Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Jan 1937, p. 2

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Cl»mD HER SHOES FIVE TIMES A DAY Suffered for 20 Years with Rheumatum Try and pfc.ure the life thii woman led for twenty years â€" chanein? her shoes several times a day in a »ain endeavor to attain some relief from the rheumatic pains that were con- stantly troublln? her. Then imagine her Joy when she found that Kruschen was drirlng away the rhetunatlsm. This is what she writes: â€" "I have been using Kruachen Salts for four years. For twenty years pre Tloualy I had suffered with my feet, sometimes changing my shoes five times a day. and frequently sitting without any as the pain was so great Now I can wear the same pair of shoes all day with comfort. I cannot speak too hi?!:!? of Kraschen Salts. Only those who had t>een in constant pain with their feet for years can re- alize what It fs to be free." â€" (Mrs ) E. A. It ia deposits of excess uric acid, lodging between the joints, which are frequectly the cause of rheumatism Kroichen Salts contain two ingredi ents â€" sodium and Dotaasiutn â€" which are effertiTe solvents cf aric acid. MENiNG FLASHES Hordce U. Voang, muiiasing d:rti.t- or of Wendigo Gcd Mines, currently making a regular inspection of the property, has ordered the removal from ibove the lOO-ft. level of betwee 3.000 and â- Â«.0i)0 tons of ore of hi oz. grade which procedure, it is officially believed, will improve extraction and tMMst current monthly geld output. It is expected that work bt retimbering the shaft to the present objective -.f 500 ft. will be completed this month. The next step will ue to carry the shaft below that horizon ajid estab lisb two more levels for further ua- dergruund operations. The present plant and hoist is considered adequate lor this purpose The mill is stated to be currently running at a daily average approaching 65 tons, treating ore of $15 grade when in nine run of ore. Following the commencement of drifting operations on the second level at Mooshla Gold Mines Bfoperty. a wire has been received from D. M. Giachlno. resident engineer, to the effect that 73 feet of drifting has been done to date on the vein at this hori- zon. Fifty-six feet, according to Mr. Uiachmo. iveraged $3218 across ati average width of 31 U inches. The last 17 feet is now being assayed. H. W. Asselstlne. M.E., ia charge of opera ions at the West Shining Tree property of Bilmac Gold .Mines. In a How fo Make MONEY in GOLD STOCKS WWTE FOR COPV H. R. BAIN « COMPANY LTD. J<M Bay Sr. Toronto Issue No. 4 ~ '37 câ€" 1 report to Toronto nfflriaja, states that 'he rein the lT<>-ft. hortioo has Im proved in recent work. Development t . (.ate reveais thai it U six feet wide, and very heavily mineralized. This vein n likewise been encruritered on Jie 400-ft. level, and will be open- ed up further In the course of addi- â- ional underground operations. Previocs reports of a bi^hgrade itriiie made on the I)ore»a Gild Mines property during trenching operalioas. resulted in directors sending Lewis A. Dunham, consultinz engineer, to the pronerty in Bousquet Township to make a thorou .U examination of the lind. in a wire to Toronto o£ i- als. Mr Dunham states that two pits on No 'i showing at now down 10 ft with each pit being suck to neveixp high-grade st.'tngtr ir vein, which are wider at the bo'tom of the pit and show more mineralization. Three drills tre ic operation, with .Vo 5 bole south of No. I ihowing ccmpleied to S30 ft The core sh-ows couglomerate is 3*"> ft. thick a'd begins 600 ft. south from No. 1 showing The core is >)eing sampled oreparatory to testing. Vpres Uadillac is located in the heart of a proven mining area, the rich Cadillac Qeld. and \a approxim- ately half mile from O'Brien Mines where the sensational discover? last year was made. The property eo.iiiits cf tea claims. ipfroiimatelj four hundred acres. Development work is being pushed forward, aggressively, by the manage ment. Harold G. Way, M.A.. Ph.D.. geologist, is in charge of work on the property, an^f crevvs have recently been increased, to facilitate opera tiotu- â- 'I am very enthusiastic about the ciiauces of your property." Dr. Way recently stated In a letter dated De cember 2, 1936. to the officials of the company. From a standpoint ot future opera tions. the property is very favourably situatew. The road has been com pleted into it from Kewagama. and the ne* Canadian -Vational Railway line to Seneterre. passes through the mid- dle 0* the property itself. Electric po\. er lines are «-ith:n half mile. .\t a meeting of unitholders of Re- ijair Gold Syndicate held recently. J. U. Balrd. manager, reported that lln ane 's a.'e in good shape, with arrange- ments made for large interests to as sume the final Snancing upon comple- tion of present development work. Ar range ments for additional equipment. iccluding diamond drilling, have been tomoleted. L. W. Reed, mine mana- ger, state--, that the ore bodies were increasing tu sixe as development work progressed. At present the main ore body has been proveo to be over l.O.iO t: long and 6 'o 20 ft. in width and fr m 25 channel samples taken an iverage val'.ie of $20 per ton was se- "ired. -Nay ob Gold Mines. Pcrcupics gold area, has bee i aggressively concentra- ting operations on the 300 and 700-ft. levels with excellent results, accord- ing to Ha -.liD B. Hatch, seologist. This is In line with the genera! plan vf deve ji^.nent ;)revious;y decided up- on. Upon completion of the present caajpaig-T definite production plans â-  an ije formulated \Ir. Hatch de- cares Approj-.imately 150,000 tons of ure averaginf $5 per ton has already bee-i blocked ou: on 3 sides above the :0O-ft. level. The 300-ft. level drift â-  west face) Is at presei:t In good srade ^.-e. wi'h consistent valnes rang- ing from $2 to $10 throughout the *h.<le lec;t.'. of tht drift wiiitii«. lJrcKisciil(m«$ Tit^ar the we<t fane to lh« baogia wall of the vein structure deduitely disclosed that the vein structare la 45 ft. wide, with ^rtmpling of 39 ft. Qo the hanging wall side yieldiLg value if t>i T.> over this width, while 9 ft. avf:r:i5c.! $21 30 cer ton. So I vein has t;e«.r driven on for KOO ft. east and west on the .10«) and TOO- fl. levels. I Alleged WITH i/ Immediate developmeixt at depth of the iDdicated orebody on the Leaiaoa .Nitkei Mines property lO Deaisoa t'owos'iip. Sudbury mining dtvistun. is iilanned by company officals. It L: proposed to install a mining plant, sink a 3-compartinent siiaft to ZZO ft. and carry oat later ' work on that boi'izon U iliing has mdieated a con- sistent nickel-copter ore zone, cut at •lepih.s ran&ing from ITS to 1125 ft„ with an average width of 'IS feet An ore length of 4iW ft. was shown on sur'ace. .vhile a leUoti: of 5')0 ft. was indicated on the l.OCO-ft. level. The rade averaged 1.05 T: copper. .SI 95; a'ckel and 13 platinum and gold. Al- lan .Ana^rson. il.ti. has beer, appoint- ed consuitins engiaesr In charge of operatlccs A ctsti at men has al- rer j started clearing for the shaft •â- 'tfc and 1 mining zi'.zr.l for sitiitng has been ordered. Thtres not so much difference | after ail between a "slicker" and a "3 'acker." i Ascetic Person â€" Do you expect to ) spend yocr whole life in the wicked | parsuit of riches? I Brisk Individaai.N':!. If I'm not rich by the time I reach fifty years cf age, I shall consider myself an j ignoble failure. % Sttujkbuil ^COOLMiLO TOBACCO I Post Office e;erkâ€" Tba letter's! ' cverweigh:. madam. You'll have to j put another three-cent starap on it. ' Woma.n â€" Wei!, of a^I things! Here Ttc mailed dozen.'? of letters that | ^ere underweight. Kv.A cow you ' wart to charge me thre« cents be- \ cause I'm sending one that's just a i teeny-bit over the limit. That s ter- j ; rible. .And right at our own post ; ofSc-'. too! Buckingham Fine Cut WITH THE NL-s€oins; Wave of Modesty Strikes V^arsity Fair Co-eds .At Winnipeg Won't Let Venus Shivei This Winter At the Turn of the Road | j At the f.im of the road is a pic- ! j tare that comes to my mind like a I j dream. I T.s t.*!e iittie white house of my I I neighbor that stands by the side of j :ho stream. Wl.N.S'IPEG.â€" A refoL-mist wave seized co-eds at the University of Manitoba here las; week and drapci 3 statue of Venus De .Vlilo under a curtain of modesty. The life-sized figure tliat for ifiany years has occupied a prominent place in the students' union office met dis- approval of the vromen's association. The grir's demanded the fair ey- therea be attired in a manner more becoming to a !ady. So today Venus appeared with a few cubits cf cheese cloth as a drape to protect her per- fect figure from the public gaze. If yci are loaded for bear, don't •A'aiie ycur a.-nmunition on chip-! munJc. A distinytilshcd prcfesscr of a noted university was delivering an address before a groa? cf btisicess men. .At its conclusion a manafac- turer joined issue with him. I Manufacturerâ€" N'atura! science is I of no beceSt ti.> me. ' Professor â€" Wna: is year busi- ness ? For tile 13tii consecutive year a eoast-to-coast chaa of Boy Scout Christmas Repair Shops gathered. recorditlor:ed and distributed many thocsands of toys, doila, and itcry "nooks to tie ciuldren c: needy fam- ilies in all parts of the Domiruon. Several balk shipments cf toys were sent from eastern shops, including tiia: of London. On:., to help toy shops in Saskatchewan meet tile heavy demand in that province. As oscal. the Girl Guides gave splendid help in the doil departments. â-  â-  • .i variety show was staged by tile Boy Scouts and Girl Guides of Ml!- I ton. On:., in the Prir.cess Theatre, to , raise finds for the local ComrBunitv Christmas Tree. Ciief Justice Baxter of Brjiijivlck. w'nose sapport aod t"^^. a.noe as President of the ProTineU Council over a camber of years has been an important factor in tta steady advance of Sccatiiig In tte province, has cnce again been electadk to tba; - ftice. In his i.idregs at a^ ceptonce at the Cooncil's annoal! !nee:ing Chief J'astics Baxter wam>i Colleges Recognize The Co-ecTs Right to Smoke CHICAGOâ€" Mid- western anivers.- ties have reached the point of .-ecog- nizing the co-ed's desire for a cigar- ette. All co-ed's do not smoke, of course, but for those wishing to light up between classts. it dej:er.iis ipon w'r.ose campus she treads. Washington University at St. Louis 'nas a faculty rulir.g pro. ..sit- ing the co-ed to smoke in front of Brookings Hall, in the women's building or any other place on the quadrangle. -At the University of Chicago the co-ed is considered :Id enough to use her own judgment as to where she smokes. The same rule prevails at Northwestern L'niversity. De Paul University an-i Loyola L'niversity forbii girls suickiag on the campus. Loyola, riowever, has provided a special roor:i for this rur- Dose in its downtown building W'nen a w:ie dies a husband says:' , "I would be a better hus'oand if I ; had it to do over again. " But when : a husband die« his wife says: "Well, | I I did my duty by him. ' j Diner â€" I can't ea; this sou?. I Waiter â€" ITJ call the n'.a."jiger. j Diner (wh^n ma.iager arrives) â€" i This soup, 1 can't eat it. i Ma.nager â€" I regret that. sir. I'll | foteh the chef. j Diner (wl:en chef arrives- â€" Ij ' can't eat this soup Chefâ€" Wliat's the r.:at:er with it Dintrâ€" N'nhl.-igi I ain't get a spccn. ih.s u-.gii:, in soKe cases, prove i a bar to identification: â€" j Friend â€" He v.- did you manage to: evade the photographers who have ; I taken so many pictures of you? i Movie .Actress â€" I threTr away my 1 , iic«t:ci< an'i 7.-a4heJ my face. .( .\n ictiicatvi machine is like a man. It needs "a doctor" at close call, so i as to jtraigattn i: oat when it b«- ; gins to get sickâ€" and the machine can develop as many aii.'uents as can a hun'ap • â- : c v.'r.ic'r. s saying â-  Mem'oers of the Bowmaaviiie Pub- lic School, representatives cf various churches, the Canad an Legion and members of the L.ons Club were presets at an impressive ceremony ia the Central Scho<;l when colours were presented by the Lions Club to the 2nd Bo-*manvil!e Bey Scout Trcop • • • Rover Scouts of Mem:;. B.C. are operar.ng a small iostel to provide beds, warmth and food for destitute transients passing through :ha; towTi dtiring the winter. s â-  « The Hon. Axchibaid P. Mc.Nab. the new Lieutenant-Govemcr for Sask- atchewan, like his predecessors, has become Prcvincial Patron ot the Boy Scouts .Association of the province. In further evidence of his desire to associate himself closely with the Movement. His Honour was invested as a Scout, in a ceremony conducted at Government House. Regina. .N'ov- ember 12th, by Provincial Ccmmis- siot:er S. J. Latta. Sajka:ci:e-van is again to 'to C'ongTa::'a:ed. ed against any attempt to incre num'Ders at the expense of loweriac^ the high standard of Scouting thal^ has been achieved in the province. .^ Classified Advertising «.N -rysH ro JTVSF.T L>"'.'sxn)a. uati t*ait trre. THS R.01SA? Cmpany. ':i3»C3. â- QUILT PATCHtS" FIVE POL.NDS Jl.OO .1 ^ ST-.i'islotna' ItAHa tfn <st>ilu. r<!ca.":a!«E'. wus. ouufTcunt. HjBinaL ^ p.\; Z5.-E.NCSO 5.>- ~SVgN WA-NT«BI •.i.;-..-*J-^.'-3:.iajur^ :-â-  c-:--i i j mil ii [iiM^ Qv.' cm: ;urt:=aju« ^•:vtr t:ui ii i iiilai 'â- -â€" -:3is :2cMiu<a <sa.}id -a '-j :.-'.ciic« dM £us«ac 3i«n's txiltjna-C'j-aie&surv ei<xfi«3 aft :C14 xwt»: pnc«9 la Ca.ia.in utxni cuflft* »: cue*, scidnc pnrr1»,aji «i7<r»«E««. ? (£ B<;i 25*), Kontrtal. (JeeS**:. ITCH . . . STOP1>CO IN A MINUTE . . . A.-« nu -.crarr-i-J »!•.â- ! ; :< â-  : _r.i :cr.'ir-» at coma, natxy. i:li>'.t i i'?cc. rr:-7ccca, cr -ytijer B!^'?-' IJ J3::.-7;.c. : Jli 6. O. D. r^t^e^^ptioo.^ I-,j jej:* :^a »xtJM ii« irti- tatr-j ikin. Ctejir. irriae-trw isd Kaiaieg^.â€" linn liaL Sl-?T« tlie an.-«t .z:me ;tcijj« ' -'*c ff-j.' =ot-..s. *: irit itorei. trv'Ta .:- â- â€¢Kdacatlon is net just i'r'iparation ior llf». but Is part of life itselfâ€" a oc '.clnuo'is part. 'â€"Henry Ford. What $300 Would Have irought You^ If invested in these stocks recommended by us last year » In O'BRIEN In Lapa Cadillac In Moneta Ko. .-j-v :..c.; ,v. .;3 .-a Uajr Snu at lie ctsta S*pt. liiUi at 43 ctcti Oct. Tttt It »0 »nt« $7,000.00 $ 965.70 $ 639.36 Cur Premier Recomm enda tie n for 1937 is WMS CADilLAC On the ba*U of locatioa development and ciaaa^ement. this >toi:.k i> our leaaing rccomcca- dation for 1937. Th« property U favorably located in the proven Cadillac area â€" ap?ro:;i- mately half a mile from the O'Brien shaft. The character of the management i» (hown by the way development work i« being carried on â€" ac- ditional men were added to the crewt last week, working on certain specifically defined ar«as. Harold G. Way. M.A.. Ph.D., well-known Canadian (colositt, it in charge cf operAtioos. Roads have been constructed and alt provision made for facilitating work. Wa have followed YPRES CAD!l.L.\C closely since last year and strongly re^oniivcnJ par- clias* at the market immediately. Information and Mreekly bulletin on development is beibg sent to registered shareholders, and I* avallabU to the public. Write or telephone. ^3V^L^# Ot AAll I ^'^L^ r^C'.'J * UET.VLS £.\FL0K.VTtO.N CO. r<p(. W I . I ^ f^ â-  !â-  V/f> rK I l^/l^ ^0< • '""'' "'""' "^ Ypr«-Ca<ttllae. I Suite 45 â€" 171 Yonge St. P*" j ' ADPRBS.S • Toronto | ,-,tv ok iow.n »'kov ..w. | TtM Company R.'ulnt r«c«lv«a pa.vment. Lhs fiv^**^* «.•' ">â- Â» '»'♦ "''' "O* V> *"'•â- ' ">• «-»»»urv of the company whoM s«cur.1!«« *re hcrthy •'•.J !â- > >««. ri".e or.o-rir;^ •.•ircus •.v.is visiting a town in the hiiis T'ne folks there recosnued ail thr? instruments of the ' ';;and except the siide trcrubcce. One , settler watched the p'ayer for qtLite , some :i:!ic. then, turr.i-jr t? h's son. • saidi "I>;::t 'et on that you're' WLit:h ny him. There's .i tr.:it to it; >o sin'; 5vral!';ri" tha; thin?!'' i Blue Label 31' •yJ 5Cv.pd Always ^^E SAME Fine Quality Yellow Labci 28' fLV ONS Costs No More jHAN Ordinary^ Tea tea| T««rao anii * .Aren't People Quser? 1 Wtiu'i ; .1 De.rc.. Saiarday Nislitiâ€" i:'s ai'i .vion^ to raiie your eye'orcws at t'lv chin^rs s?:r;e people eat â€" i.'i.-i'. fcr msta".-?. cr army sarins. Foods a.o iio: v;.;sti; t i$ people â€" liumu!! bei-^s* â€" whi-> are qijeer a'oout what 'hey ^st. Je<;ar?d Mat- thew \V. Stirl.r.;. wieii-iinoivi: explor- er aa:i chief cf the burvau of .<ireri- cm El/wolosy, in n lecture. .\Jniitt:rg that iie hss tater. ^rass- ;'..\Dpsrs an' I ^ubs only sparissly, ;'.5 a sort ?:' txperiuitntai duty, Mr. Stir'ins ;â-  .ii-tei.l out that we may turn up uur noses at a uish of par- .•hetl grasshoppers serveU by Indi- .'.-.s in Nevaua or rat â-  * in East Xt- - :a. 'tut the native* are just as dis- trusted at our cjrious custom of .•at:r? e?s< fRlEng^MoH 48 PAGES WHO'S WHO in Use NATIONAL HOCKEY tEAGUE iaa "<?Al '<^-^. V,, \r7 >y /J'j^^x "^4., ^''Z,, Ai>&vc all . s . buy on REPUTATION ris5 •§0. Si-/ *.:> I TO ^rvt' '." 1- Cofotuiion Y««r S««J VooJl. Ill 34X«S [Mv««(l ^ '^/^ -'** '-s.^ ^i^^-^f^'^^, '^<^f *^ â- ^j '•^>^^C>^/:t'*- (o. j<:^ â- 'T, f^Z'^ i^:iB:&m:^F'r/^ .•^"sL/^-C .^liii^ >.>"!«> SEEDS ;ieW^ JEEHWI •'cOLOt"' I ^ms'i^^] '"."•ofi?* â- â€¢*</; S^^ ^Oc^^Cft •••Vntt f'.»r y..ar LVpy now iy> LVp:. \\T \ Cnitrrs for i4*Us must ^« amt 4\rivt ttf.- £%; t^i^: "*^> k> SEND FOR YOUR Up COPY NOW! CHbec PriMluas oJ the St. Ljinrcoce Sarch Co. LtvL. Pt>rt Credit, Out.â€" EVirham Com Stirvh. St. Lawrence Corn Sjarch, Nor» Gloss Laundiy Starvh and St. Lawrence LXnible Reiiaed Maize C^l.

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