Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Nov 1936, p. 2

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A bSend of the world's most fragrant green teas "SALADiC GREEN TEA r<«:->:<:o:>>:t:o:v:«x*:<<ox<<<»x<*x<<<<*x<<<<<<<*x»x»>>>>>>x« â- ft EATHON THE lAMOND ii^ll^^' BY CO RTLAND FlTZSIMMQ NS SYNOPSIS Smcc Pop Clark dishandcci nis famous Blue Kireeaters ten years atjo he has been vainly trying to win the United teague pent, ant with his Royal Blues Sport wri- ters give them little chance. CHAPTER IX Dick Stewart, the outfielder, sa!d, "t^ay, arc you crazy? Do you think any of us would kill one of our own men? What. do you think we arc in this game for â€" love? Wc want to make money, didn't th;it ever occur to you?" Kcliy learned nothjnt' from the Philadelphia men and (Ui the way back to r<>))'s rooms Walsh, the Philadelphia manager, paid that Lar- ry's punch had not really hurt Whit- per except for his pride. "I Kue.ss lie was prelly suie," Kel- ly suRgested. "lie thicalcned to i;i t Doyle for it later and he probahly would have, too, if he had lived ("o have a chance," WaLsh said. I The men on the Blues team were ! all questioned, but had nofninff to | add to what Kelly already knew. When asked about Doyle, Ducth I Schatz .said that Lary came into the 1 locker-room after the f^-amc was ! over. I Doyle, with the ol!.( r men, had ' been kept under the eye of the po- icemen until Kelly was ready to question them Larry v.a.s getting ready for his shower wlicu the team I came in and told him the ncw.s. j Doyle wa.s the la.-^t m;iii to be questioned. When he came in, Kelly motioned him to a chair facing the fading light from the windows. Doyle sat down and fai'cd the men. Hi.s only trace of nervDUsiicss was in hi.s hands, which would not stay still. lie swallowed oiuo or twice as he waited for Kelly to begin. Doyle wa.s really very young com- pared with the other men on the team. The fre.^h glow of youtli still clung to him in spite of his sober expression. He was tall ana straight. His shoulders were broad and tapered off to a slim waist. He had soft wavy brown hair and his blue eyes were lartre and wide. His white even teeth gleamed against the tan of his skin as ho moistened hi." lips with (luirk d:irtiiig-, of his tongue. 'You didn't like \Vhit))er, did you?" Kelly bcf^-in. â- â- \(i." I)(.y!,.'s prompt answer was startling. "Why?" "N'o other lea.son?" Doyle's eyes <larted toward I'op I second before he said. "\o." "f Whitpcr, Home Hints By LAURA KNIGHT The Fowl Supper Town an<l country churches in Canada have a reputation for "put- ting up" excellent fowl suppers in the Autumn -- whether it's the Ladies' Aid, the Missionary Society or the Young People's Club, it is always a festive affair and people drive for miles to be there. "The baking |)owdcr biscuits, the coconut cream pies, tlio chocolate layer cakes made by the best cooks in the Par- ish are certainly worth coming for. The modern cook knows Iiow to be certain of success with her pa.stry and cakes because she knows the value of sifted cake flour in get- ting the results she wants for an affair like a fowl supper wliere her rejjutation as a cake maker and pie maker is a matter of discucsion ana importance. The baking powder biscuits that are served along with the fowl course must be light as feathers, the coconut cream pie must look as fluffy and toothsome as possible and if the chocolate layer cake is not liiRli, wide and handsome, it is just too bad. Here are the recipes of one of the ?luirch ladies who is lo- cally famous for her baking. Chocolate Layer Cake 2'/4 cups sifted sake flour, % tea- spoon salt, 1 cup sugar, 3-1 cup milk, 2',i teaspoons baking powder, '.A cup butter or other shortening, 2 eggs, Well beaten, 1 teaspoon vanilla. .Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder and salt and sift to- gether three times. Cream butter, add sugar gradually creaming until light and fluffy. Add eggs and beat well. Add flour, alternately with milk, a small amount at a time, beating af- ter each addition until smooth. Add vanilla. Bake in two greased 9-inch I layer pans in moderate oven (375 j deg. F.) 25 minutes. Spread all- 1 around chocolate frosting iiefwccn I layers and over cake. Or bake in greased cup-cake pans liO minutes; fiost. .Makes 2 dozen cuu cakes. ' All-Around Chocolate Frostint; •1 tablespoons butter, .^-.} (ea- ' spoon vanilla, 3 squares unsweeten- ed chocolate, melted, 3 cups sifted confectioner's sugar, ',4 teaspoon salt, 4 tablespoons hot milk (about). Cream butter well; add part of sugar gradually, blendin. after each addition. Add vanilla, salt, and choc- olate, and mix well. .Add rom.Tining sugar, alternately with milk, until of righ.t consistency to spread, beating ^after each addition until smooth! .Makes enough frosting to cover tops and sides of K x 8 x 'J-iiich cake generously, or about ti dozen cup cahc". This frosting and other but- ter frostings of similar type, which hold their shape are o.'ten used for decorating cakes. To make flower or special motifs, force through pastry tube or bag, filling tube or bags only half full of frosting at a time. Coconut Cream Pie 4 tablespoons sugar, 5 tablcsgcyins sifted cake flour, >/l teaspoon salt', 2 cups milk, 3 egg yolks, slightly beat- en, l',& cups coconut, premium shred, '/4 teaspoon vanilla, 2 teaspoons van- illa, 1 baked 0-inch pie shell, 2 egg whites, unbeaten, Vz cup sugar, dash of salt, 2 tablespoons water. Combine sugar, flour and salt in top of double boiler, add milk and egg yolks, mixing thoroughly. Place over rapidly boiling water; add 1 cup coconut and vanilla. Cool slight- ly; then turn into pie shell. Place egg whites, sugar, salt and water in top of double boiler; beat with ro- tary egg beater until thoroughly mixed. Place over rapidly boiling water and beat 1 minute; tnen re- move from fire and continue beat- ing 1 minute or until mixture stands in peaks. .Add flavoring. Pile lightly on filling. Sprinkle with remaining coconut. Serve at once. IN ANY EVENT serve Christie's Whenever you entertain . . . Christie's "Ritz", the tender and toasted, nutty- flavored, slightly salted, little Wafers by Christie's, must be your biscuit choice. They actually improve the taste of soups, cheese, salads ... of practically any food or drink you serve. Always keep a few boxes in the home. Everybody enjoys their irresistible flavor. BIsctti Cfhere's a Christie Biscuit for every taste'' THIS WEEK'S WINNER Flapper Pie Ki Graham crackers, rolled fine; 1 teaspoonful flour, 'i cupful short- ening, part butter, melted; 1i cupful granulated sugar, 1 teaspoon cinna- mon. Mix as for pie crust, lake half of mixture and pack in pie plate. Custard Filling; 3 egg yolks, 'i cupful sugar, 1 teaspoonful vanilla flavouring, 2 cupfuls milk, -Z tablespoons corn starch. Cook together until this mixture coats spoon. Pour into the pie plate. Meringue Make a meringue of 3 egg whites and 3 tablespoons granulated sugar. Spread on top of custard. Sprinkle remaining cracker-cVumt) mixture over top of meringue. Hake fn a moderate oven, 325 deg. until mer- ingue is brown. â€" Mi.ss .Marie Frath- crston, Wheatley, Ont. New Profession For Women May Develop In Railway Work CHICAGO, â€" After 10 days as su- pervisor of passenger service for the Burlington Railroad, .Miss Velnia Mc- Peek decided recently that this newly created position may well develop Into A Junior's School Frock Attention ! Send in your favorite recipe for pie, cake, main-course disfi or pre- serves. We arc offering $1.00 for each recipe printed. HOW TO ENTER CONTEST Plainly write or print out the in- gredients and method and tend to- gether with name and address to: Household Science, Room 421, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. QUICKLY FREES PIPES from clog0n(i matter Use Gillftt'd ]'ur.! Flako Lye regu- larly and you'll ki'cp sink drains, tuba and toileta running freely. Kach week pour it down full Btrengthâ€" it will not harm enamel or plumbing. Kills gernw and de- Btroy.s odor-s 113 it cleans. Gillett'.s Lye ea.sea up dozens of heavy clean- ln(j ta.sk3 â€" save.4 you tiresome work. Keep a tin on hand! ♦ Nerer ditsolvo lyo In hot water. Th» action III llio lye Uscir licuis (he water. for "You wei-e jealous weren't you?" '^'Why did you dislike himT" "1 don't know. I just did. You ."liss (lark's name into the discus- sion at all. That difference of opin- ion W.I.- ;in ohi thing when we were playing exhibition games," he ox- [ilained to Kelly. "Don't worry, young fellow. We wnii't (Ir.ig .Mi.vs Clark into this at all," Kelly assured him. "I want to know why you slugged him today." "Hccauso ho w.ns trying tn bean mo." •'Wly slunild he want to do~hat?" "Rei-ause he was a sorehead. "Kxactly," Kelly ag*.>ed. "He v.-a ; sore becau-e he Ciourtit you don't know why you like some pco- [ '^"'' '^"V '''"' ""'• You didn't have to pie Hnd dislii-,. others," be explatn- I "'"*'' '"''^' >'"" l<"ow. You could have e<l. ' , kept on ducking and he would have • It's nil riKhl. I.arry," Pop inter- i '^'''<' ^" ''*°-"- Another ball and the ."...(ed. "Mr. Kelly knows r.liout the 'â- '""''' ^''"'ted booing." low you and Whitper had over ! "I know I w,i. h<)then<le(' " 1 '''»"'â- Â«'«•" ; admitted. "IJut this .ouUI have nothing to "Where wher <lo with that," Doyle said pleadingly, eident happened "The re IS no reason for "ringing -arry you when the ac- fWEE BOOKLET -n.o cnieifs l.yo aooltlet nliriWB you prui tical ways (11 llAhti'n arany hiiusrhiilJ clinrcii wllh llilH imwcrliil «J««n»er ami illslnln (ant . . . (rlls also, how to use <;illc't('s l.yc lor (horoiifth cleanlna In and around lariii hulldinas . . . Aifea complete lns(rur(lonii lor inaklnft flne- «uall(y soap a( lionii-. Write lor a tree copy to .Standard Brands ltd., Fraser A»». ft Libcriy Jit., 'I'urunlu, Ont. Increased Mental Efficiency Means Increased Earning Capacity V.u c:in lorn l„ ihlnk pn.suivcly ami .â- ..nalrucllvcly. V..11 ,fin leiirti t.i concen- Irnlo and culllvalo a i>i,\verfiil memory. You can overi-iimo Interlorlly Complon and leam in live sucre^tarully. Let us Ffiow >ou how. The Institute of Practical and Applied Psychology 91(1 CONFK.nKKATION BUILDINO Miriilroal, P.q. ?:iiem- FROM GIRL TO WOMAN QROWING girls arc often suf- ferers from female irregularities, ca- tarrhal drains. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the vegetable tonic to give your daughter at .luch times. Hear what Mrs. \Vm. E. Culc «l I.) Il.itiiillon Koad, London, One., said: "Wlirn 1 was developing Into woman- hood I was rnndown, we.ik snd pnle. j snffrreil so badly with cNuiips that 1 woulU almost double up with p-iln. Mother gave me Dr. ritrre's Favorite I'rrsrrlpllon and It helped to build me up so thai I developed into wonianhoo4l wllh very Utile pain or als- comlort and had no more cramps." New sise, lal>lcli .SO rts., liquid Sl.OO. Larn sise, laba or IKitiid, $1.35. "In the lockei-rooin, I gue.ss. I j didn't know there had been nn ac- I cidenL until it was over.'' 1 "That's fun^v," Kelly said. "1 I nskod the men ah lut you and they IsF.id you didn't cam? in until the I game was over, Whore were you?" j "1 WHS there." Dovle in.sistcd. i "Come on, Doyle, don't hcdg' . I You didn't go directly to the locUer- jToom at all. Where did yod go?" "Maybe I wandeied around a bit," I.arry said lamely. I don't bcr." "You wouldn't be wsiiulerii-.g arcund for five or ten minutes, woild you? ' Kelly insisted. "it might ;,.ive boon that l.>ng," Doyie admitted. "Now got till..-, Doyle, and get it .so. ght. Whitp.- v." I shot .soor af- ter you wore nut out of t''o camp. You and ho lail i row today Thi re hr.,'! been bad ')ho I between yoii for ••â- Mne lime. Yo j aie the only likely .sLspect so far nn.i you sit tV.crc iry- in,^ to make me believe you were w^Mdcring uv, ,in-l i-i « .Jn:4o It's tho bunk. Oome clean now. ' "I've told you all there is ti tell." (To he Continued.) Issue No. 46 â€" '36 câ€" 2 BOOKKEEPERS STUDY AT HOME FOR BETTER SALARY You have the amhilinnl Wo have the coursel BOO «i,Mirt arcountaTiln all i,.r,« Csnsda UsUly to ejccllonoe o( tJhsw Higher Account- ancy Courw by Mail TeU ua your .Ut^- Ut us advise. Write si once. SHAW SCHOOLS LIMITED OtPARTMCNT k'3>^'» -â-  Girl Can't "Get By" On Looks Alone Cliariniii^il,- Manner More Im- portant Than Pretty Face and Figure Our standards of beauty really have changed a good deal. Nowa- day.>i, even beauty contest entrants art judged according to their person- ality, intelligence and charm as well as physical pulchritude. Everyone -seems to agree that beauty i.s a line thing' indeed' but that no girl should attempt to get by on looks alone. Ro.^^e Veronica Voyle, the Philadel- phia girl who won tho title of "Miss America" this year at Atlantic City is a shining example of the kind of beauty that is most highly prized these (lays. l!lack-hairc(b brown-ey- ed Miss Coyle uses make-up with discretion and the artifices she docs employ are put on artistically, .\lso her interesting manner aiul spark- ling personality contributed as much toward winning the contest for her as did her perfect figure ami pretty face. She is the natural type. "I never diet and I seldom do set- ting-up e.\erciscs," Miss Coyle says. "You see, 1 practice tap dancing about two hours every day and these' plus the number of hours per week I spend golfing, swimming and rid- ing keep me physically lit. I do not eat between meals, but jft mealtime. I have anything I want." Kose (,'oyle is 5 ft. C; weighs 111 pounds, wears a 4B shoe aad a si:', â-  12 dre.ss. She has pearly white tcetii, curly hair' an olive skin nii.l freckles. Incidentally' she does not like freck- les, but she doesn't worry about them or spend hours fussing with freckle- remover preparations. Instead' she covers the tiny brown spots as much as possible by a normal use of foun- dation cream and powder, thei for- gets about them. This dapper dross styled in the approved manner for well-dressed schoolgirls will see many a stu- dent through tho class room. Kvery juui<;r M^ss from a 11 right down to the Krowing eii;ht- year-old will love the dainty puffed sleeves v.hich cut in one with the front yoke, the scalloped eloriui;. and its bit ot youthful sophislica' Hon that makes one Ite! important. The back view is cnuallv trim, short darts at tho waist help to Kive a smooth well-fitting skirt and a con.^ideiable flare is "gained by two knifed pleats in front. Its neatly lail, red stylo i„oks well in any material. 1942B HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS Write your name and address plainly, giving number and size of pattern wanted. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred): wrap it carefully and address your order to Barbara Gel!. Room 421, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. 'There IS no real economic an- tipathy between agriculture and in- dustry in the United States." â€" Ccorgo .V. Peek. THERE IS IN EVERY PACKAGE During tlrilllng operations for an artesian well In tho Coondiwindl dis- trict In New South Wales, Australia, fragnieiita of a hardwood tree and several aeorna similar to those ot the native oak wore fmnid at a depth of 290 feet. "Materialistic scientific oppcsition to religion has disappeared." â€"Sir Arthur Kddington Buckinoham ' F I N E *C U T d tea< liT ahi ft and ;icaliy a new profession for women. A fonner school teacher and tea< loom manager. Miss McPeok salif could "see why providing comfort pleasure for train travellers logf is a permanent field tor us." i Courtesy from ticket agents, COU'; ductors stewardesses or porters; and prompt service of hot meals at reasoiM able cost; fittings for women's dress- ing rooms; new magazines for lonnga cars; cleanliness in cars; aid to paw sengers with baggage â€" these are bnf a few matters within her jurisdictionj FINE FOR KIDNEY AND BLADDER WEAKNESS STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS LOOK AND FEEL YOUNGER Keen your kidneys free from] waste matter, poisons and acid, and] put healthy activity into kidneys] and bladder and you'll live a hcalth-i ier, happier and longer life. One most efficient and harmlcsa way to do this is to get from yoo? druggist a -lO-cent box of Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules and take them as directed â€" tiie s'.vift results will surprise you. ! Besides getting up nights, sonae symptoms of kidney trouble are' backache, moist palms, leg cramps,' and puffy eyes. If you want real re- sults, be sure to get GOLD .MEDALr â€" the original and genuine â€" a grand kidney stimulant and diuretic â€" right from Haarlem in Holland. Give youii kiJneys a good cleanrng once in a while. Jumpy Swerves yield to the soothing aaion of this medicioe. You will eaj better . . . sleep better . . . feel better . . . look better. Life will seem worth living again. Don't delay any longer. Begin taking it today. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND When You Want to Alkalize Stomach Fast Try This Arriuziu-i r<:st ]Vay â€"The "Phillips" Way Millions Arc AdoptitiQ On every side loihiy people arc being iirijed lo alkalize tlieir slonuicli. And I bus ease symptoms of "acid indijfcs- lion," nausea and stomach upsci:;. To gain i/kicA- alkali;::itioii. just do Ihis: Take two teaspoons of IMIIL- LU'.S' MILK OK M.VCNKSIA 30 minulcs after caliiii,'. OR â€" lake two Phillips' Milk of i\hi};ncsia Tabids. Relief comes almost at once â€" usually in a few minutes. Nausea, "gas" â€" fullness after calin}* and "acid iiuli,:,'esli(>n" pains leave. You feel like a new person. ^_ Try lliis way. ("icI either the liquid "Phillips" or the remarkable, mw Phdlips' Milk of Muijnesia Tablets. Each one equals a teaspoon of the liquid. Only 20 <" a bo.t at all drug stores. Also IN TABLET FORM: E«ch tiny tablet is the equiv- >l«nt 01 a tciispoonlul o( cenulae PlilUips' Milk cf Magnewt, ,^:^^ MAOK IN CAMAOA Phim4P»' i& .'•J* â€" t.'iow* -V . MILK

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