^()je /k0i)^rt0tt ajrwtic^* Vol. 5i; No. 52 WEDXESDAV. .MAY i<0. 1934 W. H. Thurston & Son. Proprietor* FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Wiifred Hall of Epp- inj? attended the prayer rn««ting in the Gospel Workers parsonage on Tuesday evening, May 23rd. Rtv. Glenn haj moved into the Presbyterian parsonage here. The Ladies' Aid o£ the Presbyterian church met at thf libme of Mrs. Har- old Osborne on Wednesday, May IG, with 10 members and 5 visitors beini; present. The ne.xt metiing will be held ^t the home of Mrs. H. C. Fran- cis on Wednc=;day, Juna 20th. We aic glad to report Mr. John Wright recovering after his accident. His friends will be glad to see him around again. The crops are looking fine now aftor thj good rain oh Monday night. We are Borry to repolt Mr. and Mrs. F. Sayers on the sick list. We hope for their speedy recovery. There was an error last week in the report of the speckled trout that Burton Conron caught. The proper dimensions of the fish was weight. 3 lb. 2 oz.; length, 18^2 inches and girth 11 ''2 inches. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Col- puette over the week end were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horton. Miss Grace Horton, Miss M. E. Heron, Master Murray Horton and Master Billie Har- grave of Long Bran.-h, Ont. Thf Gospel W^orkers are holdmg special services in their church here at oresent. The speakers for Thurs- f day and Friday will be Miss .Arm- strong of Flesherton and Rev. Trotter of Collingwood. iMr. Robt. Burlt and daughter, Mrs. Grenwier of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burke. VANDELEUR Miss Lillian Buchanan and Mr. Albert Buchanan of Toronto spent liiv v.eelv end w/.h their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buchanan of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Wii-e of Orange- ville were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Smith and son, Clare, of Meaford and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Garner and daughter, Irene, and Mr. and Mrs. Garner, Sr., of To- ronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ma^cn of Thorn- ton and Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Devitt of Sligo were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Will. Johnston. The W. L held their annual nieet- ng at the home of Mrs. Thos. Shan CEYLON Messrs. Will, and Jackson Stewart, Geo. Tracey and Mws Irene Stewart, Toronto, sp*nt the holiday with Mr and Mrs. John Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow and child- ren, Toronto and Mrs. Wylie, Scot- land ipent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muir. Miss Matthews and Miss Preston Toronto, are visinirj? M:|.s Gladys Pattison and camping at Wilcock Lake. Miss Mildred .Whrttaker rettimeJ last week fromr Tori>ato University, accompanied by her mother, who vis- ited a week in the city. 21 r. and Mrs. Raney and Jean cf Southa.-npton spent last week wi.*. Mrs. Macphail. Mrs. Raney under non on Wednesday afternoon of last , went a tonsil operation at Markdale week. There was a goodly number in attendance and considerable busi- ness was transacted. .A.1I the old officers were re-elected for the en- suing- year. The publi: school softbail team went to Kimberley recently and play-| ed two games with the boys of that place. They succeeded' in winning the Softball game, but lost in foot- ball. The fine Rally Day program which was prepared for the Sunday school pupils and which was postponed from May 13th. on account of the rain, wa? given in the church on Sunday after- I noon and was very interesting to the large number present. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Graham and daughter, Irene, of Sligo were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Graham and family. To settle an argument a young farm hand in Ohio counted the feathers in a Rock hen he had killed and found there were 8,325. Of course he knows more than he did before but we can't see what good it is going to do him. sure to attend. FOOTBALL M-\TCH A football match will be held in Eugenia, at the school grounds, on Friday evening, June Ist, at T p.m. sharp, between Kimberley and Eu- genia. .\ good game assured. Be hospital whila here Miss Dorothy Fisher holidayed ii'. Owen Sound. We are pleased to learn that Miss Fis^tbr has been j-c- engageiJ for another year at Ceylon schc-ol. Mr. and -Vrs. Stanley Whi:^ ar.i Edna, Mr. and Mrs. Jack White and Mr. and Mrs. .-Anderson an i daugh- ter of Toronto were week and visitors with Mrs. W. White. IN MEMORIAM CONN â€" In loving memory of our uncle, John Conn, who passed away on June 1st. 1932. We have only your memory dear uncle. To remember teh whole life through, Bu: the memories will linger forever. As we treasure the image of you. â€" Sadly missed by Ethel and John. Washington sees signs of debt negotiations, says a heading. But the only signs that mean anything thfee days are dollar signs. EUGENIA The W. A. of tno L'r.-.-.cd church .Met on last Weiiesiiay and decided to 'luilt the Daisy quilt and Dresden Plate Quilt 0"^ Wednesday afternocn, June 6th. Lu.ich provided by iics- da.nies R. Park, Slcan, J. Campbell and L. Genoe. There has been a number of tour- ist,-: camping in the park. Talk about big fish. On Monday Mr. MacL'ianny of Oiiit ca:,'h: ? f r.'.- speekied . beauty - . four pounds. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ui:ii»ir-i c: CVir.i.!:uri visited frisnuj in the village. Mi-s. G. W. "Graham and daughter, . . , , â- M:;.4 Phyllis, ted Mr. Ivan S'naw. also ! '^•^^'*'. 'Pff:^ ^'C?^f **'*•, '^'^ '^'*- PRICEVILLE :iie t :.i church, Priceville, on Sun_,. -. -. .. p.m., June 3nl. There w.ii not be a service here ta the morn- ing, cut w.il lie ccld at Swintj.T Park :ni:s;a.i ox pjn. >!â- ..:- Jean HLnt.-ks. who bx-? beer. a .;..'s. .-iâ€"i. Liiji^jii .*i:: c.^s a '-fetij ago to spetid aome tim.* witn h«ri 1. ::i:j5r. Mrs. -Vrt Eichirdso;;. ...T. Park. -Vi.-s Gladys Batchelor of Prot :; .,- assisting in the home of Mrs. George ' Campbell. • j Mr. aiid Mrs. Llil McKenzie of Dro- . I Miss Efiie McCannei, Proton, vij ited l4St week with aer sister, Mrs. \ A. L. HLncks. Grey County Judicial Expenses Reduced Administratiua ci j-istio^ :n tie eouEty of Grey last year cost |23,3'J0.- .-ijws a reduction of over suniiar items in tfa« ie to the facT that the a reduction of 20 per ^eu.. :.i .iâ€" i<:es. â- The items making up the costs wera • follows: CnmiBai ja- J-idicial expe->:ei . Jury expenses Cn>wn witnesses .... Inquests and jurcri The last three items ar; -' " --'h , difierect than m the pr«= "., i thert have been sacstan..^. the other two items. i 1. . V. .** 2.138-15 1,22».00 .. 60634 The Mr. and Mrs. Percy Chambers and I ^;:^^^^ -^^ 3^,,,^^ dropped son or Toronto spent the weei end Vvith her father, and family. M.-s. Morgan and son, Douglas, of Fitsherton visited with Mr. and Mrs. .\daa Smith. Mrs. J. E. Large and daughter, Misj 3;th, spen: -j. f-rw days '.vith tcj for- tnor's father, Mr. Peter Munshaw and her jon. Jack, at the Eugenia Hous.;. Messrs. Karl Zarnkey and Harry B.'^^rstock ol Kitchener were recent vi Itors with their friend, Mr. Ken Kaittirg. iuccWsimly"Iga:Z"witr"gMd"liiht*iand also includes salaries, for the Mr. and Mrs Harry Mander of To- I y 3^;^ for. fhe remainder of tloor I clerk of the peace, crowTi attorney, rwiro spent a few ..ays w:th the lat- ! ^^^--^^tion (a snleadid one) wilj soon i sheriff . gaoler, turnkey, matron, L-are- ters parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Faw- j 5,3 j^^i foj.. o^od ord*:r prevailed 1 taker and guards. The gaoler got Mr. .Mla.i McLean.; ^'"^ ^'-^'^^'^ \'* .'^^'.''^- ; The criminal justice accounts are f made up of nomeroos payments to f corccers and cocstables, as we.l as The dance held in the Agri.uitural ! supplies oi milk, bread, me-at, cloth- hali, Wednesday last, passed off very ! ing," etc., for the Grey county gaol. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH AN OPEN LETTER TO . PEDESTRIANS: Are motorists right when they say you are more than half to blame? While figures cannot be depended upon to tell the whole truth, last year's accident records leave no room for doubt that there are reckless walkers as well as reckless drivers. Last year 2,821 pedestrians were killed or injured in Ontario in automotive accidents. Many of these persons came to grief while violating a simple rule of safety . . . crossing a street between inter- sections . . . crossing diagonally at intersections . . . crossing against tratfic signals . . . "hitching" ... or coming from behind parkev.1 vehicles. Of the total number, 1,10" were children playing in the street. Records show that in many of these cases the driver never had a chance. Accidents happened! while he was doing his best to drive safely! This department is more deeply interested in making the streets and highways of Ontario safe, especially for children, than in any other public duty. The conscientious motorist has been appealed to in many ways; several of his privileges have been restricted in an effort to make life safe in tratRc for all. I know that this appeal to the pedestrian will find ready response among those who wiUk more often than they drive, and especially in the hearts of fathers and mothers of little children. Will you co-operate ? Will you help to stem the tide of nee*.iless bereavement and suffering by observing the simple rules ot safe walk- ing that make all the ditference between safety and the jeopardy of life and limb? And you parents â€" will you not give your children a chance by teaching them the need of care for their own safety ? cett. .Miss Queenie Kaitting and Mr. Leu. Weber of Kilsyihe and Jlr. Guy Kaitt- ing of Feversha.Ti spent the 2i:h with Mr. and Mrs. Will. Kaitting. Miss Melrose Campbell has gone to Toronto to secure a position. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford WLUiams and family and Clifford's mother, Mrs. Wallie Williams, of Toronto were vis- itors with Mr. Duncan Williams and other relatives. Mrs. Hammond, Blanche, Hazel and Russell. Mbs McLennan and Miss Millie McMuilen of Toronto, >Ir. and Mrs. Russell MeMuIIen, Mrs. J. .\. Stuarn and Mrs. Hahn of Meaford, were visitors on the 24th with Mrs. M. McMuUen. Mr. H. T. Cliffe and father of To- ronto were week end visitors at the Fishermen's Club House. Mrs. Magee of Toronto visited t few days with her daughter, Mrs. Ray Gence. Miss Delsa Kaitting is spending a while with Mrs. Jim Stewart in Flesh- erton. Mr. and Mrs. Thuriing of Humcer Bay were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Court. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. J. Beaton from near Durham were Sunday visitors w^th Mr. and Mrs. Richard Park and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Elw^ood Purvis of Orillia were visitors for a few days with Mr. and Mk. RcKJt. Purvis. Mrs. Fenw.ck has returned to h-^ home on the S i line after spending the past r.iontL a; the home of Mrs. T. Genoe. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Genoe have tak- en up residence w^ith the former's father, >Ir. T. Geneve. Mr. T. Little of Korthem Ontario is a visitor with his parents. Dr. .\.. E. "-nu Mrs. Little. Mr. Robt. Purvis is erecting an up-to-date summer cottage on his ! lot near the lake. Mr. J. MacDon- i aid of Flesherton is the contractor. I Mr. and Mrs. Jarues Russell and 1 diiisrhter. Eleanor, of Rock Mills vis- j ited en Sunday with- Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith. Callers rt Mr. and Mrs. .A.. Smith's O'.'er the wtek end were: Mr. an.! Mrs. Gl»n .McDonald of Chatsworth. Mrs. J. E. Larg^ and Beth and Mrs. J. J. Slagee. who is visiting her daaghter. Mrs. Ray Genoe, of this place. Vr. Th'^^. Fawcett Of Parry Sound v .-it.'d b-s brother. Mr. Jatnes Faw- cett on Sunday. Mr. Gio. Johnson. Miss Leil.i Hayes 3!\d Miss Doris Roberts of Toronto were visitors with Mr. .ind Mrs. John- son (nee Misj Dell Wilson^ at th? hon"> of M-s. Wilson over the 24th. Mr and Mrs. La.^eelles. Jack and Madeline slii^ M-. Jack Jamieson of Ti.>n?nTo v.--»-o 24th visitors with Mr. and M*^. Fred Jamieson ard familv. Mrs. Chas. Martin. Eugenia, obtain- ed eve- 90 p'r cent, in the examina- tions of the Canadian cooking school â€" ><:,-»i were prjsented in the Su«- Times. it had to throughout. Some 200 it a salary of |1.2«X) and his wife an ad- was estimated were in attendance. 1 ditional $300 as matron. The turn- -Mr. -\. G. Rei-noids. this summer i key was paid ?900, the caretaker graduate, preached acceptably on' $800 and a guard ^l.WT. Over $2,- Sunday to a fine large congregatic:.- i 000 went to W. D. Henry as clerk of in St. Columba. He will be ordained , the peace and crown attorney, and the 2nd Sunday in Jane at the Con- ' ?1.10O to Sheriff Breese. terence. The debate to be held this Monday here, has been cancelled, through Mc- Intyre club defaulting. Rev. Scott of Flesherton met with some of the official ooard in regard to supply during Rev. J. A. Moir's en- forced absence through illness. Miss Doris McLean of Toronto ac- The judiciai expenses also show a wide range of items, for constables, court stenographers, for provincial police account, stationery and sup- plies, and some of the bigger items were as follows: court reporter. 1600; juvenile judge. |500: crown attorney and clerk of t'ne peace. $5,549; and . ,, ^ .. J . , .sheriff, $1.126.5;3: Sheriff's constables companied by her triend over tne week : J .^^ j^rin?: assizes .-ost *140.10; enu v^ited her parents here. Mr. and ; ^^^ .j,^ supreme court %->06.4o; for the Mrs. ri. ti. McLean. • Mr. and Mrs. X. Brawley of Beaton were visitors with the latter's mother 111 ! brother. W. G. Watson. Mrs. Ramsdeil of New York is also a wci.:ome v-isitor v/-itn 'ner brotiier. John Stcthart, all affable, pleasant and gracious as usual. The school trip to Niagara and QueeTiston. goin^ by Toron'o. Hamil- ton and home by Guelph and Durham and returning Saturday night, passed off very pleasantly and satisfactorily to the great eTijoyment of the pupds. who on arrival home, acted the part of a writers description of a school bov. "'.A.ll arms legrs and veil." Messrs. jVllie Mclnnis. .A.lex. Mc- Lean and brother. Innis. w^re on a visit to their homes over the holiday from tiie teaching duties of the two former. IN MEMORIAM W.A.L'CHOPE â€" I:i !.-.-.!-.^ memory if our dear husband an,: rather. Thos. Wauchoce. v.-ho entered iii:o rest Mav 2yth. 1333. Sweet memories will linger forever: Time cannot change them, it's true: Years that may come cannot sever Our loving remembrance of you. â€" Ever retaembered by Wifei and family. WTien a man is asleep he's a mere vesretable. says a scientist. Lettuce not discuss that. faU assizes flTS.lO. Wilkie Tral Cost $97S. The jury expenses of nearly $2.20© were made up largely of $640.30 for 45 petit iurors for the spring assizes and $211.60 for twelve grand jurors; $450 for 45 juro.'s for the W_ilki« murder trial which was held at Walk- erton although Grev had to pay the shot, and $624.65 for 47 p««tit iurors for the f-U assizes. Crown winesses cost over $1,200, and the big items were in connection with the WUkie trial, being $117.40 for the Dreliminary 'nearing at Owen Sound and $376.65 for the hearing at Walkerton. Grey also had to pay $20 for constables and $14 for ta.\is for the judge at the latter trial, and. add- ing up all these items, the murdei- hearing cost Grey nearly a ihousanJ dollars, the actual figures being $97S.53. Inquest expenses and coroners jur- ors cost th-e countv 8606.54. There was one local inquest, that into the death of John Love of Listowel. who met his death when a truck overturn- ed south of Hanover. T'ne cost to the county was reduced bv $7,183.31 received fronv the prov- ince as a s'nare of judicial expenses. jury fees and crown witnesses. Sub- tracting this from the total cost of $25,390.90 leaves a net amount o. $lS,2f7.5i? to be borne by the county. Don't take down the fur:iace pipes yet. May has a habit of slipping back on the cold standard. ROCK MILLS BATES BURL\L CO'Y 124 Avenue Road Toronto DISTINCTIVE FINER.AL SER\1CE .\T RE-\SON.\BLE PRICES PHONES; NIGHT OR D.\Yâ€" KInssdale 434tâ€" 3456 Modern Private Chapel J. W. Bates Freti Maddocks Richard Maddocks, Maaafer Fo*ieriv of Flesherton I v»a->->-^»«»»-w»-»»»»»»^ v »».»»»<>»»»»» » «»»»»»»»»»».>»»»»»o»»»«j £ MINISTER / / Toronto, May 7th, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. Jim W"inters and son, Charlie, of Hatherton visited reoent- Iv with Mr. ari Mrs. .\rt Porteou,:. Mr. Claud," Glovvr and M-. Chas. Jykos of Kitchener spent a few days >vith Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chard and family. Mrs. H. Richards and daughter of Klienburg and Mr. Jack .Winters cf Woodbrtdge were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar and fam- iiy- Miss E. M. Oliver spent the holi- day at Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hopps of Coll- ingwood were callers at the home of Mr. ard Mrs. Wm. Hawkuis. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell visited the fi-»t ot the week with relatives at Durham. Mr. an 1 Mrs. Ed. Pedlar and daugh- ter of Singhamuton were callers on this line on Wednesday of last week. IMr. and Mrs. Luther D\»ckett and familv of Ceylon visited recently with friends here. Next Sunday. Jun* Jrd. Sunday school will be at 2 o'clock, with ser- vice in the evenintr at 7.30. This service will be led by members of the Oxford Group. * The House oi Quality '^ Seed! Seed! TIMOTHY SWEET CLOVER MAMMOTH CLOVER -\LS1KE Ore crop the severe winter didn't affect was the weed crop. It looks iik« a bumper this year. SUG-\R BEET .\XD SUG-\R M.\XGEL rp_ GARDEN SEEDS 3c 5c lOc 15c Padoges L Purina All Mash Startena for Baby Chkks JAS . A. STEWART FLESHERTON v: