Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Aug 1936, p. 1

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® J)je gkBi^ctim %hmnu. VOL. 56; x\0. 10 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1936 \V. H. THURSTON & SON, Proprietorg Flesherton Re-union Was Huge Success Perfect weather greeted the sev- enth annual re-union of the Flesher- ton Old Boys and Girla held here Sunday and Monday. A large num- ber of old residents came back for the occasion and their mingling with the folks here gave many of us happy moments, associating with old friends. Monday was the main day for sports; from the water events 'n the morning until the dance was over early Tues- day morning, everyone entered into the spirit of the occasion and, we are sure had a splendid day, as there was entertainment for all. The re-union program commenced Saturday night with free dancing on the market square to the tunes of the Blackburn orchestra. Sunday after- noon a religious service was held ii. Memorial Park at which about 700 people gathered and took part in the song service conducted by Dr. F. W. Murray, an old Flesherton boy, fol- lowing which the regular service was held, joined by the resident ra'uisters of Flesherton, Rev. T. O. Miller of the Presbyterian church, Rev. J. R. Wol- stencroft of the Baptist church and Rev. G. R. Service of St. John's Unit- ed church. Rev. G. R. Service preach- ed an excellent sermon on the sub- ject "Thy Kingdom Come." The out- door afternoon services are apprec- iated, judging by the largo attend- ance on this occasion. The offering of $34.00 goes towards the erection of a soldiers' memorial. One of the greatest crowds to view the aquatic sports at MeCauley's pond gathered Monday morning and a most interesting program was given. Prize winners of the various events were: boys 13 years and under. Delmar Mc' Clean, Stewart McTavish; girls 11 and under, Pana Goldsborough, Janet Crossley; girl.s 13 and under, Dorothy Patton, Dorothy Welton; boys 16, Sherman Piper, Dean Smith, girls 16, Dorothy Patton, Evelyn Leavell; bal- loon race, Dorothy Welton, Ruth Tur- ney; boys 17 an^ over, Ben Leavell, Jack Kidd; catching duck, Harold Best; egg and spoon race, Ben Leav- ell, Dean Smith; under water swim, Bert Armstrong. Some anxious moments occurred when two or three of the swimmers became e.xhausted and had to be aided by life savers. Headed by Owen Sound boy's band a procession of the executive of the Toronto and Flesherton Committees followed by the various ball teams formed a parade to the agricultural grounds where two softball and one baseball game were played. Dun- dalk girls were victorous 17-13 in a fine inning curtain raiser, while Max- well won from the previously unbeat- en Singharnpton Royals 9 â€" 8 in a hot- ly contested eame, featured by splend- id fielding. The main event was the baseball game between Oshawa jun- ior finalists last year and Flesherton, the latter being bolstered by a battery of Pembroke brothers from Meaford, McGirr of Durham, Krug of Queen's University and Earl Dillon, of Kim- berley, but Oshawa won 11 â€" 0. Previous to the games. Reeve Mc- Cauley welcomed the visitors to the re-union and was followed by addres- ses from Geo. McTavish, Wm. Hemp- hill, F. H. W. Hickling, Chas. Mc- Tavish and Burton E. Field. The games were opened with Geo. Mc- Tavish pitching to Burton Field, with Wm. Hemphill on the receiving end. George pitched wildly or else the plate was hidden, judging by the height and, width of to balls passing the catcher.' A large number of picnicers enjoy- 1 ed their supper in the pleasant Mem-i orial Park surroundings. Races were held for the kiddies who received some fine rewards for their efforts. Wm. Hemphill gave the kiddies (and gfTOwn ups) a few moments of de- light with a candy scramble. At the evening program it is es- timated that close to S.OOO people were in attendance and everyone had a most delightful evening's enter- tainment. A splendid amateur pro- gram was held with 14 contestants in the junior section and three in the senior. The little Tuck sisters, !• and ^ yeai-s, of Palmerston took first prize with their Highland aid tap dancing, while Donald HalVert of Weston was second with a song and guitar number, little Eleanor Camer- on, three year old daaghter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cameron of Osprey taking third. Dlonniq Wyville of Markdalo came first in the senior, Mrs. C. Martin of Eugenia second and Clifford Hartley of Markdale third. The judges had a most difficult time placing the rewards as all the child- ren did remarkably well. A splendid exhibition of wrestling was given by Jimmy Allen and John ny Murray, both Toronto boys, and many favourable remarks were heard on the calibre of this very popular sport. They would be wel- comed again. George Akitt of town and Art Wickson of the Eugenia Hydro staff gave a three round exhi- bition of boxing. A presentation was made by the Flesherton Com- mittee of a fountain pen to Mr. Bur- ton E. Field, energetic secretary of the Toronto Committee, whose In- terest and hard work in the interest of the Association is highly regarded. General Motors of Canada displayed motion pictures on a screen in the park, depicting the running of the Grand National Steeple Chase in Eng- land, the making of a car in the Gen- eral Motors plant at Oshawa and an- other picture of great interest to box- ing fans and appreciated by them. Dancing went on for hours on the tennis courts at the park, both old time and modem dancing being held, music supplied by the Blackburn and Mt. Forest orchestras. While there were a large number of visitors present many old faces us- ually seen at these re-union were ab- sent from one cause or another and they were missed. We hope to see them at the next re-union. Burton Field wrote us on Tuesday that he arrived home in Toronto at 4. .55 a.m. feeling "woozy", after having one grand time. We believe this is the feeling of all who attended this sev- enth annual re-union. .\mong those from out of town who attended the re-union were the follow- ing: Mr. and Mrs. Howden, Miss Hat- tie Wallace, Roy Wallace, Miss Annie Howard, Mrs. P. Thibaudeau, Edna and Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bickerstaff, Mr. and .Mrs. E. Penny, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Durrant, Dorothy and Helen Durrant, Miss Rene Car- goe, Harry Herberts, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cornfield, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Cornfield, Mr. and Mrs. John Lk timer, Dr. and .Mrs. Glen Davis, Mrs. Wm. Davis, Miss Maud Richardson, Mrs. F. Tate. Mrs. (Dr.) Webster, Dr. and Mrs. Hetherington, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith and Jean, Alman Petch, John Brotherton, D. W. Clinton, Mrs. Doc. Fairey, Mrs. John Richardson, Dr. Snelgrove, Mr. and Mrs. Ern«9t Lougheed and Irma and .Arnold Loug- heed of Portland, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold .Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Best. Jos. LeGard. Mr. and Mt». Fred Legard, Hilliard LeGard, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Blackburn and family, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Field, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Field and Burt. Jr. Jas. Field, .Alberta Legge. Mrs. Spence, .Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Rogei*s and family. Jack and Joy Clayton. Dorothy Sher- idan, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. C. White, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Brydon, Hartley Black- burn, L. Gabitous, Leslie Ferris. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson and family. County Council Deals With Taxing Problem A special meeting of the Grey County Council was held at Meaford on Thureday morning of last week, necessitated by the action of the Su- preme Court of Ontario quashing the by-law passed at the June session pro- viding for the collection of the taxes in the usual way, as the result of an action of the town of Hanover a- gainst the county. The session was a brief one, and there was very little discussion. Mr. H. L. Cummings, Deputy-Minister of Municipal Affairs of the province, was present in an advisory capacity. The council passed two resolutions dealing with the matter under dis- cussion, and they were passed un- animously. The business of the council will go ahead as usual, and I steps will be taken at an early op- { portunity to validate the present sys- ! teni which has been in vogue for so many years, and which has in every way been satisfactory. Mr. Cumimngs went into the mat- ter quite fully before the council, ex- plaining the pitfalls that lay in theii way regardless of what action was taken, although he refused to express any opinion as to which was the bet- ter system of collection until the vote had been taken. He pointed out that it would be necessary to do some bor» rowing from the banks, should the system be changed, and that money would remain borrowed until next year's taxes are collected. This would mean a heavy drain in interest payments, on the taxpayers. It would mean borrowing for a full year in 1937 until the county had caught up. In short, the system now in vogue, if changed would mean the county was a year ahead and would necessarily have to wait for further payments, with consequent borrowing. The Deputy Minister explained fully the fact that the current mixup had nothing whatever to do with the equalization of assessment, which several of the municipalities, notably Hanover, are appealing against. These appeals will be heard by Judge Mor- ley of Grey, Judge Owens of Bruce, and Sheriff Breese of Grey. The outcome will have nothing to do with the point in question. The following resolutions were passed by the Council: Reeve William H. Riley of Meaford brought forth his resolution, seconded by Reeve Angus McArthur, that •'whereas the county of Grey has al- ways levied and collected a county rate in the current year for the ex- penditures of the ensuing year, and, whereas the .Assessment and Mun- icipal Acts make no provision for such a system of tax collection, and, whereas the same practice is carried out by the council of Owen Sound and also many other local municipalities, all of which show a very favorable financial situation, and we feel that the continuance of such a system would be greatly to the advantage of ; the county of Grey, therefore, be it resolved that this county council, in special .session assembled, endorse the system the county of Grey has always had of levying and collecting the rate Manslaughter' Charge j District Lower JGrey Reg: ment Left In Storey Death Charged with manslaughter, Har- vey McCallum of Owen Sound ap- peared in Owen Sound police court, before Magistrate E. C. Spereman on Saturday morning. He was not ask- ed to plead, but was remanded for one week and bail was set at ?2,000, F. G. MacKay acted for the accused. Orval Storey was killed on the night of Saturday, July 25th on the Chatsworth Highway 5 miles south of Owen Sound. Following a car driv- en by Bernard Solomon, Windsor, both going north, the traffic officer was the victim of an unfortunate acci- dent. Travelling south Harvey Mc- Callum and the Windsor car side- swiped one another, it is alleged, and the McCallum car swung in behind to crash head-on into the motorcycle driven by Officer Storey. Both car and cycle went into the ditch but the otticer, killed instantly by the impact, was thrown clear. School Results FLESHERTON Mabel .4.dams â€" .-Vrithmetic. For lamp Today Grey Regiment left this Wednesd^ morning for Penetang where they wS Thos. Banks â€" Physiography, Arith-' enter into their annual ten day trails metic. Zoology. i ing program. "D" Company. frOBi Bryson Clark â€" History, Geography, Flesherton and South Grey left at 8Jf No Paper Next Week Following the usual custom of taking a week off each year. The .Advance will not be published ne.xt week. The office, however will be open for business as usual and job work of any kind will be turned out with despatch. The next issue of The .Advance will be on August 19th. Mrs. W. J. Caswell Dies on Wednesday As we go to press we learn of the death of Mrs. W. J. Caswell of town, from pneumonia. The funeral will take place on Friday afternoon. Ser- vice in St. John's United church at 2 o'clock p.m. with interment in Flesherton cemetery. Particulars in next issue. United Church Notes Peter Dow, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cam- ] j,, advance." eron, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bennett,' With this resolution passed, another Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Griffin, Mr. andj^as introduced by Reeve Riley and Mrs. Wallace Wellwood, Dr. and Mrs. ' pjj.ssed unanimously. It read :"That Thi,s week Rev. and Mrs. Service go on their holidays, but only after special arrangements have been made for holiday supply. We are very fortunate in securing outstanding men who will preach both morning and evening in Flesherton and at Ceylon in the afternoon. Rev. Harold Kippin of Manitoba, who has done oustanding work during the past twelve years in the Prairie Provinces, is returning to Ontario and will preach August 9th, 16th and 30th. On .August 23rd, Rev. George Bryce a missionary on furlough from India, who has been engaged in educational and Evangelistic work there will bring very interesting stories of the work in that great and awakening land. It is hoped, large congregations will greet these men each Sunday as they are worthy of being heard. Art, Botany. Douglas Clark â€" Grammar, Phys- iography, .Arithmetic, Zoology. Wilson Clark â€" Grammar, Physiog- raphy. ' Ethel Dargavel â€" .Arithmetic. Marjorie Duckett â€" Grammar, His- tory, Geography, Botany. j Robin Goldsborough â€" Grammar, ' Physiography. Bernice Harbottle â€" Grammar Physiography, .Arithmetic, Zoology, j Wm. Henry â€" History, Geography, Art. I -Mex. Hopkins â€" Grarnmar, Phys- ' iography. Arithmetic, Zoology. .Mielville Hunt â€" Grammar, Physio- : graphy, .Arithmetic, Zoology. ^ Aileen Karstedt â€" -Arithmetic- James Kennedy â€" History, Geog- 1 raphy, .Art. Zoology. Ben Leavell â€" Grammar, History,! -Arithmetic. George Loucks â€" Grammar, Phys- iography. Zoology. -Anna McVicar â€" History, Geog- raphy. -Art, Botany. Wesley McCracken â€" Hist,, Geog- raphy, .Art, Zoology. Rhesa McCIean â€" History, Geog- raphy, .Art, Botany. Athol McKillop â€" History. Geog- raphy. -\rt. Botany. - Fred McTavish â€" • Physiography, -Arithmetic, Zoology. Doris Magee â€" Botany. Doris Marshall â€" raphy. .-Krt. Botany. '' a.m. by truck for Stayner, where tlM|r will travel to Penetang by tral& : Those on the strength of "D" Co. am I Capt. W. Turney. Lieut F. J. Thurston. Lieut R. Steeds of Durham. Lieut. C. Moon, Durham. ' Sergt. -Major Patterson. C.Q.M.S. E. Dixon. Sergt. H. G. Burk. Corp. S. McMullen, Feversham. Corp. A. Lawlor, MaxwelL Corp. R. Bellamy. Pte. J. Heitman, Feversham. Pte. F. Patton. Pte. R. Plester, } Corp. C. Laidlaw, Hanover. Corp. J. Hertel, Hanover. Corp. G. Lorenz, Hanover. Pte. W. Miller, Hanover. Pte. R. Rogers, Hanover. Pte. G. Klemmer. Hanover. Pte. R. Reay. Hanover. Pte. C. Thomas, Hanover. Pte. H. Johnston. Pte. E. .Mathewson. Special fentures for the camn wQI be a visit of four days by a demon- stration platoon of the Royal Can- adian Regiment, who will demonstrat* modern methods of warfare and d» fence. .Assistance in instruction wfll also be rendered by a section of tiM Royal Canadian Signal Corps of Chas. Ottewell, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Howard. Grant Whittaker. Jack Cairns, Mrs. Emma Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Swift, Mr. and Mrs. R. C, Phillips, Mr. and Mrs Jos. .\rmstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Ken -Ai'rnstrong, Edward and Edna .Armstrong, Walter Bolton, Geo. Leak, Douglas and Fred Gates, Mrs. E. -Aikenhead, Mr, and Mrs. Win. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. L. Bre.'ks,^ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thiba«- deau, Mr. and Mrs. John Thibaudeau, H. Freeman, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Ferris, Howard and Isobel Ferris, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Ferris, Mr. and Mrs. J. Belaixger, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Badgerow, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thistlethwaite. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McTavish, .Andrew, Dan Dor- othy and Stewart McTavish, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McTavish and two children. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ste- wart, George and Jim, Dr. and Mrs, Em Armstrong and family, Mrs. W, •A. Armstrong. Dr. F. W, Murray and sons, Jim and Bill, Dr. R. H. and Mrs. Henderson and son, Eric, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nicholson, Mrs. Jas. Wat- â- son, Mr. and >frs. Chas. Crossley and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ad anis and family, Mr. and Mrs. John- NixoR and Mr. Rassel Nixon, Mr. and th's council interview the Ontario Gov- ernment requesting it to pass legis- lation at the next session ratifying the system now in vogue in Grey County for levying and collecting county rates and that said Act, it passed, be made retroactive to cover a county rate by-law passed in 1836-37 and ratify all county by-laws which have been previously passed by Grey County Council." Card of 1 hanks We desire to thank our friends and neighbors for flowers, favours and sympathy in the passing of our hus- band and father, Wm. J. Moore. â€" Mrs. W. J. Moore and Family. Mrs. Wm. Hemphill and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Phillips and family, Mr. and and Mrs. Joe Phillips and Mr, and Mrs. Joe Phillips and family, Mrs. C. Morris, Dr. and Mrs. TTolmes, Miss Kathleen Heslip, Mrs. Ether- ington and - daughters, Verna and Muriel and Sydney Knight. If there are names omitted in the above list we are s^.Ty, as we did our best to secure as many as poss- ible. Trout Deposited In Hydro Watt^rs One thousand year old speckled trout, langing from four to nine inch es long, were deposited by the gov- ernment in the Hydro pond at Eugen- ia on Saturday last, also two thousand in Bell's lake above Markdale. These trout came from the Grey County hatchery in Holland township, .\s a source o< suppl.v this new hatchery is likely to be of much benefit to the streams and lakes of Grey County. The deposits referred to are the first supplied from this hatchery, which was only installed by the government a year ago. These stock fish were supplied by the Department on request of Mr. G. B. Welton of Flesherton and Wm. Hill of Markdale. Another One-Day Trip The Owen Sound Daily Sun-Times announces another popular one-day Georgian Ba.v Cruise for Tuesday, .August nth. This cruise will be to Midland and Port McNicoIl on the C.P.R. liner "Keawatin"', leaving Owen Soimd at 8 a.m. Round trip $2; children $1. Secure tickets early from The Sun-Thnes, Owen Sound. 1 Camp Borden. General inspection Geography, Art, Ljays are set for August 13 and' 14, I when Brigadier W. H. P. Elkins. CBL History, Geog-' E., D.,>?.0., G,O.C., Military Distrief ] No. 2. and staff, will review the Jean Marshall â€" Zoology, | troops. This will be Penetang's firat Murray Marshallâ€" Arith., Zoology. | njjijtia camp since the abandonment Irene Mathewson â€" History, Geog- [ gf the old garrison in 1850. raphy. Art, Botany. j Marion Miller â€" Physio., Zoology, ' < • Ruth Monaghan â€" Grammar, Hist- ory, .Arithmetic, Botany. Edward Moore â€" History, Geogra- phy, Botany, Grant Muir â€" Grammar, Physio- grapy, .Arithmetic. Zoology. Everett Parker â€" Grammar. Phys- iography, .Arithmetic, Zoology. Gladys Patterson â€" Gram., Phys- iograph.v. Arithmetic. Zoology. Carlotta Plester â€" Grammar. Donald Scott â€" Grammar, Physio- graphy, Arithmetic. Zoology. Delbert Smith â€" Physiography. Valeria Stafford â€" Grammar. Hist- ory. Botany. Doris Taylor â€" History, Geogra- phy. -Art. Botany. Ruby Vause â€" Grammar. Geogra- phy. Physiography, Zoology. .Alex. Weir â€" Arithmetic. Marion Wickens â€" History, Geog- raphy, .Art, Botany. Irene Wilson â€" Grammar, Physio- grai)hy, .Arithmetic, Zoology, Ruth Wolstencroft â€" -Arithmetic, Winnifred Pattison â€" Grammar, Botany. Hazel Turner â€" Physiography. FEVERSHAM George Ball â€" History, .Art. Zoology. Xorman Davidson â€" Gram., Phys- iography, -Arithmetic. Zoology. Kathleen Hawton â€" History, .Art, Zoology. Oscar Hopper â€" .•Arithmetic Murra.v Lenard â€" Grammar. Hist- ory. .Art, Zoology. Flora Morri.-;on â€" Gram.. Physio. Vernon Soniers â€" Grammar, Hist- ory. -Art. Ronald Si^r'nggay â€" Gram.. Phys- iography, Zoology. McCallum Stephen â€" Grammar. Gram., Zoology, Zoology. • History, Geo^ Physiography, -Arithmetic, Zoology. Wm. Stephen â€" Grammar, History, .Arithmetic. .Art, Zoology. Mei-\'yn Somers â€" Art. Jean Bushell â€" Grammar, Physio- graphy. -Arithmetic, .Agriculture 2. Gordon Cameron â€" History. Robert Fenwick â€" Grammar, Phya- iography, -Agr. 1, -Agr. 2. Kenneth Gordon â€" Grammar, Phjm- iography. -Agri. 1, -Agri. 2. Goldie Inglis â€" Physiography. .Art, Winnifred Macklem â€" History, Geo- graphy, .Art, Botany. Sheldon Mills â€" Grammar, History, -Art. Zoology. .Austin Mnirhead- Betty McLachlan â€" History, Ax% Botany. Vernon Somers â€" Harold Stewart â€" rai)hy. .Art, Botany. Robert Thompson -- Art, Chas, Winters â€" Grammar, Phy^ iography. -Arith.. .Agri. 1. .Agri. 2. PRICEVILLE Tom .Aldcorn â€" Ph.vsiogranhy, Ax% â- Agriculture 2. Jack Mc-Arthur â€" .Art, -Agri. 2. Evelyn McDermid â€" Grammar. .'^iC .Aurriculture 2. Marie McLachlan â€" -Art, Agri. 2, -Archie Sturrock â€" -Art, -Agri. 2. Jamie Sutherland â€" Gram,, PhyS* i'^eraph.v. .Art, Agricultu'-e 2. Mm-iel Corbett â€" Physio.graphy. Angus McMillan â€" Gram.. PhystSa ir'-:ii>hy. .Arithmetic, Zoology. Siidie McKinnon â€" History. Bobbie Meads â€" Grnmmar. Ph.vsto* graphy. .Arithmetic, Zoology, .Agri. f, Willie Meads â€" Phvsiography, ZoolL Eric Oliver â€" Gianimar, Ph> irrnphy, .Ai ithmttic. .Art, Zoology. THK FVNBRAL CHAPBL , V dicnillcd, person;!! funeral service. Available in all parts of ^ Toronto and Mibnrbs .it prices to suit the Income of ewr.? family. iBatft Sc iilabboffes H^urial Co. FORMERLY BATES BUKlAl, CO. Fred Muddocks Richard Maddocks. Mgr. KI. 4144-34i( 124 AVBNUC *OA» ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF DAVENPORT ROAD

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