Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Nov 1936, p. 6

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I i ORANGE PEKOE BLEND "ZKUM TEA ail •J EATHON THE lAMOND BY CORTLAND FITZ5IMMONS 'iWKK:-:<<K<K<:<<:KKK'lKKKK'>lKKKK«lKK<>ll^^^^ SYNOPSIS Since Pop Clark disbanded his famous Blue Klrc-eaters ten years ago he has been vainly trying to win the United League peni.ant with his Royal Blues. Sport wri- ters give them little chance. CHAPTER VIII 'What ha.s your dauKlit'M' to do Keeps each ROYAL YEAST CAKE FULL STRENGTH Use Royal Yeast Cakes and Royal Sponge Recipes for these templing breads . . . Each Cake of Royal Yfusl will retain ita alwolutc frcslincsa for daysâ€" weeks! A BiJccial air-tight wrapping asBures full Icavcnintf power and uniform rn- Bulta every time. No other dry yeast has such protcrlion. That's why 7 out of 8 Canadian housewives who use dry yeast insist on Iloyal. Order Royal Vcast Cakes today. BOOKLET FREE! "The Royal YeaX Oako Honk" |>lvi'ii l»M led Knyal Spontfc Krclprs (or the liruada II- luBtrnlril abovo anil many others. KKKEI nil In coupon totlayt BUY MADK-IN- CANADA <;<K)I)S STANOAnt) nRANDS l.tMITKO FrMcr A»c. iiiull.llirrlySl., roioiilo.Oiif. Plraaa MnJ •>« «•>• t"" ""J"' Vemt Uake llouk. ^ Nama SlKMt â€" with this?" Kelly inciuiicd. "Nothing â€" that is, nothing di- rectly," Pop Clark said, "hut Walsh was probably thiiikinj: nboiit that little scene thi.s afternoon." "You mean when Doyle slugged him on the jaw?" "Yes." "Well, Whitpcr deserved it. He was trying to kill the kid." "That's the point," Pop said. "There has been bad blood between tlii'm since early this spring." "Oh, there ha.s?" "Yes â€" and that i.s how my daugh- Itr entcr.s into it. She travels with me, a.s you know. Whitper was be- coming too attentive during our ex- hibition games-. 1 diiln't like it, but didn't say aiiytiiinjr until s!ie showed a preference fur young Uoyle. When Whitper began to act up, I told them both to stay auay, and Whitper did- n't like it; said it was Doyle's fault for butting in. Doyle wouldn't take that and they had a row. I may have been a little unreasonable about that but it made me mad to have those men fighting over my (laughter as tliough she were an ordinary wench. 1 lost, my teiii;-^- then ami told them to stay away for good.'' "Just a nice lillie friniily n.i.-v-up, isn't if.'" "I was .sui)niscd at today's di.s- play of temper, however," roj) went on. "The two boys weren't iriendly but we had no trouble or any kind until today." "Doyle is prtHy cocky and that's jirobably what got under Whitper's skin," Terry suggested. "He played great baseball for a lookie," Kelly said with adniira tion. "I c. ,)ected to see him go sina.sh any minute, but he pl:iye(' like a veteran." "He's got to li ..! :i Id 1 i', p his liead," Pop said. "Yes, he ha:;,' 'Kelly agreed. "Where were you, Pop, when Whit- per was shot?" "Out in front of the dugout. I was worried about llie game. It look- ed bad for us at that moment. I thought we had the ga^no in the I'atc an<l then Whitper upset everything with that wontlerful hit of his." "Where was young Doyle?" "I don't know. I think he went up to change. He w.is out of i;ie game for good and he knew it." "That's bad," Kelly said. "You don't think l')::l n„yleâ€" " Pop began . "I'm not thinking, I'm just won- dering. This wa.s Doyle's first game. He played good ball and then lost his head and I <lon'l blame him for that either I'd probably have socked the guy myself. I'll have to know wheie he was at the :if.\e of the shot." Pop sliook hih head. "He looked pretty glum when 1 called him. I gues.s he was ashamed of himself. Rookies take things pretty hard. It takes a while for them to forget col- lege spirit and learn the commercial angle of the game." Kelly turned to Terry "What do you know about Whit pel's run? Co* your notes there?" Terry read: " 'Ilariier was on .'trd ready to go home. The fir,-t ball to Whitper was u called strike. Then Higgin.s changed his pace and Whit- per swung with all his might, put- BAByi OWN SOAP /Js^ii ln/L Ljcu and Habif Ux, ?^ Home Hints By LAURA KI^lGHl A Boon to Housewives b Here's lightning that brings a thunder of applause. No wonder the photograph makes one hungry, for a piece of Lightning Layer Cake al- ways calls for an encore. Here Is a cake that can be made very ((Uickly and yet looks as luscious as if it had taken much time and care. Jusif time yourself as yi>u try t)ie recipe look at the clock when you bring out the first ingredient, sifted caRs flour, and look at it again ar you have just put on the last sprinkle of coconut. You will say "lightning" Is the real word to describe this cake and everyone will enjoy it. Lightning Layer Cake .3 ]-;i cups sifted cake flour 2 teas);oons baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 eggs, unbeaten, soft shorten- ing as needed, 1 cup milk, 2 cups sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla, baking powder and salt, and sift to- gether three times. Break eggs in cup and add enough shortening to fill cup. Put all ingredients into mi.xing bowl and beat vigorously 2 minutes. Bake in three greased 9- inch layer pans in moderate oven (375 deg. F.) 25 minutes Spread seven minute frosting between lay- ers and on top of cake, sprinkling thickly with coconut, southern style. Seven-.Minute Frosting 2 egg whites, unbeaten, I'i cups sugai', 5 tablespoons cold water, l'/6 teaspoons ligl-.t corn syrup, 1 tea- spoon vanill.'i. Put egg whites, sugar, water, and corn syrup in upper part of double boiler. Peat with rotary egg beater until thoroughly nii.xcd. Place over rapidly boiling water' beat co.' ;tant- ly wit!i rotary egg beater, and cook 7 minutes, or until frosting will stand in peaks. Remove from fire, add vanilla, and beat until tiilck enough to spread. Makes *nough ting all he had into it. There was a sharp smack and the ball flew far out into center field. Harper I)ranced home. Whitper thundered down to fir.'^^t, raced for second and tore on to third. The c»ov.'d was shouting. .As he passed third he slo'.ved uj). It was a cindi for him to beat the throw. He turned and shouted something to Higgins, then ".Ml ilglit," Kelly sl(>p|e.l him. "Whore's Higgins?" -Aficr a shoil wail, Higgins was brought in and Kelly asked: "I.efty, wlial did Whitper shout at you af- ter h,' left third base on tlie way lion'.e?" â- â-  "tin back to the bu;:hcs'." "And v.h;>t did you do?" ".N<. thing." "^'iiu ilidii'l pill! a gun an, I s!;oot him. did you?" '.\'ow, where in liell would 1 get a gun and why shouUI I shoot him?" Higgins e.\l)lode(l. "It isn't the first lime some sucker has hit me for a homer. 1 knew he was a slugger but he iliil surprise nie.'' "You didn't see anything, dr.r you, thai might help us out?" "No I was watching hmi and Ihouglit he Would makt< it sure. lust before he flop|ied, I swimg n.y arm up." "I renumber iliat," I fc'ly said. "Why i!id you do that?" "1 thought there was a bee buzz- ing rounti niy head.'' "What do you mean, a bee?" "You know, a buzz â€" the noise a bee or a bug makes." "Were you in France," Keliy as*:- ed. "Voii mean the war?" "Ve.-i." ".\d I <!id my fighting at Perth .•\mboy." "Then you wouldn't recognize the buzzing or the whirr of a bullet?" "You mean I heard the bifllet?" Higgins' face turned pale. "Your bee was probably the bul- let." "(ioshl" Higgins gulped. "It might have hit me." Kelly nodded in agreement. Thai's all, Higgins, but hang around, will you? I want you to go down the field with me laetr and shinv me where you were standing when you heaid the bee ;;nd the spot wiicre Whitper fell." Kelly went over to the Philadel- phia dugout and iiuestioncd the men They we>,e sore and nervous at the sami' time. The strange death of Whitper and the losing of the game had got under their skins, and they had resented the frisking to which tliey had been subjected. To be Continued HAPPY SMOKES lor tnose wi Buckindham Fine Cut MILD • C*OOL • SH GOTH frosting to cover tops anrt sides of two D-ir.ch layers. THIS WEEK'S WINNER Washington Cake 2 eggs, .3-4 cup sugar, M cup but- ter, 1 lemon peel. 2 tablespoons corn syrup, 2 teaspoons nutmeg, 2 tea- spoons cinnamon, 3-4 cup sour cream 1 teaspoon soda, 1 cup chopped rais- ins, 2 cups flour. Cream sugar and butter, then add well beaten eggs, lemon peel finely cut. '.then corn syrup' nutmeg, cin- namon and soda which has been dis- solved in sour cream. Lastly add chopped raisins which have been dredged in the flour. Cook in a slow oven until done about three-quarter hours. Vera Stewart. R.R 2, Dur- ham, Ontario. ONTREAL For thousands of triivellers ihe Mount Rojal Hotel has hohed the problem of where to stay iu iMontreal. tiocated in the heart of the city â€" less than 10 minutes' walk from all depots, a few minutes' walk to retail store, theatres and polut.s of interest â€" yet sufficiently away from Ihe noise of traffic to ensnre sound, refreshing sleep. Impeccable service and splendid garage facilities. Write, wire or telephone for reservations. MOUNT ROYAL HOTEL J. ALDZRIC RAYMOND President VERNON G. CARDV Managing Director Attention We will pay $1.00 i,n publication for the best main course dish, pie, cake or pr'?serve recipe received. HOW TO ENTER CONTEST Plainly write or print out the in- gredients and method and send it to- gether with name and address to Household Science, Room 121, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto Learn Spending Capacity In OEiteris is Increasing BureaH of Statistics Reports 4.1 Per Cent. Increa.'^e Last Year Over 1934. Women are Firmly Opposed to War Says IsIilxM, Marchioness of Aberdeen, at Con,Q.ress of Internal'ional Council of Women Belgrade. Yugosluvia.â€" On behalf of •!(). 00(1. 000 women in 30 countries, Ishbel. Marchioness of Aberdeen, now in lier eigluitlh yea:-, made a strong plea for peace at the open- ing at Dubroviiik of Hie Tonpress of the International Council of Women. Lady Aberdee^i. who as wife of the late Marquess of Aberdeen, Gov- ernor-General of Canada, 1S'J3-SS. was a beloved Chatelaine of Uidcau Hall. Ottawa. likened the council to a wo- men's League of Nations, which, however, she declared, "would not evade its responsibihties." "I ask all vomeii to launch a worltl-wide campai.Kii to save human- ity from war. The menace comes from those nations which want to expand and which are arming to de- troy their brother nations." I.ady Aberdeen concluded with an appeal for the respect (>f personal liberty, "so essential to the wcllbe ing of mankind."' Asked if she tl.o\ij;lit the present Kuropean situation would mean war. she said, "No," adding, ''we wcmen have lirmly decided that it shall not be. Knpland is against war. The young will not have it. and linally the mothers of the wo'.ld arc all opposed to war." • 0TT.\W.\ â€" Spending capacity of the John Does of Ontario increased 4.1 in 1!>3.5, it was indicated recent- ly in a report issued by the Dominion Bureau of .Statistics. The bureau gave that figure as the increase recorded last year in Ontario's retail sales, the sales that are m.-ido to the "Docs." At $848,- 994,000 they compared with .$814,- 994,000 in 1934. For the second consocntive year Mr. and Mrs. Doe spent enough money on automobiles to give deal- ers the biggest sales value increase of any group recorded. .Automobile sales amounted to $102, .571,000, a gain of 17 per cent over the $87,- 818,000 in 1934. Sales of motor vehicles totaled 51,C29 at 552,049,- 281, an increase of 3C per cent in number and 32 per cent in value over the preceding year. Comfortable Pajamas In New Bubble Print The Vanity of Woman Here is what an Armenian wrote about women:â€" ''The Lord is displeased with the disobedience of females whose thoughts arc on vnriiies and on per- sonal adornment. Wo have come to a time when all men must turn from light and frivolou^ conduct and think of higher things. Males arc being compelled by Hiose in author- ity to dress and behave In a seemly manner, but women arc perverse. They flaunt garish ribbands and be- deck their persons immodestly, thinking, in their minds, that they thereby increase theh' allurement. The ehtirch will do well to issue a stern edict against such ungodly- ness." The writer was one, Hovannis, a monk, He has been dead 900 years. Men have criticised women from lime immemorial. They will con- tinue doing so. Kvery age has its critics of its fellow beings. . The youth of today are criticized. They were criticized centuries ago. They will be criticized centuries hence. 'Twas ever thus; and ever will be. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin* to Go The Hvor shoald pour out two »>oiin(!s of liquid bile into your liowebi lUily. If ilii» bile l» not flowing freely. your/ooiliWsn'ltliifej I. It juBt tiecaya in the Uiwels. (Jaa bl.-ata u\t your atoinach. Youget constipated. Harmful poiaon.s go Into the IxHty. and yea fed Boui-. â- nnk and the world looka luink. A mere bowel movomoiit dcM-sn't always get â- t the eauao. Yon niH-tl (^oinolhiiig that work.t on the liver na well. It taken thoao giHxl. old Carter'a I.lttlo l.lvcr I'illa to got these two twunds of bile flowing freely and make you feel "up and up", llnnnlesa and gentle, they make the bile flow fret'l,\-. They do tlio work of C4ilomel hut have no caloniel or ineroury in them. Ask for C^rter'a Little Liver I'dls by nuiiel iUubbomly ret uau auylhiutf ulsc. '.'.'•o. A new bubble piint of pure dye washable erepo makes this cliarm- hig pajania. It Is grand for Iraveliiig. since it fits convenient- ly Into li small place, and is also fetching for beach paities or bi- cycling. Lovely pointed cuffs with Wjo ."ame effect repeated in the collar are trin'lie^^ with bright plpijig or binding, and harmouiz- ing butt<ins trip straight down the bodice effectively trimming the unusual yoke: The full pants a!'u>w, plenty of leg s|)aee. Percale print's, cottons. );lnj;hanis or pjqiie with gay bimMngs are other materials suggested. llarahara Hell Tat tern No. t8C2-n is available for sizes 14, 10, 18, 20; 40 and 411. Corresponding bust measurements S'i. 3i. 'Mi. XS. 40 and 42. Ki.;e 1(1 (,1H requires 4 '4 yds. of .'!."> ineli fabric. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS Write your n.-^me and address plainly, [jiving number and size of pa'.tcrn wanted. Er.c'ssf: COc in stamps or coin (coin preterrgd), wrap it carcTully and address your order to Bartard Bell, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto, The furniture and household greup came second with sales at $13,174,- 000, an increase of 12 per cent over the 1934 sales. Radio and music store sales amounted to $8,393,000, an increase of 14 per cent. Hardware store sales totaled $20,684,000, four per cent more than the preceding year. Food store sales were about un- changed. $13,01.1.000, against $131,- 893,000 in 1934. Men's' and boys' clothing and futrishing stores reported sales at .;24 291,000. co.nparcd with $'22,- 873,000, while women's apparel and acces.'ories stores reported theirs at $22,103,000, against $21,648,000. -A. decrea-se of 4.7 per cent was shown in sales of government liquor stores, $18,088,000, compared with $1.^\980,000 the preceding year. Issue No. 45 â€" '36 Câ€" 2 6S ess r HEAD NOISES RUB IN BACK â- l0*tfm£&'WV $L2t Ml Dra;:ist^ Dinrif tlrt folilif ea rsquiut Also excellent for Temporary l>eafnoaa and Ilea,! Noiaea due 1 > o<>n;;ostinn caused by celda. Flu and KAinimiug. A. O. I.HON.\Kn. Inc. ?0 Fifth Ave., New York City tteAe'4 Uiot F&ii To Alkalize Stomach Quickly On all sides, people are Icarnin}; that the way to j;;iin almost incredibly (juick relief, from sl<.mach condition arising from ovcracidity, is to alka- fize liie stomai'h tiuickly with Phil- Ifps' Milk of Magnesia. You take cilhcr two teaspoons of the liqinil I'hillips' after meals; or two Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tfib- lels. .Mmusl instantly "acid iu(li,'.!es- tion" goes, gas front hypcraciclily, ".icid - headaches" â€" front ovcr-in- dulgcncc in food or smoking â€" and nausea ari' relieved. â- J'ry Ihis Phillips' way if you h.nve any acid stomach upsets. Voiv wilt be siirprisetl at rcsulls. tiel cithc»..thc li'ijuid "Phillips" or the rciuarlfablc. luv) Phillips' Milk of Ahigncsia Tablcls. Only 'Ji<f for a bij^ boa of tabids at dfuy stores. Also IN TABirr FOEM' l-'arh tiny tablet ia the e<iuiv- alent el .1 teaap. onlul- *'f t»'Ouine FUilhrH* Milk of M&enebla. MADe IN CANAC:.\ Phillips MAGNESIA Don't Read Ihis Uolfs.i you aie interested in a medicine which nas helped over TOtMUiO women and girls. Take it before and after childbirth, at ihc Change or whencTcryoii are nervoiis and rundown. 98 cjt of 100 say, "It helps mc!" LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND NOW a DenBine 300 Candlepov^er "Liva"Proj$ureLi3M CEE Lhaae bejuitltul new ^ Cylenuiri lAni|>s that nreiielually brlK liter t h: B onllnary Kero- HeiioMuntJcI..<i;iipa or HO ulU Blyle oil lnnip.l. A«K YOUR DCALM or wrIU' formaa roLDsn liicturinu tI^o limiiT Wftuti/ul nu^iol:! , . , bulh Ke<«oaENE • nd CASOLINC. rXE COLEMAK UKt MOSTSlECClld. Pert. \Vl.l,>9, Tstvnio - CaoBila Moilrl 1380 Shndo am] t;ioh« Extra. '•â- % fcir - only i% Co^lt ti*-«i thnn y^^ aa huui tu uptifMl^. # U».ci a I1I4J mnntle. No ffluss chimneys or iihAji.-s to brwak er CittSd. 0S»'r fu.l c..inii..<) In •tuiiiy iLuili.i Ixtiiil. mtB9) f â- V *

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