' f â- * THE F/vESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, April 15, 1936 't * I * â- » PRICEVILLE The Flesherton Y.P.S. presented a 8-act play "Marrying Anne" in St. Columba Church on Tuesday, April 7th. Mrs. Murray under whose dir- ection it was given made introductory remarks and introduced the cast. The play depicted the change wrought in a Victorian-era home, by the coming of a modem girl, taken by Mias Betty Murray. All parts were well-given, burt; perhaps Mr. Herb Akins, as the old grandfather was the outstanding artist. This was a wholesome com- edy, and well-received by the audience who braved the heavy snow-storm of the evening to hear it. There passed away at a nursing home in Cleveland on April 6th, 1986, Mss. Low Grither, (nee Maggie Mooreheadf) after an illness of 2 months caused from a stroke, at the age of about 68 years. Mrs. Grither was the daughter of Mrs. Jame Moorehead, formerly of Priceville and first cousin of Robert McConkey and Mrs. Harrison of this place. She leaves to mourn her passing her one son, Elroy of Detroit, her busband predeceased her some years ago, also her mother and only brother Robert Mborehead. Interment took place on Thursday in Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shantz and little daughter, were holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. McLean Mr. and Mrs. Alex McLean, Mr. and Mrs John. McFarlane, were visitors at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McLean, Mrs. Maltby, (nee Jean Buckham) at her mother's, Don- ald Aldcorn with his parents, Miss Grace Moses with her friend. Miss Belle Weir, Miss Sadie McTCinnon at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Farquhar all of Toronto; Mr. Allie McLean, teacher at Palgrave and Miss Marion Muir, teacher at Ora Station were also holiday visitors with their par- ents. .The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per was solemnly and religiously ob- served in St. Columba Church on Sun- day last, with a good turn out. The prayer meeting at the home of Mrs. D. G. McLean was well attended last Wednesday. The one for this week will be at M!r. and Mrs. A. B. McArthur's on the Townline. Miss Agnes C. MacPhail M. P. to- gether with her sister, Mrs. Raney, were worshippers at the Presbyterian Church here on Sunday last. CENTRE LINE A large nnmber from this com- munity attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Joseph Watson at Proton on Monday last. Mrs. Watson lived in Mount Zion community most of her life and was very highly respected by all. The service was held in the Bible school and was largely attended after which burial took place at Mt. Zion cemetery. The sympathy of the community i» extended to Mr. Watson and family. Mr. Clinton Magee and Misa Hazel spent Easter with Mrs. Florence Lyons. Mr. MacCudmore has moved to the farm recently purchased by Wm. Davison. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Badgerow and little Miss Inez spent Easter with Mr. and Mh-s. Robt. Osborne and family. Mr. Eldon Little has gone to work for the summer near Clarksburg. Mr. Stanley Little is home for the summer after spending four months and a half with Mr. Luther Love. Mr. John Osborne leaves Monday to spend the summer near Chatsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Love, Jean and Gladys spent a day recently with friends at Berkeley. EUGENIA VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. Bert Watson of Clarklsburg visited his sister Mrs. Ed. Dingwall and other friends last week. Mrs. Johnston from Alberta, spent a few days visiting her cousin, Mrs. I>ave Nichol. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Dingwall of Massie Station were recent visitors at Mr. Ed. Dingwall's. Mr. Eric Eyre held an auction sale, Tuesday of last week. W. Kaitting was auctioneer. Mr. and Mrs. Eyre and daughter are leaving Thursday for New Brunswick. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hincks and baby, Marilyn, Misses Jean and Al- meda Hincks, Toronto; Mr. C. E. Hincks, Hudson, Ontario, Beth Hincks, Feversham, were Easter visitors with friends here. Miss (Thristena McKinnon, Toronto, spent Easter vacation at her home. Mr. and Mrs. George McLachlan and Miss Brown of Niagara Falls, spent the week end with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hill of Fergus Mr. Gilvray McLean. Kitchener. Miss Marjorie Webster, Tiverton were Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hector McLean. A dance was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Moody, S. Line, on Tuesday night when a large crowd was present. The Holdfast U.F.W.O. Club meet- ing was held on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Henry Tucker, when 17 were present. After the usual open- Mrs. (}antrel and Sheila of Toronto are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stevens. Jno. Talbot of ,T!oronto Normal School is at home for the holidays. It is a very poor year so far foi sap and making maple syrup. MHss (Sylvia Achfcson is vi^ting her brother, Ren, and family, of Cheltanham. Evelyn Acheson went home with her. Mr. Wra. Guest of Maine who spent the winter at Mr. Jim Best's has re- turned home. Mr. Jno. Robinson, Hamilton and Doris Bannon of Berkeley visited at Milton Bannon's over the holiday. ing exercises, Mrs. D. Campbell had the topic, on the subject. "Is Hydro Equipment more desirable in farm homes than a hired girl", and a dis- cussion followed. Mrs. W. Hincks srave a paper on current events. Then a question box was very interesting. A couple of contests were put on and Mrs. Jim Sturrock won 1st prize for one and Mrs. Allie Muir and Mrs. D. Cami)bell for the other. -'^. delight- ful lunch was then served and a soc- ial time spent over the tea-cups. The -Vlay meeting will be held at the home jf Mrs. Ben McKenzie. Mr. Stuart Carson spent last week \isiting his sister in Toronto. Mr. Donald Aldcorn, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Shantz, Mr. and Mrs. John McFarlane, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mc- Lean, Mr. Innis McLean, Mrs. Stanley Maltby, were Easter visitors with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Harrison and Beth. Dromore, visited Sunday at W. J. Hincks'. Miss Beth Hincks is spending a few days visiting in Toronto. Mr. Wm. Brown sold 14 head of fat cattle to Mr. Grierson, Durham. Mr. John McKechnie, Dornoch, and Miss Hilda of Durham spent Easter vacation at their parental home. Many friends wrere glad to meet Miss Agnes MacPhail and sister. Mrs, M. Raney at St. Andrew's Church on Sunday. Miss Jean Hincks spent the week end at her home. Mr. Allie "MtLean sold a horse to Mr. Jack Beaton and another one to Mr. Neil McFarlane. Mr. Robert Stephenson spent the week end in Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McKenzie. Dro- more, spent Easter at his parental home. Rev. Mr. Buahell preached a beaut- iful Easter service taking his text from John, chap. 20. The choir rendered two appropriate anthems. The Woman's Association of the United Church will meet this Thurs- day afternoon, .\pril 16, at the home of MVs. Ernie Proctor. The Y. P. S. met on Wednesday evening, AjpHil 8, Mrs 'C. Martin, missionary convenor presided and took the topic, "Our Fother;" Scrip- ture passages were read by Mabel Duckett and Ida Benson. It was decided that on Wednesday evening April 15, that the Y. P. S. would have along with their regular meeting a short program and serve candy. Mrs. Martin also discussed "sentence" prayer. Recreation consisted of a watchmaker's contest. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. Miss Bernice Campbell of Toronto is spending the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Camp- bell. Miss Ida Benson and Miss Hazel Turner are spending a few holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Willard Benson 12th line. Miss Dorothy Jamieson of Toronto Normal School is spending the East- er vacation at her home, Stli line. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Falco.-?-'-. from near Priceville are visiting a few days with their son, MV. Harold Falconer, wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. \. B. Johnson and Miss Agnes of Toronto visited over Easter with Mrs Johnson's mother, Mrs. Wilson and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George Williams and little son, Harold^ accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Crowe and little daughter. Miss Hilda of Toronto vis- ited over the week end with the form- er's parents, Mt. and Mrs. Joseph Willliams. Miss Irene Dinsmore is spending the Easter vacation at her home at ThomJbury. Miss Donelda Sloan, Ayton, is holi- daying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Sloan. Miss Christina Magee is visiting in Toronto this week and attending the O. E. A. meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cook of Bar- row Bay are spending the Easter vacation with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fenwick. Mrs. John Parson is spending a few days with her son Ted and wife in Proton. Mrs. L. Betts and Mrs. M. Badgerow were visitors with Mrs. C. Boyce and Mrs. S Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Park of Flesh- erton were Sunday visitors at the former's parental home. SAUGEEN JUNCTION Mr. and Mrs. Sam McMourdo of Swamp GtUegya visited Sunday at Mr. John Dow's. Easter visitors to our burg were: Mr. and Mrs. Harvey and Mr. and Mrs. Everett White and son of Tor- onto at Mr. Robt. White's; Miss Mild- red Shai-p of Toronto at Mr. Tom White's, Miss Elva Batchelor of Owen Sound at her father's; Mrs. Sara Batchelor, Miss Cora Foy from Mark- dale at Mr. Dalton Corbett's. MHss Alma White accompanied her brother to Toronto. Jasper â€" I once loved a girl who made a fool of me. Judith â€" What a lasting impression some girls make. "Daddy," said little Johnny, looking up from his book, " what are diplom- atic relations?" "My boy," said his father, sadly, "there aren't any." Your Chance to Win a Handsome Marshall Mattress The Marshall Company is giving away 5 of the famous Mar- shall Spring Mattresses to the first five people whose names are drawn in the "Marshall Week" Drawing. -â- Vll you have to do is fill in the coupon with your name and adddress, bring it into our store, and we will mail your coupon to the Marshall Company for entry in the drawing. It is all free. You are under no obligation to buy, but your entry muat be made during "Marshall Week", April I8th to the 25th. We will know the results on May 15th. Clip this coupon now. :: <â-º :: Your Name Address SOLD BY Beiifiett 81 Richards phone 78w Flesherton BELL & BENNETT Phone 41 Durham Thc'Home Furnishers. W« Deliver. J» fc_* •••••• «^ .♦ ♦..*.. »>. .<L -* - -»- - *- -♦- -♦- -» . .*..*. i*« A Aa*!!*! â- %â- *«â- *««*»**»»*»»%»*>»%«%»*♦*%«*»<%»?â- **»•*»•*«♦*« «*W^<8>^^^fc APRIL OFFERINGS t HOLEPROOF HOSIERY Full fashioned pure" silk, all the new spring shades, crepe, chiffon or service. 79c and $1.00 MEN'S SHOES New spring styles on the ne^vest and snappiest lasts. $2.29 to $4.95 CONGOLEUM RUGS With border, new spring patterns. 9xl2-$10.50. 9xl0y2-$9.25 AUCTION SALE Credit -Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Implements on Lot 26, Con. 20 Egremont. 2 miles west of Swinton Park on Friday, April ilth, at one o'clock sharp. Nb reserve as the farm is sold. NOBLE G. WILSON. GEORGE DUNCAN. Auctioneer HOUSE DRESSES A host of pretty styles; all new tub-fast fabrics. 98c to $1.79 SPRING FOOTWEAR Oxfords, ties, pumps, in blue, brown and black. $1.98 to $4.00 FINE SHIRTS New patterns, fast colors collar attached or separate. $1.00, $1.25, $1.95 LINOLEUMS 4 yards wide ; a good sel ection of new patterns. $3.25 yard TUSCAN CURTAINS New patterns in this wanted color. $1.00, $1.25, $1.95 BILTMORE HATS New shapes in the newest colors ; all genuine fur felts. $2.95 WORK BOOTS A big selection, all reli- able quality. $2.19 to $4.50 Borderless CONGOLEUM New designs. 9x9-$5.75 9xl2-$7.95 9xl0y2-$6.75 SUNWORTHY PAPERS Suitable for all rooms in the house. I2V2 to 30c single roll Spring Millinery on Display This Week F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, Ont. %*VVVVVVVV*PVVV*^?VVVVV*^%'**^^?V\*V\*V%**2**»**»**«*%**»*V****«^ â-º TH Bright Spring Weather I Sure Shows up the Dull Faided Wood-work Narvo You know how automobile experts appraise tk* value of a used car. They go over it carefully, point by point â€" checking the body, engine, brakes, performance, comfort, etc. It's a good idea to choose youi new car the same way. For this year, there's a BIG difference between low-priced automobUas. Take Chevrolet, for example. People call it "The Only Complete Low-Priced Car" . . . because no other car in its class offers you all six of today's outstandinff motor car features I Check these features for yourself, as listed below. Then come to our showrooms and drive the car itself â€" compare the low delivered prices axui greatly reduced 7% GMAC time payment plan. a product of Murphy quality Ready for instant use on Floors, Furniture, Wood- work, Automobiles and Linoleums. Will brighten your Home at trifling cost. SOW WEEDS AND OF WEEDS REAP THE HARVEST We sell seeds for Farm and Garden FRESH, CLEAN GROCERIES "^^^ Every Article a Special I Osprej & Arteuiesia Co-operative Co., Uil. : FLESHERTON â-ºÂ»^»»»»»»»»»»«».>»»»»»»»»» » »» »»» »»»»»»» R ConMv ti» Company BaakolthtCat GIVES YOU ALL SIX . . . PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES . . . TURRET TOP BODIES BY RSHER . . . VALVEIN- HEAD ENGINE . . . RSHER NO-ORAFT VENTILATION . . . KNEE-ACTION (on MasMr Dt bat Modais) ... SAFETY 6USS THROUGHOUT D. MtTAVISH &SON. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO MICIO PROM »772 (SttmSant Strin Z-pass. Coupi) Mistar DtLux* Modtis framUOS Otinnt M fictoT, Oitam. M. FuH â€"im*. FrmMaMlSmnMMl a«f*<lri«M Fn miy ii»i.