Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Nov 1934, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, \OVEMBER 21, 1934 THK I-I.I'SHJ-.RTON ADVANCE Mrs. H. A. McCauley spent the past week with frifiuls at Dundalk. Air. Harold Bt'.sl has rt.'turne<l home afit-r .speiuliriK ihc patit two weeks at I'ickcrinjf. .Mr. and Mr». C. Whit* of Waubau- slienc 8pent a couple of days last week with relativeii here. JliB.s Ita Pedlar is visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. D. Meldrum, on the 4th Line. Mrs. Thorn of Barrie arrived last Week ami will .spend the winter with Mrs. Jos. Blackburn. Principal Chupple of the public school staff was ill at his homo last wct'k, but BKain took up his duties on Monday. Mr. Andrew Sharp's health still con- tinues to be of frrave concern to his friends here. He is in the Maikdale hospital. Mr. and ^Mrs. Norman Sloddarl and two sons. Bobbie and Jimmie, sih.".-.1 the past week with the former's par- ents in Markdale. The Presbyterian W. A. will hold a I'Uiiiniaire and home made baking sale on Saturday afternoon, November 2'lth, to commence at 'i.'M p.m., in the Armstrong store next the tele- lihoiiv office. Ur. J. E. Milne has been ill tlic past weik or »o with eye trouble and is in Toronto consulting a specialist, lir. K. .McLean of Toronto is taking charge of the doctor's pi-aetice, dur- ing his illness. Mrs. C. I). Meldrum and RoU-rt wiMo visitors in Owen Sound on Sat- urday with .Mrs. I). J. CujininKhum. .Mr. .Meldrum returned home with them after attending the County Council. ^ if- :• Mr. Hartley Blackburn of Port Credit »|H'nt Sunday at his parental home on the East Backline. His father, Mr. Geo. Blackburn, returned home with him after spending a couple of weeks with Hartley. The King Paving Co. finished their l)aving contract and shouldering last week and left with considerable of lliiir eiiuii)ment on Thursday for t he- head office at Oakville. This sum- mer they laid about thirteen miles of imvcnieni in this district. HK.MPIill.l, â€" .Mc( AKINKV A quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and .Mr.s. U. J. .-McCartney, George- town, wlien their only daughter. Nor- ma Violu, became the bride oi John William Hemphill, son of Mf. and Mrs. Jas. E. Hemphill of Proton. The l)ride, who was given in niariiage by her fatlicr-, wore a gown of royal blue crepe de mon, and was attended by Miss Violet Brooks of Toronto, who wore a dress of henna crepe. D. McCartney, brother of the bride, acted as best man. Rev. W. S. M.Alpine of Brampton officiated. An intor- i.sting>fatt is that Mr. .McAlpine offic- iated at the murriage of the bride's parents. Twenty-five guests were present at the wedding breakfast, at the home of the bride's parents. County Council Doings I Live Stock Report .McMlbbEN SELLERS On Saturday, .November ITlh, bj Rev. W. A. Cameron, Gladys Irene daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. .Sellers to Mr. Elgin Ross .^IcMullcn, son o1 .Mr. and Mrs. A. McMiillen, of Ceylon INSPECTOR VISITi:i) HERE Protests were lodged in Grey Coun- ty sessions last of the proposed clos- ing of the South Grey Registry Of- fice at Durham and also of the De- partment of Agriculture office at .Markdale. Reeve .McDonald of Ben- tinck staled that the closing of the South Grey Registry Office would be a great inconvenience to the citizens and also ai considerable expense to th* ('ounty, as the North Grey office would have to be enlarged. The Council was almost unanimou? in voting for the retention of the Of- fice of the Dcpai'tment of A.^ricul- tuif in Markdale. Dirslein Transport of Chesley, in a letter to the Council, expressed their intention of suing the County of Grey if the Hanover-Chesley County Road was not kept open lor traffic this winter. County Superintendent Mc- Knight stated that it would (.est about $1,600 to erect sufficient snow fenct to keep the road oiien, and it vva.< noi the policy of the Road Committee tc| calves, however keep roads in the County free from snow in the winter time. Reeve Emerson Brown of CoUing- wood township presented the repur Hardware Anniversary DO YOUR FALL REPAIRING NOW BEFORE THE COLD WEATHER COMES I Glass, Putty, Roofing, Nails, Screws, Hinges; Locks Monarch Paints, Enamels, Stains and Varnish stiil on at 49c quart. Real value and in quarts only. And here is another anniversary Special â€" A full size Zinc Washboard at only 29c Also a full line of Enamelware & Dishes â€" open stock or in sets. â-  WE INVITE YOU TO CALL Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE -:- Phone 54, Flesherton Our new' public school inspector, Mr. George K. Pentland, inspected! "^ the County Road Committee on the Flesherton public school on Monday Butchers moved at $4 to $1.25 foi choice and at $1.75 to $2.50 for boners and common on the Toronto Livo Sto.k .Market on Tuesday. A few heavy steers brought $5. Cows suld slowly at $1.50 to $2.25, with canners mostly at $1. Fed calves went at $5 lo $(i.cO, with two head making a tjp cf $7. Common to medium stockers closed from $2.25 to $3. Lambs closed with a 25 cent gain on the majority of sales. Good ewes and wethers sold from $7 to $7.25, while culls, bucks and heavies brought $5.50 to $6.50. The hog market was unsettled for thi: greater pari of the day, finally vomiting, which are the common- symptoms, seem to arise in the stom- ach. The digestive prcess may be upset because of the condition of one of the digestive organs. Most diseases affe.t the behavior of the stomach N'au.sea and vomiting mark the onset oi most of the communicable diseases Disease of the heart may be reflected in digestive upsets. The situation is fuithtr complicated by many cases v;hich have no organic basis, but which arise out of emotional disturbances of which the patient may or may not be aware. The various parts of the body are controlled through the nervous sy.stem. Some of these functions are under our control so that we can move our body .settling unchanged on most sales ati'^''^^^ ^- '"f' °'^^'' ^''^ practically $7.25 f.o.b. for bc-)ns. S7.C0 off truck ''"'""**"^'' ^"^ '=^" ^^ ^'°''^^'^ ""'*"' and $8 off car. A few exchange.; '^''"lâ„¢'' '''''^ ^^ '•»*> ^^'^ °^ breathmg; were made 10c to 15c higher. j "'^eis agam, and this applies to most Calves clased steady and 50_" higher I foi' the Week at $5 to $7 for good and I choice vealers. Only a few koshe.' i went at the high level. Conimon grassers brought $2.25 to $2.50. Sheep closed steady at $1 to $3 per cwt. of the internal organs, are entirely automatic and so beyond our conscious control. The digestive tract i.s reg- ulated tn this automatic fashon. for the first time since his appoint- ment. HLNTI.NG i'ARTY HOME The J. 0. Dargavel hunting-' party returned home on Wednesday evening i*f last week with their allotment of deer. They enjoyo<l viry good weath- er in camp and the hunt terminated without any out-standing occurrence othei' than the seeing iif a bear from â- .I distance. A Powerful Germicide sic- of proved value. Safe bciause non- injurious lo the most ddiratc flesh tissues. Kill perms in nose, mouth and throat with G.G. E.\tract. A Liniment thai penetrates and removes the Cittise of Rkeumalism, Lumbago, Joint Pains, Neuritis, Sciatica, etc. Your money returned if not absolutely satiificd. Fuil direction.^ with every bottle. At your Druggist or from AUSTRAUAN DKU(J COMTANY 7.) Uiiclicsa SI.. Toronto WAvcrlcy 45JI * ;i First THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUK BUYING POWER SAVES YOi: A LOT OF MONEY BIG SPECIALS This Week Come to the Hill stores for dependable Fall and Winter Merchandise, offering seasonable goods at very low prices. We are Sp>ectal Sale of Ladies' Dresses 25 uiily I.adics' twccd ami sijuil ctfcci (lrrss(.'s, very new. Special at $3.95 and $4.95 each. Men's Heavy Wool Hose at Money Saving prices. II) Lot 1 â€" 20 (Idz. men's pure wodl hose niediinii weight. j.;rey onW. S])eeial 18c, or 2 pair ior 35c. Ladies' Pure Wool Jersey Dresses Kot 2 â€" 20 do/., inen'.s pure wool Im.se .Man> shades to elioo^e Iroiiiâ€" a real in j^-rey and white stripe. Special value lod weif^iil : all sizes. Special. $2.95 ea. at 25c pr. Children's Pure Wool Jersey Cloth Dresses Sizes S to 14 years - real value at $L- 95 each. Women's Long Sleeve House Dresses 111 nietliiini and <lark jiatterns. Sizes .^4 tu 44 in a loiilard cloth. lv\c«'ptiona! value at $1.00 and $1.19 each. MEN'S DEPARTMENT Special sale of Men's Winter Over- coats at prices that will save you dollars on each coat. 7S N'cw C<»ats froni which to choose, in all the latest cloths and shades. I'riced at $10.95, $13.95, $15.95 and $18.95. A oat to suit everyone's pockctbook. Men's Heavy Moleskin Windbreakers In >izes .V), .iX, 40, 42. in hlne. j^reeii, and khaki colored cloths. Special value ,it $1.95 each. Men's Leather Coats -A real kalher coat for men. sonio with hn.wii heaver collar, other ( iilI.Ti - â€".Ml sizes and pricec Lot 3 â€" 20 (U)z. men's pure wool hose in a heavy tpiality. Ket,'-. 30c value. (S[)ecial 35c or 3 pair for $1.0t). Cur Special Rubber Sale Still Continues r>o\s' Plain Overs, rolled sole (>9c Men's I'laiu Overs, rolled sole S9c Women's J 'lain Overs, first (pialily 75c Women's clearing;; line at 50c Men's .Monitor, h eyelet $!.«'; Uoy's Monitor. 6 eyelet $1.69 Women's Knhber Moots .\ .$1.95 Misses' Kubher lioots $I.()9 Child's Rubber Hoots .'j;1.49 (Save money by buyin>>: these Rubbers.) SPECIALS Robinbood b'lour (this week only) $2.59 Choice tpiality Mince Moat .... 2 lb. 25c. 5 String Ikooms (while they last) 33c Canned Tomatoes. 2'^ size, .... 3 for 25c. I'earl White Staj) g for 25c .s lb. pail Dark I loney for 43c 10 lb. pail Dark Ib.ney for 79c l,ar).rf llottle \ anilla for 15c Jelly Powders. 6 for 25c with self Sufirar, 10 lbs. for 51c at $7.50 ej... Choice Dates. 3 lbs. for 25c work that was done this summer and' a summary of their inspection trips. County Road work was carried on this year under the relief .scheme and the amount of money which the Coun- ty will receive from the Provincial Government is not yet known. It is Lstiniated that the County's share ol the Provincial Highwr.y work carried on this year will amount to about $148,162, whereas only $26,000 was levied for this purpose. County Treas- urer K. I). Bonnell stated that the general account levy mifcht be more than enough for this year, but he â- 'didn't dare make an estimate" in connection with road expenses. The county road superintendent, R. C. McKnight, !)resented a vary full report of work done on the i. ounty roads this year, showinj^ that the total cost up to Oct. 18, \'XM, was .'?7r),ii27.06. Of this amount $34,070.- 41 was spent for construction, $8,367.- 30 for maintenance, $15,705.36 for re- surfacing, $066.13 for general account. $2,507.10 for power graders, $5,054.03 for gravel pits and $30.80 for town- line bridges. Mr. Mv.-Knight pointed out that the original program for this year includ- ed very little work other than main- lenance, but that the policy of the Provincial Government in giving an extra subsidy of two-thirds of the labor cost, as an unemployment relief ' {found measure, has been instrumental in altering the plans of the road com- mittee very materially. .\ by-law postponing the county sale of lands for arrears of taxes for this year was given the necessary tliree readings. Appioximately 18 miles of road was inJuded in the list of additions in the County Road System, to replace the mileage when the Flesherton Dur- liani road was designated a Provincial Highway. Among the new sections taken as county roads in this section are: Commencing at county read No. 11, Osprcy township, thence norther- ly along sideroad 15 and 16 and dcvia- "tion thi-ough Feversham to the ))oint where the deviation on.e more joins sideroa(i 15 and 16, approximately 2'j miles; from Highway No. 10, thence westerly along the boundary line between Artemesia and Proton tc the west backline, ai)proxiniately one and a quarter miles. The county roads committee pre- sented a report recommending that two miles of snow fence be cr7-cted on the Hanover-Chesley road, but no at- tempt be made to keep the- roads open for car traffi;' during the winter. T. Stewart Cooper, agricultural representative of Markdale presented a report and the Council decided to conduct a hot fly and warble fly cam paign lo 1)0 conducted during the winter and spring. During the time that the Old .Age Pension Act has been in force then has been received by old sKe pension- ers in the county $7 16,784. 20, at a cost to the county of $71,678.42. INDIGESTION An important function of this ner- vous control is to keep the digestive canal at the proper tension, neither collapsed nor distended. A suddon loss of tension in the stomach give.s rise to a feeling of nausea. Emo- tional upsets, worries or shocks bring this about by their indirect action on the nervous control of the stomach. In a manner which we cannot explain, the emotions may affect the behavioui of the whole digestive tract. The loss of appetite associated with excit- ment, the nausea which is related to offensive odours, the diarrhoea follow- ing a mental shock, are all examples of this. This emottonal and nei"vous mechanism must be appreciated when an attempt is made to understand the indigestions for which there is appar- ently no organic cause to be found Those who suffer discomfort which apparently arises in the abdomen and which is supposedly associated with the digestion of food describe their com- plaint as'Mndigestion" or "dyspepsia". It is interesting to note, in passing, that "indigestion" is a poor term because there is no lack of digestion; what is meant is poor digestion, and the reason why digestion is blamed is because it is making itself felt, so indigestion is consious digestion. The stomach i.< Lonimonly blamed for the trouble. Important digestive processes take place in the stomach as they do in the mouth, but the most profound part of digestion occurs in Let's see, how many shopping days the iintestines. \rhe stomach is blam until next Christmas'.' Well, its less ed because the nausea, eructation and than thirty-five, if you want to know. I ^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^♦♦^^^^♦♦^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦****>»**<******«*->-:-c-:-:-*«A4^«' Small Advts. ♦♦♦•00»»»»»»»»0O»»»»»000»»ft»»»»»»O»»»»»<N»»»»»»»»^»^»^- FOR SALE 40 young sheep. Will sell or give out on shares.â€" A. C. .\Iuir, Ceylon. FOR SALE class black and tan Fox -Robt. Fisher, Flesherton. RAiMS FOR SALE Leicester Rams, three years old. registered stock. â€" Robt. Chard, Kim- berley. Phone 48 r 23. FOR RENT House for rent in Fles'hei-ton, good location. â€" A Down, Flesherton. FOR SALE House and lots for sale in Flesher- ton, the estate of the late Mrs. M. Philips.â€" O. W. Phillips. Flesherton. FOR SALE Shorthorn bull, 10 mons. old, elig- ible for registration. â€" Roy Piper. Ceylor, phone 44 r 31. RAM LAMBS FOR SALE Government graded xx and xxx Oxford DoWn ram lambs, also a few good Oxford Down breeding ewes.â€" Russell Ellis, Kimberley. PULLETS WANTED I want 10 or 12 curly hatched, eith- er White Leghorns, Rock Wyandottes or Barred Rocks. â€" Mrs. W. W '.Vimble, Flesherton. STEER STRAYED Red and white steer strayed, is 2' years old, with horns, white on face with streak of Jersey around nose. Anyone kno\ving of the whereabouts of this steer please notify Lewis Genoe, Eugenia, phono 74 r 21. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS Fishing, Hunting and Trapping on Lots 176, 177 and Part of Lot 178 S. W. and Lot 178 N.E.. stricS^y forbid- den. All dogs found running a: large on the above property will be shot. By order of â€" THOS. J. STIN90N. Inspector Gave Address A splendid addrcs.s was delivered in St. John's United chuirh on Thurs- day of last week on his trip to Trini- dad, British West Indies. He des- cribed his trip from the moment of leaving New York utitil his arrival home and gave some interesting in- formation on the conduct of the schools which are under the super- vision of the United Church. Ag Mr. Pentland was n public school inspec- tor in Canada he had a splendid op- portunity of visiting the schools and oh-crving the progress the \tMynU were making. He observed that the students were ju»t a.s far advanced in learning as Canadian l>o.v.- an.i girls, which is attributed to tho splen-- did teaching ytaff of the scherlii. The address v.ns given to the ladies of the Woman's Mis.sionary Society and te quite a number of others who Rttcnd- cd. HEIFER CAME ASTRAY Came to my premises on or about :hc 13th of October, one heifer. Own- er prove property and pay expenses. â€" Chas. Stafford, Flesherton, Lot 31, Con. 5, .\rtemcsia. CAME ASTRAY C^me to the premises of the utder- signed at Rock Mills on or about the 1st of November, heifei-. Owne: prove property and pay expenses. â€" Wes. Smith, Flesherton R.R. 1. TIRE LOST 32x6 Goodrich Silvertown tire and rim, l)etween Feversham and Owen Sound. Reward. Finder please communicate with thi.s office or Wm Kerton, Maxwell. HOG FOR SERVICE Registered Berkshire hog, govern- ment inspected. Terms $1.00 if paid within 2 months, over that time $2.00. â€"Laurie Pedlar. HOG FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshire hog, purebred and government inspected; terms: cash 75c.; charged $1.00. -,WES. SMITH, Rock MilU. BOAR FOR SERVICE Rejnstered Yorkshirt Boar for Mt- vice by "Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, tho property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agricultiu-e. â€" C. STEWART. Caretaker. BUSINESS CARDS DR. R. W. LINDSAY Feversham - 'Phone 17 r 2 Office 10-12 a-m. 7-8 p.m. FOR SALE Span of well matched, dark gre> Percheron mares, 4 year old; A f«w Aljerdeen Angus bulls, from five moa. old up to serviceable age; young cow due to freshen December 1; one aged Oxford Down ram. Terms given. â€" Herb Corbett, Proton. CATTLE .«5TRAYED From Lot 38, Con. 13, Artemesia. on or about Oct. 25th, three cattle one all black (steH>r calf) fat, one grey heifer, one year old and one red heifer, one year old, showing some Jersey. Information of the above will be thankfully received by Wm. Semp''\ Eugenia R. R. 1; phone Fev- ersham 20 r 42. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST At Thomson house, Feversham, every Friday. Extraction and plate work. From 10.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Residence: Eugenia; Phone: Fever- sham 6 r 42. AUCTIONEER Wm. Kaitting, auctioneer for fara. and stock sales a speciality, terms: 1 per cent., with small sales at cor- responding low prices according tt size. Make dates by phoning 43 r 11 or at The Advance office. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.F. &A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, every Friday on or before the full moon. W- M., R. W. Piper, Secret '»ry, H. S llcCauley. ^-^t

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