Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Nov 1934, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28. 1U34 TIIK I-r.KSHKRTON ADVANCE SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVING FAIRS W. C. McBrido, piesident of the Pntt-villc Ajfiicultural Socioty, Kavc u siilcndid aildio.<.s at tho mectiiuf of tht Society held at Priceville recently at whUl) it was stated that tlie Soc- iety would meet all oi.liKUtiotis and have a balance on hand. F-'olIowinR is President McBndeV address: Ivadiv5i and Gentlemen:- I wish to extend to you all a hearty weUonio to the annual u.eetinK of our Ajfri- cultuial S(Kiety. We have been pass- ing through conditions as a people that havt beoii tryinp to say th. least, but, without such experience in life we would not attain the h-ifht of our possibilities. I wish at tliiV time to tliank the officer.s and niein- Inrs ol our society on thi.s earnest endeavor during th^ pa.st year in hclpinjc me make our Society a .suc- cess, both financially and in.'stiuctive. And I am of the opinion the future holds brijrhter thinKs in btore, that you as tillers of th- soil, soon .â- <ee the silver lining'. And a.- we go forward into 1^35 may oui l;opes be brighter and our spirits ((Uickened to met I our new o'jli^'a tions and tasks. There arc many thinps that I wish to bring to your 8ttenti4)n during the course of my ad- dress, which I hope you take as they are given, not as ridicule, but for the betterment and progress of our Soc- iety. ilomesCic industry, and us anu nia> lire art:;. With one season as pres 1 come to you full of confidence for the future of your Society; but to gain that success there will have to be some chancres. I personally ri-coniniend a tlHirough le-oiganization of our Society. Thit le-orgunization should lake place al ontu and you nhould see that your officers and directors accept this re- Kl>onsibility as their own. I can see no reason why there should not be double the amount of live stock .•â- hown. 1 have some suggestions tc make â€" to make our hall exhibit* mere interesting, these I will submit for your approval: 1st, our cntiy tickets should be changed to bear the name of the exhibitor, these could be opened after the judging i.« done.j People are proud of their work and| like their friends to know it is theirs; 2nd, I would suggest that uninter- ested persons do the clerking for the! judges. This would cause more cor<;ietition and go to prove that everything was abov;- the board. Re- memlier I am not saying this is done, but it might give- occasion for talk; 3rd, We should be very particular I'.lmit exhibits returninif to the hall year after year. In the most of cases tliis work should be done during the year; 4th, domestic science â€" the ex- hibitor should follow exactly what h in the prize list, if it calls for fi buns, that mCans 6 not 12, and if it calls for light cake it does not mean dark cake. Fruit or vegetables should be shown in whatever containers are ;:;;,"; Knocking Paid Mail Order Mervhandising under present con- ditions was discussed by Mr. Sulley of the National Cash Register Co., at the last meeting of the Uarrie Retail Merchants' .Association. There is .said thi' sneaker, at the outset, no substitute for hard work and brains in business to-day as at any time. By organization and co-operation merchants can do much to gain and hold trade. .The speaker told of a mail order house in New York that inquired into why in n town 150 miles away they did annual business of $80,000, while in another town only 40 miles awny of similar size, their annual business was only $12,000.^ It was found that in the latter town th( merchants were organized and co operated, while in the former there was no onranization and the merch- ants were knocking each other, whil. the mail order house got the business .â- \ town where the independent mer- chants iiave noor sales is not a disir- able place for the lawyer , the noctai or the preacher. Mr. Coidon McKinnon of Toronto v.as in town last wjek. Mrs. McCallum is seriously htr home in Flesherton. ill al After all the growtj-ups ara only boys and girls. Another search af- ter pirate's treasure is to bo made. .Whether they'll get the gold is an- other matter, but they'll have the fun anyway. But they should take a dozen kids along with them ju.jt to give them the real kick out of th* journey. Other youngsters will get the same kick by putting up a .shack in the woods and digging for treasure in a snot where their imagination- makes t!:em believe the treasure is buried. * Our Prize List should be revised -ailed for, not in anything you hap- from leaf to leaf, and should con- psn to have. I would suggest that tain more commercial classes design- all butter and baking should be cov- ed to improve the manner i^ which c:^'d with Celophane paper (this h our products are marketed. I would, sry inexpensive) and will make th'. that you keep in mind when revising . crihibit nu re altrattive, also keep it your prize list, which should be done , more sanitary. annually, that you do not contmue There are many more improvements year after year with the same list to be worked out but I am sure youi as your fair will become common and officers for the incoming year will li ^^e prestige; arrange this li.st sc do their best both for your welfare as to give prominence to the more and the good of the society. special products of our district. This At this time I have a few pei'unal revising should l>e done a.s soon as remarks to make. Your secretary- possible by a special committee of . treasurer deserves thanks for the 2 or .3 members. The idea of just ' creditable manner in which ho ful- having a fair is not enough, we should filled his office, in my experience as always aim to make our exhibits as a public servant, I may say I never woikcd with a mor^.' congenial and able executive, always ready to work for the betterment of the society, a"^d attractive as possible for the young people because it is through them We must build our future. We should always endeavor to keep the boys and j I personally wish to thank you, Mr. Whyte, for the help you have givjn me at no remuneration to yourself. 1 also wish to thank Mr. H. B. Mc- Lean, .Archie McAi-thur, Jas. Harri- son and Donald Reiky, who havt .-itood by me through my term of office. These men have been with girls instructed for they will be the men and women of tomorrow. There are more opi>oi tunities to assist agriculture than iusl through the medium of a fair. The object of our .society should be to promote im- provement ill agricuUure, horticult- It isn't the glory of winning: itV playing a poor hand that puts zest in life. .Mr. Samuel Henderson of Toronto siK-nt a few days this week with rej atives in town. Pensonal Christmas Gieeting Card- can be secured at The Advance Of- fice at very reasonable prices. Sec our samples with their large choice. Mrs. W. A. Hawken underwent an operation in the Owen Sound hospital Tuesday afternoon and is progre.^.sinj! favorably. Mr. Thomas A. Bowens and sister, Mi-s. Mary Callendar, of Shelburne visited over Sunday with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thomp- son. IQie Women's Institute will me '. at the home of Mrs. Wm. Boyd o:- Wc-dne.^day, December 5th, at 3 p.:n Roll call: exchange of gifts. Vi.s- itors welcome. nie in everything I did and gave their unlimited time free of charge. There are also other officers and members who have heli>ed me make a success of our Fair and I would ask them also to accept my thanks. Later on in the meeting you will be asked to elect your officers for 1935, and I can awure my successor as President, every support. Latci i Mr. Peter Dow left on Friday for A number of Flesherton hunter.- were in the Kincardine district last week on a jack rabbit hunt and ware .successful in securing a number of these speeders. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Anderson ci Shelburne, accompanied by the lat- tor's mother, }til^.i. Teenie Thistle, visited the past week with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thompson. on in this meeting your secretary- treasurer will give you a full report of the financial standing of your society during the year. You will also have a full rei)Ort on the work i;f the hall buard, then I will be in r position tj go more fully into the finai'.cing of our society. Euchre, Bridge & Crokinole will be held in Fraternal Hall Thursday, Dec. 6 at 8.00 p.m. I'nder ausnices of Orange Lodge SILVER COLLECTION - EATS THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY ClALS This Week Come to the Hill stores for dependable Fall and Winter Merchandise, offering seasonable goods at very low prices. We are Special Sale of Ladies' Dresses Z,i only l.adics dresses. vcTv new $4.95 each. ' twoi'd ;md sport effect Spcci.'il ;u $3.95 and Men's Heavy Wool Hose at Money Saving prices. I, I it 1 â€" 20 doz. nien'.s ])urc wool hose in nicdiuiii weight, j^rey uuW. Special 18c, or 2 pair for 35c. Lot 2 â€" 20 doz. men's pare wool hose in j;rey and white .stripe. Special value Ladies' Pure Wool Jersey Dresses .Man}' shades to choose from â€" a rea ^-ood weii^ht: all sizes. Special. $2.95 ea. a'. 25c " ,ol .? â€" 20 doz. men's pure woid hose a heavy (piality. Uei^-. 5Uc value. pr. Children's Pure Wool Jersey Cloth Dresses Si/e- !^ to 14 year.s â€" real valuf at $1. 95 each. ni Special Women's Long Sleeve House Dresses In niediinn and dark |)atlerns. Sizes 34 to 44 in a foulanl cloth. Exceptional value at $1.00 and $1.19 each. MEN'S DEPARTMENT Special sale of Men's Winter Over- coats at prices that will save you dollars on each ^oat. 7.S .\'c\v C(»ats I'roni which to choose, in all the latest cloths and shades. I'riccd at $10.95, $13.95, $15.95 and $18.95. .\ Coat t" suit cMTyone's pockelhook. Men's Heavy Moleskin Windbreakei's In sizes M\ 3><, 40, 42. in hhie. Rfrccn. and khaki colored cloths. Special v.ahie at $1.95 each. Men's Leather Coats .\ real leather coat for men. sonic with 35c or 3 pair for $1.00. Our Sp-scial Rubber Sale Still Continues ISoys' IMain Overs, rolled .sole Mc Men's IMain Overs, rolled .sole S9c \V(jmen's I'lain ( )vers, first cpiality 75c Women's clearin}»- line at 50c Men's Monitor, 6 eyelet Sl<^-' litjy's .Monitor, 6 eyelet Si. 60 Women's Kubhcr iJoots $1.95 Misses' Kuhher Hoots $1.69 Chihl's Rubber P.oots $1.49 (Save money by buying these Kubbcrs. ^ SPECIALS Kobinhood I'lonr ( this week only) $2.59 Choice (piality .Mince .Meat .... 2 lb. 25c. 5 Slrinj^ IJroonis (while they last) 33c Canned Tomatoes, 2'* size, ...'. 3 for 25c. Pearl While Son]) 8 for 25c 5 lb. pail Hark Honey for 43c 10 lb. pail Dark Honey for 79c, brown beaver collar. collars. - -Ml si'( - and others with self M'-'.-t'd al $7.50 ra. I ,arL;e Jellv I' Sut;.ii. 10 lbs. Ch-.;.-. l>aic>. I'loHle \ anilla for 15c iwders. 6 for 25c 51c 2Sc tor ... .^ lbs Hamilton where he entered the main Haiiiilton branch of th; Canadian Biuik of Commerce. Mr. J. M. Os- wald of Thcdford has taken the posi- tion of teller in the Flesherton branch. Dandelion.*; were picked at Ri;;k Mills la.st wetk by Mr. Geo. Johnson and several < f them were sent into The Advance office for proof. This is an exceptional find for this vime of year. Week end visitor:; with Mr. and Mrs. .John McDomId we;.:: Miss Kathleen iVIcDonald of Hamilton, Mi?.:; Irene McDnpnld. Mr. A. Dolle, Mr. L. Thau- burn and Mi.-is Hilda Thauburn aiid Mr. Cecil Dykcman, all of Toront.). Ill renewing his subscription to Tht Advance, Mr. AVm. T. Clark of Wilder Idaho, .said that he had hoped to have been over for the AuRust "Old Boys' picnic but was unable to make it. We will be looking for you next year W. T. â€" W. Frank Sniitli, B.A., teacher of Kn!,'lish and History in the St. Mary's CuileKiate Institute, has received the appointment of Inspector of Public .Schools for iWost Simcoe, replacing Vv. A. Marshall, B.A., who wa.s trans- ferred to Lincoln. Dr. M. W. Berwick, of Grand Val- ley, has received the appointment of Histrict Deputy Grand Ma.ster of Crey Di.strict to fill out the unex- pired portion of the term of the lato .W. A. Wansbrough. Dr. Ber- wick was .Secretary of the late D. D. G. M., prior to his demise. Considciable excitement occurred in town for a few moments on Wednes- day night of lust week when E. J Bennett's larjre Cadillac car took firi while parked in front of hi-; storj. When discovered, a flare was i.<suin:.! from around the hood ol the machine. .\ fire extinguisher was brought int.,' play and the fire was s:on only a r.'.enioiy. The Gospel Workers will hold their i.'.niithly all-day meeting in the tawn l-all, Flesherton, on Thursday, Nov miber I'tHh, with services at 10..'{0 a.m., 2..'1() p.m. and 7.45 \:.m. The Clarksburg Y.P.S. orchestra will bt in attendance for the evening service, .\ cordial invitation is extended to all. Ducks on the Hydro Lake are re- ported to be fairly numerous this wiiek. The water in the lake is ex- ceptionally low at the present time, alwul the lowest it has ever been. The old 10th Line road from Beit Magee'.s to Pheasant Iskind i.-; now practically bare, with the exception of about 100 yards, which can be navigated with the use cf rubber boot.s. WHEN you suddenly realize it*s her birthday . . . and you ean*t tell her you forgot it â-  â-  and you're miles apart Get to a telephone ... a Long Distance call will make both of you happy. I For forgetful husbands, and anybody else, the telephone is always ready. A Long Distance call now is as simple and easy as talking across the street. Look in the front of your directory and see how low the rates are â€" 100 miles or so for as little as 30 cents. ***********«»**-****<»4-»*«******<><-fr*<~>*<>****«***«<.<->**«^ Small Advts. STEER STRAYED FOR SALE 40 young sheep. Will sell or give out on shares. â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon, FOR SALE First class black and tan Fox Hound. â€" Robt. Fisher, Flesherton. FOR RENT House for rent in Flosli'erton, good location. â€" A Down, Flesherton. HE.-VTER FOR SALE Quebec coal heater, nearly new.- Harry Patton, R. R. 3, Flesherton. FOR SALE House and lots for sale in Flesher- ton. the estate of the late Mi-s. M. Phllips.--0. W. Phillip.s, Flesherton. PULLETS FOR SALE Sixteen bred-to-lay Barred Rock pullet.-*, 7 to 8 pounds. â€" Mrs. Walter Rus.-^ell, Rock Mills. PULLETS WANTED I v.-ant 10 or 12 early hatched, eith- er White Leghorns, Rock Wyandottes or Barred Rocks. â€" Mrs. W. W I'rimble, Flesherton. CAME ASTRAY Came to the premises of the utdor signed at Rock Mill; on or about the 1st of NovemtK-r, heifer. Ownc: prove nrotierty an<l pay expenses. â€" Wes. Smith, Flesherton R.R. 1. Red and white steer strayed, is 2 years old, with horns, white on face with streak of Jersey around nose. -Anyone knowing of the whereabouts of this steer please notify Lewis Genoe, Eugenia, phone 74 r 21. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS Fishing, Hunting and Trapping on Lots 176, 177 and Part of Lot 178 S. W. and Lot 178 N.E., stricVy forbid- den. All dogs found running at large on the above property will be shot. By order of â€" THOS. J. STLNSOV. HOG FOR SERVICE Registered Berkshire hog, govern- ment inspected. Terms $1.00 if paid within 2 months, over that time |2.00. â€" Laurie Pedlar. HOG FOR SERVICE Young Y'orkshire hog, purebred and government inspected; terms: cash 75c.; charged 11.00. -^WES. SMITH, Rock Mills. BOAR FOR SERVICE FOR SALE Span of well matched, dark grey Percheron mares, 4 year old; A fe-.v Abenleen Angus bulls, from five mos. old up to serviceable age; young cow due to freshen December 1; one aged Oxford Down ram. Terms given.â€" Herb Coi-bctt, Proton. Reiristered Yorkshirt Boar for an- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club th« property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. â€" C. STEWART. Caretaker. I'M- What might have been a serious accident occurred one evening last week whv-n Mr. Harvey Lucas of Markdale collided with a wagon load ^ of logs which were being brought into town. One log smashed the wind- shield and Mr. Lucas had a small cut on his arm whtro it had been graced by the li g. The accident occurred iust as night was falling, a mcsl l.Tngcrous time for «i^.iving. Both vehicles were on their own sida of Ro.k Mills. !h.' road but the wagon is said to have ! .-on \'ith.)ut a v>-arning light, n^ doubt tkj reason of which, that the driver csp^cted tJ be home l>efore dark. CATTLE STRAYED From Lot 38, Con. 13, Artemesia, on or about Oct. 25th, three cattle one all black (steer calf) fat, one grey heifer, one year old and one red heifer, one year old, showing some Jersey. Information of the above will bo thankfully received by Wm Semplc, Eugenia R. R. 1; phone Fev- ersham 20 r 42. BUSINESS CARDS DR. R. W. LINDSAY Feversham - 'Phone 17 r 2 Office 10-12 a.m. 7-8 p.m. Logs Wanted By Durham Furniture Co., Ltd. Logs mu.st be 15 inche? at the ti)" end, sound, smooth and straight, cut out of line timber, 12 foet long. for niices and particu- lars ent|uiro at the Mill Office. â€"DURHAM FURNITURE Co. Ltd. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST At Thomson house. Feversham, every Friday. Extraction and plate work. From 10.30 a.m. to iM p.m. Residence: Eugenia; Phone: Fever- sham 5 r 42. AUCTIONEER Wm. Kaitting, auctioneer for fara. and stock sales a speciality, terras: 1 per cent., with small sales at cor- responding low prices according ti. size. Make dates by phoning 43 r 11 or at The Advance office. Prince ArtWir Lodge No. 333, A.F. &.A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, every Friday on or before the full moon. W. M., R. W. Piper, Sccre'nry, H. A. llcCauley.

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