Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Jan 1937, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, January 20, 1937 S %^ KIMBERLEY (Last week's Items) January has brought again its us- ual round of election of officers for the several societies. School trus- tees: Messrs. Willard Gilbert, Bruce CaiTuthers, Geo. McConnell; Village trustees: Messrs. R. Chard, Arnold Lawrence, Bruce Carruthers. Com- munity hall board: Messrs. Russell Ellis, Harold Fawcett, W. Haines, Mrs. Chas. Graham, Mrs. Arnold -Lawrence. The Sunday School meet- ing was held on Tuesday night, show. ing the school in a prosperous con- condition financially. Election of of- ficers was held: Supt. â€" Mr. Ralph Stafford Ass. Supt. â€" Mr. Geo. Hutchinson Sect-Treas. â€" Miss Myrtle Faw- cett. Organist â€" Miss Elsie Graham Missionary Supt. â€" Miss Mary Stafford. Temperance Supt. â€" Mrs. G. Hut- chinson. Cradle Roll Supt. â€" Miss Myrtle Stafford. Teachers in Bible Cla.ss â€" Mrs. D. A. Graham and Mr. Geo. Hutchinson. Blue Bird Class â€" Mrs. S. S. Bur- ritt. Intermediates â€" Miss Jean Car- ruthers and Mrs. R. Chard. Beginners â€" Miss Opal Weber and Mrs. Ja.i. Kirkpatrick. The Ladies' Aid had a banner meet- ing on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jas. Lawrence for gen- eral business and election of officers. Twenty two were present, fifteen paying their fees. Out efficient treasurer, Mrs. B. A. Carruthers gave an encouraging re- port of about fl55 of clear money was raised during this year, $23 from the 10c teaa, |60 paid on the minis- ter's salary. ft was decided to con- tinue the lOc teas. Six quilts were made and sold, also two more ordered. The election of officers was conducted by Rev. McAuslan, as follows: PreB. â€" Miss Mary Haines. 1st Vice. â€" Mrs. R. D. Carruthers 2nd Vice. _ Miss Myrtle Stafford Sec. â€" Mrs. Earl Dillon Treas. â€" Mrs. B. A. Carruthere. The visiting and flower committees were also appointed. At the tlos- ing of the books, there was not a cent in the treasury; at the close of the meeting for fees and tea, there was $6.05, all were pleased to know we were out of debt. The skaters are patiently waiting for ice weather as the rink now is ready for the ice. Mr. Joe Gibson is the chosen caretaker. We are glad to report Mr. Bruct Hall home from the hospital in To- ronto, vmuch improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. R. Chard, Mrs. E. Dil- lon and Mrs. A. Belfry spent a day shopping in Toronto this week. EUGENIA Mis;i Irene Dinsmore spent the week end at her home near Thorn- bury. Messi-s. E. Fenwick and J. Park are spending a few days in Toronto. 'flhe Y. P. S. met on Wednesday > veiling of last week and owing to the absence of president, Miss An- nieta Turner and organist. Miss Hazel Turner, Miss Irene Dinsmore teok the worship period and acted as organ- ist. Miss Doris Fawcett read the .scripture pasages. Mrs. C.. Martin took the discussion topic, "Home fyi-anny, Anarchy and Democracy." in the absence of the citizenship con- venor, W. Jamieson, Misg J. Turner y:ave a reading, "Turning Over a -Vew Leaf." The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. Miss Verda Genoe who is assisting her aunt, Mrs. Frank Shortt, spent a tew days at her parental home. Miss Irene Martin was home from Orange Valley over the week end. Miss Dorothy Jamieson of Fever- sham spent the week end at her par- ental home. "The L. O. L. held a very success- ful dance in their hall here on Jan. 8th and intend to hold another this Friday evening. Miss Lillian Magee is assisting Mrs Oeo. iMcTavish of Flesherton with household duties. Miss Florence Paul of Lang, Sask., IS visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Robt! Smith and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham and daughter of Walkerton were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Campbell and family and other re- latives. We extend our sincere sympathy to Mrs. Fred Peaiar, husband and fam- ily and other relatives in being ber- eaved of her sister, the late Miss Reta Marshall of Meaford, who passed away on Sunday. Sorry to report Mrs. Fred Jamiesoa ill with ear trouble, bat is feeling somewhat improved at time of writ- ing. Miss Hazel Tbmer has also been suffering from ear trouble but is on the road to recovery. We hope both will soon be well again. T>ie regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Association will be held at the home of Mrs. Garnet Mage« on Thursday aft«rnoon, January 21. The north unit of the W. A. are mak- ing preparations for an "Olde Tyme" social to be held in the basement of the church on Friday evaning, Jan. 29th. Sorry to report little Miss Joyce Genoe, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gerioe, ill the past week or so. We hope she soon recovers. CENTRELINE MAXWELL The Women's Institute met at thg home of Mis. Wm. Seeley on Thursday January Uth, for their regular mon- thly meeting, with a good attendance. The president. Mrs. Geo. Ross in the chair. The roll call was responded to by the name of your favourite author and book. It was decided to quilt a quilt at Mrs. C. Long's, Tues- day. January 19. Mrs. Long had charge of the program, composed of some intere.sting readings and sing- ing. The hostess served a dainty lunch assisted by Mrs. L. Kerton and Mrs. C. Winters. Mr. Robt. Priestly Sr. has disposed of his farm to Mr. Joseph Wright. Miss Mabel Ross is visiting friends in CoUingwood. Mrs. Chester Cameron of Owen Sound vi.^iited the past week with friends here. Mrs. Wilburt Poole visited friendg I in Collingwood the past week. I The Y. P. S. met in the church hall j On Friday evening the 15th with 37 ' present. The meeting opened with a hymn followed by the Lord's prayer in unisoM, the scripture lesson was read by Jim Poole; the discussion period was taken by the citizenship convenor, Les Adams; the topic was Home TVranny. .\narchy or Demo- cracy. Recreation consisted of a contest. Rev. Bushel] wa* the win- ner. The meeting closed with sing- ing, "The more we get together." The next meetWig will he under the literary convenor: the Maclntyre Y. P. S. will put on the program. Mr. Jack Haiiey sold a fine team of colts last week to -Mr. Wm. Scutt of Badjeros district for the nice sum of two hundred and ten dollars. The colts were rising two and one year year old. Mr. Wm. N'icholl is moving from the farm at .\It. Zion church to the Winter's farm on the third line, a- bout 1^ miles cast of Portlaw. Mr. Albert Wilkinson and Miss Hazel visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilkinson. The Mount Zion W. A. held their regular monthly meeting at the home of .Mrs. Fred Plantt on Tuesday, Jan. 12. They had a real good meeting, .ivery member present but one ^'^^ was not able to attend. Five new names were adedd to the roll, making 20 members. The next meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Flor- ence Lyons. The devotional roll call to be answered with a verse using the word blessed. Tickets were drawn for meeting. CEYLON Mrs. Percy Hunt visited Mr. .and Mrs. Carl Atldiiison, E|erkeley last week while Mrs. A. C. Muir visited her parents there. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Adams, accomp- anied by Jimmie and Florence, visited in Harriston, Sunday Mr. Mel Hogarth accompanied by Mrs. G. Caii-ns, Mrs. F. D. Cairns and Mrs J. P. Collinson spent TJhursday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. McCormick and Jessie, Swinton Park, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Cairns. Misses Dorothy and Macil Snell are visiting in Toronto. Mrs. G. Mix returned to Tx)ronto Saturday after visiting the past week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall. Mrs. Knox is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Gillespie in Egremont. -Mr. Allie- Muir took another load of potatoes to Toronto Friday. Mr. Snowden McLeod, Toronto, vis- ited at his home here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gibson spent Fri- day in Toronto. Miss Florence Maclnnes spent the week end in Dundalk. Mrs. Anna McMillan is visiting in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tucker were in Durham last week. The Ladies' Aid meets Wednesday next at Mrs. Archie Sinclair's. The annual congregational meeting of the Ceylon church was held Thurs- day evening of last week with a good attendance. Rev. Mr. Service pres- ided. The report for the Ladies' Aid was presented by Mrs. White; the Sunday school report by Carlotta Plester and the session report by Mr. Archie Sinclair and Treasurer's report by Mir. Geo. Arrowsmith, all showing a favourable balance. The new board of stewards for the church are Messrs. WHl Gibson, John Mc- William, A. E. Sinclair, Geo. Arrow- smith, T. Genoe, P. Hunt, Mrs. Geo. Snell. The ^ession consists of Messrs. Geo. Snell, Geo. Arrowsmith and W. H. Patterson. Tlhe auditors are Mrs. W. Gibson and Mr. A. Sin- clair, with Mrs. Percy Hunt as sec- retary. An enjoyable social time was spent at the close of the meeting when the ladies served lunch. VICTORIA CORNERS You can't keep a good man down, hut you can tax him till he's sorry he ever got up. Miss Marie Cook of Toronto and her niece. Miss Margaret Cook of Washington D. C. visited the farm- er's sister and latter's aunt, Mrs. Walter Acheson. Russel Linton accompanied by his father, Mr. Jas. Linton were in To- ronton visiting the latter's brother, who is very ill. Mrs. Chas. Best returned home after spending a couple of weeks help- ing to nurse her father, Mr. Robt. Fisher. Miss Ina Acheson is visiting her brother and family at Cheltenham. The ladies of the W. A. held their January meeting at the home of Mrs. Chas. Moore on Wednesday. Plans were discussed for the year's work and sides chosen in the copper race contest. The congregational annual meeting also of the Sunday School was held at Inistioge church on Saturday after- noon. -Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bannon wish to thank the ladies of the Flesherton St. John's United Church for the Christmas remembrance, also Rev. Mr. Sei-vice for his call and for bring- ing the flowers. BORX _ To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coon, (nee Marguerite Stinson) of -A-cton. a son. PROTON STATION Mr. and Mrs. McKaye of Toronto, accompanied the former's brother, Mr. A. MdCaye home on Friday even- ing and spent the week end, return, ing with him on Monday. Mr. Clark Wyville was in Toronto for a few days attending some engin- eer gatherings. He was accomp- anied by his mother, Mrs. Thomas Wyville. Mr. N. B. Jackson and daughter. Miss Leia Jackson went to Toronto for the week end and Mr. Russell Ir- win was also a visitor to the city. Mr. I. B. Whyte, who for four years has been courier on mail route No. 1 Proton Station and Mr. Russell Ir- win who for four years, has been coui-ier on mail route, No. 2, Proton Station, have each signed a contract to continue their services for the next four years. Without a doubt these men have given good satisfaction and deserve to be congratulated on their re-appointment. They are both returned soldiers. *^^^^^^^^^<^^y^Kt<^<r<r':^'yi^^<^<^<^<^<r<r!^<!^y<^<^^^ HOCKEY X Friday, January 22nd, 1937 I DUNDALK vt. FLESHERTON , y I Monday, January 25,th 1937 I CHATSWORTH vs. FLESHERTON ^ Celntre Grey League, Sr. Games I SKATE TO MUSIC I MONDAY, - WEDNESDAY â€" SATURDAY X From 8.00 to 10.00 o'clock p.m. X ? Free skating for befginners by Board of Trade •!• on Saturday afternoons. ».f^%.-V.%.A^t^-V-V-V-%-V,*-,*,,»,,*,,*fc-*,,*,^»,-»--«-.>. -»..«..♦.-»- -». â- *â-  -♦--•- .»..»._».. ♦,.*. -»- -» ., ♦. .> ..». _»..».. ». -*. _«..». _♦, -» - * -â- - -*. A ****«***^«Mll**,^****»*****,^ SAUGEEN JUNCTION Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Watson have returned home from their honeymoon. We wish them a very happy and pros- perous wedded life. Mrs. Joe Sewell visited over the week and in Toronto. BORN â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Bert Badgerow, a daughter. Congratu- lations. Card of Thanks I take this opportunity to thank St. John's United Church of Flesherton for flowers, also my neighbors and friends for treats, and for many acta of kindness shown to me and my fam- ily during my recent illness. â€"MRS EMERSON WICKENS Auction Sale Of Farm Stock and Implements .A. stone school 2 '-2 miles west of Walkerton was burned to the ground last week. Only the four stone walls were left standing. Clifford fall fair has a balance on hand of $387 after a very successful year's operation. DR. W. K. BOYD Formerly of Flesherton is opening a medical practice at 520 St. John's Road. Toronto, Telephone : LY 4943 ROBERT PRIESTLY (Half mile east of Maxwell) Will sell By public auction, on .MONDAY, JANUARY 25. 1937 At one o'clock p.m., the following ar. tides, namely: HORSES â€" 1 aged Horse; 1 aged Mare; 1 Horse 8 years old. CATTLE â€" Grey Heifer supposed in calf; Red Cow 7 years old, sup- posed in calf; Red Cow 8 years old, supposed in calf; White Cow, 8 years old. supposed in calf; Black Cow, 8 years old, supposed in calf; Hereford Cow 3 years old, calf at foot; 6 yea,- old cattle. SWINE and POULTRY â€" 8 Store Hogs, weight about 150 lbs.; 8 chunk? of pigs, weight about 30 lbs.; Brood Sow. due .April 1st: (50 good young Rock Hens; 2 Mo.scovie Ducks and Drake. TMPLEMENTS â€" Frost & Wood J Binder, 7 foot cut; Dcering Mower; ! Horse Rake; No.^on Seed Drill; 12 I Bu!! Harrow; Wagon and Wagon Box; I Masse.v-Harris Cultivator: .'^et Heavy I Sleighs; Scuffler. Single Furrow Plow; I Light Gang Plow; Wire Stockr.nek; jPiff Crate. Panning Mill ?Pt of Plat- I form Scales; Gravel Bottom, Hay I Rack. Lumber .lack Sawing Machine; Pet of Heavy Harness; Set of Plow Harness; Pair of Horse Blankets. now; Quantity of Oood Hay; Oxford Ranc-e; Barrel Churn; Butter Bowl: Renfrew Cream Separator; Forks and Shovels; Other article^ too numer- ous to mention The Fann has been sold and the Owner has no further use for above .Articles. TERMS OP SALE:â€" CASH Geo. Ross, Clerk. CEO. DUNCAN, Auctioneer I Letters to [ The Advance • THE HIGH SCHOOL QUESTION To the Editor of the Advance: Dear Sir: In your last issue you had a news item headed, "Give the high school away," which might give a wrong impressioH of the object to be at- tained on which the discussion has taken place as a number of the dep- utation, which met the high school board on Wednesday evening, I wish to state that I have always given my full share of moral and financial sup- port to the Flesherton High School and will continue to do so. The faet, however, remains that for the past considerable number of years, the township of Artemesia has paid an average yearly rate for the High School education of her pupils an a- mount in excees of 2 mills on the dsllar above any other township in the county. I have pointed out on several occasions that this situation might be relieved by having the town- ship removed from the High School district, which would mean that the pupils now attending from the town- ship would be county pupils whose education would be paid for, 100% by the Countj'. The efficiency of the school would not be impaired and the extra cost to the village would be un- noticeable. However, to obtain re- lief from this double rate, the action may not now be necessary as new legislation which was enacted at the last session of the Legislature will provide for a more equal distribution of the cost of secondary education within the county and has apparently been desigfned to over come such sit- uations as exist in the township of Artemesia and a very large number of urban municipalities through the province. â€"A. P. PEDLAR, Earenia WON SILVER TROPHY Blaster Fred Conking of Flesher- ton not only won the diploma for high- est number of points at Flesherton school fair, but a short time ago he was awarded the silver trophy from .Artemesia Rural School Fairs. â€"HAVE YOU RENEWiaO? »»»»»»t»» t »| f »» > ♦♦ » It »> » !♦♦♦ > H »» > >»»> » >♦♦♦♦» »♦♦#♦♦» I Winter *â-  House Cleaning I Brighten the Home When the Men Are Not Busy UNION PAINT, in quarts only 49c NARVO ENAMEL, quarts $1.50 Pints 85c Half Pints 50c FOUR HOUR ENAMEL, pints 50c Half Pints 25c Quarter Pints 15c For the Egg Production SUN RAY LAYING MASH $2.50 cwt. â-  Osprey & Artemesia Co-operalive Co., Lid. FLESHERTON TORONTO LINE NORTH IM.rs. George Stewart visited with 3»er p(arents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore in Brampton last week. Hiss Alma Wilson of Barrhead spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. Harold Richardson. Mrs. Chas. Moore and two grand- children of Brampton are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Stewart. Mr. Harold Lever spent a day In Tr>ronto reo«ntly. Miss Bertha Ottewell and friend from near Proton were visitors at Mrs. T, Lever's on Sunday, /r\ Many farmers in thf> vicinitv of i Fanover are Introducing hvdro at $1 flat, where it used to he $4.tO. SKATING PARTY will be held in the FLESHERTON ARENA A- .on - Wed., Jan. 27 Under the auspices of Flesherton High School BROOMBALL GAME; NOVELTIES Booth Admission: 20c and 10c 141 .. Phone I 37 -« r 'I' *V 'I* *F V "I" •! Sv>9 p.jM|M|M|M|t •! erior St C. J. Kennedy I We Or ^s I I i Deli iver : CASH SPECIALS 4 CaJces many Flow- er soap and 1 pkg. of soap flakes. All for 2k PRUNES Larg:e Size 2 lbs. for 23c CATSUP Real Good Ouart Bottle . , 17c OUR CLOCK DEAL Uill continues, come in and get one on our deal For Fresh Vegetables and fruits w0 carry everything available FRESH AND CURED MEATS F:SH of ALL KINDS OVERCOATS AND WmOBREAKERS A "ood assortment of both COCOA Dal ton's Bulk 1 1 2 lbs. for 25c '> De Lux Jelly Powders Assorted 6 for 25c ; HAXDY AMMONIA 2 pkg. for 15c ''

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