THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, December 9, 1936 r U 4 f 1 Mrs. Thos. Belts Died Suddenly Id t lesherton This community was shocked and saddened on Thursday afternoon, Dec. 3rd, li)3(j, by the sudden passing of Mrs. Thomas Belts, a well known and highly esteemed resident of Belts' Corners, in Artemesia township, two miles east of Flesherton. Mrs. Belts wa.s enjoying her us- ual g'ood health and had gone into town with her youngest daughter, Miss Mabel Bella. She had attend- ed some business and then had gone to the office of the Flesherton Ad- vance to give the paper details of the death of her brother, William Alexander Gilliland. who passed away on November I'j at Edmonton. While in the Advance office she was strick- en with a weak spell. Kind friends rushed to her side and medical aid Was summoned and everything was done to spare her life, but she passed peacefully away in a few minutes. The late Mrs. Belts was 66 years of age and was a native of Eugenia, her maiden name was Louisa .Adeline Gilliland, she was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Gilliland. The deceased was of a very bright and cheerful disposition, which won her many friends. She was a devoted wife and mother and a kind neighbor and her presence in the community will be greatly miss- ed, and her family cherish and bless the memory of a good Christian mother. Forty-four years ago she was un- ited in marriage to Thomas Belts and since that trn*e had resided at Bett's Comers. Besides her sorrowing husband she leaves to mourn her passing three sons, Edgar of Osprey township and Herb and Frank, Artemesia, and four daughters, Annie, (Mrs. W. Newell); Reta, (Mrs. Chas. Newell), both of Ar- temesia, and Edith and Miabel at home; one brother, Thos. Gilliland of Eugenia also survives. Another brother William Alexander, passed away at Eklmonton two weeks ago, and two sisters, Mrs. John Hargrave of Artemesia and Mrs. John Stuart of Powassan predeceased her. The funeral which was very largely attended was held on Saturday after- noon with a short service at the house and a public service was held in the United Church at Eugenia, conducted by Rev. F. Dean of Feversham and Rev. Mr. Mills of Markdale who spoke of the high Christian ideals, and of the motherly love and hospitality of the deceased. Interment took place in Salem cem- etery and around Ihe graveside as the casket was silently lowered they sang softly her favourite hymn: When my life work is ended And I cross the swelling tide. When the bright and glorious morn- ing I shall see, I shall know my Redeemer When I reach the other side, And his smile will be the first to welcome me. The floral offerings included a pil- low from the family, a spray from Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Belts, a spray fi-om Mr. and Mrs. William Hawkins and family. The pallbearers were six nephews: Cecil and Laurie Belts, Fred Har- grave, Keith Robertson, Joyce Port- ecus and Lorne Atkinson. Many friends from a distance at- tended the funeral. PRICEVILLE On Tuesday night a large crowd met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Nichol to spend a social hour with the newly wedded couple, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Mclnlyre. The evening was spent in card-playing, social chat, and dancing. Good music was sup- plied by Messrs. Frank and Dan. L. McArthur, Mrs. Arthur Bell and Mrs. Wilf. Watson. At an appropriate time Mr. Freddie Arnelt, called on ihe young couple 10 come forward, when an address was read by Miss Annie Shorlreed and the presentation of a lovely wal- nut secretary desk and a purse of money, was made by Messrs. Earl McLean and Bradey Irwin, both Mr. and Mrs. Mclntyre fittingly replied and thanked one and all and invited them to come and visit them in their new home, all joined and sang "For they are jolly good fellows." Mr. Nich- ol, Mr. Arthur Bell and Mrs. Ray Mc- Lean were called on to say a few words. Donalda will be greatly mis- sed in this community and particu- larly from the church, where she was always present. A delightful lunch was served to all. Best wishes are e.xlended to this young couple, for a long happy wedded life. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Thompson of Mt. Albert spent the last week with her brother, Elmer and Wilfred Wat- son. The annual Willing Helpers and W. M. S. meeting will be held Tuesday, December 15th at the home of Mrs. Wm. Aldcorn, when a good turnout of ladies is e.^paeted. Topic â€" "Christ- mas" by Mrs. Thos. Nichol. Lunch Com. â€" Mrs. Aldcorn and Margaret McArthur. Miss Gwyneth McLean spent the week end with Miss Bernice Carson. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MacCuaig of Durham were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. B. Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Tucker visited on Friday with their son, H. Tucker. A meeting of the managers will be held on Thursday night in St. And- rew's Presbyterian church. Mr. and Mrs. Allie McLean and son of Toronto spent the week end with their parents. Messrs. Thos. Nichol, Colin McLean and Angus Hooper were appointed to atc^lnd the Pnesbj^ry meeiting aJt Orangeville on Tuesday of this week. *- h * i -***^i,**' i, *i, if i,i,* * ' t *i,*i,tt**li*t *tt*iii *** *jt m il >**♦ I *** ****iii ' ii * * * * ***** * l L * ***t!i}3 ft * - i * 3 * *t * * * * * ii ' ** * *4 '*» - \ T. J. FISHER AND STAFF Wish the'ir Customers and Friends the best of Christ- mas Greeting and a Prosperous New Year. We are offering Lucky Draw tickets to both our town ^ and country customers on purchases of 25c or on Hair J Cuts. Be sure to leave your name. * 1. J. FISHER'S T Barber Shop % Agent for Pearl Laundry. Truck calls every Tuesday i I and Friday morning of each week at 9 o'clock. $ ». fr . t< .. i .. i . a .. i .. i .. t . > . i .. i . i .. i -. i -- i '- r ' t '' i - » - t * 4"i '- t - < ' < ' »a -'fr4'<-»»4'' i"t"i"i - 4"i"i"i"t"i"i '' i -- i -- i ..i~ i . Compliments of New York Life ;; Insurance Company »..•.»-â- • » » ». »â- •-â- »--»â- -*. »â- -»â- â- «â- â- • â- •- •- i i I 1^ 1 1 X r 4 " 'Ir tr 't' 'r t I t * r r VERNON G. STEWART Locail Agent FLESHERTON, Ont. [.^Mi.^Mi.». i .. i .. | .. i .. t .. i .. n .. i . v 'l " I "I" l "I" l "l" l "I"i"I ' !"I"l"I '' l"I"'"I"t"H"I ' * * If automobile sales continue to in- West Virginia goose dies aged 34 •r^-ase, there may soon be a car for years. The sage and onions of it3 vciy filling station. | generation passed away long ago. / Card of Thanks To the Electors of Artemesia: Ladies and Gentlemen â€" I wish to ! thank you very kindly for the large \ vote you gave, and electing me to the ! Council for 1937. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. I remain, â€" Norman Hostrawser Card of Thanks To the Electors of Artemesia: Ladies and Gentlemen â€" I wish to thank my supporters for their vote at the election on Monday, and hope that the new year will bmg peace and prosperity to all the ratepayers. Yours sincerely, CECIL D. MELDRUM Card of Thanks Artemesia Tax Sale Artemesia township held a sale of lands in the townschip liable to be sold for taxes, in the council chamber in Flesherton on Monday afternoon. six pai-cels of lands were sold by Mr. ."Vlex. Cameron, township treasurer, the total sales amounting to $227.21. Following are the parcels gold and the amounts realized: Lot 151, Con. 2, N. E.T.S.R., sold to W. J. W. .\rmstrong for amount of taxes $16.61; Pt. 144, 3 N.E.. sold to W. J. Armstrong for the amount of taxes $60.52; S.W. Cor. 150, S.W., sold to W. .1. W. Armstrong for amount of taxes $18.76; 136, 2 S.W.. sold to Jos. Duff for the amount ojf taxes $95.91; all lots in Priceville were adjourned; Lots 27-30 Raglan St. N. in Eugenia were purchased by Robl. Haney for amount of taxes $11.35. ^ The adjourned tax sale of the ' Township of Artemesia will be held in ! the Council Cambers, Flesherton. on Monday, January lllh. 1936. at which all lands not purchased at Monday's sale will again be offered. To the Electors of Artemesia: Ladies and Gentlemen â€" I wish to express my appreciation of the con- fidence you have placed in electing me as your Reeve for 1937. It has always ben my aim to give a square deal in township affairs and I will continue to do so. With best wishes for the coming year, I remain, -JOHN A. DAVIS Card of Thanks To the Electors of Artemesia: Ladies and Gentlemen â€" I wish to convey to you my thanks for the hearty support accorded me at Mon- day's election and I hope that your confidence will not be misplaced. Wishing you all the compliments of the season, I am Yours truly, -EARNEST A. STINSON Christmas Gift Suggestions Electric and Hand Washers. Aladdin or or Coleman Lamps, Tea Kettlek, Coffee Pots, Potato Pots, Double Boilers, Double Boilers, Siieaxners, Roasters. We HaTe a Large Variety to Choose From Silyerware and Cuttlery Knives and Forks, Dea Spoons, Serv- ers, Cold Meat Forks, Berry Spoons, Butter Dishes, Cake Plates, Carvers, Stainless Knives and Forks. For Winter Sports C.C.M. Skate and Shoe Outfits, Hockey Sticks,. Skis, Sleighs, Wagons, Toys. Chinaware Diner Setts, Tea Setts, Berry Setts, Cups and Saucers, Bon Bons Cut Glass Sherbets, Goblets, Water Setts and Glasses, Rose Bowls, Relish Dishes, Crezmn and Sugar Setts. Mitts, Gloves, Axes, Saws, Tools. COME IN AND LOOK OYER OUR L.KRGH STOCK. Frank W. Duncan Phone 54 Card of Thanks We desire to convey our heartfelt thanks to oui' neighbors and friends for their kindness and sympathy shown us in our sad bereavement, and especially to the kind friends of Flesherton who rushed to our dear mother's side when she was so sud- denly stricken. Their acts of love and sympathy shall never be for- gotten. â€" Mr. Thos. Belts and Family. Card of Thanks Mrs. Wilcock, Mr. R. Bentham and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Marriott wish to express their thanks for kindness- es extended during their recent ber- eavement. How to make the "dough" for Christmas, thals easy, win a bag of flour at the Co-Operalive Store. For particulars read their advertisement on page 4. V \ MERRY CHRISTMAS Christmas Shopping Made Easy at NAWKEN'S ; ; A full line of fesh Groceries, Candies and Nuts, every- thing for the Christmas Season. '• A FULL LINE OF CHRISTMAS GlFl^S FOR THE : : * WHOLE FAMILY. ALSO MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. â- . ,, W. A. HAWKEN : Phone 17 FLESHERTON ;; PHOTOS TAKEN DAY OR NIGHT Ford Dealers -:- FLESHERTON, ONT. f