t VOICE CANADA THE EMPIRE THE WORLD AT LARCH of the PRESS Fencing for Title CANADA Fussy People All ot Us know people who k>H little o«t of life bi!< :iusi! (hey are continual- ly fussing about their bodies, swallow- ing Ihis or thai nostiiim. when what Is noodoil is to forget bo<!i!y fund ions as fur as possible. A good car can be /ipollril if one i.s continually making ailjiistmenls and if there is too much fu.ss niado with tlie body, the same re- sult may follow. - Nia.s^ara Falls Re- view. For Pure English London judge.s are still campaign- ing In the interest of • Engli.sh, pure and un<lefiled." In High Court recent- ly, Mr. Justice Hennott commented on the decay of manners and on the use of an oxpiession of the derivation ot which he confessed bo had not the slighteii idea. When a petition in regard to an estate was presented to him in the Chancery Division he no- ticed that the wnrcl "humble'' had been omitted. 'For hundreds of years" he said, "pet'.tion.s have bfen present- ed to this Court. Imt this is the first I have seen with' i the word "hum- ble." "It is eithci a mistake, igmaance, or impudence. Put it right," he said ba presenteil to thi.i Court in that way again. These are days In which manner.'* are not what they u.sed to be." In another i;ase he asked: 'What Is 'petering out' and who is 'Peter?' when Sir (Jerald Jlurst, K C, stated that unless relief was given to a cer- tain organization it would "peter out." "I have not the smallest idea from what the word is derived." Mr. .lugt- Ice Bennett added. "Neither have I," confessed Sir ticrald Uurat, "but I Buppose it means 'will come to an end." â€" Cliarlottetown (iiiardian. No Lift* For Strangers Calling al! cars â€" Calling all cars. Warning is again issued against the thumbers ami hitch-hikers. - Saint John Telf grap!i-.IournaI. By KEN EDWARDS Did You Know . That Kclipse is tlie most fam- ous race horse tliat ever lived'.' l\c was a direct descendant of the "Darley". Kclipse was never lieat- en in u ii.coâ€" -h(! ran 2(> races and ma4ches and siireil 311 winners. In 17<)1 be was foaled and owned by tlie Duke of Cttnilierland. 'I'lie stecpleclmse had its orijjrin in Ireland. In t;i8 11. C. at the 33rd Olym- piad liorse niclnp was introduced into (irecce. Kintr .Soiome-i, lOOO years !!.('., l)ou(,'ht race hoires in Kgypt and paid II.; much as $300(1 each. "(ioldsniith's .Maid," one of the laiiresi money luirses in raclnR history -lier total earnings were Ji!:ir,l.()00. Also the first trotter to do (he mile in 2 min.. If) seconds. J)i<i you know that the first cir- cular tracU in (he woilil was l)Uill in .\nu'ricn'' .Mso. on .liiiK* 17, Iltl2, at !,«- tonia, "W'isliing Itinu" paid $121 1! on u $1 hot. Well folk:^. thanks for listen- Injj-- -he vitli >tiu soon. Adios, amiRos. ' QUESTION BOX If yoti havr .-iny qui'Sl:'»n m- garding tport pr AuiiAlitics or any parliculai nni(l>! to it game, write to K«n Edwarih, Room 421, 73 Ad-icide We»l, Toron to. If « pei'iKr.Al •â- eply i« deiir •d, enclose a itn<i\)»:il (.Ic) lelf- • d<lr:^3»ed envirl-ipi, •• Fast Workers Once at Magpie Ulver this column had occasion to warn Mike Neveau the camp cook to lay off a white strip- ed animal that had boon trying to In- gratiate himself witli the camp. And Mike knowing that the pelt wa.s also worth ?2.50. Shortly after a resound- ing thump was heard from where he was wiLshlng the dishes. The skunk had stuck his head Into the empty pea can and couldn't get it out. Mike nils- understoood the motions. "Where did you bit him Mike'.'" this column enquired. •'lllght behind the can." "Did you hit hin\ soon enough?" "Naw,"' aald Mike, starting to dig a hole In tlie ground to roll the deceas- ed Into. A skunk works fast. Even a police- man's revolver is too slow for the oc- casion. A stick ot dynamite might be tried by other sciontlsts but this is merely a suggestion. It probably wouldn't be fast enough. No use using a revolver as it is now deduced the animal can hear the swish of the bul- let through the air. Thus science blindly gropes its way forward. â€" Sault Ste Marie Star. Farming Under Water We have heard a lot about dry land farming and the crops raised where rain is scarce, but we know very lit- tle about farming under water. How- over, along comes the entrancing story from the Department of Fisheries about farming under tlie waters of the sea that breaks upon the shores ot Prince Edward Island. We are told that the people there have increased their production of oysters by ten times since 1932, which is a marvel- lour increase In any line of business. The department calls the industry "ayster farming.'' The seed is planted and crops are being harvested In ten regions. Surveys were made and the grounds leased. \ start was made at Malpeque Bay. Years ago the Malpe(jue oysler was Iho aristocrat of Us kind and was very much In demand but for various rea- sons the supply Kave out and it was thought the famous oyster had dis- appeared like the great auk and the passenger pigeon. But no, most of the oyster farming is in the Malpeque dis trict, and It U coming back. There were over 10,000 barrels of oysters marketed In Prince Edward Island last year. We get oysters also from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Bri- tish Columbia, but the domestic sup- ply is not sufficient to meet the de- mand. The figures are obt.iinoil from a re port issued by the fisheries branch of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics â€" Kingston Whig Standard. Thrift Reigns The fact that only ?3.'iO of the orig- inal scrip Issued by the Family Re- lief Budget remaiius to be redeemed Is Just another evidence of the thrifty (lualltles inherited by the present ge- neration of citizens from the pioneers who founded "Old Berlin." Reports that the relief department was sur- prised at so small a total ot outstand- ing vouchers Is amusing. This co.n- nuinlty has never been noted for be ing careless of legal fonder or any substitute for It. 'i'lio hope that llu- nlief depaitment would save enough out of unredeemed sciip to pay the printing coats ot the now vouchors was u forlorn one from the start. It was not eompatlblo with traditions that figure in the develop- ment of this community, to expect en- ough scrip to he lost, mislaid or kept for .souvenirs to pay ti printing ar- count. The rodumplion ol all but $:!oO out of nearly $100,000 issued is an cvid- encn of the creditable manner tn which the substitute currency lias been handled by the roUofeea, the department and those honorinj^ it as a medium of exchange. â€" - Kitchener Record. Waiting Writer of croon lilts says he gets his Ideas while he is shaving in the moriiiiigs. So it's simply » matter now of walling and hoping the razor will slip one of these days - Stratford lUaenn-IIerald Be An Optimist What is needed in Canada are a few more optimists. Anyboily can be- a grouch. It takes neither brains nor nhlllty. All you have to do to gradu ate as a fully qi allfied pessimist. a quitter, knocker, civic slanderer or calamity prophet. Is Just to sit around and wonder what the country Is com- ing to, what otheis can find to smile about. The weather Is too wet and gloomy, or too warm and ('nervatlng. Don't you know the social orders an? all nskew, the men who work fuss the least, the farmers are upsetting the Irotigh where politicians were ac- custiuned to feed. Ilie government of- ficials are Just a bunch of amateurs, Jtist because that's the peculiar slant Hero Of Hie Air (Time Magazine) (ioo.i pals, but each hopeful of outclassing the others in horsemanship, scholastic standin- and personality, in order to win the coveted title of California's "Finest Outdoor Girl," awarded each year at Salinas rodeo, these girls ride the corral fence and show their best smiles for the cameraman. ot the hundreds of porch critics. The optimist is winning favour wherever he goes. People like to listen to him, to seek his company, Just as much a* they love the sunshine or the rain, no matter wlian they come. Nothing dis- turbs the even tenor of his way. Ev- erything works out for good, even if sometimes a temporal inconvenience. He smiles in the face of disaster. More Canadians Europe-Bound For Holidays Figures Reveal â- -•i 43 THE EMPIRE Cause And Cure It has always to be borne in mind that the economic depression, par- ticularly in Australia, was brought about not only by uiiwa.rantable ex- travagance but also by the displace- ment of and the disturbance in the factors of production â€" men and machinery. During the years of stress and strain there has been an adjust- ent in this respect, and with the assurance of a reasonably good sea- son the depression, in its acute forms at least, may be regarded as liaving come to an end. â€" Melbourne Argus. Of Vital Importance In a lecent debate on defence Mr. Ijloyd George reminded the country that through food shortage Britain was brouglit closer to defeat in the Great War than thruugh vulner- ability of tlie kingdom owing to par- tial disarmament and foreign strength in tlie air, he urged that the food (|Ueslion was just as important in defensive plans as expansion of armaments. A realization of this In- creased vulnerability probably lies behind the State-aided enterprise fur the production of petrol from coal and schemes now afoot to carry out deep boring for oil. The second, aspect of the question is the Imperial one. Not only must the seaways be guanl- ed for tlie freighters that must transport Uritain's food, but there must also bo close co-operation with the Dominions, the only sure source of supplies in a time of crisis. In face of the risk it would be the height of folly to impose quotas and further <iiscouvage Dominion pro- duction by liberal terms to compet- ing foreign countries. The menace dc mands complete Imperial unity Auckland News. The Potato-Orange War Australia began by shutting out New Zealand butter and potatoes and by reducing the Australian market for a number of other com- modities, and New Zealand retaliat- ed in the sjiring of l'.);!2 by an em- bargo against Australian fruit. Trade relations have been tainted by the potato-orange controversy ever since, and all efforts from this side to arrive at a settlement of the dis- pute have been so much waste of time. The real issue is political, and so no solution appears possible uetil the citrus growers of .\ustralia gain Kufticient political influence to out- weigh the potato growers. Of course, the citrus growers have on their side the majority of the manufacturers and otliers who are interested in ex- panding trade with New' Zealand, and it is possible that the more favour- able disposition towards New Zea- land now appearing in Australia may turn the seale.~.\uckland Star. Canadian Consumption Of Coke Shows Rise O T T A W Aâ€" The apparent con- sumption of coke in Canada during 1931 amounted to 3,0C1,00C tons compared with '2,507,000 in 1033. The distribution by areas was as fol- lows: Ontario. 1,380,000 tons; Que- bec, 272,000; western provinces, 82- 000; Mariliines 17,000. The balance was used in industrial concerns. However, any interprovincial ship- ments have not boon taken into con- sideration. Notable Increase Over Past Two Years Shown inj Ap- plication for Passports. â€" 9,641 Sail During: Two Months This Year. OTTAWAâ€" Marking a notable in- crease over the past two years, 9,641 Canadians have sailed from principal ports of the Dominion for the Unit- ed Kingdom and Europe during tlie past two and a half months, it wai stated by J. J. Connolly, Passport officer. Department of P'xternal Af- fairs. Exclusive of the 0,125 veterans taking part in the Vimy Pilgrimage next month, n larger proportion of Canadians of moderate means are spending their vacations in foreign travel, and applications are pouring into the passport offices at Elgin and Queen streets. Return of Confidence "We regard the increase as a mark of the return of confidence on the part of the Canadian people," Mr. Connolly said. "They seem to be more ready to spend money in re- creation and travel this year than for some time past. Then, with the Olympic Games and a number of im- portant conferences of various kinds, Europe offers exceptional attractions this Summer." Among groups which have applied for passports recently, Mr. Connolly mentioned students' tours, a cricket team \vhich will match its skill again British elevens, the Elgar Jun- ior Choir, of Vancouver, Boy Scoats, who will be guests of the German Government at the Olympic Games, and physicians attending a medical conference at Berlin. From April 1 this year until June 15 a total of 9,041 passports have been issued, and in the first two weeks of June 2,300 applications have been dealt with. Last year there were only 2,963 passports issued for the entire month of June. Special concessions are being made by the Department of External Af- fairs to Canada's veterans taking part in the Vimy Pilgrimage, in the matter of passports. Special Vimy Passport The Vimy passport is issued free of charge to each authorized mem- ber of the Pilgrimage and is a handsome document, dark-green in color, with the Anns of Canada and the words "Vimy Pilgrimage" in- Kcribed in gold on the cover in both French and English. It is valid for a period of one year, giving the pilgrims opportunity to visit any place in the United Kingdom and Europe. The form of the passport is one approved by the League of Na- tions. June is the month v\hen Cana- dian travel reaches it; peak, and it is expected that 5.000 passports will be issued before July 1. These rep- resent British subjects alone, since consular offices arranfre passports for foreign nationals. To vai-y the routine of honoring all its own Heroes on the occasion of its Centennial (Time, Juna 8), Texas last week unveiled in Dallas a statue of Virginia's one & ortlyi Robert E. Lee. Orator at the dedica- tion was R. F. Chairman Jesse Jones,' who, as the biggest man in Houston, founded by Texas' most famed Her», rivals Vice-President John Nanca Garner for the current; title of No. 1 Texan. Duty done. Mr. Jones Jiopped of for Houston by plane. Cruising along at 6,000 ft., PiloU Eugene Schacher and Ed. Hefley suddenly smellcd a gasolene leak, cut the motor. Without warning a back- , fire enveloped the egine in flames. Pilot Hefley put the ship into a sharp dive. At 275 m.p.h. it hurtled down- ward, pancaked on the nearest field, slithered to a stop. Out from their blazing little hole Jess Jones and three fellow-passengers yanked th«| pilots, arms and faces seared and; sooty. Few minutes later the plan* was smoking ashes. Next day, soon after a visit from the uninjured R. F. Chairman, Pilot Schracher died. Deeply moved, Jesse Jon?s paid his tribute to a new texas Hero: "You stuck to your post in a ver- itable furnace with the white heat literally burning your clothes off; your body. You did this notwith-' standing Pilot Ed. Hefley begged you to leave the pit to him. When the door into the pilot room bl?w open, and the flames were reachiiigr into the cabin, you came out and closed the door. . . . Again the door blew open, so terrific was the speed,' and again you came out, this tim» a human torch .... "But when it seemed the fight was winning and that the plane might b« landed, you came back and warned your passengers that the landing would be rough. You unlocked th« door so that all could escape from the burning plane. . . . You did thi« when your hands were burned to the bone. Yoo could hardly hold the key. I pray God for the knowledge to understand for what purpose He sav- ed my life by sacrificing yours." Bnsiness Gain 1$ Strong In June liconomic Index Advances By Two Points in This Dominion OTT.WVAâ€"Due to genera! gains in the six major factors, the weekly econoniiic index maintained by the Bureau of Statistics, on the base 1920 equals 100, showed a gain of al- most two points for the week ended June 13 compared with the previous week. In comparison with the corre- sponding week last year, the index was up more than eight points. Gains of the last two weeks widen- ed the gap over the same period last year. While the trend of the econo- mic index has been downward since the first of March an encouraging faet,(.'- was the substantial rally in '>' .fwi two weeks of June. Each of tl six major factors showed gains over the same week of 1935. The in- dex of car loadings was up 2.6 per cent, and the gain in the index of wholesale prices was one per cent. The advance in the price of Domin- ion Government bonds contrasted With a temporary decline in the same week last year. The inverted index of bond yields showed a gain of nine per cent, over the second week of June, 1935. The level of bank clear- ings was about 15 per cent, higher. Common .stock prices measured by the oflicial index was 20 per cent, higher and a gain of IR.O per cent, was shown in the number of shares traded. The railway freight movement in the 23 weeks of the year was 7,803 cars greater than in the same period of 1935, an increase being shown in eight out of the II commodity classes. .•\ minor gain was shown in the whole sale price level, the index be- ing up from 72 to 72.3. The high point of thi? preceding week was again exceeded by a fur- ther advance in the price of Domin- on Government bonds. The bid quot- ation for the 1947-57 and 4% per cent. Dominion Government bond was 111% on June 12 against 110% on June 5. Advances were also shown in other leading issues. The gain in common stock prices was slight, the index advancing from 117.4 to 117.6. Milling, textile and beverage stocks declined, while other groups were either maintained or showed advanc- es. The index with its components: June 15 .Tune 6 June 13 1035 Car loadings . . 70.1 Wholesale prices 71.6 Bond yields . - 130.1 Band clearings S2.7 Common Stocks 97.0 Shares traded 112 Economic index 97.8 193G 1936 71.8 71.9 72 72.3 146 148.4 90.3 95.3 117.4 117.6 99.5 180.6 101.2 106 A Splashy Print for Sprightly Tots "Weaker Ssx^* Left On Own Resources OTT.'VW.A. â€" Single unemployed men got relief camps and a good deal of other help but theie was nothing for single unemployed women. Miss .â- \f;nes Macphail (U.F.O. -Labor Grey- Bruce^ told the House of Commons recently and claimed some attention for women. A woman had liecn appointed to the N.ntioiial Employment Commis- sidii, Labor Minisler Rogers informed her. It was also proposed to set up a special committee in the employ- ment advisory committee to consider uneinploynieut among women. Women were called the "weaker sex" sai'd Miss ]\Iacphail and it seem- ed strange that in a time of dcpres- son governments consiJored men un- able to take care of themselves but left women wholly on their own re- sources. Picr',1 acid, which was important ill the manufaeliiro of high explo- sives (hiring the War. is now being used to combat tw.) of our most seri- ous diseases, sleepy sickness and in fiuilile para'ysi^. m^~b The time for gay little cotton prints both for older sister and llie younger set is at ha net. and nothing could be simpler t?.an this darling dress â€" so ea.sy to nial;c--- so comfortable for nimble (.ears â€" and so smart to wear. The French bodu-e enec\ and buttoned panel are cunnin;.;-, de- tails which all little maidens love, e.-ipei ially the llared skirt, tiecause it provides ample freedom for playtime. Decorative features are hidden in the contrastinj,' collar trimmed with ruffled edgmi^, and brief puff sleeves. The material may be a printed percale, lawn, linen or gingham. It it is made in a plaid or checked gingham you can omit the rulllcd edging i'rom the collar and maUe the collar of plnin white pi(|ue. r.;irliara tiell I'attern .\o. IS82- I! Is availalile in sizes 2, 4, 0, 8 and 10. Size 4 requires 1% yards of 35-iiu'h material plus one-third yard for contrast. nO'vV TO ORDER PATTERNS Write your namo and addre«« A.'.d p;ittern wanted. Enclose 20c in stamp-; or coin (coin preferred). V'rap it carefiilly and addr* yo ir ord-'r to Barbara Bell, 73 /^dffsii'e V/"., Toronto. .*-l