Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Sep 1934, p. 8

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Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 19. 1934 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE â- 5S-« Local and Personal Mr«. T. J. FishtT and »on, Emery, ami Miss Ida Fisher spent the week end at Wiarton. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Heard relumed the first of the week after holidaying for three weeks. Miss Lulu Scott arrived in town on Thursday and is the guest of hei brother, Rev. W. J. Scott. IMr. and Mrs. Jack McCowell and Mrs. Allan Cameron of Toronto visit cd over the week end with the latters' parents, Mr. Harry LeGard. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Patterson and two sons, Gordon and Erie, of Toronto were week end visitors at Mark and Archie Stewart's. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Yates of Owen Sound and Mrs. Walter Alexander of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Alexander and family. ren Mrs. Art Aicheson and three sons and daughter of Toronto spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Trimble and lltle son of I.Ambton are spendinK 'his week at the former's parental home. The Woman's Missionary Society will meet on Thursday at S p.m. in the United Church. The officers hope for a good attendance. Messrs. W. Tumey, F. J. Thurston, An(i:us Turney, Frod Gorrell and Ted IJixon attended the annual .shoot of the Grey Regiment at the ranges at Owen Sound on Saturday. Mr. A. Stillwell of Montclair, N.J., accompanied by Dr. C. W. Hamilton of Stratford, called recently on Mr and Mrs. 1). Williams of town and other relatives at Feversham. Kev. A. E. Armstrong of Meaford will conduct revival services in the Go.spel Workers' Church in Markdale commencing on Sunday, Sept. 23rd- scrvices at 11 a.m. annd 7:30 p.m.; week nights at 8 p.m. All welcome Miss Florence Caswell of Newark, N.J., and Miss Janet Purvis of To- ronto, are visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Caswell. Miss Caswell is supervisor in a New- ark hospital. P%ail Traffic Hea?y We had a pleasant call on Monday from Mr. Koy Rutlcdge of Lethbridge, Alta., who is visiting his mother at Ceylon. Roy is employed in the C.P R. yards at Lethbridge and says that traffic through that point has nearly doubled in the past year, several engine crews being re-engaged. He and is wife intend starting back home on Thursday of this week. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Artenesia School Fair Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bellamy visited in Toronto last week. IMr. and Mrs. T. C. Blakeley and three children of Harriston spent Sun. day with Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Adams. Seasonable Hardware Ammunition, Guns, Rifles, Gun Oil 22, 25 and 32 calibre Cartridges 16 and 12 Gauge Shot Shells Stoves, Ranges and Heaters, Elbows, Pipes Tees, Stove Cement, etc. Electric Irons, Clean-iip Special $1.39 Upright Toasters, with cord $1.49 Iron or Toaster Cords 35c SPECIAL PRICES ON WIRE FENCE This is a jrood time to put uj) that piece of wire fence. Will give special prices on fence in stock. Nails, Glass, Roofing, Coal Oil, Cement^ Shovels, Forks. Massey- Harris Speially Treated Plow Shares Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE Phone 54, Flesherton Man can't change the weather, but he can do a lot of growlin? about it. Cold or hot, flood or drought â€" noth- ing seems to effect the common house fly. This year they seem more plent- iful than ever and we are wondering why some smart fellow doesn't in%ent a way of exterminating them once and for all. We have tried stickin ess, poison, sprays and swat, bu^ the fly, like the poor, is always with us Valuable Farm Praperty For Sale By Tender Sealed tenders will be received up to and including the Twenty-eighth day of September, 1934, for the pur- chase of a farm, being Westerly 75 acres, more or less, of Lot No. 27, in the Sixth Concession of the Township nf Osprey, in the County of Grey This farm consists of 75 acres of good farm lands on which are erected a house and a barn in good state of re- pair. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms: cash on closing. n Tenders should be left with or fo»- forwarded to the undersigned. DATED this Sixteenth day of Aug- ust. 1934. MRS. ELIZABETH SPENCER, R. R. 1. Singhampton Administratrix of Estate of Georgt Spencer, Deceased. Insurance of all Sorts Phone 87, Thornbury, and I'll call Stan. THURSTON I I THE STORE WITH 8ERVICE F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. U-:<« CHADi wnmat Markdale, (hitario N> OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Special Sale o! New Fall Merchandise AT MONEY-SAVING PRICES NEW FALL AND WINTER COATS AT 10% REDUCTION, AND A SMALL DEPOSIT HOLDS YOUR COAT UNI IL YOU WANT IT. SMARTEST COATS OF SEASON In the new Free Hack Cloth with the season's newest colors. I'riced at $14.95, $17.95, $24.50 SPECIAL SALEâ€" Men's and Hoy.s' 6- eyclet Monitor Rubbers; early buyers will save a lot on winter rubbers at these prices. SPECIALâ€" 180 Pair* Only â€" Men ? Monitor Heavy Durable Rubbers" special at, per pair $1.69 Boys' Heavy 6-eyelet Rubbers in the same style as men's, 1 to 5, special $1.69 Men's Rubber Boots in black with ^rcy sole, .sizes 6 to 10, Special, pair $2.69 MEN'S WORK PANTS |_^ot 1 â€" 5 (loz. only, Men's W«)rk Pants and Overalls. Values up to $1.75. Extra Special, per pair $100 Lot 2 â€" 5 dozen only. Men's Pants in brown shades. A i>ant that will ^ivc month >; of hard Wear. RiKnilar $2.^? vahu'. Special at pCr pair $2.25 MEN'S FURNISHING SPECIALS Lot 1 â€" Men's Hats in newest shades and styles. Wonderful value, each $2.25. Lot 2 â€" .\ better line in the finest fur felts, all the b*st shades, iipecial $2.95. MEN'S CALF WORK BOOTS At Bargain Prices. 30 pair only Men's calf solid leather Work Shoes, made by Williams Shoe Co. in Brampton. Reg. $2.95 value, Special at per i)air $2.59 GROCERY SPECIALS Buy at Hill'* and Save . Weston's Soda Biscuits, reg. 10c 3 for 25 Weston's Fancy Sweet Biscuits 2 for 29 Pure Clover Honey 10 lb. pail $1.00 Western Queen No. I Flour $2.49 Peanut Butter, large jar 25c Lux. reg. 2Sc largt' pkg 3 for 50c Clark's Soups. Tomato & Vegetable 2-15c This store open Wednesday afternoons. We Have discontinued the Tuesday night o])ening for the season. •• Artemesia School Fair was held in Flesherton on .Wednesday of last week and for the number of schools taking part was fairly successful. Proton Station school, under Principal Littlejohns won the prize of marching and exercises, beint; the only rural school entered. P'lesherton al»o took part, but was not in competition svith Proton. Only about half of the schools in the township had exhibits in the hall, a big decrease from othei years. Following are the prize win- ner.s in the various classes : 1 Cockerel â€" Iva Brown F, Rhesa Mc- Lean No. 6. Eunice Allen No. 3. Lloyd Allen No. 3, Donald Nichol 12, Doris Taylor F. Pulletâ€" Iva Brown F, Iva Brown F. Rhesa McLean 6, Lloyd Allen 3, Eun- ice Allen 3, Doris Taylor F. Cockerel, any other â€" Angus Mc- Vicar 12, Harvey Hill 2. Pullet, any other â€" Margaret Mc- Millpn 13, Harvey Hill 2. Wheat, quart â€" Nelson Fitzsim- mons 11, Kenneth Nichol 12, Hugh Wyvill !1. Wheat, sheaf â€" Nelson Fitzsim- mons 11, Donald Nichol 12. Barley, quart â€" Hililard Fitzsim- mons 11, Douglas Evans 3, Hugh Wyvill 11. Barley, sheaf â€" Hilliard Pitzsini- mons 11. Oats, quart â€" Ralph Fitzsimmons 11, Jean Wyvill 11, Allan Cameron 6, Franklin Warling 11, Emerson Beaton 6, Keith Parker 3. Oats, sheaf â€" Mary Whitehead 2, Ralph Fitzsimmons 11, Allan Cam- eron 6, Emerson Beaton 6. Peas, quart â€" John McMillan 12 Lloyd Allen 3, Fred Fisher F, Agnes MacMillan 7, Mabel Duckett 13. Sweet Corn â€" Donald Graham 11, Arlene Benson 13, Burton Campbell 13, Leona Duckett 13, Doreen Boland 11, Helen Brown F. Beets â€" Arthur Proctor 13, John MacMillan 12, Angus MacVicar 12, Kenneth Meads 7, Florence Newell F, Ken Henry F. Carrots â€" Jack Kennedy F, Ben Bellamy F, Kenneth Nichol 12, Donald MacMillan 12, Eunice Allen 3, Hilliard Fitzsimmons 11. Firsnips â€" Anpus MadMillan 7, Bob Meads 7, Muriel Corbett 7, Agnes MacMillan 7, Thelma Miller F, Beth Warling 11. Onions â€" Melville Buchanan 11, Jean Mather 12, Dorothy Falconer 13, Isabel Cameron 6, Pauline Hutchinson 11, Marion Wickens F. Field Corn â€" Lloyd Allen 3, Mary .Whitehead 2. (Mangels â€" Nina Teeter 2, Iva Brown F, Hughie Wyvill 11, Bobbie M«ids 7, Lsabel Weber 11, Leona Duckett 13, Turnips â€" Donald Graham 11, Hil- liard Fitzsimmons 11, Kenneth Meads 7, Mary Whitehead 2. Half bu. Oats â€" Donald Nichol 12. Half bu. Wheat â€" Gerald Hill 2. Half bu. Peas â€" Donald McMillan 12, Kenneth Nichol 12. Half bu. Potatoes â€" John McMillar 12, Angus MacMillan 7, Emerson Meads 7. Potatoes, 12 tubers â€" Bill Henry F, IMuriel Teeter 2, Ken Henry F Jean McTavish F, Leone Duckett 13 Wallace Meads 7. Asters â€" Fred Gibson F, Jean Mc- Tavish F, Marjorie Brackonbury F, Jack Kennedy F, Isobel Karstedt 12 Arlene Taylor F. Sweet Peas â€" Doris Taylor F, Jack Kennedy F, Kenneth Nichol 12, Bon Bellamy F, Marjorie Thistlcthwaite F Isabel Karstedt 12. Zinnia â€" Jim Thurston P, Hilliard Fit7..simmons 11, Nora Turner 13, Isa- Del Karstedt 12, Bernice Carson 12. Cosmos â€" Marjorie Brckenbury F Ross McConkey 12, Anna McVicar 12, Ralph Fitz.simmona 11, Ruth Black burn 3, Pauline Hutchinson 11, Lor- eac Johnson 3. Marigolds â€" Euth Tumey F, Win- n if red McConkey 12, Isabel Weber 11, Harold Graham 11, Stanley McLean 6, Munroe Scott F. Gaillardia â€" Bill Henry F, Jean Duncan F, Harvey Hill 2, Hilliard Fitzsimmons 11, Jean Cargoe 11. Dahlias â€" Ken Henry F, Fred Conkinfr P, Isabel Karstedt 12, M«nr> aret McMullen 13, Ben Bellamy F. Rhesa McLean 6. Gladioli â€" Ben Bellamy F, Ruth Tumey F, IWinnifred McConkey 12 Earle Thurston F, Grace Parker 3, Doris Taylor F. Table Bouquet â€" Bernice Carson 12 Winnifred MrConkey 12, Jim Thuraton F. Ben Bellamy P. Thelma Miller P Jean Duncan P. Coll. Apples â€" Hilliard Fitzsim- mons 11, Mabel Duckett 18, .Mary Whitehead 2, Harvey Hill 2, Thelma Miller P, Verda Carpioe 11. Plato Spies â€" Leone Duckett 13, R, J. Oargoo 11. White Epgs â€" Marjorie Thistlc- thwaito F, Fred Boland 11, .\nna Mac- Vicar 12, Paaline Hutchinson 11 Beth Warling 11, Nina Teeter 2. Brown Eggs â€" Donald MaeMillan 12, Anna MacVicar 12, Nora Turner 13, Fred Fisher F, Marion Wickens F, 0th No Name. Apple Branch â€" AJeda Ratcliffe 11 Ruth Blackburn 3, Dorothy Johnston 11, Jean Loucks, F, Ted M;Cracken F Earl Thurston F. Necktie â€" Don Graham 11, Bruce Beard 3, Jim Thurston F, Jean Mc- Tavish F, Diana Goldsborough F. Tea Pot, etc. â€" Lloyd Allen 3, Jear Cargoe 11, Roy Best 3, Ben Bellamy F, Doreen Bcland 11, Julia Ransome F Winter Game â€" Donald Scott F, Ruby Vause 3, Ben Leavell F, Harvey Hill 2, Laurence Baker 11. WRITING First Class â€" Ethel Taylor F, Jean Loucks F, Eail Thurston F, Ruth Leavell F, Ted iMcCrackcn F, Arlene Taylor F. Second Class â€" Donald Graham 3 1. Fred Conking F, Edna Croft F, Dor- othy Falconer 13, Gladys Duckett 13 Florence Newell F. Third Class â€" Isabel Weber 11 Evelyn Campbell 13, Jean Proctor 13 Doris Fawcett 13, Carmel Martin 13 Alan Chappie F. Fourth Class â€" Jean Wyvill 11 Verda Genoe 13, Evelyn McGee 11 Isabel Cameron 6, Ruby Vause 3, Ida Benson 13. Cut-outs of Wardrobes â€" Marion Wickens F, Winnifred McConkey 12 Anna MacVicar 12, Mary Whiteheac 2, Diana Goldsborough F, Minerve Stafford 2. Cut-outs of Fruit â€" Harvey Hill 2 Ross McConkey 12, Wallace Meads 7, Angus MacVicar 12, Jack Kennedy F. Bill Henry F. Coll. of Pictures â€" Harvey Hill 2. Hay Rack â€" Jack iMacArthur 12. Bill Henry F, Harold Sims 15, Wes McCracken F, Bobbie Meads 7, Ernest Batchelor 15. Saw Horse â€" Ross McConkey 12. Emerson .Watson 12, Tommy Mathei 12, Wes McCracken F, Bill Henry F, Laurie Sutherland 12. Pictures Farm Buildings â€" Levi Stafford 2, Jack McConkey 12, Jack Kennedy F, Emerson Meads 7, Angub MacVicar 12, Emerson Beaton 6. Wash Cloth â€" Agnes McMillan 7. Isabel Karstedt 12, Diana Goldsbor- ough F, Jean Duncan F, Mary White- head 2, Verna Russell 2. Dish Towel â€" Winnifred McConkey 12, Anna MacVicar 12, Dorothy Wat son 12, Muriel Teeter 2, R. Turney P. Oatmeal Cookies â€" Isabel Karstedt 12, Margaret McMillan 13, Jack Ken- nedy F, Diana Goldsborough F, Mary Whitehead 2, Gladys Duckett 13. Tea Rusks â€" Iva Brown F, Anna MacVicar 12, Ruth Turney F, Marioi, Wickens F, Lorene Johnson 3, Dor- cthy .Welton F. Butter Cake â€" Marion Wickens F. Eileen Johnson 3, Jean Wyvill 11. Doris Taylor F, Ida Benson IS. Apple Pie â€" Jean Wyvfll 11, Anna MacVicar 12, Bernice Cowan 12, Fred Fisher F, Winnifred McConkey 13. Isabel Karstedt 12. GIRLS* SPEAKING Anna McVicar 12, Julia Ransome F. GIRLS' SOLO Julia Ransome F, Dorothy Welton F. Dorothy Patton F. BOYS' SOLO Ken Nichol 12, Alan Chappie F, Ben Bellamy F. PARADE Proton Station 1st, Flesherton 2nd. The fellow with a pleasing address is the one who can deliver it in about five minutes. A man in Pennsylvania got a ride in a car and the driver turned out to be his brother whom he had not seen in 15 years. Thus they were not exactly brought t>gether, but driven together. * 0»»»>« M «»»»»O00»»«»*»0»»0»»OO»»»»»0»»»»»»'»»«»<0»»«»» Small Advts. For Sale FOR SALE 12 Good ewes â€" R. Richardson, phone 33 r 4, Flesherton. FOR SALE Gurney-Oxford range â€" Mrs. W. E. Morgan, Flesherton. FOR SALE Rural Empire range for sale. â€" Mrs, T. J. Stinson, R. R. 3, Proton. FOR SALE 60 Good young sheep, also 2 ram? and 2 cows. â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon, Phone 88 r 3. GUN UCENSES Licenses for guns, trapping and deer supplied. â€" J. O. Dargavel, Flesh- erton, Ont. TENDERS WANTED GRAIN WANTED Grain wanted, for which highest market prices will be paid. â€" A. C. IMuir, Ceylon, phone 38 r 3. FOR SALE Dressed spring chickens and boil- ing fowl. Leave orders with Jas. A. Stewart. Flesherton, or communicate direct with J. F. Collinson, Ceylon. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE House and lot for sale in Maxwell, lot 7, concession 7 in Charlton Square. Terms: cash. Apply to Mrs. Mary Henderson, R. R. 2, Ravenna, in caFC of Jas. Fletcher, Gibraltar. FARM WANTED Farm to rant with view to purchase if suitable, not less than 100 acres. Apply to Geo. Udell, Proton Station P.O., 1V4 miles south of Flesherton on No. 10 highway. 2-"** PIANO FOR SALE Heitzman & Co. upright, modern style, rovered by original Heintzman guarantee. Cost f600. .Will sacri- fice â€" owner leaving Ontario for Old Country. For complete information and price apply by letter to Box No. 14, The Advance. FARM FOR SALE 100 acre*, one and a half miles sooth of Flesherton on Provincial Highway No. 10, Good buildings and well watered. Also a bam in Flesherton for sale or rent. --MRS. M. THISTLETWAITE, Flwherton, Ont. FARM FOR SALE At Wareham, South-West comer, Lota 9 and 10, lat con. S.D.R.. Town- ship of Osprey. 100 acres, 20 acres timbered, balance under good cultiva- tion. Good roomy barns on stone foundation, cement stabling, brick vene«rc<l house with furnace, drilled well and an orchard. Good locality, school and church convenient. Will sell at a bargain. â€" W. S. INKSTER, Flesherton Tenders will be received up to and including Friday, September 21st, 1934, addressed to the undersigned, for the painting of woodshed at Cey- lon school. The lowest or any tender not necessarly accepted, â€" R. W. PIPER, Sec.-Treas. FARMS FOR SALE Lots 140, 3 N.E. and lots 143 and 144, 2 N.E., in Artemesia Township, 2M miles from Flesherton; good barn, stone foundation, drive shed with stone foundation and a frame house, well watered. Apply to â€" MRS. A. B. FERRIS, Flesherton Administratrix of *he late Sarab Thompson estate. HOG FOR SERVICE Registered Berkshire hog, govern- ment inspected. Terms $1.00 if paid within 2 months, over that time $2.00. â€" Laurie Pedlar. HOG FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshire hog, purebred and government inspected; terms: cash 75c.; charged $1.00. -,WES. SMITH, Rock Milla. BOAR FOR SERVICB Keifistered Torkshirt Boar for ta^ vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Cluk^ the property of the Ontario Depart ment of Agriculture. ; â€" C. STEWART. Caretaker. " BUSINESS CARDS DR. R. W. LINDSAY FeversKam - 'Phone 17 r 3 Office 10-12 a.Bi. 7-8 p.M. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST " "' At Thomson house, Feversham. every Friday. Extraction and plate work. From 10.30 a.m. to 4.80 p.m. Residence: Eugenia; Phone: Fever- sham 42 r 5. AUCTIONEER I Wm. Kaittintr. aootioneer for turn and stock sales a ipeciality, term; 1 per cent, with aroall sa]«a at eef^ responding low prioes aceordioir tt size. Make date* by phoniag 4S r 11 or at The Advance office. Prince Arthur Lodge No. SS8, A.F. A A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flcshertoa, every Friday on or befoM the full moon. W.M., F. J. Thurstoa, Secretary, H, A. MeCaaley. 1^ ^/4

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