Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Dec 1936, p. 8

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\ VVcdiU'sday, Deccnihrr 30, 19.V THK Kl,i:SllKkT()X AI)\-.\\C1-: ViCIOKlA LOKNEKb 1 KIMBERtEY Mr. and M»"8. John Gowfciilock visit- ed over Chri^iiittK at Barrie. « John Kobiiison of ilamillon spent Christ iiibti with his mother at the borne of Milton Kaiinoti. Mutyiiiet Moore, nuise, and Mr. W alt Arnold of Bullulo culJed at tlie ;u)m« of her ptuciits, Mr. and Mrs. Cha.s. Moore, who, with George and Ted, accompanied them to visit their 4aut,'htcr, ileleii, at tiravenhurst for (Ihristoias. Mr. and Mrs. Ilobt. l>ee and Russt-l and Ml. and Mrs. Lorne Nichol spent Christnia.i at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nichol at Pundalk. y^" Mr. and Mrs. Ru.s.sel Linton ana .Pegtfie .^pent Christmas at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fenwij.k, at Eugenia. T*he W'm. j^heson family ate their Christinas dinner at the boni<.. of Mrs. Acheron's sister, Mrs. Sam Sherson. The Gallagher family were at the home of Jas. Batchelor for Christmas. Wm. Talbotg entertained their fam- ily on the 25th. Miss Annie Maud Aehcson is visit- ing in Toronto. â- Mrs. John Henry Richardson and Mrs. .Stevens arc greatly improved in i health. I T^e Christmas program i;iven at i ^Inistioge consisted of wcll-selectert dialogue^ and pantomimes rendered by the pupils of No. 4, under the lead- ership of their teacher, Mis.s Hend- erson; also tableaus, recitations and | a one-act play by the Sunday School I children. ;^ By the time this i-eaches publica- .*tion i;i3f. wll be nearly .spent and 103? will be waiting to enter. Here is hoping' that "peact,. on earth, good- will .toward men" will be the motto for ln.n. Ifappy Ni^w Year to the staff and subscribers of The Advance. Christmas has been nere and gone again, bringing with it the usual joys and merry-making and its re-unions of families. .Mis.se.-. Bessie Statforii) ,Iola Gra- ham, Tena Hutchinson aJid Russell Chard are home from their schools. Mr. and Mrs. I,esiie McMulK-n enter- tained their several brothers and sis- ters and their families. Mr. and Mi-s. Jas. iiirkiyntriek had several members of their families and Mr. FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Robinson of froton and Mr. and Mi-s. E. Morrison of Singhampton. Miss Nellie Short of Nottawa were the guest.s "f the Lad- ies' parents, Mr. and Mrs. George .Short here over Christmas. Miss Helen Springgay of Hamilton was a visitor at her home here over Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Montgomery of Dundalk spent Christmas with the litter's parents, Mr. and MVs. James and Mrs. Art Wardman of Toronto Long here. visited with the Weber family. Mr. and Mrs. R. Fadden of Toronto Mr. and Mrs. I). L. Weber, Li-e, Ted j and Miss Ann Robinson, Nurse in and l.oia were guests for a week with I Training, in the Collingwood Hospital Mrs. Weber's parents, .Mr. and Mrs. were at the Robinson home here over .'\r<hie McLean at Warren, Ohio. i (iTristmas. iThe Christmas tree held by the I Mr. and' Mis. James Eby of Coil- public school teachers, Mr. (Jlen Jenk- ingwood and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ins and Miss Jean Carruthers, for the Forsythe of Owen Sound v^ere with Sunday School was a splendid sue- Mr. and .Mrs. G. Eby here ov(>r Christ cess. The opening recitation was Kiven by little Blanche Pickles, fol- lowed by many splendid numbers. There were no poor numbers and no long intei-vals between. Particular mention might be made of the girls' drill "Scrooge's Christmas," and "No room in the inn." Proceeds amounted to $.3'.i.3.';. The recent rains have flooded the flats to an unusual degree and also some of the cellars in the village. Mr. D. L. Weber is one of the latter unfortunates. Mr. Billy Flavin of Toronto is the guc?t of his cousins, the Chard boys. W,. wi.sh The Advance and staff a hai)py and prosperous New Year. EUGENIA THE COLORS OF A M.\N He's He's He's He's He's He's He's He's He's He's black when he is wicked, purple when he's angry, yellow when he'g cowardly, bluo when he's loyal, white when he's straight, brown when he is roaste<i. pink when he is toasted. Ig-reen when he's ignorant, grey when he's old. Colorless when he's uninterest- ing. EAST MOUNTAIN ^Ve wish the Staff and leaders a ifappy Nuw Year. -Mr. and Mrs. Morris Welsh and family are visiting thi., week with the i TTn" ice has Pore now too mas. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tyler spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. ToiTcnce Williams. Mrs. Milton Nicholl and two boys were at her parental home near Max- well for Christmas. Mr. and MVs. Wilford Teeter spent Chi-istmas with friends out of the village. Mr. George Sled spent Christmas at his home at Flesherton. Miss Edith Heitman who is teach- ing near Duntroon is spending the Christmas holidays at her home here. Miss Nellie Short of Nottawa school staff is spending the holidays at her home here. Our schools are closed for the hol- idays. The teacheiv have gone to their respective homes. Miss Shoul- dicp to Massie, Miss Jamieson to Eu- genia and Mr. .Armstrong to Meaford. The snow has nearly disappeared and it has left the roads very ieey. Would you say that pei-sons cm- ployed in munition factories are on peace work. latter's paieiits at .\cton. ChrLslmas visitors at Mr. and Mrs. S. Sinan's were .Mr. and .Mrs. F'red Flli.-i and babe and Mr. and Mrs. T. Ferguson and family, all of Kimbei-- ley. >rr. and Mrs. .â- \n<lrew Barber of '.\ft-. Hugl; Davidson of Toronto is visiting with friends here. Miss Q'lecnie Knitting of Owen Sound an. I Mr. Guy Kaitting of Dun- can «'â- ( visiting with their sister, Mrs, Geo. Burk. Mis< Vernn Hudson, Toronto, spent Vandeleur sP-nt' Sunday with Mr. and r^'"'r^"'"; f, ^Z ''""'! ''"â- "• .. Mrs. Wm. Rae and sons I ^''^ ^"'''•â- ' """""'i- ^^r. George Visitfifc ,.,iti, vr- A Tkir n A \ I'icl<ens and Mis-, Minerva Conn of \i.sitois with Mr. and .Mrs. Gordon ' „, , , ,. „ t^ n- .i ,01 Toronto ani Mr. Rov F'llliette of Col- McMullen and family were Mr. and .Mr.s, A. Fawcett and family of Kim. berley, Mr. and ytn^. Cecil Bctts and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bracken- bury and Marjorie; Mr. G. Long and Bobbie and Mr. Wilfred Ix"ver all of Flesherton, MIsr Iva Wickens of Kim- berley and Mr. Art Idle of Clarks- burg. - • ; lingwood were visitor.^ over Chri.st- mas and the week end with Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Conn. Mrs. Fred Weldrick is visiting at th.' home "f her daughter, Mrs- Geo, Ottewell here. J â€"HAVE YOU RENEWED? THE STORE WITH SERVICE f . T. HILL&CO.Ltd. CHAPM HTOKKfi Warkdale. Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY ur Customers ^iends . . . . N appy 'â- â- â- â- â- .' â- ' '''*4^-*' Mr. and .Mrs. Geo. Lawlor, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. L. Chard and Mabel visited over Christmas and the week end with the former's daughter, Mrs. Will Irwin, husband and daugh- ter, Ruth of Windsor. rhey also visited fricndo at London. .^.'^'vi â-  -Mrs. Geo. Proctor anh grand-daugh- ter. Miss Marjorie of Kiniberley vis- ited from Christmas till Monday with the former's son. SW. Ernie Proctor, wife and family. ;. ••.« Mr. and .Mrs. Geo. Williams and little son Harold of Toronto, were (â- hristinas and week end visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams and Joey. ',. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walker Sloan are spending the festive season with their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Albert i^loan and children of Chatham. Mis^ Donalda Sloan is visiting her sister, .Vllrs. Kjmmerley and hustland and family at Watertown, N. Y. The Misses Mary and Isabel McKee and friend of Toronto, spent Christ- mas and a few days with their par, ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. McKee. Mr. and Mre. Clarence Biggar of Owen Sound, Mr. and .Mrs. Harold Cook and Mr. Willie Feiiwick of Bar- row Bay; Mr. Elwood Hall of Owen Sound and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lin- ton of Victoria Corners spent Christ- mas wiih Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fen- wick. Mr. John K. Jamieson of Alexandria visited from Christmas till .Monday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson. .Miss Kathleen Pedlar has returned home. Little Miss Agnes Johnson of To- ronto is spending the Christmas vac- ation with her cousin, Miss Margaret McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Goddard and little daughter. Marion. v)sit<>d a f<'W days with Mrs. Goddard's parents, .Mr. and .Mrs. Thos. Genoc at Ceylon. SoiTy to report .Mr. James Leppard On the sick lis'. Dr. Carefoot was in attendance on Sunday. .Mr. T. Lever spent a few days with his daughter, Mrs. Roy Wood, Mark- dale. .Mr. Jake W'illiams spent Christmas with relatives in Toronto. Master Reggie Fawcett and sister, j Miss Doris are hiolidaying with their sister, Mrs. T. Hazard, near Ceylon. Miss Irene Dinsmore is spending !ier Christmas vacation at her paront- il home near Clarksburg. •Miss Muriel Canuthers of Toron- to spent Christmas and a few days with her jiarents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Carruthers. Mr. and Mrs. E<lwin Purvis and children of Toronto spent the week i end at the former's parental home. His father, who had spent Christmas j with then in the city canie home with them. j The \. P. S, withdrew their meeting! on Wednesday evening of last week.' On WidiH'sday evening of this week the meeting will be in the form of a social evening. j The Christmas concert held in the! hall on Tin^sday evening, December | 22, Wily a ,ioint affair, the Sun<lny school. Public school and Kth line public school all taking part. A fine program was <lelivered which speaks well for all the teachers of both the public sc'nool.s and Sunday school, who taiiied the pupils. After the program Santa Claus di-tributed the gifts from off the well laden tree. A nice sum was realized. We wish ye Editor of the .^Vdvance, also the staff and readers a prosper- ous arul happy year lil.'n. Provincial Election In 1938 Ontario's next Provincial general el- (ction will be held in 1938, Premier Hepburn has indicated. There will be two s- ^sions of the Legislature before a general election, and no redistribu- Uoii bill will be brought down at the sessions of the House after the Ney Year, announced the Premier. Re- Jistrilnition is necessary, but will come at the final session. .\t the present, it ig not the intention of the Govern- ment to remain fiv(> years in office. This is po.ssible under amending leg- islation put through by Hon. Howard Ferguson when he ws Premier, but it was attacked on the hustings of Mr. Hepburn, and it is expected the elec- tion will rome in 19.'18. Small Ads. FOR SALE â€" Girl's skates and boot outfit Mrs. F. Pinder, Fleshe»-ton, Sheriff's Sale of Lands County of Grey lay of January. A.D. 1937 at 2mA'- Clock in the afternoon, all the right, title, interest and equity of redemp- tion of the said J. P. Charlesbois and W. Parry, in. to or out of the follow- ing lands and tenements, namely .'VLL AND .'JINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises known as the Summer House Kiononta CAME ASTRAY â€" Hound. Owner prove property and pay expenses. â€" Gordon Stuart, Ceylon. WANTED â€" Pair of ladies skates, size about 4''i. tubes preferred. â€" For particulars apply at the Ad- vance Office. FOR SALE â€" Registered Hereford Bull, 15 months old, or will ex- change for One about same Wm, Fadden, Feversham, Ontario, Phone 22 r 4-1. STRAYED â€" From my premises on the 14th Con., Artemesia, yearling^ Hereford gteer, slit in the left par. â€" Finder notify Herb Maxwell, Heathcote. Under and by virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the County Court of the County of York and to me directed against the goods and chattels and lands and tenements of J. P. Charlesboi., and W. Parry, De- fendant.^ trading under the firm namt and style of Twin Fan Blower Comp- any at the suit of I'he Peerless En- gineering Company and assigned by the said Peerless Engineering Comp- pany to one John Deagle, I have seiz- ed and taken into execution and will offer for sale by Public Auction at the Sheriff's Office, in- the City of , .^, „ , Owen Sound, on Saturday the Second U^^un't ^^^'h small barn, opposite LOST â€" Black and white female hound, 8 months old, small black and tan specks in the white, black spot on the top of the back. â€" Mark Wilson, phone 47w. Flesh- erton. HOUSE FOR RENT â€" Six roomed house with well and cistern, acre of High School. Immediate posses- sion â€" Apply Mrs. Geo. Johnson, Flesherton. HOG FOR SERVICE Pure bred Yorkshire Hog, Orchard ^ ^. , ^'â- alIey Wonder, b'Nâ€" 175771 Sire 0. A- situate l.vnig and bemg in the third I „ rnnouernr -^l-,â€" 1R7S'>0 will ho ker.i- Ooncession of tne Township ol Col- •-• i-onqueror .Jio Uuif~V, will be^ept lingwoo<l in the County of Grey Con taininp thirteen acres and fifty one one huiidrelhs ol an acre more or less being part of lot Number eleven in the said third concession and which may be more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point in the .Southerly boundary of a Seven- teen acre strip being the Northerly seventeen acres of the East half of said lot eleven where the same is in- tersected by the South Easterly boun- dary of the land formerly owned by the said Britton Bath Osier and being the South Easterly boundary ot the lands hereby conveyed bearing North twenty eight degrees fifteen minutes for service. Terms $1.00.â€" Wes. Smith, Rock MiU^ BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice; terms: fl.OO if paid within four months. â€" Laurie Pedlar, Flesherton, Ont, R. R. 3. FOR SALE Grey County Egg Grading Station, a'-o lots adjoining the same, will _ . _ sacrifice for .$150.00 cash. â€" Thomas East amrwhich" point is distant ten j 0'"''e''. 40 Doel Av«., Torouto. chains and sixty two links more or â€"^. less. Easterly measured along said I ..^^. < NOTICE Southerly boundary of the Seventeen acre â-  Strip irom" the centre line of the said Third ('oncession; Thence South eighty degrees. West eighteen .â- Agricultural Society will be held in â- hains, eighteen links more or less to j the Orange Hall, Feversham, on pn-i- 1 point in the production northerly of I ,, January 15th, 1937. at 2 p.m. the fence Inie between the House andj .,: , . â- . . ai, i. ^ Farm Gardens where a stake is plant- A" members are requested to be pre. ed; Thence South eleven degrees sent. forty-five minutes East, nine chains jas. Long, Pres. I'iftv .Seven links along the contiiuia- Geo. W. Ro.s3, Sec. './'- (Last week's Items) Rev. '.Mr. Biisliell preached a fine Christmas sermon .Sunday last and the choir rendered a beautiful Christ- mas anthem. Mrs. J. Fawcett has returned home from a few weeks visit in Toronto, with her daughter. At the Y. P. S. meeting on Wed- nesday evening, Miss Anniela Tur- ner presided and took the devotional period. Scripture passages were read by Jean Tudor and prayer was given by the president, Mrs. Martin anrt Evelyn Campbell. fhe discus- sion topic, "Vesper Service" was tak. en by the Viterary convenor. Miss Ev- elyn Campt)e\i assisted by Miss Ida l*.e.n.son, aetintr » .^hort drama en- titled "In the JungVu." Christmas Carwls were sunK. Hla^« ^^.^...^ ,^..^1,. to hold a social evening in the base- ment of the church on Wednesday evening, December 30. The meeting closed by the Mizpah benediction. Mr. Norman Williams hag returned home from Northern Ontario. Miss Donalda Sloan, teacher from near Ayton .spent the week end at her parental home and has gone to Water- town, New York to spend Christmas with her sister and family. Miss Evelyn Campbell is visiting with her friend. Miss Ida Benson at Maxwell. Ida sp<'nt a fe\* 'o It* â- k with Evelyn. ' Mrs, '" t'on of the said fence line between] the farm garden and the house garden, i and the said fence line, to a point in 'he northerly limit of tfie main road â-  'lassing alotiij the front of the said tardeii; Thence at<mn the Southerly face of said fence North Seventy six legrees fifteen minutes East, six hains fifty I'nks and North Sixty four degrees thirty minutes East two chains forty links to where a gate â- rosses the said main road, thence â- ^(Hith tweiitv eitrht degrees east fol- owiiip- Westerly face of said gates iwenty eight links. Thence Si>uth sixty live tleprrees thirty minutes East, two •hains twelve links more or less to a loint ill the boundary between the aiids formerly owned by the said lirittoii Bath Osier and the said Isaiah Neff and beinc the South >aslerly boundary of the lands hereby â- onve.vP<l; Thence. North twenty eight legrees fifteen minutes East along ia'd boundary eleven chains sixty three links more or less to the place nf beginning. 'ly.-jether with all sewage pipes 'bains tanks and appurtenances of the Sewage system of the said Summer !Ioiise and all waterworks pipes tanks â- iigines and the appurtenances there. if and the right to maintain the .>amc upon an<l across the lands h<'retofore â- oilveyed by the parties of the first nart to Lambert Wilson as above re- cited and being composed of lot twelve and part of Lot eleven in the third concession of Township of Col- lingwood (save and txcept the line of water pipe supplying the Farm House and Barns wher" the same crosses the lands heretofore convevcd to the said Wilson^ together with all fish- ing rights and privileges of every kind. ri,uht of way and access to m- I'Tcss upon and egress from the lands heretofore conveyed to the said Wil- â- ;»n as above recited and including all rights and privileges reserved by th,. i-avties of thn first part in the said Deed ti Wilson together with all lights and easements under the here- inbefore in nart rec'ted Deeds between 'ho «ai<l Rvitton Bath Osier of the one 1 art and the said .Tohn Cni'pbell of he oth'r part and the said Britton Bath (^^ler. of the one part and the aid Isaiah Neff of the other part and iieing parts ot Lots eleven and ten n the said ih'rd concession, sub- iert Nevertheless to the right of inei-esK and ?gv«sa for vehicles and foot navseiigers over the direct 'â- â€¢â-  m|'n road leading from the front irate /j,"*(,U»e Farmhouse across nd'^ I, .JO ..to^r^xW**'" for farm 's as irianteAvf »»,„ -j t «~ il«„., I,- V j^We snid Lam- n-itedDeedf,.omt\«J;Vf;,';"f ••"t part to the sai^»^*;Vri PROl'KRTV FOR SALE The large building and stables on the main street of Flesherton, own- ed by the late Wm. Moore and occu- pied by Mr. Fawcett, the Flesherton bus man. For particulars apply to Mrs. W. Moore, Flesherton. PROPERTY FOR SALE In Flesherton 6 room house, brick veneer, hard R'ld soft v»aftr; about two acres ot land on which ta a larg-i; barn with cement, stabling and garage. Apply to VV. J. Meads; ft. R. S, Priceville POLES WANTED Telegraph poles wanted 25 feet anri Up in length, nothing less than 5 inch .ops, must be straigl* and sound, de- livered at station; also sawed cedar lies. C.^ll and get prices. -â€" M. Wilson, Fleshertoij|«^ /* BUSINESS CARD* 'he landg /^ij^^^ <ie8cribed\and hereby .•onveyegir ^,,fp^^ the Ml of water from l)U WM. BRKFV Sheriff, County of C, '^e. Owen Sound, ^. i9.se. ''«V DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St Office Hours â€" Afternoons 1.30 to • Elvenings 7 to 9.V9 .Sundays and Thursday afternoons •»jr appointment only. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST OFFICE- Dr. Bryce's Old Stand. Telephone 00 WM. KAITTING Licensed Auctioneer for the county of Grey. All salt* conducted on Business principle* all parties requiring work done on tb« above lines will do well to csU at th* Advance Office or write Wm. KalV tinar. Eugeni*. Thone 43 â€" 11 Prince Arthur Lodge No. 838, A.F, & A.M., meets in the Frat«rfial H»U» Flesherton, the second Tuesday tii each month. W.M., Alfred Down; Secretary, C. J. Bellamy. DR. T. H. SPENCE â-¼eterinary Sarceon aad DmIM. Gradtiate of Ontario Veterinary (M le^. Profession*! serriee* reâ€"OMM*. â€" Phoo* ' M r VL 'i I f Is * >

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