Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Dec 1936, p. 4

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::y^: .Wednesday, Docomber 23, 1936 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLEbhERTON ADVANCE Published on Colling^vood Street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each •week. Circulation over 1000, Price in Canada |2.0(l ocr year, when paid in advance $l-gO; in U. S. A. $2. per year, when paid in advance $2.00. W. H. THURSTON. Editor. F. J. THURSTON, AsaocimU Editor The Farm And Christmas Time ''Chriiitmati and the Farm; the Farm and f^ood." Christmas 11*36 should see a i-evival of this ancient Christmas toast. Those were the days when the value of the farm wag univer.sally recognized, but in the whirl of modern life the farm, «8 the sure foundation of material civilization, is apt to be forgotten. The word farm mean.s food and was 80 called because in older times the tenant was required to provide the landlord with food by way of rent. Today this definition has been consid- erably extended in that the fai-m sup- plie.<! the nation w,th food, and without food, without the feeding of the mul- titude, it i* not given to human beings to be abl«? openly to expre.'is that spirit of universal kindness and peace and good will evoked by the teach- ings of the Master 1n the celebration Of tV festival of Chiistnias. The connection between agricul- ture and Christmas has been intimate from the be^rinning. It wag to shep- herds watching their floiks by night that the word.f "Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy'' were addressed. It was in a lowly .stable attached to a farm-khan that the Saviour of the World was born, and a few days later it was on the back of the most humble farm anim- al, the a.«s, that He was borne to •Egypt in safety. Tt was from tne agricultural pop- -ulation mainly that the early Christ- inas drew their adherents, and many years ]ater it was over the farms and orchards in the vi<!inity of Home that the early Christians scoured the coun- try in search of holly branches to dec- orate their churches and dwellings at Christmastide. Meanwhile, the farm, as ever, con- tinued to furnish the wherewithal for the feast, and at the same time, as centuries i-ollcd by and towns became swamped in their own activities, it was the farm that kept alive the kind- ly, ancient rites of the feast. Many centuries later, Chailes Dickens re- stored to the townsfolk of England .something of the joy and U-auly of the spirit of Christinas which still flourished among agiicuUural com- munities. Kveii today many of the ancient agricultural Christmas cele- rations, as disliuet from the towns, aurvive, some of them under limited conditions. There is Plough Monday, for example, which is still observetl in several countries, imludmg the Brit- jsh Isles. In olden times In Europe, Plough Monday mai ked the end of the Chi'istmas holidays. It was hold on the first Monday in January after the Twelfth Day. It was cust(Mnary on plough Monday, beforu the plough man return<'d to work on the follow- ing day, to draw a plough from door to door of the parish to solicit "plough niBney" to spend in a frolic. The <)ueen of the ban(|uet was called Bessy. The phrase 'â- Christmas Box" or- iginated in the early Christmas tinttts It was really then a box which was placed in the chiiroh for promiscuous charities and was o|)ened on Chri.st niag Day. The contents wore (lis tributed th«i next day (Boxing Day) by the jjriest, and where the contri- butions consinled uf cash were known as box money. liowever, farmers were accustomed to leave their con- tributions in kind, eggs, butter, flour, meat, and otliei- agricultural jiroducts, wucli the «anie as the farmers of Que- bec today place fruits at the chui-ch enAraneoa on Thanksgiving Day, the results of the .sales of which go to- wards masses for the .soul of rela- tives. In many churches in Canada, the accumulation of Christmas gifts is distributed in much the same man. ner as in the earliest Christian days. And at this Christmastide. as in the â- days gone by, the farm has furnished the chief nceessarie.s foi the Christ- mas feast, Huch as the ment.s, the turkeys, the geese, the ducks and •chickens, the cereal foods, the veg- etables, the cream, milk, sggs and cheene, not forgetting that many of the essentials, the candies and con- fectionery, the pickles, cigars and cig- arettes are all of agricultural origin. So once more, the ancient toast: Christmas and the Farm: the Farm «nd Pood". A local lad was wondering what he would be when he grows up. The answer seems obvious. He â- v^il] he a taxpayer. »-<!»- Cliri*ttna* • At Dht Barvaek^ "I HA'JK t'tirlslmus!" .Marc la thought passlonatel.v. She pressed her face close to the to.v windiiw, so passersliy woiilil not notice her l)uriilug cheeks nor tear- Ill led eyes Suddenly slie was face to face with It â€" that overwhelming loiiglU); fors^Tne one to make Ohristiiias vvorthwliile. "Why aui I such a fool?" she asked her*'lf iiiisenihly. "A grown woman weeplnn at a store wlnilow display !" .She hurried on to her lonely Mat, and stoiid lookliic lu th<' mirror. Thirty two! "I doii'l feel old." she said After a while she got up and waslied her face, deteiinined to be seiisjiile. .She couhlu't eat yet â€" she was too shaken â€" so she .•sat down with the home paper. No use tryliij; to avoid (he ('hrisNnas ads. Mi^rlit as well dice rhe lact that no one really eared- Well, why not find some one? .\iul then, as llioii;;h 111 answer, she saw the item In the |ia|ier. "I'oor <:lilldieii ol this Jiid â- K-Dfli horlnp coiiimiinities will he treat oil to a real old-fashioned f'hrlst mas dinner and tree at the McKlnley liarriioks. (ttllcers and men are providing turkey and all the trliiimings, and several huntlred children are expected Churches and social agencies are heing asked to furnish women to act as cha|)erones and also cars to trans [lort the children to the barracks â- ' Miirclii stepped timidly Into the so- .'ial welfare bureau. "I wonder If yon could use tne to help take the children out to the harracks on Christmas." she asked. "It would be ho much nli-er than â€" than anything else." she tlnlslied Advance Recipes | For The Ladies I - â-  â-  â- Â«- j..»- |f, 1 T ti t 1i fiifiitiiTiiTi itiittiti iti ti fi f ff MAPLE SYKLP TAKTS 1 egg 'i! cup brown gugar 3 teaspoons melted butter 1 good teaspoon flour % cup maple syrup 2 tablespoons sweet cream Vii teaspoon vanilla 'i cup water Vz cup raisins (cooked). Wet flour with U cup water, add egg and beat, add sugar, butter and syrup, stir well together, add cream and vanilla, pour into unbaked tart .-hells in which raising have been div- ided and bake in a quick oven. â€"Mrs. Wesley Plantt [•♦4«****' Boil ten minutes and add 1^ cupg cocoanut, cool slightly and add 3 well beaten eggs, Vi cup butter, add van- illa or almond flavouring, and a pinch of salt. Pour into tart shells and bake till a delicate brown. â€" '.Mrs. W. Inkster CHRISTMAS CAKE 8 eggs 1 lb. butter lU lbs. broWn sugar 2 lbs. flour 1 lb. mixed peel VL- lb. shelled almonds 4 lbs. seeded raisins 2 lbs. currants 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 glass brandy, 1 glass vvine •'â- â-  1 teaspoon soda Buttermilk may be used for liquid. Good recipe for wedding cake. â€"Mrs. D. W. Adams BUTTER TARTS 1 cup currants or sultanas 1 cup brown sugar 2 tablespoons butter 1 egg Via teaspoon vanilla Vi teaspoon nutmeg Clean raisins and put in mixing bowl, scald with boiling water, drain and while raisins are still warm add brown sugar, butter and beaten egg, â- stir well. If ingredients are mixed while laisitLs are still warm there will be a nice butter scotch like syrup. â€"Mrs. Ray Genoe SPICE CAKE Va cup butter 1 cup brown sugar 3 egg yolks 1 cup milk 2 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon cinnamon , '/2 teaspoon cloves Mj teaspoon nutmeg. Bake, and when taken from oven, spread top with 3 egg whites beaten stiffly with 1 cup brown sugar and '/4 teaspoon baking powder. Sprinkle a little cinnamon over the top and put back in oven to brown. â€" Mrs. W. Inkster ♦ ^ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦'â-º • ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦'â-ºâ™¦ H I H ' H >♦♦*♦ >* ♦♦♦♦'»♦*' " » â- >* » ♦ I.VLPERIAL SUNSHINE CAKE IV-i cupfuls sugar Vii cup water 6 eggs, beaten separately Vj teaspoon salt 1 cup Swansdown cake flour ^4 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 teaspoon vanilla or orange flav- ouring. Boil sugar and water till it threads when dropped from tip of spoon, pour the hot syrup in a fine stream on the beaten egg-whites, to which salt has been added. Beat mixture for 5 min- then add beaten egg yolks. Fold in flour and cream of tartar (sifted three times) do not beat much. Add ex- tract and pour into ungreased angel cake pan. Bake 50 â€" 60 minutes in oven 325 deg. F. When done, invert to cool. â€" E. M. Jones MARROW CREAM 4 lbs. vegetable marrow, steam till THE DOUBLE- BARRED CROSS He Was Taking the Coat Off a Tousle- Headed Boy. Ininely. She had really meant ttiat II would he nicer than a synipath.v illiiiier Invitation from one of her friends "I even thoii(,'lit iiiaylie, If I ha|i|ieiied to liiid the rluhl viiimgsler â€" 1 iiilyhl adopt one." .She stopped, a llltle nreathless She hadn't nn'iint to <Miiiiiiilt herself so far. Yet llie lady was very kind, and arrangi'ineiits were easily made .She liaci never tieen to the harracks hcfore, and she thrilled to the ride over the snowy road, lint she was more fascinated liy the ililldreii under her care. Their too-hrlglit eyes glit- tered, and they pressed sharp noses against the car windows, leaving marks where they had touched. They were excited, lerrlhly e.\clted. Iiut happy, too. So was .Marcla. Joy ami excitement slione from her eyes, making her usually ideasiint hut rather plain countenance radiant. He stood tall and striili.'ht In his ollhers' uniform, a handsome iiiaii, not many years her senior. As soon us the clillilieii lii-gan eating, he came over and iiilnnliiced himself. "Having a ^ood time?" he asked. "(Jlorlotis!" â- So are you." •What?" '(ilorlous. of c«iurae. Iion't mind my holliering, do you? 1 thoiiuhl you seemed, wellâ€" uniierslanrtlng. When 1 was looking iil you â€" remember?" Mar cIh nodded. •Somehody once said that If you look Into a person's eyes, you create a liond that can never he hroketi. I know what he meant, now." "1 felt It, too," .Marcla murmured. He looked about. "I say, shall we ditch the progrnm? I'd like to show you around the harracks. If you'd let me." Thoy didn't notice the cold, the fall- ing snow, nor, later, the children's carols. "fiiiodiiHHM!" Maroiu exclaimed at last "Tliey're leavlnK. I must hiok after my carload of ymimisters," â- â€¢Walt!" lU' <'aught her hand, held It fast. "I'll want to see you again Hoon. We have so much In common, you know â€" we're tioth lonelv. we like children, we enji(i .('hrlHtmas imrtles and I want to know If you like hlktiiK and tohogganlng inovleH, operas, lots of thliiKs. Me, for Instance." â- Of course," answered Marcla. '•But let uie Ko now. Mere comes that wel- fare lady." Hhe pulled away. "We were Just coming." she apologlr.ed. The lady smiled, "No hurry. But I wonder â€" you said somelhlng, you know â€" have you decided what child you want to adopt ?" â- 'Heavens I" declared Marcla "I for- Kot I" "Well, why," asked the soldlar, •'adopt one? I meanâ€" wait until next ChrlHtmaB. Things change «o In a year." "In a day," breathed Marcla. CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 1 basket tomatoes li onions 1 bunch celery I cuj) blown sugar 4 tablespoons salt, red pepper and •loves to taste. Boil all together for two hours and strain .Melt '-a cup butter and add Vi cup flour, blend and add to juice. Put away in sterilized jars. International Symbol of tbe Crusade against Tuberculosis TOMATO JUICE Wash and cut up tomatoes without peeling. Roil until they settle to bottom of kettle, put through sieve. Heturn and let come to boil. Fill sealer.s and add one level teaspoon of .salt to each quart and seal. â€"Mrs. Kay Genoe NEVER FAIL SPICE CAKE 1 cup brown sugar 1 egg 1 good tablospoon shortening 'i! cup sour cream 'i cup buttermilk 1 teaspoon clovcg 1 teaspoon cinnamon ] pinch of salt 1 cup raisins 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon baking powder. â€"Mrs. Lewis E. Fisher There is one sure test for an ideal husband. Would his wife marry him if she had to do it over again? CARMEL |»IE 1 cup brown sugar 1 tablespoon butter Let brown on stove then add: 3 cup sweet n>i1k and mix 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 teaspoon vanilla Yolk of 1 egg Pinch of salt iu a little milk, then add i„ boiling sauce. Beat white of egg stiff a»(l put on top of pie and brown. -Mrs. Lewis E. Fisher t As armii'S march arrons the paKcH of history. flKhtinK for thiir rlKht« or their wronus as the Cixsti m.ay bo, one casiom Koems to have txH'n common to Ihiiii all: each carried UaKS and baiuiers on whicti ttppA'ar>»i the utulihoi of the caua"' (iood or \-Kui. iho ca.iiBe waa alwa.vs I)la7,iincd foriU in liruis of henitdry wliicli Ki'ailiially lici'aiiu' a lii;;lilv si'-c; alizcd study, Afur tlio da»u of tho t'hrisllaii era tli'- cro.ss lu came a irt'- iiii'inlinisly |)o|>iilar »ymlM>l and with thin ciubUm opoii their baumr, luauy a doiiclity kiiittlit rodii f.'iili to Uo IvU'li- for his ixriiicipli'S ami to save or reil. un the Holy Laiul I'roiu the hitldcl, ('riis.si^8 of all shapes, siii-s awl oi;- 1 nil-mat ioiw hi»vo lv<a usitt l>y liim.ni, i-- nliln fumilli-s. oUlcs, ..rUrra, ,: -^ â- â-  naiidiw and caiw>»t. The lSi>an ... round n rtli^ious symbol aiuoiig I'u â-  A/.iics wlUrb was very slaiilMr In i- ..• crow. Thi' sw.istika of HitKrism U :>ii old .symbol iua<lo of several rn is. 'I'luis Iho liuhil ol i-UoiKsiiit; enilUcr' U:is carried over Into our niixlcni oivtlizalion aiul clulis and such praci'limo ast.iHia tioiw Kiill follow that au'c-old ctislom. 11 waa llirreforB miilo the nat'i'-al thiiiK that as tbe war aK.Uu.st lubercuh'- â- - galhiTcd inonieiitiim, and nation alur iiaiioii took tip tlit< came Ihat .•.:!' imcrnatloiial embli-m should be cli.i^iMi which wimld t>c symlxilic. Tlio u..iu:- was Kivtn careful considerr.iion lur it was tmimrtaiil that tin- syuiiml should be inliTiiatioiially acci'iiti d and have a tiniviTsal ai>pcal, and yet It sUoJiil l>o diciih'dly disMiict from any a)n idy a(li<p<>'d InteriiaUoual syuibid such a." ibe ItiHl Cross. V , , It would swin that th» tuben-ulosts cainpalnnets of llm eiRhteon-iiln>ti(-< or tlicnabout. di libirab'ly went out afwr a synibiil that would have soinill.iiiK iilic the slKiuilcanco and universal accept- Christmas Duncan's Extend the Season's Greetings and wish you and those whose happiness is yours a full measure of Christmas Joy and 3a(;cess (or the New Year, ;*â- '»• FRANK W. DUNCAN 'Phone 54 -:- FLESHERTON, Ont. I tender, drain well, put into preserv- ing kettle, add juice and rind of 6 lemons. 4 lbs. white sugar ' '•â-  >;. lb. butter Simmer gently until it is a nice smooth paste. Fill into jars and seal. Makes nice tart or cake filling. â€" E. M, Jones DATE AND NUT SMACKS Walnuts, lOc (chopped fine) 1 lb. dates (chopped fine) 1 egg, beaten well 1 teaspoon vanilla % cup brown sugar 2 tablespoons butter Cream butter and sugar, add egg and rest of ingredients. Mix to- gether. Take one teaspoon of mix- ture in palm of hand and form a ball, roll in dessicated cocoanut, place in greased pan and bake until golden brown, about 20 minutes in moderate oven. â€" Rose McGirr RED AND WHITE SALAD 1 cup diced cooked beets 1% cups shredded cabbage % cup diced apples 1 teaspoon horse radish (if desired) Seasonings Cooked salad dressing. Combine ingredients, chill for a few minutes, Anyway, Santa Claus haa not ab- dicated. • <â-  - - A motorist who thinks he can avoid an accident even though he drives without due caution when the roads are slippery is skidding himself. > • :: Christinas Greetings To the !! Producers of Livestock < * We appreciate your splendid co-operation in supporting us .11 in OUR WORK FOR YOU. * We have done OUR BEST to uphold live stock prices, â- which have been better this year, , , compared to the past three ; I years. "FOR CHRISTMAS CHEER ; ; ALL THROUGH THE YEAR" • '> Consign yOur CATTLE, HOGs 1 1 and SHEEP to :! Dunn &Levack Ltd.;; Canada's Leading Livestock Salesmen place on cupped lettuce leaves and^ Established 1893 garnish with hard cooked eggs. " I'nion Lottie M. Whittaker, Ceylon, Ont. Stock Yards â€" Toronto ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦â-  H i' H i'>- H i- H ..> » » 4 i4M}M»i H i. l .. | . 4„ |,. j i ^ ^ anco of the Ki'd (I.cjicmO Cross, anil fvl bo iiuito disiiugnishaiilo from it. I'lioy had lo avuid imt only the Ilcil ye C«l MB CAKE 1 CUJ) btitter, 1 cup sugar, 2 cups flour, 2 eggs, 1 cup sour milk, 1 tea- spoon soda, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon nutmeg, ', teaspoon salt, 1 cup raisins or chopped dates Crtiinb butter, sugar and flour to- gether and remove 1 cup for top of cake. Beat eggs well, add sour milk and soda, mix well and add crumbs, fruit, cinnamon, nutmeg and .salt, bake in moderate oven. â€"Mrs. F. 1). McTavish, Regina CruM, but those of the vuiious saiuls. (ieiiritc. .\Titbouv, Andrew and so oil They had also to avoid tho Cellic, the (ireek, the Maltnae and the l'a|)al. In the words of Dr. I). A. StMwarl, 'After that, It wotdd sectn that what they thoUHht they inlnlit reiiuire Ihny went and look.' And no wo have tho palri- arclial cross, the l.orraluo cross of tlni two crusades accomiil shed, luny asymbol In every laiid of a new popular. enthu»i- asllc and Htici-cssfid criwade aKaiiiNt eiilnMiclied tulierculosis, a new cniMai.lu to will back for all tho jMxiplo of tho world tho Holy Land of Health." This Is tho banner under wlUch tho Muskoka. tho Tonralo and llni (jueen Alary Hospital* tor ('miBiimplivcs luivo marched lliewi many years â€" Uio banaer under which they and other BaH,%tGrium and ttibcrculosis worktaw' organizations in the Province have won such lAurked surcesii. Itiit victory can only bo won with tho ronlUiuitl I'ifort and the tliiaucial nip- port of tho pwiplo at largo. Your coutrlbullou to National Saoi- UirhiMi Association, 223 College 3i., Torouto win bo gruaily appreciated. ^+*+*«M'*'H'*f CHRISTMAS DANCE m FRATERN.M. H.M.T, FLESHERTON mkZT'' on i + * + * • â-  •• •• â- â€¢ •• • > «> «> • • • > < > I Friday, Dec. 25, '36 1 Music by DON. BLACKBURN AND HIS 7 PIECE ORCHESTA OF TORONTO A NIGHT OF FROLIC AND FUN .Admission: â€" ^ 50 cents. ' >>^ >> > M'**»>1»>»>.>»4m|h|.<k»»4i.>.>.>»»»<.,|,.»».|. 4 .. ) ^4..;.,^.>..^,;,^,^,,)^j.J; < > <« 4> â-  • â-  > â-  • • > • < • > • > • > J 1 • 4 C.VM DROP CAKE 1 cup sugar, U teaspoon salt, M cup butter, I ib. gum drops, 2 eggs, \ lb. sultana raisins, % cup milk, 2 cups flour and 1 heaping teaspoon baking powder. Cream butter and sugar, add egg.^ and beat well, add salt, milk and flour alternately, flour choppe<l gum drops and add to mix- ture, then add raisins and baking powdw. Bake in loaf tin in moderate oven for one hour. â€"Mrs. V. P. McTavish, Regina, Sask. COCOANUT TART FILLING 2 cups white sugar 1 Mi cups water â-ºâ™¦â™¦ ♦ ♦♦â- >â- **♦' > ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ | ii H i»i»»»»4» Alf. Down ~ : Reg. Boyd Down & Boyd and Staff Stan. Menzies Milford Piper Extend to you The Season's Greetings

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