Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Sep 1936, p. 8

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lu .edns^t\y. Scptcnihci- M), lO.Si) THE 'FLESlkERTON ADVANCE VANDELEUR % On Friday evcninR the Y. P. S. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johnson. The meeting was in charjfe of the Piesident, Mr. Lundy Johnson. Mrs. D61an read a paper and singinR was enjoyed by all. The meetinsr was well attended. The meeting this w^-ek wiJil be on Thursday cveninR. October ^t, at the home of Howard -^â- aha'ttj under the devotional com- niittoe, Mrs. Holan in charpe. , Mr. and Mrs. Huk'h Boland have tnoved to their new home, the El. iiott Smith farm on hi.trhway No 10. Mr. Harold Thompson has pur- chased the hOOse and lot between the hall and shed* from Mr. Elmer Warl- inf. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wiley of Alberta visited .Mr^nd Mrs. Bolan on Sun- day, ^k % On Sun^^Kev. Kippin of Toronto occupied ffl^pulpit in the absence of Mr. Warren, and preached a very in- teresting sermon. At a meetinjr which was held in the (hurch recently at vhich the Y. P. S. was re-organized for the ensuing year, the pastor. Rev. H. S. Warren had charge of the meetir^ and the follow. ing officers were elected: President â€" Mr. Lundy Johnson. Secretary â€" Evelyn McGee. Treasurer â€" Jim Stewart. Ist Convenor â€" Mrs. Dolan. 2nil Convenorâ€" Mrs. W. J. F. Hut- chinsog. Hrd Connvenorâ€" Mrs. H. J. Thomp- (•on. 4th Convenor â€" Mr. Reg. Hutton. CEYLON Miss Reta Marshall R. N., Whitby, is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huston and family, Oshawa, were week end visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muir. Mi-s. Wesley Kirk, Berkeley, visited Inst week with Mrs. A. C. Muir. Dr. and Mrs. C. Ottewel! left last wVek for Los. Angeles, California aftor an extended visit with their par- ents. Mrs W. Wilcock and Dr. and Mrs. J. Ottewell Flesherton, and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Armsden and daughter Betty of Toronto, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Snell. Mrs. Will Gibson attended the ses- sion of the Grand Chapter Order of FOR THE FIFTH YEAR IN SUCCESSION ;; ^^ ;; Robin Hood Flour i WINS Ijt PRIZE FOR BEST LOAF OF WHITE BREAD at ;: CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION (Toronto) :: 58 out of a possible 89 prizes for Bread, CsJces and ; ; j I Pastry in open Competition with exhibits baked with ; ; all other Flours. ROBIN HOOD FLOUR Milled from washed wheat. "THE CHOICE OF CHAMPIONS" P. HEMPHILL '<'. Ceylon Ontario :: " â-  ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦' [ â- â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦ ♦ ' HI -I » â- >â- !â-  â-  H -'M' "W- . 1 l-ajj|<vfii ."^liir nL'l.l ,r. loriuilo la.-t wec^Ri where .-lie iepres.ent<;d Gre> I haptor 170. iVlis. i\. S. Muir wu.i in ^.^tirham lasi wenk. Mrs. Hyslop and gran 'laughter, iiiSB Bcniiee Campbell, Eugenia, are visiting Mr. Geo. McKenzie. Mrs. Joseph Snell and children, WescoM, are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Snell. e Mrs. Dave Adams is holidaying at Cooks town. Mrs. John Stewart has retui'ned after visiting in We.ston and Toronto. Miss Jean McCamiel spent Sunday !(t Boothvill«. Miss Frances Collinson was home from Toronto over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley White and Kiina, Toronto, were week end visitors with Mrs. W. White. Mr. Laverne Piper, Markdale, spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. M. Raney and Jean, Southampton, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bailey and children, Shrigley, also Mrs Go- heen, Dundalk, spent Sunday with .Mrs. D. Macphail. Mr. B. Wilson and Miss Jean Simp- son were guests of .Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. Arrowsmith while here for the Chatauqua, while Mrs. Sinclair enter- tained Misses Lillian and Jessie Butt, Dorothy Merall and Mr. Harry Binns. Master Gordon Haw spent the week end with his grandmother, Mrs. J. Knox., recently. .Miss Florence Copeland is holiday- ing with her sister, Mrs. J. Sinclair. Mr. Fred Stuart, Bracebridge, was a caller last week on Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stuart. Miss Millie Cook visited at Orange Valley recently. Mr. and Miis. Joseph Crutchley, Durham, visited -with Mr. and Mrs. Karciuahar Oliver. Mr. Murray Furnell met with a painful accident last week, when he â- ilinost severed one toe from the foot, while cutting wood at Mr. J. Oliver's. It will be some little time before Mr. Furnell will have the complete use of !ii.< foot and his many friends sym- pathize with him in his misfortune. Anniversary services in Ceylon Un- ited Church will be held on Sunday next at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. Geo. R. Service, pastor, will have charge. Sunday School at 2 p.m. as usual. The hitch-hikers of today will be- come the car owners who will ignore the hitch-hikers of tomorrow. Local and Personal THE STORE WITH SERVICK F. T. HILL&CO..Ltri CHAIN irr«RBf) Markdale. Ontario OUR BU\iNC POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY FALL IS HERE BE PREPARED FOR £ COI It WEATHER THAT IS COMING. THE HILL CO. ARE SHOW! o A 1 \Rt.E RANGE OF NEW MERCHANDISE FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Rev. F. D. Goff of Clarksburg was a visitor in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart spent the week end at Caludon. Mrs. Alex. McEachnie spent a cou- ple of weeks in Toronto. Misg Annie Howard of Toronto was a visitor in town on Saturday. .Miss Elsie Graham spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Phillips. Mr. Bob Carrothers spent the week end at his parental home in London. Flesherton half holiday continues each Thursday afternoon during the month of October. Mrs. J. G. Coleridge of Kingsville is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. MeTavish. Mrs. N. H. Durrant of Mitchell vis- ited this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston. Mrs. Ben Hislop of Thornbury vis- ited on Monday with her brother, Dr. J. P. Ottewell. Dr. Leslie Ferris. V. S., of Guelph was a week end visitor at his parental home here. Mrs. Ellison and son Rufus visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Holland. Mrs. W. G. Duncan of Toronto re- turned home after a fortnights visit with relative here. Master Don Graham of Kimberley was the guest of his friend, Jim Thurston, a couple of days last week. Visitors with .Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson last week were. Miss Maud Richardson of Whitby and Mr. and Mrs. J. Latimer of Toronto. .Mr. R. G. Holland has been very ill during the past two weeks and on Friday became more serious. Nurse Hazel Wyville of Markdale is in at- tendance. Mr. Robt. Fisher was brought home from Owen Sound hospital on Sunday, i.s still confined to his bed but we hope he will soon be aLie to be around at his usual haunts again. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ottewell left on Thursday last for their home at Los Angeles, Calif., after spending the |ia-t two months in Ontario. The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. John Wright on Wednesday. October Vth, at 3 p.m. Roll Call, "Current Events" Every- body welcome. Heavy rains fell on Sundav and the morning church services ^ itlered as a result. Since then the weather ha- been colder with ' ;, frosts eafh night. We hope .or warmer weather through October. Mr. C. Potts of Toronto to.ik the service in St Inhn's United Church and at CevUMi on .Siinda" ."i .lehaif . f the OntaiUi remprMan'.e *'" aeration :ind spokf on attituH- . the Feder- ation or. '.he pre-' : ' ,;overnment con- uo] of 'i.i' -I'les. FUR TKiMMED COATS FOR THS LADIES 25 oil!) CM; . quality lur trimnied Loai^, all puK- ».v â-  1 ciulhe.s and inaii\ styles iruif .•â- .'.!' li to eiiuiisc. \ a!ur> iii llu- jut v,\, .. LOOIJ; V.hU. Extra special $19.50 LADIES' SILK. DRESSES FOR $1.49 I lUO fine quality crepe (lies.ses---iiian} dilicient shades, .short and lonj^- sleeves. J<egiilar i^2 ')5 value. Extra Speital each $1.49 HOSIERY FOR WOMEN AT A LOW PRICE Manufactureis" clearance of odd lines 111 Fall and Winter husierv â€" all sizes and .shades â€" a larfjfe table from which to choose. Special, pair 25c JUST ARRIVED FOR LADIES . 50(J pairs Kite /Xrch Shoes â€" a real (jiial- if^ .shoe in lilack and l>ro\vn Kid, from A.A.Tfel to triple Iv We guarantee this shijie t.o')»-iye excellent serrice. Special at per pair $3.95 MEN'S TWO.PANT SUITS AT A LOW PRICE SO'oVily, Men's 2 pan^sJIits in fine wor- sted cloths. Many i)attPrns from which to choose â€" in sizes ^6 to 44, "Sold every- where for $10..S0. Extra Special $15.9.'i MEN'S WORK TOOUSERS ^ . 10 doz. only. Men's neavy quality cot- , ' ton worsted wor?f"trouscrs in various pat - tern and ci»Iors. loops and 4nff bottom.'*, sizes .U to 40 Per pair ...•. $L4§ PURE WOOL WORK HoSF 25 do/, i'lire \\ ool W oik 1 lose in gres and white colouring. Special 2 pairs tor ....'. 29c MEN'S FINE LISLE and CASHMERE -^koSE I'hesl hose are a clean up ol our 4.S, 50 and 05c lines. .\ real buy for present use 35c each or 3 pair for $1.00 SPECIAL SALE MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS .,r 100 i)airs only Men's heavy rubber boots with cleated sole â€" sizes 6 to 12 in the lot. Special p^r pair $2.29 GROCERY SPECIALS l'"resh 1 'runes 3 lbs for 25c Rose P>rayd Salmon 2 for 19c h'resh vSweel lliscuits 2 lbs. for 25c Fresh Dates 4 lbs, for 25o A good Japan Rice 4 lbs. for 25c Cowans Cocoa V2 lb. tin for 14c l-'resh Snda Biscuits 2 lbs. for 25c Canned I'ea.s, No. 4 sieve per tin 10c Cream of Wheat 8 lbs for 25c Corn Flakes 3 for *;.v^..; 23c .Assorted Canned Soups 3 for 23c New Honey 5 lb. tin 50c 10 lb. $1.00 Pork and I'eans tall tin lie rMb^ ALL Al»VERTISE .\ hev s not supposed to ha"e Mu' |i .-omnion sense or tact. Vet ,.•. I ry time she lays an egg, â-  1 cackles forth the fact. A rooster hasn't got a lot Of intellect to show. Hut none the less most roosters have Knough good sense to crow. The mule, the most despised of beasts, Ma.s a per.sistent way Of letting people know he's around By his insistent bray. The busy little bees, they buzz. Bulls bellow and cows moo, The watch dogs bark, the ganders hiss .\nd doves and pigeons coo. The peacock spreads his tail and squawks Pigs squeal and robins sing And even serpents know enough To hiss before they sting. But man â€" tlk. geratest masterpiece. That nature could devise. Will often stop and hesitate Before he'll advertise. NOTHING TO REPORT ' Sporting Events A boxing show is being held in the Flesherton Arena this Saturaa.v even ng and a good show is e:-. cted. These amateur boxing matches bring the fans out in large numbers and every- body has a good time. There is plenty of pep and action in the bouts. Flesherton high school Softball team lost out 22-21 with the Thorn- bury school team on the tatter's grounds, Saturday afternoon. Thursday. Oct. 8, is the big day for thp rigti school athletes in Grey County, when the field meet will be held at Dundalk. Meaford and Thornbury schools joined the group this year, with Chatsworth, Markdale, Dundalk, Durham and Hanover the other members. It is hoped that the day will be warmer than for the local meet last Thursday, when everybody almost wilted from the cold. There were quite a number of spectators despite the unwelcome weather. Vandeleur won the right to compete in Markdale this Friday against the boys' public school softball teams of the County when thev defeated Flesh- erton 3 â€" 4 in a splendid game. Flesh- erton mixed school team will also de- fend the honors won last year. BOTH REPORTS BAD "Look here, young man," said th« playwright, "this report doesn't say very nice things about yf c work at .school.'' "Coming up in the r,r«in, dad, I was reading about the pliiy you liad pro- duced last night and â€" " '.Better hf ^ you' e&, young fel- f ,•;â- â-  I Small Advts. Glove picked up on street.â€" at this office. .\pply FOR SALE â€" Genen.l lurpose Mare, also 3 months old colt. â€" Harry Genoe. Flesherton. , â-  "» ROOMERS WANTED â€" A conpU (if girls wanted to room for tb« winter. â€" Mrs. Parker, Flesherton, (Across from High School). FOR SALE ~ A qaat;tity of fresh lime. â€" Harry Akins, Proton Sta- tion, R. R. N0.8. FOR SALEâ€" Dressed chickpns and boiling fowl. â€" Mrs. F. J. Collinson, ("eyltin. Phone 21 r 3. NOTICEâ€" Good prices paid for horses ; or cows suitable for mink feed. â€" j .1. R. Sinclair, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" Stove and nut coal, $13.50 per ton, free delivery within B miles. Terms: Cash.â€" A. C. Muir Ceylon, Phone 38 r 3. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT â€" 91 acres of good crop land with good buildings, good well at door with windmill; hydro runs past farm; three and one half miles from Markdale.â€" Apply to Silas Hill, Markdale, Ontario. HOG FOR SERVICE FOR SALE â€" old. â€" .A^iply Flesherton. Jersey cow, 5 years to Edward Ottewell, The young reporter was senl-out to write up a society wedding lfor the local paper. He returned an hour or ,Mi Inter empty-handed, and the in- dignant editor demanded explanations as to why he hadn't written his "copy." "Oh, that's all right!" said the young man. The bridegroom didn't turn up at the church, and the bride tried to kill herself, so they had to cancel the ceremony and there's noth- ing to report." .\ few baskets of large green toma- toes, untouched by frost, at 20c per basket, if you supply your own re- ceptacle. â€" The Advance Office. FOR SALE â€" Registei-ed Hereford bull, 1."? months old, also •ne six ' months old.â€" Wm. Fadden, Fev- ersham. SrrRAYED â€" From Lot 22, Con. 12, Artemesia, in the beginning of .July, one small red steer.â€" Wallace Gra. ham, Eugenia. FOR SALE Grey County Egg Grading Station, also lots adjoining the same, wilj sacrifice for $250.00 cash. â€"Tnomas Owler, 40 Doel Ave.. Toronto. A good young pure bred Yorkshir* hog will be kept for service on Lot 14, Con. 5, Osprey. Terms fl.OO.â€" Luther Mills, Maxwell, Ont BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Boar for ser. vice; terms: $1.00 if paid within four months.â€" Laurie Pedlar, Flesherton. Ont., R. R. 3. BUSINESS CARDS DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office Hours â€" Aftemoons 1.80 to 4 Evenings 7 to 8J0 rfundays and Thursday aftemoona hf appointment only. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST OFFICEâ€" Dr. Bryee's Old Stond. T«l«phone 69 NOTICE TO TRESSPASSERS Ti-esspassing and hunting on part lots 83 and lot 34, Con. 11 and 12, .Artemesia, strictly prohibited.- Bert Magee, Eugenia. NO COMPLAINT George â€" "Did your father complain i about mo staying so late last night ?"i Marge -"On the contrary, "e asked | me how I could he so thoughtless as to ' let you go to work without any , breakfast." PROPERTY FOR SALE In Flesherton 6 room house, brick veneer, hard and soft water; about two acrea of land on which is â-  largt barn with cement stabling and gamge. Apply to W. J. Meads; R. R. 3, Pripevjlle. PROPERTY FOR SALE WM. KAITTING Licensed Auctioneer for the county of Grey. All laloo conducted on Business principlw all parties requiring work done on tho above lines will do well to call at tha Advance Office or write Wm. KaiU ting. Eugenia. Thone 4Sâ€" 11 Mildmay is sure of a new post of- fice. The contract has hern let to • Toronto concern at $7,750, In Priceville two ."i acH? lots, on one jif lots good frame houie with good cellar, frame barn, wifli basement stable, orchard fvf "< ^uif trees. â€" â- ^pply to Mrs. K$te Mm-ij^onald. Piice- •ille. - \ hi^Lrliy. Pvince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.P. & A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, the second Tuesday in oach month. w.M., Alfred Down; Secretary. C. J. Bellamy. -T" DR. T. H. SPENCE VeterJnary Sargeon and i)«t» Orndaate of Ontario VdMrtamrr O"*- lege, Professional Service* iwaaon^blo, â€" Phon* Onndalk, 61 r 11. I Y. 1*- i.J â- 4 â- 4 â- li ii *

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