Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Jul 1936, p. 5

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% V V THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, July 8, 1936 P^ »'*. * t - i'.m I :'.;;• â-  '« -* "'-«* i ..<* >;;â- :> c> * r *â- : * *• - < ' LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS CENTRELINE Rev. Bushell preached another splendid sermon on Sunday, his text being, "He saved others." At the close of the service, the Lord's Supper was administered. VICTORIA CORNERS Our burg has quite come to life this week. Visitors at Milton Ban- non's are: Miss Val. Varty and Ed- Brooks, Toronto; Mbs Daisy Speers and friend, Jack Speers, Jack and We are still wishing for rain. It Maisie Regan of Toronto, the three is very dry here, pasture and hay are latter remaining for a while, Mrs. Robinson is visiting friends in Markdale and Harkaway. â- Mr. and Mrs. M. Hawes and Mary of Britfht called for Mrs. Hawes' par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stinson and motored to Mathewson, New Ontario to visit Mrs. 'Stinson's sister and family, Mr. Herb McMillan's. They visited many of the \vonders of our new country, among others the quin- tuplets. They report them lovable but quite human in displaying temper when not granted their wishes. Mrs. Bill Coon and Billie of Acton and Miss Helen Badgero of Saugeen are staying with the former's brother, Mr. Ernest Stinson. The Stevens family enjoyed a happy re-union over the fourth of July. A fuller account will be given elsewhere. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Linton and Peggy visited at Owen Sound. PVed Linton had chai'ge of the service station. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nichol and family of Detroit visited their res- drying up ,and the crops and roots are not growing at all. Miss Muriel Taylor of Toronto is holidaying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Taylor. Mrs. Mary Fawcett of Duncan vis- ited with Centre Line friends on Thursday. Master Lloyd Mcintosh is spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrg. Wm. Morton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson spent Sunday at Wm. Little's. Mr. Wm. Taylor had the misfortune to lose one of his cows, recently Master Garfield Lyons spent a week in Dundalk x^ith his grandmother, Mrs. J. W. Lyons. Sunday visitoi-s at Mrs. Florence Lyons' wer'e, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Simmons and Miss Betty, Drayton; Mr. and Mrs. Kay and Harry and Mr. Smith, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tuohy; Mrs. Leigh, Ronald, Mr. Clay- ton Eagles and Miss Florence Tuohy Meaford; Mr. Dean and Kendall Clin-, ton, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. G. Magee. sP««tive parents over the fourth of Stanley and Hazel, Eugenia. July. Miss Jean Lyons has gone to Dray- ^^- *"<1 Mrs. Jas. Lockhart of Cltn- ton to spend her holidays with her '""• M""- *"'^ ^^'^^- Lawson Lockhart cousin Betty Simmons. °* Detroit called on old friends. Miss Marjorie Shrubb spent Mon- ! ^'- *°<^ ^^^^- ^eg. Stevens and day with Hazel Osborne. | family of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Mount Zion Sunday school picnic i C'^mble and children of Sudbury vis- was held at Mr. Hopps' on Thursday. ''â- '"^ *' ^'^- Albert Stevens'. The afternoon was spent in playing I ^^- *"'^ ^'^- ^am Stewart have ball, jumping, skipping, etc., every- 1 '"'***"«*^ ^^^ phone, one enjcyed themselves. The weath- ' ^^^ welcome to our circuit Rev. Mr. er wa.s ideal and the picnic was a ^"'^ ^^^- ^y®- ^^- '^y^ preached decided success in every way. Mr. Robt. Osborne and Mioo Eczel spent the week end with Markdale and Owen Sound friends. Miss Jean Lyons has returned home after spending a week with her aunt Mrs. Garnet Magee. Mrs. Florence Lyons visited recent- ly with friends in Paisley. â- Miss Hazel Magee spent a week with her aunt, Mrs. Florence Lyons. Miss Florence Tuohy has returned after spending a month with her parents in Meaford. Master Harry Kay of Toroto, is spending the holdiays at Mrs. Flor- ence Lyons'. 'Mr .and Mrs. Sam McDonald of To- ronto and Mr. Neil and Miss Lucy ot Eugenia visited their cousin Mr. Mac Cudmore on Sunday. PRICEVILLE There died here on Wednesday morning of last week, Mr. Ford, fam- iliarly known as Andy, after a long illness of heart trouble. He leaves behind his widow (nee Louie Jones) and a brother John, now ill at a neighbor's. Rev. H. E. Wright (just inducted the day before) took the fun- eral service at the house, and ceme- tery on Friday. Many old neighbors of the 4th concession north, were in attendance at the funeral. Messrs. Henry and Archie Beaton, J. Mc Gil- livray, W. Turnbull, D. McDougal, T. W. Babcock, Milton and W. Lands- borough, Acton, the two latter, nep- hews, acted as pall bearers. Interment took place in McNeill cemetery in the family plot there." Rev. H. E. Wright took part in an induction service at Dundalk, he being himself inducted the night previous, and moving in the day previous to that again. The large van that conveyed him here took Rev. Johnston's goods to Goodwooa on Wednesday. Mr. John McLean and hi.-* wife are here on a visit to his mother, Mrs.] EUGENIA Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis and children of Toronto spent the weeK end w^h Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purvis. The little Misses Shirley and June and brother Bobby remained to ipend some holidays with their grandpar- ents. little Miss Hilda Crowe, who spent the pa.st couple of weeks with her srrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Will- iams returned to her home in Toronto with Ml-, and Mrs. Purvis. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham, Clarks- burg, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor. Mrs. Bessie Lavity and son Bill, of Toronto visited on Saturday at the home of Mr. Joseph Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Will Campbell and son Rill of Toronto are holjdaying at their summer home here. Mr. and Mrs. K. Kimmerly and family of Watertown, New York, are visitors with Mrs. K's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Sloan and Miss Don- alda. Mrs. Neil Thompson of Reddickville â- Â»nent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Lawlor. Miss Silena. MacDonald was home from Markdale over the week end. We e.xtend congratulations to the seven entrance pupils: Mabel Duekett, PROTON STATION MCINTYREâ€" WATSON VANDELEUR Evelyn Campbell and Ehvard Camp- medium tan tweed suit with acces- D. G. McLean and brothers H. B. and | bell, (who got through on their year's -ories to match. Ray. and other friends. He is and i work) and Winneta and Carmel Mar-' Mr. and Mrs. Maclntyre expect ti, A quiet but pretty wedding took place on Tuesday, June 30th at 7 p.m. in the Pilgrim Holiness Chapel at Proton Station, when Myra Emma Watson eldest daughter of Mr. and Srs. Arthur Henry Watson, Tober- mory, Ont., became the bride of Ir- win Charles Maclntyre. son of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Maclntyre, Massey Station, Ontario. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Miss Florence Wljite of Wiarton. Ont The wedding music was played by Miss Gladys Wliite and during the signing of the register. Miss Myrtle Watson sanjj "The Voice that breathed o'er Eden.' The bride was lovely in white triple sheer crepe with long veil and carry- ing her Bible from which hunc streamers and rosebuds. Her only attendant was her friend. Miss Leila | the Dulpit in the church here on •Tack.«on. who was charming in forget | Sunday afternoon and delivered an me not blue crepe carrying a bouquet i able ?ermon. His subject being, "What of Premium pink ro.ses with baby's is man?" !)reath and Maiden hair fern. Mr \ Mrs. S. L. Hare of Markdale is vis- Ilarold Nobb acted as groomsman, j iting her brothers. Messrs Lundy and -â- V dainty wedding supper was ser- â-  Will Johnston. ved at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- 1 ert Bates and the bride and groom left! The W. I. held their June meeting by motor for Elmwood and Wiarton, at the home of Mrs. H. I. Graham, the bride travelling in a three piece "" Thursday afternoon of last week. Over forty ladies were present and a srood program was nroNnded. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Beady and fam- ily of St. Mary's spent the week end with the Buchanan, Johnston and Daris families. Miss Reta Stewart, Reg. N. of To- ronto and Miss Sylvia Stewart, teach- er at Badgeros s>pent a few days with their sister, Mrs. H. I. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Carson, Mr. Davison and Mrs. Daniel of Owen Sound were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Lundv Johnston recently. Mi-s. K. Davison has returned after .spending some time in Owen Sound. Miss Marion Boland of Toronto is spending the holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and .Mrs. Chas. Boland. Mr. .Albert Buchanan of Toronto is visiting at the parental home here. Mi.ss Dorothy Hare is the guest of Miss Lillian Buchanan. Rev. Murray of Kilsyth occupied SAUGEEN JUNCTION Mr. and .Mrs. Tom White visited last week in Toronto, Hamilton and Dundas. Mrs. John Campbell of Owen Sound visited a few days at Mr. Sam Batch elor's. Great credit is due our teacher, Mr. G. B. Littlejohns in passing his eight entrance pupils, five of them passing on their year's work. Mr. Lome Wright attended the fun- €ral of his cousin. Miss Thelma Rob- erts at Feversham on Tuesday. Mr. Geo. Campbell of Priceville vis- ited at Mr. John Dow's last Sunday. his first sermon on Sunday. Mr. Frank Nicho! accompanied by bas been for some years Warden of Fort Saskatchewan Penetentiary. He looks hale, hearty and capable. They took in divine service at the St. Col- umba United. Rev. N. Mi-Donald returned Satur- day from his four weeks holiday. much refreshed. Mr. Donald McKinnon, down fijom the west with a carload of cattle in- cidently placed his foot for the first time on Ontario soil. He called here on a visit to his aunts. Mrs. H. Aid- corn and Mrs. .J. McKee, and at the tatter's home. His grandmother, Mrs. Chas. McKinnon, now 97 vears of age. is still in possession of all tin, Jean Tudor and Reggie Fawcett, who also passed on their vear's work, but wrote their examinations at Flesherton and passed again. We must conerratulate their teacher. Miss Dinsmore too. on such a fine show- ing. Mrs. Fred Graham of Walkerton is visiting with her sisters. Mrs. Stan. Campbell and Mrs. C. Boyce and her mother. Mrs. Mary Badgerow and the Graham families. Mr. and Mrs. John Badgerow and babe of the 4th Line .Artemesia, vis- ited friends in the village on Sundav. be in Gospel tent work for the sum mer. They have the best wishes for a happy wedded life. D. MeGee save a fine paper: Mrs. Will Ratcliffe. the Presider.t presided. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. The annual community picnic which (The family of Mrs. J. Corbett Sr. jwas held in the Park on Saturday and the late Mr. Corbett of five sons I afternoon was a real success. An and two daughters and a number of ! interesting program of races, stunts, grandchildren were all together at the' Softball, etc.. was carried nut and a fine sunper was served. It was an enjo\'able event, especially for ths his father. Mr. Merritt Nichol visited her faculties. Arriving Saturday, j ^,1,. .Jacob Williams. Mr. Aaron Jordan at Owen Sound, who accompanied them to their home here. The King Paving Company ig get- ting ready for starting the double strip paving this week. TORONTO LINE NORTH June 27th. taking in the service at St. Columba on Sunday, he with Charlie .\ldcorn and the aunts above mentioned took a trip to Niagara Falls on Monday, returning by way of Toronto on Tuesday, leaving for his home in the west on Wednesday, accompanied by his cousin, (Charlie and Walter Aldcorn, travelling in a new car bought in Canada while here. home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Corbett last Sunday. Several came from Toronto, a grandson. .Mr. Lawson ' youne people. Lockhart and his wife came from De-j Miss Lillian Buchanan entertained troit and Mr. and Mrs. James Lock- 1 the members of the Dramatic Society hart from Clinton. land a number of their friends at s In the recent music examination. ! delightful strawberry festival on Wed- Master Hedley Lehman of Toronto i M'ss Ruth M. Sherson, Grade V | nesdav pvenine of la.«t week. holidavinsr with his grandfather, | counter point, and received honours Mr. Geo. Shaw took a truck load of in her w^ritten Associateship Piano- men from this district to the agricult- Mrs. Albert Stewart returned homej after visiting the past week with I friends at Toronto and Delhi. I ,, , ,. „ „ r „ Miss Iva Brown is spending a hoi- J^'' J""^ Mrs. Geo. McLe Ian and iday at her grandmother's in Toronto I •^^"*=' ^'""^-^ °^ Niagara tails, spent, tvin children. Donna and Bruce of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Pcrigoe and Mr. I ^^^ ^'^*'' ^"^ vis'tmg with friends^ Toronto spent the first of July with :ind Mrs. Ross Perigee of Toronto ' ^^'^^' â-  ^^'' ''"'^ ^^''"^ ^^''^^- ^^^^ ^"^ Gwen were week end visitors with Mr. and' ' ' and Mrs. Alfred Hincks ano Mrs. Albert Stewart. Mrs. C. Moore of Bramnton visited her daughter. Mrs. Geo. Stewart. Mr. Wesley Littlejohns accompan- ied by Mr. H. Boland spent Sunday in Wroxeter. Miss Mitchell of Toronto is visiting her aunt. Mrs. Geo. Littlejohns. Miss M. Stafford who has been ill for the past several weeks is improving. Miss Ethel Burnett spent two weeks in Toronto, recentlv. Mr. Wes. Cooey and Mr. Jake Will- 1 forte, teacher's course. ; 'iral Colloee at Gnelnh on Thiir^dny of iams spent July 1st in Wiarton. ' Congratulations are in order for , 'ast weok. .All report having had a A number from here attended thel ^'^^es .\rlene White, Hilda Sims and "oort time. V. F. 0. picnic in Durham and report j Helen Corbett on their success in the, Mr. and Mrs. D. McGee visitod re- in enjoyable time and a large crowd, i ''^'-'''"'^ entrance examinations at ''''ntlv with Mr. and Mrs. H. Wright Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Morrison and , Flesherton, Joe Stainsby. Harold Sims j of Barrhead, sons of Walkerton visited recently Ernest Barker. Kathleen Barker, Ver- ; School is closed for the holiday! and with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Betts. '''^ Baker, received their certif icate:< , '^''e teacher. Mr H. Thomnson and Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson and fam- "" their term work. | "•i'"e left on Mon.l.ny. Tlie former ily and Mrs. Dave McMuIIen from ^'â- '- •â- Armour of Toronto spent July j '"'â- ends tnVine ,t summer course at the 1st with his brothers. John and Rob- Westerr T'livers-tv at London, ort here. j Mrs. C:\vTrio of Flesherton was the Miss Winnifred Dever of Toronto is I frnest of Mrs. Goo. Buchan.in for a holidaying with her aunt. Mrs. Wes. f.>w davc. Dever. We walcome the student minister and his wife and three children. Mr. and Mrs. Kaye. They will reside in The Kxeter Horticultural Society near Feversham spent Sunday f.ujrenia. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wiley and NOVEL FLOWER SHOW A SAVING SENSE daughter Marilyn, Toronto, are spend- i >rr. and Mrs. Jack McCowell of To ing this week visiting with friends | p. nto were on a week's holidays with < ^"'^â- ^''' Bros', house south of the vill- y^^^ developed an interesting plan for here. Mr. and .Mrs. Ronald McRae ano son, Corwin, of Fort Erie visited last week with friends in Priceville. Miss Kathleen McLean, Toronto, is visiting her mother and brother, Elton. A number from here attended the displaying flowers. Instead of hold- ing numerous flower shows in build- ings or other secluded pl.ices window U. F. 0. picnic on Wednesday last;,>f Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee and family | "2^- and other friends. In company with ' ^''•"^ Edith Consley has gone to Mr. and Mrs. Magee and Mr. H. Le- t Toronto to visit. gard of Flesherton. they visited with ^ Miss Emily Acheson returned homel'^C.vUv^ ^re arranged in the leading the latter's sister. Mrs. Grfene, of.^'-om her school at Wardsville last , stores and shops of the village. Heathcote. one day of the past week, j week. Mrs. Richard Park visited over Sun- , day with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Park j FEVERSH.VM The plan is to arrange for a dis- I play of each leading flower in season. .\ committee is appointed for each ... I display and members are encouraged and many more from FnceviUe Mr. and Mrs. H. LeGard and fam- The Clarksburg voung people will to enter their best blooms. No prizes and vicinity attended the barn raising ily of Pickering visited on the 1st ol assist at the service at the Feversham ! are offered, hut nevertheless compe- at Mr. J. A. McCuaig's on Thursday, | .July with Mr. and Mrs. B. Magee. j Gospel Worker's evening meeting on j tition is keen in such leading kinds where a large crowd of men and M,-. and Mrs. Glen MacDonald and , Sunday next, women were present. babe visited friends in the village on < " Mr. David Hincks and Beth motored' Sundav. i as I Roses and Gladioli. An admiring group surrounded the to Tc<-onto. Monday. Beth remain News story says a missing woman man was found in a Chicago store. That would be about the first plaee to look for a woman. boy who had plunged into the canal and effected a rescue. "That was real bravery, my little exclaimed a bystander. "Bravery, be jiggered," replied the dripping hero. "He had four of my marbles in his pocket." ♦♦.^^.>,^^^>.>.^.>.><^>^^v>♦.>*<><"^•MM^.>.>.v><>♦♦*>><>^~^<.^M^^^<K>^^ Accidents V I <> I > I > i Are Expensive i : : TAKE NO CHANCES WITH OLD OR WORN ROPE. EQUIP YOUR HAY CARRIER OUTFIT WITH NEW ROPE OR CABLE. , 'â-  'â- â- "'â- "' J ; ; Rope in al Ithe sizes for Hay Loaders, Trip Rope. Sling ' '> * Ropes and Draw Rc>pes. ; ; Binder Twin, the famous Blue Bell and plenty of it. Priced just right as usual. GROCERIES AND FEEDS Our Groceries are fre.sh. our prices are right. ;: : Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. FLESHERTON ed to attend summer school. Rev. N. MacDonald returned home after a month's vacation. .Anniversary services were held on Sunday last, when large congrega- tions attended both services. Rev. W. .M. Rochester. D.D., Toronto, wa* the special speaker and delivered two fine sermons. The choir contributed an anthem, 'Thousand Voices Ring- ing" and a duet was sung by Dorothv and Jack Watson. In the evening the choir sang an anthem and Betty Wat- sen and Kenneth Nichol rendered a duet. Mr. aiid Mrs. Archie Fergustn Mrs. J. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don MeLeod and Keith of Swinton Park, visited S«inday at Mr. Jim Sturrock's and attended anniversar> services in the Presbyterian church. Mrs. Mino and familly. Toronto, are visiting her sister, Mrs. E. Watson. Mrs. McArthur and Frank returned home after enjoying a motor trip to Haileybury, Ontario. Mr. C. E. Hincks returned home Tuesday from Hudson, Ont. Mr. Stuart Carson spent the week end in Markdale. Keep in mind the Club picnic on Wednesday, July 15 at Mr. Edgar Pat- terson's. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilbert and fam- ily. Toronto, visited last week with .\Iex. McQuarrie and Mrs. Sinclair. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Nichol, Marg- aret and Willie, Mrsi Wm. McLeod and Donalds. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mc- kechnie attended the McDonald re- union in Owen Sound last wo«k. Miss Lilian Magee is holidaying in Toronto. Mr. and Mi-s. Wynegardiner and son. Winnette and Miss Jeanette Hass of Brantford are holidaying at Mr. W. I. Magee's summer cottage near the lake, at the 8th line. Messrs. Gardiner and Sutton of To- ronto were week end visitoi-s with Mr. uid Mrs. Percy Magee. Mr. Wood and some other members f the fishing club of Toronto spent •he week end at their fishing reserve here. .Mr. Richard Park who has .lot been feeling well for some time is enjoying better health at present. Mr. and Mi-s. E. Proctor and family were Sunday visitors with the form- er's mother in KimlH'rley. Mrs. G. Proctor and granddaughter. Miss -Marjorie of Kiniberlev spent a few days, last week in Eugenia. Mrs. John Warrilow a»d Mrs. Ralph Kerr of Toronto spent the week end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fawcett. Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Betts attend- ed the .Atkinson â€" ^Edwards wedding on Wed. of this week. We extend our congratulations to Carl and his bride, who was Miss Mina Edwards of Ti-averston. Teacher was giving a lesson on the weather diosyncrasies of winter. "What is it," .she asked," that comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb?" .\nd little Julia, in the back row, re- plied: "Father," VALIE OF POULTRY Poultry and eggs brought consider- ably over fifty million dollars to the farmers of Canada last year. That is a very large sum and surprising to the uninitiated who think in tenns of the oldfashioned barnyard with a few hens scratching for a living. Poul- try and eggs are big business, as the figures show. The revenue of 1935 was within measureable distance of yielding half as much to the farm family exchequer as the $120,000,000 of farm animals. To bridge the gap f between week-ends • Jim Thunipson never lets loueliuriss get him down. With the family away for ihe summer he briii)(e» the gap between week- ends, by telephone. Twice a week, at a set hour, lie ha« a reassuring and cheering chat with wife and youngsters. rhere's iiothuig like Long Distance to take the edge off separation. It's speedy, clear, dependable and invaluable in emergency. •On both "Anyone" and "Pprson-to- Prr^un" cills. Low Night Rate* apply .ift.T :. and AM D\Y SUNDW.

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