Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Nov 1936, p. 4

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Wt'dnt'sda)', November 4. 1936 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE I THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on CoUingrwood Street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1000, Price in Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advance f 1-gO; in U. JS. A. $2. per year, when paid in advance $2.00. W. H. THURSTON. Editor. F. J. THliRSTON, Asuociate Editor CEYLON *************** I ******* * ****** * ******* * *** * **************** 1 1 1 M I **♦ » 1 1 I # »♦«< H 1 1 1 1 » M I * »* *****i f i • ? â- Â»â- Â« T I I »^. JKi.fl-^a i mm/â€" <* LADY BANK Rain, and more lain, but, we liko it much belter than the cold snow storms. Miss Catheiiiie Jane Cooper had the misfortune to slip on the wet path in the door way on Thursday ol la.st wet'k and fracture the bom- in her left U'U, between the knee and hip. Dr. Milne and nurse Milne of Flesh- erton were culled, but found it nec- essary to have the sufferer removed by ambulance to Dr. Carefoot's Hos- pital at Markdale, where it was found by X-ray to be a bad fracture. It is a .sad blow on Mis.s Cooper, especially for her declining age of seventy-four years. Mr. Clark Connell of Kimberley is assisting Mr. Wrn. Semple at present •with a new stable. Mrs. Robt. Holt returned to her home here after a week's visit at the bedsidv of her husband, who is in a Toronto hospital. VVi- are sorry to learn that Mr. Holt is not improving in health very rapidly. Mr. Earl Poole, whom we mentioned being ill in the Clarksburg hospital is much improved and is able to return to his home here. Mr. and Mrs. George Dob.son and little daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Semple and son Royden, spent Hal- lowe'en with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gra- ham and family. Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Semple were very pleased to have Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Pallister of the Western Prov- inces, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Allan McLean, F'evcrshani, as callers. Mr. and Mrs. Pallister were neigh- bors here .some 24 years ago we are always pleased to mct-t our good old neighbors and friends, call apain. Ur. and Mrs. L- Pattison and sou, Beatty, and Mr. Snowden McLeod of Toronto spent the week end at the home of Donald McLeod. Mrs. iiobt. Best iii spending the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Geo- Udell. Mr. and Mrs. lioht. Brown and babe, Miss Laura White and Ted Walker of Toronto visited Mrs. Wni While the first of the week. Mr. Jas. Sinclair motored to St. .Vlaiy's the first of the week. Dr. (J. H. Holnifs and Miss Jean oj Owen Sound spent Sunday with Mrs. Anna McMillan. Mrs. Holmes, who has been with her sister for the past week, accompanied theni home. Mrs. T. A. Gilchrist spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Irwin at h'k'sherton. Much sympathy is expressed to the relatives of the late Mrs. .Thomas Uentham of Flesherton, whose fun- eral took place Monday. -Mr. Stanley Hiint of Toronto %vas a visitor at his home here over the week end. Ml', and Mr-*. Archie McCuaig of lopcliffe and Mr. and Mrs. \V. Bv of Markdale spent Sunday with and Mrs. Henry Tucker. .\Ir. and Mrs. H. Bailey and fa^. ily of Shrigley visited with Mrs. I .Macphail on .Sunday. The Ladies' Aid held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. CJeorge Snel) on Wednesday of last week, with a splendid number of vis- itors present. Mrs. Geo. Udell, the president, conducted the opening ex- ercises and general business. Rev. Service was present and spoke of sev- eral items of interest to the Aid, iiinong them a suggestion for n Christinas concert. The social coni- inittee served lunch at the close of the meeting. i Advance Recipes I For The Ladies Phone ! 37 MAXWELL ***** MNK DAY PICKLE G quarts firm cucumbers sliced al- most an inch thick; 1 cup of salt to two gallons of water; let stand foi I 3 days in brine; drain on third dayj and cover with fresh water daily I < > for 3 days, on sixth day drain and simmer for two hours in weak vine- gar, '/a vinegar and % water; add alum the she if a walnut, then drain and put cucumbers in crock and cover with following liquid, heated to boil- ing point: .'{ pints of vinegar â- \ lbs of white sugar 1 ounce each of cassia buds, allspice bud,s and celery seed Heat same liquid for 3 days and pour over cucumbers using sieve to remove spices. Mrs. D. H. Lunam, Regina, Sask. lc,wV evior Stor C. J. Kennedy e^ I We Deliver W CASH SPECIALS Mrs. Alex McArthur had the mis- fortune to break both of her wrists when she fell down the cellar steps last week. Born to .Mr. and Mrs. Bert Poitcous on Friday. October :!(»th, the gift of a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morrison have moved to their home one milo and a t)uarter west of Maxwell. We extend our dei'pest sympathy to the relatives of Mrs. .Tameg Buck- ingham who passed away on Salur- ♦lay. -Mr. James and Wm. Kerton and .Mr. Roht. Priestly from a lumber camp near South River spent the wi'ck end Jit their homes here. WHERE CROPS FIT IN 'Ihere are some crops which are not well suited to very fertile soils Buckwheat, for examide often pro- «luces loo much straw and too little Krain on rich snil, esjiocially those soils, which ai'e very high in nitrogen. Oats are likely to iddge badly on soils too rich in niti'igin. on ti,,. other hand, a fertile soil is essential for profitable yields of wheat and barley. Rye will grow w, 11 on li.h si.ils but it in also a particularly good crop for light infertile kojI.s, Turniiis rcMuire ii fairly fertile soil, hut, if the soil is unbalanced in its fertility by hav- ^^nif an over- abundance of nitrogen in cornfiarison with other elements of fi'itility, there will be luxuriant tops but .small roots. American doctors have succeeded in grafting a fifth leg on a rat. Xow they should turn their attention to arrafting extra legs on the Christmas turkeys. (Intended for Last week) Mr. and Mrs. Vause of SUyner, •'Vlr. and Mrs. Parker of Toronto were visitors the later part of the week with Mr. and Airs. James Oliver. Mrs. Oliver accompanied them to Toronto for a visit. H. A. (;riffin Honored by l^ree Thousand A crowd of more than ,'3,000 people, including teachers, pupils, graduates, education and muiiicii)al authorities of York township and Toronto, and citizens of the district, visited Hum- bcicrest public school to honor H. A. liriffin, sulierintendent of public sciiools in the township, at the un- veiling of his portrait. Mr. Griffin served as principal of the school for 1.') years until his appointment as siipciintendent last year. "This is a wonderful tribute, to a great man," di'clared Jack Meikle. ifiiieral secretary of the West End V.i\l.C.,\., Toronto, who unveiled the portrait. Extensive Y'.M.C.A. work among township boys was largely tin roull of Mr. Criffiii's promotion he said. .Mr. and .Mis. N'eil McCaniH'l, Mr. iiiul Mrs. J. Copiland, lla/.cl ami Ivan, viMled .Mr. and Mrs J. R. Sinclair, the first of the week. Visitors with .Mr. and Mrs, F. D Cairns the past week were: Mrs. Howard Scales, Ml. Forest, Mrs )nui;las .Muinoc, I'a'gina, Mr. and -Mrs. vV. Scutt ami son. ClilVoid, of (ileii lliirnn. Mrs. J. li. Ctimniiiis, accompanied by her motluM-, .Mrs. McDonald, left liiesday for Oshawa after an extend. I'd visit among friends here. Airs. Ilaivey (iriffin, Toronto, ac- companied by Ml-, and .Mrs. fhonipson, liigliwood, .V. ,J., visited Mrs. Wilcock and .Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns the la:ici jiart of the weidv. lirv, llaivcy llowey, Thoriibury, -iilipliid for Ki'v. Servicer on Sunday will!,- til,' latter was at \'an(lel«-ur l;iKiiiK annivi'i'siir.v services. Alr.s. 'rhonipsuii. Toronto, is visiting her mother. Mrs. Peter Sherwood. The Ladies' .Aid meets at Mrs. Geo. SncU's, Wednesday, at 2 p.m. Rev. Mr. Service will h:ive charge of th<- mccling. Roll Call, exchange of re- cipes for Slipper dishes. Social com- mittee; cake, Mrs. Uilell, Mrs. Knox; sandwiches. M.s. J. R. Sinclair. Mrs â-  . 1). Cairns. LADY ANNIE CAKE ,-j cup butter 1 cup sugar Whites of 3 eggs ;i teaspoons molasses 1 teaspoon soda % cup sour milk I'^^i cups flour Bake in layer tins. FILLING â€" S egg yolks % cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon butter 1 teaspoon vanilla % cup raisins or dates •'4 cup milk Boil till thick ICBNG â€" l'/4 cups brown sugar ',2 cup water Beat into white of egg when boiled â€" Mrs. D. H. Lunam, Regina, Sask. lATO NESTS WITH CREAMED PEAS 'a cups creamed green peas ;{ cups mashed potatoes I! egg yolks 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons grated cheese 1 '^2 cups bread crumbs Add cheese, beaten egg yolks, but- ter and crumbs to the mashed po- tatoes, cool. Drop large tablespoon- fuls on greased pan, making a cavity in the centre. Brown in hot oven, fill with creamed peas and serve. â€" Mrs, H. Montgomery, Dundalk 1 r.arj^c* Package of ALL BRAN 23c 1 Mca.surin^ Glass FREE Toasted :: WHEAT FLAKES ;: Per Pks 23c PINK SALMON Real Good ;: 3 large tins 28c MEATS Fresh. Cured and Cooked All at real bargain prices. Men, the Cold Weather is Here See us for Shirts, Mitts, Under- wear, Socks, Heavy Rubbers, Caps and latest and real good assort- ment of Windbreakers. Good Size Cooking ; ; ONIONS 10 lb. for 19c ; : Peanut Butter Bulk 2 lbs. for « 25c : : COFFEE Our Specialty Ground while "U" Wait. 39 & 49c H'**** * **** ****i^ , t . y ^^ i^^ ,^ ^ ^, ^i ^i t ^ ** ^ ^ • ^ •^ tll*** * ****^ ^ \ ^*^•V'l• *** • l •• l •• l • **** • l '' l • i '• l •*• l •*• ' boiling water, ^4 f p sugar, 1 tea- spoon of Hour. Cook dates until tender, add sugar, flour and flavour with vanilla. â€"Mrs. Dick Clark GINGER COOKIES 1 large egg, 1 cup white sugar, % cup dark syrup, '* cup water, good ',2 cup shortening, 1 teaspoon ginger 1 teaspoon soda, scant bit of salt, Vi teaspoon oil lemon flour, flour to make a soft dough, flour hands and roll in small balls, place in pan and flatten with a fork. â€" Mrs. Charlie Long, Maxwell WHIPPED CREAM LAYER CAKE Beat ;! egg whites l''ol<i ill 1 cup cream, whipped I'ulil in 'j cup cold water alter- nated with the following mixture 2 cups cake flour I'-j cups granulated sugar (if fruit Migar use 1 cup) :i teaspoons baking powder '•J teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon flavouring Sift flour before measuring iheii sift this together, folding and not stirring. Hake at XZ'i (leg. for ;U)â€" :!,') minutes. •Mrs. II. .Montuoniery, Dundalk OR A.N(;K and APPLE JELLY .... 1 small liiisket of apples and 3 oranges Cook apples mid drain, cut fine, and soak oranges in 1 cup hot water all night and mcasuie. Add cup for cup of sugar and juice; boil till it jellies. â€"Mrs. Dick Clark SCONES 2 cups bread flour, 3 small tea- spoons baking powder, Va teaspoon salt, Vi cup white sugar, 2 table- spoons shortening or butter, 1 egg beaten, save 'm of egg for top, enough milk to make like biscuit dough, roll, spread with egg and cut in diamond shape. â€" Mrs. Charlie Long, Maxwell CHRISTMAS P'RUIT CAKE 5 eggs, 2 cups white sugar, H4 cujis butter, I'a cups sour cream, 1 lb. laisins, 1 lb. currants, 1 lb. dates, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon cloves, 2 tablespoons of vanilla, 5c. worth of lemon iK>el, Vi cup molasses, 4'& cups of floin-, 2 level a'aspoons of soda. â€"Mrs. Charlie Long, Maxwell ALMOND PASTE 1 11). blanched almonds put through a food chopper, until very fine, 1 lb. Iiuii sugar, juice of i orange, 10c concentrated ro.sewaler, about 'a bot- tle of almond u.xtract, mix until smooth and sjiread on cake. â€" Mrs. Charlie Long, Maxwell FALL HARDWARE Roof Coating, per g.il 79c Mazda Lamps. 25 â€" 40â€" -00 \\':iu, lacli 20c Home Wax, (luick shine, pir II) 25c Chan Wax, li;ird ;in(l (liiral)li', per lb 59c New O'Cfdar Mit .M<.p $1.35 Kitchen Knives, (â- .icli IJc â€" 25o â€" 35c Winchester 22 Cal. .Man Size RifU $7.25 Iver Johnson, 12 ga. Slmf G.nn $9.75 Also a full line of Ammunition. Bit Brace 69c â€" Hits .......... 25â€"35 and 5fl Crosscut Saws, Axes, Files, Hammers, Shcating Paper, ntiilding Paper and Roofing. Stoves â€" R.'ingesâ€" Heaters â€" Pipes â€" Dampers Special, Enamel Paint and Varnish, one (|t. onlv... 59c MORE FOR YOUR MONEY AT YOUR LOCAL STORE FRANK W. DUNCAN Phone 54 Flesherton, Ont. PECAN 11AU.S Cream i, cup luitter ] •â- \dd 1 Clip brown sugar gradual'y 1 Ihen add 1 well beaten egg I Sift twice together, 1 cup flour, 1 i teaspoon baking powder, ' i teasjioon \-nh then add these dry ingredients to Icreiini mixture Chop finely Vi> cup shelled pecans, then add to above mixturu, also one teaspoon of vanilla. Spread Vt in. thick in a well-greased and floui"ed )mii. Bake in moderate oven (.150) !oi- all! ul 'L' hour. Cool slightly then cut in bars. Walnut may be used. , â€"Mrs. Dick Clark SWEDISH TEA RINOS (ream '/a cup butter, 'i cup brown siigat , yolk of 1 egg beaten light; add 1 cup four and mix all together; shape in little balls and dip in slight- ly beaten egg white and roll in crush, cd walnuts and flatten in pan. Make small dents in cenlie and place in slow oven for 6 minutes. Remove nd dent again, return to oven and 'ok for IT) minutes longer. Before lol place a little jam in dent. â€" Mrs. Dick Clark CHOCOLATE CAKE Put in a saucepan •% cup sugar, VI cup cocoa, Vt> cup buttermilk. Put on stove and bring to a boil. Take off and cool. In another dish beat 2 eggs, % oup â- â€¢tigar, '4 cup butter, ^ c.ip butter, milk, 1 teaspoon soda, 2 cups flour sifted, add this to above mixtuvp and bake in layers. PILLING â€" 1 cup dates, 1 cup PICCALILLI One gal. green tomatoes sliced (! good sized onions sliced I pint granulated sugar 1 i|t. cider vinegar 1 tablespoon of salt 2 tal)le»ipooiis mixed spices .Mix all together and stew until Under, stilling conlinually. put in Jills and seal. â€"Mrs. .1. E. Paul, Kedive, Sask. Queen's Park Arena BY THE WATCHMAN farmers pay taxes â€" when they have any money to pay them with â€" but one never reads or hears about a farmer going on relief. Y'et the taxes the farmers pay go toward sup- porting that section of the population which is unemplayed. And if there is any class that can less afford to pay taxes it is the agricultural class. AH this leads up to the problem of what is to be done with municipalities, or individuals within municipalities, that fritter away public funds under the guise of disbursing relief. If anyone has a justifiable complaint to make about tie chiseller and para- sites who live on the public purse, it is the farmer who keeps on paying in- to the public coffers, until it becomes so painful that he is rendered pract- ically numb. And, don't forget, the farmers don't even have the consol- ation of knowing that the money they pay ill taxes goes to help some of their fellow farmers who might have fallen en evil days and become a pub- lic charge. Somehow or other, farmers just don't become charges on the state. 'I'hey may not have seen any real money for years; their pants may be patched in a dozen places and their farm etiuipment obsolete, but they still keep on going under their own power, even though a bit wobbly. It is encouraging, in view of all the circumstances, to find that the Ontario government is taking a strong stand with extravagant municipalities. A- part altogether from political influ. ciices. it is refreshing to find that the Welfare department does not intend to sit idly by and allow any niunioi- luility to so loosely administer relief that families who drive their own lars and have bank accounts are able to secure assistance. The line of I least resistance would be for the pro viiicial authorities to say nothing and perhaps try and straighten things out secretely, but this is not a correct way. If a municipal government ha.s the cool nerve to take government funds and then disburse them waste- fully, then that municipality should be shown uf) and puni- As has been stressed l)efore in this coluinn, taxpayers, whether they be faimers or urban dwellers, have a heavy enough load to bear providing PIN WHEEL COOKIE.S 'a cup shortening '••; cuji white sugar Volk of oUf egg :> tablespoons milk 1 'l' cups flour ':; teaspoon baking powder V)i teaspoon salt 1 siiuai'e melted unsweetened choc- olate. Method â€" Cream shortening, add sugar gradually, add yolk of ogK and :i(ld dry ingredients, after being sifte<| together, mix together well, divide dough and add the melted chocolate to one half; roll out the w-hite mix- ture, then roll the chocolate and put the chocolate in top of white dough: loll like a jelly roll and place in ice box until cool enough to slice. Bake in oven at 400 deg. for 12 to 16 min. - Mrs. J. E. Paul, Khedive, Sask. COLD WATER BUNS Put Royal yeast cake to soak at noon in 1 cup cold water, in evening .stir In one cup flour, in morning add Ml cup sugar, Vi cup lard or butter, 1 tablespoon salt and 2 cups of cold water. Add sufficient flour to make in dough. Let vise all day in « cool place, at night mould in buns. Bake in morning. â€"Mrs. J. E. Paul, Khedive, Sask. The nnforgiveable insult is to be ignored. Income tax collections in Canada lor the first six months of the fiscal year increased by $10,000,000 which is nice to read about even if one cannot claim any personal credit for such a satisfactory showing. the money for legitimate relief cases without being imposed upon by men and women who see in the relief si- tuation an opportunity to chisel in and get food, clothing, shelter and even cash, when they have absolutely no claim to it. Not even the most par- tisan opponent of the present regime can with reason point the finger of criticism at Hon. David Croll for tak- ing a strong stand with poorly-gov. erned municipalities. It all boils down to this: The tax- payer sends his contribution to the provincial treasury. The treasury sends it out again to the nunicipali- ties and the latter disburse it upon those on the relief rolls. Every chiseller, every man or woman who obtains relief by what amounts to fal.se pretences, is making the load of the taxpayer just so much more difficult. That is why a government no matter whether it be Liberal or C-oijservative, is to be commended when it takes quick and effective ac- tion to stamp out waste, inefficiency and extravagance in the spending of public monies. And those vvho should be more sat- isfied than any other class of tax- payer are the farmers who pay the shot and keep off the relief lists. S. S. No. 4, Artemesla Sr. 4 â€" R. .J. .McNalty .14, Muriel Talbot 70', Jack Bannon 42. Sr. 3 â€" Alma .Atkinson 82*, Winnie .Awde 80*. Fred Bannon 70. Laurene Talbot 02*. Jr. 3 â€" Russell Lee 70. 2nd â€" Christina Duncan 91*. Sr. 1 _ Helen Awde 63*. Jr. 1 â€" .\nne Stinson 91. Sr. Pr. â€" Leslie Duncan 79. * denotes erfect attendance. â€" H. M. HENDERSON, Teacher. They who think the possession of a rabbit's foot lucky, should figure a bit about why the rabbit doesn't make out better with four of them. Kvery(<ne believes in the policy li give and take. With too many, however, the way the belief evidences itself is, "Y'ou give and I'll take." Iron and steel are the only sub- stances which exhibit magnetic ef- fects in a marked manner. â€" News- p;iper item. Now. ladies, what do you think about that? PERMANENT SPECIAL ^ t I t x Regular $2.50 to $7.50 Permanents NOW REDUCED TO $L95 TO $5.00 FOR THE NEXT 10 DAYS, NOV. 11 TO NOV. 21 Inclusive, All Permanents Done the "DE MILO" Way Isabel Rowe's HAIRDRESSING PARLOR I i Phone 27 Flesherton • â- â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â-  H '4 " >»4 "H -»-H'»»- H -».Hi.ii. i ..H..t..>. n .»»». > »<i»»fji » »»i»»4,4i^»i Special Sale of Winter Felt Hats ; ALL THE LEADING COLORS OF THE SEASON Your Choice $1 50 to $1.89 ! ; Each week end brings a shipment i)t" the .smartest style's I ; in close fitting hats with all the bright colors of velvet, Metalic and some velours, at moderate prices. Mrs. Wm. Miller '.', Flesherton Ontario I ********** ** ************************* * ******** * * * **\

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