Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Aug 1936, p. 5

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THE FtESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, August 5, 1936 ; .V '« '4 LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS PORTLAW The Misses Nesbits of Erin visited at Mr. Luther Love's last week. Miss Hazel Wilkinson, Rock Mills, visited last week with iier uncle, Mr. George Wilkinson. Miss John Foster of Terra Nova is spending the holidays with her cousin Miss Muriel Taylor at Mr. Will Taylor's. Mr. and Mrs. Latimour of Toronto visited last week at Fred Plantt's. Mr. Plantt of Eugenia vfsited with his son. Mr. Fred Plantt. .Miss Hazel Shunk of Toronto spent Sunday at Mr. Harry Fisher's. Mrs. J. Woods of Toronto and Mrs. Wm. Morron of Dundalk spent Sun- day with his sister, Mrs. Wm. Taylor. Mr. John Burke, Mr. and Mrs. Ho- ward Burke of Shelburne and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burke of Toronto were callers in the neighborhood Sunday. Miss Marjorie Pedlar visited last week with her cousin. Miss Bernice Plantt. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mcintosh of Toronto visited last week with his Bister. Mrs. Will Xicholls. Mr. Kenneth McKee is holidajring at Mr. John McKee's. .Mr. Wm. McXally is in Toronto nnder the Doctor's care. BORN â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shiers. a daughter, on July 24th 1936. CEYLON CENTRE LINE Quite a number from this line at- tended the dance in Flesherton Satnr- day night and are also taking in the sports there to-day. Mr. Edwin Little and Ken Dobson of Clarksburg visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Little on Sunday. Congratulation to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Reid. Redville, Sask., on the arrival of a baby girl at their home recently. Mr. Wm. Taylor is having very poor health lately. We hope Mr. Taylor will soon be feeling better again. Mr. Sam Osborne has finished Mr. McNally's stone wall and gone to Mr. Harry Akin's to repair a stone wall under his bam. Wareham Sunday school held their picnic at Black's Beach on Thursday last. The day was rather cool to enjoy being in the water very much, Mrs. Thos. McKee of Eugenia, Mary and Isobel of Toronto visited with Mr. and Jlrs. Robt. Osborne one day recently. Mr. Russell White and Miss Eve. l.vn Little visited at H'r. Walter Rus- sell's, Rock iMlls, on Sundav. Mr and Mrs. G. Cameron and ton Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. PhUlipa, .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tracey and Harold of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Gibson. Miss Olive Sinclair, Harriston, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Lndy and son, Park- hill, Mr. Sydney Knight, Mrs. Ether- ington and two daughters, Vema and Muriel were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair. Mr. Hunter Harrow, Essex, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. WilL Beaton. Mr. Frewing, Mrs. Haley and daughter and Mrs. Jones, Toronto, spent Jhe holiday at Mr. George Udell's. Mr. Bert Chapman and Miss Jean Chapman, Toronto, Miss Grace Giz- 7.ie. Toronto, Mr. .A.lbert Pearoall of Ora Station spent the week end with .Mr. Peter Muir's. Mr. Martin McLeod, Tilbury, vis- ited at Mr. Neil Cameron's over the holiday. Mr. R. T. Coleman and three child- ren, London, Miss Harriet Christie, Owen Sound, Miss Goad of Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zapfe, Clinton, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Essex, I were week end visitors at J. J. I Collinson's. Mr. and Mrs. Herbie Fisher and daughter Norma, Toronto, are holi- daying with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper and family. Miss Blanche Genoe, Owen Sound, spent the week end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. .\lex. McDonald, and daughter, Isobel and Miss Bessie Cairns spent the week end at the latter's home, Mr. and Mrs. Georgre Cairns. Mrs. A. S. Muir and son, Grant, spent civic holiday with the former's brother. Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson Gran*, Durham. Visitors with Mrs. Anna McMillan over the holiday were, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Chislett, Betty and Miss Jean, 1 Mr. Grant Whittaker and Mrs. W. j Carnahan. I Miss Pat. Pattison and friend of Meaford are holidaying with Mrs. Jas. Pattison and Mrs. G. Stuart. Mrs. P. Thibaudeau and daughter. Edna. Toronto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. EUGENIA. NO BARG.\IN Mrs. Hart: "Oh, look. John! IVe Just found a four-loafed clover! That's- a sign of a forthcoming marriage." Mr. Hart: "Nonsense! It's a sign oJ good luck!" "What did you pay for this ear?" asked the garage man who had been asked to overhaul it. "Well, as a matter of fact, a friend gave it to me." "Man. you've been swindled." Wife (heatedly) : You're lazy, you're worthless, youVe bad-temper, ed. you're shiftless and you're . . . Husband (reasonably): Well, my dear, no man is perfect. .y.>.^;>.^>.S<k.) Binder T>vine i X <: \ I \ IRISH BLUE BELL TWINE IS THE BEST TWINE % I WE PURCHASE SEVERAL CARLOADS EVERY \ I YEAR, THE QUALITY NEVER VARIES Blue Bell 600 ft. twine, per cwt. $9.00 | Blue Bell 650 ft. twine, per cwt $10.00 ♦ ROPE FOR FARM USE | •^ Trip Rope, Sling Rope. Draw Rope and Steel Cable. ♦ SPECIALS ;: Clip Grease. Hulk 2 lbs. for 25c ;; Linseed Sixip. bulk 2 lbs. for 25c ;; Sweet Biscuits 2 lbs. for 25c < > Shortening 2 lb.s. for 25c ; ; Briishless Shaving Cream, reg. 75c for 25c :: Black Pepper per lb 19c | :; VaniHa Extract 8 oz. bottle 15c \\ * Rose or Maple Leaf Baking Powder 15c Milcourt Baking Powder, 1 lb. tin and a Tea Towel, Regular 40c value for 25c | I Duffs Pure Lard 2 lbs. for 2Sc ;: P. & G. Soap 5 for 19c Klex Toilet Soap (removes grease) 3 f©r 14c OUR GROCERIES ARE ALWAYS FRESH 1 » It I Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. | FLESHERTON BORN â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shortt, on August 4, 1936 the gift of a son. Congratulation. Rev. Mr. Reeve of the Gospel Mis- sion preached a very fine sermon Sunday evening in the L. 0. L. hall here. Comemncing next Sunday, ser- vices will be held in the hall every evening during the week. Mr. Ray Faulkner of British Columbia will be the main speaker at each service. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hass of Brant- ford spent the week end at Mrs. Blaia' cottage near the lake, 8th line. Mr. Johnson Wood and Mr. Chard- wick of Mimico spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Magee and other relatives. Miss Delsa Kaitting is home from Fern Cottage, near Orillia, where she has spent several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. .A.. Howden of Tor- onto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Betts over the week end. Mi-s. Widdifield of Toronto spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Card Graham and other relatives. Mrs. Garnet Magee received the sad news of the death of her aunt, Mrs. Lebert (nee Miss Lillie Gamey) of Buffalo. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Magee and other friends. Mr. Win Large, Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Little of Niagara Falls and Mr. and Mrs. Richardson of Toronto were week end visitors with the former's wife who is visiting here and her father Mr. Peter Munshaw of the Eu- genia House. Little Miss .\lwyn Williams of Humber Bay spent the past couple of! weeks with little Miss Jean Smith. j Mr. and .Mrs. C. Fisher of Niagara- Falls visited over the holiday at the' Lugenif^ House, where their little .'•ter, Marion has been holidaying til . Jiss Beth Large. Mrs. Large : and Beth intend to return home with them this Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. .\lbert Sloan and fam- ily of Chatham visited over the week end and holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Walker Sloan and Miss Donalda. j Mr. and Mrs. Dean Clinton returned to their home in Toronto after a vac- -. at ion with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee. and friends. I Messrs. Jim and Eddie Hargrave of Toronto spent the week end and hol- iday with the Park families. ' Mrs. Norman Wagg and sons, Ron-' aid and Maurice and IMise Isabel Marshall have returned to their home in Meaford after spending the past week or so in Mr. Purvis" cottage near the lake. Mr. J. Marshall camqi up for th^i on Thursday of iastj â- week. I Mr. Will Campbell of Toronto spent ' the week end with his family at their summer home in the village. j Over 50 members of the Badgerow ; relations spent Sunday afternoon in the park. Several friends from a distance were present, among them | being Mr. Merron Badgerow of Uncle Sam's domain, who has not been here' for over 40 years. It was a happy; reunion and all enjoyed lunch to-' geiher in the park. Mr. Geo. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. i Thos. Crowe and Hilda of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams. The foriier's wife and little son. Harold who^spent the past week here returned home with them. Mr. JSohn Fenwick of Toronto ?pent the past week with rslatives in this community. Mr. and .Mrs. Edwin Purvis and little daughter of Toronto spent the week and at the former's panental home where their children, Shirley, June and Bobbie are holidaying. Miss Marge Park and Miss Ponalda Sloan spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. Ellwood Hall accompan't'd by' Miss Edith Fenwick visited over the weak end at the former's pareiilal home, Owpn Sound. Mr. and Mrs. .Vvery Hawken of Flesherton wave r«<*ent visi'ors with postmaster and Mrs. R. Park and family Mrs. Clarence Biggar of Owen Sound visited on Sunday with her par- ents, MV. and Mrs. Thos. Fenwick Little Miss Elnora accompanied her home to spend a few holidays in the city. Mr. Willie Fenwick visited a few days in Owen Sound. Mrs. Johnson and daughter. .A.gnes, have returned to Toronto after spend- ing a couple of weeks with friends here. Miss Margaret McMillan ac- companied them to the city to impend her vacation. Mr. Chas. Annette, Miss Hilda Williams and the Coi-nfield family of Toronto spent the week end with Hilda's father. Mr. Jake Wlllij-.ms. PRICEVILLE Bear in mind the memorial service in Priceville on Sunday, August 9th, at 2.30 p.m. when the Hon. Mr. Jus- tice McFarland wu! deliver an ad- dress. The news of Mrs. Mathewaon's death at Calgary, while on her way on a visit to a relative in B. C, caused much sorrow here, where she lived in the hearts of the people for so many years, the lady of the Manse, beloved by all. The body being brought home for burial here, beside her hus- band, the Rev. J. k. Mathewson, will t>e reported later. The anniversary services at .^mos church, near Dromore, was largely at- tended . on Sunday last, when the church was filled to the doors and many unable to gain admittance, somewhat different to the small num- ber usually reported at many other churches. Rev. Douglas Kendall, son MAXWELL FEVERSHAM Miss Mae Whiteoak of Toronto â-¼!•- Mr. and Mrs. Angus Morrison are! i^gd with her sisters, Mrs. Thomson visiting in Toronto. , and Mrs. Davidson, near here. Miss Shirley Bucking^»*ni of| Mw. .\rchie Adair passed away on Guelph 0. A. C. spent tie week end i Monday, July 20th, after a lingennf at her honj« here. ' illness. - "» . Miss Muriel Forth of Guelph visited xijg i^st place of residence in tha at Mr. E. Buckinghapi's. I village is now occupied, the old H«t«L, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holdsworth and • jvan and Mrs. W. R. Colquette anil family and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Holds- Allan of Owen Sound' and also Min worth and family visited the Priestly Alvena Galagher were callers in onr family over the holidays. j village on Tuesday evening. Mr. OrviUe Parker and friend of ^j^g ^„^g Robinson of the nursing Toronto spent the week end with his gj^ff of the G. and M. HospiUl at parents here. , ColHngwood was home. The Women's Institute will meet .,.. a, t- i. t- j oh: „, ^, . , ,, „ ,. , The Mckee boys. Jun and Bulie, at the home of Mrs. Geo. Lawler on , t » C ij -.u tu j- •p., ,,„,„„ ., ^ ,, spent a week's holidays with their Thursday. .August 13. ..,,/.., L. • n I cou.*m, .A.llan Colquette m Owen } Sound. 1 The two Misses Neil who are at- ' tending su.mmer school in Toronto, ' were home here over the week end ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Badgerow and of the Rev. of the same name, who ; two sons. Joseph and Leslie of Port minister at "Amos" many years | Huron, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Wolverton ago. no doubt was a strong drawing , of Detroit, Mr. Broadbert, Mr. and card. j Mrs. Elmer Warling of Hamilton, Mr. The supper and the play to-night, ; and Mrs. Gordon W^Hng and daugh- will also be a notable event, in keep- ter. Doris of Bartonville and Mr. and ing with their former reputation. ; Mrs. Mervyn Croft of Mclntyre were Sacrament of the Lord's Supper j visitors over the weel; end and holi- was dispensed in St. Columba United,' day with the Cjroft fiamilies here Sunday, with proper solemnity to aland also visited other relatives in the large congregation with several new vicinity. members joining. I Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howard and Mrs. Fowler and daughter. Helen, family of Toronto visited over the of Canora, Sask., are guests with the holiday with relatives here. Nichol families. and holiday, other visitors at the Neil home were. Miss Wilson of Owen Sound and Mr. -Arpil Neil of Copper- cliff. Mr. Stanley Smith and daughter Irma. Mr. Verne Ireland. Mr. H. Ker- ton, Mrs. Whiteoak and two daughters were visitors with friends at Niag^ara, Buffalo and State of New York re- cently. The dry hot weather stiU contin- ues and the grain is ripening very fast. The farmer's mill is shut down, they „. . ^ are repairing the flume and wheels. Miss Amelia Stoddart of Brampton. ^,^-^^^ ^^^e in great need of repairs, Master Ken Nichol is vismng his ' holidayed with her cousin, Miss Hilda! ^,,6 miller. Mr. Morden, is overseeing the work. sister, Mrs. ham. J. A. MacCuaig. Dur- Betts Mr. Leo Patton and Misses Nathalie Mrs. Dave Nichol and Margaret re- ; and Winona Patton spent the week turned home after spending a few end and holiday with relatives here, days in Toronto. | Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Badgerow and Mr. Gordon Brown and Miss Ada daughter of Toronto were visitors â-  McLean, Toronto, visited Sunday at over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Dave Nichol's. Laurie Betts. This Sunday, August 9th. a Gaelic! Rock Mills Young People are put- 1 service will be held Sunday morning , ting on their play at Zion Garden ' at 11 a.m. in St. .Andrew's Presby- i Party this Thursday night. ' terian Church by Rev. N. MacDon- 1 Mrs. Chas. Newell holidayed the aW- I past week with relatives in Durham. Miss Nellie McLean visited friends | A large number from here attend- in Toronto recently. led the Flesherton Old Boy's and Mrs. Wm. Brown returned home Girl's re-union picnic on Monday and ! after visiting her sister in Pontiac, ' all report a good time. I -^^''^^- I Messrs. Earl Ottewell and Mervyn' Mr. and Mrs. John McFarlane, To- < Johnson of Pickering were visitors ' ronto, spent the week end in Price- ! over the holiday at their parental ^â- 'IJe. j homes. [ Mr. and .Mrs. Bill Hill. Fergus,' M'ss Little and friend of Ware-' ham were visitors the first of the | week with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rus- | -t'l! and family. Mr. and Mrs. T. Crowe of Toronto i were recent visitors with relatives i here. I Miss Leila Clark was a holiday! visitor with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark. Mr. Harvey Priddle of Dundalk has! been engaged as teacher here, duties! were recent visitors at H. R. Mc- Lean's. Mr and Mrs. Chambers and family, H. Richardson and family, returned to Toronto after holidaying with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hincks are vis- itmg friends around here. They in- tend to leave in two weeks time for Hudson, Ontario. Many friends here were pleased to to comemnce in Seotember meet Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mclnnis and' ' ' family of Coldwater. former station' asrent here, at both services in St Andrew's church. Sundav. at the even- mg service, their son. Ellwood Mc- rntiis. sang a solo as also did Mr. Cordon Brown of Toronto. On Friday afternoon the Sund. A number from here attended the old Boy's and Girl's re-union picnie at Flesherton on Monday. Mr. Hanley of Toronto is visiting at J. .-V. Kernahan's at present. Miss M. E. Heron has returned to her home in Toronto after nursing her sister. Mrs. Colquette. through an at- tack of pneumonia. Mrs. C-olquette is around again. Ma.xwell .\thletic Club will hold a DANCE in Maxwell Orange Hall on Wednesday. August 12, 1936 music by DYNE'S ORCHESTRA Round and Square Dancing ADMISSION:â€" 25c A M.\GICIAN TOO The man who had been in India was telling about a magician who walked on swords and spikes without injury. "I also am an exponent of Eastern Kimberley United church celebrated '"*?'"â- '•" said a man listening. "-\nd •ts fiftieth anniversarv la«*- Sundav .\. ^ ''=*" ^*^"^ bare-footed on upturned WILL APPEAR NEXT WEEK School picnic was held at thJ"honie' of Andrew Hincks. when about 70 were present and en.ioyvd games. races and sports and prizes were glv- : en to the winners. Mrs. J. Nichol Jr. wivi 1st prize in marritni women'* '•ace. Mrs. W. J. Hincks won 1st in' kicking the shoe furthest. Mrs. J. ' Nichol and Stuart Carson won 1st: prize in travellers. The young ^ people played baseball after which i lunch, lemonado and tea were served i and a social time spent. | Mr. Harry Pedlar. Toronto, spent ihe week end with his wife and son and relatives here. Leonard and Donald Davis. Toronto, are holidayin.ir with therr uncles Chas. and Neil McFarlane. very fine report and history of the c'nurch is to hand, which it is not pos- sible to put in type for this week. It \v-!I appear in full in our ne.xt issue. Lilades-" .\ gasp of amazement followed. •Blades of grass." said the man as ho hurried cut. LADY BANK r Husbipnd â€" .Are you really embroid- ering that foot pillow for me. dear* His Wifeâ€" Yes love, but if ,vou ever dare to put your foot on it. Til â- wring your neck. Thia part of Ontario k to Ttry bad nee«i of »^in. Mr. and Mrs. George Dobson and Mi-s. E. DobstHi returned home last week from a pleasant six weeks' visit with friends in the Western provinces. The Rev. Mr. Falconer will hold special services in Providence church here on Sunday, the 9th at 3 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fawcett of Kimberley sf)ent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Semple. Mr, Carl Hawb»ratone and Willie Sonmiers. completed their contract shinging Mr. Jack Graham's barn. U is an up to date job. Mr. Percy Semple and'Wm. Semple are each getting their new hoosea Marly Teady to mora iota. Mr. J. Cooivr assisted Mr. .\llen at East Mountain with his hay crop. Mr. Wm. Harbottle of East Moun- tain wit'.i Mr. and Mrs. .\lf. Maxwell. HOW COILD HE .A,ce (relating experience): "I had flown three miles over the German lines when I found that my engine j was missing." â-  The Girl: "Morcy. How could you f!y so far without any engine?" "Today", said Daddy. "Ynx goinjt to Wiiiuipeg. Regina. Calgary, Halifax, Saint John, and New York, but 1*11 be back in time to put you to bed touijtiit." "Oh - h", replied sonny, nonplussed for the moment â€" then, reniemberiug his own long Distance talk with Grannv, 300 milee away â€" ''I knowâ€" you're going by telephone!" Which is just what Daddy intends. He's a modem busi- ness man and has found Long Distance a speedy, dependable economical business builder â€" the modern version of "Seven-l.eague Boots", in fact. - .^ , . - • •On both ".-Vnyon*" and "PrnooOo. Person" call*. Low Nigh» Raios applv after -. and At L D \Y SIM1 VY

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