usual opening exercises Mrs. Suther- land gave a reading on the custom.s KOCK MILLS PROTON STATION Sfr. and Mrs. Bert Shaw and daughters, Evelyn and Ruby, ol Clarksburg visited recently with Mr and Mrs. Wm. Hawkir.3 and family Mr. Hugh Clr.rk of 0>ven Sound was a caller at the Pedlar home last week. The annual meeting of Unity U.F. W.O. club will be held on Wednes- dy arternoon, November 2nd, at the home of Mrs. G. Magee. .411 mem- bers are requested to bo presant. La;t .Suniiay was observed as "Layman's Sunday" thror-^hout the j Arglican parish. At Proton Station in the afternoon, Mr. J. H. Hartman. a layman of Meaford, preached a •:plendid .sermon, taking for his sub- ject the universality of the Church. .Mr. Sraniey Carson played the offer- tory on tlie violin. Mrs. Ranisay is -ill and is under the care of Dr. Carter. We hope she may soon reco\er Miss Tena Hutchinson, who is Mrs. Robt. McMullen of Ea;.: | Mountain is visiting with her daugh- i teaching near Riverview, spent the of China. Mrs. Dan Campbell gavej ter, Mrs. Cecil Betts. wek end at the home oT her uncle, a reading on Dr. Jessie McBean in Rev. F. L. Kipp of Toronto, a for- Mr. R. G. Acheson South China, also Mrs. -A.. L. Hincks i nier pastor here, will be the special on ManchiTria. The allocation this â- minister for the anniversary services year is |85 and has been raised $20 1 to be held in the Baptist church here from last year. Mrs. Sutherland | next Sunday. Oct. 30th. presided over the W. H. meeting In Mi a.m. and 7.30 p.m. the absence of Mrs. Wilfred Watson. | Mrs. S. Doupe of Saugeen Jet The Society donated $50 to the build- 1 visiting with her brother, Mr. W«^i. ing committee and also decided to.Hawkirs. pay for the new furnace and the Mr. Wm. Pedlar spent a day last lighting of the church. Mrs. Wm. i week renewing old acquaintances in McBride read the minutes and stated Fleshertcn. there was a balance on hand of $230.- 46. Mrs. Kate McArthur gave a splendid reading "A Lesson in Arith- metic." It was also decided to have a patriotic concert on armistice even- ing. A bountiful lunch was served by Mrs. Hector McLean and Mrs. Kate McDonald. Mr. Chas. .Anderson of Niagara is visiting with Mr. Wilfred Watson and other friends. Mr. John and Margaret Baxter, Miss Nora Falconer and Mr. R. J. Kinley of Caledon and Mrs. S. Os- born of Flesherton ware recent guest" at Alex. Stewart's. Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Archie McArthur, Ncrth Line, on Weilnej- day, Oct. I'Jth. a son. Still born. Mrs. J. A. Matheson of Toronta <^-:sited last week with h^" many friends in and around Priceville. Married â€" On Friday. Oct. 21st, Mr. Fred Hargrave spent Tuesd:;y in Toronto. Our trscher. Miss Oliver, spent Ihf wpnk end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs Lor-a Hodgin, Mr. Bert Hcd'^in, Miss Beatrice Moore and her father, Mr. W. T. Moore Se!'\'ices at i spent Sunday with Badjeros friends. Rev. H. B. Jacksom and daughter, Miss Leila Jackson, are again on an evangelistic tour in the north. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Dever visited with Allenford friends. Mr. Jac'.i Dever, who has been visiting at -Allen- ford for several weeks, returned home with them. tenham were recent visitors with theii I at the Manse, Pri.eville, by Rev. Dr. cousin, Alex. Carruthers, and family, i Maclvor, Miss Mary Black, daug-htcr c: Mr. Jos. and the late Mrs. Black FEVERSHAM IN MEMORIAM GIBSON â€" In loving memory or our dear father, William A. Gibson who passed away Oct. 17th, 1924. Forget you? No, we never will, Although you have gone ^ve love you still. Hard was the blow, the shock severe, To part with one we loved so dear. â€" Ever remembered by your family. IN MEMORIAM McGIRR â€" In ever loving memory of our dear husband and father, Robt. S. McGirr, who passed away Oct. 25, 1028. Time may heal the broken-hearted, Years may make the wound less sore, But it lannot still the longing For the loved one gone before. Who shall say the grief is lessened, Though the snule may hide the tearV Memories keep the wound still open To spite the passing of the year. â€" Ever remembered by wife anci daughter. The people of this community had the pleasure of again hearing a very interesting and instructive sermon preached by Bishop Swalm of Xot- tawa. The Bishop chose as his text Matthew 8:11-12. He received rapt attention. The service was held m the S. .A. hall here on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. TC. Colquette an* children, Betty and Allan, of Owen Sound spent Sunday with friends here The Holiness Workers held an all- day meeting in their church here on Thursday, Oct. 20th and a good num- ber of members were in attendance. The Guild of Maxwell .Anglica:? Church held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. R. S. McGirr on Thursday, October 20th. Mr. Ivan Alexander of Owen Sound spent Sunday at his parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Eby, J-Irs. Donaldson. rierbert and Marion, spent Sunday with vriends in Owen Sound. Mrs. Long cC Montreal was a re- cent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sm:th. Mrs. Crawford Sr of Whitby, who was visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Smith, has returned home WRIGHT M-VCPHAIL PORTLAW Centre Line and renewed old friendships. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meldrum and Mr. Clinton of Toronto ^pant the week end with the folks of the old home. Mr. T. W. Walker and son ai To- lonto were visitors lately at the home of the former's brother here. Mrs. Rathwell and son, Lionel, of Allenford were visitors recently with the Meldrum families. of Swinton Park, to Mr. W.ilioi Stewart of Hopeville. Misses Jean and .Almeua Hincks spent the week end with Miss Ellen Parker, Flesherton. Messrs. Innis and .Alex, McLean of Toronto spent the week end at their home. Mr. and Mrs. .Albert McNally, Mr. and M^i?. Will Timmins and Misr Timmins of Travorston visited thi first of the week at Alex. Carson's. Messrs. .Angi'.s, A. B. and Dan L McArthur spent the - week end witV friends at Haileybury. Service in the Presbyterian church will be withdrawn Sunday evening, owing to anniversary service;- in St. Columba United Church. MAXWELL Mr. and Mrj. Chester Camcro.- are visiting friends in this vicinity' •hi J v.-::Qk. Don't forget the fowl suppc on Friday. Nov Uth, under the ausp ce-. of the Un ted Church W. A. and listen to the pr'.ay entitled "Twixt Love and Money," which will be ,:v- en by the Ma.xwell younr people. Mr. and Mrs. .Angus Morrison spent R. J. Colquette has been laid up '-he week end with their son. R. J. THE ROOSTER TALKED BACK A lady living in the west end of the villaRe reports having witnesseu an unusual sight a few days ago. A male pheasant that had been it, the habit of visiting her corn patch for food nearly every day, found hi.", right to do challenged by a rooster and a fight e.isucJ, in which the roos- ter came out ,«econd best. After the scrap the phca.^ant started oft towaids the thicket from whence it came, when aparently, f.'ne rooster indulged in som.e "back talk," where- upon the pheasant returned and ad- ministered a Rccjnd drubbing; ard then s.amperod off la its haunts.â€" Norwood Register. with a badly sprained, ankle, which he received when he slipped on a wot walk two weeks ago. Mr. Josiah Crawford of Whitby, who has been visiting with his sister. .Mrs. Wm. Smith, has returned horn?. Mr. and Mrs. John Stoutenburg of St. Catherines were week end visitors with her brother, Jas. A. Davidson, and fam'ly. While here Mrs. Stout- enburg called on Mrs. Wm. Smith and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Bey.on of Col- lingwood and Mr. Nick Beynon and M^s .Edith FVost of Owen Sound were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Francis. Read The Advance regularly. Morrison, at Vv'alkerton. Miss Menary of Duntroon visited with Mr. und Mrs. Chas. ricrt.n dur- ing: the past week. "Layman's Day" was observed in St. Mary's Anglican church hcri- or Sunday. Mr. J. li. ilar^-man Meaford delivered a very fine sor-rcn aom Job 19:25 and Romans S:3S The choir rendered a suitable anthem On Armistice Day. November Uth, a .-ervice will be held in St. MaryS chrrch at 10.45 a.m.^ when Rev. Mc Neill will deliver a short sermon suit able for the occasion. The marriage of Miss Robena Thompson, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. MacPhail cf Motherwell, S.otland, and Mr. Wilfred David Wright, son of Mrs. Wright and the kta Mr. George Wri°ht of Proton township, was solemnized at 6 p.m. on October 15th at Kingston Road United Church, Toronto, the ceremony being performed by Rev. H. E. Loye. The bride wore a gown of saphire blue Velvet, fchioned on Princess lines, with tuiban to match and wore a corsage bouquet of roses and Lily- of-the- Valley. She was attended by her niece. Miss Margaret Tattersali, who wore poudre blue crepe with black hat. The groom was supported by Mr. James Hampton. On leaving the chuch Pipers Don and .Angus Mc- Donald played "The Highland Wedd- ing.'' A reception was held at the home ^ of the bride's sister, where a sumptu- •• ous wedding Irncheon was served. Aft'.r the luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Wright left amid showers of confetti and good w-'shes Tor a short honey- moon. The bride travelled In a biacU and white ensemble with other acce--| sories to match. On their return they will reside on the groom's farm, 16th Con. Proton. Before the bride's marriage she was tendered a shower by the staff of the Girls' Industrial Home. Toronto, oi which she was .Assistant Superintend- ant. After the shower of gifts had been opened a complimentary address was read by Miss Mary McCannell. while Miss Brailey, Supt., made tile presantation of a beautiful tea wagon. Miss MacPhail expressed her sincere thanks for the many beautiful gifts which she had received. A dainty lunch was served by the members o:" the staff. Miss Mr Phail was also given an- other surprise in the form of a China shower by her numerous friends in the Beaches district. East Toronto, where she taught music for a number of years. She was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts. On Friday evening nearly 200 friends and neighbors assembled at their heme and presented them with a mis- cellaneous shower. The evemng was spent in dancing until a late hour in tlie morning. Best wishes are extended to thf* }, ourg ceuple 'or a long and happy V. added life together. The anniversary sevices held in Mount Zion church last Sunday were ery successful and encoaiagiiiy: to ill concerned. The chuicii was jacked at both services by an apprec- 'ative audience. The poster, Rev McNeil preached morning and ev- :mng and his sermons r, i both oc- casions ^ere messa^res of rare ex- •-II- 't. The choir pri.vi.ned very appropiiate music, which wa.-i fully appreciated. The ch.i.-ch was very Revival Meetings al Gospel Workers' Church FEVERSHAM commencing on PROGRAM FOR THE WEEK Tuesday Night â€" Walter Buchanan, "The Farmer Boy Preacher." Wednesday Night â€" The Collingwood young people. Thursday Night â€" The Clarkst>nrg young people with orchestra. Friday Night â€" The Meaford young people. Week night services commence at 7:15 p.m., with 15 minutes of a song service. Sunday services at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. A hearty welcome to all. â€" W. F. DEAN, Pastor. Anniversary Services Anniversary services wll be ijeld in St. Columba United Church PRICEVILLE morning and evening SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30th Rev. S. G. McCormaek of Thornton will be the chief speaker. On the â- .aste?.il!y de. orated wiili beautiful Tuesday evening following there will be a fowl supper, after which a hum- us for the occasion. .'Mr end Mrs. C. D. ilc. lr:-ii viy-tidjorous play will be given by the wiib k ndred in Toront.) rec3nt;y. j Holstein Dramatic Club entitled Ml. and Mrs. Edwa -d Har.iv cf' "High Gloves.' Toronti visited with lel.itiv. ; vn •.'•,o .Admission: 35 and 20 ets. VALUE OF CROPS BATES BURIAL CO 'Y 124 Avenue Road Toronto DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE -AT RE.A.SONABLE PUCES PHONES: NIGHT OR D.AYâ€" Klngsdale 4341â€"3156 « X Modern Private Chapel ♦ f. J. W. Bates Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks, Manager Z !•. ' Foniicrly of Flesherton ♦ " The House ol Quglity " Specials This Week LUX 3 pkgs. 25c. TOILET PAPER 2 Rolls lie SARDINES 2 tins 9c WCNDERWASH lie Flour and Feed BR.XX SHORTS SCRHK-\INGS PURITY THREE ST.\R PILOT 0'C.\N.\D.\ PR.MRIK ROSE ^si SUPERIOR ALPKRTROSE JAS . A. STEWART FLESHERTON St.Mary's Anglican Church MAXWELL Rector, Rev. Maurice F. Oldham. Crop production in Ontario, owing ! chiefly to climatic conditions, was slightly below the yield of 1031, ac- cording to official statistics, but the results are quite satisfactory. This report is noteworthy in face of the lras::ic decline in price.^ which re- 1 :iuccd the income.^ of farmers during the paci two or three yc irs. Al- . though the gro.ss value of the agri- •i:!turcl cutput wa-! reduced by $lll.-i OOO.CCO {r.ir.i the previous year, the t.ital esti«iatei value of farm pro-j J d--:tion, $.30.5,^24,000 was a decisive! fr.ctcr in su'iaining purchasinix pow- er and it prevented bu.-incs-- in On- j Campbells Tomato Soup 3 tins 25c. Mild Canadian CHEESE IK 15c ••:-:--M->8~:">*<>^ 'Sunday School at 11 a.m. and Divine â- Service at 7 p.m. on Sunday. Nov. 6 I Armistice Day service on Friday. \ Novem'oer 11 at 10:45 a.iv.. { SrXnAY. OCrOBER .30th Sunday School at 2 p.m.; Divine Ser- vice at 3 p.m. I "For Thcu. Lord, hast made mo glad through Thy work: I will triumph in tario from falling to levels expcriencid j the works of Thy hands." â€" Psalm t'2;4 'elsewhere. Freshly Ground COFFEE Chase & Sanfcorne's 3Sc. and 49c lb. Avlm; V Brsnd CATSUP 2 for 27c. Ken Kennedy's Lux Fiakes For Groceries Phone i7 C.VULJKLOW ER, br-c licads 10c. Good sized juicy OR.WGES, doz. 30 I'.&G. SO.\P. the world's lari;cst seller 6 bars 19c MLNX'E ME.Vr .... 15c lb.. 2 Ib.s. 25c S.WITARY KISSES, per lb 2Cc Pl-.AXUT lU'TTEK 2 \h<. 25c oka's. 25 c. Clark's Pork & Beans 3 pkgs. 25c^ Palmolive Soap The Chiiico cf Many ? Cakes 23c. CA C-l ! ONLY MEATS Thre-hinc; Roasts ♦â- ^♦♦♦♦•^•^•^•^•:••^•>•^•^-^♦♦•^'^^♦•^•:•♦•:•v•^v^ :•%••>•:••:•♦•:-;♦♦♦<••;••:•â- :•♦♦♦♦•><-> :->.:..;..>^.>.:..;.^,^,jk^