Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Oct 1936, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADV.\NCE Wednesday, October 2L, 1936 » .â- â€¢Â» r--i MAXWELL A splendid program was presented by th« Virginia Jubilee singers Sat- urday, October 17 in the Orange hall to a very large audience. The sing- 1 ers also gave two very fine salections at the morning service in the United! church. Rev. Wolstencroft of Flesh- erton preached a very acceptable ser- mon at the evening service that was much appreciated. The choir rendered i two fine numbers and Rev. Bushel! I '"'^^'^'^y" and Mrs. Bushell a du«t. The church ' Whooping cough has gone the was tastefully decorated with flowers ' '"^'""'^^ "^ '*»« ^^'^^ children in thia for the occasion. Mrs. J. Jones of Buffalo and Mrs. Walters and daughter of Whitby vis- LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS EAST MOUNTAIN Mr. A. B. Idle attended the teach- ers' convention held at Thornbury on Thursday and Friday. Mr. Lome Sewell of U. S. A. vis- ited his aunt, Mrs. Wm. Harbottle fc.lMiSt.KLr.'i Visitors home for Thankagriving PRICEVILLE Will. B«iCon gave a splendid paper on current events. Miis May Stewart ' put on a musical contest which w»s won by Mrs. D. Campb«U. Rev. N. rORONTO LINE NORTH Mr. Wm. VeadelJ of Ro«ldyn : toe past w«ek with hia coueio. pent Mr*. MacDonald wa.i the guest speaker and ^ R. Richardson and family. gave a very interesting discourse on ' Mr. a.nd Mrs. Ted Henson, Bob*. "-The Traditions and lore of Scotland' ' Margaret and Jack of Barrie spent The stimng hv»!y Women's In- : which was much enjoyed. -Arrange- : Sunday w::h Mr. and Mrs. Richardson. were. Miss Genaldine Weber and Mr. stitute of this neighbor'nood held a I ments for a social evening was plan- ( Mrs. Henson^ father Mr \bererom- .\Tt Wardman; Mr. and Mrs. Ken fine at-home on Wednesday evening j ned for shortly, after which a dainty I bie returned home w>h them Betts and babe; Mr. Ashley Fawcett,- last at the home of one of their pop-j lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. i visiting here the past week. McBr.de, Macphaii. Mrs. Lyness, Mrs. P. Muir ' Mrs. Harold Richardson aAar ited their father, Mr. T. M. Guy last week. Rev. Douglas Kendall and Mrs. Kendall called on friends here Satur- day. Mrs. Emerson Wright has return- .VIis« lola Graham and Miss Bessie 'i'*' members, Mrs. W. G. Stafford, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mill- 1 at which a good program was rei»- ward and Russel Chard and Miss Tena|dered and opened with a fine duet by Hutchinson. ^ â-  little Miss Sarah Marie McMillan and section. A number from around here attend- 'â-  ^^^ Watson, a wonderful offering Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ford and tiiree cd the sale of Mr. Otto Baker. I "^"^ ^'^'^^ youngsters, keeping their children of Owen Sound spent Thanks- { We are glad to report Mr. Bruce' ^^'^'^ *'"'*^'^ *°*^ '^^'"''"^°'^*'^- ^"*^ giving with Mr. and Mrs. G. Mc-j Hall able to be home again from thei'*^" *"'"* '^'^^"'^ °°«s ^^ <^^- M"- Mullen. hnsnita! ar V»rt^«u 1 ^ '"•?^t jang a couple of solos, a* and am in Toronto th» The community was shocked with the tragic word that little Melbourne Harbottle had passed away on Sunday morning about 11.30. He by her husband, Re» Principal Bell of the schooi hospital at Markdale. i bright sang a couple of There ended in death several years '^""P*"'^ ^^ her suffering for Mr. -John Haynes, on? '^^^• Tuesday morning early, when he pass-, *''^ ^^'° **°^ ^'''<'''' *^^' a^^companied was the' ed quietly away at his home at Kim-!°" ^^^ S^'-^''- M". (Rev.t Sutherland: ed home from Toronto much improved ' -â- Â°""^*^* *°° °^ ^^'"- ^""^ ^^'â- *- '^''"- berley. Mr. Hayne. was bom in;*^**" **''' * '°^"- ^'--"-^ â- â- ^- C- Mac- in health. Mr. and Mrs Angus Mor ' -^^'â- '^"'^- *^^ ^ ^'^''s * '°<'°^'^- "«: Yorkshire, England and came to Can-^P*'-*" ^^'^ ^ ^^"^ address, descriptive rison returned with her -^^""^^ *° '"°""' '*'* passing, his grief ada over 30 years ago. He was an '"'' ^^^ Joumeymgs m Europe, specially | 'â- â€¢'*'ne. Mrs. Parsley of Toronto is visiting '^^"^^'^ parents, two brothers, three ^lonest business man, upright m his ' '' Ro^^'-a^ ''^'^^ ^^ attentively list-j Mr. and her mother. Mrs. .J. Seeley. who is in poor health. The many friends of Mr. Robert and i T'^^l ^^T^^' "^^^ ^''"^'^ Miss ElIaAlister met at their home i *'^''^ **" Monday afternoon. to spend a sociaftime with them or fViday evening, as they are leaving this neighborhood for their new home in Collingwood. The evening was spent in games and music. An ad- dress was read by Mr. Geo. Ross and Mr. Fred 'Hale presented them with and Mrs. J. .A. Nichol and a social ; Billy visited friends time was spent over the tea cups. I first of the week The an^.ual meeting will be held at' Miss Gertrude Lever spent Sunday the home of Mrs. J. K. McLeod on ; in Toronto, her sister. Mrs. C. J. Nov. 11th. ^ Nolan who spent a few days here and Mr. Alroy McLean and friend of I Ivy Childs and little Dick -Nolan wiM Toronto nsited last week with his i spent the "past two-weeks refomed tat.ier and sister Nellie. i to Toronto with he- Mr. and Mrs. N'eil .Vornaan and baby Ruth of Ehandalk were recent visitors ' c A f T/^ ctm ii t k- /^t-i r\i^i with her father here. SAUGEEN JUNCTION St. Columba United Chorch pa-i-pose ' ~~~~" holding a masquerade Hallowe'en i f ""^"^f "^ T TL^ '°*° "* <.-^-ial on the i.tfa. Everv bodv wel- '. ^'-'^'-^ ^PPles at ClarKsburg. Miss Helen Badgerow is visiting {q Mrs. Ronald MacDonald. sisters. The neighbors and friends , dealings and will be much missed. Hei*"*'^ "''• ^'^ appreciated with a voteK^Hin^wood visited Wed.iesday at wish to e-xpress their sympathy to the was married 14 years ago to Mrs. ! was [ .A.nnie Graham of Manchester, who ; j survives, -Mr. Joe Rawlings is assisting his and Nellie and one son JohE un^-Ie Mr. J. Welsh at I>unean. (was 61 years of age. Services -Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMuIIen and' -onducted in the church by Rev. Mc- family and Mrs. .\nnie Seeley spent J Auslan. Intennent took place in â- â€¢Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. 'Markdale cemetery, rhard of Rock Mills. Mrs. Seeley! Dr. S. C. Cerner of Toronto called a handsome electric floor lamp and Mr. E. Hawton and Mr. Chester Long presented each with a purse of money. Mr. and Miss Alister e.xpressed their thanks in a few well chosen words. The ladies served a dainty lunch. . remained for a visit. -Mr. and '^Irs. Harold Loagheed and tamily of Jaion were recent visitors â- â€¢vith Mr. and Mrs. Comfort Thompson â- ind family. Mr. .\. Idle spent the week end at •^larksburg. on Mr. and Mrs. during the week. Geo. Hutchinson ' He was on a trip The opening of the professional hockey season is only a matter of a earliest of inventions. Just as spoon- little over three week? and that should j ing is among the most ancient of bring up thoughts of storm windows. râ„¢es. of thanks. We enjoyed a very fine motor also two daughters, .Annie ' '''-P °° '^^ finest day of last week, ggjwith a fine old-time friend, ui egg were met with other fine friends a.nd enjoy ed their kind hospitality a.id friend- ship at Flesherton. Other towns were called upon on the way to Holla.nd Centre. Willianisford and home by i'urham. .\ rough detour was made â- hroagh Quebec, New Brur.swick to!':" '^*«-"*Pe road improvements being St. .Johns and Bay of Fundy. giving "'^"^ °^ ^^^ way .to Berkeley. .A. trip the Valley the great compliment of '-''e this is satisfying in a double "the most beautiful sight during the ' **"*^- * .Dl«»*>ire in seeing fine farnu whole trip." i ^"d buldJngs, and others again, well. Mr. and Mrs. Dewar of Toronto ' ^' "^l'^* ""-^ ^"^1 ""^'•« 5a*isl"'«d 'f'th^ *«^ visitors last week w-::h spent the week end as guests of their ; ^''^i'" own by comparison. j ?-ncIair^and other friends. Spoons, it is said, were among the 'niece and nephew. .Mr. and Mrs. Car! ' The third court case recently held I Mrs. S. Grant ( nee U rise Matheson) Carruthers. I in Hanover involving some of our â-  "^ Toronto, spent Thanksgiving with We would extend our sincere sym- ' boys was dismissed. The >eason ^^. ^""^ *'-'^- ^- ^anipo*'!- . pathy to the Walton families in the sriven (by the "Hanover Post") was.' , '"• ^'""^ ^'-- -^".-hie MacCuaig eel- death of their sister. Mrs. John Alex- as on^ of th^ four haH >,^n f;„»^ i '^°^^'-'^ -*>«"â-  ^'-'° wedd-ng anniver- ander of Thornbury. -Andrew Hincks' Mr. and Mrs. '^orae Bell spent Sunday with the Mather famuv. Last wek a miscellaneous shower uud pop man, and on the way-j *â- Â»Â« held at the home of Mr. W. J iov-' M;M:!lan in honor of their son John and his wife who were recently mar- ried. The evening was spent in da.nc- i.'-.g and good music sapplied by Mess- rs Wra.. Colin and .A.ngus -McMillan â- ind the Whyte Orchestra and others. T'ne bride ai'.d groom were the re- cipients of many beautiful and useful sifts. Lunch was served at midnight. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilbert and family of Toronto. M.rs. I Toronto. Mr and Mrs. Harvey White and : Mr. a.nd Mrs. E, Wh te visited o»«r the hoU.iay at M-'. Root. White's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hal'i^iav attended the funeral of Mr. Halliday's sister at Holstein on Monday We extend oar sympathy. Mr. and Mrs. Fra.ik Bailey of To- ronto visited Sunday at Mr. Joe B»d- genjw's. Mr. Edd Batchelor is home from Badyeros. Miss Mildred Sharp of Toronto vis- ited her sister. Mrs. QThos. White. recently. •â- Woman to be sentenced for shop. lifting."*â€" heading. When it comfM to facelifting thou^'n. they get awmy pas- ; as one I S1W.0«) of the four had been or three months in ja HENDERSON'S Meat Market WEEK END SPECIALS Copaco Bologna 1 2 lbs. 25c Copaco Breakfast Bacon . . tb25c Homemade Sausage . lb 15c Boiling Beef . . lb 10c Choice Roasts of Beef . lb 14c ; Round Steak . . lb 18c ' .\!.l. WKVA- HOME DRV.) >SKn 1 Lard and Shortening 2 lbs 25c 1 Specials for Cash ofily 1 PHONE 34 -».!- FLESHERTON Mr. and Mrs. Les Mc Mullen enjoyed the company of Fevershara friends over the week end. There were over 100 from Kimber- ley attended the school fair at Rock- lyn, carrying home about 75 prizes.. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gordon were* some time with Mrs- John Haynes. We sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harbottle in the death of their son. Mrs. Fry of Kitchener was the guest of her brother. Mr. G. McCon- nell and other friends for a couple '^f weeks. Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Carruthers and family were Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lougheed of Vancouver. B. C. Mrs. Pierce Car- ruthers of Milliner. B. C: Mrs. Wes. Holman and Jim and Miss Jean of West Monkton: Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hodgkinson and Ronnie visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Carruthers. Master Harold Graham \-isited with '-' s friends. Jim and Earl Thurston, at Flesherton over the week end. this was sufficient. It would be a I'liie act for the other thre« implicated to chip in and help bear the brunt. .A.. W. M. S. nieecmg is to be held il already ^^'"^' ^"""'^^J' '^''^ 'o'^'" mother a.".d sis- 'r:i.j "t., . , ^<Jr :c Owen Sound Mrs. Jno. McFariane. Toronto, is visiting her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Harrison and a: the home of Mrs. Jas. Oliver oni""^"' ^''*' ^*^'^*' Harrison. >£r. and Wedriesdav. -A. play, "The old New Hampshire Home." Will be given on Friday even- iiS in St. Columba United by the Wareham Dramatic Club, which we hear is well spoken of. Mrs. .Andy Ford has, we are told, token up residence m Markdale dur- .11 the winter at least. Mrs. H. B. McLean, paid a, visit to her daughter on Monday last, found uU well, returning on Thursday with uaughter .-Vr.na from a three week's 1 • i.-it there. Mr. McLean. accompan-( led by his sister-in-law. Miss Edith I J antes, motored down for them. [ The windows are being put in. in the fine new house of Mr. Wm. .Ald- l.oiri, by that niaster workman, Mr. i ' Wilfred Watson. ' i Mr. -\!\>rus Clark is also busy build- ing a garage for Mr. John Mclnnis, Beth, Mrs. Cbas. Tucker and family. Eben- ezer. visited the first of the week •vith the Hincks families. Canadiar.s ate esasactl or; an average las- vear. •i*?;? Bridge used to be where you stood .«t midnight. Now midnight is wher vnu stard at bridge. HIGH SCHOOL GRADC.VTES PREFERRED We wll personally select sev. era! young men who are willing to prepare for positions in Radio Sou.id and Electrical indtistries. Those chosen will be required to take preli.mir.ary training at home then oome tc Toronto for instructions on <pec!al equip- ment not available I'-vally. Wr-te to British .American Institute of Engineering. Bay St. at Gros- venor. Toronto. Be Ready for Cooler Weather New Seasoi\ablc Specially OVERCOATS WIND BREAKERS STANFIELD UNDERWEAR LINED SMOCKS BREECHES ' .' HEAVY TROUSERS RUBBER BOOTS . . f . HEAVY RUBBERS OVERSHOES WORK BOOTS GLOVES AND MITTS WOOL SWEATERS WOOL PULLOVERS HEAVY SHIRTS WOOL SOCKS truck, on his property one time known ' Turkeys were scarce for Thanks- ' as Glory-in-the-HoUow. â-  giving and we are inclined to think' Mr. J- C. Harrison with comtjiend-; the turkey is a wise bird in making able enterprise, expects to start mafc- himself scarce at this season of the "S shingles this Monday at his new' year. I """• built on the site of the one des- 1 troyed. Mr. J. Chapman. Toronto, and his daughter, also Miss Grace GiMie, ; were visiting with friends here over â-  the week end. and took in the services : a: St. Colu-nba. Sunda\\ I We were pleased to meet with Mr. ! ar.d Mrs. \. Brawley. Beaton, up on a visit to the latter's mother. Mrs. W. Watson and Bro. W. G.. arriving Friday and leaving Tue.-siiav. 1 ' i Two quilts were sold at the Ladie* ' at-home by auctioneit McBride at $4.50 and f4.i.V, Merchandise Priced KID GLOVES WOOL GLOVES FLANNELETTE BLANKETS PAJAMAS ^ . NIGHTSHIRTS CHILDREN'S HOSIERY LADIES' UNDERWEAR LADIES' NIGHTGOWNS LADIES' PAJAMAS CASHMERE HOSIERY SILK AND WOOL HOSIERY LADIES' RUBBERS GOLOSHES AND MOTOR BOOTS FANCY WOOL PULLOVERS KNITTED SUITS F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, Onl. -Mr. and Mrs. .\rchie Ferguson and Mrs. Elizabeth Haw. Mr. and Mrs. Cioitlon McLcoti and Keith of Swinton' I'ark. visited Thui-sday at the home of Mr. Jim Sturrock. Mr. and Mrs. George Myles and ilamily of .\ltan Park visited last week at Mr. .\le.\. Carson's. Mr. and Mrs. .\. L. Hincks and family visited last week with friends at Chatsworth. Misses -Annie and .-Vgnes Harrow of j Chven Sound wer» recei't visitors with their sister. Mrs. Wm. Beaton. .Mr. Colin Mc<^ul and sister Bessie and -Mj-. Robt. Brodie, N'ornia. John and .\le.x. Brodig and Pat Purney of| Toivnto. Mr. and Mis. Bill .McKenzie and baby. Lilabell of Droniore, wer« visitors last week at Mr. Ben Mc- Kenzie's home. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKinnon ot Toronto were visitors last week at his brother and sister's. Mrs. H. R. Mc- Lean. His many friends are pleased to see him around again after his re- cent illness. Misses Mary and Isabel Mather spent the week end at their home. Miss May Stewart was hostess t» the Holdfast V. F. W 0. Club on Wwlnesday afternoon, with an attend- ance of :J4. Mrs. Edgar Patterson pi-esided over the "leetin?. .\fter ♦he usual opening exercises the roll call was answered by a jar of fruit fw th« Markdale Hospital. Mrs. Wrfte FOR FREE BOOKLET Pleas* inuii me yyur frw 52.paK« N.vk. ".Viv Vny A Fish l>ay"". con- taiatng owt 100 delighctul Fuh Rrcipm. the healthttJ. api^etizijic iioodtiess of Canadian Fishand Shellfish. Ser^c Fish Foods more often during the we^k. NS'hatcver t'ornv is most avail-ible to vou . . . iresh. trozcn. canned, smoked, pic- kled or dried . . . you will tind it an easily diprsted Rh-kI . . . rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, iodine and other health-giving elements. \ Yoii'Il ftnd its v.irierv of \ t'avour adaptable to count- Y less simple and delicious \ recipes. .\nd you'll tind ^ that Canadian Fish and \ Shellfish gi\e you full value \ in sound nourishment for V every cent spent. \ D€PARTMENT of FISHERIES OTTAWA ANY D A V SAIT KISH D€ LfXE I 1.2b. pAckjac* Iff S«fMl««s co«i oc o<iM<r Cmi^ dima i.ilt t),ii ttvi^Mohni. Bwcnr Tarn ttirr« • quarter cup >» lot wairr in wbKli fith wu itr^ihmfi, over £ah wbkh bjs Nxn piacr^ ga • •til tv«»(x^cn oi Jry :ntt?«jri Jmi bd^t tea*p..*oa ^7i pepper. Oit-p bor^i^boiled rii}C5 v-vrt &»ll »nri J*Jt graerousiy wn!l butttr. S<r>t «itk t'xnata sattcr. F I $ H D A V jT iE i t c ajMaxi^

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