Qreen tea at its best W SALAM GREEH TEA .»;♦..;♦:♦»»»»»»:♦»:♦:♦»»:♦»:♦»»:♦:♦»:»:♦:« A EATHON THE lAMOND CORTLAND FITZ51MMONS « *ZK'>lK<ilK<K*i*.i.*.K*XKKKKK^.*LKKK*LKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK*XK<l<i<*.' Synopsis of Preceding Instalments: ..For ten years Pop Clark has tried vainly to win the United Leagae pen- nant with his .Vew York Blues. Most of the baseball writers predict an- other failure but Terry Uurke ot the Star thinks they have a chance and throuKh Tony Murallo, who has a restaurant in the Broadwuy district Weak Yeast can cause Spoiled Bread ! Royal protects you dgainst home -hakiiig failures . . . It's always full -strength! Each atke of Koyul Yeast is sealed in an air-tight wrapper. . . Jt stays fresh. . .pure! G(X)I) hrcad needs a vital yeast . . . one that's full- .strcngtli, pure, dependable! That means Royal . . . the onlv dry yeast that conies sealed in an air-tight wrapper â€" securely protected from contamination â€" its keeping-(|ualitie.s insured! Seven oil t of 8 Canadian house- wives today prefer Royal when they bake with a dry yeast. They knov. it'.s dependable! For 50 years, it has been the r.tand- ard of highest (jiialit)'. Don't risk l)aking failures with faulty yeasts! Always de- pend <m Royal ! Send for I Ulili Ihokletl % I k ROYAL YEAST CAKES s.**^ Tti Avt iiiilforni rfhtiiu In bread h'lktni^, It Is Ini- |i<)rt.uit to kvep ilio nponfto nt un i-vcntf'iii|u>r-.itiir>'. Thu "Royiil >eiul Mttko Hook" ulv«.% inaw IH'I loiin for f het'ureof iloiiilli. 'irnd foiipmi l<>l /'*« copy of thi- )to4ik. ulvliift 2\ tem-ii ri-i'l|it.'ii for icniptin^ breads. I'fjfTi'i' cMliCft, hnnu and rulH, "Buy MjdC'in. ( jnnd.1 Cioods" Standard Brands Ltd. Fraser Aio. A I Ibcrty .St. 1'oronto, Ont. Pleai.' iciid n-c the free Rfiy.il Vcail ll^ikv Hnok. Nume ^ Adt]rc«<i Town Prov. and is associated with bookmakers and gamblers, he bets $1' on them at 200 to 1. The opening game is a pitchers' battle. Whifpur. the Phila- delphia star twirler, is jealous of Larry Doyle, the Blues" rookie short- stop, because ot Pop Clark's pretty daughter Frances. lie tries to in- timidate Larry with a bean hall and when he Ihrowh a second one at _ Lar- ry's head Doyle knocks him jlown with a right to the chin. Lu^y. (s put out of the Kanie. Later ^hit- per hits a home run with a mtfki tm base but as Whit per is nearing the home plate, he drops dead, shut through the heart. Hie IJlues win and it is generally believed that Whitper was killed to allow them to win. Detective Kelly suspects Larry because he will not account foi his time ttlcr leaving the diamond. Home Hints By LAURA KNIGHI ICiiry iDuii 111 the pH-.-^s ljo.\. ruiiiuiii- boring Terry' pievioiis scoop, raced from tlio box and n.adc fur the lield. Terry waltn a inonioiit to lot ihcin go, and IS soon ;.s th(: bo.\ was c Ifjirod he lalled hi, cllicu and said: '•It ks lil<c .-1 sLcoi.d iiiurdor i.p bote. The man is DIrliiii. star hitter on thi) Cliiciig . team. I don't know wliat liaiipeiicd, but ho Unudiod out a beautiful homer and tlicn laii anjucli away frrm fust baso. Ducli Hanson brought him down with a (lying taclile. If you don't liear from mo in live tnln- utes, run a special o.\tra." Then wit;i a satisfied smile on IiIh faio. Torry r.ced after tlic nthei luporlors. A great crowd ovorllowod oti I lie 'â- - d. In a tnoniunt Hanson and Dlr- kin were Hiinounded, hemmed in on •'I. sides ')y .\ great black mass of people. The club doctor [iiiod liis way t.irougli li mass ami whipped oiit Ills stothosjopo. 'i'lieri; was no Fish â€" The Food of Heath yrom the days ot the early Greeks and Romans ttsh has always been a pop,ilur dish. lustiDctively they kpew what was good for them and the prow ess of the early Komans as a sturdy nation Is well known to students of history. Throughout Europe fish Is t ilail. dish. In Canada, however, moro i.. tho hou.sewlves should make a closoi study of this wonderful food. Fish contains vitamins, minerals in (iiian tlty and variety rnd Is an oxcollont soiirou of higl.' digesllblo protolns {•"•ish contains proteins for Duildliig ot imisclcs and other body tissues Fish fats have a high energy \aluo, too, and aro as completely digestod as fats from other foods. Apart from tho standpoint ot tjolter healtli, you will find a study ot youi local fish market will prove worth while" and a tremendous help In this busliioss of balancing both budget and menu. Ask your nerchant ub<nit all tho varieties ho soils Usually he can tell you whether e. ch kin' is dry or oily, free of small bones, whole it is lauj-'ht, and how brought to nmrket a.-» ilio mass was slowly parted. It was a very solemn procession which came down tho line protected by the police. Dirkln was on a stretcher. Hansen and the doctor walked in front and Pop and Rawlins, tho (,'lii(a;u> iiiannKor, brought U)) tho rear. i .â- \ bell clanged and a siren streanicd a: an ambulance toro into the hold in front of the dugout. The press men were allowed llirougli. but had to stay away from tho stretcher. In a short 'mi the .•oung intcinc turned awny fro. II tin group near lh<; body and walked back lo the ainbulai ee. wlilih imnieiliately tore off (ho field. "That settle* that ' Teriy said. 'Ilos dead all right. (,i tlie ainliulanre wouldii'i leave him hi.'ia.' Afli'i a hurried conaullation. Top hastened I'vei ti the megaphones and (he i-o(ly was i.arried toward tho club- boiiM . The crowd stood curgiiig and pressing agaii'st the lino of police, who wert finding it dilhcult to hold then In ch'.'iU. I'ho loudsp.^akers booinc<l out over the field, annotincing In an inihiinianly loud voice that tho I'.ame was ailed on iicrnmit "f an ac- cili-ni I'l hlrliin ih XII CHAt- I l'ii» lore back :< tho pres.s bo.\ and lolephoiied to his ollice from there, atldlng tho news lh.it (be game was cnlli'd due to the .leciilenl. He (hen deep red .pot on Dirkiii'.s shirt to (ell! woni over to (he clubhouso and joined what had happened (o him. There wasl"'- 'dlicis who ha 1 made their calls uothing but a srandge uf dirt on his hv Hial lime neat uniform as tho doctor unbuKon ed tl-.e shlr( and llsiene>l for the heart beat llo put the cup of his instru meiii a, I ovn Dlrkin'.s chest .nnd iheii stooil ii|i looking at the n;ill ..f n "i" surrounding him. rbe pros men were un Hiu .m^i ed^'e8 of tho crowd, trying (o pry igiii way through, ut (hey could make no|''> dent in (he wall of Hesh in front of them. Whistles blew ;i3 a patrol load ot police ran .uto the liolil. The spcei- a: police were helpless. When tho rt servo pnlld supply arrived. Top (;!arli ran to nuet them and they 'be- gun a( (he outer edge and slowly formed a wedge which began to work its way Into the crowd. Two mounted police managed to keep a lam; clear I ho polh'o kept a .Ir.n liarriei round the 'Inb and no one was allowed in. The ines.' nieu cooled (heir heels i" '.'i out of tho door. â- '"his Is one story yon di.ln'i get," . ..,,.11 'lid with Huiiie satisfaction to aholil (hal.' Ter- FREE ! BOOK ON H0CKEY1 A Great Book "How to Be- come a Hockey .Star" by T. P, "'roniniy" Gorman, manager and coach of tho ^font^cal "Maroons", profusely illus- trated and containing many valuable tips on how to play the game. alio AUTOGRAPHED PICTURES of GREAT PLAVERS (mounted for framing) CrouD M.iiilrenl ".Unroons" Uroup "Jx-s ( 'AUiidJetis" or lrir(ltil'(/ij4]/ pifturtt of! Hal ly Nnrlhrott PruI Iluviirn Davo 'I'rc.tliir Warty lliirrv IhsM lllir.f . Karl lli>biridi>ii Bob fil;u ii) tins MnrliT I fuwJQ Morenx Jotiiiny (in^iion Wilf. C:uiiii Q«or£o Mnntlia Jui-V Ml Gill (Stow K\ Him tttrbio f-'ftin Piito J\('IIy Davo K< I r Roy Worlirs *'Ar(i" Itniloy Art I.e«ii-ur I'rniik ItoucluT Marly llinkn Alex f*viiiaky CnrI \'{*i Itngcr ,lt>nl.inn Mush .Mardi • Your choice of t lie above • For a label from a tin of "CROWN BRAND" or "LH^Y WHITE" Corn .Syrup. -Write on the back your name and address and the words "Hoc- key lUtok" or tlio nume of the pUturc you want {one hook or rU-liiro for each label). No cash is required. Mall the label to the address below. EOWARDSBURO CRDWN BRAND CORN SYRUP THE FAMOUS F.NERGV FOOD •n.r(:\NAl»\STAK<:H<:rtMI'\N\ I.lmltcil â- lOIlOMO T« ri III t lie Ilio sia- Kiiiined. I "How could >oii si'oop litis Diie?" MiilIiiiM asked. ''Maybe I had a lunicli." 'I'eny re- plied. "I uoK (1111 \()iir hunches don'( get .\ â- Into trouble," Iloynolds warned. "Voii can't bh lucky all (h,, time." '.Mo'.-' riding yo, ," Craven said. "What does he know that wo couldn't know r hce'? rlere come.s Kelly," he a 1 ounccd aj he spotted , the dcti c- hos huge bulk stridlnj; r cross the Held 'Why did the- send htm? Me was a .lop o- the last case." Kelly tram o(' Into the building and th(! men waited Tho crowd was re- luctantly ihlnning nut, but the ele- vate 1 platform was lined with a gap- ing black mass which allowed train aft<r train (o ^â- o downtown practical- ly empty. At a (luartei to live a iiowsbuy was yolll'.ig "Extra!" outside the gates and was mobbed by the lingering crowd. What's the ^:xtraâ- ^ Mulliiis asked a special offlcor who had come over ir ii drii.k. Afnllins hoped It would ')e the Journal. â€" To ho continued â€" Issue No. 6 â€" '37 Câ€" 2 HOW TO AVOID ILLNESS When you begin to foel fagged out at the end of the day, look out. Illness is just around the corner waiting to lay you low. At times like this tbere'e nothing like Wincarnin, the great tonic that has won over 20,0(X) recommenda- tions from medical men. There's health for you in Wincarnia â€" new vigor, new resistance to illness. Wincarnis is a delicious wine, not a drug. In each bottle there are all the nourishing elements of 2J^ lbs. o( grapes added to the strengthening elements of beef and guaranteed malt extract. These elements in Wincarnis help tn restore lost energy quickly. They will help you to sound sleep, vigorous awakenings and active, enjoyable daj s. Drink this delicious wine icgnlailv three times each day, and 8<.^'ii v;.; , will drop from your shoulders. To pick you up when you arc out ni sorts, to soothe your nerves, cmidi your blood, or in cages of nervousness, msomni.i, paliJiiess and debility, take Wincarnis. At a'! drugmat8---Sales Agents: Harold F. Ritchie* Co. Ltd.. Toronto. as and givo you suggo::;tlons for cooking It. Fish mercb-nts take a pride in the tolling you what they know about it. 'l'"lsh Is equally delicious whether It is bakea, broiled or steamed. There are no end of tempting dishes also that can be prepared from eauuod fish â- iroducts. While there Is an art It. the Looking of fish, it Is so simple even growing boy or girl can prepare it. The determination of that psychologi cal moments when 'hu cooking pro- ces.s Is cemplote Is one that mus bo left to tho Individual judgment. Over or nnder-cooklug minimizes that es suutlal delicacy ot flavour which does make .iroporly prepared fish so entic- ing. So watch it closely. As one demonstrator from overseas said recently. ' Vo do not cook from tho recipe in my country, vo cook from do heart." Shu who cooks fish, will, likewise, not cook from "de re- cipe," but rather from 'de heait." The wish itself will give tlio signal. She will watch for it. Tho one infallible sign when fish is cooked is tlia'. the moment a knife blade, or a fork is slipped between the flesh of the fish it separates clean from the Lone. At this inomcnl fish la in its full pcrfcc- (Ion. It makes no uiffeicnoe whai me- thod of cooking you em,doy. this test may be used. Try this delicious recipe for stuffed fillet.s of Sole. It is one that Is simple to prepare and uiie that every niem- f-*efc sa^s »^S -^^ SHm Tailoretl Frcck Larger Figures for \riO'\^ 'litis delinilc-ly tailored, all-pui- pose frock for the larger woiniin 1, oasts slenderizing and trim de- tails. It's nice for shoppiii;;, .isit- ing, club and general get-auuut. I iterly .simple, too, retiuinng .i little of your attention, and a lew yards of nmleiial, a biicl.le .11(1 a card of buttons. The collar and jabol aie li.l tering, soft and feminine with a tricky side opening .-lielteieil i..i a front yoke. Short sleeves witli t'.irn-back cuffs repeat the softlj styled collar. Small tucks at the back of the neck give case througli the shoulder:,. The upris- ing panel accompanied by two in- verted pleats makes the frock lit smoothly over Uie hips and gives a slight flare to tlic hemline. Uarliara Hell ratlcrn .No. 1!I7(I- li !s available for sizes ;!(!, 3.s, .10, 42, -ll, -IC, 48, r>0 and ;'.2. Size 38 rei|uires 4 yards of SO-inch material plus •'> yard for ron- tra.st. HOW TO ORDElt PATTERNS Write your name and address ph^inly, giving nuinlicr and size of pattern wanted. Enclose 20c in •tamps or coin (coin preferred); wrap it careftdly and address your order lo Barbara Bell, Room 421, 73 Adelaide. Street West, Toronto. ber ot the family will enjoy. Choose six large fillets of equal size, which will serve four or five people. Make a stuffing by raoisteLing a cup and one-half ol stale bread crumbs with a cup or more, depending on the stale- ness of the crumbs, of hot, sifted to- mato juice, one-half a teaspoonful of salt, a (ablespoonful of minced pars |r-,-, aii'.l on<»-half teaspoonful ot pep per. A teaspoonful of mixed dried herbs may be added it desired. Spread (his stuffing over three of the fillets, place over these the leftover three fillels, fasten at the sides with the wooden (ootbpicks. Uy on (he grate of a baking pan with a thin slice of salt pork ovei each, pour into the pat, a cup or more of fish stock, «ate- or water and tomato mixed and bake for naif an hour until done â€" at o50 de glees I'"., basting every ten niinULOS. I'an lii'oilei [''illcts a la .\Ieuniere aro delicious too: :i lbs. Canadiaii Fish I>"illets, I tatjie spoonful finely minecd i^arsiey 4 tablespoonfuls butter, juice of one le mon, salt and peppet. Itoll fillots in sailed flour. Ileal some oil in a frying pan and fr.- fil- lets until cooked a nice bro. ii on each side Itemove to a hot plaKer. .Melt I e butter, add the lemon juice. .And don't forgel (hat a good sauce always add.s to the zest and enjoy- ment ol a fish dish. HANDY HINTS Kelow are listed sonie iiuestions and answers concerning numerous, small bimsehold problems : li. How can I treat collar walls tlial are moldy? -\. Ap[dy unstaefced lime with a garden spray. Tho atnu-sphcre of the wlto.e House will be freshened. (J. How (.an I take proper care of lubber gloves '? .v. If tho gtovo." aie used froiiuentlj sprinkle alcum powder into them be I'oie putting :hein on. It will b.. easier ll) slip them on and on, and the pow er v.ili chscii'- any perspiration from (he hands. # Q How can I renew and re- (or-; (he colors to a rug'? A. Sprlnl'.Ie sona aniiiioiila powder over (he nig. dani|/en (ho broom, and sweep (huroughfy. T' â- rug will look ilinosi new. Q. How can I prevent dales, raisins and .'igs from sticking to (he grinder when running ilipm (hrough? A. I'liey will nol slick (n (lie grinder BACKACHE Flush Kidneys ot Waste Master. Poisons and Acid and Stop Getting Up Nights 40 CENTS PROVES !T WIh'ii .vonr kidlle.\s are clog-.ed and your bladder Is iiri(a(ed and passage scanty and oflon smarts and burns, you need t!o;d .Medal llaai loin on Capsules, a line harmless slinuilaiit and diuretic thai always works and eost.s but -iu ceiils at any modern di iig .siore Its one good, safo healthv aitivily Into bladder â€" .voii'll sleep s.iu!i,| die whole nIglK dim. Hut 1)0 sine and set tiOI.D .MKDAI. â€" light I'rom llaurleni in Holland â€" you ai<! assured of results. Other symptoms of weak kidneys and Irritated bladder are l):K-kache, pulTy eyes, leg cramps, moist palms. way to kidiie.\s put and ^Scratching '• an â- RELIEVE ITCHING /it A Minute t.na Ihc int»t leihbwii Uobioj ot ti-iouu. Kolchw^ rl^ll>l(•^ ntliirti's fool, rashM ami olhpf I'.nj fnii> tliim, (lUH-kly yitklj lo Dr. Ddinu' cixim, «nai»i>. tic, liqui.l D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Iu stnde otto ioolhe llip IrnlalRi skin, Clrar. jrri.,<rir:3 •;..) tta!„- iM-ilrlM I.L<t. Stu(« lb« Direl liit-i^M- ilc'biug In- •tuU.r. A 3jo triiil IkiUIp, ut J.'ug M,.i(.. provrj itâ€" orinoup.vl..n-l( Ajk IcrD. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. -•« HAPPY SMOKES roti their Buckinoham Fine Cut MILD 'C^OOL* SMOOTH The Way of the English A. Beverley Ba.xter, M.P., in Mac- loan's writes: There is a tolerance about the English vfhich anioDRts to genius. The other day in Hyde Park I listened to an orator de- scribe the Iving as a parasite and accuse the police of being In the pay of gangsters. A blushing poKce- maii stood ebside him to see that he was not maltreated. if lemon juice is squeezed into, the giindet before the fruit =3 put thrcugfc it. BE TALLER! inches Put You Miles Ahead lncreafi#<l my own hoigtit to 6' a!i" A /?ojs Si/slcm Newer fau^ ^ t-"iill details 12c stamp • C. mplete System Jlu. mailcl Mrf'.-aic'i plain cwvur. M. ROSS, Height Specialist, SCARBOROUGH, ENGLAND o Th j s For a Cold ^Take 2 "Aapj- rin" tablet*«-it6 a toK glass c( mtv.- st flnt ifipi si a cold. ^^If tliroat isgorp, ^^([argle twice with 3 "Aspirin" tablets (llraolved in }i elaas water. Quick Relief with 2 "ASPIRIN" Tablets i'he modern way lo treat a cold is Uus: 'IVo •'.\spirin" tablets the moment you feel a cold coming on. llcpeat, if ncccs,sary, in two hours. If you have a s»)rc throat with the cold, tli.ssolve 3 "Aspirin" tablets in Jj filass of water and Barjjlc with this twice. The "Aspirin" you lake iii- lernally will act to combat fever, aches, pains and the cold itself. The «ar.ijle will provide almost instant relief from soreness and rawness of \our throat. Your doctor, tii-c feci sure, will approve this modern wav of treating a cold. • ".\spirin" tablets are matte in Canada by the Bayer Companv, Limited, of Wind- sor, Ontario. Demand and Get- ASFIRI TRADE-MAKK RCG . ess H£AI> NOISE ogfrr tHI _ RUB l^J BATK OF rA'fS- *Hitfs1 (1. 25 Aii DrusgLu Csscri^a fsfilsi oa riqucst J Also rKt-ellent fur remporury Ueafn««» J an ll UcAd Nolsca due to oongeNtf on I CMiiai'il Ity iulUtt, Ktu uiij swiiuminjc. A O l.HONARD. Inc. I 70 Fifth Ave. New York City 1 EKP£CTAiiT MOTHERS YEOMEN who suffer pcriod- icall.v, who may have sidcachc or Ii e a (1 a c he, and those about to be- come mothers, wil! 1 >^«g^^^ ^aid Dr. Pierre's ^^f ^^^^B l'>>^erite Prcsrriii- '^^f ^Kfr ^'"'^ "^ dependable 4^^^ tonic. Read wh.it .Ml-;. Alficil Wi-Mor cf 279 Palmer St., tiiulpli, tint., .v.iiil: "Hil'oir the arrival of my little girl I w.i-i in ini.>.rr;iblc tjciUb. I Kit weak anil lin-d all tlic lime, siiffoitU tpinil pain.-i in in.v hack r.nd had <Hz.-y j-lKll.-i. 1 felt so disioui.it;cit, being tin.ihte to do my houiiewotk, 1 ivondcred if 1 V. i>:iUl ever he well aii.tin. That's when I â- -i.nietl takitiK l>i. rieu.-'.-* Favorite >*rc- -^iiiptiun and it slrcn'.:Mi. luil me In etery \v;i;"." Buy now of jour nearby druj^ist.