Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Feb 1937, p. 6

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Try Salada Orange Pekoe Blend "salada; TEA Bt« V 9 EATHON THE lAMCWD CORTLAND FITZSIMMONS ..For ten years Pop Clark has tried Tainly to win the United LraKUp pen- nant with his New York Blues. .Most of the baseball writers predict an- other failure but Terry Burke of the Star thinks ihey hare a chance and through Tony Murallu. who has a restaurant in the Broadwiiy district and is associated with bookmakers and gamblers, he bets $!>. on them Spoiled Bread? Watch your Yeast! Royal protects you agatnst Ijome-baking failures Royal is ahvays full-strength . . .pure! Each cake sealed in an air-tight iirapper \V?EV\'nNii bread must be 1\. fine-textured . . . sweet- flavoredâ€" with no hint of sour- ness or "yeasty" taste. ^'our yeast is imiiortant. Ruyat is always dependable . . . the only dry yeast that comes scaled in ail-tight wrappers. It's full- strength . . . frcj from impurities. Seven fxit of 8 Canadian housewives today dq)cnd on Royal when thry bake with a dry yeast. Tlicy know ihcy can count on gcxxl results â€" even iiionth-s after they buy Ruyal. It slays fresh. I'' or SO vears, Uoyal has been the symbol of highest (|uality. Don't take chiintcs with inferior yeasts. Always use ItoyaM (ict a package today Send for FREE booklet To ftet uniform rcHults In hrcul baking, H U important to kevp the spitnga at an even temperature. The *'Ruyal Yeaat Duke Bo4ik'* gives Insirtu-f ((Ills for the cure (if dodilh . Send coupiin for fri'e ropy (»f the book, ftivlnfl 2.4 f cMrJ ri'tilpf* f*>r ti.*ni[)tlnit breads, cofffu cakes, buna und roltK. ROYAL YEAST CAKE BUY MADE- IN-CANADA GOODS StanOard Draiidii lid. Fnurr Aw. Ik Mlivriy Si., 'ruroiiKi. Out. Pirate iirnd iiiv tlie free Royal ^ra«l Buke BiH>k. Njmo_ Addreu. T<iwn -.Prov., at 2M lo 1. The opening game is a pitchers' battle. Whitpur the Phila- delphia star twirlcr, is jealous of Larry Doyle, the Bines' rookie short- stop, because ot Pop Clark's pretty dausbter Frances. Be trict to in- timidate Lar^'y with a iM'an liall and when he lhr(iw> a second one at Lar- ry's head Doyle knocks him down with a riKht to the chin. Larry is put out of the game. Later VVhit- per kits a homo run with a man on base but as Whitper is nearini; the home plate, he drops dead, shut through the heart. Ihe Blues win and it is generally believed Ihal Whitpot was killed to allow them lo win. Detective Kelly suspects Larry because he will not account foi his time viler leaving (he diamond. itawliim railed dikj of tijs men and gave InstructionB lo see lliat Kelly's <ir<lcr8 well! carried out. "If it had aiiythi'i„ lo do witli bals and balls, nouidii' all Uii< oilier nicii l)B ;ifl" rlod too?" Ttr.y iisked. Kelly considered a monioiit. 'Tlioio is soniethiiiK to •, 'at you siiy, younj; fellow, at that; bin 1 can't lake any clianccs. " "It could be somctliiii!^ to do with bat.-,. thoiiRli I don't sc.' how or why," liawliii.s said. "I>irkiii had a favorite bat an, raii'ly iist'o ai.y ollui-. RiRlit after ' o wa.s pulled iil of Ihi; Kanio, Doylo wandered nil {]],• way over lo our i(ii);oiit and sort ot looked around. â- â€¢I -thoiiRlit lliat. wasn't allowed." Kelly said. "It isn't, lie was sort of absent- minded ami went Ijaik wjieii one of my men ^I'Ved liim. I df)n'l know uhaf lie wauled over llieie unless it va.s lo do a lillle .'«mio|iin).'," Ilawlines siii; frosted. "M iniKliI he iii.sl Ih^il very lliiim;" Kelly Kiahhed at I he idea. 'I'd like I) liave that i>ailieulai' bat ljio;i;;lit up here." 'Til K" down niysilf.' liiv. liiis of- fered. 'â- Ju.':l a niimile,' Ke'ly ^;lid. "I II semi a mall wiHi yo i. " "I don't need a tcuaid." f?a\vlins protested. "No rellerlliiiiR, llaHliiis. Kelly has leiied lo say. •'hut niiiicler. yon know, is a iiocullai- lliiii};. While yoti and your leani have everyihinf,' lo lose by Dlrkin'M dcalli, yel tliii'e iimld e:i8ily be olliei- reasons. Wi li.ne l.) piolect ourselves." Kawliiis weul out arc oiiipanied Ity a imliiM.Ti.in and was ^oiu; fin- so Ioiik a linii' that they all hecoiiic uneasy. •Oirkin'.s favorlle hal is not down Ihero anywheie, â-  l!a .liiis linally le- imrled. ''.^Ild w(' look out on the dlainond, loo," llio policeiiKin went on. "It must he lliore!" Kellv was in- ristont. "But It isn't. It's ^olle." "Whero Is you bat boy?' Kelly de- manded o Itawlin.i. A Great Book "How to Be- come a Hockey Star" by T. P. "Tommy" Gorman, manager and coach of the Montreal ".Maroons", profusely illus- trated and containing many valuable tips on how to play the game. also AUTOGRAPHED PICTURES »t GREAT PLATERS (mounted for framing) (Iroup MiintrrtI "Mnrcx)ii«" (!it)ii|> "U* C'aii.i<liena" or intiitiilual pifturn of! Balcly Nnrthrolt f )»vo TrdtliiT Hiiaa llliijco £»rl ^nhiiiioci Ilotnir;iri,. < iiiH Murker lloiwiii Moreni Johnny Oaxnofi Wilt. CckIo GnoTKn M nut ha .laclcMc'liill Hti^w i:\niiH ]|«Tliib('aill J'nicI llftyiipfl Alttrty Harry I'lto Kelly Dave Krrr Hoy Wortera ".^c-i>" liailey Art l.(>fiitiir Frank Hourhvr Murfy ilccrkci Alex I.r\iiiiilvy Carl \n'.^ IloRcT .lectkjiin .M.cah .March • Your choice oj the above • For a label from a tin of "CROWN BRAND" or "LILY Win IK" Corn Syrup. Write on the back your name und â- address and the Mords "Hoc- key Btmk" or the name oj the picture you want (one book or picture for each label). No rash is reiiuiri-d. Mall the I label to the address below. | CDWAROSBURS CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD The ( : \ N ADA STARfllf (lOMPAN V l.lrnltnt TOKOMO T, "Our regular boy was aiek today." ''Who was handll. g the bats, thenT" Kelly asked. "A new boy. Our bat boy sent us a note saying ho was sick and sent u friend to take his place," Ra'W'llna ex- plained. 'Who was the body today?" "I don't know. I have I'ietro's note In my pocket so-icwhere. I'd for- gotten all about It." Uawlins dug into his pocket until bo produced u half- sheet ot cheap paper on which was scrawled tbo message bo had men- tioned. "And this new boy â€" wasn't he down there when you weri looking for the mt?" liuwliua shook his nead. '<We went over to the dugout and hunted for both the boy and the bat. None of the men remember aeeln:: the kid after Dirk' went to bat." "That's bad." "I'll see If we can locate the boy througl Pictro," Rawlins suggested and began scarcbiug in bis pockets for a notebook. ' iB that the funny tittle hunchback you've always had ' Aud then as he Viaited for Hawliuj, "Where is Fle- tro?" â- 'That's what i am looking for," Uawlins said Impatiently. "Hu ha.s an uncle over on Jerome, avenue and 1 w.iH suiiposed to bC over there to- il"ht and have u real Italian supper. 1 had th adt!i-ess somewhen. 'Ves, Here it is." lie handed it to Kelly. Keily called information and asked if t..ere was u telephone under that name at that uddrejs. He waited for f ,• se<!filids. 'Hello." he said. ''I want to talk to I'ielro. "What? No, n< . I want to talk to I'ietro. W .lere is lie?" I'hcie was ; long wait diirln;,- which lime Kelly made impatient faces in- I) '.he Imnsfitter. No. no," Kelly sale "rni at the .lall park and Hie- 'ro is net heie. I thought ho wa.; sick." Anrlher wait and then Kelly h"iiK up li. di .Kust. "I'liat was the kid's uncle, lie says riec.'o i. not sitk; that he is over '.ere." Hit h- wasn't here. U was a strange boy who tanie with this note." Kawliiis iiisistec.. "It's gelliiiH ttors.' and woihi^." Ke: ly 'â- â- ."mplaiiied. ".N'ow, what does this '.; boy business men?" }U: thou:;lil fee iiionieiit and llieii turned lo Ter ry. ' (Jo hack in your notes and rea.l thai section just after DoyI:' was la!. <.n out ot th( ame, " 'Perry rea.i: "Uojie, lookin;,' sum was 'lulled frc>:n the t;anie and ambled .no-.fid v.aiideii;.g over toward the Huteheis- dugout, topping at the I loler and then cvei to tile bat rack b-fore he finally settled do'.vn to watch â- he pa" p." "I want Doyle ii: here,' Kelly sale! '> llie Ilia, cii Kiiard in the ball. 'And â- It III,. iMiotlier ni.'Mi at one!'." Then was a teeoiid pcdiKiiian at 'he door ininiediatrly. • "v. r lo ibis .iddre: K," Kelly or derei'. ''It's a .mil and vej-tlable 'ore. I'iitin. the Chiiaxo ba( hoy, is Slav iMc .here aiicl Is -^iippo.-ied to have sent tins iiete. Take It alon;:. See if i ' llie liid's liiindwrllin;; and icpoit .' ' k be -e as soi-ii as you can. I want yi ID liiid I'ietro. If yoi. can't locale tile liciy. see if his uncle l.iiir.vs any- lliilig alioul till' subHtiliile Pietro ^c•nt." Doyle, die;,.-;!'!! for the street, came in and was dearly surprised. ( 'I'ci lie I'onlinucd.) Exports of Grain Set New Record Argentine Government R>.veals New Trade Levels lili;.\'OS Allll*;. The I'.overnnicnt aiinotinceil last week grain enports diirlni; the week ended Thursday were the highest in the iniry'e history. Til! total was .')24,000 moi .c; tons (about I'l.OOO.OilO bushids). The pre vioiis record was in the peri d from .lime 12 to .Iiiuo 18, lli:il, when -ISi.umi metric tons laboiit 17..'.00,ilil(l bushels) were slii|i;K'd. (Trade (Jules said the division of the; e.xpoits between the various lies of grain, not given in the olllcial tig- iires, was pproxliiiately; ^,695,1)00 bushels of wheal, !l, 158,000 of corn, 1,11,'!, Olio ,,f iiaH and .,098.000 of bar- ley). .Scientists have been unable to di.scover why migratory birds fly long distances in night, but it is Iholight that they do this .so the dayliglit may be used in hunting insects and otlier food. rBEITCORONATIONYEJil SEEDBOOK -^r.' ivery Gard«fier who tpprcclates th« wlt- dom of buytn{ lecds with t reputstion •hould i«nd U onca for a fr«e copy of Ryderi' maKnififent Coronation Year S««d Book â€" ill pages. Beautiful coloured plates. Unique novel tlw.femlliarfavouni Home Hints By LAURA KMGHl Heetfts and Flowers St. Valentine's Day is one day in the year when the whole world dares to be sentimental. Most of the time we are business-iik* and t'hongh the sentiment may be there, it isn't shown. But this day is set aside for sending and receiving love tokens, lacey cards with foolishly sweet rhyme.s, and flowers and cnndy for lucky sweethearts from their best beaux. So don't let your best beau down on this day whether he be fiance, husband or son. Make this a special occasion by putting your love token on the table in the form of something good to cat nnJ thus take the shortest and surest rout« to a man's heart. Lady Baltimore Cal;e is something really special and seems to convey all the dignity and •.•harm of long- ago times when the U-dics in full skirts and ringlets which we Eoe pictured on Valentine cards^ of to- day, actually lived. LADY 15ALT1M01{E OAKE 3 cups sifted flceir. 3 teaspoons baking powder Vi cup butter or other shortening 1 ',•> cups su(;ar 1 cup milk '/•> tea.spoon lemon extract •t egg whites, stiffly beaten. .Sift flour once, ni,?asure, add bak- ing powder, and sift together three ti:.:cs. Cream butter tlioroughly, ELd s-gar gradi;ally, i;nd crean. to- gether until light and fluffy. .Xdd fiuur, alteinalcly wit!-, milk, a small The Housewife's Blessing, A Cnc-Piece hrock 1220-B -Vow that all the holiday:; are over, it'.s time tb relax a bit, and the busy housewife couldn't find a better dress lo do it in than to- day's appealing model. The frock itself has just enough dressiness to make it worth wearing all day, and for good measure there's a fetch- ing little ruffled apron added, in ca.se there's coniiiany for tea or dinner, A generous low-cut collar does wonders for the larger sizes. .And as you see by the dia- gram, the seviing is a <|Uestion of an hour or so, since the frock is cut in three major pieces, dart- fitted at the waist. Harhar.'\ Hell Pattern .No. 12'J0- 1> i.s avtiilable for sizes 34, 3(), 38 10, lli, 44 and 4(>, With long sleeves size 3(i leiiuires 4 1-8 yards of 3G-inch material, plus 3-4 yard for the apron and 1-3 yard orpandic for the ruffling. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS Write your name and address plainly, giving number and size of paltern wanted. Enclote 20c in • tanipt or coin (coin preferred), wrap it carefully, and address your order to Barbara Bell, Room 421, 73 West Adelaide Street. BE TALLER! inches Put You Mllei Ahead Increased my own height to «• 81i" ir ftois System Never falls ^ Fiill details ISO stamp or ^ __^_ Complele System JIO, insllsa prlvaiely In plain cover. IV1. ROSS, Height Specialist, SCARBOROUGH, ENGLAND Issue No. 8 â€" '37 C-2 amount at a linie, beating after each addition until smooth. Add lemon extract. Fold in egg whites <|uickly and thoroughly. Bake in tv^•o greased 'J-inch layer pans in mod- erate oven (375 Deg. F.) 25 lo 30 minutes Spread lilling between layers and frosting o.i top and sides of cake. r.ADY IIALTIMOHK FILLING AND FROSTING 1 Vi cups sugar Vi teaspoon NJight corn syrup 2-3 cup boiling water 2 egg whites, stiffly beaten 1 teaspoon vanilla. Combine sugar, com syrop and water. iJring to a boil, stirring only until sugar is dissolved. Boil rapid- ly, without stirring, until a small amount of .syrup form.s a soft ball in cold water, or spins a long thread when dropped from tip of spoon (240 Dcg. F. ). Pour syrup in fine stream over egg whites, beating constantly. Add flavoring. Con- tinue beating with rotary egg beater 10 to 15 minutes, or until frosting i.s cool and of consistency, to spread. Use wooden spoon when too stiff for beater. (Frosting friji5>"be tint- ed delicately pink v.^illi" "tVigetable coloring if desired). For the filling, take (i chopped figs, 'A cup chopped raisins and ',s cup chopped pecan or walnut meats, add enough of the fro.sting to make a filling that will spread easily. Spread between lay- ers of cake. Spread frosting on top and sides of cake and decorate with pecan or walnut halves. As St. Vulentine'^ Day falls on Sunday this year, many parties will be planned for Satu-day night. If you are expecting a gay young crowd to yo'jr home, here arc some suggestions that will add to their fun and add to your reputation as a hoste.'is. Keep the rcfrcsh'ncnts in har- mony with the decorations. Lacey paper doilies can be used to place the food on, as well as to decorate the table. For a dessert, dry (|uick- selting jelly. Strawberry or cherry are ideal for flavor as well as color. Just dissolve the quick-.setting jelly powder in warm water and pour into heart shaped moulds or let cool in shallow pan and then cut into heart shapes. Top these ruby-red jelly hearts with wbipirt;d cream aint you have a simple, time-savin.',' de- lic-ious dessert. Small licart».Oiaped cakes fiosted in white and outlined with little red cinnamon candies, small cup cakes topped with long-shredded canned coconut tinted iiiiik and heart- shaped ccHif.ies are jurl a few :if the many dainty foods which yiui can serve. SUGAR COOKIKS â- ". L'-'! cups sifted cake flour -'i lea-itJooiis baking powici 'i: teaspoon salt â- J-.'J Clips butter or oilier •-â- horUni- iiig. 1 ',:; Cll|)s sugar 2 eggs, unbeaten I teaspoon vanilla 4 teaspoons milk. Sift flour once, measure, add the baking powder and salt, and sift again. Cream butler Ihoroughly, add sugtr gradually, creaming well. Add eggs, one at a time, beating thoroughly after each. Add vanilla. Then add flour, altenialcly with milk. Chill. Roll 1-8-inch thick, cut with floured heart-shaped cookie cutler; sprinkle wtib led colored ."sugar. Hake on gre.nscd baking sheet in hot oven (400 Dog. F.), •> minutes, or until done. Makes 10 dozen cookies. Household Answers y. How can I wash un eiderdown <|uilt'.' A. Wash in a nii.iture of soap jelly and warm water. .Add a table- spoonful of ammonia to the mix- lure. Q. How can I avoid black spots appearing on boiled potatoes'.' A. Merely by adding a teaspoon wait â€" •JkewiT HEATtM EXPERT Last winter was otK ul (he most sev«re ever known. Weeks of sub-zero weather tested fuels to the uiinoji â€" aiwl found manv wantmi^ One fuel came through thai testing triumphantly Thai was D. L & W. Scrantun Anthracite which i» trade- marked â€" coloured blue to protect you againal mixing or substitution. The 'blue coal' dealer will tell you more about this great fuel. 6-36 Order a ton today. httM t^ONFIDENCE TD of viiiegiir to the water while the I potatoes are boiling. ' <}. What are a few .'simple rules one can follow to promote the health of a child? A. Plenty of outdoor e.\erclae. an abundance of fresh vegetables, as such good milk as the child will th'ink (a t|uait a tiny is not too much), a thoruugli brushing of the teeth night and morning, fresh air in the bedroom. (J. How can I clean white linen shades? A. Use equal parts of flqur and borax. The shade should be l^id out flat and the dry mi.xture rubbed on with a clean cloth. (J How can I give different flavor lo whipped cream? A. Try flavoring the vyhippcd eream with .'trained honey iqstcad of sugar, and see what a dellghtfnl flavor it inipaits. Q. How long will garlic. Onions, tobacco, etc., scent the brcathV A. Garlic will scent the breath for about 72 liours, onions about the same, tobacco about 12 hours, cof- fee about 2 hours, cabbage about I hour. To show any profit, the Tiueen llary, trans-.MIantic liner, mtjst re- turn nearly $5,000,000 aniiually. TO £AS£ SORE THROAT PAmpi//oc FAGGED OUT? You Need The GREAT TONIC RECOMMENDED 20,000 , MEDICAL MEN Al til jood Dru9 k Dcpt. Stotti Sslti Aftnts: Harold F. Ritchie ft Co. Ltd., Toronto. a Crush 3 "Aaplrin" tabl<:ti in >^ (Ian ut Hater. CUrgli' twic?e. This cases sorctieas ftlmcflt instaDtly. Take; 2 "Asp'ih!!" tablebi with lull glua ol water. As soon as ymi feci yourself calchinu cold, I'oUtiw this modern trcatuicnt. Your doctor, we know, will cmlorsc it. This medicinal Hargle will provide almost instant relief from raw ncs,s and soreness. The ".Xspirin" you lake internally will act to combat fever, cold pains and the cold itself. # "Aspirin" tablets are made in Canada by the Bayer Company, Linv- iled, of Windsor, Ontario. Demand and Get ASPIRIN « r â- * TRADS.MARK REO

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