Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Jan 1937, p. 5

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Orange Pekoe Blend rr/H M V M M Mil TEA 6IS The Oil Lantern Goes 9 5" V I 5: A EATHONTHE lAMOND BY CORTLAND FITZS1MMON3 *>»:»:»:♦>.â- .* .♦.♦:«>;i>.'- Synopsis of Preceding Instalments: ..For ten years Pop Clark has tried vainly to win the United l.t-ERue pen- nant with his New York Blues. Most of the baseball writers predict an- other failure but Terry Burke of the Star thinks rhey have a chance and through Tony Murallo, «ho has a restaurant in the Broadway district and is associated with bookmakers and gamblers, he bets $1. on them at 200 to 1. The opening game is a pitchers' battle. Whitpur. the Phila- delphia star twirler, is jealous of Larry Doyle, the Blues' rookie short- stop, because of Pop Clark's pretty daughter Frances. He tries to in- timidate Larry with a bean ball and when he throws a second one at Lar- ry's head Doylc knocks him down with a right to the chin. I,arry is put out of the game. Later Whit- per hits a home run with a man on base but as Whitper is nearing the home plate, he drops dead, shot through the heart. Tilt Blues win and it is generally believed that Whitper was killed to allow them to win. Detective Kelly suspects Larry because he will not account foi his time atter leaving the diamond. To Alkalize Acid Indigestion WHEN WORK & WORRY PULL YOU DOWN Take TH E. GREAT TOKIC That soothes nerves enriches blood BUILDS NEVl' VIGOUR At all good Drug A Dipt Slorei S«lei A9«nli Harold F Rilchie ', , * Co. Lid , Toronto â- /( People Everyuliere Are Adnptine This Ri'ttmTl:abli---PlnUips" Way Tlip way tn iXMw almost incre(lii)ly quick relief, from sioiiui'!! corulilion arising from overariilily, is to nlkii- li/e tile .stmnacli ([uickly with Pliil lijjs' Milk of M:if;iic;iia. You t.-ilvc either two lea.spoons of the lif|iii(l Piiiliii);;' after mfals: or twi) I'liiilips' .Milk of Ma;.iiic:,ia 'I'alj- k'l.s. Almost in.stan1|y "aVicI indipc- tion" (!oos, lEjas from liyperaridily. "acid - headailii's" â€" from ovcr-iii- dulfiencc in food or finokiiij; â€" ami nausea arc relieved. ^ on feel made over; forj^et you liavc a stoniath. 'i'ry llii.s I'iiillips* way if vou liaye any acid stoniacli '.ipjicLs. (let cilhci the liquid "I'iiillips" or the itniarl:- ablc, new I'lihlip.s' Milk of Mayncsii 'J'alilcls. Only '!')( (oc a big box of tablols at drui,' sl^jrcs. ALSO IN TABLET FORM: Kirh liny tablet Is Uip pciuiv- alent of a tf'iu4pM'>nfu{ of Kinuino I'iiillips' Milk of Mignasim. MAOF IN CANADA PHILLIPS' „".'o«?rA CHAPTER 10 Tho tilues returned to New York Saturday for a short three-game series with the Butchers from Chi- cago, who were just starting their Eastern trip, '''he Blues were fourth in the League standing, the lilghest they had been 'or several seasons at tills time of the year. The St. Louis Kubes were peichcd on top and play- ing pretty fair ball out Ihrough the West. They, too, were beginning their t^astern invasion ith a series up In noston against tli > liaple Indians. The Chicago Butchers were iu se- coi d place, and the Cleveland team .' few percentage polnt.s behind. At this stage of the race, position really didn't count for much. It was too <arly to tell anything about the even- turl outcome of thf pennant race. A few percentage points right down the lino meant very little one way or an- other. 'â- 'rom iho pre-seasoii dope, tlie Uut- cliers should have been a cinch to HAcep this series witli the Blues. But 30 many iveird an,, unoxplafnable things had already taken place during the short run of the season that the betting, although favoring the Butch- ers Slightly, wasn't very heavy. The gamblers around town seemed con- tent to adopt a '.vatching policy be- fore laying any odds. There was an air of heavy uncprfainty around the park at game time. The capacity throng v.'as stlil Jamming through the tui-nstlleB ai Iho press box boys 111- terei! in .in'i r-vik lli"!i- .Tcrustor.ied place'-. ''Well, iK'ic W" •••.â- .â-  a;;aiii,' i.'raven .-aid as ho pushed past Doc Biers and l.an;;e(l his portable down before hia 3(iat. "Say, will yuu look at the mob!" "A bunch of ghouls I" Doc Biors grualfed sourly. "They 'ion't want to see a b.ill game." "The Butchers ouglit ;o tl>;a.i up on this gang of Impostors.' Craven start- id to chew the end of a cigar. '"I stlUI maintain that tliero are < nly tv,o real] ball playern nn tlio v/liolo Bl.iesi team." I "Doyle's going to play." .Mjl'liis an-j n unced this with a sly I -d-; to-.vardsi Terry. "I liioiiglil I'up winild liavo gotten ! '.ill ('{ hhii long a^o," Bill IliAor piif-| fed. ' '1 lliuai^M l)n.\ !:: ;us still out," Bey- j '.lolds commentei. "N'o, ho was put out fur only two' days," MulUiiS aiLsweuni " I thInU Doylf has the old man buffaloed." j "Don't yo'i worry about that," Doc. tilers cut In. ''UoyP:- â- .vill wake np .soinu morning ami find liiinself back ^ ill till! n inors or I'll misa my guess." | 111 the first Inning, with one out and two men on, Crawford the But cliers' first baseman, lifted a short ll;- l<ack of second base. Buck Ilnu- • .s II was playing In close and at thei CiAvk of Iho bat he raced forward and liulled off a lovely jhoestring catch, Sinllli of the Butcher? was a fast man and thought be could take liberties with Buck's arm. He waited for the catch and then flew down to third. Buck got the ball away like a bullet, and beat the iiiinei by about a fool a;, he thundeied Into the bag. Tho crowd wont wild. It was a beautiful (alch, with a . well peg to top it off. It looked HB though the Blues at the least could play heads-up baseball. The Blues failed t.j score in their iKill' of the first, and the second In- niiiu was likewise seorolesa for both i;ldes. Dick CoUln.-i, tho sturdy right- hander of the Chicago gang, was mntchin.^ I.nfly lllggins pilch for pitch. In thu third, liu.' itutcliers got to- gether and will' their heavy ond up they pecked away and got two runs. Illgglns went along all rlglit after The Illinois commerce commision has ordered therailroada to abol'sh the old oil-burning lanterns which, foi nearly a century, have been car- ried by railway trainmen. In their stead the railways must supply bat- tery-operated electric lanterns. The old lanterns were Inetlicicnt and unreliable. The (lame miglit be extinjrui.shed by a high wind. In v\- treniely cold weather the wick re- fused to draw. Smoke and Home Hints By LAURA KIMIGHI DEVIL'.S FOOD CAKE ALWAYS A FAVORITE According tti movie titles "Thu Devil Is A Si.ssy" and according to recipe titles, he i.s a ''cake cater" soot [All of which would lend us to he- would darken the globe. A dropped .lieve that he is not the rough, tough lantern might start a tire. Trainmen and na.sty guy we have always had to run the risk of using them thought. However, we heartily ap around tank cars and other cars con- taining highly volatile fluids. â€" Chi- cago Daily News. Tailored Pajamas for Sleeping or Lounging Kye of apifcal with comfort makes this fetching two piece pa- janiu set capture a large and en- thusiastic following. College girls love it for "cramming" nights, and home girls appreciate its rl re.s.sy appeaiance . You can slip into it without a s'.nij^gle, go through your gym- nastic:; and still come out looking weM-g:ooi!ied. The stylish blouse â-  cnii.i i'lsclf lieautifully to skirts and (itiier I'locks and you have * hoii'e of cithei' short sleeves i.i the long ones that outwit mercury on frosty nights. Strictly tailored, yo,«, liut ii.ake it a hit exciting by introducing a t'ontracting effect. Tlie model pictured is sprinkled 'A'ith confetti colored dots and â- iolid liaimonizing buttons. I'.arabara Bell I'attern No. ]i>81- If i.s available Tor sizes 14, IG, 18, -0; 10 and -12. Corresponding liust measurements ;{2, 34, 3G, 38, 10 and '12. .Size 1<! (ii) reipiires 1% yards of 3!l-inch material for -hort sleeves and 1 ''k yards for !ong .'Icevcs, HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS Write your name and address plainly, giving number and size of pattern wanted. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred); vrap It carefully and address your order to Barbara Bell, Room 421, 7."! Adelaide Street, West, Toronto. that iimil llie si.Mli. He walked Dir- kin, the blugger from the Chicago aoiilli Side.. Till next man up also walked. The crowd didn't like It, and told tho uinp about it in no uncertain measure. I'l ' foiiitli ball looked as though It had cut the outside of the plate for the third strike. Then the Diitchors sacrificed, and with Dirkin on third, Larry muffed a slow lazy rol- '^r. nil kin crossed the plate standing up â€"To be continued â€" prove of his taste in cake because there are few humans who don't love Devil's Food Cake This is a particularly good family cake because children love the fla- vour and it is really good for them. It is not too heavy and besides the n.'Ui 'Thing ingrei'ients such as but ter, sugar and eggs which go into it, there is rich, energy-building chocolate which ^very child loves. There is one very important point about making this cake and it should be considered first of all. That is the kind of cake flour to be used. Just any flour will not turn out the kind of Devil's Food Cake you dream a' out, Vor will the addition of corn starch or potato flour do the trick. Your cake is a success oi failure when you purchase the flour. .And to make it a success â€" use only the linest cake flour on the market. Years have been spent to perfect it â€" it has been ground and re-ground to just the right etxture for u.se in cake-making. 2% teaspoons baking powder V* teaspoon salt 2-3 cups butter or other shortening' 1'/^ cups sugar 3 eggs, well beaten 3 square.i un.<;weetened chocolate, melled. li jup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla Sift flour once, moa.sure, add bak- gcthcr three times Cream butter thoroughly, add sugar gradually, and cream together until light and fluffy. Ado eggs and beat well; then chocolate and beat until smooth. .Add flour, alternately with milk, ,i small amount at a time, beating after each addition until smooth. Add vanilla. Bake in two greased 9-inch layer pans in moderate oven (350 degrees F) 30 minutes, or until done. If you want a plain tro.?tlng. spread Seven Minute frosting between lay- ers and on top and sides of caV.e. To dress up the frosting a bit, fold in I cup quartered marshmallows Seven .Minute frosting before spreading, or sprinkle 1 can coco- Inut, southern style, over the plain frosting wnile it is still soft. I There is a grand filling for Devil's I Food (.'akc, which further makes it I even more popular than before. Try ithis Raisin Nut Filling and note the [fast disappearance of the cake. I % cup brown sugar, firmly packed 1 2 tablespoons butter I '/* cup wi.ter I % cup broken walnut meals, toast- i «'' i ?i cup cup seeded raisins ^ 2 tablespoons cream or rich milk (about) Heat sugar, butter, and water in skillet, and cook until a small amount ,of mixture forms a soft ball in cold jwater (32() degrees F.). Remove j from fire; add nuts and raisins. Add Icre^m until of right consistency to spread. Makes enough filling to I spread between tv,o i)-ineli layers. I A FISH rip j Good-sizeci fish, that is, fish wcigh- ling four to five pounds, i.re usually I baked. The secret of baking fish so lit is tasty lies in getting the fish done. Actually the same rules apply to baking fi.sh as to roasting meat. The fish may be spread out In the pan, flesh side uji, and baked In a very hot oven with suBlcient tat to flavor well. A fish, of large size, however, is especially delicious if its cavity is filled with a stuffing be- fore it is baked. Whether the fish is stuffed or not, the same principles apply in its bak- ing as in the roasting of meat; that IS, the heat oj a quick, hot oven sears the flesh, keeps in the juices, and 'iievents the loss of flavor Often in the liaking of fish it is necessary to add fat. This may be done by put- ting fat ol some kind into the pan with the fish, by i^preading strips of bacon over the fish, or by lard- ing it. C'ean the fish thoroughly, bone if desiied, and sprinkle it inside and out with salt If stufTing is to be used fill with desired stuilini, and sew up. Place Ir a dripping pan and add some bacun fat or â- â-  piece of salt pork, or place several slices of ba- con around it. Bake in a hot oven for about one hour. After it has been in the ovm for about 15 minutes, ba.ste with the fat th:.t will be found in the bottom of the pan and con- tinue to caste every 1 minutes until the ish is well done. Remove from the pan to platter, garnish with parsley ami slices of lemon and .serve ilair. or with any desired sauce. Now Ease Neuritis Pains Fast "Aspirin" Tablets Dissolve Almost Instantly in 2 seconds by stop wstch, an •Aspirin" tablet slarU lo diiiinle- (rale and go to work. Drop an 'Aspirin" tab- let Into a slass of water. 0; Ibo lime It hits tlie bolton- of tlie dlasa it is disintegrating. What happens in this glass . . . happens In joia «lomficlu Of All Things MM. UP nuft LIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin'to go The liver should pciur out two pounds ol liquid bili^ into your howfils daily. f( this bilo is nut flowini! fr(*ly, yuur luod dncan't digest. It )u»t <licay« in tho bowuls. tins bloats up yiiur Btomai-h. You gi^t conatinalid. Harmful pciisoMS Ku into tho bcidv, and yuu fed sour, bunk and the world loiiks punk. A mcrt' bowrl movt'inent (locan't always get at the cause. You need something that works on Iho livir as well. It takes thiisc good, old Carter's Little Uver Pills to got thpsa two pounds of bits flowing freely and make you ic«l "up and up". Harmlras and genllf, they make thn bilo How freely. They do the work of cslonif^l but have no calomel or mercury Iq Ihem. Ask for Carter's Little Liver fills by name I Stubbornly refuse anything else. 26«, NERVOUS WOMEN ^O need for women or girls to sulfcr e V c ry month from peri- odic pains, head- ache or sidcatlies. In girlhood Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a very beneficial tonic. This is what Mr« I'arl Jolmslon of 4-15 .laik.son St, W., Ilainilton, Ont, said: "1 suffered from pains in my hack and side peiindieally 1 would bo weak, 'all nerves," and had headaches and (iUiy spells Dr fierce's Favorite Pre- scription helped to rid rac of those awful pains and drove away the headaches and di7.zy spells, Ihis medicine improved my appetite and helped lo build me up so that 1 I" It just I'm*- in eveiy re-ipecl." lliiy nowl >.::v ••. I.I; ^O,. li.iuiil SI 00 & $|..1.<1. Issue No. 4 â€" '37 All right-thinking people â- will agree that Christmas comes too early; no- body is ever ready for it. Let's get together next year and set the calen- dar back. Joseph Bruno, a life-time con- vict, was related from a Pennsyl- vania jail to visit the dentist, but he has iiot been seen since. TTie big sissy just couldn't take it. Germany will import a million tons of ^rain to make up for the domes- tic shortage. Wasting money on bread while the Nazi babies are cry- ing for cannon ! Another little service for our cus- tomers: The best legal talent money can buy tells us it is not compulsory to read the newspaper reviews of the events if 1936. Presiden'. Butler condemned Ger- man and Italian universities for abandoning intellectual freedom Among those absent from tfhis meet ing was Robert Burke, who was re- cently expelled from Columbia for saying the same thing. â€" The New Ytrker For Amazingly Quick Relief Get ".'{SPIRIN" If you suffer from pains of neuritis what you want is quick relief. "Aspirin" tablets give quick re- lief, for one reason, because they dissolve or disintegrate almost in- stantly they touch moisture. (Note illustration above.) Hence â€" when you take an "Aspi- rin" tablet it starts to dissolve al- most as quickly as you swallow it. And thus is ready to start working almost instantly . . . headaches, neuralgia and neuritis pains start easing almost at once. • "Aspirin" tablets are made in Ginada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade-mark of the Bayer Company. Ijmited, of Windsor, Ontario. Look for the name Bayer m the form of a cross on every tablet. Try it. You'll say it's znarvelous. Demand and Get- ASPIRIN TRADE- MARK REG. LOOK rOK THK BAYKH CKOMS "Radio ma: not have affected the top flight of concert artists, but It has all but wiped out the rank and file."â€" Fritz Krelsler. "I think British democracy as a form of sivilization is one of the most perfect existing toda^." â€" Andre Mau- rois. Notable Food Discovery Results From Husband's Concern Custard Powder and Baking Powder Invented 100 Years Ago In 1S37, the year of Queen Vic- toria's Accession, .: youug Eugltsh Scientist, .Mr. Alfred Ulrd, F.C.S., suc- cessfully carried out a period of study and experimentation, culminat- ing with his discovery of the first Custi I'd Powder. About the same time he further revolutionized the World of Cooking by creating a liak- ing Powder. It is u matter of rec ord that both of tueso developments si*aiig from Mr Bird's anxiety to ap ply his knowledge and skill for the benefit of his delicate wife, who could not digest certain foods. Now after 100 years, tho grandson of that youug inven'or beads the largest undertaking of its kind iu tho Wo'ld, and Products bearing tho famous family name are now sold throughout the civilized world. It Is a striking and happy coliiciil ence that Sir Robert Bird, Uart, M.l'., should celebrate tn this Coronation year the Centenary of a family con cern which was founded iu the (irst year of Queen Victoria's reign. The gossip never makes a long story ihort enough to leave out the scaudal. - -Ottawa Journal. Vyhen Poiscns Cleg KIDNEYS aiici irritate Bladrlsr Flush Them Out For 40 Cents Go tn your drug.irist today and get this safe, swift and harmle.ss diuretic and stimulantâ€" ah;k for (Jold Medal Haarlem Oil (.'apsules and start at once to Hush kidneys of waste mat- Icr saturated with acids and poLsous. That's the viiay to bring about healthy kidney activity and stop that bladder irritation which often causes scanty passage with smarting and burning as well as restle-ss nights. Remember, the kidneys often need Hushing as well as the bowels, and some symptoiiis of kidney weakness are Cctting up once or twice during the nightâ€" puUy eyesâ€" cramps in leg -backache and moist palms. But be sure and get OOLD Ml'iUAL Haarlem Oil Capsulesâ€" the original and genuine â€" right from Haarlem in Holland â€" the price Is small ('19 cents), the good results will fulfil? J your expectations. C- 2 I tlelp the Magician put up the magic Kunibers in the blank spaces and win a $1,000.00 EXTRA FOR FR08V8PTHESS YSLER SEDAN OR $2,000.00 IN CASH Find the magic figures and qualify for this opportunity, Ccitain numbers from 1 to wh'ch, if flllei^ in the blank apancs, mill add ap IS In an; direction. When you find them, write the numberit in the blank spaces and send the square to me right •wa; loiethcr with ;out name and address fliled In the coupon balow. Act quickly anil Kin ciur amazing prizes. There Is besides the Chrysler Sedan, 100 more prizes. It may UM>k unbeilevabls and yet it ts true. Answer now. Send no tii'^nov .lust mall cupitn. IMrOHTED FBGDUCTB AGENCY REG'D. WU SI. Andre 81., e. 0, station R., Box 130. Montital, P.q, NAUS .rrrtl ADDRESS ^ROV, w^tamamu sBa

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