Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Oct 1936, p. 8

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Wednesday, October 28, 1936 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Feversham Fair List (Continued from Page 4) out' pint peaches, Mrs- C. Ilaiilt-y, i Minerva Walter; one pint peurs, V. llewtfilli Minerva Walters; one pint plums, Mrs. K. Seeley, Mrs. C. Hanley; „ , ,,. „, , "'If pint cherries, Mrs. Jas. Legate, Hawton; three citrons, Mn.erva Wal- Minerva Walters; one rfnt straw- ter, Carman Conn; three cucumbera. ,^,,.i^,g^ Mrs. Bert Porteous, Mrs. Mrs. inkster, J. H. McDonald; one |„kster; one pint raspberries. Jas. musknielon, Alf. Hawton; two vegeU able oysters, C. Kernahan, .Mrs. J. LcKUtc; specials, best exhibit of po- tatoes, Mrs. F. Seeley. Fruits Five Talman Sweet appU's, J. H. McDonald, Carman Conn; five wealthy LonK, Mrs. F. Seek-y; oiii' pint apple ji'll.v, Mrs. F. Seeley, .Mrs. C. Hanley; one pint mixed pickles, Mrs. Jiis. Imwk, .Minerva Walter; one pint to- mato catsup, Mrs. Jas. Long, Mrs. C. Hanley; three varieties canned veg- itable.s, Minerva Walter, J. II. Mc- *Pples, D. Stephens, Alf. Hawton; | Donald; one (luart canned chicken. F. Duchess, E. Hawton, Mrs. Jas. Ot- | Jamieson; homemade candy, Mrs. F tewell; Alexanders, Jno. Brown, J. H.I.Sei.K.y, Mrs. K. Hawton; s|)ocials McDonald; Wolf Kiver, Carman Conn, ! laisjn pio. Bruce Mullin. Mrs. Inkster; snow, J. H. McDonald, ' Wcs. Quinton; Russ.t. Carman Conn, i »'«'''«*' ^^•"â- '^ (L«eful) Jno. Brown; Northern Spy, J. H. Mc. Donald, Jno. Brown; Ptwaukee. Jno. Brown, D. Stephen; collection of plums, J. H. McDonald; collection of pears, J. H. .McDonal.i, Jno. Brown Dairy and other Produce Crock of dairy butler, Bruce Mullin, E. Hawton; .5 lbs. dairy butter in prints, Mrs. W. Fadden; E. Hawton, Alt. Hawton; home rendered lard. Crociiei quill, Minerva Walter; 'luili cloth pieced, Mrs. Rutlle, J. H. .McDonald; quilt cotton pieced, Mrs. McCauley, Miss McKinnon; ([uilt crazy patclwd. Mrs. Richardson, J. H. Mc- Donald; wooU-filled comforter, F. Jamieson; faiV;y bedspread^ cotton. Mis. Inkster, Mrs. McCauley; bed- spread, any other kind, Minerva Wal- tci', Mrs. F, Seeley; pair sheets hand' hemmed, Mrs. Ruttle, Mrs. Nicholl; Mrs. F. Seeley; maple syrup, Mrs. '"' •"'â- ''• ''"'->•'>-â- ' """• ii'vuuu, Bert Porteous, F. Jamieson; maple hemming on table linen, Mrs. Ruttle, sugar, Mrs. F. Seeley; specials, crock i •'^''^- Champ; house dress, Mrs. Ruttle, butter, Bruce Mullin; 5 lb. prints, ^''>'- Jas. Legale; child's dress from Mrs. W. Fadden. I old jfarnient, Mrs. Ruttle, Mrs. Jos. Loaf bread, yeast rising, V. Hewgil! Legale ; child's coat from old jjarnient, Bruce Mullin; loaf bread brown, Alf. -^''"^'rva Walter, Mrs. Russell; flan- Hawton, Mrs. C. Hanley; loaf fruit j "'â- '"*'""'^** P.vjama .suit, Mrs. Jas. Legate, bread, Alf Hawton, Mrs. Nicholl; loaf I â- ^'''**- N'ieholl; men's shirt, Mrs. Ruttle, date bread, Alf Hawton, Mrs. C. Han- •^'''''- •'""• Legale; pair men's wool -, -Irs. C. Han- iey; loaf nut bread, Mrs- C Hanley, J- H. McDonald; one gla.ss orange marmalade, Jas. Long, J. H. McDon- ald; baking powder bi.souits, Mrs. Jas. Legate, V. Hewgill; doughnuts J. H. socks, coarse, Alf- Hawton, F. Jam- ieson; pair men's wool socks fine, Mrs. Jas. Legate, C. Kernahan; pair mitts, coarse, F. Jamieson, Miss M. McKin- non; pair mitts, fine, Miss M. Mc. McDonald, .Mrs. W. Fadden; bran muf-j '^'""on, Minerva Walt^-r; hooked rug. fin-s, E. Hawton, C. Kernahan; plain I '*^''*'- ^''^^ Porteous, Mrs. E. Hawton; cookies, E. Hawton, Mrs. Mape'e; oat- ' ^"oked wool rug, Mrs. F. .Seeley, J. H. mPal cookie.s, Mrs. McCauley, ' Mrs. ^"^ ''"' ''"" '"'"' ''"" " â- Magee; ginger cookies, Mrs c' Han- ley, Mrs. W. Fadden; ,'J varieties drop cakes, Mrs. Magee, C. Kernahan; 3 varieties tarts, Mrs. Inkster, Mrs Mc Cauley; Jelly roll, Mrs. C. Hanley. Alf. Hawton; apple pie, Mrs. w Fad den Minerva Walter; lemon pie. Mrs F. .Seeley, R. Hawton; pumpkin pie^ Mrs. Inkster. Mrs. Hanley; raisin pie Zl c k'e M """'"â- ' '^'''"'"â- = "^'"^ •nr I ^ " '"•''â-  "• Hanley, Minerva nei' emi>., Mrs. ijert forteous, M. mi; 7' 1,, 'â- "''"<' '^"'^P. Mrs. Magee. Walter; table .unner any other kind, ,.'"* ^*'*'"": 'ifht fruit cake, Mr.,. I Miss M- McKinnon. Minerva Walter; M-s vt'^' """''""= ''"'â- '« fruit cake,|huffet set, white, Mrs. Champ. Mrs. sa'lal I rx"' '^''' "''^*°"> vegetable McCauley; buffet set colors, Mr.-*. Mc- • ". J. H. .McDonald. Bruce Mullin; ' Cauley. Mrs. B. Porteous; pair pillow McDonald; mending torn cloth gsi incnt, Mrs. Inkster, Mrs. E. Hawton; mending worn woolen hose, Mrs. Rut- tle, Mrs. Inkster; woman's smock, Mrs. Ruttle, Mrs. Nicholl. . Ladies' Work Fancy Centrepiece coloured emb.. Mr?. .McCauley, Mrs. Champ; centrepiece crochet or latting trim, Mrs. Bert Porteous. Mrs. F. Seeley; afghan, C. Kernahan, Mrs. McCauley; table run- nei' emb., Mrs. Bert Porteous, M. slips, emb., Mrs. F. Seeley, J. H. Mc- Donald; pair pillow slips other hand trimmed, Mrs. McCauley, J. H. Mc- Donald; luncheon set, J. H. McDonald, Mrs. F. Seeley; tea cloth and 4 serv- iettes, Mrs. McCauley, Mrs. Ruttle; dresser and stand cover, Mrs. McCau- ley, Mrs. Nicholl; collection of croch- et work, .Miss M. McKinnon, Mrs. Nicholl; collection embroidery work, Mrs. Ruttle, Mrs. Nicholl; ladies' py- jamas. Mrs. Nicholl; shopping bag. Mrs. Ruttle, Mrs. McCauley; pair of towels crocheted edge, J. H. McDon- akl, Mrs. Ruttle; bath towel croch- et or knitted edge, J. H. McDonald. Mrs. W, Fadden; sofa cushion, a.o.k., Miss M. McKinnon. .Mrs. W. Fadden; baby's jacket and bonnet, Mrs. Ruttle, â- Mrs. Champ; child's dress, Mrs. Champ. Carman Conn; child's rompers or play suit. Mrs. Ruttle. Mrs. Champ; specimen tatting. Mrs. McCauley, Mrs. Ruttle; specimen daisy loop. French l^iiot. Mrs. "Ruttle. Minerva Walter; specimen cross stitch, .Mrs. Ruttle, Mis. Champ; specimen fillet crochet. Miss M. McKinnon, .Mrs. Ruttle; spec- imen hemstitching, .Mrs. Champ, Mrs. .McCauley; specimen knitted lace. Miss .M. McKinnon, .Mrs. W. Fadden; speci- men smocking, Mrs. Ruttle, Mrs. Jas. Long. Fine Arts Hand painted china, realistic de- sign, .Mrs. Inkster, Mrs. F. Seeley; hand painted china, conventional de- sign, Mrs. Inkster; stencil design, suit- able for wall border, Mrs. C. Martin, Mrs. F. Seeley; poster design, Bruce â- Mullin, Mrs. F. Seeley,; pen and ink sketch, Mrs. F. S«eley, Mrs. Inkster; pencil drawing. Mrs. C. Martin, Brucy Mullin; charcoal sketch. Mrs. F. Seeley; Pastel any original subject, Mrs. V. Hewgill, Mrs. Ink.ster; sepia, Mrs. F. Seeley, Jas. Hudson; basketry, â- VIrs. Inkster, Mrs. Bert Porteous,; wood carving or any decorative work, Bruce Mullin. Mrs. C. Hanley; collec- tion of snapshots. Mrs. Bert Porteous, Mrs. F. Seeley; special for decorative work. -Mrs. F. Seeley. (Concluded Next Week) FEVERSHAM Card of 1 hanks We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their sincere sympathy and acts of kindness following the death of our little son. â€" Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ilarbottle and family. Communists are people who want everything divided up â€" except work. THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL&CC.Ltd. CHAIN 9TORB8 Markdale. Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY 1 Cold Weather Ahead IS YOUR FAMILY OUTFITTED WITH WINTER WEARABLES? THE HILL COMPANY HAS LINED UP A GRAND ARRAY OF ITEMS YOU'LL NEED. Men's Underwp-- •- VnrSons W^l^liia .- â€" •' and Prices Men's l'"lcr(.H- liiu-d l'ii(kT\vi';ir, hc-avv \Vfij4ht â€" liltif iiiotlk'dâ€" ;ill si/cs ,U to 41; Shirts and drawt-rs at, each 79c Men's Pure Wool Underwear lii-avy kill, tlircr ui-i.!LiIit>. ( .iiaranlrcd J'lirc W'ljul, niadf bv I't-nnians and I )(idd:s Knit Three Prices . $1.29, $1.69, $1.85. MEN'S UNION UNDERWEAR Shirts and Drawers Sizes .V) to 44 Special at 95c each. Bov's Fleece Lined Underwear Sizes 24 to 32 at 49c per garment. Boy's Heavy Weight Fleece Lined Combinations â€" .\ r^'al W inter linr Si/.c> 2<) to .^2. Special at 95c each. A f«" rnn^e of Bov's and Men's Windbreakers ,\t reasonable prices, plain shades and also plaids. A ranK'f of prices from $2.- 95 per j^arment to $7.9.S. if von look these f)ver yon are sure to >;et what yon need. Cle».ranc« of Men's Fine Wool Felt Hats 75 only ^^ood (inality wool felt bats all ijdod shades for I'all. Special $1.49 each. COTTON TWEED SPECIAL 5C30 \arJs f.-incv iiatlerns in cotton ^^^^ccdâ€" just the thin^ for warm dresses for the kiddies Special 35c yard. ' FLANNELETTE BLANKETS 5(JU pairs of white and Si'<-"y Ibex I'lan- nelctti' I'lankels, 12!14 size, extra larj;e. Special per pair $2.39 Gigantic Double Bed Size Flannelette Blankets Tiicse oonie in both j^rey ;ind while â€" a blaiikel that will j^ixe j.;()od service. Special $1.95 pair Hundreds of Pairs of Hose for Women and Children for Fall and Winter. 2 lar^e tables from which to choose, 'IMiese are extra valne at 25o pair GROCERY SPECIALS Redp.'ilh or St. Lawrence Suj^iir by the Ba^ $5.10 Good ipialit> ihdk C'ocoa 2 lbs. for .... 25c Fresh Mince Meat 2 lbs. for 25c Toniatt^ CatsU]). medium size 2 for .... 27c Robinhood i)ackap-e Oats. |)lain 21c Robinhood packaj»-e Oats with dishes 29c Fresh Sair Dates 4 lbs. for 25c Sn^ar Special for I'"riday and Satnr<lay only. White or Golden Yellow... 19 lbs. for . $1.00 I'r. Kendall Boyd of Toronto was home from Toronto over the week end. Mr. W. J. Caswell spent the past week with his son in Owen Sound. Mrs. Ed. Fisher is visiting with her (laughter, Mrs. H. Best, in Toronto. Mrs. Thos. Brady was a visitor aL Lions Head on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark .Stewart are spending a week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. .Mr. and .Mrs. R. Rowe and daughter Audrey of Lome Park spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McKecknie. Miss Rene Cargoe and Mr. Harry Herberts of Toronlo spent the week end with the former's mother here. -Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston and (laughter, Dell, spent the week end at Mitchell. Mrs. Cargo returned from Toronto on Saturday after spending a week with hei- daughters in the city. A Flesherton man says the radio should be called '.she" â€" there's no use trying to talk back to it. The hunters are preparing for their annual invasion of the north in their ()uest for the illusive red deer. Miss Frances Brydges of Nanton, Alberta, visited with her aunt, Mrs. W. I. Henry, last week. Miss -Vlelba Armstrong, nurse-in- training in Toronto General Hospital, visited for the week e^d with her aunt, Mrs. W. I. Henry in town. .Mr. H. Poulter, Mrs. Burton Field and Bruce, Toronto, spent the week end in town. Mrs. C. Spence returned with them after visiting her sister. Mrs. Robt. Best, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Thompson of i New Jersey, Mrs. Harvey Griffin and Mrs. Adanis of Toronto were callers on -Mr. and .Mrs. John Stewart Friday. Mr. Ed. Fatten of Flesherton left recently to take a position with the Geneial Motors at Oshawa and will try and get a position with the crack Oshawa junior team. The Women's Institute will mSet at the home of Mrs. Alexander on Wed- nesday, November 4. at 3 p.m. Roll Call. "How we can improve our In- stitute." Visitors welcome. Dr. Leslie Ferris, V.S., who has been employed by the Dominion De- partment of Agriculture in Toronto and Guelph is now working in Prince Kilward Island in a similar capacity. The United Stales Presidential el- ection will bj. held next Tuesday, Nov. •i. In this election it is absolutely certain thai both Roosevelt and Lan- don will win. The heads of both Democrates and Republican parties are both ab-solutely certain of this. Master Dannie McTavish, son of Mr. and .Mrs. Cecil McTavish had the misfortune to again break his right arm while at play. This is the se- I cond linic in the past few months that I he has broken his arm. the last time ! in the same place as the former. "Hie autumn Thankoffcring meeting of the auxiliary of St. John's United church, will be held tomorrow. (Thursday) in the school room, at three o'clock. Rev. G. R. Service will speak of bis experiences in the •Mission Field of the North. Ladies of other congregations are invited to be present and luneh will be ser- ved. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. F'lsher were: Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Leader. Mrs. Roy McGeoch and daugh. ler Mnrjorie. Mr. Leo. Patton of Lon- don, Misses Winnona and Nathlie Patton, Miss Ida Fisher. Misses Ethel and Retty Rusk. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chard and two children of Toronto. Mr. John and Miss Ethel Bellshaw of Woodford; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cam- madgp and daughter loreen and Lil- licn Wade of Mount Forest. A number from here attended the funeral of the laUj Mr. Guy Hudson near Slayner on Monday, October 18. Miss Paddison of Stayner visited . with ht-r friend. Miss Marion Hawton' lecently. Mrs. Torrence Williams returned home after a few days visit last week with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Williams at Flesherton. Mrs. William i'yler visited with friends at Banks last week. Mr. Howard Short has moved to their new home on the 10th line of .Xotlawasaga, north of what is called church sideroad. We wish them suc- cess in their new home. Mr. E. Buckingham has sold the farm lately occupied by Mr- Short, to Mr. Harry Courvoisier. Mr. Samuel Park has sold his farm nere in the suburbs to a gentleman from Weston we understand and he and his sister. Miss Bella Park and niece. Mrs. Jennie Hawton, have mov. ed to Collingwood where they have bought a home. Mr. J- W. Robinson, r(al estate broker effected the sale of the farm. The best wishes of a host of friends go with them to their new home. Before moving away, Mr. Howard Short resigned from being trustee of S. S. No. 7, Osprey. A meeting of the ratepayers was called on Monday night, October 19th and Mr. John Black was elected to fill the vacancy. Mr. M. Heron of Buffalo N. Y. call- ed on his cousins Mr. and Mrs. Col- quette here, with his wife and two daughters, are on a visit to friends in Maxwell and other places in Grey Co. Mr. Verne Ireland who has been teller in the Bank here for over three years has had a move to Brantford. Ontario. A fair sized congregation greeted the Rev. S. Moore Gordon B.A. of Chatsworth, who conducted anniver- sary services in the Presbyterian church here on Sunday morning and evening, October 25th, he took for his text the first verse of the 24tb Psalm and preached a very instructive and interesting sermon. A quartette composed of Messrs. Robinson, Os- borne, Eby and Heitman sang "Do not lurn away from Jesus'' in good style with Mrs. Eby at the organ. The choir had special music at both services. A covering of snow on the ground greeted the people of this locality on Monday morning. A cold north wind was blowing. TTie farmers have harvested a good crop of potatoes while the coarse grains were about half a crop. Wheat was a good crop. Brigadier and Mrs. Ursaki, division- al officer of Orillia will conduct ser- vices in the S. A- Hall here on Sun- day morning, N'ovember 1, at 10.30 a'dock. Mr. and .Mrs. John Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Mclntyre of Flesher- ton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. CoKiuette here. A hill is a piece of ground with its back up. Plenty of sleep, says an authority On the subject, is the "best route to beauty." Obviously, a lot of people have been taking detours. FOR SALE â€" Good frame bari» for sale or exchange for livestock. â€" Roy White, Flesherton. REWARD •So.Ot) reward will be offered for the recovery or any infonnation lead. mg to the recovery of any military rifle from the stores at Markdale, Flesherton, Durham or Hanover ar- mouries, also $1 for any bayonet. Leave with or inform F. J. Thurston at The Advance office and no ques- tions will be asked. ♦♦♦««<»<fr«>*<~:~;~:";~:~>':~:~:~:~:~:K~:~:~:~:..:":~:~:~>';~:~>». % •:*^:~><:><h;~:~:~>.>'>4>4>« Small Advts. ♦♦♦♦•x~5~X":..:«.X">.x~><~:">-><~>-:...'->-" INSURANCE â€" For the Germania Fire Insurance see Herb Corbett. adjuster and agent. FOR SALE â€" Black overcoat, good as new. will sell cheap. â€" Apply at The Advance Office. FOR SALE â€" Purebred Oxford Ram Lamb.â€" Geo. Ross, Maxwell, phone Feversham, 4 r 2. FOR SALE â€" Quebec Heater, large size, wth grates. â€" Apply to C. j. Bellamy. FOR SALE â€" 8 sheep and 9 young pigs i-eady to wean. â€" Dan. Muir, Ceylon, phone 49 r 21 FOR SALE â€" Screenings $1.35 cwt., mixed grain chop $1.40 cwt., sacks included.â€" Phone 38 r 3, A. C. Muir, Ceylon. Dot; STRAYED â€" Yellow collie, near Portlaw, on Tuesday forenoon, answer to name Scottie.â€" Jos. Sew- ell. Proton Station. •.â-º....v.:">.>.v:..x..:~:..;~;"r":..;..;-:":».M~j~j~>4 FOR SALE â€" Black General Purpose horse 3 years old. well broken.â€" Elford Watters, Priceville, R. R. 3. FOR SALE â€" 2 fresh cows, 1 jersey cow. calf at foot; 150 Barred P. Rock pullets. â€" Richard A'.len, Flesherton FOR SALE â€" Only a few Aberdeen Angus Bulls.â€" Herbert Corbett, Proton Station. WANTED â€" A quantity of fall wheat, also year old cattle. â€" J. F. Collinson, Ceylon, phone Flesherton, 21 r 3. FOR SALE â€" Oats ?1.35 per cwt.; mixed grain $1.35 per cwt.; Lime 50c per cwt.; Shingles $2.25 per sq.â€" Phone 38 r 3.â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon. HOG FOR SERVICE FOR SALE â€" Now then, if you want a real purebred Hereford bull calf. I have one. â€" Laurie Pedlar. R. R. 2, Flesherton. BUILDINGS RAISED and MOVEDâ€" • also Stone Walls straightened, will take live stock on exchange. For particulars.â€" Phone Hugh .McLean. .. Priceville. FOR SALE Grey County Egg Grading Station, also lots adjoining the same, will sacrifice for $150.00 cash. â€" Thomas Owler, 40 Doel Ave., Toronto. Grandparents are people who keep the children while you no away for the Wfv.'k-end. You'll find real shoppin" news in flip ads. They tell of the best values and special feature.s. The only thing the world agrees on in regard to tariffs seetns to be that other people's should be lower. Debunker claims the owl is a fool. Rut the old bird is wise enough not to give a hoot. Communists are said to be active among Canada's Indians. Reds a- inong the Redmen. so to speak. FOR CASH SALE â€" Eight pigs, chunks, $5.00 each; 25 cords wood, dry maple. lOin. three dollars per cord at farm â€" Joseph Radley, Flesherton. SHOOTING MATCH â€" At the farm of Alex. Richardson, lot n, con. 18. Proton, on Saturday. October 31st, for geese and ducks; shotguns and rifle.-.; ammunition supplied foi shotguns. New York couple were married on | a nierry-j;o-round. which seems rather I a dizzy way to .start off life together PROPERTY FOR SALE In Flesherton 6 room house, bricJ voneer, hard and soft water; abou' two acres of land on which is a l«rg< barn with cement stabling and garage Apply to W. J. Meads; R. R. 8. Priceville. PROPERTY FOR SALE In Priceville two 5 acre lots, on one I f lota good frame house with goad cellar, frame .barn, with basement stable, orchard of 13 fruit trees; will sell reasonable.â€" Mrs. Kate. MacDon- ald. Priceville. A good young pure bred Yorkshii* hog will be kept for service on Lot 14, Con. 5, Osprey. Terms 11.00.â€" Luther Mills, Maxwell, Ont. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Boar for «er- vice; terms: $1.00 if paid within fot» months.â€" Laurie Pedlar, Flesherton. Ont., R. R. 3. BUSINESS CARDS DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office Hours â€" Afternoons 1.30 to 4 Evenings 7 to 8Jt Sundays and Thursday aftemoona bf appointment only. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST OFFICE- Dr. Bryce's Old Stand. Telephone 09 WM. KAITTING Licensed Auctioneer for the county of Grey. All sala* conducted on Business prineiitka all parties reouiring work don« on th« above lines wtll do well to call at tk« Advance Office or write Wm. KaH. ting. Eugenia, 'Phone 48â€"11 Prince Arthur Lod^e No. 383, A.P. & A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton. the second Tuesday in each month. W.M., Alfred Down; Secretary, C. J. Bellamy. DR. T. H. SPENCE Veterinary Sargeon and Deatlat. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary O* lege, Profestionnl services reasonable. â€" Phone, Dandalk, Bl r 11.

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