THE FLESHERTQN ADV.\NCE W'ednsday, November 11, 1*^36 'â- S,:* i. LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS MAXWELL ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Herb Betts spent fThursday night with friendg at Pea- body. Miss Dorothy Foster i.s spending three weeks in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Whitmore and daughter Emily of Durham were, vis- itors over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell. We extend our sincere sympathy to Mrs- Doupe and family in their sad bereavement by the sudden passing of their dear husband and father. Master Fred Bectg spent the week end at the home of his uncle, Mr. Norman Stoddart in Flesherton. Mr. Wm. Hawkins visited during the past week with his sister, Mrs. Susan Doupe, Saugeen Junction. CENTRELINE Misses Edith and Mable Fawcett of Duncan visited friends here on Sunday. Miss Hazel Osborne of Maxwell spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Osborne. Mr. Joe Little has gone to work at W. Seeley's, Maxwell, for the winter. Mr. John Osborne left on Monday last for the Northern woods. Word was lei'eived from him on Friday, saying he had work, eighty miles north of New Liskeard. Mrs. Margaret Little left on Sun- day to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. J. fT. Erwin, Toronto. Mr. Bern Haney of Toronto is .spending some time with his uncle, Jack Haney. There was quite a stir on this line PRICEVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Th6s. Betts, Edith and Friday and Saturday when two gravei Mabel spent a day with friends m Durham. Mr. Betts called on Mr. George Pedlar, vvhile there. We are soiTy to learn that Mr. Pedlar is very ill and confined to his bed all the time. Messrs. Sam and Mui-ray Fisher, Jack English and John Osborne went up north to look for work. We are sorry to report Mrs. Avt Porteous very ill at time of writing, with a heart attack. We trust she will soon be feeling better. Miss Hilda Betts spent the week end with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell. trucks were drawing Harry Fisher's pit to places on the road here. COST OF BRLCE ASSIZES S1.8fi4.03 Cost of the recent Bruce County Assizes was $1,846.03, it was learned last week. The Petit Jury cost |71B, and the Grand Jury |139. Witnesses' fees in the ease of Mrs. Mary Stroh, acquitted on a murder count, cost $104; witnesses for the trial of four charged with attempted entry of a brewer's warehouse at Wiarton, $804; constables attendance, â- $54; escorting Adrian Vanderyagt, one of three convicted for the Wiarton robbery, $29. Other expenses may bring the total cost to more than $2,. 600, it was said. Specials Flannelette, 28 in. per yd. 15c 7 yds. for 98c Children's Sweaters 65c 75c and 85c New Assortment of Buttons Fall Shades Golden Fleece Wool 10c per ball VARIETY STORE Flesherton, Ont. gravel from fix the bad VICIORIA CORNERS iThe ladies of the W. A. held a quilting at Mrs. Sam Stewart's on Wednesday, when they quilted a quilt for Mrs. McKaye. our minister's wife. _ The ladies of the W. M. S. held their November meeting at the home of Mrs. Jno. Henry Richardson on Thurs- day. Mrs. Stevens has not been so well again, we are sorry to report. Mrs. Elwood Stevens is nursing her. It was a great shock to this neigh- borhood when we learned on Saturday morning that Mr. Chas. Doupe had passed away in hi« sleep the night before. Mr. Doupe finished thresh- ing this line last week, finishing at Mr. Wm. Scott's some time on Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Bowring and Miss Ruth Richardson, spent the week end under the parental roof at Mr. Jno. Henry Richardson's. Mr. Wm. Stinson of Port Huron, visited relatives in the burg last week. George, Ted and Elvin Moore and Jack Linton visited at Gravenhurst. Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Robeit Fisher wish to express their appreciation for the treats and kindness shown during his recent illness. Card of Thanks I hereby give my heartiest thanks and appreciation for the beautiful treats given by friends and neigh- bors and the ladies of the Eastern Star during my recent illness. â€" Mrs. John McDermid IN MEMORIAM McMULLEN â€" In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Samuel McMullen, who passed away Novem- ber 11, U>35. Loving and kind in all his w'ays. Upright and just to the end of his days. Sincere and kind in heart and mind. What a beautiful memory he left be- hind. â€"Sadly missed by Wife and Family. »4.4.. I ., | ., H .. fr . I„; . t i, t ..|.4i, I .,|..;i. ; .,;,.I.. | .. H .. I ., | i, H .. H .. t ..». i .. t .. i . 4 i, ; .. t .. | i, |„| i»ji^,t, | i»»,^,». m ,jb Wiltshi ? ires Bread is now sold at the following stores: Betts' Store, Flesherton Foster's Store, Rock Mills Wiltshire's Malted Milk Homemade Loaf ******************** * *********** * ************ 4* ***** Special Offering of SHORTENING and Lard Larriand Shortening 2 lbs 25c Pork Chops Round Steak . lb 20c 2 lbs 35c lologna 2 lbs 25c Choice leef at Right Prices Henderson's Meat Market PHONE 34 -:- FLESHERTON The W. M. S. and Willing Helper's will hold their monthly meeting, Tues- day, November 17th at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Watson. Topic by Rev, X. MacDonald on life of King Ed- ward 8th. Roll call, Christma.s Sug- gestions. Lunch Com. â€" Misseg Mary McEachern, Nellie .McLean. Topic for W. M. S. by Margaret Mc- .Arthur, on Home Missions, when all the ladies are welcome. The Hol<lfast U.F.W.O. Club meet- ing will be held W'ednesday, 5s'ov. 11 at the home of Mrs. J. K. Mc- Leod. Mr. and Mrs. .Arthur Bell and Miss E. Mather, Priceville, were guests Thursday evening at A. L. Hincks'. Mr. and Mrs. Dan. McQueen and family, Mt. Forest, were i-ecent visit- ors at Mr. Dave Nichol'a. Mr. Dave Hincks, Mr. and Mrs. George Hincks and their grandson, Kenneth Watson, spent a couple of days visiting friends at Guelph, Elora and Arthur. Mr. and Mrs. .•Vllie McLean and son of Toronto, spent the week end with their parents here. Mr. Jim Oliver and daughter. Sadie, attended the funeral last week of the late Bob Dunn of Kynoch. Mr. Dunn had only been ill a short time. He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife and five children. The Feversham people presented their play on Friday night in St. Columba Church, and was greatly en- joyed by the audience. It's title was â- 'L'p the Hill to Paradise." Miss Sadie Carson i-eturned to To- , rontol, Monday after spending the j past week at her parental home. I Mr. Peter Muir, Toronto, spent the I week end at Mr. .Mlie Muir's. \ Messrs. Robert Walker and Don-! aid Aldcorn. Toronto, spent the week i end at the latter's home here. | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jellv and daugh. ' ter Marie of Shelburne, visited Sun.' day at Mr. Ray McLean's. i Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks and fam- i ily visited the first of the week at Mr, Joe Blacks, Swinton Park , Mr and Mr... Bill Mckenzie and daughter. Dromore, visited the end of the week with friends here. Rev. Court, Holstein, will preach, 'â- Sunday, November l,=ith. in the Pres- I Manor oytenan church here. <The Woman's Association of the L'nited Church met at the home of Mrs. J, L. Morrison. ITie President Mrs. Bushell presided. Mrs. Robert Priestly read the lesson. The roll call was answered by a verse con- taining the word "Peace." Plans were made fo'' redecorating the church hall and buying new seats for the church. Lunch was served at the close. Mrs. Norman Cairns and son Nelson of Wiarton visited friends in Maxwell last week. Sorry to report Mrs. John Stephen On the sick list. Miss Ethel Fenwick who has been ill w'e are pleased to report improv- ing. Miss Mabel Ross is visiting her friend, .Miss Ella .A.llister in Colling- wood. Miss Irene Parker, who underwent an operation for tonsils in Colling. wood hospital is improving nicely. The Ma.v\.»trli Y. P. S. met in the hurch on Friday, November 'i- The meeting opened by singing the hymn, "Oh Master let me walk with Thee," Mrs. H. Poole read the scripture read- ing, followed by prayer by Mr. Bush- ell. Mr. Bushell took the discussion period. "Inequality and its results in our community. The officers .-lected were as follows: President, Mr. Bush- ^'11; Secretary-Treasurer, Flora Moi-- lison; Citizenship convenor. Mr. L. .Adam: Christian Fellowship. Mrs. Bushell; Missionary convenor. Mabel Ross; Literary convenor. Mrs. H. Poole. Recreation period follovveti, consistincr of a watch contest and a spelling match. The meeting ! by singing, "Day is Done." : The Y. P- S. will meet in the church ! hall on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. I everybody welcome. Priceville Public School 5th â€" Laurie Sutherland, Floi-ence Stonehouse, Winnifred McConkey, .Ar- chie Slurrock, Emerson Watson, (iwynneth .McLean. Sr. 4th â€" Dorothy Watson, Bobbie Sutherland, Bobbie O'dell, Ross Mc- Conkey. Doreen Teeter, Bernice Car- son, Walter McBride, Kenneth Nichol, Dougla.s Weir. Jr. 4th â€" Julia Scheuerman, Kath- !.-eii Mc.Arthur, Elmer TuriibuU. Sr. .Ird â€" Betty Watson, Isabel Karstedt, Jack McConkey, John Mc- Millan, Beanice McDermid. Thomas McKeown, .Angus McVicar, Viola .Mc- Dermid, Jean Mather, Hector McLean. •Sam Scheuerman. Jr. ."Jrd â€" Virginia McDermid, Don- ald McMillan. Mabel Scheuerman. Sr. 2nd â€" Jane Karstedt, Isabel Weir, Sarah McMillan. Clarence Mc- .Arthur. Lawrence Mc.-athur, Mack Watson, Percy Stonehouse. Jr. 2nd â€" Laurie McKechnie. Vern Scheuerman. 1st â€" Sheila Weir, Sadie McKeown. ! Jimmie McArthur. Marie Weir. i Sr. Pr. â€" .Angus .McLaughlan, .Allan : McLaughlan, Reta McDougall, Irene I Turnbull. Victor Scheuei-man. | ens, Vernon Fawcett, .Audrey Fawcett, Dalbert Wickens. â€" G. Jenkins, Teacher Jr. 3rd â€" Honoui-s: Marjory Belfry. Pass: Betty Graham, Barbara Allen. Jackie Haynes, Gwendolyn Ellis. Jr. 2nd â€" Honours: Leona Kirk- patrick, June Belfry, Merle Smart, /ackie Diilon, Pass: Eleanor Smai't, Shirley .McMullen and Vernon Cora- field (equal). Sr. Pr. â€" lona Smart, Gladys, Haynes, Willie Haynes. Jr. Pr. â€" Barry Wallace, Blane Pickles, Dorothy Haynes. Pei-fect in spelling, Leona Kirkpat- rick. â€" J. Carruthers, Teacher Jr. Pr. Dermid. Bettv Hincks, Cecil Mc- -ARTHUR IT BELL. Principal M.AiTMFR, Teacher KIMBERLEY PUBLIC SCHOOL Dorothy Haviies. CEYLON A deputaion of three estimable young ladies of St. Andrew'* Pres- byterian Church, accompanied bv Rev N. McDonald, waited upon the"Y. P. S. at their meeting with a view to- wards having joint meetings alternat- ely- Satisfaction with this com- mendable object was e.xpressed by those waited upon. We hope the night Of meeting (the only point of variance) will he greed upon. ..\ pointed '.o make the deputation. Of the play Friday evenin or even said. a good crowd fhe purpose of hearing them. Mr, and Mrs. W. Henderson of Hampden way. visited at the home of ner sister. Mrs. Wm. Mather and took 'n the service at St. Columba. Mr \Vni. Mather and his wife also visited at the home of his uncle. Win. Mather. Mr. and .Mrs. N'orval Biawley were also visitors over the week end at the homo of the Watson's, W. G and mother. Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Darrach, Hai- ristOM together with their sons. Jaiiie-; and ..\lex. and his wife Louise vis- ited at the home of the latter's par- cnfs. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ramage. Sunday. .Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Snell, Mr. and Mrs. Will Gibson and Archie Sin- clair, attended the inspection of the Owen Sound Chapter of the Eastern Star on Wednesday night last. Mr. Ed. Flowers and daughter, Joan, Toronto, were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Smellie. Mrs. Sam McMullen and daughter. Elsie, Miss Hazel Copeland of Swin- 1 ton Park and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Huctwith and Jessie of Forest were ' callers the first of the week with Mr. i and Mrs. J. R. Sinclair. Mrs. .Anderson (Edna Stone) of | Saskatchewan is reiiewing old | acquaintances on the Stones Line. Mrs. A. Sinclair was in Owen | Sound on Saturday. j Miss Frances Collinson, I^oronto. | was a week end visitor with .Mr. and -Mrs. J. F. Collinson. Mrs. A. S. Muir i^ visiting friends in Toronto. Mrs. J. Knox and Mrs. A. Sinclair were visitors at Mr. A. E. Haw's on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ivory and son, salisfactortly a- ' roinniy of Toronto. Mr. Robt. Mc- Form 2 â€" Pat Weber, Fawcett. Ted Wuber, .Annie Lottie W'ickens. Sr. 4th â€" .Alma Wickens, Ivan Ca- losedlniack. Elvie Morwood, -Nellie Ha>'T!es, ! Merv\-n Ellis. Lois Weber Gordon ' Chard. Jr. 4th â€" DonalU Graham, Gloria Belfry. Mervyn Gilbert. Harold Gra- 1 ham, Leota Gilbert, Garry Ellis. Jun- ior Mien. Kendall Chard. Donald Bel- fry, Lincoln W'ilson. Reggie Fawcett. : Sr. 3rd â€" Clare Dillon, Irene Wick- i U. S. S. No. 15, Proton Sr. 4th â€" Clarence White ,Vern Corbett. Jacqueline Sims, Marjorie Bates. Laurie Sims. Jr. 3rd â€" Helen Pevey, Fred Bat- chelor. Irene WTiite, Emily Blake, Jack Bark%, Zella Lyons. Sr. 2nd â€" Marvelle White, Ken- neth Bates, Edith Blake. Margaret Blake. Sr. 1st â€" Margaret Mills. Cecil Bar. ker. Henrietta Sims. Velma Sewell, .Allen Mckay, Bert Badgerow. Jr. l:;t â€" Everette Lockhart. Marion Lyons. Marion Baker. Sr. Pr. â€" Ruth L.vons. Jr. Pr. â€" Helen Corbett. MuiTay .Shaw. Murray Watson. â€" G. B. LITTLEJOHN. Teacher British Columbia and .A.lberta are planning a system of barter and pos- sibly they will trade Gerry McGeer for Pi-eniier Aberhart. Employer: "1 can only say. Mr. Jones, you have acted like a donkey in this matter." Mr. Jones: "But you musn't forget, sir. that I acted as your representa- tive.'' Collector Wanted Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OF OSFREY .Applications will be received by the undersigned up till Saturday, Nov. 21st. for the position of Ta.x Collector for the Township of Osprey. Duties to commence Jan. 1st. i;>37. C. N. Long, Clerk, Feversham, Ont. Notice re Tax Sale committee was ap- arrangements with Siven in St. Columba • little could be heard, .Acting was deficient, was in attendance for Intosh and daughter. Norah, Grand j Valley and Misse^ Muriel Corbett ;and Kathleen Barker and Mr. Jack Barker were Sundav visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Oliver. j Mr. and .Mrs. Fox of Wingham were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. , W'ili Gib.^son, when the latter paid her official visit to Grey Couiitv Chapter. O. E. S.. Flesherton. Mrs. Harvey Griffin aii<i Mrs. .Ar- cher of Toronto visited with Mrs. W. i White on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs, .^luid Raiiey and daughter, Jean, vis:ted the latter's niother. .Mrs. U- Macphail over the week end. They %vere accompanied home by Miss Dorothy Sllell who will ' remain for some time. I Wc extend our sympathy to .Mrs. hn.<. Douie and family in the that has ..ntcred ;hcir home. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. O. 1927 (Chap. 238, Sec. 517, Sub-Sec. 3, that it is the intention of the Municipal Council of the Town. ship of Osprey to buy any lots or parts of lots which do not sell for at least the amount of taxes in arrears against such lots or parts of lot.- at the Tax Sale to be held on Thursday, November 12th. at 2.30 o'clock p.m., at the Court House. Ow-en Sound. â€" C. N. LONG. Clerk. Notice re Tax Sale Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned, up until nOon, Mon- day, .November 30th, iy36, for the position of Janitor for St. John's United Church. Flesherton. commenc- ing January first, 1937 for a yearly term. For particulars as to duties see the Secretary. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. C. CH APPLE Secretary of Board of Stewards. Auction Sale Farm Stock and Implements sorrow .Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. iy27( Chap. 2;?8, Sec. 517.^ Sub-SiH-. 3. that it is the intention ofj the Municipal Council of the Village' of Flesherton to buy any lots or parts' of lots which do not sell for at least' ;he amount of taxes in arrears agains* such lots or pans of lots at the Tax Sale to be held on Thursday. Novein- | ber 12th. at 2.30 o'clock p.m., at the; t'oun Mouse. Owen Soiiiul. j -K. H. W. HICKLING. Treasurer JIST AS WELL I FEVERSHAM Mr. Ross Long of Feversham was a week end visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Long here re- cently. Mr. Samuel Hawton and two daughters, Annie and Merlie of SUy- ner were caller* on friends in this locality last week. Mr, and Mrs Will Colquette and Betty and .Allan of Owen Sound, spent Sunday at the Alexander and Col- quette homes here. Mr. Walter Saigeon of Areola, Sask. is visiting friends in this local. ity. Miss Queenie Kaitting of Owen Sound spent Sunday with her sisiter Mrs. George Burk and family, Mr, E. Hawton has purchased the farm owned by Miss Ella .AUister. Lot 15, Con. 9, adjoining the village, on the said farm there are several acres of good bush. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Long and Mrs. John Paul over Sun- day were Dr. and Mrs. E. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Long of To. ronto and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mont- gomoTv of Dundalk. take A child who holds a book closer to his e.ves than 14 inches, either needs glasses or better lighting. Trees do things by reverse meth- ods. Here with winter coming on most of them have turned nudists. The true test of business ability is to get money in a place where there isn't much to be got. â- Never set a pace you can't keep ui>. Therefore you seem to be slip- ping when you are merely good. (Picton Times) It's as well not to knowâ€" â€" how fast your car will go. â€"whether or not your boss will an insult and not fire you. â€"how much liquor you can hold â€" how long you can hold your breath or stand on your head. â€"the latest smutty story, --how many years you can go on stuffing without a strike of your vital organs. â€"how long you will last on the after your enthusiasm lags, -when your licked. â€" how many coiiiniandments you can break without breaking yourself. â€" whether or not the boat will tip over if you rock it just a little harder, --whether it's po.<sible to beat a train at a railroad crossing. MORTGAGE SALE job Orange Valley School Jr. 4th â€" Verna Russell*, and Mary Whitehead equal. Sr. 3rd _ Levi Stafford, Annie Stephenson, Pauline Stephenson. Jr. 3rd â€" Muriel Gilchrist, Ernie Russell. Jr. 2nd _ Eileen Staffoi-d, Jack Gilchrist. Burton Russell. UNDEk AND BV V1K4TE of the Powers of »ale contained in a certain mortgage, wllich will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for .sale by GEORGE E. UlNCAN, Auctioneer, at PLBLIC AlCTION on Wednesday, the Eighteenth day of .November. Ili3<>, at the hour of T\vo O'clock ill the afternoon at the farm of WILLIAM ROBERT Mc.ALLIS- TER, near Singhampton, Ontario, the following property, nam«ly: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land anil premises, situate, lying and being in the Town- ship of Osprey, in the C^ouiity of Grey, and being composed of lot number I twenty-seven in the tenth concession I of the said Township, and the wester. I ly sixty acres of lot number twenty- S seven in the ninth concession of the said Township. ON the said farm there is said to be erected a dwelling house with suit- able farm buildings. The lands will be sold subject to a Nina Teeter. Gerald Russell' Irving, Dorothy Emerson 1st - O.scar Irving. Stafford. Sr. Pr. â€" Ivan Brown, .Melville Brown. Pr. Pr. â€" Marguerite Stafford. Mil- .•ion Morwood. Nelson Stephenson. Doreen Teeter an<l Harold Gilchrist* equal. ' Denotes perfect attendance, â€"A. I. MARTIN. Teacher Oscar Brown, Fred Gilchrist, reserve bid Become a regular stibseribcr to iThc Flesherton Advance. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent of the pui-chase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE, apply to R. G. M. McDougall, Esq-- East Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario, Solicitors to the Mortgagee D.ATED at Tpronto this Twei first day of October, 1936. ei|y CARL E. ATKINSON \N ill sell by public auction on Lot I!<7. 1 N. E. T. & S. R., Artemtwia 4i Miles South of Flesherton on No. 10 Highway THLRSDAY. NOVEMBER 12. 1936 when the following will be offered for sale HORSES â€" Heavy Bay Mare 10 years old; Heavy Bay Mare 11 years old; Buckskin .Mare 9 years old, sup- posed to be in foal; Heavy Bay Mare 5 years old. sup[)osed in foal; Stand- ard Bred Bay Mare S years old, sup- posed to be :n loai to King .Abdell; Standard Bred Bay Mare 1 year old; \ Standard Bred Black Colt. C.\l ILE â€" .Aberdeen .Angus Cow. registered, 9 years old; .\berdeen .An- irus Cow. registered. 4 years old: .Ab- I crdeen .Angus Bull, registered, i year ! old; ..Vberdeen .Angus Heifer, 1 year iold; 2 Roan Cows s.ipposed to be in I calf: 2 Brindle Cows, supposed to be In calf: 3 White Face Cows, suppowd'' I to be in calf; 2 Red Cows supposed to He in call": White Face Heifer. 2 years I old. milking: Holstein Heifer 2 years iold. milking: 3 Steers, 2 years old; :! Ilcil'ers, 2 years old; 5 Yearling '. -Steers: '.' Yearliiiy: Heifers; 3 Steer Calves; 1 Heifer Calves. : SHEEP. PIGS, ETC. â€" 22 First Breeding Ewes; Oxford Down Ram; Sow and 9 Pigs; Brood Sow Supposed ill Pig: 5 Store Pigs, about 100 lbs.; 11 Store Pigs, about Ch) lbs,; I .About 2 Dozen Barred Rock Hens and j Rooster; paiv Geese; i! Pckiii Ducks; ' 2 Collie Dogs. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. â€" M.-H. [ Binder No. 5. Deering Mower, new; Deeiing Hay Loader, new; F. & W. ; Hay Rake; llay Rake-; Hay Rack and Stock Rack combined; â- l^ldhope-.And- I erson Wa.gon *« size; Wagon Box I Stock Rack; Stsel Wheel Dump Cart; Uuavel Box; 2 Steel Wagon Wheels; 2 sets Sloop Sleighs in good shape; I set Single Harness; M.-H. 13 disc Fertilizer Drill: M.-H. 13 tooth Cult- ivator; Spring Tooth Harrows; 3 sec- ' tion Iron Harrows: Disc Harrows 14 iDisc; Cockshutt Twin Riding Plow: i Open Buggy in g^ood shape; Fleury Single Walking Plow. No, 21; Wilkin. : son Single Walking Plow, No. 9; Deer- ling Manure Spreader; Turnip Pulper; Wheelbarrow: Fanning Mill; Scales, ; 2,000 lbs.; set of Heavy Breeching: I Harness; 6 Horse Collars; Pump Jack; j set Backhand Harness; set of Plow Harness; 120 Egg Incubator with i Brooder: Gasoline Engine m H.P.; ; Coal Oil Stove: Coal Oil Heater; 100 jbu. Good Seed Barley; 1.000 bu. Good Seed Oats; Large Quantity Hay and ' Straw, if not previously sold; Interna- tional Cream Separator; Barrel Churn and Butter Bowl. I SALE .AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON j No reserve as the owner is giving* up farming. ; TERMS- Cpsh. \ â€" WM. KAITTING. Auctioneer Herb Corbett. Clerk. ii».^^:i;<;ii^s^£iiaH&^gii^t^-