Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Nov 1936, p. 8

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WednschiN , Xdvi'iiiljcr 11, \9^Câ- ) THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE New 1937 Ford V-8s Announced Two of the most popular body types in the entire Ford V-8 line are the de luxe Fordor touring sedan (above) and the Tudor sedan (below). The new 1937 edi- tions are shown. The .smart new front end, new headlamp.s, V-type windshield and Ui^e of the "tear drop" form wherever practicable, combine to give what those who previewed it declare to be the most beautiful Ford yet produced. The Fordor touring sedan is a family car especially suitable for touring. It boasts a roomy built-in trunk. The Tudor sedan has a new full- width front seat, with divided tilt- ing seat back. Two engine sizes are available, the famous 85 horse- power V-8 engine and a new 60 horsepower V-8 engine. Mechani- cal improvements include new all- steel body, with steel top; "easy- action safety" brakes and new "flnger-tip" steering. THE STORE WITH SERVICE F, T. HlUdCO.hd. •Vlarkfjale. Ontario ,)l K BI'YING I'OWER •;avrs you a ».ot OF vioNKY Ladies' Ready To Wear Specials 25 (>nl\. I,;ulic-.s' ili^li dradi (.'o.ils, I'crsian J.aiiib Collars and Sai)lc (.'nllars. \'aliifs in tlu- lt)t au- ri-t;ularl\ i.-ricid up tu $37. .^0 i)iT (-(lat-ExIra value !|>24.71) i,()T 2 - - 25 oiiK l.adii'^' (.'' ;a-^ uilii Aluskrat and Cuni'v trim. I hoc' i-(»al, well' madi' !<> sell iKmh S17..S" l«i ;^!'>73. Extra value at $14.9j Ladies' Dresses at a Big Saving MX) i\w»v-> fmni uliifli In idiuust.â€" in all llir latfM st > k's--ntii,!4h trcijvs and satin- We liavo a smart ran>;c' from which til choose and prices arc riji;-ht, Special values at $2.95, $3.95, $4.95, $6.95 Sec tlioc l)c-lorc- niakin-' } mn iiiirchase elsewhere SPECIALS IN MEN'S WEAR Men's Heavy I'nrc Wool Combination L'nderwearâ€" All sizes 3<S to 44. Extra value at $2.75 a suit Men'* Horse Hide Coatsâ€" Guaranteed Genuine Horse Hide with sell lolla. $10.95 With Fur Collar $12-95 MEN'S WORK SOCKS .SO do/.. Men's Medinm Wcit^hl Wool Socks. .\ sock that wilt pivc real service. Extra Special 2 pr. for 29c Snag Proof Overalls at the Old Price 25 do/, only. Men's Snap: Proof Over all.s and Sniock.s â€" the price of this line is advancini,^ every day. This garment will !::ive real service. Extra value at $145 per garment YARD WIDE FLANNELETTE AT A LOW PRICE 101)0 \ai-d^ of fnil Mi inch width flan nclettc. in a i^ood ran^c ol jiatlerns. A .^wud ufiLiht cloth. Extra special 14c yd. Ladles' & Children's Winter Underwear at a small cost. We have a real assort- ment of these lines for your winter wants at pric<r.8, surprisingly low. Lot ! â€" per garment. 39c Lot 2 â€" per garment 49c Lot 3 â€" per garment ....•• 59c Lot 4 â€" per garment $1.00 GROCERY SPECIALS v. & C. \' Pearl Soai) 5 for 19c Fresh Pates 4 lbs for 25c vSuda liiscnits, full pound pkg lie Rolled Wheat 7 lbs. for 25c Su>?ai' Crisp Corn Flakes 3 for 21c All '^tnn] Plack 'I'la per lb 43c Jewel Shortening 2 lbs. for 26c Fresh Prunes 3 lbs. for 25c l-'resh h'i^s 3 lbs. for 25c Cream of Wheat 7 lbs, for 25c Im( ".h Sweet I'.isi-nits 2 lbs. for 25c Soap Chii).s, pfood (|nalit\' 3 lb». for.... 23c Mr. W. G. Ross of Georiretown is visiting in town. Mrs. Claude Akins is visitinjr with I'clatives and friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mi-s. Harry Stewart anc: son, Jim, of St. i'aul visited over tht, vc'tk end with Mr. and Mis. Chas. Stewart and other relatives. â- Mr. J. .\'. MctJinnis and Mr. Charlie Lind.say of Liverlon, visited Sunday with their cousin Mr. John .VIcDonald. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Turner of God- erifh s|)cnt the past Week with Rev. and Mrs. Service. -Ml-. Clias. Stewart i.s improving nicely after his recent stroke. He s MOW able to siicak and movement i.s coming' back to his limbs. Poppy Day taggers were busy in town on Saturday, selling poppies and laising money for the Poppy Fund, used to assist former soldiers who are married and are destitute. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Keith, Betty and Jean and Mr, and Mrs. J. W. VinislronK', Mr. Jack Armstrong and Rev. Berry Armstrong of Toronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling. Miss Marie McEachnie, Mr. G. C. 'I hompson and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Moody of Toronto and Mrs. A. Mc- Kachnie Sr. of Markdale were week ^•iid KUests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mc- Eachnie. Misses Donelda, Georgina and Betty McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oouchman and son Jerry, all of To- ronto, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McDon- ald. Flesheilon hitrh school ruf;by team played against the Markdale team on the tatter's grounds in a game of touch rugby and won 7 â€" 6. This â- ;aiiu' i.s identical with the regular ' ugby game excejit that the play" do not tackle but touch their opp cuts, thereby eliminating the pensive equipment necessary for inir regular football. 'crs oppon- ex- y for play- I'OKTRY AT rRlCEVILLE |rhe pupils of the PriceviUe public chooi broke out into poetry in their -ichool work recently and the result was very creditable. Principal Ai- ihur II. Idle .sent us the best poems, which are printed below. YOU Von ;ire the fellnw â- | iiat has t" decide, U'liether you'll do it Or toss it aside. Vou are the fellow .Tiiat makes up your mind, Whether you'll lead, Or will linuer behind. Whether you'll try For the goal thats afar. Ov just l)e content To stay where you are. Take ii or leave it There's something to do, tusl think it over, Its all up to voii. â€"DOI^vOTIIy" WATSON. Sr. 4th. age<l 1 1 years PriceviUe MY KlTTF.N 1 have a little kitten, /fhat sits upon my knee And every time I sipiecze her. She says niee-ow to me. lUibbles is my kitten's name. To hurl hei would be just a shame, I'or her fui- is soft as silk And she always diinks her milk. lUibbles is a lazy kitty, .Ai\d I think it is a pity, Sleeps all day and plays all night. Not a mousie docs she bite. What does bubbles like to ent? lOverything, but, mostly meat, l-ik«'s it, likes it best of all, .'\n<l we feed it in a tiall. If my kitten you wish to see, ("all some day and visit me. She has some tricks but they are few, I know she'll do them all for you. â€" ISAHEl.l.K KARSTEDT, Sr. 3rd aged 10 years PriceviUe CALL HOME on those Sundays away from Home! Jim Howard looks forward to tlie week-ends. He likes to spend them at home in the bosom of liis family. So» when a prolonged business trip found him at loose ends in a strange town that sunny Simday momuig, his cup of sorrow and discontent was overflowing â€" until he suddenly thought of Long Distance and the new Low Sunday Rates. "It will be almost as good as being with them" thought Jim as he briskly stepped to the telephone. DliTAHCt >0n both ".\njone" and "Person-to- Person", calls. Low Night Rates apply after 7 p.m., and ALL DAY SUNDAY. A skunk was shot in the boiler- room of an Irigersoll church on Sat- urday and the worthy folk in the congregation were provided with a brand new excuse for failing to at- tend the Sunday servic*. REWARD She: "How do you like my cakes, darling?" He: "Splendid. Did you buy them all bv yourself?" $5.0U reward will be offered for I the recovery or any information lead. ling to the recovery of any military rifle from the stores at Markdale, ! Flesherton, Durham or Hanover ar- mouries, also $1 for any bayonet. Leave with or inform F- J. Thurston at The Advance office and no ques- tions will be asked. â- VVV'>'X*<' •:-M«>><x->->-:~>«><»«* Small Advts. FOR SALE â€" Oxford Down ram.â€" Isaac Snell. Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" Jcisey Cow.â€" Mrs. H. Koester. Eupenia. FOR SALE â€" Black overcoat, good as nevv'. will sell cheap. â€" -Apply at The Advance Office. FOR .^AI,E â€" Four head of year old cattle and (i calves. â€" R. J. Vause, Proton Station. FOR SALE â€" Purebred Oxford Ram Lamb. â€" Geo. Ross, Maxwell, phone Feversham, 4 r 2. FOR S.\LE â€" Good frame barn for sale or exchange for livestock. • â€" Roy White, Flesherton. THE hunt?:r With the rifle o'er his shoulder, Out into the forest trees. With the birds around about him, And the little humming bees. Slowly cri>eping through the bushes. Looking this way, then to that, Sudednly he sees some antlers. Falls into the grass quite flat. Then upon one knee he ri.«4es. Takes his rifle, aimed and shot, And a deer fell to the pathway, And it died upon the spot. then he shimhlered up his rifle, Put the dead deer in his pack. Looked once more around the forest .And turned upon his homeward tiack. B. SUTHERLAND. Sr. 4th Aged 11 years PriceviUe A woman loves to spend a long time over her hair, while a man's chief anibition is to spertd a long time under his. FOR SALE â€" Screenings $1.35 cwt., mixed grain chop $1.40 cwt., sacks included.â€" Phone 38 r 3, A. C. Muir, Ceylon. BUILDINGS RAISED and MOVEDâ€" also Stone Walls straightened, will take live stock on exchange. For partieulars. â€" Phone Hugh McLean, PriceviUe. FOR SALE Grey County Egg Grading Station, also lots adjoining the sait>«, will sacrifice for |150.()0 cash. â€" Thomas Owler, 40 Doel Ave., Toronto. PX)R SALE â€" One Durham Cow 5 years old, due Feb. 7, Percheron colt 1 year old; 1 set double driv- ing harness; 1 rubber tired buggy; good as neW; i buggy pole; 1 good cattle dog. â€" Dannie Cameron, Eu t-nia. •.•>.;..;..;..;..;..*..;..;..;,.;..;,,;..;,.'m;..;..;..;..;..;..;~;..:..>^ FOR SALE â€" Good Brown Driving Mare.â€" Apply to Colin A- McLean, PriceviUe. FOR S.ALE â€" 2 fresh cOws, 1 jersey cow, calf at foot; l.'iO Barred P. Rock pullets. â€" Richard Allen, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Oats fL35 per cwt.; mixed grain $1.35 per cwt.; Lime 50c per cwt.; Shingles $2.25 per sq.â€" Phone 38 r 3.â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon. HOG FOR SERVICE A good young pure bred Yorkahlro hog will be kept for service on Lot 14, Con. 5, Osprey. Terms $1.00.â€" Luther Mills, Maxwell, Ont. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Boar for ser. vice; terms: $1.00 if paid within four months.â€" Laurie Pedlar. Flesherton, Ont., R. R. 3. BUSINESS CARDS DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office Hours â€" Afternoons 1.30 to 4 Evenings 7 to 8Jt Sundays and Thursday aftemoona hf appointment only. PROPERTY FOR SALE In Flesherton 8 room house, brick veneer, hard and soft water: abou'. two acres of land on which la • largt barn with cement stabling and irarage. Apply to W. J. Meads: R. R. 8, PrieeTille. PROPERTY FOR SALE In PriceviUe two 6 acre lots, on one of lots good frame house with good j collar, frame barn, with basement I stable, orchard of 13 fruit trees; will I sell reasonable. â€" Mrs. Kate, MacDon- ald, Priceviile. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST OFFICEâ€" Dr. Bryce's Old Stand. TelephoM 09 WM. KAITTING Licensed Auctioneer for the county of Grey. AH waAm conducted on Business prineipkt all parties reouiring work dona on tk» above lines wil] do well to call at tha Advance Office or ^rit« Wm. Kalt. tinar. Eutrenia, Thone 4Sâ€" 11 Prince Arthur Lodge No. 383, A.F. A A.M., meets in the Fraternal RaU, Flesherton, the second Tueeday ia each month. W.M., Alfred Down; Secretary, C. J. Bellamy. DR. T. H. SPENCE Veterinary Sarceon and DvntiaC. Graduata of Ontario Veterinary 0«^ lege. Professional tenrice* reaaoaahlai â€"Phone. Dmidalk, SI r IL

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