Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Apr 1936, p. 1

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n ii j ® J)je /ksli^rltf n %hmnce. VOL. 55; NO. 43. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1936 W. H. THURSTON & SON, Proprietors New Road Foreman Mr. Norman Stoddart of town has received the appointment of road fore- man on this section of the County higiiways system, succeeding the late G. E. Henry. His beat is from Flesh- ertOM to Singhampton and from Maple Valley througrh Badjeros to the town line. He also has charge of the roao from the gravel into Feversham. His new duties commenced on Monday of this week. Osprey Sub-Overseers Appointed For Year Returned Home Mr. Jas. Robertson arrived home on Saturday after spending the past few months in Toronto. Mrs. Robertson expects to arrive shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson enjoyed a cruise through the British West Indies and were as far south as Trinidad. The change from the warm tropical clim- ate to that which we enjoy at the present time, Mr. Robertson said is almost too much to bear. Some folk are curious as to the origin of the $15,000 Hon. Duncan Marshall paid' for a prize Scottish bull. Perhaps Santa Claus did it. EASTER FLOWERS Order your Easter lillies and flow- ers for Easter. â€" W. A. Hawken, Flesehrton, phone 17. AUCTION SALE A credit Auction Sale of hoi-ses, farm implements and household fur- niture will be held on the south half of lot 4, con. 6, Collingwood Iwp. on Wednesday, April 15th. Ross Camp- bell, Prop.; Geo. Duncan, auctioneer. The Osprey Municipal Council met according to adjournment in Sing- hampton on Saturday, Mai-ch 21st. .A.11 the members were present in the best of health and, apparently, in the best of spirits, as all had in memory the long session of a year ago, the meeting was called at 10 a.m. A number of ratepayere were present for various reasons, some to get old accounts straightened out, some to pay current taxes, etc., which meant that the treasurer took with him nearly S350 to tuck away in the treasury. The minutes and proceed- ings of the previous meeting were read and found correct. Communications were received and read from: Department of Public Wel-| Carson Artemesia Council Artemegia Council met at the coun- cil chamber at Fleshei-ton on March 1). The members were all present with the Reeve presiding. The minutes of last meeting were read and on mo- tion adopted. A by-law was introduced and passed appointing road overseers, viz: J. Henry, J. .\. Holley, Elgin Boyd, Geo. Littlejohns, Geo. Stewart, R. Bontham P. Beard, C. E. '.Moore, W. G. Acheson, E. E. Gallagher, O. Walker, Bert Local and Personal Spring-cleaning next. Good Friday â€" just one week. Mrs. Mark Wilson spent the week end in Toronto. The remainder of the pictures were shown at Y.P.S. on Tuesday evening. Miss Winona Paton spent the week end in Toronto. Heated Debates Feature in House Two major rows were staged in thi House this week. In view of condi- wliith caused the loss of many vote* and possibly seats to Mr. King in 1''30. Mr. Bennett's statements •'Canada- will' not be a wet-nurse. to derelict!'" and 'Canadians are }mng purified in the f irse of adversity" un- doubtedly did not help him in the election of last fall. In the heat ot Brady, Ken Hill. F. Russell, C. Hunt-' .^j,. yj^i^ Stewart spent the week 7' "iu"""w' kr- f-u"^' J- "'""'â- y-lend with his brothers in Toronto. Jos. Shier, W. Nicholls, F. Taylor,; W. Crockford, W. Wilson, E. Bowles,} Miss Kathleen McDonald of Ham- F. Cairns, D. .McLeod, T. Genoe. G.i'lton spent Sunday with her parents. Waller. W. Halliday, Thos. White, A.j ^f''- and Mrs. Jno. McDonald. Hergott, D. McBonald, R. Parslow Jr., j jlie sacrament of the Lord's Sup- Geo. Wilkin.son, J. Mc'Kee, J. Under- pe,. will be observed in St. John's hill, F. R. Oliver. W. Dever, Alex. u„itpa church on Sunday. D. Hincks, F. Collinson. Neil' ! Cameron, J. D. McLeod, A. B. Chard I Mrs. W. H. Miller returned on Tues- day from Toronto where she spent th< the village of Dundalk, reljicGee, A. Williams, Bert Magee, C. number of hei- friends at a birthda; Boland, E. Warling, Earl Gordon. W.! party on Monday evening. Wilson, T. Freeman, W. Kaitting, H.I Walton, W. G. Jamieson, L. Latimer, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Neilson and soi , , „ , r ,- u r. tr ^.u I Oscar, Mis? Audrey N'eilson and Mr John Bowles E. Graham. P. Hemphill. ^. p^,.^^^ ^„ ^f ^wen Sound, spent Art Whittaker. Sunday at the home of Mr. John Mc Relief accounts ordered paid were:|,^ ,, A. J. Mc Vicar $23; Mrs. G. C. Graham! $14; H. Cairns $2; F. G. KarstecH! Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling, Mrs. L. W $3.40; C. .1. Kennedy $13.95. Meldrum â€" Purvis â€" That C. Hunter be refunded $2 dog tax of 1935. â€" Carried. iMeldrum â€" Purvis â€" That Fred Irwin be paid S6 for plow broken while plowing snow on road. â€" Carried. Purvis â€" Meldrum â€" That the ac- count of the Municipal World, of $0 Come and Se€ Our New WaHpapers A large shipment of tke new- est patterns of SUN WORTH V WALLPAPERS has just arriv- ed. The prices of these ixipular light. resisting papers are now so low that they come within the reach of every purse. Furthermore, never were the patterns more beautiful and in keeping with Qie true comfort of the homes of today. fare, re the purging of relief lists; from the Department tt Health, reiR Fisher, W. Sullivan, W. McWTiin-|' appointment of and i-emuneration ofjney. A. Wilkinson, A. English, Fred.""*^ week. Medical Health Officers: from the|pedlar, F. Jamieson. L. Teeter, Glen j Miss Jean McTavish entertained clerk of the village of Dundalk, re' granting of relief to an ex-Osprey resident. The owner of lots Nos. .36 and 37, Con. 2, S.D.R., produced a receipt to show that his taxes had already been paid, so they were ordered erased. A motion was passed authorizing the County Treasurer to erase from his books the amount of $1,240.51, as these have been paid to the Township Treasurer. Mr. Londry returned the 1935 Roll, showing a list of defaulters amount- ing to $8,590.10. - . - By-Law No. 10 ( 1936) was passed, appointing Sub-Overseers as follows: 1. S. Talbot; 2, Jas. Moody; 3, F. Wetherall; 4, H. Hannon, Wm. Nor- ; tg paid.â€" Carrieti, man; 5. Wm. Little: 6, T. H. Mether- 1 Warlingâ€" Meldrumâ€" That the pay all: 7. P. Priddle: 8, Robt. Hill. John j ,hects. a.s follows, be passed and paid: S. Winters; 9, John Brodeiick; 10, E. j Div. 1. $35.42; Div. 2. $8.60; Div. 3 Seeley: 11. E. Wright; 12. E. Hayes; i $73.90;' Div, 4. $7.â€" Carried. 13. G. Campbell; 14. Henry Thomp- 1 Whittakerâ€" Meidruniâ€" That notices son; 15. P. Somers; 16 and 17. Wm. I be posted up at the baseline prohiblt- Fadden; 18, H. Mclnnes; 19, F. Shor^i ing the dumping of refuse on said A. Short; 20 and 27, E. Parker; 21,iroadway, and at any other places Wm, PlnHi 83. Cy. 8horti Jas*. X ' wh.erJ necessarv.â€" Carried. yaViuson; 23, .A. BrownritiUtt i 24,1 Whittaker â€" WarUng â€" That thp Thos. J. Frcethy; i&, ti*o. Dobson. i treasurer advertise for bidders for the John Tuplin; 26, J. Gillies! 28, A. ; purchasie of Park Lo: 6. Priceville. and Buie; 29, V. Wright; 30, Wm. Seeley: ipart of Lot 150, Cor.. 2 S.W.â€" Carried. 31, Wm. Davidson; 32, Wm. J. Chard; j The Council adjourned. 33, Geo. Ross; 34, Wm. Hall: 35. Wm. Thomson. General road accounts paid were: M. Douglas $24.30; H. Courvoisier |4;! K. Hawkins $2.40; Cy. Short $3.60; Thos. Blakt^y $22; Wm. Davison $;J5.20; B> Seeley $16.60; W. J. Conn $11; C. Sampson $.'i.8B; S. McQueen $8.40; Jas. ^cKenzle $6. General account* paid were: Drs. Mi>Kay & Simpson, professional serv- ices to the Baiinermans $15; County Office Supply Co.. supplies $11.21; B. Cameron, wood to the Adairs $7.50; John Hamniil, relief account to Mars- den $1.65; H. E. Hammil, relief ac- count to .\dair $16; G. Eby. relief ac count to Knuff $5; Hy. .Alexander relief account to Knuff ?2.59; E. Walters, relief account to Marsden $9: Hy. McDonald, relief $9 ; E. Robinson, stamps $6. CoTincil adjourned to meet at Mai- well on Saturday, .-Vpril 25 at 2 p.m. t .<*• iji- the debate with Mr. Gardiner Mr. tions It seems a repetition of fiddhng | g^^^^^^ ^^.^j^. ^^^j^^,. ^^.^^^ ^yj,eH he told that Hon. gentleman that ho need not think for a moment that he was dealing with some "iwor rural ronAic i;; Saskathchewan." A liWi^ later in the debate the uhrase re-occurred, Mr. Bennett :_ "Exactly. There is !!0 reason why the Hon. gentleman opposite should talk fo himself. If he desires to insult me let him make himself heard." Mr. Ross (Moose Ja*)'!*'^ the Hon. gentleman i-ef erring to me?" Mr. Bennett: "Yes." Mr. Ross: "I was first insulted by while Rome burns." The worst storm blew up over a resolution intro- dCiced by ^Ir. Gardiner, Minister of' .Agriculture, by which he proposes to| advance $6,500,000 to wheat growers! in westei-n Canada who received less than 60 cents a bushel in 1930. The Govei-nment, however, Rolds the wheat as collateral. A much smaller am- junt (5200,000) is to be paid to pro-' iucers of oats as compensation. Mr. Gardiner, who until his appoint- •iient to the Cabinet, was Prime Min- 1 :tpr of Saskatchewan, roused the ire; of .Mr. Bennett by suggesting irreg-i â- liar practice regarding the Order ,nj^^^ ^^^^ gentleman in this House. I •ouncil deahng with the «"'"» of ' happen to be one of the poor rustics ioney ko be paid to producers. Ap- (,,.^^^ ,.^,.^,1 Saskatchewan." oarently Mr. Gardiner has been u.sed| g^^^ ^^^ members: "Sit down." ha\Tig the argument pretty much. ^j. ^^^^. .._and while I am on my is own way. but in the leader of the| ^^^^ j ^.^^u ^^y ^j^^^ jf ^.^ ^ad more ipnnsition be met ati^ antagonist ^^ ^^^^ ;^ ^j,is: House we would get Thorn and Mr. G. .Armstrong attend ed the funeral of the late Mrs. Chas. .\nnstroiig held at Markdale on Sat urday. The Y'.P.S. presented their fine plaj "Marrying Anne' in the high schoo :.n Friday night. .A. large crowd dii not appear, although ihe societies dii' not lose any money. Snow fell in clouds for an hour oi â- 11 Tuesday nioi-ning and a sample of winter was again tasted. We havi had all these samples we need thi^ year. Dr. J. E. Milne has purchased the residence on Durham street from th( estate of the late G. E. Henry. Ren- ovations are being made and the new owner expects to occupy the re? idence in & couple of weeks. Mr. Thos. Boyce of Usherville Sask., writes that they have had ; very cold winter out there and all an longing for spring (same here). Thi thermometer dropped as low as 6( below zero in that part of the west. Mr. Ted Dixon roceived on Saturday] inclination." the prize for the best shot in "D" The met ah .vorthy of his steel. ' The chief en- ) ^^^ business through a lot faster than •oiinter took plaFe between f h^se two ; j^^^j^^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^f lawyers spHtKngf Aith Arthur Slaght and Gordon Rossj^^j^^ ^j,, af^rnoon." becoming involved. j jj^. Bennett: "The hon. member for Tile Bennett Government had taken ^^^^^ j^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^e is a poor rural steps to deal with the matter "»!,.ugt:c: there is no reason why he money payment to wheat producei-s i ^1,0^1^ p,.ove it. Nowâ€"" last October before the election and. -^^^ g^g^. .,^, j understand it, the had reached an agreement with the'pj^^^ gentleman has used that word as wheat marketing organizations re- \ ^ ^^^.^ ^f contempt. If so. I accept garding the details, but had never got I j^ ^^ such." to the point of paying the money over jj^. i>„niii,ig: "He says, if it is a Hitbough the.- pHOmise of paj-ment I ^^^^ ^^ contempt he accepts it." " Mr. Bennett: "The hon. gentleman is a better judge of that than I am.* jHigh School Examinations j From June 10 To June 26 I Examinations in Ontario high ., „ r. d - 'schooU this year will start June 10th j Company ot the Grey Regiment, and finish June 2»th, the department pHze was won at the Sarawak raixgos figured in the election campaign Mr. Gardiner, in opening, the di."*- cussion, tota of the Order in Council which was piit^tjiiyugh by the Bennett Government and made a list of some additional notes written in to the document. ancK according to Mr. Ben- nett, insinuated that the words writ- ten in had been adde<l after His Excellency the Governor-General had ?igned the Order. It was this stressing of the addition to the docu- |0 nient which infuriated Mr. Bennett ind resulted in a head-on verbal colli, sion of Mr. Bennett and Mr. Gardiner. .\s Charles Binhop in the Citizen said: "It wa^ an entertaining matinee. . . . Mr. Bennett may not have much help by himself he is cajiable of staging â- I big show. He seems disposed to Nor will this he the last of the un- happy phrase. •'^^^""^ ^ Unemployment continues to be an insolvable Canadian problem. The new Minister of Labor. Norman McL. Rogers, has most difficult work in attempting to deal constructively with complex and baffling a matter. He has given notice of a bill soon to be introduced, which wll enable a commission to be established to co- ordinate all relief efforts and promote efficiency and economy. Land settle- ment schemes are again ty be tried, to take unemployed from the cities and put them on the farms. (For how lo it letting i>ass few occasions tc I '""f â-  ). , >. „,;ti IdemonsS-ateloth J,is cap,vcity aad hisl -"^er the bill the ^o-rnment j^l have the power to negotiate Qire<;i relief agreements with the Provinces of education has announced. The King's birthday, June 25th. is left free of any examinations. Middle and upper school examinations start June to, with lower school starting June 18. and the high school entrance tests on June 19. TFtesherlon H. School Term Examinations â€"C. N. LONG, Clerk. Let us show papers at once. you our new Bennett & Richards phone 78w Flesherton BELL & BENNETT Phone 41 Durham House Furnishers WE DEUVER MYLES â€" HAMMOND A pretty wedding was solemniKed quietly in Toronto on Saturday, M»rch jath when Millicent Hazel. elde.st daughter of Mi-s. Hammond and the late Hugh R. Hammond (formerly jt Kimberley, Out.) became the bride ol Edward Currie (Tied), only son of .VIrs. M.v!e» and the late .\lbert E. Myles, "Kimbertey. Rev. Peter Cam- eron, uncle (if the groom, officiated. The bride, who was unattended, wore a powder blue crepe dress with accessories to match. A reception was held at the home of the bride's mother, Ossington Avenue, for about thirty immediate friends and relatives Later the bride and gi-oom left for a motor trip to the States and on their return the young couple will reside in Heathcote, Out. ZOOLOGY FORM 2 â€" Everett Parlier 81, G. Muir 81. D. Scott 80, G. Patter.son 79. T. Banks 75, G. Loucks 75, A. Hop- kins 74, I. Wilson 74, D. "Clark 74, R. Vause 62, M. Hunt 61, M. Marshall .')•>, M. Miller 47. GEOGRAPHY FORM 1 â€" .\. MaoVicar 88. A. Mc- Killop 76, W. McCrackiMi 71, R. Vaus, 71, T. Moore 60, B. Clark .-)9. W. Heni-y .58. J. Kenne.iy 57, R. McLean '"•^â- Pa'-ed f"'' y<"> 56. D. Tlaylor 5U, D. Magee 47. E Johnson 3fi, M. Wiikens 41, J. .A.dams i'V, D. Marshall 34-. E. McRac 33, Irene Mathewson and Marjorie Duck ett abs. in Septt>inber last. Ted was an act iiig Serjteant at last year's military- camp at Huntsville, | The pictuies of our Mi>i«oft SlHtion in Corea, which Were thrown on the canvass, Sunday ovening in St. John's United Church wei'e interesting and informative. The camera was oper- ated by'TR)-. E. C. Murray and the lecture given by Rev. W. J. Scott. Miss Ina Smith, 23 Geoffrey St.. Toronto, entertained libout thirty-five friends of Miss H*7.el Hammond on March 14th, with a niiscellaneou.s shower. Miss Ilda McClelland, .A.597 Bloor St. west, entertained the follow- ing Tliursday evening in Miss Ham- mond's honor wth a kitchen shower. The Mission Band will hold the annual Thankoffering meeting in thi- schoolroom of St. John's church on Saturday, .\pril 4th at three o'clock when a good program will be given by the band members. Lunch wil' be served at the close. Come an(' en.ioy the meeting which has beer Collection. Loaders in the heat of debate some- tiinei- use phrases which they would like to recall, but once said, thev stan;i "Not a five cent piece" was a break continuing or extending the monthly in force; to initiate payments now (roiitimied on page 4) Forty Years Membership Our Faneral Ctnpel Service at No Extra Charge A dienified nersonal foneral nervice. Arailahle in alt oarts of Tftironto and suburbs at orices to sail the income of everv family. Bates and Maddocks Burial Co. Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks, Msfr. KI. 4344-3456 ' ^' 1 2 4 AVENUE ROAD One Block South Davenoor* Road Mayor McBride of Toronto is not an admirer of police radio cars. Neither are crooks and criminals. ENGLISH COMPOSITION FORM 2 â€" I. Wilson '.lO. A. Hop- kin.s 83, G. Patterson 80, M. Marshall 79. B. Harbottle 79. V. Stafford 78, G. Loucks 76, D. Scott 73. G. Muir 60. R. Stewart 65. T. Banks 64. R. Vause 62, D. Clark 5S>. W. Clark 58, C. Ples- ter r>.5. E. Parker .54, B. U-avell 43, R. Vause 33. Mrs. W. H. Miller \ ? ^ tmnouuce's a -^ I MILLINERY OPENING | i at her residence on Toronto St. on X I Thursday, April 9, 1936 j and following days. A special selection of the latest Spring Millinery will be .shown. S Special attention will be given to ^* TRIMMING and REMODELLING * ♦♦♦•H^*<*^^'>**<''^**'^*'>*>'^'*'» •'' '^'**^^''^"^^^ Physics % ::-i^ UPPER SHOOL â€" 3. Caiigoe S."), A. McLean 6S). J. McLeod 65. S. Mc- Kinnon 60, J. MacVicar 56. ."V. Turney 54. iM. Ostrander 45, R. 'Bellamy 43, F. Collinson 41. E. W.xon 41. V. Mc- Master 40, D. Vause 38. E. Brown 36, H. McKilloo 31. M. Piper 31. L. Piper 31, B. Murrav 28, C. MaoVic^ir 21. Y t FRENCH AITHORS MTDDLE SCHOOL â€" S. Piper 76, A. Martin 74, H. .A.i-diibald CO. M. IHnican 61. F. Clark .57, D. Smith 53. n Scott 50, M. Collinson 49, G. Boyd 46. BRITISH HISTORY A. MacVicar 80. V. Stafford 79, W. McCracken 70. R. Monaghan 61. B. Clark 60. B. Leavell 60. M. Wickens .â- ^fl, D. M.^rshall 58, D. Taylor 58, J. Kennedy 5.5, W. Henrv M. A. McKil- lop 52. B .Sti'wnrt 52, R. McCoan 51, I. Mathewson 50, T. Moore 50. C. Plester 41, M. Duckett 40. E. McRae, 37, D. Magee 31, -J. .\dams 28, E. Johnson 27. Mr. "W. Caesar. C.P.R. agent, re cently received a welcome certificatt which makes him a paid up niemhe of the telegraphers' union for the balance of his: life. Mr. Caesar has been 40 yeai-s in this union, having keen one of the charter members when it was organizod in 1896. His or- iginal membership crtificate bears the number 37. He was agent at Proton at the time and when his membership [ ill ti'" union was .solicited he did not j hesitate and paid the initial fee. Every year since 1896 he had paid the | yearly fee and now that 40 years j have passed by he is i-elieved of fur- ' ther payment «rf fees. From Proton Mr. Cae.sar was ti-ansfcrred to Elmira j and from there to Flesherton. When ' the Toronto and Sudbury branch of the C.P.R. was onened he was given the position of age»rt here in 1908. A few more years and he will be eligible to retire on pension. â€" Beeton World. DANCE In C^ranue TTall EUGENIA Friday. April 3, 1936 Under auspices of L. 0. L. No Good Music Supplied L.ADIKS WITH LUNCH FREE Vdinission : 25o 1118 Clean Up ;y§ Brighten Up GIVE NEW LIFE, NEW CHARM. NEW BEAUTY TC YOUR HOME. USE PAINT AND VARNISH. THIS IS THE TIME CF THE YEAR THE HOUSE LOOKS DINGY. PLAN NOW TO REDECORATE. Sherwin William's Paint .^ivcs lasting: beauty and mbrfr pcnnancnt colours. Spreads easier and covers more surface. Moieoyer u-;c a .sfood brush. AVe also have l\naniels. Flat Paint. Stains, Terpentine and Oil. Brush- es. Paint Cleaner, Etc. Poultry Supplies: â€" Buckeye Brooders, Cluck Founts, Cluck Troughs, Royal Purple Poultry Specific. Shovels. Kakcs, Hoes, Pails, Tubs, Roval Purj-ile Gar- den Seeds 10c size for 5c per pkg. FRA^K W. DUNCAN ^ , Phone 54 -:* Flesherton. Onl. \

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