Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Jan 1937, p. 1

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i "â- 4 •f ;- v;. ,/ .^ J V w*"' ^l)je /ksijetltf n a&tianc^. \ OL. 56; NO. 32 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1937 vV. H. THURSTON & SON, Proprietorf Not Dignified Method Mr. And Mrs. Jos. Oliver Celebrate , Seventy-two lawyers in Ontario will be ordering new stationery so the letter K. C. can be added to the name, and they will also pay the fee of 1100 to secure th^ papers stat- ing they are duly entitled to use the «. C. The system, is far from ideal, and 50th Anniversary The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Joe Oliver, who resided on the Old ! Durham Road, a short distance fi-om , • J i Ceylon, was celebrated on Friday, Jan. legal men themselves know it and i j^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^.^^^^^ ^^^^ .^^ ^ ^^^^ realize it. The designation King s . pleasing manner. On January 5, Counsel should havg more reserva- , ^gg^^ jij^^ ^^^ Elizabeth Meads was iiCs placed uhout it Tt should be I united in marriage to Mr. Joe Oliver, a distinction which a barrister might ,„ gt. George's church, Toronto, by hope to earn after he had completed Rg^. Mr. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver some years of honorable and outstand- have been life-long residents of the ing service in the courts or in the | old Durham Road district, having liv- interpretation and presentation of law ed five years on the farm where Mr. at its best. 1 Parslow resides, two years on the The granting of such a distinguish- \ farm now occupied by Mr. Farquhar ed title â€" and that is what it ought to '\ Oliver, and 43 years at their pres- be â€" should never be regarded as a ent home. Mr- Oliver was bovn in source of revenue for the provincial j England, coming to this country a- government, nor should it be taken â-  bout the age of 11 years. Mrs. into the sphere of political considera- | Oliver is Canadian-bom. Both Mr. tion. That is, lawyers with Liberal j and Mrs. Oliver and their family of leaning should not be the only ones ' ^'ve sons, John. Robert. Joe, Will and selected during the life time of a ^'m are held in high esteem in the Liberal Government, and Liberal law- community in which they live. A yers should be able to secure recog- much beloved adopted daughter, Glad- ice, passed away three years ago. Mrs. Funeral of Late I Margaret Meggitt Fred McCutcheon Died From Burns In Toronto hospital 57lh Anniversary Grey County Benefits As Result of Change Frederick Elder AlcCutcheon, who was injured in a crash on the high- way near Orangeville on Tu&sdaiy of last week, passed away on Tues- day of this week at a few minutes past eleven p.m. After entering the hospital he made splendid pro- gress under the care of Dr. S. T. White of Orangeville and two nurses Mrs. Russell and Miss Goodram. They gave him every attention and it was hoped he was on the way to complete recovery, but infection en- tered the blood stream and Tuesday Death came to Margaret Meggitt On Friday, January 8, Mr. and Mi-s. I Chas. McCutcheon of Oundalk cele- | orated their 67th wedding anniver- .-Nary. \ -Mri?. McCutcheon was formerly j Ellen McCutcheon, daughter of Mr. j on Thursday evening to relieve her of j ^^1 jjrs. Wm. McCutcheon of Honey the agony of the terrible bums re- wood. Mr. McCutcheon was the son ceived the previous Sunday, when her forenoon conditions developed which i ,^ftgr^^„_ January 9th, and was larg made recovery impossible His wife j ^,y ^t.^nj^d. Service was held at the nition when a Conservative govern- ment is in power. and sister. Miss Laura McCutcheon, , j,om« of her pai-ents, conducted who is living in Orangevaie, were [ j^^ j ^ Wolstencroft, pastor also constant in their attention. The remains were brought to the Oliver Undertaking parlors here and prepared for interment. The fun- eral took place Thursday afternoon from the Colgan home to Markdale oemeterv. The services were in Opening Practice Oliver has two sisters deceased. Mar garet. Mrs. Ferris, and Julia, Mr.?. Wilson, both of Toronto. One brother William Meads, survives, and Ls spending the winter with his daugh- ter there. Mr. Oliver's oldest brother, John. was Premier of-Briti.*h Columbia for a length of time prior to his death. Mr. James Oliver who resides on the County Treasurer J. C. Mercer, when informed of the Government's action of assuming liability for the entire payment of Old Age Pensions and Mother's .allowance, was quite wood. Mr. McCutcheon was the son I ,ie1ijrhted. "It will help out the of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCutcheon ; ^^y^ty in itg financing quite a loV' dress caught fire while sUndmg in , „f yuin^u,. township, south of Whit- [ ^e said, "although it will not affect front of the stove at the home of fjeld. 'the tax rate for the coming year, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewns Meg- ; The marriage ceremony was per- , ^^ich ha.- already been set. The git. Tuesday she was taken to the formed by the Rev. Mr: Gilchrist. I „ ^hus saved can be used to help Hospital for Sick Children at Toron- Presbyterian minister ai Shelburne. I ^ut our payment for highways, as we to, but there was no hope held out .,,, j^^ua, y g iSm,. Mr. -.nd Mr.. Mc- ! ^3.,^ been going behind each year. for her recovery. , Cutcheon took up their new life in j a^j .^.^ ^^\^ recently received a bill The funeral took place on Saturday Melancthon township, where they I f^^^ j^^ government /or $5,500 for spent a number of years. They also i roads. The le\T against the mun- farmed in .Mono for five years, m ; icipalities on account of these pen- Euph.-asia 3 years and at Wareham ; ^^q^^ ^ju ^^^ ,,6 changed this year, 22 years. Fifteen yeai-s ago they ! (,„£ the money saved will go a long moved to Dundalk. where they have i resided ever since. \ To Mr. and Mrs. McCutcheon were born eight children â€" five daughters and three sons, all of whom are liv- ing, namely; Foy in Detroit; Joseph and Will of Wareham district; Mr?. John Noble, Vancouver; Mrs. Robt. Goodfellow. Proton: Mrs. Roben Fee. Wadena, Sask.. Mrs. Geo. Frost. Port by of I Flesherton Baptist church. Inter- ! I ment was made in the family plot in â-  I Meaford Road Cemetery. The pallbearers were: Messrs. Levi Betts, Lloyd Talbot, John Otteweli and Wilfred Dennison. of Mr. Oliver. is deceased. One brother. Robert, Mr. Oliver has four We are pleased to know that Dr. Kendall Boyd is commencing medical practice at 520 Jane St.. Toronto, at the comer of St. John's "^o^A. Ken ^^ ^ ^ _ ^^ has been on the East General Hospital q,'^ D^urhanT Road is also a brother staff in Toronto for about two years and is doing well is his chosen pro- fession. The best wishes of a host of Flesherton friends are extended to^^^ g ^. ^^^ ^^^^ Algoma: Ma^ Ken on co mmencing his ow n practice. ^^ j Vause, Proton Station; Alice Mrs James Turner. Laurel, and three DR. JAMIESONS MEDAL HAS : ; ^ deceased Maria, Mrs. Will NOT BEEN WITHDRAWN -;2. ^^^ ,^^ g^„ ^„, ^„„i,, ' A very unusual incident was that Despite the rumor that the Dr. D. ^^^ ^j^. -v^-rj^jht of Priceville. has the The late Margaret Meggitt was the charge of Rev. T. 0. Miller, pastor of i fourth eldest child of Mr. and Mrs. Oooke's PresHyterian Church, who 1 Lewis Meggift was eight years was assisted by Rev. C. O. Pherrlll, I of age. She was a student at Flesh- rector of Christ Church, and Rev. R. lerton public school and was "^oi"!? i Anhur- Mrs. Louis Hill. Ma.xwell. G. Halbert of Durham, cousin of the | well in her work. She was popular j ' jj^ '^^^ jiirs. McCutcheon are both way toward putting us in good shape." The County paid in 1936 for Moth- ers' .allowance $20.05.'3.50 and for Old Age Pension $14,929.58, thus the County will save $34,983.08 by the new legislation to be applied during the year for other purposes. Two For Warden deceased. The. pallbearers were j with her fellow pupils, who feel her! sudden passing very keenly. Besides her parents she leaves three brothers and three sisters: Charles. Robert, George, Mary. Hazel and Gladys, all at home, and her grand- 1 father, Mr. Robt. Meggitt. former associates In a hockey team, Messrs. Bert Hamilton. Jas. N'oble, Phil Kelly. Everett Freeman. Stanley Kldd and Jack Perkins. Floral tributes were contributed by his wife and son: his mother, brother and sisters: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bussey; the Colgan family: the Anglican Guild: Mr. and Mrs. L. Rapp: Mr. and Mrs. H. Borinsky: enjoyinir excelle-it health. Newspapers Are Sought In Homes isters living. Mrs. John Bell of N'el- 1 \ir md Mrs. W. S. Perkins: the Markdale hockey teem of 1934 â€" 35, Jamieson medal, presented to the pup- same name as that of the minister who acted as pallbearers: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Haslam and .\nna; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Border: Dundalk Creamery ^taff: Mr. and Mrs. John L. Currle and Mr. and Mrs. .-Vngus Kennedy of Toronto: Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Bail- I ey; Mr. Geo. Bailey Sr.; Mr. and Fr€<J Sparks and Miss Myra Chambers of Hamilton; the staff of il in South Greay taking the highest ^^^ performed the wedding ceremony | j^J^^ marks in the entrance examination, ! ^^ ^^^.^ ^j^j,y ^^^pj^^ ^.^^ \.\,aM?\, 74 ' " had been withdrawn, the Durham 1 ^^^ ^g ^^^^^ „f ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ young ! p, ^ „„, ^ ^o.: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chronicle was informed by Dr. Jam- .^ ^^j^j^ ^^^ ^^^^. ^.^ ^j^ ^^at the I j,,^„j ^^^ jj^ ^„^ Mrs. Eugene ieson that this was not the case. The ^^^.^^ ^^ g^ y^^j.^ ...^^ ^^^ ^f four wlio | ^^-^^ gf Orangeyille. medal will be presented to the lucky ^^^^^^ ^j,^ g^^^^^ r^j j^ring the ' The deceased was the vounger pupil as soon as h,s name is furnished, ^^.^^-^^ ^^ 5.30 ^bout fifty guests } ,„„ „{ j^e late Alexander McCut- so that It can be suitably engraved. . ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ beautiful table well lad- 1 ,j,^^„ ^„^ „„ McCutcheon and was There has been a slip-up somewhere. ^^ ^.^^ ^^^^ ^^^-^^ ^..^ „„tred with ^oru In Markdale on May 27th. 19U. but the donor says he will get in touch ^ four-storey wedding cake, which the i h^ ^^^ spent all his life In the village and was known to almost every person In the community. He - 'urvive>d by his widow, formerly with the proper authorities and learn ^^.^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ Wright pro- the name of the pupil entitled to re- ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^y^^ ^ride and Mr. ceive his medal, which has been pre- , ^^j.^^^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^.^^^ appropriate reply, sented for the past 40 years. SAFE DRIVING: SOME HINTS A very large number of relatives and I jn^j, Colgan. and one little son. Ron- I friends gathered in the evening to ,g. jjjg mother; one brother, Mr. I pay their respects to Mr. and Mrs. L^j^^^,^ McCutcheon of F!e«*herton: I Oliver. The many beautiful presents \ ^5^^^ sisters. Mrs. Gordon Fraser. -Safety-conscious Pontiac e"K>neers, fro,,, family and friends were silent j^j^g Frank Teeter and Miss Sadie who carried the safety-first idea .to | tributes to the honor of the occasion.! McCutcheon In Markdale: Miss the extent of putting oil and gas- [ g^^.^ral short speeches were given and i^„ra McCutcheon of Orangeville; oline intakes on the curb side of the also songs suug by some present. The ^rs. Sydnpy Toope of Bro<'kvlI!©; 1937 models, point out that with all . ^j^ress of the evening was read hy jjrs. Lome Powley of Toronto: Mrs. known safety built into a car there jj^.^ Thomas Currie after which was | ggrt Bussey of Dundalk. All were is still room for caution and better- ^y,,^ ..por they are .iolly gootl ^01-1^^,^^^ ^^ ,^^ funeral, excepting driving technique. They submit some lows." seasonal hints; -When driving slip-| The evening was spent in cards and pery streets do everything slowly â€" dancing and we join with the many friends of the bride and groom of 50 years ago, to hope thoy may be spar- ed many more years of happy life and also may this year of U'37 be a ! prosperous and pleasant one to them. New Books In Library Flesherton Public Library Boaru last week placed a number of new books on the shelves of the library for the readers, the titles being: "The Blue Window Bailey -Wild Wind Bailey â- Wallflowers" Bailey "Master of Man"' Cain â- 'Nigger of The Nai-cissus'' Conrad "Old Pybus" Deeping "Raper's Row" Deeping "The Exile" Deeping "Great Heart" Dell "Winds of Fortune" Farnol "Purple Robe" Hocking •'Maker of History'' Oppenheim "Mystery of Mr. Bernard Brown .. . Oppenheim "LosP Leader" Oppenheim "Young Anarchy" Gibbj. "Coming of T^ie King" Hocking •The Secret" Oppenheim "Fal.se Evidence" Oppenheim "The House of Fear" Service '•The Pi-etender" Service "Mary's Neck" Tarkington ••Money For Nothing'" .. Wodehousi. ••The Man Who Bought London .. Wallace •'The Pricking of Cuthbert" Did you ever stop to think that people read newspapers because they want them.' The Tiewspaper is not forced on anyone. People pay for it and read it regularly. Whole famil- ies await it eagerly and contest goi)d- naturedly over the individual turns to read it. Each praises and criticizes it as one is prone to criticize the other .â- \t this time of the year the race for the position of the Warden of the County of Grey takes place and many anxioUs hours are spent by the con- testants. There are many old mem- bers of the Council who would be delighted with the honor of serving in the elf ice of Warden, but many will never receive that honor. The race this year appears to be between W. n. Hunter. Reeve of Egremont, :uid .^ngus .\. Mf.-\rthur. Reeve of Glei'.elg. Several others are likely to have their names brought before the County Council when it meets next Tuesday, January 19th. to choose members of the family. The good newspaper is a definite part of the its Warden, among them being Reeve family. That is why its sales force Howard McCauley of Flesherton. start slowly, accelerate slowly, decel- erate slowly, and above all, drive slowly â€" Turn the wheels in the dir- ection of a skid and decelerate slow- ly; practise it on a deserted strip of slippery pavement â€" Shift to second below 20 On a hill â€" Going down a hill, slow Up your car b.v a series of 'snub- bing' actions rather than by contin- ued pi-essure on the brake pedal â€" If a wheel runs off the pavement, take foot off accelerator, hold wheel straight, and slow down gradually â€" Don't guess at your speed; watch the speedometer. BORN BADGEROW â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's pri- vate hospital, Flesherton, on Mon- day, January Uth, 1937^ to Mr, and Mrs. Bert Badgerow. a daughter. IN MEMORIAM LeGARD â€" Treasured niemories of our dear mother, Christena LoGard, who d->piul;.'d this life. January 12th. 1923. She is not dead. but. only gently sleeping. In the sweet refuge of her Saviour's breast ; And far away frem sorrow, toil, and weeping. Not dead, but only taking rest. â€" Ever remembered, Meda and Allan. F.O.B. vs DELIVERED To the Tarrif Conunissioii inquiry of 1936 the Canadian automobile in- dustry is indebted for at least one | thing; it .brought out the fact that | J; Stc^-^jvell. Mrs. Canadians pay less for their cars than the people of any other country in the woild except the United States. More- over, it came out that f.o.b. prices as advertised in the U. S. A. are. to say the least, misleading and absurd for comparative purposes. The mag- azine ''Automobile Topics^' recently made a study of prices of 54 models displayed at the New York Show, not- ing the "list" price, the price deliver- ed at New York and the Pi'ice as eq- uipped at the Show. One popular car listed at !5620 was leally $"17 de- livered at New York, and $889 de- livei-ed as e'U'iPPPd at the Show. In general the nia.gazine found: â- â€¢TTie spread varied â€" from $i)8 to $640 per car â€" In the group comprising cars in the $700 f.o.b. range, the spread was $157.71 between list and stand- ard delivered price". S|>eaking of hens, we heard of a man who had a hen that was contin- ually doing a lot of cackling and very often had nothing to cackle about Her owner said he often wondered if she were laying or lying. Mrs. Toupe. who was unwell. .\mong those from outside points at the funeral were: Mr. David El- der and son of Lisle: Rev. R. G. Halbert of Durham; .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Island. Mrs. EuKen(> Reld of Orangeville; Mr. and Mrs. F. Sparks .ind Mr. Gen. Palley Sr. of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Busse^y. Mr. .\lf. McCulIough. Mrs. A. D. Harrison. Mrs. W. J. Russell, Mrs. R. J. Rus- sell. Mrs. Chas. F^lUerton. Misses N'oreen Moody. Lucy and Florence Colgan. Mr. Fred Harrison, Mr. W. S. J. McDonald. Misses Berths and Edna McDonald and Robt. McDonald of Dundialk: Mr'!. Wm. Gibson of Ceylon. Since his marriage to our dausrh- tT the decea-ied hn.« been a member of the family of the writer and we had come to know him weM. He .was a good husband and father and we had learned to appreciate his many sood niialifies He wMl '^â- â€¢ sadly mlss4>d by his wife and son. his mother and the family of the Stand- ard editor..â€" Markdale Standard. 'The Trumpeter Swan" •'Tile .Adventures of Sally ... Card of Thanks Service .. Bailey ,. Bailev 1 wish to take this opportunity to ihank all my friends and neighbors for kindnesses shown during niy ill- ness, and for cutting my wood, also the United Church of Flesherton for flowers at Christmas time. â€"ROSS STEVENS Card of Thanks I veiA' n-.uch wish to thank all my is immeasurable. Door to doo, salesmen use al! kinds of ingenious device to get inide the home. But the newspaper is a welcome guest. One type of selling is forced, the other type is received. Door to door hand- bills are most times an intrusion upon the privacy of the home, but the newspaper is invited in. Its mess- ages are read avidly and its adver- tisements are considered a part of these messages. The iiewpaper is •'o definitely a r)art of the people, so much an ac*.eptid member of the family, that its pages constitute the finest and least expensive advertis- ing medium yet devised. 1 Did You Ever Stop to Think? It is goi)ii for a merchant to look back, after years of service to his i community and say •'All is well;" to take stock not only in the merchan- dise world, but of the confidence of the people â€" a confidence built on th< solid foundation of their belief in his honesty <'f purpose :ind judgnu'in of values. It is saiif that poor men live long- er than rich men and live more hap- pily. The niaii wh,> kn.nUs his 'iw,, town is a pest. He .<hould either become ? home town booster or be boosted out. Some men wear long suffering faces all the time. To s nian who -s seeking a new town in which ro live aiul invest, :i lifcle.s.i looking tow>, appeals to hiir- in the same encouraging way as Reeve David .\llan of Shallow Lake, Reeve L. Himmler of Neustadt and Reeve .\llan Wilkinson of Sydenham. Reeve McCauley will likely retire from the contest and come back with greater strength next year. As it appears at present the race will be between Reeves Hunter and Mc- Arthur. A 3-ACT PLAY "SMALL TOWN ROMEO" will be tjivt'ii in the Oraiic:e Hall ORANGE VALLEY on FRIDAY. JANUARY 15. '37 at 8 p.m. Lunch pro'viled â€" Dance after Ad.- Adults 25c. Children 10c would a cemetery. .riends w-ho remembered me at Christ- n\.is. Us so nice when shut-in, away j f om home to know ones friends think i Roth Du,>a:ii ai:.' iwen .Sound a-i o; you. I seeking to have mail carried by bus HELEN MlK)RE lines instead of by rail, contending Muskoka Ha*pitar that they would receive better service. DANCE Fraternitv Hall FLESHERTON oil FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, '37 Coiiinicncintr at 9 p.m. Mr,<ic sui)iilied Blackburn's Orchestra Round and Square Dancing^ Admission: 25c Lunch Extra OrfJcers Swinton Park L.CL. Loyal Orange Lodge No. 113'^, Swinton Park, held the annual meet- ing and elected the following officers. Past Master. Jos. Copeland; Worship- ful Master. Jas, Hardy; Deputy Mas- ter. Fred Knox; Chaplain. J. Cope- land; Recoi-ding Secretary, H. Wat- son; Financial Secretary, J. S. Cor- 'oit; T'-easur'-r, F. Knox; Marshall, Lou Kinnell; 1st Lecturer, J. Park- er; 2nd Lecturer, G. H. Wat.son; com- The way we look at it De Valera 'mittee, H. McMillan. A. Parker; R. is willing to have the ^rish Free State McNalty, F. Hopkins, J. Weir, remain within the Empire so long as. County Master Ernest .Acheson it <locs not have to pay any member- was pre.sent and took the chair for ship dues. ^the installation of officer*. Radio should provide more amuse- ment when television makes it pos- sible to see the jokes. If you want a part of your o return, spent it at home. dollar « BOX SOCIAL Contniunitv I lall CEYLON THURSDAY, JANUARY 14 CfMnniencins: at ^^ irm. Coo] tnnsic will he •^unnlied hv Irvine Bros.' Orchestra Round and Stiuare Danciny Admission: Gents 10c Lad'es with boxes free. Prize fof Be<t dres*cd b^-*. and a prize for the highest bidder. 4 dignlfted, toronto and THB rVSKRAL CHAPEL. pmonal funeral lervlc*. Availsble In aU parts of suburbt at price, to mit th* Income of every famil" Kl. mtn Sc illabbocks iBimal Co. rORMBRLY BATBS BtTRlAL CO ^^. MwJdocka Richard .Maddocks. M-r. ONE BLOCK 80CTH OP DAVENPORT ROAD

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