Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Feb 1937, p. 3

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HER HANDS WERE' Many Jobs Available This Year ALL Ol]T_0F SHAPE In Grip of Rheumatism for 15 Yeeurs Here la a letter which shows the value of persevering with Kruschen: â€" "For about two years I hardly went out, it was such a painful effort to walk owing to rheumatism My hands and leet were the worst affected. 1 was unable to walk without a cane. I read so much ahout Kruschen. I de- cided to try it. 1 was three months before I felt any Letter, but I kept on and since then I have been tine and never used the cane. My hands were all out of shape, but they are almost normal now Of course ' could not ex For Girls With College Training Barnard's Occupcitional Bureau Head Advises Them To Supple- nr.ent Arts Courses With Pro- fessional or Tecbnical Work. It looks as thcush the Good Fairies were going to put in some brisk work In 1937 providins jobs for college trained girls v.ho need them. Miss Katharine S. Doty, head of the Occu- pational Bureau at Barnard College, which placed 45S girls in Jobs last year, said in tlie New York Sun, "It is Koing to be easier this year but It will still be necessary for the college girl to sL-pplement her liberal arts work with some professional or tech- po< t to get better all at once, as I had nical training. gLffered fo. 15 years before I started I -.As a matter of fact, the total nom- on Kruschen."â€" (Miss) A. L. an excess jt uric acid in the Ijlood. If you could see how Kruschen dulls these uric acid deposits, then dis- solves, thcni away altOi.;ether, you, •,:„„„ „.- . Ti,„n«r as Kruschen treat- 1 ful'ti^'e positions v\a. almost as ber of our placements â€" in permanent, formal discussion, of wbethe. it might uot be advantageous for the different college group:, to Join forces la this special activity. It has been suggested that a central cHlce, open every day, with a secretary always in attendance, and able to make ail- able to any visiting g. daate the in- formation collected by ifftrent volunteer committees, might permit desirable expansion of present ser- vices. Physically spca ng, this .shoul ". not be ditficuU to arrange. Six ri;!!i'ge clubs â€" Radcliffe. Wel'osley, :.' )unt Holyoke, Bryn Mawi. Goucher and Mills â€" now have their college ^nis in the Women's Uuiversi'y Club at lOti Ea;t ITity-Stcond st et-.. The American Associatiou of ^niv â- ":•;" Rheumatism is frequently caused by youth Administration and temporary Women also ha an oHice there. Arl workâ€" in the last year was larger around the block, at 33 East Fiftieth than it has ever been before and the street, the two large clubs, Jmif; :i-d number of placements in permanent, Vassar, have (Ueir club homes. woiiM agrc tliat the meut shoult; bring relief in cases of rheumatism. British Advised To Advertise colleges, are In lim; with those of Miss Doty. Unanimously, they report ! that all indications point to more jobs There have been several extensive , ^^^j ^^^^gi. ^^^. f,,, ,,,^ colle,;o girl in and no doubt profitable displays of J937 Canadian merchandise in iar^je cities "^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ brser clubs of college tn the United Kingdom. -Canada ,^„„,j,„ ^ere have supplemented the weeks' have been held in <^li»sgoW'! piacc-mcnt work of ;'.:o bureaus main- Liverpool and other piaces when notmjuej („ the colleges themselves by only central exhibits of Dominion pro- ^^,^^â- ^^^^ ,,p volunteer committees to ducts were staged but merchants jjjy^,jjjgj^,^ i^^.^l (.,„jjitioas to collect were called upon to feature Canadian: |.p,.^,jjg information aboLt employ- goods in their windows and push the : ^^^^ agencies and about sala.-y levels sale of them over the counter, com- ' j^^j (,.gj,^g ,„ various fields of -usi- mcuts il:o Stratford Baacon-Herald. , „^, ji^d professional a ivity. All of large as in 192S-2a " _,, ^ _. The experiences of secretaries and | (irCe LOHultlOnS Ol committee members in the several . s-' 11 â- x'J clubs of college women in New York, j Water rOUnd IH 1 lie who seek to render service to the 3«b j .^ o •! hunting graduates of their respective COHinfiOn 1^ aHU OOli But there Is another side to that, and it was briefly refcn-od to by the Canadian High Commissioner in Lon- don, the Hon. Vincent Masscy. ad- dressing a chamber of commerce. It is that British producers do not suf- ficiently promote the sale <f their goods In Canada. There is a large market in this country for the heavier kind of Brit- j ~^3J^^„,^,ygaJj]...Q,,.. activity began n Ish products, but there is a conspicu-| jgj , .^^^ ^..^ ,j^^^, happily ben abl<« 0119 lack of retail merchandise on the „j positions fo. cigl v of f 275 shelves of the stores. A shopper may vus^-ar ^-irb who h;;ve reuis, I'.oie. ramble through any grocery, for ex ^^.^ j^^^^.^ ^^5,^ ^p ^^ 5,^^ ^j cousultauts nc ; . this information is raade available to graduates of Mieir respective col', 'ges. i; me groups even do placement work and have established many desirable contacts with employers. VASSAR'S SERVIC; At the Employment Information Service maintained by the Vassar Club 1- re. Miss Eleanor Prcndergast iimple, and find iiotbin^.; at all of Brit- , ^.y^ ^j. ibli manufacture There are plenty of^ articles from .\merican manufactar- 1 ers and from factories of American- owned establishments on Canadian 1 soil. Well-known British commodities which are common in cvciy store in Diitaiu are scarcely seen e.tcept for] a few linos. The fault lies ciiietly witli ilie Brit Vatsar graduates and when ,a girl to-aies to u.. .-aying that â- c i wants to go inio museum work, into I a <â- ' uiic:;! labora' or to we as I : -1 i .vestment c! unselor, we "nave I these couL"' .of our on to turn to fo.- advice. Nearly 75 per cent, of 'the position . .at come in to us de- I niand some secretarial work, such as j stenography and typing, ish manufacturers. There :s every j^j,.^ Norman Bankart, at the .Mount rood will Here towards British pro- 1 uqI^.^jjc Club, said: -Fewer girls are ducts, but the root of the trouble is : com'ing here for information and I tl.at British manufacturers apparent- ^^^^ ,^ig „^ ^„ ,^j^x that thev are ly do not think it necessary to udver-i „j ..y p^gu^. ,inaiug jobs for them- llse in Canadian newspapers. They ggj^.^g j^ "uss „.e have uot had .lalt seem to feel that because their -oods 1 ^^g uumb^,- of registrants we had In are British made that fact should be] 1535 ^he position offered have .urtl^ient to make them sell. TLey : ,,,,g^, ,,„,„ .pquest^ for a girl who let their goods speak for tiiemselves. ^ad majored in maii.ematics or in forgetting that the Canadian Public j pi„.^i^.3 ,„ ,.^,,,„^,g,g (^^ ^ good hostess, may not be f:imili:.r with ^hem all. U„ ;nsuranee solicitc and a subscrip- It large sales for a product have ] tj,,,, ;,^,eut for a iM;.;iazine." I l.NCREAl-;) PAY ! .Mins lluth ougbtoi.. aasislan. vo- OtJy One of the Three Fcrrr.s of Moist'.'re is Necessary for tlie Grcwins Crops Water exists in tha soil in three coa- dltions: Free water, capillary water and as film water. Free water is that form which must be drav,-n off in the drains as it is detrimental to ilaut growth. It takes up all the space be- tween the soil particles and crowds cut the air so tho plant actually si;f- focates for want of oxygen. It also keeps the soil cold and unfit for culti- vation. Useful To Plants Capillary water ij the only one of the three forms that is useful to the plants. It is the water that is left in the soil after the free v.ater has es- caped. It moves about by creeping over the soil particles and through the spaces between them. This action lau be understood if it is remembered that the soil is mad<? up of many sm;Ul particles or grains and that the spa- ces between these grains act like con- timions crooked tubes through whiih the water caa paan jast like tli« oil In a lamp wick or th« ink in a blotter. In all soils that have drainage, the water will soak or drain away to a certain depth beneath the surface, where it remains constant. This point at which the water stands in the soil is called the ''water table." Contains Food In Solution The capillary flow of water is in ail directions, but mostly upward. It is al- ways away from the wettest soil to- wards that which is drier, no matter the direction. As the surface soil ib usually driest and the soil tubes rest on the water fable it ia evident that the actioh should be upward. Tae size of the spaces between the soil par- ticles determines the distance and the height which the water can be drawn by capillary. In fine grained soils, like clays, water may rise as high as ten feet, that ia the water table may be 10 feet below the surface and yet the moisture would reacii the surface soil. Capillary water is the moisture which the plant roots absorb and it contains the plant food in solution which the plant uses in building up "s tissues. This water gathers up the so- luble plant foods scattered throughout the soil, makes insoluble forms soluble and brings it to the surface where it c-an be i:scd by the plant. Must Be Dissolved This important office can belter bo realized it it is remembered that all ;>:ant food whetiier it already exists in the soil or whether it i< applied in the ccmmercial fertilizers must be dis- solved and held in solution lefore it can be absorbed by the pliint ro:>t-s. .\s the water rises from the r-.ibsoil by capillarity it escapes from the sur- face throui.h exaporatioii cither Irom the surfacj c-f the soil ov throcgh the gi-o'.ving p!;'.uto. The ;::u<)unt cf v.ater lost in thi' v.ay is encrmotis. To i:ce- vont this loss from the surface of liie soil, evaporaticn should b: reiiucod by the use ct laulche.;. Anything that will break up the capillary action and prevent the water frcm (cning to the surface v. ill check evaporation. Capillarity is strcn-;ct- in a n-.oist roil tlian i:i one relativcty d:; . For that reason a soil may lose u:o:c mois- ture because of incre.-..std «a:>illarity and the ccn.'-equent evaporatior intnic- Biui Label 31' kail pound Always THE Same Fine Quality YfLLOW LABa 28' X Lyoni & Ca (C>nKl>) lii. Taramo and M o m md Along Canada^s Mining Highway i One of the best mediums for the conservatively minded, for participa- tion in the development along Can- ada's mining higu^vay. is through the holding compa.iies. uiately after rain tiia 1 befo.c. Thi.s shows why l.-.nd should be i uiiivatpd aa soon ::s possibl-.- after a rain f.i break ip the ;;uri':\ce and u;:ni .'. m.ilch line !--r>i'. Ventures controls excellent mining enterprises in Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba, and has important interests in tho North West areas. Premier Gold has, in addition to British Columbia and Ontario interests, a very import- ant investment in Australia. Towagmac Exploration has interests in copoer, silver, gold, lead and zinc, through its important holdings in Al- dermac Copper. Francoeur Gold and I^ke Geneva Mines. Royalite is a safe motiia'Si among tiie oil holding companies. Market intereat, however. Is still concentrated on the developing gold properties. The public memory is still f:-psh witii the spectacular move- ment ill Moneta shares, following dia- mond drilling results. Federal Kirk- land, with one drill started and a sec- ond ready to begin, is being watched v.ith great interest. The proximity of its atijoining neighborsâ€" Sylvanite. Toburn ;;nd C "utinental Kirkland is liie reason. Jeili^oe â€" ia the Little Loag Lie C.mp â€" has reported wiiat promises to be a very interesting de> velopment. according to diamond dril- ling indications. Its rich ore discov- ery ia of importance, not only to Jel- licoe, but promises much for Bank- lield and Magnet Lake. Hutchison Lake should provide market news at an early dale. Shaft sinking is nearing the first level. Smelter Gold should provide news- from its diamond drilling campaign alreaiiy started. L'uuergnjaud work on the Kerr Ad- dison and Martin Bii-d properties In the Larder Lake District of Ontario is creating a big public following for these issues. In the Quebec Field. Fraaooear Clold. .\storia Rouyn. Dempsey Cadil- lac. Powell Rouyn and Rouyn Reward are likely to provide important min- ing news. In the Oil fields the imponanl de- veloixment has been the formation of the Brown Oil Corporation with flnaa- jes provided by Eastern capital. The Company is financed to drill three wells on the west flank of Turner Val- ley. The Company's holdings are re- garded as proven acreage. Pacalta Oils is expected to start drilling op- erations in the Wainwright field at an early date. The Company's Alberta Oil leases approximate 17,180 acres What's In a Face Girls in Search of Good Time Should Heed Nature s Limitations i been built up in the Ctiited Kiugdoui by advertising it is Just as necessary, even more so, to ''educate" the pub- lic in Canada to buy what may be to it new commodities. And house- wives are chary about buying articles of which tbey have no knowledge. To Alkalize Stomach Quickly cational secretary of fmith College, telephoning lom Xorthanii tci, said: -We are gratified t- no,o â- â- < sllc' i. in- .ease iu salaries offered. Business offices tha^ were willing to pay $!â- > a week last year now- offer $1S. $Z0 and oven $L'j. Our girls who wish to be 1 teachers and who go into some school for a year's appi-enticeship, now get a small salary r.r living expenses and sometimes both. A few veavs a:;o they could expect neither. "More jobs are being reported than last year, more mployerg come ti in- terview girls and more school heads have come looking for possible teach- ers. We also find that over 75 per cent, of the Jobs offered cnll for some secretarial training."' The efforts of the clubs to be of service In the employment field to their gradu. les has led to some in- 1)11 alt sides, people ,irc leaniin.s; that the way to >;ain almost incredibly quick relief, from sloiiutch couditiou rtrisini* from overacidity. is to alka- lize lije_stonuich quickly with Phil- lips' Milk' Hi Ma.i^ncsia. You take cithiT two teaspoons of Ihu liquid Philii|>.s' after meals; or Iwo Pliillips' Milk of Magnesia Tab- lets. .Mmost instantly "acid indiges- tion" goes, gas from hyperacidity, "aci<l - headaches" â€" from over-iii- dulgcnoc in food or smoking â€" and nau.sea arc relieved. Pry this Phillips' w-ay if you have any acid stomadi tipscls. Vou will be surpri.sed at resulls. (ict cither the liquid "Phillips" or the remarkable, nfio Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets. Only 25^ for a big box of tabids al drug stores. Also IN TA»LET FORM: Ksrh tiny tablet ia the cqui,-- ttmapivntul v( •Icat ot Enuine Phillips' Kfnesis. Milk ot PHILLIPS' MILK OF MAGNESIA Maple Syrup Evaporators .-iake-i real tn^h class syrup rotalDUls til© niapic flaror you i:ke fiu uiucli. iCv&p- â- .ratcn that will iiiaKd prolitabi* /i.iir mapln oush for a smalt Investment. Write tor cataloRuc of enulpmcnt. It Is tn-.e:estlDg w. Price Low â€" Quality High WORKS GORDON STEEL LIMITEU T\via:i.', :- 'J^^fr^. they Uisms theyre nqhf!- N* name %iantlt hlgh«r amongst garcf^zn/ng Qtp^rts To make ceruin of r«- lulu buy ttcds witti i reputiclon â€" Ryderi' ! Ther you wilt jet double- ttfced seeds tc reuon- tbl« prices from a firm with aTO years* repiJMtitin. | GrMrt Coronotfon y««r SEED lOONt Write today (or a FREE copy| of Rydcrt' latest and grvaceic laed book, la pa|«s. Unique no»»hlci. Old favourites. Practical advice. Uept. Wf a. r.O. B^>x 2\H, Uuutreal. Ortlera for teeJs muat bo sent direct to:â€" Kyder * Sim (W-'J' !-'-'â-  S'rd Speclal- Uls. St. AthHns. Kr.glanJ. liK-luued with the information made available in connection with tlio offering for sale of Cliristnias seals, proceeds to be used for tuber- culo.'iis preventive v.ork ni this ilis- trict. is a paragraph dealing with the prevalence of the dijca-se amonp Kirls and youns v.-c>-.icn. In this it is stated that "the ijcath late among jr-r!:. aiid \oanjc women between the ;it,'cs of 15 an-.l 20 !•: one and oi:e-haIf times t'-at of boys and young men of t!ie sante :.,a:c. One of every four licath.s anionj,' g;irls and yountf women between the ages of l") and 30 is due to tuii- erculosis." Taken in conj-.ir.ction with the further statement that the g-eneral death rate is less than one-third tiiat of the ninetie.--, it is quite evi- dent that, girls and young woiv.en are in a special clas.-s. People will be looking for soti'^e s;'ecial expl.in- ation. ManJ will foe! inclined to tliink that these facts have some asso- ciation with what is described in certain tjuartcis as tik' new- free- dom which girls have obtained for themselves in recent years. Broadiy. this may be described as the right of sirls to appropriate to themselves the privileges which society not so many years ago reserved for boy.<. As a social and moral question the rights of girls in this respect are not open to debate. No good reason can be advanced to deny a girl the satr.e in-ivi!e:.;os ss a boy. except â€" And that exception is nature. There can be no arguing with nature and. if nature has given to girls and boys different constitu- tions there is nothing anyone can do but accept the fact and 'l-c p-.iiiled thereby. The evidence at h;iiul is tV.tt the girls must be particularly careful of their health during those dan- gerous years between their early teens and the thirties. ,\n author- ity has stated that what they prin- cipally require at this age is &n abundance of rest, good food, fresli air and regular habits. As far as i.< known these things Iwue No. 6 â€" '37 WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to go Tho liver should pour out two pouiias of liquid bile into your Dowela daily. If ttiis bilo i.** not flowing frt'ely, your food dot^n't digi'?!. It lust decuN-s ill tile bowola. tias bloats up our stomacn. You ^ft ronatipatod. Harmful poisioos go into tho body, anu y 5ji>k anil tho world looks punk. .\ more bowel movoniont doesn't always get at tile cause. You n»HHl something that work^ on the iivcr as wolf. It takes those good, old farter's Utile l.iver Pills to get thi^e two nounds of bilo flowing freely and make you ? wt "up and up". Harmless and gentle, lliev make tho bile tlow fr,tty. They io the work of calomel but h.ivc n » cnlomel or mereury in thorn. .\sk for I'arter » Uttle Uve.- Pills ky name! Stubboruiy nluso anything else. 2ic. turn points to one mistakes yot;ng peo- and the.>:e things only sre the guar- antee of good healti) and a strong constitBtion- Ti^ey are the rules of tho gan;e and they cannot be vio- late.! with impunity. The tubercul- osis death list points out the pen- alty of brcu'ting the rules. Again speakitig gcnernlly. it i:s commonly supposed that girls wiio fail to meet the reiiiiii-enients of good food, abundant r -st and fre.di ;;ir â- .\rn\ w-ho otiiorwise depart from the rules ti.nialiy legarde.l as con- tiib'iiting to their go<i<l health, do so bccau.'^e :i scarili of a good tir.-c. rhat. in it.s of the greatest l)ic can make : anil that means both se.xes; which is t!.e belief that youih is the only time in life when hap- pinei.s can be found. The sug- gestion so often carried n the phrase "You ate _\ oung only once" is liuite false. People who have lived to mid ile lite or into old age will tell that tile truth i.; that capacity for happi- ness and enjoyment of life increases with age, rather than diminishes. As the outlook broadens so does the conception of things change it becomes (lossible to put the factors of succc s anil happiness in a more suitable relationi^hii;. The non es- while those which contribute to the real enjoyircnt of life may at the same time be retttincii r.iul culti- vated- This, however, is not intended as a treatise on the pliilosophy of life or anything of the sort but is mere- ly mentioned to remind young peo- ple that they need not be in such a hurry to crowd pleasures into the years of tl-.eir youth that they en- danger their health through the de- mands thus made upon their consti- tutions. The days of their youth w-ould be much better employed in building up their health and strenglii that they may enjoy the longer years of life and happiness. J. V. Mc.Vrce writing !u the I'or- oalo (.;io))i' <)l: Mail observes â€" Looking over tUr'O photographs in a newspap- er recently. S. \. I'lark. before read- ing the names beneath them, made notes of their cUar-u ler as suggested by their features, 'le reports: ''Of No. 1. I y note- read, features appear reiei.tless: hard, like the face on a coin, as ot one who would sa\-. Take this bird off for a ride and don't bring him back. " No. 1 had shifty eyes, and ihoroughi untrustworthy cast of countenance. No. :> seemed to be kinc'y. uenerous and benevolent, a r.u who would likely have his b.ind out in -.ally in his po<-kel becacse he couMn t stand a to ch. fhen I read the r.iimes ami leav-ie . that No. 1 is a pron lent member of the judiciary, notable for his sympathetic under- standing of (lie les- fortunate. Mercy tempers all his decisions. No. J is a . tired church dignitary, a sweet- soukd. aging gentleman, the very ac- me of honesty, goodness and truth. No. 3 IS a millionaire banker ami in- dustrialist. That seems to be the an- swer to the i|»esli)n. "Wtiat's in a face- . . . " Fowlpox has been reported irom nearly ail countries o( Europe, from South .\frica. from many partj of the L'uited States, and from Hawaii. The disease not only attacks chickens but may .nlso attack pigeons, turkey-, geese nnd quail. A Friendly Wish \ wish for you abundant lieaith .\nd then voiir share of worldly wealth: Lens sunny hours when you may see The beauty in eacii llower and tree. .\nd if perchance a cloud should stray To dim the brightness of your day. 1 wish you faith that falters not. .-V trusty friend to share your lot. -May pleasant memories brightly glow An 1 thoLc less happy ijuickly go. My wish for you, dear friend 0' mine. Is happiness for a ' the time. â€" Maud Kerr. How fo Make MONEY in GOLD STOCKS Booklet telling hew (o lolocf, when ro buy, how long to hold. Sent without charge to thoM inlereiJed in buying well selected mining Xock). WRITE FOR COPY. H. R. BAIN a COMPANY LTD. 304 Bay St. Toronto Classified Advertising FAJvii :mfl;:.\!snts pv.VM.NO MILL I.KLINE MODERN ^ SeeJ Grader Testiaioijials. iCme Uanu- fac'.-annK. 121 E:mp.-ess Crescen:. Toronto. BABY ch:cks â- - Wh B.VP.REI- ROCKS 10c. hue Rocks 12c. Fn>tn blood tesIM slock. Order ear!> iluara.-^ieeO delivery. April wrices .ower. 1-i-i ,Iowd, baluc* COD. B< .1 : '". !<eiU Ua-.cherj-, CBaUiain, Ont. i-NVESTc-Kd OFFBUl TO EVERV l.V^-iiNTOIl. List anlo.l mventi.ns and full InturmaUon sent tree. THE RAMSAY Comi)anj-, Wortd Patent Attorneys. -JTS Bank St.-eet, Ottawa, Canada. ..N OF •^ of ws •QUILT PATCHES" FIVE POUNDS $1.00 B E.vUTlFL't. Ma-.ena:3: Wai.llast! I'rinls! Broadtloihs! Ma â-  nve guilts: "Vn*' Pattern." Refund guarantee: Eton Mills, Pepartnifrt W1L«. Outremont. Montreal. East Malartic Sladen Malartic O'Leary Malartic Malartic Goldfields Operr.t'.ng in the Malas-tic Gold Area, Province of Quebec Omega Information On Request BRIDGIR, (>j King St. W£VtNOR&€- s:c.N -- â-  *'â-  -- W. Toron'.o Good Location • Good Geclogy • Good Management • • A Gooc ADMIRAL CADILLAC GOLD MINES Limited Good Progress Speculation Ml G NJ e Oiilv two claims distant from tiie famous O'Biien Gold Mines and contacting ' Thompson Cadillac on the noithwest. Complete report on request. STANDARD SECURITIES COMPANY LIMITED 100 Adelaide Si. West ELgin 524S Toronto. Canada. . .j£i^ii^^

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