Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Oct 1936, p. 2

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CA^L^DA Their RewarJ Cirl-. who are golf sensations pot I'leir pirtiiip^i in tho newspapers, I'i't merits of a ko" ' pumpkin pic ira'.'cr i.?l m> ren>trti'ti»>:i I't all. â€" V.nvM .';tc. Mario r.av. Tut. Tut. Oop.sn't she pot lier iiumc in tho Fall fair i>ri:o li-!:.? â€" St!-:;tforfl Roacon- I!?ri!J. The Culljral Ideal .\io .s;l;o<>l sludio.-i to lie .'scaled i! v.n I I l!i.' cap.icjly (if the iisllosa ! ml iiK ompelent. and is tlic ruHural iuc'.ii |o l)o aI)an<lo:ie(!'.' Th? civiliz- inn; iitriufiices whiih have trans- fonred the voild came to Iiirtli •hen Kdiv.c. eniinc;;li.T practical and liai(I-lio:u!c<l ;;.'' she wa;;. nuned to •• ore im.-i.jrinative fireocc. and the •â- ilc!!cr!j:.il r-?!im'ni('iits it Iinif to of- ^, V. V.hit the .Vcadeniy at .Athens '.,)od fi.; - piiie iiiltuic â€" must never ' ,• aljnui'd to Ih' .s:u riticcd. \'i''.' ••i'l retain tlii' nan.e "aca- '' 'ii:!l" in (Mir educniiona! efforts, ' •' ::iv iMi; (iirninjc away from the :iirit ((Uinotcd !)y (lie name. Pi moc- • 1 -y i.i:: l c-indi:!! such deiheaninj: 1 ;; 'ciii ii-;:. if . Ii-ipes to .survive the ( l-u'i'i-n -i' of 1! c tiiiic.-. â€" iI;;;rilton Lho-.IJirt Be Pubhshed V:, : • V :, . M.v.u't'.ii!'^ in !!ie paper ;i' Uii tl.i' iliivd of a v:\r who ran li. M:!'li:ni- ir.t.i a rail.vay engine â-  t a IcM ! <i(is-ir;;r near Chatham. ; !: I tin- lailv.ay enjrinc was disal)Io(i i'.Mil li: d to lie tov.ed in, wliilo the :• i'.i> V \s i:(,t S','iious!y diiii'iifrcd. .'i;' u.is tJic dii\('r. V.' • il'iiilit niuc': v.hc'tl'or .such .'•â- :â- . Ill' i.e'.VH 'hiuKl ever he print- < I i;i If p;!|Hi;. .Son:? pcison Ls .".'â- rii.t liviiul !'i i mile to the con- 'â- "â-  '"•â- ''â-  "If ;i ii-.an ii T.r ClKiinani can '! 1 t:' '. ; 1 can 1." It i^ much safer drivers doinR so many wild things on our roads today that it is not well to encourage tho belief that the le.sser force can sueccessfully con- tend with the greater. â€" The Pctct- buroiiich Kxaminer. Thrill of Death The craving for "thrills" cost the lives of ton young peo])le near Pitts- hurgli, Penn., on iiunday recently. "A thrill or your n-.oney back," was the slogan which induced llicni to go for a ride in an airplane. A few nionient.s after the plane left tho ground it plunged into a wood.- and caujrlit fire, and then the ten excur- sionists were given the "thrill" â€" but it was tho thrill of doatli. It Is such incideuls as this, which are keeping a large nuinber of per.sons from becoming air-minded. Tlic air- plane i.s n wonderful invention, and it id destined to occupy an inii)or- tant place in tlio transjiortation syslciii.s of all countries, but it is a mi.itake to regard airj)lancs as in- struments for prfiduciiig 'thrill.-." â€" Chatham N'ews. Wrong Setting In .Spokane, Wash., a thief was subjected to X-nxys and seven dia- mond.-; were discerned in his interior. It was the conclusion of tho judge that this was not the right setting. â€" f!' Miilford Kxpositor. 1 : 1 11 ;c I -lid '.â- !iic;i ii, il)c be- l'c:'po For Education if I i>r<l Twi-cd. inuir never did â-  !iytl'.i;i;: tiKHe in Cantida than to I i;'!..' -â- fic'.clH-' su.li :;s the one he I. u ;.,• tiu- (ili-.'i evfiiing l)ef<ire the ' :d.r' ; .-nd 'U.-iduatos of Victoria I''ii-.< .. ,'y. hi- l"riu!o df office •..o;i!.| .-.tiil Iv woitiiwiiiie. Kiir this' ,.(•:•â- â- '.> o.aliiiel a p.irpo. e .-ml ideal .!i C'l^ ati'i!! \\'iuh v.e. in this coun- ' â-  'â-  . '' J* * IK) ;i;i' i I) for;:i'l. â- i'w..r,]^,Mi(ii- did not toll 1 ':n\ 0.'- ir; ll::it the jiurpose :â- â- !! • :: ; to train young men ' â- ' ill hU\ to in.ike money. ..••!i- iif t)if '-li-.i;ig philoso- â-  b'd Sij a iii.i-.er.'iity slutuld :â- â-  Oiii. si'I.' iciiTemi' and i; â-  K I 1- Ciilicr a cool, sane ;i â- -;â- â- ;. M-i ;ttitiide to the ';i:id iii." :: 1 r: J ' ii-. Jiiy S..I -.ey." d/.!iiiiii. "then I'.iy III' life, u i.y i.i'.ici i:;i(,n a humble and 1 ]it:M'..:ii. The duty of i-.iy i^ I'l liansmit to the .•â- .â- :itiiin tie |i!iiI(i.-iophy which Uairtd fmni oi:i- fathers, npt.'ied !'y our own •ly ;i: I.. II i; nil â- I •1; d I . ,d T. ! V' I. li 'â-  penei! r\ , •I v.iil !,(• (Ic. (::;â- !. i:. I. of cjc :i(i'i:i fi;'-;- tM.t!. .•..â- ail''. ;; d I'l.r oui ciillural lor t'e whole future aiM.iii'j us, if v.e keep ill I. ind 'I'iie Ottawa A Rail ProbleiT. .'-j.ii-iev- t.Viii.- presented a inob- k'!ji to tie fondiictor of an .'imeri- < an lailuay v.hwi only one of the pair |i::d lioufj-Iit a ticket. It seems ru'i'j.d Iroulilcs of 1-ite sildom ' ' -n" .'â- !ir-''\ . r/I.-i-! ii.nging in Choirs 'i :;e (h.laiio .Mu.ic Teacher.s' As- â- o lal.on I a.'i liccii in conferences in 'Ii.iiiali), an<l v.l-.ctiever lliere is a rinfei.ne or a convention one may be ceitain .some person will rise up .â- â€¢ml t:ay something (|uite unusual. I.'airy llolgatc of St. Catharines, <lain:ed "it i.s almost inipos.<iu!c to net even third-rate choruses for our ihurrhes today." And Toronto or- ganists iind elioir masters .started at once saying yes iind no. The trouble Booir.s to be in getting male voices. The voung men find so many otlier things to do today they have no time for <ho:r practice.- The I'etor- borough K::aniinei-. K;s Method The village bincksir.itli was a cockney Unglisliniati with a .sense of humor. One day u customer called and a.sked hi.s price for welding a piece of iron, a very small job and v-.-cnt into detail by asking the smith how he arrived at his charges^ whether he cbarged for the lime consumed, or bad flat rates for the different jobs, etc. The smith replied: "When Id gits mo job done, hi looks hit hover, and charges hall that my conscience will hallow. Then hi shuts me eyes and doubles hit."â€" Kxchango. lief that if a car and an engine meet nt a level trossing tlic railway en- gine will deal roughly with tl-.e les- Ber contender and at tho same lime may demolish the driver. There arc C-4 Fuiure Aviatori> ()i:i' Uiousand slinU :its are to bn i;e- lettrd from South Afri( a univorsilies foi training In the new Air Force Ilo- .•icivc. Pilots will be trained at the rale of 200 a year. It may bo ro- marked t:iat respou.so in Dritain to the governments appeal for youths to juiu tlie Royal Air Force has bi," n inimeiliate. France also is makint; great efforts to '-(atcli them young." . . . Canada has a notable record for c:inying freight and passengers up in- to the northern mining sections. Olliirwist; aviation ti'vclopiiient Iieie la^s somewhat. We might take a leaf out of our sister noniliiion's book and encouraRe the li).'ht airplane ehbs moi'^ - ?.!ontroal Star. Uphold British Traditions With th,- lifting of depre.'^-ion conditions there is evident in differ- ent parts of tho Kinpire reali:;ation tliat tho question of niigratio,. mu.st bo considered. With abundance of ro<im. the bars canr.ot be kept u]) in- definitely. .\nd it Is a wholc.-ome .sign that all discussions stress the wisdom of filling tlie?e vacant sjiaios witli settlers who will uphold lliiti;-h traditions. â€" Toronto Cllobo. The World's Best Seller Tlio extraordinary (Icmaiid, all ovi-r the world, (or the Holy Hible is well illustialed by the fact that the liible .Society last year Issued over eleven and a half million copies. No other work printed, old or new. enjoys any Ibliip like such KJdesproad readinr;. I'urt of tho demand, no doiilit. is for leplacenientH of worn-out copii :;, and part leproaents new readers won through the spread of literacy. Hut. as the London Kpectator rein;iil;!i: "At a time when liio decay iil Inter- est In religion lends lo be l:ikiu for ;4ranled (far too ii :idily and on cjuile iiisiidicient Kroiinds) this ce.'iM'le-s and increasing absn pijoii of copies of the liible i.s a fact of sonifi iji;'tiillc- ame"- Montreal Star. The Empire Betrayed We usually think ol children when Hie new war on the civilian iVoni is envisaged. And what do children (and also tbeii parents), when they lit lliiir gas-nuisks and do their lire" drill, think of the world Into which they have been btirn ani4 thai last war which wa; to make it â- 's:il'ij for doniocraiy"?â€" -HoiiK Kong Press. Win England-Africa Air Race % " â€" ' • >v W- ('. \V. Si.itt. .M. lljDir ill' ah- rae,. v.jiuier in ili:;!. a:; I Cil;:! Culiii:!', vsitli their "Vesa Cull." in whicb ll'.e;.' won the Ka:.;l;iud to ,|olianm>sl)Urg $2n.0i*0 air race, 'ria' jiair. v.i;!i Ill-Mr p:;iiu\ rcceivc^U $20.1100â€" the .spe- c!:!l s:iee(l prize. Spoiling Warfare War behind the fiuiit, war that drops out of the blue into Jolly towns and gay dolngK, war that chokes WDiiRii and chiMien. tint shows no respect for .jai|iortant <li rectors of liii|ioitiint comiianies. •'con- stant readers" of tlie Dally Miracle, church warileas and dea.ons, tbc man who hoars (he chimes at midnii^lil. the man who keeps the Stock Kx chan.ue bir-y and tho man who never misses a cui) match or â- < (Movent (lar- den ball, no respect at all for all the propn <r till! Hritish Coiistilutloii and lirilain's greatiie.ssâ€" si:cli a v.-.ir Is a now and terrorlnspiriiis idea. A wa. whicli is not eonlined lo profes- sionals is no longer a gontloni:iniy war. It ha.s ceased to be i;loriou.s and lionorabb'. al become insttae lie.; tial, a crimi! a.^ainst humanity. I'he devil that lives in (lie pc/itocr is definitely f;ij;htened. Ili'tter he thinks to be (lit oft from ibsirable protiis llian to lose his own life. Prolils aro still at :iictive if tlity tan be made out of honest iieulrulity, as, f : instance, by a scrap between Italy and Aby.'isinia. but th'-' liu:dnc-';s ci being dra«-:.;ed in is (luiM- aiiot'.'.ci- m".t- ter.- Cal.-tnta Ktale.sniali. IS-Hour Trip Fv'-ontrea! To We:t Concl Main Uno Vb. Avr:rr:.vi-j-^<2--'r Se.-v!c-j Lr-le-.^ ; o LrI;c''.crJ C".i.;e3 Toronto. Wlivn airports have been completed, a .service w^ill be operated also from .Montreal to Halifax. Five p!anc.5, two flying and three standbys, will be reciuirco for the Ihrou;:!) service. At first it is 1'!:.' that Lockheed Electra planes, with capacity for ten paRssn,";ers, will be used. Later the 2n-pa.';:;en,Tcr Doug- hs plaric:^ may be used, the .smaller planes being put on the feeder lines. The .service will not be operate! directly by the government, but 1 robal ly will be let l-y contract "to a comj.any close to th • government," the minister said. The railways may 1)0 conntcted closely with tho oper- ating company, ho intimated. Ilestrsscs for Plain's It is liliely that hostesses, which .tie used en all the loni; di^:tance air lines in the United Stales, will be part of tiie cews in Canada. On a I'j-hour fli'r'it there nu:st be sou-e ; -.-nvi.-.'cn tor servin.i r.ical.s. and itlr.-r sc "vie .•., and hc-ites-scs do much to ir-.r-.-r.! pu'di,' c.infulenje in the service, the niinist:r said. The rev.- ; . '-vice v.oul.l '. in;, l-a.''; ;> C;i.i;a-la r.a'l and pa.'.n.ger busi- ;iis. r.ii.v going to air I'ncs in the .-. Hon. M:. llov.-e de- otil 1 not rii a:i any l.ss ror the ra iways. b.it on liK' airv;.-.y f'cder lines r b'iisim;-s to the rail- Trans-Cai'.-.i i;i air n.ail and )-,a- . cn^-u A !'.-. â- â- â-  l-.aiidling go into o;;;-ralion .Inly 1 Monln al v. CO. v.- I'l n^>:t friuii i.Ti'l Toro:ii,) t ) Var.eotiver, ', n-iiiil d:r of trans- ;;t tl-.e llcil of llv Hon. C. I), llov. port, :i:i;-.;)un.-i -i Lakes r.-e.i.tly. A fe.-dei- service v. ill l;e provided from Arn-islrong to th.- Head of the- Lakes, although tbi- may rut I-j in opera' ion by July 1. Technical e^:- perts of tho dcpartr.-.'..':U still have to determine whether hydroplanes or land p'aiics should be used o.i the route, the min stei said. Hon. Mr. Howe recei.cd with c-vi- c'enl Kali; faction, new.i that the city councils i;f Fort Williiim iind !'ii:l Arthur had upproved the princ-'pL- of leasir;:: land for an iii'.-port fit in- tercity. Daly .Ser» ice The Trans-Canada service v;ill be daily each way, flylnt» the distance from Montreal to Vancouver in lo hours. Connection will be made for Toronto at Scotia Junction, north c,f I n tcl i clai-el. It i 1 bi::;lr.'. . ,ii? coiit::' V.llfld li .v;.ys. li - :iai.(. Ali-eady a'L'oiit ST.IKtO.l;: ;i ha: been invested by the Doiiii:ilnii in the a'r- fields, nir.->t of it belni^ spent for re- i'cf v.-c.l--. An e:;pendituie of a fur- llier tsl.Omi.O.'ld v.-ou'd b- rcriuiiTd o:i airports. !-. :u'i;-.s. an, I i :;-.r;;:.:e!il. Per::.r.rnl cf tl-..- i irv'ce had n-d hfcn cl-.c..-n yit. the mlnl.ster sai.l. l:i fa.-t. he ;-;ii.', the per.-onnel pre- scn'.e;! a (ilbicuit prubc:.!. particu- hirly in tlu ;:.-ound s;";vli-e v,-h;e!i v.as ve:'y technical. Th.^ dcvclo;)- iiicnt of air .s^^rvlce wcuM open a nc.v Held for y'li:!^^ men, with much op- portunity. I'l.vlnâ„¢ services r.o-.v em- ! luy about ten men on the ground for every cue in tho air, he said. Just back from inspection of the iiuajor United Titatcis air routes, the minister .vr.id that he v.as i:nprcssed liaiticu'ar'y by the rdceper planes used on tlie transeontinental service, lie spent a very comforta'ole night in one of the planes, he s:iid. Dur- ing his inspection he flew in a'most every type of eciul.-rment in use on tile pa.songer lines, and endeavored lo detorn-ilno the successful features ;f the Ame:^ican airway.'', he said. Fall Bulbs Need Plenty of Food BoFemeal I.s Excellent Food; AvniJ Fresh Manure An impression is often hrdd that bulb.s which are newly piantcd in the Fall do not require plant food. It is true that mature bulbs have stored up food in thoinsoLcs which largely spuplies the energy f )r early spring grov.-tii, and which may be •ufficient to produce a flo.ver. But this is on'y part of She vtory. At thi! tinia the flower is being produced a large number .)f roots arc being forined. These roots seek in tho soil for p'ant food and water v.-hich they supply to the growing plant. If the;:»e is a dofi:iency of plant- food in the soil, the growth of the plant is greatly hampered. The production of a vigorous, perfect flower of normal size and color re- cpiire.s this additional nourishment taken from the sai, without which the flower v/ill certain'y <<nff.r. and may fall entirely. I'''ully as important is fo'.vcr pro- duction is tho deveIopr;;>nt of well matured bulbs for the fsllo'ving year's flowering. Dulb .ilants that are neglected soon beconv," v.'orthless. Since bulbs start to grov so early in the Spring, it is difficult to work plant food into the soil so .n to get it down to the bulbs before gravth starts. -It is therefore advi :able to mix a complete plant food thorough- ly in the bottom of a trench at the rate of two pounds per 50 feet of row lieforo planting the bulbs. Also give a light feeding in the early spring. Sprinkle tho plant food around the plant shortly after it conies through the groun i. School. Angu.s is not just an averaera student. He stood third in his elasa last year and took honors in all his subjects. This year his aim is to stand right up. Myron -writes and draws with his mouth. He holds the pencil or pen or brush or whatever it is between his teeth. His writing is cxccdlent and some of his art work would do credit to students in the collegiate. He has done several landscapes in watercolors and shows remarkable ability with the brush. Myron is not a care, as one might suppose, to his parents. He does most things for himself, even to mashing his own potatoes. He merely puts the fork in his mouth and mashes them that v;ay. Chums pull him to school each day in a wagon and in tho win- ter tirvi ho is pulled back and forth on a sleigh. List of Unemployed Again Shows Drop OIJ Land Ha.s 7tli Straight Reduction in Unemploy- ment Practical Marvel A magnet that keeps a cord of light straight is one of the irter- esting and practical marvels recently prcduccd by a famous electrical firm. "Osiia" discharge tubes, whicli arc; well known in the ^igbtin;; of many of our streets, have been adapted to lloodlighting. and 'urge numbers have been installed for spectacular colored lighting effects These discharge lamps have no filament, but consist of i sausage- like glass tube containing two eltc trodes immersed in n ercury vap or. The electric ei irent jasses !'ri m one electrode to *'â-  e other, forming a cord of intensely 'uiiiinous vap. ur ah.-ii.t the thickness i nd length i f an or dinary pencil, and giving a light nt ne:irly L'..'>00 candle power. When used in a hori-/.ontai posi- tion, it v.-as found that the caid of l.ght bent itself upv.-ai-.Is at ttie i-isk of damairing the glass liit scientists discovered that if a suit- able elertio-niagnet ueie placed l.c- neath tie i iii.|i the cm,! ..f lignt could be hcdd centrally .vithin ihc g!a;s tube In lloodlighting iiKi.jectors this magnet is arranged to .swing so that vvhate\er the position of the projector the magnet i.i; ahvr.ys di- rectly beneath the lamp. I.OXDON, Kng.â€" Yet another re- duction in unemployment figures â€" this time of 38,132 â€" is shown in the returns for August. This brings the total down to il, 01.1, 9-10 and represents the sev- enth consecutive decrease this year. The big increase recorded in em- ployment in the coal mines was described by an official at the min- istry of labor as being due to a healthy industrial demand. .A contributory factor, ho auded, was probably, wet weather in Jury, v.iien domestic fires were renewed. The month's drop in the workless total would have been much greater be said, but for the exceptionally large batch of school-leavers â€" n.ore than 10,000 â€" wh.o liad come on the ro'jistcr at the end of the summer term. More AcresLge Is Advocacsd rio\ernnient Officer Makes .\ppeal to Farmers In Nova Scotia in> oy Oves'cosr.es ^1*. M.u-\\ l.a.1 lacks IJr-e of l.iin'r.;. Takes Honors in l:.\aminations S'rRATFORl) _ Lilth bny.s who don't like s.-iiool pnd wh > grumble when mother asks them to run to tho .'â- tore should know Mvron .â- \r>.-,-u.-, 10. year-old St. Mary's bny. .Myron has never known what it is to have the u.~e c;f his i^nnx and legs, and he never will. He cannot walk and run and play like other children, but probably ho i.s a^ happy as any ether la-l of h's .n.-re. Cer- tainly l-.e gets a thrill out of liv- ip'T. -Myron is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Angu.s and he is a punil in tho third boo'; nt Central Public MIDDLE MUSQUODOBOIT, N.S. â€" Nova Scotia farmers were urged to cultivate more land by Dr. Mel- ville Cumming, .statistician of the provincial department of ngricul- t'are. when he opened the annual Halifax County L'xliibition here. .Allowing for aboi't one-thii-d of .Nova Scotia farm holdings of 50 acn-s or less o.-ciipied by fishermen or others who aro not serio-,isly in- tent on farming. .Nova Scotia tarm- ois grow about live acres of grain per farm, compared with Prince lid .-.-:ii-d Island farmers' 15 acres and '-'< acres per farm in Ontario, ho said. N'ova Scoti.-i farmers grow about one-third acre of roots, P.K.I, farm- er; double this amount and Ontario farir.ers devote six times as much land to hoed creels. Dr. Cumming ;'.<Meii. In this province 73 per cent of t!-.e cultivated lan.l v/as d-.'voted to hay, Prince Ldv.ard Is'and l.ad o(\ per cent and Xew Krunswick 62 per cent. ' .And yet," he s:iicl. ".\'ova .'-'lotia :-â- '.: ireis mo:-.t fr.im shortage of hay in drought years. All these con- .'â- ic!e:-r.ti(in:i de-irly indicrat-j tlip.t no n-attcr what else may bo done, the improvement of N'ova Scotia agri- culture depends largely on cultivat- ing more land annually." " \ Mii:-ope;in v.ar niei'iis .i worla w: r." â€" r.ir V.'altei Cl'.ri'ic'. "The two most precious thiii,:;3 In thi:< wo-.ld ara liberty s:nd Jiistica. Noiiber can cxbit apart f;-c:a tlie othe:-." â€" NicIioU'.a Mur-.-ay B-Jtl:-r. Biff' ii'i "What did I tell you?" cried the hen, with a cackle of triumph. "Can I tell metal when I bump into it, or is the thing a rock'.'" "It's metal, sure enou;;h," answered the child, gazing tlioughlfully nt the curious key she hud found. 'I think it is pure gold, and it must have lain hidden in the sand a long time. How do you suppose it can, here, liillina? And Vifliat do you suppose it un- locks?" "I can't say," replied the hon. Dorothy glanced around. There v,as no .sign of any house in that part of the country, and she reason- ed every key must lit a lock and every lock must have a purpose. Perhaps the key had been lost by lomcone who livod far away, Iiut had wandered on this very shore. Musing on these things she put the Ley in her pocket, and said, "I believe I'll have a look around and see if I can Iind some breakfast." So she and the hen set out., Walking a little v.: y back from t' o water's edge, Dorothy came to a bank of white sand which seen cd to have cpicor markings upon Is sur- face. "What does it say?" .'bo asked the yellow hen, who trotted along beside her in a dignified fa.shion. "How should I know?" re plied the hen. "I cannot read!" "Oh! Can't you?" Certainly not: I've never been to school, you know.' Then, as they drew olo.ser, Dorot!..- read the sign aloud. ''What's a Whcc-lcr?" f..s:;ed i:i!- 1 .la, curiously.* "IVoplc \,ho w'lce!. 1 guofis,' replied Dorothy. "iYrli; pa they're automobiles,'' sMirgestet' t' o hen. "Several of nVy fri'ends have bean rtin over by a::tomo'jiles. Whero a:'e you going nov,-?" "To' itid !o:iietIiiii.g to eat," replied tl:o girl. When they reached the grovo Doro- lliy was disappointed for tb; \ • were â- 10 fruit trees. Then Ciliini ' Lool:," she sai I, 'I never tree like that before!" n * « '% i'> i.. * i no.Lc: aw u

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