Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Nov 1936, p. 7

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' I To Ease a Headache Fast Get Real Quick-Acting, Quick-Dissolving "ASP IRIS" See How "ASPIRIN- Tablet} Work In 2 iwcoiulji by Rtop ^^ â- ~~ii watfh. *n ".^spinn" r~"i 9 â€" H â€"ui.. _ ... .- j:^-.. 1 a "_ J] wi tablet atartu to diainte- eral« aad go to woHu r>rop an "Aspirin** tab* l*^ into a flaan of water, il; Ibe time it hits the bctlom of the cla^^u it ia dl^intecratioiE. What happens ia thtd class . . . happena in yuur Ucmach. For QUICK Relief If you suiTer from headaches what you want is quick relief. "Aspirin" tablets give quick re- lief, for one reason, because they diasolve or disintegrate almost in- stantly they touch moisture. (.Vote illustration above.) Hence â€" when you take an "^^spi- rin" tablet it starts to dissolve al- most as quickly as you swallow it. And thus b ready to start working almost instantly . . . headaches, neuralgia and iieurilis pains start easing almost at once. • ".Aspirin" tablets are made in Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade-mark of the Bayer Company, Limited, of Windsor. Ontario. Look for the name Bayer in the form of a crtiss on ever>' tablet. Try it, -You'll say it's man. clous. Detnand and Get MINING FLASHES ASPrRIN -»*DC- LOOK FOR THE BA YCR CROSS Divorce Is Absolute LOS ANGELES â€" A ti!\3l decree formally ended last week the marri- age of John Barrymore and Dolores Costello. Divorce proceedings were started more than a year ago by Miss Costeilo. She won an interlocutory decree Oct. 4- 1935. Under the terms of her interlocutory decree she re- ceived custody of two chiliire:^ John Jr., four, and Dolores- five. '•Hold thought steadfastly ;o the enduring, the good, and t'e true, and you will bring these into your experience proportionably to their Ovcup-jncy of your thoughts." THE FAMOUS RUBBING LINIMENT Rub on â€" pa!:i gone- Get the new large econ- omy iize â€" Also avail- able in sir-aller. regular size. m Surface trenching to the extent of 4,270 feet ha» been complete^ on the \ .\dmira! Cadillac Gold Mines prop- [ erty and in the course of this work ; 1 new vein ras uncovered, officials state. Work completed to date, it is stated, has revealed nameroas veins and stringers and several test â-  r»ts have been sunk in which en- couraging results have oeen obtain- ed. O. W. Bell is at the property for ihe purpose of making a geologl- ; cal survey and laapping of the hold- j ings of the company. Tinancial ar- ; range me nts have been completed, whereby sufficient funds are secured to carry on e.Tploration. W hat ;s believed to be the con- tinuation of the vein encountered about one month ago, 100 feet east of the Pickle Crow boundary, has been picked up in diamond drill hole N'o. 4-3, at Winoga Patricia Gold Mines. H. L. Edwards, in charge of operations, in a wire to local inteiv ests, reports that hole -Vo. 45 ir.ter- sected the vein, one section or which 2ssays $149 per ton in gold- while two feet of the wall rock gave a value of $2.S0. The former hole showed a gold bearing section at a depth of from 40 to 55 feet, which included four feet of quartz with two feet highly mineralized and a two-inch "sweeter.er" carrvlng much visible gold. • • • Diamond drilling is proceeding on the Porcupine property of Dclwood Porcupine Geld Mines, to prove up showings revealei on surface. One drill hole put down ur.dernes.th the Xo. 2 at a steeper angle intersected the vein at a depth of 110 feet, from which a sludge assay of $21 was ob- tained over a width of five feet. N'o. 15 hole cut Sve feet of core averag- ing $24.50, while another hole in- tersected what is believed wO be the extension of this vein showing a width of eight feet of n.Inerallzed quartz. Three other five-fojt sec- tions cut by the drill returned S16.S0 and $14 per ton in gold. .As drill work proceeds on DelwooU other vein exposures on surface w^ill be thoroughly •explored. Estimated net profit of $253,961, equal to 9.48 cents a snare is re- vealed by Macassa .Mines fo. the six months ended September 30, 1936, accor»itng to a statement submitted with dividend chetiues. This com- pares with net of $174,607. or 6.04 cents a share in the similar 1935 period. The company milled 34,731 tons in the period giving recovery of $613,948 or $17.73 per ton. ag.iinst 34.246 tons milled and re- covery of $53",7t>5 or 513. 5S per ton St year. Three diamond drill holes put down on the No. 'S vein at Skookum Cold .^'ines, Ked Lake district, has intersected three lanio.'opnyre dykes showing core lengths ranging up to 61.6 feet. In addition to drilling, a smial! an:ount of surface work has been carried on. resulting in dis- covery of a heavily mi::er;;lized dyke near the boundary of claim 0121. The dyke, which shows widths up to WITH THE y^xi Boy Scout Jambo.ees. held in dif- ferent parts of England this summer were attended by nearly 30,000 Scouts. .A. North Country gathering at Durham attracted 10,000; a West Country affair at FTymouth drew 8,000, the Midlands Jamboree 8,000. and Sea Scouts from throughout the British Isles gathered at Portsmouth. • • • Forty Patrol Leaders from ten different Boy Scout Groups attended the Junior Leaders' Conference held over a recent week-end at Smith* Falls, under direction of Field Secre- tary E. T. Jones of Toronto. P. L. Gilling Goddard of the 1st Smiths Falls Troop, presided at the banquet which marked the opening of the conference, ar.d introduced the guest speaker. Mr. M. L. Douglas of Brock- ville. • » • Five members of the 110th Tor- onto Boy Scout Troop recently com- pleted their First Class Journey test requirements which tcok them over a 56-miIe route. • * • A special feature of this year's fair of the 1st Moose Jaw Scout Group was an Indian village in which Princess lesca personally superin- tended a unique collection of Indian relics. • • • The program of the recent Wind- sor Boy Scout Field Day ax Jackson Park, attended by some 300 Scouts, included such novel events as base- ball throw, jumping, racing. Scout Law relay, knot relay- fireman's lift relay, log chopping corapetitiou, bridge building, morse and sema- phore contests, undressing race, soapy water boiling competition, fire by friction, first aid and tent pitch- ing, and concluded with a large campfire and presentation of prLies. The 15th Troop was declared champ- ion, with the 23rd Troop second. • « • .A. new Scout hut erected by Lodge i 29, LO.O.F.. for the 10th Chatham! Scout Group sponsored by the Odd- fellows, was recently officially: opened by President H. S. Thomas I of the Chatham Local Scout .Associa- tion at a ceremony at the hut. Mem- bers of the Group's troop and pack under Scoutmaster R. Rowden and District Cubmaster Fred Bowers, contributed to the program by brief demonstrations. i three feet, m.ay prove to 'oe an ex- tension of N'o. 6 vein. G. .Allan Mac- Pherson of Mines Selections Ltd., consulting engineers, in a report on the property, states that surface showings and geological conditions known to exist definitely indicate the advisability of shaft sinking and underground exploration. The pres- ent drilling is being carried out to obtain knowledge of structural con- ditions essential to the l-.'cation of a shaft site. • » • Black Eagle Ked Lake Mines has discovered a new and well mineral- ied vein, carrying blue quartz and iron, according to latest word rv- ceived from the property in the Red Lake area. The vein, which shows width of appro.ximately seven feet. was located 'oetween the slate and porphyry formation. .A pit is being put down on the showing which ap- pears to be improving at depth, al- though diamond drilling is required. it is stated, to prove its possibilities- BETROTHAL Oh. we were waltsd to the skies on clouds of lovely blue '. The world became a paradise of pale, rose-tinted hue. Lots of people would never be able to borrow trouble if they had to give security. .AU people who look over yonr shoulder when you are trying to write should be taken out and shot at sunset as spies of the norst order. * IT'S A REAL CHEW /'' BIG^BEN The PERFECT Chex^in^ Tobacco him stand- Gi;-.:;dnop. Crui;d;:o". THOUSANDS ENDORSiTHIS AMAZING NEW TRACTION TIRE ' DOCTORS, rural mail carriers, fanners, milk and lum- ber truckers and others who used Ground Grip Tires last winter and spring enthusiastically de- clare them to be the greatest tire ever built for traction. From all parts of Canada come reports that the self- cleaning super-traction tread pulls through the worst road conditions. Put a set on your car or truck for dependable, carefree winter driving. No increase in prke. See the nearest Firestone Dealer today. Grandp.ippy Movg-.;'\ a Milbilly cf the 0:arks, had wandcre.i into the woods v.vA f:,flcd to r.tv.tn for sup- per, so young Tolliver «as sent to look for him. He ic:r. ing in the bushes: Tolliver â€" Gettin' ^lari^ Grandpappy â€" Yep. Tolliver â€" Supper tiin Grandpappy â€" Yep. Tolliver â€" .Ain't yc ii„ng,y" Grandpappy â€" Ye p. Tolliver â€" 'uVl'. ;i:-.'t ye co;;in" home? GraniipsBtn- â€" .N'o'c. Tolliver-l'\Vhy air-t yv? Grandp.nppy â€" Can't. Tolliverâ€" Why c;i:rt ye? Grandi\(ppy- ^t^.:u!in' i;i a L'ur trap. - o â€" Cne i-.c er undcr-.tanvls the ieal meaning of stamina untii he v.-irncs- ses a woman talkin;: e\er t'-e te'e- phone. â€" o â€" Friendâ€" How lor.;: !;>ve you been working for this lirn;? Man â€" Kver since tl-.o bo:s threat- ened to the n'.e. .-Atlas holding the \-orId on his shoulder used to seen to us ll't.e a pretty good man. ,<ays Toronto man, but he is just a piker to ths man who can lift our national debt. N'cw lloarder â€" By gosi>, this is ex- cellent hash. What's your recipe for making it? Landlady â€" 1 have no recipe. It just accuiiuilatcs. Officer; You held your position bravely. New Rec.-uit: 1 had to hold it. The mud was to th ek I couldn't move. K..c:!d-A;!. M:-. tlru::-::. and tow IS your nkst charmi.ng wife? -Mr. Drar c.".â€" I ha â- no cf Jcc â€" '•<'.:. yo u '.' Friendâ€" ; h:'.-.e a wo Joe â€" Wotuk' â- â€¢ v.-atci: ? o: that be;c;c. ;"ri.?n.|-- \\ j;, you s v.ay: Kvery ti:re 1 lei: de.- what ti-fe it is. ve cn:y o:ie. '.â- .â- . It h.:ve :cr wat.:'!. rio-..:- heard •;•. it < tSi- at :: I wcn- Bees Keep Track of Time L. OiiHiic wrth. Before a beekeep- ers' Conv tion at Cambridge. Eng- hind declared: Bees hav^ a sense oC time. It food :s pat oat at a certain tJme every day. the be s will regular- ly appear, (or they soon get to know the time. Cea.^e lo fee<i them, and they will still turn up; but after su days they will gradually stop coming. That their knowledge of ume has nothing to do w:tb the suu has been proved b.v exreriaient. but the feed- ing time must te at definite periods ot the day. If food is placed (or ihem ct regular interval..; cf say 13 hours. so that the period would still diifer each da.v. the bees would still ..rive at the us al hour. The ^ense of time did not come (rom h.:nger. but (rom the natur-i: frv-.-^sses that ?c .u in the xidy There â- *'.:â- : <.e:taia drugs thi.t ac- celerated t;- irtarded these processes and if tiie bees '.ere si^*?a the drugs they would be 'u^e or early With the woaderfiil ser.se o( tiaie bees s-.x-n found cut just the best time to v-.sit C'.';"aln â- !.â- '.»â- ';- tor nectar. The en ;, i."-:;dren"s Church :n t'-e worid. ;r. Mvifcirne. ;s now sixty years oic. \'o cne ever s:-\tecn year:; of a^te : uy enter !t unless they are te.» her^. preachers or vol- â- :rt;.rv '-.irer--. .\>M^ By Uji.-g u-;r-a-v:ciet days tralian detectives hope to be able obtain finger prints from cloth tm other soft surfaces. Bars, iibrju-ies and card-rcoms ar» features of the newest cross-Chann«li aeroplanes, which are e.xpected t4 do the trip from Loodcn to Pairs tjj one hour. Someone unidentined has giver Sl.JSt.i.OOO to form a Scottish Char? table Trust. Classified Advertisiim vMUrKI-M.; f.rr^v; Sr A.1I .1*; ."a.--.n S-rv^i TLr<-c: W7--,« 1 ii.* jA.::>;s SfSSCtLT-nCNS ** »sia rale? Lioefy Tn.?-St- ri-. Fbystn] Culture scj nnvny inaer?. Wr-.t< cw' »n3 LNV£:NT'.?r.S: A', l-NVS.-STCR. LJ* WP*. fnf.? Fuitfn: OFK-r.H T'.^ EV " F. vViSAY O'-mpon.v. World s. ':"i Baji S-.rr»c. Ottawa/ â- \vi; .•CLis<.-r:.Nij 7-\n:l:'J.\ H â€" .v:jij Sutiaa. Scmalilaad. ^ T'sei-ila.nics. T.^g-'ia.-!.!. Oarf;s«a.-!. .vigwl- an Cvn',r-.i; A3i«rtcails. Br!t:jft CiMonlali. tTl:3 Ma.;Ti:eiif-ot' U.S cilw.loQ rr«« tot ie. B-'^-.'.^v. ITR.VY ST,\M? Cu.. repc PC.. W- r.'Cl'j. 1 .\i:y ^h_:-.,;i v. he> has a f .v:n 'aticn I'er credit er-i get :n.o dci.t up lo his eyes. t':'t it t.i'.es eor..:t.u.tive ;hinkln;r r-:d h-:d •vr?i-Ce'\i% to p;;y Ve'.tn,: i";-.M â€" ^upu..»so a •cry u^tly "'an tried to '. â- <â- ; •â- n'* ut* :"<* vo i .^h- .ect? Girlâ€" Trv ; ss yoi'. wc- d yoj ct- and .*te. K.O.N:.Vj MIL .TTi :-..â-  Graphs 7i 0'^ :o read cluir.ic;..": Icglsl Kconi 421 .Ai.eliLde wt. W. Tcrcalo ; vNNlN i':LL â€" K'.:i o; ist^ficn. Firm-, r ^Scratchin^ • RCLirVC rTCMIM« '» A Miauf ' phn|)i«h tthiett* ''-vc. rvsbf* i-i*i uthrf skin «rt^ I tic. :H;u!ii d 0. a Pf^SCRiniOM. Its i«nu« o* I Kutiw **ij« •jT'tawJ lii'o. "vTim.-. {r*tt«.ie<s ami Mf^ loar "iiw9 f»tft- Jtcw* the crt •ii:e:!i« ttchast ^ «a»«oe»o^<^ Aas fvT C. 0. a PB£SC«IFT10«. M AS THC GRUTESTl TRACTION TIRE , FOR SNOW AND .UNIMPROVED ROADS GROUKP GRIP TIRES FOR CARS, TRUCKS AND TRACTORS WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out ni Bed in th« Morning Rarin' to Go Tba liver stH^oli! pour cut two pounds of Bnuld bile into yoii»b«jw»:i> Jaily. W tbubil* taDotaov«m«fr»«l.v. rvur foeJvk>«»n t Jurast. It jmt d«v«y» in th* bowels. 0«s b'j!«ts up joai ttomaoh. Voujjet oon*tn>«t»J. Harmfol pobona ito luU tta«tw<]y. u»l you »M> wiuc. mnk UM tlw wsrld looks rank. Ain«vbow»lmc\-»m«nt dowa'tafway^cy* wX tb« cause. You no*^l sori^thintf that wiuia on th* llnr as waU. It takaa tbom cvwl. oU (^rtvr's Utila Um PtUa to g«t th«M two pounds cf bila fknrtos tratbr iukI laak* T<oa t*el "up and up". Rannlaaa ami fantK thaar BMkJt* Uw bile Bow frwbr. Thar do t bawo rfc of cmtatwl but bsrv ito calnssl or UMi<.iuj Ib k Aak (or Ckitar'a Uttto Urm PO^ • 1 Stttbbaaijr ratoM aajtuw NHk Sib Yo-i rea.''cJ ititj the r..i:;joWs stripes. xvA chose a go'don band: Ther.. beti.iiRg ;t. you fonred a ring and pluccd it on n:y ha."d. You said: "I'il fasten ti-.i;-. on top, v.ith cue bri;;i':t tv.inliling star. Through it. .ity love sha 1 I'ght your vay. T.3 truittcr v.hvio yju are!" -o- I Cillers â€" This typev.-riter tvi'.l revo- lutioaiie the industry 1 Sellersâ€" Ho.v? Billersâ€" Look at the adjustable mirri^r, powder corapattracnt, mani- cure .«ct built in, an] a hideaway for chewing gum. â€" â€" Ministerâ€" I do wish I could think of some way to make ti:e members of the congregation pay attention to me when I'-m preachinj;. Son â€" Why don't you put the cIcc'k right behind the pulpit? *«' %Qit th â€" 1,250,000 Packets SOlOEVEBTDAr Livi'j iH'y .'j 11^ f 8iUf liȣl 31c ly j^ \ miowusfi28c Smellies WiU Help Talkies l»«ue No. 46 :^ I.ONUON, Kng.. â€" Talk, of the "smelHes" coming to the screen and ousting the ''talkies " may not l>e such .^ joke after all. It may be the time Is coming when the screen drama sball have Us appropriate cdors. An apparatus for synchrouiiing the smells with pictures has been among the exhibits at the International Ex hibltton ot Inventions at the Central Hall. Westminster, and a description of the Invention Is Interesting. It ia stated that when a scene o( a field of rjolets Is shown on the screen Tlol«t perfume Is released in the baildiog. The device Is particularly adaptable to short features, cartoons and general advertising. SATISFIED USER Kue cool" s'^es nie t ujrnicr house with ley.< attention to the himjce and at lower cost I am not an authoritv, and corvv^ix-ntly all black coals look the wnie. but when 1 cfder ' blue coal "... the COLCL R assures me that it i» Bcnuine D. L ,S<. \V. .Anthracite • . . I sjv to mv friends: 'Puv "Hue coal' because it's better'. " MR. HARRY DANIELS LINDSAY. ONT - lou. tcs.\ can have comlort plus economy by using this trade-markeJ Muhracice. Order t trial ton today fix«m the blue coal' dealer near«t vou. 'blue coaF ,3, ^a>ed you "CONFIDENCE TO BURN" \ V

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