I JUPITER GOLD SYNDICATE LTD. (No Personal Liability) 530 Acre* Adjoining Adanao Gold Mines In Rouyn, Quebeo. Send For Map and Full Particulars. Unlisted Securities Corporation Ltd., 330 Bay St., Toronto. ri^A\/[L lfiri\C55ION5 Windmills: Wooden Shoes and Water Holland is not a big country â€" less than 14,000 square miles in area â€" but tt Is and has been in the past a rery Important country. Situated on the North Sea, the Netherlandsâ€" another name for the country â€" form the most characteristic portion of the great plain of Northern and Western Eur- ope. It is the lowest part of this plain, some portions of it being from 16 to 20 feet below the level of the sea and nearly all parts of it are too low for :. natural drainage. Consequently water ^ enters largely into the life of its peo- 2 itfe and the history of the country has ^ been affected by the constant effort to ; preserve the land by means of lines : of dunes â€" low hills of sand on the sea- eoast â€" and by artificial dykes. The celebrated Zuyder Zee has been form- ed by the breaking through of the duneline but, by an jVct In 1918, this aubmerged area is being reclaimed and the work Is expected to be com- pleted by 1939. So it will be "good- bye" to the picturesque fishing vil- lages on the Zuyder Zee â€" Volendam, Ifonnikendam, Marken, etc. To-day, as you drive from Amsterdam to these quaint villages, with their even more quaintly dressed inhabitants you will Bee the reclaiming work in progress. Ijong strips of wood are woven to- gether as In basket work; these are used to hold the earth, which Is brought for the refilling; comparative- •mall sections of the work are finish- ed at a time, but the undertaking has been steadily proceeding until, at the Ume of writing, there is quite a large area recovered and under cultivation. So much for the water and nothing has been said about the network of canals for which the country is cele- brated. Now for the windmills. These lingular structures have, somehow, be- come identified with Holland, although they have been in evidence in many other countries as well, they are. by lio means, peculiar to this interesting country. However, when one thinks of Holland the mind's eye pictures a landscape on which there is, at least, »ne windmill, and when we see a re- presentation of a windmill wc- instinc- tively think of Holland. Isn't it so? These towers, with their four huge re- Tolving sails, fit into the scene and would be quite out-of-place in this country; even the occasional one we see used for advertising purposes, seems so utterly incongruous that it becomes an eye-sore, rather than the thing of beauty it is in the Dutch coun- try. Some of them are artistic, others are rudely built, but all are pic- hiresque. Even though, in many dist-icts, the Sistinctive cos.tumes of the natives is Wng replaced by modern garb, the roodeu shoes seem to hold their own jigainst the encroaches of standardized Sress. Particularly is this so in the Smaller places. This clumsy looking toot covering is roughly fashioned Irlth primitive tools and can be pur- chased tor very small sums, even at ^aces which especially cater to the Those Magic Isles This Is a title which has been given to Great Britain and Ireland. The "high spots" of these wonder- ful islands are to be visited this summer by a select party under the capable guidance of Capt. E. H. Reid, whose "Travel Impressions" have appeared in this paper for many weeks past. This year is a good year to see the British Isles; travelling by motor makes your land journey one continuous round of sightseeing; routes, quite off the beaten track are include in the itinerary and you will have an op- portunity to familiarize yourself with the Homeland in a unique and glorious summer vacation. The The Cathedral cities; the lakes of England, Scotland, and Ireland and Wales; the homes and haunts of famous writers; castles; scenery that you can see nowhere else â€" all these and much more is included. All the "ravel" taken out of "tra- vel"; congenial companionship; all- inclusive cost; finest accommoda- tion; a real chance to realize the longings and ambition of years. Why not do it this summer? "An- other year never comes." Such a vacation will enlarge your horizons, make your reading more pleasant and, above all, it will build happy memories that can never be taken away from you. Write to Captain Reid at 710 C.P.R. Building, Toron- to; it will cost you nothing to en- quire and you will find that he will be glad to help you in this, or any other ti-avel plans you may contem- plate. tourist trade. I found a card, the other day, which reads like this: S. Tol : : Volendam Pay your special attention to my prices They are cheaper I don't give 40 to 50 procents commission to the guides. Really though, the English spoken by the Dutch people is very good in- deed; some of the villagers have even copied some 'of our slang greetings, such as "Hello, Babyl' Wooden shoes are worn on bicycles â€" of \,hich there are more, according to population, than possibly in any other country. And they wear out in the soles, just as our shoes do. It is interesting to see the children at play, clattering along the cobbled streets with incred- ible speed. When they enter the house, the shoes are removed and placed neatly in p row at the floor; sometimes one can judge the size of a family by the numbe.' of shoes ranged alongside one another â€" the large clogs of the parents and the smaller ones of the children. Dairying is one of the principal in- dustries of the Netherlands. The green fields are relieved by herds of black and white Holsteins or the dis- tinctive belted cattle, which I have EVERY LIMB "LOCKED" Hospital Case of Rheumatism COMPLETELY RELIEVED BY KRUSCHEN The value of perseverance with Kruschen, in the treatment of rheumatism, is proved by this man's i experience. He says: â€" "1 was abroad for over seven years, and when I returned I began to get rheumatism â€" particularly in the feet ;\ and arms. Three years ago my i ' â- rheumatiijim got much worse, and 1 [â- was eventually taken into hospital, ,«nable to move any joint of my body. I left the hospital after two months, when I was somewhat bettor. I was recommended to take Kruschen Salts, and I have taken them continuously. Since then I have gradually got rid of â- ay rheumatism, until 1 am now en- tirely free of those awful pains. 1 would not be without my Kvustlieu Salts for anything."â€" MB. No remedy can bring permanent re- lief from rheumatism unless it per- forms three separate functions. These are (a) dissolution of the needle- pointed uric acid crysials which cause the pain; (b) the expulsion of these Crystals from the system; (c) preven- tion of a further ai ciininlatjon of uric acid. Two oX the ingredients of Kruschen Salts effectually dull the sliarp edges of the painful uric acid crystals. Other iugredienls of these Salts have a stimulating effect upon ihe kidneys, and assist tbem to expel the uric acid through the natural channel. There are still other salts in Kruschen which prevent food fermentation tak- ing place in the intestine, and thereby check the further formation of mis- cliievous acid. Kruschen Salts is obtainable at all Drug Stores at 4.'jc. and T.")c. per bottle. FREE TRIAL OFFER OF KRUSCHEN Try Kvi]sch(!n now at oiir expense. We have dl.stributcd a great many apeoi<il "GI.\NT ' paukages which make It easy for you to provs our claims Cor yourself. Ask your (lrug:Blat for the new 'GIANT" 76c package. This consists of our reKu).<ir tic bottle together with a separate *rial bottle â€" sufficient for about one weel«. Open the trial bottle first, put It to th« test, and th<'n. If not entirely conviTfc â- * that Kruschen does ever\ thing we claim It to do, the regular bottle is still as good as new. Take it back. Your droggiat Is authorized to return your loc immediate- ly and without question. You have tried Kruschen free at our exp'-nse. \Vh..t could be fair«r? Manufactured by B. •li fitlu '-Cnghea, ILtd., Mnn<jh<'.ster, England. > iCslab. list >. never seen outside of Hollan-. In the Winter, the cows are stabled under the same roof with the family, except- ing the larger herds of course. One of the most interesting places >to visit is a cheese factory, where the living rooms, stables, cheese-presses and curdling vats are side by side; every- iheir being kept scrupulously clean and the inhabitants appearing none the worse for the close proximity of the animals and factory. In some of the bouses the beds are built into the wall, like a horizontal cupboard and, in some places, these beds are in tiers, as are sleeping-berths in a ship. Holland is the place where they feed you well. The Continental break- fast, consisting of rolls, butter (some- times jam) and coffee, chocolate or tea, is augmented by thin slices of creamy Dutch cheese, zweibach (I think that is the correct spelling for the crisp, bread-like biscuits of Hol- land) and slices of cooked ham. I as- sure you that this makes a delicious meal. The other meals are wonder- fully good; the ice-cream is more like our own than any you get in other countries â€" not even excepting the British Isles; the inevitable dish of cheese; fowl served as a separate course from the meat course and gen- erally accompanied by a preserved fruit. My party always like Holland, its peo- ple, its peaceful atmosphere and the courtesy one meets everywhere. The language is Low Dutch, as distinguish- ed fi'om the literary language of Ger- many, which is High-Dutch. Closely allied to the Dutch language is the Flemish tongue, which, together with French, is one of the official languages of Belgium, the country that we will disucss in our article of next week. Hero, 14, Shows Real Modesty "I Wish, Anyway, the Girls Would Let Me Alone," He Declares Chicago. â€" Whun 14-year-old Jimmy Gallagher walked into his eighth grade classixx>m the othei- day, little girls smiled at him, his male acquaint- ances showed a new respect and even tlie teacher conveyed approbation. It all happened because Jimmy he- came a liero wliile his classmates were still in bed. Jimmy had been c^.ming spending money by helping on a milk tru.-k. One morning he was waiting in the office of the Lakeview Dairy for his driver. A conversation with two em- ployes v.as broken, startlingly, by the crash of a plate glass windovr. At Jimmy's feet fell three sticks of dynamite, a fuso smouldering at the The men fled precipitately, but Jim- my calmly stooped, picked up the ex- plosive, carried it to the dcor and threw it into the street. The subse- quent explosion shattered windows for a block and blew the door at which Jimmy stood off its hinges. Jimmy, uninjured, v.orked his ixiute as usual and was more enib-irrassed thsn pleased at the a<iulatio'n of his youthful companions. "I wish, anyway, the girls would lei me alone." he pi-otested. Specialization in Women's Work Has Really Just Begun Institute of Women's Profes- sional Relation Discuss Plans for Promoting Occupational In- formation Washington. â€" A new age in women's work â€" the age of specialization â€" ^has really just begun. So said Mrs. Catherine Filene Shouse in presiding as chairman of the board of directors of the instit- ute of Women's Professional rela- tions, ati a discussion of plans for promoting occupational Information for women. "Many additiona occupations have develope<l tor women in various new aelds of work during the last 10 years.'' she said. , "A majority of them call for special training. Some of uhe older flelds to which women in large numbers have devoted their eneirgifcs such as leaahing, tor ex- ample, are overcrowded. The age of specialization has really just be- gun. The province of the Institute of Women's Professional Relatione is to astelsl as fully as possible in preparation for this new age." Chas. Chaplin Turns Author Triumph of Silken Hose Women's wear stores that put In a supply of woollen stockings when below zero weatlher showed some re- gularity early this Winter, find that they have not had the anticipated de- mand. Women have retained tJhelr silk hose even to the extremity of frozen legs. They will not abandon them under any hardship, which is a hint that the Inventior of silk stockings had a find that proved a tremendous money-maker for the trade. Surprise is expressed by men that women have the endumce to defy the weather with only silk covering their limbs. Of course there are cases of frostbite, but it seems to be a matter of only serious discomfort. Unless there shuld be a second freez- ing the results are not dangerous. A physician says that a second freez- ing of the legs might necessitate skin grafting. The women are not at all dismayed by the severe weather. They could don woollen stockings of good appear- ance and be comfortable but they are not doing it. Silk maintains Its prestige under the most severe tests. â€" Brantford Expositor. AUTHORESS DIES. New York. â€" Lola Jeau Simpson, no- velist and former magazine editor, died at the age of 50 recently after a long illness. Her best known books were "Treadmill" and "Backfire." For several years she was editor of "Children," a magazine for parents. She was born iu Woodland, Cal. irn: if you wanf a handy plug â€" get BIG BEN THE PERFECT PLUG Chewing Tobacco For Iiadlss and QaaUaaies. Do You Desire A Life Companion whom you were unable to meet thru any reason whatever? If soâ€" <lo not fall to answer this. Enclose 10 cents. COZTTIVSirTAS SEH'VTOE BTmSATT AUandale, Oat. ^S^^;,"',*^ â- â- The Comisb Bl&^Jisii^lth" "Experience lias given me confi- dence in Omega Oil. It excels as a freshener and strengthener of the muscles." "Bob" Fitzsimmons, famous tor the power of his punch, found that Omega Oil goes deeper. As a house- hold liniment Omega Oil is in- valuable. It may be rubbed into the sore, aching muscles without blist- ering the skin. Yet it is stronger and more tjcnetrating than ordinary lini- ments." All druggists have Omega Oil or can easily get it for you. 35 and 60 cts. Sole .\gent: John A. Huston Company, Limited, Toronto. Classified Advertising PATENTS. A -V Oli'FER TO EVERY JN'VE.NTOR. .rfL List of wanted Inventions and full Intormation sent free. Xlit: Bamsay Com- pany, World Patent .'Attorneys. 273 Eanb Street. Ottawa, Canada. â- 8o CHICKS 90 Pens Short Story and Gives It to Friend to Publish Free Hollywood. â€" Charles Chaplin's name appeared recently for the first time as the author of a short story wliich carried into print the fantasy of his creative works on the screen. -Although offered large soims to write for national magazines. Chap- lin's first and only literary effort was gratis to Rob Wagner. Hollywood critic and raconteur, on the fifth an- niversary of Wagner'3 Script, sophis- 1 ticated Beverly Hills weekly. | Chaplin's story, offered not as a completed effort but as the outline of a story that "will never be written," told of a scientist who had discover- ! ed a genuine cure for all disease. .\3 tlie myriads of afflicled flock to his door, the professor is forced to choose whom he shall treat first, many niu.'^t die before he lan consid- er their cases. Giving his reasons in whimsical conversation with an assis- tant, the professor, "who cares neitb- er tor money nor fame." chooses poets first. "Because ihcy (poets) ara the source and .'pring of all in-^piration," the professor explains. "They are the high priest's of tlie sout. who preach the gospel of beamy; they write tJie text books of all civiliza- tions and lay the foundations of our desires." Flower WiU Be Selected p^or Ontario L2GH0RXS, Sc^ B.-VKRED ROCKS. 9c; Wyandottes. 9c; Red and White RucUs, 10c. Guaranteed highest quality, blood-tested chicks. Order now for Feb- ruary. March and .^pril. 10 To with order, balance C.O.D. Maple City Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. MOTOB OUi. Toronto.â€" Oniario will have a flower as a provincial emblem, the annual convention of the Oniai'io Hor- ticultural Association has decided. A committee was appointed at the recent sessions to decide on sonic wild flower for the province, to be used as the maple leaf is for the Dominion. Prof. R. B. Thompson, of the University of Toronto was named chairman of the committee. "Narrow selfishness is not indivi- dualism Bt all." â€" Henry Ford. ATTi':.NT10Ni BUY YOUR -MOTOR Oil whole.sale. 100 per cent. Pure I'eiinsyivania Oil, any grade, B5c per Sallon. Mail your order direct to Pure Oil Co., 9 Slarliet St., Hamilton, Ont. HOW TO FIND OUT IF YOU HAVE ACID STOMACH HERE ARE THE SIGNS ; NervouaneM Frequent Headaches \ Neur-alftia Feeling of WeakneM • IndJilestion .SIceplessnCM I LoM of .\ppetite Mouth .\cldlt; I NauHS Sour Stomach ; Auto-intoitcatlon WHAT rO DO FOR IT: TAKEâ€" i tmspoonluls of Phillips Milk of .Mag- nesia in a glass ot water every mortnng when >ou get up. Take another teaspoonful JO minutes after eating. And another tjefore ^â- ou go to bed. OR â€" Take the new Phillips Milk of Magnesia Tablets â€" ont tattct for each traspoonful as di- rected atx)ve If you have Acid Stomach, don t â- worry about it Follow the simple directions given above. This small dosage of Phillips' -Milk ol Magnesia acts at once to neulralize the acids that cause headache, stom.ich pains and other distres,*. Try it You'll feel like a new person Butâ€" be careful you get genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, or Phillips' MUk of Magnesia Tablets when von buyâ€" 25c and aOc sizes ALSO IN TAUir FOKM Eacn tiny tablet is :in; equivalent ot a teaspoonful of Oouine Philhps Mill- of Magnesia Ph.Uips' Milk of Mago "Airway Tram" Plane to Carry Suburban Resi- dents 25 iMiles to Chicago Chicago.â€" \Vooiiig passeugev tiaffic more ardently now that there's no mail to carrj-, Northwest Airways has inUorduce<l a novel accommodation for suburban resitlentis. The morning plane for the Twin Cities will drop down at Curtis-Rey- nolds airport, to pick up north shore suburban passengers. The extra stop will save north shore residents a two-hour trip to the city airport. The evening plane from St. Paul will also sitop at Curtis-Reynolds field on its wav south. However deceitful hope may be. yet she carries us on pleasantly to the end of life.â€" t^a Rochefoucauld. ".\ cieditor country, with invest- ments abroad, that will not take its interest in produce, is putting the first nail in the gold standar' coffin."â€" Sir .'osiah Stamp. MAOF t^ -AN*DA ignesia. '^neaffaess m Msmarrjjli^BAj^ on. ttllMlniiMi I mci j iU h fcMwinMit Aluo excelleni for Temporary DeAfn<iiB »nd Head N'ntMii dne to «onffMtion ctmmti br colds, fla >nd •wiminins, . A. O. LEON.'VRD. Inc. 70 Fifth Ave., Ne» York Cit» FOR SALE stereotype Pot, Two ton capacity. Coal Fire, Equipped with casting pump, Full bralket. Pot, casting equipment and grates in excellent shape. Cafitlng has solid cast Iron base with ash pit so as to set on wood floor. Al equipment for a small plant. No price asked. Make offer. No reasonable offer refused. Apply Q. Bell, Room 421, 78 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. SOURED ON THE WORLD?-THAT'$ LIVER Wake up your Liver Bile â€" No Calomel necessary Many people .vho feel aour. sluggieh anJ generally wretched make the mbtake of taking B&Its. oil, mineral water, laxative candy or chewing gum, or roughage which only move the bowelfl and ignore the liver. What you need ie to wake up your Uver bile. Start vour liver pouring the daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowel*. Get your Btomach and icteBtinee working at they should, once more. Carter'e Littio Liver i^iUs will eoon fix you up. Purely vegetable. Safe. Sure. Quick. Aak for them by name, Uefuw subatitutet, 25c. at all dfUfisute. dl NEUftALGIA A good application of Mitt- «rd'«. according to directionf, just "hiw the spot". ^You'll find that you 'get wonderful 7elief ! lljM:ltUj ^INC OF PAirjl TJTteflfn SKIN RASHES Give Place to Velvet Smooth Skins In almost countless numbers, aldn sufferers have had cause to be thankful for D.D.D., the prescription of a highly successful physician. Dr. D. D. Dennifi. This liquid prescription, now made and endorsed by Campana s Italian Balm chemists, allays irritation almost at once, and quickly clears up such skin troubles as eczema, hives, acne, ring- worm, dandrulT, pimples and rashes. Ask your druggist for I).D.D. Prescrip- tion; Trial size, 35c; Guaranteed to live instant relief or money rei'-mded. 3 To Assnre • Healthy Scalp ase Cv^ ^« ^1f* SOAPa«d oi>tme:\'t Soap 25c. Ointment 25c. and 50c. WHEN YOUR DAUGHTER COMES TO WOMANHOOD Most girts in their teeos need â- tonic and regu- lator. Gi»e your daughter Lydia £. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound for the next few months. Teach her how to guard her health at this critical time. When she is a bappf. healthy wife and mother the will thank you. Sold at all good drug stores. LudiaERnkhain'9 Vegetable Compouna ISSUE No. -•34