^mmmm^^mm ^^^'m'^^mmmmmmmammmm Wi}i^ ik^l^ttion %tiimna^ Vol. 54 ; No. 8 WEDXlvSDAY, JUI.Y 25, 1934 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietorg EUGENIA FEVERSHAM The Women's Association, Eugenia I Mr. and Mrs. Merret Kerr and son, United church will hold a lawn social Bruce, and boy friend, A. McKeown, at the home of Mrs. Lewis Genoe on! of Clarksburg and the Misses Bessie Monday eveninj», July 30th. Foot- ball game and a program. Ice cream and cake served, all for the small ad- mis.sion of 10c. Booth on grounds. Come and enjoy yourself. Mrs. J. Crowston of Markdale was a caller in the village on Sunday. Mr. Russell Cameron, B.A., M.A. Toronto, is holidaying with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Clinton have returned to Toronto after a fort- night's holiday with Mr. and Mns. Garnet Magee. Hazel Magee ac- companied them home for a visit. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. \. Cam- eron during the past week were: Mrs. Sarah Orr (Mrs. C's. mother) from Wallard, Sask.. Mrs. Joe Orr from Hillandale, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Orr from St. Catharines, Mr. and Mrs. Roy White from Toronto, Mrs. Mercilla Boyd from Epping and Mr. and Mrs. Stinson and children from Victoria Corners. Master Hedley Lehman of Toronto is holidaying with his grandfather. Mr. Jacob Williams. We are sorry to report Mrs. L. Lqtimer, Mrs. Frod Duckett, Miss Muriel Carruthers, Mr. Hanry Will- Reg^nj visitors with Mr. and Mrs. iams and Mr. Wm. Hawkins, still on j,,^ Sj.„.p,i ^y^.g. m,. ^nd Mrs. Har- and Daisy Kerr of Brockville wera callers wiih Mr. and Mrs. Colquette on Wediosday last. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Francis are holidaying at Wasaga Beach. Mr. Dick of Newmarket is relieving manager in the bank, while Mr. Francis is away on his holidays. Mr. Orr, principal of the Alexand er school at St. Catharines called on Mr. and Mrs. Springgay on Wednes- day last. Mr. William Osborne Sr., is visit iiig with his brothers and sister on the 6th Line of Nottawasaga town- .â- â- .hip. The friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wright, who were recently mairied, gathered at their home on .Wednesday last and present- ed tliem with a misccllaneouM showor of useful articles. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cohiuette of Owen Sound and Will's, parents, R. J. and Mrs. Colquette here, visited with friends in Burford and Wood- stock this week. SAUGEEN JUNCTION the sick list. We hope they will soon be well again. iMaster Delbort Magee is vis^iting his aunt, Mrs. Angus Tuohy, Meaford. Mrs. Mary Jamiason of Flesherton and her daughter, Mrs. Honer, anil husband who are visiting with her accompanied by Mr. Fred Janiieson old' McCutcheon and daughter, and Mrs. Fatten of Flesherton; Mr. Jim Ferguson and sister, also Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Ferguson and children of Dromore; and Mr. and Mrs. George Patton of Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Everett White and son, Mr. Harvey White and friend of and daughter, Miss Dorothy, visited Toronto spent the week end with Mr. Mrs. Bert Jamieswn at Gravenhurst on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCowell ol Toronto are spending a week with the latter's sister, Mrs. Bert Magee. iMrs. Kernahan and nephew, Mr Brown, of Toronto are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fr«d Janiieson. Miss Rowena Magee spent a few days v/ith Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tucker !it Dromore. Mr. Jack Jamieson is a visitor at his parental home. We were very sorry to hear of the sudden passing of Mrs. Ed. Hillock of Maxwell in a Toronto hospital on Monday forenoon, after undergoing an operation a few days previous. Mrs. Hillo.k, whose maiden name was Miss Grace Jamieson, was a daugihter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Jamieson of Eugenia. We extend our profound sympathy to the sosrow- ing relatives. Miss Viola Stoddai-t and Miss Annis Grant of Paisley visited the past week with the foi-mer's cousin, Mrs. Garnet Magee, and family. Mr. Roy McMillan, who is employed with the King Paving Co., near Dun- dalk, spent the week end at kis home here. Mr. Glenn Pedlar, accompanied by Miss Fern Mugee, visited friends in Meaford on Sunday. and Mrs. Robt. White and family. Miss T. Fergivion of Toronto vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Batcheloi one day last week. Misses Dilla and Ruby Vause vis- PRICEVILLE Car Took A Batb ited with their grandmother, Vause in Proton on Sunday. Mrs. LADY BANK Two By-£iections By-elections for the Ontario Legis- lature in the constituen:ies of North Grey and South Wellington will be held on August "20 with nominations on .'Vugust Vi, Premier Mitckell Hep- burn announced on Tuesday. The North Grey seat became vacant when D. J. Taylor, Liberal-Progressive momber-elect, resigned to accept ap- pointment as Deputy Minister of Game and Fisheries. The vacancy in South Wellington was caused by the death of D. Paul Munrq, Liberal member-elect, in an automobile ac- cident. There has been ideal hay weathei the past ten days. iMr. Alex. Maxwell had the misfor- tune to lose a horse in a most unusual manner last week. The single horr>s was hitched to the pulley rope, used to take up hay in Mr. Mannie Dob- son's barn. Something went wiong with the pulleys, and the animal was pitched with such force against a .stone foundation that death came im- mediately. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Semple, ae- ' companied by Mrs. George Dobson spent Monday with friends at Kim- hverley. I The Ladies' Aid of Providence church held their July meeting at the , home of Mrs. Willard Benson. Tlie ' ladies completed the qtilting of a I quilt and it was decided to hold a ' union picnic by the Ladies' Aid, Youing People, and the Sunday school on Friday afternoon, July 27th, in Dobson's prairie. Everybody wel- joms. Miss Jeun McKenzic and friend, Miss Faulkner, of Toronto is spjn;'.- in,T a few holidays at the former's oarent."! hime. Miss Lillian Thompson of Toronto is at her home here at present. Mrs. John Semple of Collingwood, accompanied by her son, Howard, and daughter, Miss F. Semple, ai.^o Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Semple and little son of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Semple on Friday of last work. Ml'. Norman McLeod, a teacher in Toronto, with his wife, a daughter ol Rev. J. W. Johnston, and her sister two fine affable young women, arc o"': a visit at the Manse. The funeral of the late Rev. J. A. Moir was held at Dunnville Friday last. Rev. J. W. Johnston of St. Columba, W. G. Watson, J. M. Mj- Gillivray and W. W. Raniago were in attendance from here. Rev. W J. Scott and Rev. Mr. Peters, Mea- ford, represented the Grey Presby- tery of the United church. The flying visit of our grand niece Elsie Wright and her brother, Jamie was a delightful episode in the u.iual routine of life. Teachers in Edmon- ton and Clyde respectively, both B A's., and the holder of an A.T.C.M. in music in the lady's case. A memorial service will be held on Sunday, July 2i)th, to the late Rev. J. A. Moir, late pastor of St. Cojumbu church hero, after whijh the Sacr;:- ment of the Lord's supper will be dispensed. Preparatory service oi Friday at 8 p.m. The Memorial service to the sold iers v.ill be held on August 5th, whm Col. F. Frasi<r Hunter. M.P.P., wil be the chief speaker. The two locai minister;; and Rev. Father Grace Nvill also be present. That fine banii oi Hanover iMusical Society, have prom- ised to be present, and will give ot their best as usual. On the Monday following tiie Mem- orial service, the Priccville Picnii. As- sociation will h:)ld a big day with water and land sports, finishing off v.ith a grand concert and dance at night. The Clifford orchestra will .â- -.upply the music and a good time is .'.gain c-xuected ar. last year. Mr. Finlay Shackleton, populai principal of the continuation school here, was united to his choice of a lady love on Wednesday last at Lon- don. We wish him and Mr.^. Shackle- ton all the good wishes and compli- ments of the occasion that are usually extended to a married couple and that their sojourn in Arthur may be pleas- ant and profitable. Some excitement occurred at the PROTON STATION Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Park were: Mr. Dy- IN MEMORIAM GOOD OITLOOK FOR THE POULTRY BUSINESS Mr. F. C. Elford, Dominion Poultry Husbandman, and Mr. George Robert- son, chief assistant, who have just completed a tour among farmers and SIMMONS â€" In loving memory ol poultrymen throughout Ontario, re- port a tendency among the farmers to increase their poultry flocks, due chi«ny to the fact that their poultry has been their chi«f source of ready revenue in the past two or three years. However, due to poor hateh- ing results this spring they report a shortage of early pullets and in many cases a lack of uniformity through- out, which leads them to believe that there will be a general shortage of fall and early winter pullet eggs. (Last Week's Items) Born â€" On Thursday, July 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Angus McLachlan, a daughter. Miss Catherine MeiMillan, R. N., and friend spent a couple of days vis iting at Bala. Miss Jean McLean left Thursda.\ to spend a couple of weeks of tht remainder of her vacation at Fort Erie. Hei- brother. Gordon, aecom panicd her as far as Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison and family of Swinton Park and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Harrison visited Sun- day at Mr. Will. Brown's. Mr. and Mrs. Clias. Tucker and Gerald were recent gitests with Dr. and Mrs. Tucker, Paisley. Mrs. Robt. Beyers and son, Bobby, Detroit, are guests with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Tucker. Mr. C. E. Hincks left last week t.i take a six weeks' course at London University. Miss Beth Hincks has beeJi engage 1 as teacher near Feversham. Before leaving bar school at Hampden sh; was presented with a lovely china tea •:"t of dishes. Mr. Murray McMillan left last week for Fort Farland where he has aa- ceiited a oosition. Miss Donelda Nichi.l is holidaying in CoUingwof'd. pond Tuesday evening that might; son and son, Cecil, and Mi.ss Corbett of Toronto; Mr. and .Mrs. Geo. Patton and Billy of Owen Sound and Mrs. Jas. Patton of Flesherton. Mr. Neil McCamudI and son, .\r- thur, have returned home from theii visit to the World's Fair, Chicago. Guests at the home of Dever Bros, are the Misses Sinclair and Mr. Tom Redmond of Dui-das, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burton and daughter, Jennie, of Toronto visited at Mr. Thos. Wyvill's. Their son Tommy, and his chum rt-turned home Willi them ;ifter a month's visit with his grandparents, and Miss Jennit remained. Mr. Russell Irwin lias purchased the property of the late Mrs. MeAuIey at the auction sale held recently. Mrs. Harris of Toronto, Miss Burn- ett of Thornbury and Mr. W. G. Prosser were iruesis of Mr. R. G. Ache.'ion"-. Miss FeigUMiii of Toronto is a giiLSl of Mrs. McNalty. Mr. Lloyd Lyons is holidaying ai his home here. Mr. Lloyd .Wauchope is relieving on the Shelburne C.P.lh-section and Mrs Wauchope and little Phyllis, are vis- iting in Flesherton. ] Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hodgin visited friends at Laurel. A riumber from Proton Station at- tended the fu.neral of Mr. Thus. Gil- ch'-i-t at Flesherton. Verna Baker's nose is badly injured from being hit with a ball. Mrs. Vause has returned from the home of her son, R. J. Vause, who has been very ill in Markdale hos- nital. have had a different ending if con ditions had not been favorable foi them. Douglas Stuart, his sister .Marion and Mr. Ralph Cummer, a visitor from Hamilton, went to Mc- Cauley's pond in an old coupe to enjoy a swim, but as they neared the bank of the pond something went wro::g with the brakes of the car when they were applied, the car kept on going over the bank and plunged into the water, whieh w;is ten feet deep at that point. Luek- ily the windows were open and the ;)ccupants climbed through and rose to the air above them, which no doubt felt good to breath at that moment. All were good swimmers and reached the bank looking the worse for their experience. The wrecker from Down and Richards garage was brought into service and the car was soon brought up from its watery restino, place. W!:i!e the ycung people intended 'ij'.nr, swimming their immersion wa:: •accomplished quicker than expected. It is a i)leasiire to announce that tht accident had no serious result. CEYLON TORONTO LINE NORTF Mr. Clarence Stafford of Toronto motored up and spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stafford. Miss Marion Stafford who spent her vacation here ana Misses Margaret Quir'.v and Evelyn Brown returned to the city on Sun- day with him. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson of . Toronto were Sunday visitors at the home ol R. Richardson. Mr. W. Abeveronibie visited his niece, Mrs. R. Richardson, during Uk past week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Perigoe and daughters, Betty and Mary, of Delhi ' ^^y_ j_ ciiard, and family, week c-nd visitors with Mr. and ROCK MILLS Mr. of Creemore visited the first of the week with the former's sister, Mrs. Mrs. Colin Kennedy and three child- ren, Mary, Gordon and Donald, of Durham were visitors the first of la.st week with Mrs. Robt. Campbell and Mrs. .McFayden. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and two sons of Winnipeg are visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. Corrigan. Miss Georgina Blackburn, Flesher- ton is spending a week with Mi.ss Margaret . Colllnson. Mr. iiA\r\ McMillan, Owen Sound, was a TN-«ek end visitor with his mother here. Mr. Bonar W. Balfour, St. Oath. arines, is visiting Mrs. Frank Cairns and .Mr. J. F. Collinson. •Mrs. Jim Mc.Mullen and children are holidaying at the Beach, near Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. Rubt. Rutledge and family of Holland Centre wei-e Sun. day visitors at their homes here. Mrs. (Dr.) Holmes of Owen Sound spent the first of the week with Mrs. Anna McMillan. Miss Gladys Pattison has retui'ned from a week's motor trip up north. Mr. and Mrs. Raney and Jean of Southamiiton visited the latter's moth- er, Mrs. D. Macphail and attended the funeral of the late Mr. Tom Gilchrist on Monady. Mr. and Mrs. .Alex. McDonald and ' Isobel of AVeston havo returned homo j after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ' Cairns. I Miss Bessie Cairns motored to Ham- i ilton the end of the week. The community extends its <leepest sympathy to the widow and relatives of the late Mr. Turn Gilehrist. Mi's. Tracey of Toronto is on a visit with her sister, Mrs. Wni. Gib- son. Mr. John Cherry and Mr. Mervan iMuir of Toronto visited with Mr John Muir last week. OJir. George Pattison who has been were .Mrs. A. Stewart. Mrs. Stewart re- turned homo with them for a visit. Mrs. Harold Richardson spent Mon- day with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C. Stoddart and fam- ily have moved to Mr. Fred Mathew- son's farm. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wise and daughter, Mary, of Berkeley spenl Sunday with Mrs. Thos. Lever. Mis.; Margaret Quirk of Toronto spent a couple of days with Miss .Marion Stafford last week. Mrs. C. Hopkins and two daugh- ters, Florence and Ruth, of Goring visited 'the former's cousin, Mrs. R. Richard;- on last week. Mayor Jackson, wife and son, Thos. of New Toronto spent the week end with the latter's uncle, Mr. R. Rich- ardson. and Mi-s. Fred Pedlar and son i,^,ipi,ij; his grandfather. Mr. Donald McLeod, with the haying left this week for a trip with the "Canadian Boys Track Club" through parts of the states and to take in the World's Fair in Chicago. T EATON COMP.VNY MADE IMMENSE FORTUNE Passed Ker Pupils We wish to announ.e that Miss Christina Hutchinson of Kimberley teacher at S. S. No. 10, Melancthon. was successful in having all her En- trance class pupils pass, one boy re- ceiving honors. This is rather contradictory evid- ence to the report eirculated through- .>ut the district tha'", one of the trus- tees' sons had learned nothing durini! Miss Hutchinson's stay at Riverviev,' His son being the one to receive hon- ors i:i passing. our dear husband and father, Walter Robert Simmons, who passed away July 20th, 1925. Calm and peaceful ke is sleeping, Sweetest rest that follows pain, And we who loved him sadly mi.ss him, And trust in God to meet agtiin. â€"Sadly missed by loving .Wife and Daughters. Watch Repairing (Mr. Victor Hebd-en has moved his jewellery shop from E. J. Bennett's store to Mrs. MacDonald's re.<?!dence, next door to the cafe, and solicit^ your continued patronage. Some good second hand watches for sale; also some now alarm clocks. Get one before they are illl sold. CARD OF THANKS In 18G9 Timothy Eaton opened a small stere at the north-west cornet of Yonge and Queen Streets, Toronto He did most of the selling himself For the fi.scal year ending January 11, 1934, the T. Eaton Company, Ltd. had sales of $132,&OO,000; a pay-rol" of ?24,945,000; assets of $100,035,000 and conducted stores, factories, ware houses, mail order depots and subsid iary companies from Cape Breton ir the cast to the Rock Mountains in the west. The peak year of the many- sided organization was 1929 with sales of $226,053,000. GARDEN PARTY Mrs. Thos. A. Gil«hrist, sister-in- law and nieces wish to express their appreciation of the sympathy express- ed in their recent bereavement. Re.id the Small Advertisements A garden party will be held at Mount Zion church on Thhrsday, July 26. A cold meat supper will be served. A aoftball game will take place between Proton and Inistiogc followed by a play entitled "An Old Fashioned Mother" by the Maxwell dramatic club. The 4th Line orches- tra will also be in attendance. Ad- mission 25 and 15 cents. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Genoe and two children of Toronto visited one day the past week at the Pedlai home. Prayer meeting was held at the home of Air. Sam Phillips on Friday night, conducted by Rev. Dean of Fev- ersham. iMiss Ita Pedlar of Markdale spen' the week end at the parental homt- Some of the farmers in this locality finished haying last week. Miss Fern Magee and Miss Kath leen Pedlar of Eu.genia spent a day with friends here. We are sorry to report Mr. William Hawkins not feeling so well again. Down in Ohio, a group of onion workers went out on strike â€" possibly with tears in their eyes. NOTICE o. A. L. BROKENSHIRE, R. Eyesight Special.st Associated with J. P. Davis, R.O., eyesight specialist, Collingwood, Ont., will be at Richardson's Drug Store the first and third Wednesdays of each month. Eyes examined â€" glasses fitted. Make appointments at Richardson's Drug Store. THE POOR RICH I BATES BURIAL CO'Y ; 124 Avenue Road Toronto DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT REASONABLE PRICES PHQNES: NIGHT OR DAY- KIngsdale 4344â€"3456 Modern Private Chanel I J. W. Bales Fred MaddorUs Richard Moddocks. Manager •y Formerly of Flesherton ^'^4<'^<t>><'<'<'<f<'^><'<-'><-<-'y<'<f'yi'0<'<'<r<'<f<'>>^>^^ CUR AIMâ€" .M-.-.= . Doug-as . Fairbanks, who is shortly to be.cme Miss Mary Pickford again, has given out a moving inter- view in Nejv York all about God and life and Mary Pickford. Among th" other immortal sentiments uttered therein is the opinion that the best hings in life arc free and wealth :annot buy ani-thing worth while. Mo doubt this is true, but it is a cur- :ous fact that hardly anyone finds it out until after he has made a lot of money. And while wealth is recog- nized in every child's copy book and in every interview with the rich as a curse and a burden, yet hardly any- one ever attempts to escape it after acquiring it. â€" Victoria Times. Races At Dundalk Thursday. August 2ndâ€" 2.18, 2.2,". and 2.30 trot or pace â€" $425.00 in prizes. Some of the best horses in Ontario have already entered. Mid- way on grounds. Street dance at night. A big time from 2 to 2. uality, Service Price SpeeJcing of Price, we have the famors Irish Blue Bell Twine. 5 or 8 in. balls; 600 ft. or 650 ft. per lb. Our Price 600 ft. $9.00 per cwt.â€" 650 ft $9.75 Rope ys in. 18c lb.â€" 4y2 ft per lb. Flexible steel cable 4V2C per foot * * * * FLY SPRAY FOR HOUSE USE P.oiipht in bulk but we put it up in pint bottles. 45c Regular 60c for X Brunswick Sardines 2 for 9c I Powdered Bora.x, large package 12c I Osprey & Arlemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. i : I FLESHERTON $ ;: