UNDAY CH22LESSON I AW. hOVE. AND TEiMi'EK- APCCE (Intern-_tional Tempt-rance Sunday). â€"Konians 13: 1-14. Grtldcn Text. â€" It i.s good not to eal flt'Mh. ror to clr^iiU wino. nor to do anyti.in^ ivjicreby thy brother stum- Kcth. Koiaans 1+: 21. Devotional Reading: Romans 14: 1.0-Cl. Usginner Topic: A Kind Noishbor. Lcs.son MatiM-ial: Romans 13: 8-10. Mcjiiory Verso: Love thy neigh- bor. Romans 13: 9c. Pii;'iary Topic: Why We Keep liul-j.s. Le;-.Eon Material: Romans 13: 1-4. 10. Memory Verso: He that keepeth thy law, happy is he. Proverbs 29: 18b. Jii'.-.'.iv Topic: Junior Citizens. Lc'sson Material: Romans 13: 1-5. 10. Me.Tiory Verse: Love worketh no i!! to his neighbor: therefore love is the fulfilling law. Rom- an.<} 13: 10. Intermediate and Senior Topic: What Shall We Do About Drink- ing? T>»i);c For Young People and AduUo: Law, Love, and Temper- ance. ^ THE LESSO.N IN ITS SETflNG Time. â€" The Epistle to the Kom- an.i was written -A.D 57. Place: The Eplstlo to the Romans wai written to the church at Rome, from the city of Corinth, in Greece. 1. Let every soul be in subjection to the higher powers. Those are all the higher officers of the Empire, not only the Emperor, but those repuc- s:^iitiiii; the Emperor throughoui the provinces of the Roman Empire. For there is no power but of God; and the powers that be are ordained of Cod. Not only is human government a divine institution, but the form in v/hlch that government exists and thi persons by whom its functions arc crtercised are determined by his providonct". 2. Therefore he that rcsisteth the ro.vcr, v.'ithstundeth the ordinance o! God: and they that withstand sUa'.l receive tv) themselves judg- nu':it. "Judgment" in this verse means the judgment of the govorn- mont resisted, i.s., puni.^hment for d!;;o!;ri!ience t3 the government's ll'.T.:. 3. For rule:3 aro not a terror to the j'ood work, but to the evil. No {•,;)v:;rnn->,-nt, even th:)ugli it is cor- rupt, ever fundame:i'.ally arts to piMiish the good and favor tlie Vvronic. .\nd wouidc^t thou h;\ve no f •â- '.r of the power? do that which is g03d. and thou shalt h:ivj praise frr.i the rame. 1. F.ir he is a minister nf God to thc:^ for good. As much as we may d-:- '..ijrce with the policies of a gov- c:n;iictit, cvm, at times, with our ov.:\ we know that the ultimate ob- jc t, whether it be achieved or not, of govcrmcntal legislation is the wolfiu-o of that government's sub- jc:v3. But if thou do that which is cvi', be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is a min- ister of God, an avenger for wrath to him that doeth evil. The sword is here used as a symbol of authority and especially of the right of life mid death in punishment fir doiu.i; evil. Ti. Wherefore yi\ must needs be in subjection, not only because of the wr;ith, but also for conscience' sake. "If the state were only armed with niv-ana of punishing, it would be enough to regard it with fear, but it is the representative of God to as- sert justxe among men and hence it is fro;« a principle of conscience thit submission must be given to it." (â- '. For this cause ye pay tribute also; for they are ministers of (iod's service, attending continually upon thij very thing. The word here tran- 8l:ited "tribute" refers esiKH-ially to ta::03 upon houres. Iand.~, and per- so:â€"., and particularly to iinr.ual tax- es (:â- :•- Luke 20: 2-2; 23: 2). ?. Render to all their dues: trib- »ut3 t,> whom tribute is due; custom to v/hcm custom. The word "custom" hiw a Krcat many various meanings In the New Tcstanj^nt, but here re- fers especially to "custom duties." "tolls" (see Matt. 17: 25). Fear to who:n fear. "Such as is duo to an "authorized avenger of wrong." Hon- or to whom honor. It is a very bad sign in any country when tho.se who ar.' in authority are spoken of in a light way, and when men "set at nought dominion and rail at digni- ties" (Jude 8: 2 Pet. 2: 10.) 8. Owe no man anything. This, fmidamoiitally, refers to the preced- ing verso, i.e., we are not to owe to men what it is our business to pay- taxes, customs, fear, honor; but, of course, the verse also covers the matter of debts in general as well. Save to love one another: for he • that loveth his neighbor hath ful- filled the law. This ilebt we are al- British Planes For Canada v.-ays owing to men. The ne.\t verso explains th's fundamental principle of life. 9. For this. Thou shalt not com- mit adultery. Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not covet, and if there be any other commandment, it is summed up in thil Word, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Love al- ways i.s concerned with the welfare of the one loved. Love can never in- tentionally harm the loved one. 10. Love worketh no ill to his neighbor: love therefore is the ful- filment of th > law. The la>v here re- ferred to is, of course, that part of law which has to do v.ith the rela- tions between one man and another in this life. If all men sincerely loved each other, thousands of laws on our statute books could be can- celled, for they would be automatic- ally and enthusiastically obeyed. 11. And this, knowing the season, that already it is time for you to awake out of sleep. The sentence simply means that the conditions of the time demand that believers should be alert and at work. For now is salvation nearer to us than when we first believed. The salva- tion here referred to is that ultimate consummation of our redemption which will occur on the morning of our resurrection. 12 The night is far spent, and the day is at hand. (See I Thess. 5: 5.) This passage probably refers to the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. The Lord's return is ever in the New Testa- ment, not an excuse for indifference or carelessness, but an incentive for an ever-increasing holiness of life (see Heb. 10: 25, 37; I Cor. 7: 29; I Pet. 4: 7). Nova Scotia Coal In 1934 over 3,300,000 net tons of Nova Scotia coal were so'»l in Que- bec and Ontario being the largest amount on record since before 1913. This movement fell to 2.605,242 iiet tons in 1985, but prelin;inafy figures for the first six months of 193G hold promise of an increase even over the liVJI figures. Says Women's Vcles Have Little Effeci TORO.XTO.â€" The (|UfSlion of what women have done with sulTrage came up recently at the meeting of Emma- nuel College .Vlunini Association, and brought fiom Dr. Stanley Uussell. of Deer Pa; it Cnited Church, tlie remark that "tlip thing about women's suf- frage is that they have done so little with it." "The li.st speech I ever made was in favor of it," said Dr. Russell. "I felt that ail we had to do to have peace. soci:il reforms and all that so: t of thing v.as to enfranchise the wo- men. â- Kut now that they have got it, they don't seem to have done very much with If" Câ€" J» The first fleet of British planes to be built for Canada shown a., tliey were christened at Han-.vorth Aerodro Dir!>cto- Gt^neral of Civil Aviation. The live plant's are S. T. 25 .Monospars. mo by Lady Sh(';:n;irdi!Uf. wile of tho Miik Cost Survey What does It cost to produce milk in Ontario? -The milk producers of Ontario aim to have an answer to this question in the very near fu- ture. Thrtiugh the co-operation of the Economics and Dairy Husbandry Departments of the Ontario .Agricul- tural College and the Economics Branch, Dominion Department of Ag- riculture, a research staff is now en- â-º raged in this study. It is planned to learn the cost for every section of Ontario and for ev- ery type of market. To this task the milk producers' associations interes- Kouad Mufarrij, the leader of the Syrian National Purt«i Fouad Mu- farrij, is shown above after his a:- rival at Montreal. He was sent out of Syria by the French author- ities, who charged hun with leading the movement for indei)eiidence last spring. In Montreal he Is vis- ttius relatives. ted in cheese, butter, concentrated products and whole milk, in cooper- ation with the two above-named agencies, have thus far secured the active support of more than 1,500 individual milk producers throughout Ontario. Each co-operator has been supplied with an account book whicii has been carefully preparoii by the Oniailo .A.grieultural College and the Domin- ion Economics Branch, and approved by the joint committee of the milk producers. During the year, repre- sentatives of the Ontario Agricultur- al College and the Domi: ion Econ- omics Branch plan to call on each of the farmer producers to provide any desired assistance in connection with the keeping of the records. For some considerable time the milk producers have felt that the ac- curately <*»termined cost of produc- tion would be of great benefit to them In arriving at a satisfactory sale price. With this data at their command, they are convinced they will be placed in a more favorable positicn. On the other hand, the milk distributor, knowing the most advantageous consuir.er price and al- so his distribution cost as the result of his constant contact with consum- ers, ;s ,n an advantageous position in deali-vr with farmers. Many fact.^rs in addition to price Save the Tube Critic in the New Statement an^ Nation observes â€" I have in front of me an interesting little example ot German thorougiiness. It is a slip oi red pai)er which was attached to a tube of petrol used to refill the smoker's lighter. The tu«r.' w«3 about the size of a toothpaste tubfi* On the paper is printed a warning not to throw it away as useless be- cause it contains valua')le metal which tile State has to Import. Hoa are instructed to give it to your reg- ula;' raK-iiiid-'ione man ilhrcii .A.1- tmateriuliensammler I. who will see that it is put to proper further use. London Pomp and Ceremony Elsie Janis, "Sw-eetheart of the .-V.E.P'.". pictured bo:wding a plane at Newark airport to liy to Denver. Col., where she will be the honored guest of Jie 37th .-Vn- nual Convention of Veterans of Foreign Wars. Prit r to ihi' cU-flicii of \hv new Lord Maycir nl London. Sir (jeoigo Hro:idbi-icigi>. at ine (;n'.lui>.:ill, the Lord ."\Iayor and Mayor-elect attended a setvice at Si. Lawrence Jewry. Photo shows Sir tleorge Broatf- bridge. the Lord .Mayor-elecl. in the piocession. Australian Girls Ready for Dehut in America Tlii.: smilin-T group hope to keep Australia to the fore while wielling lie id h<u-ltoy slicks. The team, including three delegates to the Inlernalional Hoelcey t'oufoi-euce to be held shortly in Phlludeli)hia. a.e a tine ban ot athletic young ladies, who, after a few games in Canada on the I'aetltc Coast, will leave for Milwaukee to start their seven weeks' tour whictt will lake tliem ta most o£ the principal cities betwecu New York and San Francisco. . ^