V, - ^()je /k0i|^i:t0tt %tfmnce. \'ol. 54; No. 3 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1934 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietorn PORTLAW Mi-s. James Pedlar suffered a par- alytic stroke last week. We are glad to know chat she is in a fair way to bs completely restored to her us- ual good health. Gordon, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Wtn. Nichols, while affected with measles, was attacked with appen- dicitis and rushed to Markdak hos- pital where he was operated upon. The case was a critical one from the start alii pneumonia developing: seem- ed to wipe out every vastige of hope for the young life, but later reports are mon encouraging and indications are that the little fellow's life will be spared. Miss Heard has resigned as teacher at our school and accapted a like pos- ition at Varney. Miss Heard made many warm friends here, and all wish her continued success and pleasure in life. Mr. Mervyn Little "'has been en- gaged to take Miss Heard's place. Mervyn is one of our own boys whom we feel confident will give a good account of himself in his chosen pro- fession. Mr. Holmes had the misfortune to lose one of his horses last waek. Messrs. G. and S. MdNally of To- ronto visited with their brother here lately. They had some very inter- esting reminisences to relate of ther.-l boyhood days here and especially, their carefree schbol days and th jir ' teachers whose memory they still held i in high esteem. Congratulations to Master Joe , Little, who was successful in passing his entranca examinations. (Last Week's Items) Harold, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Phillips, has been seriously ill with pneumonia, but wo ar& pleased to hear that he is now on a fair way to complete recovery. A number of families hav3 been affected with measles, but all are on the mend with no serious conse quenees. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton of Toronto visited v.-ith the former's sister, Mrs. R. D. Meldrum, whoce health is not improving as we all wish. . Mr. and Mrs. Simmons of Drayton spent the week end with the Tatter's sister, Mrs. Floren:e Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. J. Beard- and two children of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. Jamieson. Mr. Geo. Blakey anu sister, with their best friends, of Toronto visited at the former's pai'ental home. Mrs. James Hopps spent a week with friendj; at ;Gollingwood. CEYLON SCHOOL REPORT Sr. 4th â€" Gladys Patterson, Car- lotta Plester, Betty Stewart. Jr. 4th â€" Jim Kennedy, Irene Mathewson, Jack Adams, Doris Mar- shall, Emerson Plester, Laurie Ganoe. Sr. 3rd â€" Doris Duckett, Billie Marshall, Earl Plester, Charlie Mo- iWilliam. Jr. 3rd â€" Vema Kennedy, Marj- orie Stewart. Form 2 â€" Marian Collinson. Mary â- M:Mullen, Keith Cairns, Hilda Duck- ott, Goi-doh Nichol. Form 1 â€" Joe McWilliam, Marg- aret Smelli-?, Edna Marshall, George Stewart, Wallace Shaw, Jack Mc- Mullen. Sr. Pr. â€" Ena Adams and Jea.. McMullen '(w.l^al), EL^lbert Plester, Dorothy Plaster. Jr. Pr. â€" Calvin Hutchinson, Billie Shaw and Gordon Stewart (equal), Nancy McWilli?m. â€" D. P. FISHER, Teacher. FEVERSHAM Mr. E. Robinson, his mother and sister, Mis3 A. Robinson, and .son, Mr. J. W. Robinson, were wt.ik end vis- itors with the former's daughter, Miss Dorothy Robinson and other friends in Toronto. Mrs. Ro-binson is OC years of age^ but is wonderfully smart for her age, enjoying the trip of about 300 miles Vi3ry much. Mr?. Robinson's many friends hope she may live to enjoy many more out- ings. A number of people from here at- tended thi Smith-McMullen Wiidding in the United church at Buckingham appointment on Saturday last. Rov. Pickering, a former pastor, officiated. Their many friends wish them a long and happy journey through life. Miss Gra;i3 Wright has i-eturned home from Toronto, where she was attending Normal school. Mr. Lindberger and son visited at their home at Peterboro over the we»k er.d. Mr. H. iMcMullin and lady friend of Alliston and Miss iWinnifred Mc- Mullin of Toronto attended the wedd- ing of their sister here on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Long a.id Miss Zella Long of Toronto spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. John Paul and with Ross and Zella's parents, Mr. and M-". Ja-^. Long. Tlie Clarksburg Young People's Or- chestra of the Gospel Workers church were at the meeting on Sunday avert- ing and phased the audience with their music. 'Mr. James Buckingham of Colling- wood was a visitor with his sister, Mrs. John Poole and other friends on the 10th lirj last weak. Mrs. Harold Osborne and two ch''J- ren, Dallas and June, spent a day with her sister, Mrs. Ed. Croft at Rock Mills last weak. Messrs. E. Robinson and E. Har- bottle were on a business trip up north Inst wek. Mr. and Mi-s. H. Alexanc':r and Mr. Roy Thomson were visitors with the former's daughter, Mrs. W. R. Colquette, an. I son, Mr. Ivan Alax- ander in Owen Sound ever the week end. CEYLON EUGENIA CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Andrew M. Gilchrist and fam- ily desire to express their heartfelt appreciation to the many friends foi their kind expressions of sympathy In their recent bereavement. Insurance Germania Farmers' Mutual Fire In- surance Company, also all classes ot automobile and fire insurance. -JOHN WRIGHT, Agent. Watch Repairing I am openine an office in F. J. Bennett's furniture store for the re- pairing of clocks and watches. Seven years' experience and satsfaction cuaranteed. All work Kuaranteed for 1 vcar. Moderate charges. -VICTOR HEBDEN, Flesherton. Members at the cluh house ovar t".i? week end were: Dr. Boyd, and son John and wife and Mr. H. J. Boyd. The regular monthly meeting of the W. A. will be held on Thursday af- ternoon, June 21, at 2.30 p.m. The concert under the auspices of the iW. A., given by Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Owens of Kitchener was well received. The proceeds amounted to $18.35, one-third going- to the W. A. iMr. and Mrs. Newham and the for- mer's mother, also Mr. Fred Gardiner and Mr. Harry Sutton of Humber Ba> spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Court. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Graham of Van- ueleur visiti:d with Mr. Geo. Graham and Miss Jean on Saturday, June 0th, whicii was the 86th anniversai-y of Mr. Geo. Graham's birthday. We joi.i in wishing the aged gentleman many more happy returns of the day. Tha Misses Blanche and Harel Hammond of Toronto spent the week end with friends in the village. i Mr. Walker Sloan is home again after spending a few wfaks at Key Harbour. Rev. M'cNaill will preach his fare- well sermon on Sunday morning next. We are sorry to lose Rev. and Mrs. McNeill from our midst. The Council of Religious Education liald their annual meeting in the Uni'.- cd church on Thursday afternoon and evening of last week, with a fair at- tendance. Mr. iW. Miller of F'.^'^h erton was elected president for tho next fcarm, succeeding Mr. E. Beiircs, who has held that office for twe yea-s. Mrs. Harding of Acton. Mrs. Winni- fred Roszel of Limebouse and Miss Irene Walker of Acton visited at M» Will. Gordon's last week. Miss Irena will remain for the summer. Mrs. Hutchinson of Markdale is spending a couple ot weeks at Mrs. John McWilliam's. iMr. and Mrs. Wilfred Snyder of Toronto were Suiiday visitors with the latter's father, Mr. D. D. Mc- Lachlan. Mrs. Archie Sinclair was in To- ••onto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Snow.-ien McLeod and Mrs. Dr. Patterson, Toronto, were week end visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald , McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muir and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Houston of Oshawa have returned from a week's motor trip to Rochester, N. Y., and Roches- ter, Penn. Mr. and Mrs. J. Montgomery and Miss Flore.-.ce Hunt of Toronto wei'e week end guests at Mr. Geo. Arrow- smith's. Mrs. Frank Ulri.h, Cleveland, is visiting her father, Mr. John Melia. Misses Mabel and Eina Thibaud- â- :au and Mr. Gordon Thibaudeau, Miss Irene and Mr. Frank, Stewart and Mr Russell of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Nixon and Mr. Harvey Nixon of Caledon, East, weia visitors with -Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart while at- tending the funeral of tha late Mr Andiew Gilchrist. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown, Miss Delia White and Mr. Fred Yates, Mr. ar 1 Mrs. Walter Griffin and Wallace, Miss Fenton, and Mr. and Mrs. Har- yey Griffin of Toronto, also Mrs. T. White of Saugeen Junction were Sun- day visitors with Mrs. W. .White. Mrs. Fred Marshall and Barbara were in Toronto last week. Mr. Jackson Stewart is home fron Toronto Normal. Miss Margaret Sinclair has been confined to her home here through ill- ness for the last two wcaks and was unable to writa her examinations at the Toronto Normal school. Mr. John Dens more made a b',:si- ness trip to Toronto, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rutledge and family, Holland Cs.itre, were Sunday visitors hare. Mies .A.gnes Macphail has been as- sisting Mr. Farquhar Oliver in his •alection campaign the past week. Mr. John M. MiJlan. Owen Sound, visitcl his mother last week. We extend our sincera sympathy to the family and relatives of the lata Mr. .\ndrew Gilchrist of Flesber- ton. Mr. Gilchrist was a valuad member of this community before moving to Flesharton about thirteen years pso. Mr. Sherman Piper had the mis- fortune to be knocked down with a bicycle Monday morning, suffering a broken arm. Th ? brea''. was x-rayed and set at Markdale hospital. Luck- ily Sherman had finished writing his examinations at high school. The Ladies' Aid are holding an ice rreani and law.i social at Mrs. Will. Gibson's on Friday evening, June 22. .Admission 15c. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Stewart and family of Owan Sound, Mrs. Ether- ington and Muriel of Toronto were visitors last weak with Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair. T.'ie monthly meeting of the Ladies- Aid will be held at Mi-s. Frank Coll- inson's on Wednesday the 27th, at 2 p.m. Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. T. Stew- art liava charge of the meeting. Lunch :ommitteeâ€" Cake, Mrs. Mar^^hall and Mrs. McWilliams; sandwich^ Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. Gibson. PRICEVILLE SAUGEEN JUNCTION Anniversary services will be ha'H in St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, Sunday, July 1st, and the garden party the following day. BORN â€" On Sunday, June 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. .A.lex3nder Stonehouse, Pri.eville, a daughter, Bessie Ju.-.e. 'Miss Susie McKinnon of Bi-antford is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jim Oliver, and other friends and relatives. \ number from here attended the U.F.O. picnic Friiay, at Durham and report a good tima. Mr. and Mrs. .-Vrchie MoCuaig vis- ited friends in Owen Sound last week. Miss Elizabeth Campbell of Mon- treal arrived heme on Saturday to spend her vacation with bar brother, Mr. D. Campbell. Mrs. Clark, from the West, is vis-| iting her sister, Mrs. Joe Harrison, and brother, Robt. McConkey. On Wednesday, June 27, a picnic will be hald for the mothers and their children on the cradle roll at the horn a of Andrew Hincks. Miss Jean Hincks received word that she was successful in getting all kar subjects from the Toront; University. Mr. ami Mrs. Earl Seigner, Walk- erton, visited Sunday at Henry Tuck- â- ^r's. Mr. a."d Mrs. Peter Muir spent the past week visiting friends in Buffalo Oshawa and Ro.hestar. Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. Mc.Arthur spent the week end with friends in Brampton. Our teacher, Mr. Littlejohn, is en- gaged to laach another year. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Batch.^lor visited over the week end in Guelph. Joe and J. 0. Campbell of Price ville were callers in our burg on Mon. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wright of Sale.m W'ere Sunday visitors with John and Maggie Dow. Mr. and Mrs. C. Goodyear and little son, also Mr. L. Clarke of Brampton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Wat^;^il. UNITED KINGDO.M E.XPORTS SHOW DEFINITE INCRE^VSE (Last Week's Items) Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cooper, Gualph, and Messrs. Wilfred Batthelor and Bob Coulter of Badgerow and Miss Elva Batchelor of Dundalk spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. S. Batch- elor. Mr. and Mrs. Everett White and son, Mr. Harvey White and lady friend of Toronto spent tha week end at Mr. Robt. (White's. Mrs. Bert Badgerow was a recent visitor with friends at Markdale. Miss Alma Wliite returned home from the Orangeville hospital on Sat- urday, much improved ia health. Our sympathy is extended to .Mr. and Mrs. Sam Batchelor and family in the death of Mrs. Batchelor's fath- er, Mr. John (Campbell, of Owen Sound. Mrs. Sam Bat:helor visited a faw days in Owen Sound with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Tom ^\^ute ware Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cuthbertso". Exports of apples from Ontario to the United Kingdom have expanded greatly since the establishment of a special sales representative, in Lon- don, to handle fruit consigned by Ontario shippers. During the 1930 upple crop season Ontario shipped 135,000 barrels; in 1931, 136,000 bar- rels; in 1032, 209,000 barrels, and from the crop harvested last fall ever 450,000 barrels were exported, re- ports the Ontario Mar'..'in5,r Board. ROCK MILLS AUCTION SALE An auction sale of household fur- niture will be held at Ceylon on Thursday, June 21 at 2 p.m. The entire stock of household furniture, including tables, beds, chairs, dress- ers, wash stands, stoves, cupboards dishes, etc., owned by Mr. John Melia, will be offered for sale. Terms cash. W. Kaitting, auctioneer. j Our sincere sympathy is extends .1 to Mrs. Gilchrist and family in their sad bereavement by death of tieir diaar husband and father. A goodly number attended 'h'; prayer meeting on Friday eveniuic ai th'? home of Mr. Lewis Pedlar. Rev. Dean took charge of tha meeting and delivered a good message. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Niewell visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Carl At- kinson of Victoria Corners. We were p'*>ased to see Mrs. Atkinson much imnroved. Mr. and Mrs. Me'ville McMaster of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Huct- with visited over the week end with relatiyes in this vicinity. Miss E. M. Oliver was among those who enjoyed a trip to Sauble Beach on Saturday. The Ladies' Aid meet this Wednes- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Laurie Pedlar. Rev. Mr. Met.alfe of Hanovar, a recent graduate, preached in St. Col- umba on Sunday and will also take tl-(i morning sarvice next Sun -lay an:! Salem in afternoon. He was accom- panied by a sociably pleasant Miss Florence Wright. At the evening service Sunday, a solo was given, "Sweet Eventide" in fine voi^-: and control by Mrs. H. B. McLean with Mrs. J. C. Harriso.n at the piano. Mrs. X. Clarke, Vancouver, after many years absenca, is paying a visit to her brother. Robt. McConkey, and, other old time friends. I Dr. Glenn B. Whee'or (now blind) i aid his wife Irom Detroit are vi.-.it- , ing their one time neighbors (the Harrisons), while resident in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Ostrander, from near ; Brampton, distant relatives of .W. G. j Watson, report while here on a yisit, ! the bare condition of the hay f ields, j only a one, one-in.h shower since ^ spring. ; Some 25 ladies of St. Columba church gathered at the home of Miss Lizzie Mather for the pui-pose of showing their appreciation of tha 2 Misses Moir, who unfortunately are leaving this locality owing to the ill- ness of their brother, the Rey. J. A. Moir, who has been instructed by his medical advisers to rest for a year. The meeting was informally eondii-t- ad, tea being served from 4 to 6. Mrs. AHie Muir made the pre:?entat;on oi' a "china cream and sugar sett to Mis.r, Kate and a large sandwich plate and . half dozen smaller platas to Miss Isa- } bella. Both replied very apprea-j iatively. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, the minister taking th ^ place of Rev., Moir visil'id this part on Tuesday, making a preliminary acquaintanjo with his reople. The Pricaville Old Boys' and Girlc-' are holding their annual picnic in High Park, av^a no. 3, on June 27th, and we extend a cordial invitation to all the Priccvilla people to come and bring your friends. Dancing in the Arcade Hall on Roncensalles Ave. in tile evening. â€" .\. McKinnon, S^^ac. Read the Small Advertisements HALF ilOI IDAYS Arthur Wc'dnesday .A.cton Wednesday Beeton Wednesday Bolton Thursday Chesley Wednesday Durham : Thursday Grand Valley Wednesday Hanover Wednesday Listowel Wednesday Orangeville Wednesday Palmerston Wednesday Shelburne Thursday Walkerton Wednesday Dundalk Thursday Mount Forest Thursday Creemore Thursday Flesherton Thursday Alliston Thursday Tara Thursday .Meaford Wednesday Owen Sound Wednesday Mary Pickford says she will not run for political office, and wa know of no particular reason why she should. I BATES BURIAL CO'Y ' I 124 Avenue Road Toronto I DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT REASONABLE PRICES ;> PHONES: NIGHT OR DAYâ€" Klngsdale 4344â€"3456 * Modern Private Chapel .^ J. W. Bates Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks, Managee s ;;• Formerly of Flesherton ♦ CANADIAN SLATE [NES, Limited nine and Plant at Madoc, Ont. At least Ten :\lillion 'J\nis of Slate in Siijht Canada's Only Slate Industry First Stock Issue of 50,000 N. P. V. Shares now being offered at 30 cents per Share Make your re.-^ervations by writing or telephoning: This project will stand your closest investigation. Prospectus on application Head Office: 47 Yonge Street. Toronto. Telephones: Waverley 7264, Elgin 0872. *♦*«<»*♦«<~>•^>^«>♦<JM.:^~:-:~>•x~><~:->♦•:•<~:":•<•♦<^•>.:K~x•<~>«^«><^♦<•♦«>*♦<«* Farmers Take otice! \ ICTORIA CORNERS V The joke is on him who makes fun of U. S. policemen who fail to catch their men. He is assuming that he wants to catch 'em. Miss Beth Stinson spent the week end at Corbetton with her friend, Miss Helen Henderson. iMr. and Mrs. Jno. Brown, Port Rowan, an! Mr. Jno. Robinson, Hamil- ton, visited at Milton Bannon's over tl'-" week end. The Young People are practicing for their play, "Mother 0' Mine" to be given at tha banana festival on July 10th. Mr. R. Cowen of Toronto preached at Inistioge on Sunday. Mrs. Wilfred Gallagher, Mrs. Jas. Batchelor and Floi>an:e Batchelor, Mrs. Chas. Moore and George Moore attended tha Sunday School conven- tion on Wednesday at Cedarville. Some urban centres have daylight '. saving, but in rural parts it's mostly daylight slaving. j WE PURPOSE SELLING A Carload of Salt ON Friday, June 22, 1934 Bring your bag to the car at Flesherton Station, and we will sell you '^ No. 1 Fine Salt at 50c cwt. I •» TERMS : Cash, of course " ^ t Osprey & Arlemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. | J FLESHERTON J I ^