Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Dec 1936, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday. December 23, 1936 CEYLON m^i i- i r 't • ! V- 1^; r*. * I. }â-  Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Muir and aon Kenneth, spent last week end jn To- ronto. They were accompanied home by Mrs. P. Hunt, who has b<j«n on an extended visit there. Miss Agnes iU.ct'hail M.P. has re- turned borne at'ter spending some weeks on a speaking tour in United States. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson, Shel- burne visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson. Miss Hazel Copeland visited her sis- ter, Mrs. J. R. Sinclair. Misses Macil and Dorothy Snell were in Markdale, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sinclair and Mrs. J. F. Collijison were in Owen Sound, Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jackson, Dun- das, are spending the winter with the latter's father, Mr. Donald McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Elliott and Miss Reta Marshall, Toronto spent Suiiday wjth Mr. and- Mrs. Fred Mar- ,8hall. „S- Miss Susie McKnnon and Miss Frances Colliaison have returned from Toronto to spend the holidays here. The Ladies' Aid will meet at Mrs. Knox's home on Wednesday, Dec. 30, at 2 p.m. The roll call is to be an- swered by suggestions for winter reading and a magazine exchange. Mrs. McWilliam bas charge of the feature reading. There will be the usual gift exchange, after which the election of officers for 1937 will take place. Social committee â€" cake, Mrs. MaWilliam and Mrs. A. C. Muir; Sandwiches, Mrs. Udell and Mrs. A. Sinclair. Come and be an active member for 1937. J The Women's Institute met at Mrs. A. Sinclair's, Thursday, the 17th, at 8 P-ni. In the absence of the pres- ident, the vice president Mrs. Sinclair, opened the meeting with the singing of the Ode, followed by repeating the Creed, in unison. Roll call was answer- ed with a New Year's resolution. Mrs. Geo. Udell gave a very interesting paper on current events, touching on radium, infantile paralysis, municipal elections, results and abdication of Edward 8th. Mrs. Archibald read the story of the birth of the Child of Bethlehem. Mrs. Kennedy extended an invitation for the January meeting, after which the social committee ser- ved refreshments. - --- . , Mr. Bert Wright, Toronto, spent the latter part of the week with Mr. and Mr.i. P. Hemphill. The school at Ceylon was packed Friday night of last week when Miss .Mclnnis and her pupils presented their Christmas programme. The opening numljer, "Hello Everybody, Glad to see you here" was followed by the chairman's address. Rev. Geo. Service who acted in that capacity extended a very cordial greeting to all and amused the audienoe by tell- ing some huraoioua stories in his jov. ial manner. Recitations were given by Gordon Nichol, Phillip McMulIen, Donald. McLeod, Carman Plester, Jean McMullen, Marion CoUinson, Kenneth Muir, Dorothy Plester, Harold Nichol, .Joe McWilliam, Barbara Marshall, Mary McMullen; Marjory Stewart gave the Horn Pipe, Hilda Duckett and Edna Marshall tap-danced and Miss Mclnnis did the Highland Fling. A motion song, Rooster Drill, Fan Drill and Nursery Rhyme song were trreatly enjoyed also a negro duet by .Marjprie Stewart and Verna Kennedy. A Christmas Episode and "Aunt Ser- ena for a Christmas Present" were well presented dialogues, "Star of the East,' ".\way in a Manger" and "We mix our sighs with sunshine when we say goodbye" were splendid choruses. .At the close of the pupils' program II number of members of the choir presented- a play entitled "The Empty Room." The setting was in the city of Nazareth, just previous to the birth of the Child King. Owing to Hamar's love of gold the "Sunset Room" was held at an exorbitant price, and there was no j-oom in the Inn for Mary. The caste was as follows: Prophet, Percy Hunt; Nobleinan, Frost Purdy; Hamar, the Inkeeper, I. B. Whittaker; David the Servant, Bob. Plester; Rebecca, Macil Snell; Mary, Nellie Genoe and Joanna, Mrs. I. B. Whittaker. Each member of the caste had part. Rev. Service was responsible for the play and must have ^elt very gratified with the re- sults. Santa Claus. Vemon Stewart, arriv- ed with his reindeer and distributed Christmas presents to all the children from a beautifully decorated tree. The proceeds amounted to $26.10, half of which goes to the choir and the other half to the school. The Nation- al Anthem brought a very successful evening to a close. PRICEVILLE The fine Christmas tree social in connection with St. Columba Church Sunday school, passed off most suc- cessfully on Friday evening to a fairly full house. The meeting was, after considerable preparation, got under farewell germon on Sunday, December 20th, to a large audience. The choir rendered an anthem. The people of Priceville regret losing Mr. Mac- Donald. He will leave on Thursday morning. On Thursday night the annual Sunday School concert was held in < < Eastern Star way near curfew time. The lights be- : St. .Andrew's Church with a good at- ing turned out, "Hark the Herald ! tendance. Rev. N. MacDonald acted as Angels Sing" and "O Little Town of I chairman. Recitations were given by Bethlehem" was thrown upon the I Betty Tucker words of welcome Gor- screen, and sang heartily by the aud- ience. Recitations followed and at intervals by Ruth Whyte, Emerson don Nichol, Jean Whyte, Annie Smith, Bobby Sutherland, .Agnes Whyte, Hec- tor McLean. " A Santa Claus drill in .Meads, Rita McDougal, Jack McCon- | costume was a pleasing number. A key, Isabelle Weir. Songs were sung i pantomime by Annie Smith and Jean by four little girls, Hush a Bye." Duet ! -MdKinnon and Miss Rosalie McKin- by IsatMiUe Karstedt and Jean Mather, Inon sang "Silent Night," Betty Tucker another Bong (by several childi-en, ] gave a monologue with her doll. A "Merry Christmas", and 'The time we : duet by Betty Watson and Kenneth Love", and a song to introduce Santa, j Nichol in costume, sang Reuben and just as he arrived. Drills, Little Red I Rachel, duet by Alex. Smith and .A.. Riding Hood, Ghost drill. Uncle | McKinnon, boy Jack Frost; a pantom- Grouch and Robber under the bed. ime by Kathleen McArthur, Julia Rev. H. W. Wright acted as chairman Scheurman, Florence Stonehouse and and called upon the Rev. Norman I Gwynneth McLean and Mrs. Suther- McDonald of the Presbyterian church, , land sang The Little To^v^l of Beth- who paid tribute to the fine friendly lehem; duet by Betty and Shirley spirit shown towards him by the peo- ple of St. Columba. A fine social spirit which he would never forget, and referred to the pleasure he had at the various functions held, which hg * * t. Hincks. The wasted crust. A couple of dialogues were also enjoyed, a mon- ologue by Jamie Sutherland; solo by Jean McKinnon, Santa Claus is com- ing to town; three choruses from the attended here, and also to the fact i Sunday School were much enjoyed. of having occupied the pulpit several ' The superintendent, Mr. Neilburt Mc- times, in which he rejoiced. .An item ' Kenzie presented Jamie, Laurie and which brought forth a well deserved j Bobby Sutherland and Julia Scheur- encore, was a piano duet by Misses I man with diplomas from the Sunday -Aileen and Isabelle iKarstedt. A | School. Rev. N. MacDonald made a play, "No I'oom in the Inn" or rather j few brief remarks to the boys and a pantomine was strikingly beautiful \ girls and urged them to attend Sun- , Advance sUff and all its readers. and appropriate and well acted and day school. a.< they would make the ^'e had a heavy fall of snow Sat- touching. Mr. Jos. McKee, super- \ church in the future. At the con- intendent presented the seals won by ' elusion of the program Santa Claus scholars and urged upon the parents \ arrived and distributed gifts from a the very desirable necessity of send- | well laden tree. Each boy and girl Will be held in Fraternal Hall, Flcsherton Under auspices of Grey Chapter 170, O.E.S. Thur., Dec. 31 Commencing at 9 p.m. Dorothy Foster and other good music BOTH ROUND AND SQUARE DANCING Have a Good Time in the Old-Faishioned Way Admission: 25 cents Lunch â-  • â-  > â-  • â-  • â-  « • > â-  • â-  â-  â-  • â-  • â-  • • > â-  â-  CENTRE LINE A very Merry Christmas to the urday night and Sunday which would have made good sleighing but the MAXWELL Mr. and Mrs. N. Cairns and two children of Wiartoa called on friends here last week. W^e are pleased to report little Glen Wright, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. wind has piled it in heaps leaving lots Joe Wright, who undei-went an oper- of bare road. This may stop the ation for gland trouble on Saturday iiig their children to school regularly, i received a bag of candy and nuts. | "^ai's running on the back roads. ' is doing as well as possible. Nurse Presents were given from the fine i God save the king brought a pleasant R'-'^- Mr. Bushell gave a splendid ^ Hawton is attending the wee lad. tree, expeditiously by willing helpers. | evening to a close, ers. There may have been others j ji^g ^jgx. Carson is visiting her who took part and were omitted from j daughter, Mrs. Art Richardson, Swin- this list, if so we are sorry. It was j ^^^ Park. Christmas message on Sunday. The Sunday school Christmas en- The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. I tertainment was held last Wednesday Davison was brightened by the ar- **************** * * * *****<Â¥********* ** ****- i" t ** ' l **** *** Best Wishes ; To Our Customers {The Spirit of Christmas gives us a keener appreciation of old associations and the value of new friends. May the New Year bring you Happiness and Prosperity. C. J. KENNEDY Flesherton, Ont. » n 11 » >' > t*' f ♦♦' ^ ♦♦^'â-  n ^^ I ^^ ^ ^'^ ^ ^ ^ ^^' ^ â- ^â- ^^^^ ^ â-  n ^â-  ^ ^ ^ â-  ^ ^â-  ^ â-  ^ â-  ^ â-  ^ â-  ^ ^â-  ^ â- ^ ^ â-  ^ iâ-  ^ â-  H MHi^4^^^ > my lot to follow the program as handed to me. Our fine public Christmas tree is again erected just in front of the monument with hundreds of multi- colored bulbs. If you don't believe this panegeric just come out from your and other surrounding towns and see it. A commercial traveller last year pronounced it the best be- tween here and Toronto. This year It is equally good. The star sur- mounting it is a beauty. Send out your achitects to take stock, in the mean- time we wish all the staff and read- ers a joyous Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Word received Sunday morning that the widow of the late Dr. Hutton, passed aw^ay in Durham hospital, after two weeks illness, never very strong and robust in late years, but borne with Christian patience, she has joined the great majority. To her son Arthur and daughter Marg- uerite, and to her sister, Mina here, who has been her constant attendant, and another sister, Mrs. 'l\ic-k in the West, we extend warm sympathy. Deceased was an acquaintance of over ho years. Mrs. W. Ramage we aro pleased to report i.s making progress, though slow, to recovery from her recent illness. The lantern slides shown in St. Columba church, Sunday p. M., treat- ing of the birth of Jesus and facts pertaining thereto, elicited much praise and ware of an interesting and instructive nature. The Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Odell on Thursday. Dec. 3. 22 ladies being present. The meet- ing opened with the Institute Ode and community singing. The motto "Do that kindness to-day, to-morrow may be too late" was taken by Mrs. Moody. Roll call was answered by paying Ic according to size of your gloves. Mrs. Wilfred Watson gave an interesting demonstration wrapping Christmas parcels; Nellie McLean read a paper, â- 'Christmas in other lands.'' Mrs. J. McMillan gave a report of the W. I. convention held in Toronto, November ISth, 19th and 20th which she attend- ed. It was decided to bring Christ- ma.s cheer to the sick and shut-in in the locality. Any donations to the above will be gratefully received and may be left with Mrs. .Aldcorn or Mrs. .'Sutherland. evening, it consisted of lantern slides accompanied with a lecture by Mr. Bushell and also a tree, and candy was rival of a baby boy on December 11. Mount Zion Sunday School concert and Christmas tree was held on Fri- j passed to all, day evening and was a decided suc-j Hr. and Mrs. Louis Kerton visited cess in every way. Much credit !â-  | in Owen Sound on Saturday, due to our Sunday School superin- IN MEMORIAM .VIE.4DS â€" In loving memory 0^ our Wife and mother, Mrs. W. J. Meads, who pa.<sed away, December -';{. iy;i.j. Thc(re is a season of the year when business piroblems and care are forgotten, anl we think only of friendship and enjoyment. This season is here again, after a most eventful year and we wish you, as frieinds, a Merry Christinas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. I Osprey & Artemesn Co-operative Co., Ltd. I FLESHERTON â-ºâ™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦ f » ♦ > n ♦ n » »» The Willing Helpsrs and W. M. S. meeting was held on Tuesday after- noon at the home of Mrs. Aldcorn with 2t ladii* present. Mrs. Suth- erland presided over the meeting after th« usual opening remarks. Mrs. Stuart Boice gave a reading, "The Ittle shoes", Mrs. John Nichol Sr. I read a chapter from tie study book Misses Margaret .McArthur and Nellie McLean secretary and Treasurer, gave splendid reports, Mrs. John Nichol Si', presided over the W. H. meeting after singing a hymn, khe president lead in prayer. All re- peated the creed in unison. Mrs. Tom Nichol gave a splendid paper on the spirit of ChWstmas which was much einjoyed. The election of of- ficers followed. President, Mrs. Stuart Boice; Vice-Pie«!., Miss iMary Mic- | Eachern; Sec'y. Mrs. Brady Irwin;; Treas., Miss Nellie McLean. It wag decided to have the meetings in the homes again this year and the ex- ecutive will arrange the programme for 1937. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess and Miss Margaret McArthur, the meeting was closed with prayer. Merry Christmas to Editor, Staff and readers. Misses Jean and Almeda Hincks of Toronto came home Saturday to spend two weeks holidays. Next Sabbath, December 27th, R«t. Mr. Mcintosh of Dundalk will occupy the pulpit in St. Andrew's Church and declare the pulpit vacant. A joint congregational meeting of Priceville and Swinton Park will b« held Monday P.M. at 1.46 in Price- villa. Rev. N. MacDonald preached his No One knows thu silent heartachi?, 0«ly those who have lost, can tell Of the grief that is borne in silence. For the one we loved so well. Sleep On dear mother, your cares are ended. Rest in peace, your work is done. You have gone where those who love you Will some day meet you one by one. â€"Sadly Family. missed by Husband and It seems hard to realize that the present is the last mon«» of 1936. tendent, Mr. Robt. Sheardown and Portlaw school teacher, Mr. Mervyn Little, fur the splendid program, they had prepared. Mr. Burnett Haney has gone to his home in Toronto after spending some time with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haney. Mr. Wm. Collins is visiting with .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Little. Warfham held their Sunday School entertainment on Saturday night. JIDOMENT UPHELD IN MEMORIAM -MYERS â€" In loving memory of ou? dear Mother and .-^unt, Mrs. Geo. Myers who passed away December 23rd, 1928. Memories are treasures no one can steal. Death leaves a wound no one can heal. You live with us in memory still. Not just today, but always will. Lovintrly remembered by son Shel- don and niece, Addie. '•I am afraid our new housemaid is dishonest," said the wife. .\ second contingent of Irish vo»- "Come, my dear," answered the , unteers hag set sail for Spain. That husband. "You should never judge | indicates how hot the fighting in the by appearances." [civi] war is because ordinarily one "I don't," wa.<5 the retort. "I judge j Irish contingent would have settled by disappearances." | the argument. Greetings . • *"*'******'**"*"i i <♦ I To our Friends and Patrons: Many kind thoughts and hearty greetings, and may you enjoy Health, Happiness and Prosperity throughout the New Year. The VARIETY STORE A. D. Mclntyre, Prop. ^<>.>.j..>.:..>.5..;,^M>.;..;..;..>.;..;..;..;..;,.;..j,.;,, Plesherton, Ont. •:~>«>«:~:»'>-x~>«>«>-x»o->-M~>:»**-:~:~>«<>c><» ** * **Â¥* * * *t ' t i t** *' H ^^ » â-  ^ '^^ ^ '^ ^ â-  ^ ^^^ ^ . H l ^ .^iâ-  n .^.^,^..n.^M^»^.â-  ^ .â-  ^ . ^ . ^ . ^ â- .^â-  l ^♦l H ^» • > â-  • «â-  We offer the Compliments of the Yuletide Season to our many Customers and Friends and wish them the Fullness of Prosperity and Happiness during the year that is ahead. F. H W. HICKLING FLESHERTON. Ont. '""""""" """ mtiiiMM â- im i U M lJIWWJiiWN '-'

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